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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 7, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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those policies to nikki haley's people. >> ainsley: great to see you, thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you're welcome. >> brian: the great advice, don't you have got to be inclusive. >> steve: the end of the statement you reached out to thd of the statement and i invite you to be a part of this political movement. >> steve: joe biden to make his big speech tonight exactly 12 hours and let's see, 24 seconds from right now here could you get the best coverage on television and our state of the union address coverage starts 9:00 p.m. eastern with bret baier and martha. >> brian: we will get the postgame and pregame show appearance before we will talk about it tomorrow morning. >> brian: you can listen more on the radio 9:00 until 12:00. >> lawrence: we will see you tomorrow. >> steve: bye dies. >> dana: president biden in desperate need of a reset but
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will he get one at the state of the union? good morning, i am dana perino and bill hemmer is on assignment. >> thank you for having me gillian turner in washington and this is "america's newsroom." tonight speech a prime time opportunity to ease some of those concerns about his fitness for office. he is expected to tout his economy as his biggest achievement but he's really got nothing to brag about. >> he will try to stand up here and convince the american people that the state of the union is strong and we are on the right track but everybody knows that is simply not true. the state of the union is in decline. >> dana: former president trump the presumptive nominee for the republicans. he is promising a live fact-checked of the speech and i don't think that's ever happened before so we will be watching for that. he also says he's ready to debate the president anytime anywhere. we have fox team coverage for you, josh holmes is on deck and bryan llenas out in palm beach.
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but first jacqui heinrich at the white house, hey. >> good morning, gillian's. this will be president biden's last date of the union speech unless he wins a second term so to convince voters that 81 years old, he deserves another four years, this is going to be watched as much for his delivery as his substance. this morning, white house officials countered questions about the risk of verbal gaffes or stumbles with answers on how their approach is inherently youthful. >> there was always in these moments a desire to focus on the distractions. this will be the first state of union where livestream on instagram to make sure we are reaching young people where they are. >> biden will try to connect with average americans by marketing himself as sprinting joe from main street and likely 2024 opponent president trump as a wall street elite. he will make the case despite sentiments, the post-pandemic economy to a historic recovery
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and will pink greedy corporations as the bogeyman responsible for stubborn prices and less bang for your buck. but the central theme of biden's campaign trump undermined democracy with efforts to overturn the 2020 election and parties embrace restrictive abortion policies. so biden might strike dark tones. the spokesman said at the biden campaign we intend to remind the voters at the chaos and lasting damage trump caused as president. why the people voted him out and extreme project 2025 agenda would devastate them and their families if he is allowed anywhere near the oval office. but republicans are gearing up to hit biden on pig voter concerns he has long ignored like the border. >> the number one issue in the country because every state as a border state now. it is a catastrophe, you meant area catastrophe, and it was done by design. president biden and his administration specific actions to open the border with the
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welcome mat out. >> we expect biden to hit republicans for rejecting the senate brokered bill that would have addressed a lot of the border concerns to try to deflect some blame over the border crisis to the other side. but biden also has not taken any executive actions to address the border. we will watch to see if he makes any tonight, gillian. >> dana: jani heinrich at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, thank you. the 2020 is is on and set to face president trump and the general election and trump says he will debate biden "any time anywhere any place." bryan llenas from palm beach, florida, hey, brian. >> hey, gillian, unequivocal about wanting to debate president biden but the white house on the other hand not so much and peter doocy published kj p on the issue. >> now that the field's outcome is president biden going to
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commit to a debate with donald trump? >> that is something for the campaign to speak to. >> we know when the debates are going to be and we know where they will be, is he going to go? >> you should speak to the campaign. >> well, the biden campaign respond telling fox digital "i know donald trump is thirsty for attention to span his appeal beyond the maga base. that is the appropriation we will have at the appropriate time in the cycle but if he is so desperate to see president biden in prime time, he doesn't have to wait." former president trump a watch tonight's primes time mike prime time speech with a live play-by-play of crooked joe biden state of the union address. i will correct rapid response with accurate statements he says and also particularly looking at his statements on the border. now that he has the presumptive republican nominee, trump has called on republicans to unite senate minority leader mitch mcconnell endorsed trump
