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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 7, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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to the states bail laws. the four people accused of dumping legs, arms, and a severed head at this park and two other locations long island not held on bail as you said but instead released with gps monitoring devices. the four people living together pleaded not guilty to the felony charges yesterday. they had to turn over their passports and cannot leave the county. none are charged with murder but prosecutors say they have significant evidence including meat cleaver's, butcher knives, blood and surveillance video. one of the suspects attorney said he knew his client would be out of jail in no time. >> they didn't kill anybody. obviously, we knew he would be released because asheville you cannot set on a case like this. >> investigators say the body parts belong to a man and a woman and their identities in potential connection to the suspects not yet shared, gillian. >> gillian: cb cotton in
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babylon this morning, thank you. gillian. >> dana: illegal immigration border crisis and migrant crime a triple threat of affecting every corner of the country. right now the brother of a migrant accused of murdering laken riley" for possessing a fake i.d. and guess what, it he has ties to venezuelan with violence in new york city and elsewhere throughout the united states. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino and bill is on assignment, good morning again, gillian. >> gillian: good to be with you, gillian turner at the same time that court hearing underway in georgia, illegal immigrants accused of murdering cheerleader lizbeth medina is being arraigned in texas. heartbroken aunt told us last hour, it is time to crack down on repeat violent criminals. >> it is very important for me and only my family to address
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this issue of criminal background and second chance laws either do believe should be stricter and that is just my opinion to protect our children. why was he allowed on a long leash while others were not given second chances? i want to honor lizbeth's memory. in the right steps are taken to prevent from similar tragedies. speed to very moving to hear and griff jenkins from eagle pass, texas, with more on the ground on the migrant crime wave, hi, . >> good morning, gillian what you're seeing across the country is really the convergence of the border crisis. the thousands coming across in violent crime case after case. let's start in georgia where the brother of laken riley's accused killer is in court this morning.
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diego was arrested for presenting a fake green card. he twice crossed the border illegally and has two dui run-ins with the law and a suspected member of the dangerous venezuelan gang. you have heard that name before, gillian pure church in the bidding of nypd cops were also suspected members at that gang d official say you cannot overstate the threats these individuals pose. now, a venezuelan deadly king formed in a prison and the venezuelan state of aragua. the official say they are worried that this gang is trying to establish a crime base and the u.s. much like ms-13 has done over the years. now in texas, the accused murder of 16-year-old cheerleader lizbeth medina in court today. rafael govea romero was illegally present in the u.s. and had criminal background in texas. on probation for burglary when he killed lizbeth after striking her over the head and stabbing her. this in the wake of yesterday,
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asking fox, santana was present in the u.s. with smoking weed and drinking beer before slamming into washington state trooper's cruiser killing him. santana is charged with vehicular homicide as he leaves a wife and 2-year-old daughter. now, i.c.e. said in fiscal year 2023 they arrested 74,000 criminal migrants of which 4,400 had convictions for sexual assault in 1700 had charges or convictions for homicide. but when i interviewed i.c.e. glynn, he said what keeps him up at night are the ones i don't catch, gillian. >> gillian: griff jenkins, thank you for those numbers and breaking it down for us, dana. >> dana: democratic cinder blocks to detain criminal at the border. joni ernst tried to hold a vote on a bill requiring i.c.e. to
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take illegal migrants into custody. illinois democrat objected to the senate's request for unanimous consent. the bill would prevent more violent attacks. >> if they would require i.c.e. to detain, just to detain otherwise deportable, illegal immigrants charged with killing or seriously injuring another person. >> dana: the measure was named after subaru killed by a drunk driver who was in the country illegally. well, migration mass is the backlog of green card applicants is growing more out-of-control each week. millions of potential legal migrants are being forced to families moves to the u.s. appes undocumented single men continue to pour across southern border illegal. william la jeunesse has that story from l.a. for us this morning, i met, william.
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>> good morning, gillian. many people are waiting 15, 20 years to enter the u.s. legally and join family and everyday they watch the administration welcome millions illegally to say indefinitely with a work permit. so we talk to four would be immigrants, right? one in tijuana and the other three respect the law and are waiting. >> being in the united united states, -- >> thousands in the world in the end dentist wants to enter the u.s. legally. he applied for a visa to join his parents in georgia. 19 years later, he is still waiting. >> we are trying to do at the right legal way. >> he applied three years ago for a visa for pakistan he has been. >> it is sad, frustrating and we are angry. >> he has waited four years for a visa from pakistani wife. >> the body that i talked to doesn't understand what it take.
