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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 7, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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this designation to force them to stop the public from downloading them. >> we cannot trust them. reporter: tiktok owned by byte dance never allowed the chinese communist government to access the data of us users and spendig time and money to pushback and all indications it'll move out of the house eventually. dana. >> we'll be there in dc tonight. thank you, mark and, jillen turner, thank you so much. we're like ships in the night and thank you. harris faulkner is next. here she is. cracraig:t
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>> harris: the 81-year-old confused and gaffe-ridden biden just isn't the right person to lead. the white house is hoping for a reset to send him straight to a second term. i'm harris faulkner. you are in the faulkner focus and is the president fit and ready to handle whatever comes his way. polling shows a majority say no. the white house is trying to be chill ahead of tonight. >> the president is looking forward to not just being in front of congress but talking directly to the american people and think about it and he'll be talking to folks sitting on coaches and around the kith -- couches and around the kitchen table and letting them know how he sees the vision for the country and going to build on the accomplishment that delivered, that has delivered gains for the american families.
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>> harris: gains? show us what you mean. row lent resto rise on groceries and gas and they're literally killing american victims. our nation's weakness on the world stage. afghanistan, russia, china, ukraine, israel, the list is longer. the president's speech must be mightier than ever. house speaker mike johnson released a video called three years of decline. >> israel formally declared war. >> the taliban returned with power. china reunifying with taiwan. >> harris: jacqui heinrich is live at the white house. jacqui. reporter: harris, president
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biden has two main priorities, convincing americans to give him another four years at 18 years scold making a case with a show of stamina their lives are better off because of his policies and he always aimed to paint the stark picture of what the country would inland and orange county like under a trump presidency. this is biden's final state of the union address. trump's risk to democracy and evidence to overturn the 2020 election and risks to american freedoms and americans embrace with restrictive abortion policies they say. biden has a big liability on the border. it is consistently among top voter concerns, and we are now told that biden won't make any executive orders to address it tonight. despite rumblings for weeks that something was in the works, biden will shift blame to the gop for rejecting the senate-brokered bill, pushing
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again for congress to legislate the country out of crisis. house speaker mike johnson gearing up to hit back. >> he has full authority to close the border completely right now and he won't do it. seven or eight other executive authority actions that he has in statute he can use but won't. that is so perplexing to us. i've told him himself, i don't understand why you wouldn't do it and stop the humanitarian crisis. there's a political purpose to this. reporter: biden also faces opposition for within his own party over voters that are upset with led to them uncommitted and rashida tlaib encourage that had effort and reportedly there are a number of lawmakers that might bring guests tonight that share that sentiment. >> the president knows and feels deeply he's heard from the country about the range of views
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on this, and he's working night and day arnold the clock. not just to secure the release of hostages and make sure we're doing everything we can. >> prevent further things. reporter: crowd engagement could be a thing tonight and heightened scrutiny and gaffes, stumbles or verbal issues. >> harris: thank you. biden's verbal disaster unavoidable speaking this evening and what he'll be able to see from the lectern are lawmakers and very special guests who have been victims of violent crime at hands of illegal immigrants. many on the left like democratic texas border sheriff danny dominguez say they've had enough. he's now joined democrats for ted cruz coalition. here's a bits of video they just dropped.
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>> i have 108 miles of boarder and the last two years, border is out of control. >> harris: the sheriff will be in the audience and guest of senator cruz, republican of great state of ted cruz. i spoke with the senator just minutes ago. senator, first of all, tell me about the journey to get your coalitiontology and the -- coalition together and what you're bringing tonight? >> i'm supporting my campaign and reelection this year and it's because the national democrat party changed and it's lost touch with who the party used to be. this is not your father or grandfather's democrat party. texans want a senator who supports common sense and supports jobs and energy and supports law enforcement and texans want a senator to fight to secure the boarder and
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sheriff dominguez has been a sheriff in south texas and along the rio grande river and he's been a democrat for 28 years and he's supporting me for 12 years in the senate, i fought to defend the state of texas to support law enforcement and to secure the border. sheriff dominguez is seeing firsthand that the human suffering, the tragedy, the deaths that are resulting from the open boarders we've had under joe biden, and that's just not something he can support. not something most texans or most americans support. >> harris: you know, your state right now is winning against the push issue the mighty push the white house put on all of you. take down the razor wire and cargo containers and that's working. the cartels are poking different areas along the border: arizona, california. i mean, your state still has so much to deal with and when you talk to that sheriff, what can