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despite personal attacks against asian american wife and claiming trump for the january 6th capitol riot. >> i said in february 2021 shortly after the attack on the capital that i would support president trump if he were the nominee of our party and he obviously will be the nominee of her party. >> virginia's republican governor glenn youngkin has endorsed trump for president. the trump campaign believes the former president could turn virginia red for the first time since 2004, gillian. >> gillian: brian, you're a live shot backdrop looking like a postcard. >> dana: he always gets the toughest assignment and payback for iceland. tosh holmes, former chief of staff to mitch mcconnell and fox news contributor, josh, you have seen a lot of state of the union. what are you looking for tonight and how high the stakes have been raised by democrats for
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president biden. >> yeah, look, dana come i think the good news for president bidn is if he can lift his foot and ankle height and clears the bar of expectations for success tonight. i don't think anybody believes this will be one of the world's greatest addresses. but i think the bad news on style, he can afford to make a big gaffe, particularly anything that sort of betrays age or inability to do the job. he is skating on thin ice and an awful lot of that. on substance come i think the reports are right. he definitely will try to push republicans and the issue of ukraine, israel, taiwan aide. he will definitely try to get out from underneath the border crisis that quite frankly he created a. that is the one that will land flat if there is one issue in all of america very defined between president biden and former president trump, it is that issue. i think that one he would be wise to steer clear of a little
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bit. >> dana: fox news poll shows voters are 72% dissatisfied with the direction of the country. i think the countries on the wrg track. his approval rating 42% and our poll lower than other polls but around the same. and yet karine jean-pierre in preview of the state of the union, this is how she put it. >> looking at what president biden faced when he came into office and where we are now, it is clear he's got more done in the first three years than most presidents have accomplished in two terms. he will talk about the success in implementing his agenda from infrastructure to chips to lowering prices and getting rid of junk fees. >> dana: can i ask about junk fees because i do remember that from last year because it stuck out and that we are back to junk fees. does that hole well or something? >> they have such a thin number of successes and everything she was talking about was done largely on entirely partisan
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bases in the first nine months of the administration. they haven't had a domestic agenda at all. they have literally done nothing to lay out what a biden agenda was over the last year and i suspect that continues in an election year. they are reaching back to the first nine months on things like junk fees. what in the world is that? or other things they are trying to grab onto to show, hey, we have actually done something where in reality, most americans already know they haven't or wouldn't be polling in high 30s and low 40s and a lot of these issues. >> dana: trump on truh social said "it is important joe biden and i debate issues so vital to the american people so therefore i call for debates anytime, anywhere, any place." but the democrat said he wouldn't debate any of their republican challengers in the primary. i would say if i were them, biden wouldn't debate marianne williamson, d phillips either. they were frustrated with that.
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mostly because i think trump thought i am the incumbent, you are the incumbent and let's you and i meet up. do you think they will debate? >> i think they have to debate. dana, yesterday was the first day of the general election, it just was. nikki haley exited the state ohmic stage, part 2 and obviously that will have to debate. trump is pressing his advantage and knows the contrast works well for him on stage. if you are the biden campaign with all of the sort of rumor and innuendo about his fitness for office, there is no way they are going to get away with not debating donald trump donald trump atul. the question is what format, where, when? i absolutely believe they will debate at some point. >> dana: in the bryan llenas report, he had a clip of mitch mcconnell, the outgoing senate majority leader and he said he won't run for another position and you used to work for him. yesterday he endorsed donald trump and so did governor glenn youngkin. anything about the mcconnell
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endorsement and trump. do you think trump will back off of criticizing mcconnell if mcconnell says, "look, i am for you and we will try to do this as a unified party." >> tina come i think that has already happened purely for all of the obvious differences between leader mcconnell and former president trump the one thing, the most competitive people in the can, period. they want to win an innate understanding what it takes to win and the republican party to win up and down battle is a unified front, which is why you sold the endorsement come out yesterday and kind words from president trump back towards mitch mcconnell. i think they are doing their best to poll every single site of the republican party to campaign apparatus that ultimately is able to take on joe biden and the democrats. >> dana: josh, we will catch on the ruthless podcast as well. thank you. >> thank you, dana.
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>> dana: dana. speak with a fox news coverage of the state of the union and that ends 9:00 p.m. eastern rigt here on fox news. >> dana: and philadelphia streets erupt in violence and the chilling moments leading up to the shooting of eight teenagers at a bus stop. we have details coming up plus tragic consequences of border crisis. illegal immigrant church and the brutal death of a teenage cheerleader. we have her grieving and joining us next. bombshell testimony in the georgia state senate committee on fani willis. a key witness said how the d.a. treated nathan wade far differently from other prosecutors. >> i don't need anything from ae man. a man is not a plan but a companion. e, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food.