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>> a lot of my clients feel like people are cutting in line in front of them. and the administration is okay with it. >> roughly 32 million applied for immigrant visa to enter the u.s. legally. just 4% were admitted adding to a backlog of some 13 million already in process. wait times for relatives of u.s. citizens up to 20 years are causing some to lose patience and cross the border illegally. >> i get texts from my clients who say, "hey, i am in tijuana." you are not supposed to do that. >> the state department approve the visa for 2020 but it was never issued. eventually he left afghanistan for tijuana and is now an asylum secret in california >> a person like me, i have one life. >> attorneys tell us that many of their lives come illegal immigrants are tired of waiting
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and the process is too slow and understaffed and opting for the southern border, gillian. >> gillian: wow, it has been eight years to get his citizenship we thought that was a long time. clearly we were mistaken. william la jeunesse, thank you for that, gillian. >> dana: to focus on violent crime during his speech tonight and jessica tarlov the host on "the five." fox news contributor and all around great guy. here is biden's tweet talking about the state of the union. he's been talking about prescription and women's right to choose and banning assault weapons. the number one issue in the country because of his policies is immigration and he's not going to mention it, jessica? >> i'm not going to say he won't mention it. he's not telling people that you will hear from me on that issue. >> it is not what they are leading with the most important story and i read a little bit about how the framing will work on the immigration issue.
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he wants to talk about daca and family separation and pulling of hispanic voters. what is most important, number one the economy and the ideas we can talk about that. it will carry over into this. i do think though, sorry, having seen how important the immigration issue is and the border crisis to not just republicans and republican primaries but the independent voters who are trying to woo over from nikki haley that you do have to talk about it. we are getting to that point in the cycle where people can start identifying victims of the crime by name. people will say they can relate to joni ernst's bill joni route. and something that needs to be fixed. talk about your bipartisan bill but more than just a throwaway. >> dana: that phrase if you see a turtle on a fence post, it did not get there by itself. the issue of immigration doesn't become the number one issue in the country just for kicks him especially in the middle of the inflation situation. it got there because of biden's
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policies. >> i think the real reason he will not talk about it because he doesn't have answers for it. it is a powerful problem that regular people and even democrat voters feel passionately about, especially if it is affecting their lives and their own lives. but the thing that is so frustrating, you talk about the situation, and if you look at numbers for like what to do about daca, the best numbers for solving the daca crisis occur when you don't have a problem at the border. and when you allow this stuff to go on, it makes it impossible to make progress on. >> dana: so people remember daca's dreamers. so people brought here with their parents across illegally. they have grown up in america and likely to stay. that was the biggest problem that we had. oh, if we only had that problem instead of the ones we have now. david axelrod, somebody who is very close to obama work on
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those campaigns and has a place president biden tonight. listen. >> i think more than anything, what he needs is an identifiable and motivational narrative for the campaign. campaigns come if you are privileged, you sit around and talk about democracy. i do. if you are sitting around the kitchen table and you are worried about your grocery bills, you are probably not talking about that. so he needs to bear down on the things that the american people are concerned about. >> dana: and he probably will. i understand that the expectations for this speech are sky high. but the state of the union is like, who couldn't give a good state of the union? it is totally built for the person giving the speech. you have a built in audience and all the attention is on you and the speech written by months for by professionals. it is not that hard to give a good speech. and it can be a good moment for joe biden where there will not be sandbagged around to create some sort of walking issue.
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he does great. legitimately things have happened that have taken away from what should be really good moments that we talk about a stumble or a misspeak on this. he has been practicing. he was at camp david doing final touches and a great super tuesday. democrats look pretty unified going into this. he was a full room of people that is known for decades, shaking hands and kissing babies. david axelrod's right, but you have to keep in mind as well there is no love lost between the biden camp and obama camp in this. axelrod two weeks ago was saying the guy is basically too old to do this job. >> dana: axelrod is trying to deal in reality? >> without a reality. and these policies that joe biden put in place that i've allowed all of this catastrophe to unfold. it is not like some -- really, that is his governing philosophy. he promised he would open the borders.