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>> but then i could have swore i heard gunshots. after that, i saw the policeman flying down the streets and shame. total shame. i feel sorry for parents that have to see this every single day. >> dana: well, grief and outrage now in philadelphia after eight students are shot at a bus stop here the play say three people got out of a car ad opened fire shooting more than 30 rounds at those students. victims were between ages 15 and 17. this is the fourth shooting on philly's transit system in as many days. the public safety emergency back in january 2 very little effect. >> dana: in texas come a 16-year-old cheerleader found dead in her bathtub last december and now the illegal immigrants charged with capital murder and her brutal death will be arraigned in court 10:00 a.m. nate foy it has been following this, what do we need to know? the first time this illegal immigrant will face a judge for
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this specific capital charge. a four to mike according to news digital he proceeds is horrific murder and on probation for a burglary about 60 miles away from the murder scene. take a look. texas grand jury indicted romero and he is accused of attacking 16-year-old elizabeth medina by repeatedly hitting her head and stabbing her. the police also say he took her phone after killing her and responded to text messages and used her social media. that led the police to believe he may be targeting other students. medina's mother found her dead in the bathtub after she did not show up for a parade her cheerleading team took part in it. here is her mother explained that horrific moment. >> nobody ever wants to see your child in the bathtub the way i found her. [crying] nobody. the curtains were closed so i didn't see but when i open those curtains -- i just want justice
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for my bb. >> heartbreaking. that mother jaclyn medina also say it is heartbreaking to see what happened to georgia college student laken riley. and telling fox news digital, "while i acknowledge not all illegal immigrants are the same, we must take action to prevent tragedies like these from happening again." house republicans introduced the laken riley act to require iced to detain illegal immigrants for theft or burglary which did not happen in this case for the laken riley case and dana, many believes it could save the lives of many women. >> dana: theft being one of the first crimes. nate foy, thank you, gillian. >> gillian: the family of lisbeth medina is living with this nightmare day in, day out at the same time they are seeking justice. joining us now is her aunt, anna medina. thank you for being with us.
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i want to offer you our deepest condolences. i cannot imagine what it is like to be going through what you are now living. but thank you for your courage and joining us to talk about it. >> thank you for having me. it has been very hard for us as a family. every day that passes by it is harder to bear. but i am here today standing for justice and by my sister as i told her from day one. >> gillian: i know that -- >> [indistinct] >> gillian: anna, the suspect was on probation at that time. we can put up his rap sheet on the screen so viewers at home can see. can you tell us about this problem now of leniency for
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repeat offenders, soft-on-crime policies and the impact that it is having on you and your family and the rest of the nation really? >> of course, in light of this tragic, tragic murder that was committed to my niece, it is imperative and important for me not only for my family to address this issue of criminal backgrounds and second chance laws. i do that they should be stricter and that is just my opinion to protect our children. and just, criminal histories should not be given leniency. anyone with probation should not be on a leash but should be tight. they should not be given second
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chances and they should be charged as a felony. concerning, you know, the legal immigrant status that everybody, you know is attending to speak about right now, which is really not important as much as my niece, my niece's death, a history in the book. the charges being granted probation for five years, you know, him being off of probation and still able to commit this heinous crime. why was he allowed on a long leash while others are not given second chances? and a lot of them can have the same illegal status as well and are not given second chances for
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habitual felonies like he has committed. it is just tough right now, and it is very hard for us to even speak about it just because it has been three months since we lost elizabeth. it is important to focus on elizabeth and speaking justice for her rather than getting caught up in politics and immigration throughout the case. we must remember anyone regardless of background or nationality, anyone is capable of committing such heinous acts of violence, not only in our own homes, in schools, everywhere. so, we do highlight the need for stricter laws and consequences for those who do have violent tendencies. but i want to honor elizabeth's memory and the right steps are taken to prevent from similar
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tragedies happening here. this is hard for any mother. i never thought we would have to be going through this. and i just think it is very hard for anybody to have to go through this appellee. elizabeth has been -- it is amazing how people love and have been supporting us. it is just hard. speed to ana, incredibly difficult. you are doing an amazing job. thank you for honoring liz beth's life but that us and viewers, thank you for fighting for justice and speaking so eloquently through your brief. we are going to continue to follow this case. and we will continue to highlight liz beth's life and we wish you and your family peace moving forward.
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>> thank you. >> gillian: thank you, ana. >> dana: san francisco voters fed up with the city's drug epidemic. new laws will take a met the addiction crisis plus this. >> ladies and gentlemen we realize something. >> dana: indeed committed a plane burst into flames minutes after takeoff. more of the terrifying video next. sometimes i imagine what i'd write today for my dear friend martin. i'd remind people that all hate thrives on one thing.
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>> dana: the united airlines flight forced to make an emergency landing just minutes o its flight but terrifying video right there shows bright orange flames exploding from one of the boeing jets engines away from a passenger window. it happened monday 50 minutes after the plane took off from houston and thank god no one was injured. the faa has opened an investigation into the blaze. indeed, they have. yikes! president biden tonight expected to tout the nationwide drop in
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crime. how many democratic officials though in big cities are reversing soft-on-crime policies, asking for new laws on tougher criminals? a lot. alexandria hoff joins us in washington. breaking out those details. speak with the bottom people still feel unsafe and many places where the murder rate drd to major spikes in 2021. more crime fallen in d.c. last year and homicide rose 35%, robbery 67%, carjackings nearly doubled appeared and sparked a change of heart for d.c. city council, which 2020 right itself voting in favor of the restricting of power of the police force. and a sweeping bill was passed called security seed to combat rising crime. >> we have a responsibility to provide for the safety and well-being of our residents, visitors, and businesses in the city and today we lived up to that responsibility.
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speak with the security legislation expands pretrial legislation for carjackings, retail theft, drug crimes but ao loosens restrictions placed on law enforcement. interestingly the council's chair distance the chamber from past actions. >> airdrop among other things is to fund the police and we have done that contrary to what criticism some folks have made. we have not cut the police budget in years. >> by years he might mean three and a half years when council voted to cut the police budget by $50 million. the democratic mayor muriel bowser supported the legislation and stated, "passing is a critical step in the work to build safer d.c. by rebalancing public safety and justice ecosystem in favor of safety and accountability." so if the president speaks about crime reduction tonight, gillian, the nation's capital will be a tricky place to do so. >> gillian: welcome development would even be more
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welcome three years ago but d.c. residents will take a look. thanks, alex. dana. >> dana: new york to d.c., where two ballot measures expand police power and require drug screenings for welfare recipients. "the san francisco chronicle" saying the city can no longer be called progressive. we will see about that the recovery advocate tom joins us now and you are happy today. i will show a couple of things for everybody on the strength to understand what we were talking about. proposition e and f past overwhelmingly in today's society almost 60% for capital three and 67% for f. the police to use surveillance and f anyone who received public assistance had to be screened. you are recovering and why do you think this is a good idea? >> well, first of all proposition of sends a message to those coming to the san francisco for the cheap drugs and free benefits, that we are not going to be so hospitable anymore and we will
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put accountability on the table for you. the idea is to obviously get people into drug treatment but more importantly to help reduce the open drug markets that we see all over san francisco that are really preventing san francisco from having a full recovery. the other proposition actually makes it so that the police can chase bad guys again. up until this proposition past the police commission of san francisco which is really a radicalized commission had prevented from doing car chases of bad guys who committed crimes. so this proposition takes that away and explains the use of surveillance like drones to help the police and their investigations. >> dana: okay, let's show the monthly benefits provided per person per month. $291 for food stamps, i guess that is like unemployment $780 a month, and an assistance program $619 a month. no wonder, as you said, people
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trying to come to san francisco but if they get screened before they get this, maybe that will be a disincentive. let me ask you something though, how do you think this will be implemented? do you think the city has the ability to implement this and do it effectively? >> well, san francisco like every other major city has a shortage of drug treatment. but that is not because they are not necessarily in a bed's out there. the beds are not funded by your local public health departments. so this is an opportunity for the public of san francisco to buy treatment beds unfunded and treatment centers and actually create more opportunities for people to actually go into treatment. do we need to build out more treatment? yes, we do. but this is more importantly sends a message. again, that san francisco is no longer -- it's like a no vacancy sign. we are no longer open for you to reach all over northern california to set up a tent on the street from a buy your
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fentanyl $5 and use taxpayer dollars to do it. that is over. >> dana: tom, my last question to you, do you think people in san francisco who lived there, the citizens who live there believe crime is down? >> is that a trick question? >> dana: you just heard alexandria hoff report into night state of the union address, the president will make a case crime is down. if you're looking at capital murder, maybe so, by everyday life in san francisco, what -- i'm assuming people don't think it is great if they voted in these types of numbers for these changes? >> right. so, you know, some types of crime are down like capital murder, homicide. those things are down. what is up still is the property crime, even though we have the right district attorney in place now doing their part to hold people accountable. but we need to support the police department so they can go out there and chase the bad guys. it is that simple.