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he promised he would not deport anyone. this is part of his political philosophy. this is the natural result of it. people feel it. nothing is more powerful than security and economics because people feel it in their own lives. when people feel insecure because of this problem that he caused, these are people he led into the country, it is really hard to catch up and reverse the concerns about that. >> dana: great to have you both. >> we will see you tonight for the state of the union. >> dana: "the five" and i will be there. indeed, thank you both. >> i will be on the ballot in every state and the district of columbia. that is a huge, huge amount of voters that will be able to vote for you. >> gillian: rfk jr. making progress for a push to get on the ballot in every state. he appears to qualify in the battlegrounds of nevada, arizona, georgia. that could potentially be
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problematic for president biden. he won those states by narrow margins back in 2020. now rfk jr. could peel off some of those voters. meanwhile, we are also hearing from jason palmer, the democratic candidate who upset president biden unexpectedly in america samoa. he told jesse last night, he is now itching, itching to debate. >> by not choosing my bp but i saw rfk jr. on your show a little bit ago. i would love to challenge him to be eaten joe biden come it is time for rfk jr. to get on the debate stage together and take a llook at it. >> i will relay the message to rfk jr. i think you should be up there with biden because that would be a sight to see. >> can i pick a debate with joe biden as well? >> surprise win in the u.s. territory the first to lose a primary since jimmy carter and that was back in 1980. ♪ ♪ >> dana: right now the house select committee on
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weaponization of the federal government is holding a hearing. they are investigating accusations the treasury department worked with banks to survey all americans private data. and as things to flag transactions with keywords like these: maga, trump and even bass pro shops after january 6th capitol riot. we will keep an eye on that and bring you news as it happens. ♪ ♪ >> it is painting from his house all the way down to the condo at 1:00 a.m. he calls her and he gets there. then it goes silent for four or five hours. speak with is before he gets hired in november 2021? >> yes. >> dana: you could hear a pin drop and you know it is my favorite story. georgia state lawmaker on fani willis pulling back the curtain on embattled d.a. will she be disqualified from the trump case? >> plus i'm a he didn't pull the trigger and a ticklish school shooting but can the father of the gunmen be held liable?
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jury is slated to yes or no in that case and there is also t this. anti-semitism becoming a fact of life on college campuses. president biden mentioned in the state of the union tonight. we will talk to a college student at the address and what she wants to hear. >> mit has become overrun by terrorist supporters that terrorist supporters that directly threaten the lives ofe. jews on our campus. the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down.
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>> dana: three u.s. retaliating against young men following the first deadly attack in the red sea. we knew it was going to happen. three crew members killed and a strike in u.s. central command calling the houthi attacks
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reckless. well, we have been covering the rampant lease of anti-semitism on college campuses across the country for months major spikes sense the 11 carried out attacks october 7th. 1200 people killed in cold blood that day was the single deadliest day for jews since the holocaust and president biden to call out anti-semitism for a national audience in his state of the union address. an mit graduate student who will be a guest house speaker of mike johnson at that address tonight. as somebody who is first hand now experienced as you call it the trauma of this sometimes violent anti-semitism on college campuses, what are you most hoping to hear president biden talk about and say tonight? >> first of all, thank you for having me. what i would love to hear from president biden tonight is just a clear signal that he understands that anti-semitism is a huge problem on all of
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these campuses and not some in a dying statement about hatred of all types. you know, i think it is important to single out that anti-semitism in specific, that hatred of jews and those who support israel is a huge problem and violent terrorist supporters on our campuses making it unsafe academic environment, social environment for all people on the campuses and not just students and staff too. >> gillian: take a look at this and what your seeing and n a national level, 700% increase in anti-semitism and anti-semitic incidents against students in particular with 37% of jewish students on campus is feeling like they are and actually hiding their identity. i mean, that is shocking. we talk about it so much that maybe it's not surprising, but it is deeply shocking.
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>> it is. it has been hard for people i know jewish students who have decided to take their cape is off and have started to remove stars of david and start tellinp telling people they were going to shabbat because they are afraid of what they are friends might think. we have this generation of tiktok brainwashed students who see 30 second on tiktok of free palestine, israel is committing genocide and all this prop propaganda. and obviously they associate jews a core part of our religion. they associate jews with that. and i think a lot of people are afraid to let people know they are to wish to even say anything about it. it is a horrible time on these campuses. >> gillian: and deeply traumatic. >> super traumatic, absolutely.
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people have not been able to focus on studying. they have been isolated from their department and lounges at mit. people have decided to not take certain classes with professors who holds gary police denying the atrocities of october 7th. we have a professor at mit essentially trying to say in a women gender study recently that the rapes on october 7 were justifiable because oppressors need to be oppressed to know -- exactly, to know what the feeling is of being oppressed. like any rape justification on campus, how could any student, jewish or nonjewish -- it is unacceptable. >> gillian: because you are headed to capitol hill for this interview i want to get a sense how you feel lawmakers are reacting to and handling this new scourge of anti-semitism. end. anyone doing particularly good or bad job in terms of
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supporting jewish american students? >> i would like to say huge thank you to the house and workforce committee, chairman fox, who insist upon it, richie these are congresspeople. it is a bipartisan thing. anti-semitism should not be a partisan issue periods obit has been amazing to see that people from both sides of the aisle have come together and really to stand behind jewish students and you cannot violate title 60 and make jews students feel unsafe and harass and fear of violence on campus and actually experience violence repeatedly, which is happen on these campuses. that is not allowed. >> gillian: talia, you, me, everybody here will be watching with hawkeyes to see what president biden says tonight about the issue. we hope it is worthwhile. thank you so much for joining us in person. great to see you.
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dana. >> dana: uc berkeley to incriminate protesters who broke into the event forcing the pro-palestinian rioters that shut down the event with is really speaker. speaker and attendees had to evacuate multiple jewish students reported being spit upon. they were screamed at and call derogatory slurs. the university says it is conducting interviews and going through video evidence. they are calling the incident unacceptable and, indeed, it is an talia was talking about what she wants to hear from president biden tonight. mean time, a subcommittee and pass on the weaponization of government and this is a sub committee created entered a they are having a hearing whether the government colluded with banks to spy on americans in particular, conservatives. we are following that is wealth, gillian. >> gillian: there is also this, in new york city the response to 9/11 and kathy hochul deploying national guard troops to the
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subway. paul morrow will join us what it means for the city's crime crisis coming up. plus this from a former google employee charged with stealing secrets and the country is alleged we plan to give them to. that is next. ♪ ♪ las vegas grand prix choose t-mobile for business for 5g solutions. because t-mobile is helping power operations and experiences for hundreds of thousands of fans with reliable 5g connectivity. now's the time to accelerate your business.
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conjure a really legitimate reason why you would not take te steps. look what we are dealing with something that is pretty new and wasn't on the public consciousness and was not on law enforcement's consciousness, let's be accurate. this trend and affect maduro empties out his prisons as we talk about much like castro did in the 1980s, it is happening. we are past the point to tried to massage that away. what we have to try to do now is come up with ways to really interdict it or do we need creative solutions because law enforcement is on its heels bear the best case so far made by the nypd a couple of weeks ago. they took 16 bodies, guys during robberies on the scooters but they had a hierarchy, top guy and they didn't get him yet. if you have that pure metal structure, you can do the big rico cases federally, enterprise and conspiracy cases appear those matter. they have teeth and take a lot of bodies at once sent the message gets out, "don't mess
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around here. i am waiting and i want to see this from the state of the union fjord we recognize there is a problem in our federal officers are going to be looking to put together with those of cases. >> gillian: paul, i don't think you are getting that. the threat of the venezuelan king's on something you mentioned before, it is interesting even if we were able to deport, the venezuelan things are all across the region and infiltrating and they are very organized? >> that is right. if you have money that equals power in parts of the world. they are involved in trafficking and expanded beyond -- they are organized so subsequently they are able to infiltrate places like ecuador. >> dana: right. >> and trans shipment areas. they control the vertical pipeline, compared to what donald trump did to ms-13. he put that right in front and center and i will knock them out pure it went quiet. now all of a sudden what is the
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difference? >> dana: i want to ask about this because democrats are saying, "crime is not that bad and crime is down. why is everybody upset? "san francisco pass laws overwhelmingly to strengthen laws and d.c. did the same thing tuesday. new york, the governor has said there will now be boots underground here with us as "new york post" cover if you can pull that up. you are going to have a reservist, people in the military who will now patrol the subways? what are they looking for? >> it is amazing if you think about it. the same people who told us our criminal justice system needs an entire overhaul and then told us, nothing to see here, it is working, no crime problem. are now willing to put a military unit into our subways so as to reassure the public and create safety. it is going on across the country. you and i are talking about this in the 3d, defund, destroy, deflect. we defined at the police and