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we actually made it so that they cannot do that. so what does that do? that sends a message to criminals that you can come to san francisco, you can break into a bunch of cars, when you see the cops and run, they will not come after you. >> dana: right. >> that is literally the definition of insanity and i'm so happy we will change course in the city. >> dana: i'm happy that you are happy, tom and it's great to see you, have a great thursday. >> thank you. >> announcer: dana sports. >> dana: u.s. soccer team battled through monsoon light conditions during the gold cup semifinal in san diego. check this out, rain pooled on the field due to an issue with the drainage system. that doesn't sound good. video shows water splashing up as players attempted to run and kick the ball. the u.s. did beat canada 3-1 on penalty kicks. the women's team will play brazil and the final on sunday and no where to, gillian how the drainage system will be doing.
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>> gillian: i know about as much as you do. >> dana: i know more about soccer than you do. >> gillian: i will give you that when. >> dana: you know more about rugby, i guarantee you that. >> gillian: i do through osmosis. >> dana: something completely different now become a really bright picture of the economy nationwide during tonight's state the union polls show that it might be a hard sell with the majority of american voters. take a look at those numbers plus japanese numbers pushing a steel manufacture. how workers are reacting. we will get into that next. >> when labor does welcome everybody does well. i'm not just saying it. i'm the most pro union -- an anyway. non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick.
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>> i would say the strike force is just another way along with other announcement that the president has made in dealing with large corporations of ripping off americans, right? dealing with how we get rid of junk fees. >> dana: so the white house announcing a new strike force to go after junk fees, yes, a capital card late charges at just $8. president biden to highlight both of those efforts at tonight state of the unit. they say it is not junk change from americans pay an estimated $90 billion a year and junk fees. you can take that with you as you go to the grocery store today and get frustrated. president biden also expected to talk about inflation tonight, something the fed is trying to get under control. edward lawrence has more from the white house, high, edward.
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>> the prices are up 18% since president biden took office. the president is also going to blame companies now as you heard earlier, blame companies for inflation. the white house has raised expectations for the state of the union address stating he will outline historic achievements. the president will talk about jobs using creative language though. he will say he created 14 million jobs when the truth is the economy added back all the jobs lost in the pandemic and created 5.4 million jobs. at the president will repeat the sentiment from earlier this week. >> the wages are up more than prices. unemployment is reaching historic lows and families are getting finally a little breathing room. prices are still too high and they shouldn't be this i. that is why we will do everything we can to keep lowering costs for hardworking families. >> but the lowering cost sounds good and affects a smaller group of people, for example, insulin $35 only for those on medicare
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part d and only part b if it comes from a pump that is covered. when he talks about lowering cost, you have to read the fine print. the president will also likely not use the word "inflation." the fed chair will say higher prices are likely to be here staying longer and increase in those prices harder to get in line. >> so, what we said is the committee would like to see more data that confirm and make us more confident that inflation is moving sustainably down to 2%. speak with the fed chairman says he does see int interest rate cs this year but the fed chairman g inflation back under control. they saved to counter those, they have raised interest rates significantly pushed in part by government spending signed into law here. back to you. >> dana: so inflation is bold tonight in the state of the union, good to know.
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>> apparently. >> dana: let's bring in "wall street journal" editor and fox news contributor, jerry. to dana's point, let's revisit briefly the fox news poll link that showed more than half of democrats visit 52% said they economy is in bad and 81% say the same thing. that sounds like a problem. >> i guess if they economy inflation is baltimore, what does that make joe biden? i think the problem he has and it was laid out very well by edward lawrence, it is true in some respects the economy is performing better than america's competitor, doing better than most truth europe and china. unemployment is down in the economy is growing. but as everybody knows, prices are way, way higher than they were three years ago when president biden took office. not only higher but basically no
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inflation, gillian before president biden took office. they didn't have to go to the story when we can wonder with their a half gallon milk gone up 20%. at the prices were stable and we got used to the idea that we could go out every week whatever we were buying and prices were basically stable. prices shot up after president biden took office. a number of reasons for that supply chain certainly from the pandemic, number one, but no doubt whatsoever and even economists have to admit this the massive spending boom president biden implement it when he took office contributed enormously by increasing demand in and in the economy with tight supply. that pushed up prices and we are still suffering from that. it is true the race of inflation and the rate prices has gone up year to year has come down. but a prices are rising and b20% higher than they were three years ago. so you can't tell people we are getting control of inflation and the economy is in great shape.