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holst of justice george floyd, d incarceration movement and what? they destroyed the municipalities. now that is coming home to them because we come into election years were a number of officials and so it is time to deflect. so they will throw money at it and throw bodies added to. the nypd run mandatory overtime in manhattan, 50%, they arrest up by nypd. the cops are working to death but the prosecutors let them out and it doesn't seem safer on the streets. it is going on across the country. it has gotten so bad we have -- >> dana: my last question kathy hochul the governor of new york is doing this. she didn't put a time limit on it and at what point, okay everything is okay there find. >> when the money runs out. you are taking not only reservist but state cops and she will be putting in there. they were not that many state cops deployed to new york city. i'm wondering where they are coming from. where are they getting their
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feeding? where will they stay at night? pulling from upstate? i was this thing run? integrated into nypd operations? we have to be careful because they are not used to this environment. this is a boondoggle and avoids the real issue, let's get also tutors doing what they are supposed to do, which is lock up the bad guys and get the federal government coming down on these big organized crime cases that we know are out there. >> dana: we are terming the governor of new york to do this on tonight of the present state of the union. how could she? >> have clergy? let's see if the president does the spirit say laken riley's name. >> dana: send me a text if you hear it. paul mauro, thanks, everybody. thank you. >> take a look at this former google engineers stealing files about sensitive ai trade secrets with plans to hand those secrets over to china. let's bring in david spunt. he is here in the d.c. newsroom
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on that story, hi, david. >> hi, gillian working for the company and 2019 and according to indictment on the mike pence field in california, he stole hundreds of files from google while he was in contact with technology companies that have direct connections to the chinese communist government. his name is leon and he was arrested yesterday near his home in california. according to the indictment, he transferred sensitive google trade secrets related to artificial intelligence to his personal account and allegedly did this affiliating himself with ar related companies with connections with people's republic of china. authorities say he visited china and did not alert google to those visits. moments after the justice department announced the indictment, attorney general merrick garland spoke about this arrest at the american bar association meeting in san francisco. fbi director christopher wray last week talked about the overall china threat. >> we were intensely focused on
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the threat posed by the ccp, chinese government, that cuts across everything from human operations, different ways of penetrating our critical infrastructure, whether cyber, investments, et cetera. transnational oppression is a huge focus on china and the challenge it presents. >> no response from google but fbi director christopher wray said the intellectual property of the united states of the next decade is from china full, gillian. >> gillian: david spunt in washington for us, thank you, dana. >> dana: i did not consider our relationship to become romac until early 2022. >> it is a mob. i object. and in truth, into people's personal lives. >> dana: conflicting testimony in the investigation of fani willis. the new revelation could mean for her future and george georgia trump election case. enough is enough to roll back
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laws to criminalize hard drugs. activists say the failed policies should serve as a warning to other states. ♪ ♪
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>> dana: you might remember oregon was the first state in the nation to make hard drug use illegal. that did not work out well. the three years later said to rollback those laws with radical experiment that led to a surge of deadly overdoses. dan springer, you have been covering this since the beginning. i mean, three years is a pretty quick turnaround to say, that was not a good idea. >> yeah, but we also knew pretty early on this was a disaster. in fact, as you said, the final grade on this experiment to oregon to d criminalize hard drugs and it is by every measure
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resounding f. a complete failure of the democrat led legislature down there has overwhelmingly voted to end it. we have done a lot of voting on bell measure 110 with 50% of the vote. almost immediately the streets of big cities, especially portland, became open-air drug markets. fentanyl, heroin, meth in full view of everyone. there were no consequences and possession knocked down to $100 ticket and almost everyone who got a ticket ignored it because there were no penalties for doing so. this was sold as treatment, not jail, but because the tickets were blown off, very few people got help getting off of the drugs. the measure pushed by george soros back drug policy alliance, which put $5 million into the campaign and wanted this to be the starting point to legalize drugs everywhere in the u.s. >> this tell a clear message to the george soros drug policy alliance not in oregon.