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prices and the rates of price increases fully when they see the maxcdn daily spending how impressed they are because wages have gone up but not as much as inflation over the last three years and that is the economic problem that biden has. >> dana: joe, the state of the union for a lot of americans an opportunity to think big picture and asked themselves the hard extensional questions, how am i doing and how is the president doing? is he living up to his promises? let's throw it back to 2021 with first remarks as president. here is president biden. >> i want you to know the united states will do our part. we will stand with you. we will fight for our shared values. we will meet the challenges of this moment in history. america is back. >> dana: jerry, is america back? >> no, it isn't. if anything come america in terms of america and the world, america is viewed with both a
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combination i think of much less fear than people used to have about america, which is a bad thing. but also a much greater concern that america will do the right thing. after disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan and so far, it has to be said unsuccessful attempt to re achieve ukraine without u. forces. we have seen chaos in the middle east here with the world is in disarray and i think particularly for gillian the most important way the world is in disarray we have had for three years essentially an open border and six, seven, eight, nine, it may be ten illegal migrants come across a border, really not only creates all kinds of economic challenges and pressures on the economy and social substance, but a real national security threat, gillian. america is not back not in the sense joe biden promised it would be three years ago. the world is a much safer place three years ago. america is a much safer place than three years ago and a lot of that comes down to the biden
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administration's policies. >> gillian: and a lot of bibles on the president tonight, jerry think you for taking time with us this morning. >> dana: a controversy, an out sale from the nation's most iconic companies, u.s. steel to tokyo-based nippon steel pier the fate of the deal could hinge on key meeting between senior japanese official and union bos. lydia ko a fox business has the details, hi, lydia. the unions worker confirms to fox business the meeting will happen today with executives from the nippon steel too late union concerns and push ahead with the planned acquisition of the u.s. steel. the $50 million merger between the foreign company and iconic u.s. steel drew scrutiny from lawmakers across the political spectrum when it was announced in december. in a letter sent last week to all 100 u.s. senators, the union says it is "actively engaged with the u.s. treasury's
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committee on foreign investment in the united states, urging the committee to block the merger." the union rights is, "american jobs are at stake and failure to protect core industries produces opportunity for four competitors in poor countries like china to undermine our economic and national security." the treasury department declined to respond any pun still didn't did not respond. but told fox business the pennsylvania facilities are critical to u.s. deals past, present and future success in partnership with nippon steel, they look forward to another 120 plus years of steelmaking in pittsburgh. those assurances so far, dana and have not been enough for steelworkers and a junior that says no trust in nippon steel for u.s. steel and biden has not commented on the merger but instead the bite in house said the merger merits "serious scrutiny and former
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donald trump said he would kill this deal. dana, back to you. >> one of the students called their father. the father responded to the scene and in fact, an arm on the side of the road and he called 911. >> dana: four suspects in a grisly body dismemberment case allowed to walk free. the shock move coming due to new york's controversial bail reform laws. now police and prosecutors say it is definitely time for a change. we will get into it. ♪ ♪ voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories,
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would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) yes, problem. you need verizon. trade-in that old thing and get a new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! so many selfies. a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires. (woman) how about none? (boy) none. (man) yea none feels right. (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. only on verizon. ♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back. four people charged in connection with dismembered body parts found scattered across long island have been released without bail. cb cotton joining us from babylon, new york, with details on that grisly story. hi, cb. >> good morning, gillian and pure and leaders and law enforcement meeting in a
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matter of couple of minutes ands to the states bail laws. the four people accused of dumping legs, arms, and a severed head at this park and two other locations long island not held on bail as you said but instead released with gps monitoring devices. the four people living together pleaded not guilty to the felony charges yesterday. they had to turn over their passports and cannot leave the county. none are charged with murder but prosecutors say they have significant evidence including meat cleaver's, butcher knives, blood and surveillance video. one of the suspects attorney said he knew his client would be out of jail in no time. >> they didn't kill anybody. obviously, we knew he would be released because asheville you cannot set on a case like this. >> investigators say the body parts belong to a man and a woman and their identities in potential connection to the suspects not yet shared, gillian. il


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