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don't do it anywhere else. because the citizens stood up, the representative said enough is enough. >> now the misery in the streets is impossible to miss, opioid desk 280 statewide in 2019 tubing on pace for 1,250 in 2023 when all the numbers are in. a staggering $320 million has been diverted from marijuana tax revenue to measure 110 but the vast majority of the money has gone to harm reduction, keeping people alive in their addiction instead of treatment or with the help line set up to receive calls from people who were ticketed has been helpless, taking 130 calls in three years and referring just 18 callers in treatment. the cost, $111,000 per referral. the new law allows up to six months in jail for people if they fail repeatedly to seek help. >> it puts them on a path where
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it gives them consequences and some more words if they pursue treatment and recovery. >> now, the bill passed that work in a house and state senate overwhelmingly majorities. another democrat governor tina kotek will sign it probably the next couple of days, dana. >> dana: i do hope it helps people, thank you, dan. explosive new allegations emerging against d.a. fani willis this week. the lawyer who exposed the potential conflict of interest between willis and nathan wade testified before a georgia senate committee alleging that wade was paid nearly double the salary of his other colleagues. listen. >> pretty much zero in my opinion come identification. this is not something we would be able to submit to a client ever. i can imagine, if i build him $2,000 for eight hours of meeting with a team in one day, and just research what i'm
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researching, you have to be detailed in your bills here with that is accountability and as lawyers that is the only way to be accountable. >> dana: criminal defense attorney brian claypool joins us now. major allegations and that testimony. let's break it down one by one starting with what you heard there from ashley merchant let nathan wade earned more than double the salaries of his colleagues and that the accounting for how he was paid and what he was paid for is opaque. what do you make of that? hey, gillian, great to see you again. the testimony was devastating. the evidence is damaging for fani willis. why pushed mark nathan wade was paid almost $700,000. he build $250 an hour. if you do the math, gillian, $700,000 divided by $250 an hour is 2,800 hours. what did he do in 2,800 hours?
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and his billing doesn't reveal that. when you are paid hourly, gillian, you are required to itemize your task. you can't just build 12 hours i went to a meeting. so there is potential fo taxpayer fraud now stemming from this evidence. by the way, there are two other assistants that were appointed as special counsel. they build a little under $100,000. it is almost seven times more that he billed that fani willis would get the bill and approve it and it gets paid. this is devastating. >> gillian: what about this? ashley merchant claiming that their cell phone data that wade took a series of riddle of the night trips to fani willis' house before she even hired him. take a listen to that. >> it is hanging from his household away to the condo 1:00 a.m. then he calls her when he gets there.
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then it goes silent for four or five hours. early in the morning hours he starts pinging again and text her when he gets home. >> this is before he gets hired in november 2021? >> yes. >> gillian: i mean i don't know, what do you say to that? >> gillian this is getting bigger than it should fani willis be removed? i think she will be after all this testimony. that question by the state senator is critical. why did he ask if that was before wade was hired? because that now potentially supports a perjury charge. remember willis and nathan wade got up onto stan and said, "we didn't have any relationship before wade was hired in november 2021." now we have cell phone data and i saw 30 visits to georgia. that is where fani willis lives. 30 visits prior to wade to being hired? that supports the proposition that more was going on that
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could have easily been a romantic relationship. what are you doing from 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.? this could create additional charges against fani willis and nathan wade periods >> gillian: a lot of spiraling questions out of the testimony. thank you for taking time with us. >> you bet, thanks, gillian. >> dana: the clock is ticking for tiktok with a bill apps controlled by foreign adversaries like china. >> the chinese communist party and its leadership xi jinping have inner workings of the company with devastating personal freedoms. in compliance with chinese law. ♪ ♪ td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people.
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making go thunderstorm a more dangerous place to live and the governor of new york deployed national guard and state police going all through the subway system cleaning up violent crime. senator ted cruz, steve hilton, and trey gowdy, the faulkner focus, next. >> tiktok facing renewed political pressure and the video sharing app has about 170 million users and that's a lot of people. mark meredith is live on capitol hill. mark, this seems to have momentum. reporter: today, pushup in the house expected to take months and all indications are it is going to move forward and lawmakers essentially creating a legal process to allow a president to justify labeling
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this designation to force them to stop the public from downloading them. >> we cannot trust them. reporter: tiktok owned by byte dance never allowed the chinese communist government to access the data of us users and spendig time and money to pushback and all indications it'll move out of the house eventually. dana. >> we'll be there in dc tonight. thank you, mark and, jillen turner, thank you so much. we're like ships in the night and thank you. harris faulkner is next. here she is. cra


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