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you say to him to give him hope? >> the real hope has to come in november. i don't believe joe biden has any interest in ever securing the border. he deliberately caused this crisis and the thing to understand is when biden came into office just over three years ago, he inherited incredible success. he came into space inherited lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years. i worked hand-in-hand with president trump to secure the border, and we achieved remarkable success, and all biden had to do was do nothing. just not screw it up. but instead he deliberately broke the boarder and made three decisions his first week in office and caused this crisis. he immediately halted construction of the border wall and he re-instated the disastrous policy of catch and release and incredibly successful remain in mexico and that caused the crisis and he
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did it deliberately and we're sitting here three years later and more than 10.4 million illegal immigrants have streamed into this country. the bulk of them through texas and that is deliberate, it is man-made and, you know, we've seen an amazing thing in the last year or so and seen democrat mayors and governors in new york city, in boston and chicago and la acknowledging with the crisis and going with democrats in illegal immigration and new york city has had 110,000 illegal immigrants coming here to texas and rest of the southern boarder and we've had 10.4 million and this is a crisis and it's a crisis that the president caused and it's a crisis joe biden want to and going to be winning in november. >> harris: when numbers get that big and by the way, i've been interviewing and all the
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resources are being soaked up and fentanyl makes every state a border state. illinois had to deal with this. controlling that and hoping to come into the country. murders and all sorts of people coming across the border now and people on the terrorist list, we know one went through brownsville days before the president was supposed to have a scrubbed clean visit. i don't know if he knew who crossed the border. there's one young women right now that seems to be the focal point. unfortunately we've had many. at this moment in time, 22-year-old murdered nursing student laken riley's parents were told, do not plan to attend the state of the union tonight. despite an invite from georgia congressman mike colins. he says the seat will be reserved. they'll leave it empty.
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it's where she would have been honored by her parents sitting there. now they'll have an empty seat. it will remain vacant to honor laken and all american victims of illegal alien crimes. we await to see if president biden actually says laken riley's name. he has not yet. your thoughts on it? >> it's absolutely tragic and sadly i think joe biden will not say her name. he's been refusing to say it so far. i don't think we'll hear the words laken riley when he stands there and won't acknowledge the empty chair or mother and father grieving the loss of their beautiful daughter. i'll tell you two other names that i'm confident joe biden will not say. he will not say the name jeremy ca cera s. he was a 2-year-old little boy murdered just a few weeks ago in virginia, again, by an illegal alien who joe biden let go and
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this 359 earn over and over and over again and these open borders are producing real vic tips and tragedies and joe biden and democrats don't acknowledge it. the man that took laken riley's life. he was from venezuela and apprehended in el paso and the best thing was to put him on a plane and flown him back to venezuela. that would have been the right thing do touchdown catch do. if joe biden would have done that, laken riley would be alive. but joe biden didn't do that and patrolled him into the country and let him go. he went to new york city and new york city he again was arrested a second time and this time for endanger ago child but new york city is a sanctuary city. they let him go and they didn't put him in jail or deport him. if that put him in jail, laken
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rye liliana would be alive. he went down to georgia and laken riley went out for a jog and he beat her to death. these are real victims and our families, they're all in greater jeopardy because of biden's radical open borders and he refuses to change and fix it. >> harris: gnat torr, the suspects in these -- senator, the suspects in these cases broke the border law and came here illegally. we could have immediately deported them. none of this and nypd officers beaten in the streets of time square and it's unbelievable. it's loads of backlash now around the msnbc panel. voters top concern and i mean, all over the country now, top concern being the situation >>
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harris: i still don't have a word for it. >> yeah. look. i've called on jen psaki and rachel madow to apologize and he was murdered about 30 miles away from jen psaki's $1.7 million home in arlington, virginia. but from her perspective, that apparently is a laughing matter. she doesn't understand why families are concerned when their children are being murdered by illegal aliens. well, you know what, across the country, a whole lot of families understand and we want to protect our families. we want to support law enforcement and secure the border, and i think that clip is elmoreablematic of -- emblematic
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of how out of touch the corporate media is and who are these peak sp peasants to be wod about this. >> harris: it drills on the issue that they don't understand the people on either side of the issue. >> yeah. >> harris: we have american families that have come from different countries, the right way. they're in danger too. they're new to american citizenship. we're all in this together and it's a big caldron of hell right now. for us. because it's out of control. >> yeah, look. there's a lot of residents that are really frustrated and we see a pattern with democrat cities housing illegal aliens in airports. they're doing that at jfk and new york and logan airport and boston and o'hare airport in chicago. by the way, that is really dangerous. we're sitting in new york and they're housing illegal aliens in schools and the residents in the school, the kids are going
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to the schools and the parents are really upset going why are you throwing my kid out of the school they go to because you're housing illegal aliens and so many of these democrat politicians say to their constituents essentially, tough luck. we don't want to worry about americans that you're not our priority. >> harris: senator accident i've been saying it to people in chicago and people here in new york. if you want change, you've got to vote differently now. can't continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome. it's not going to happen that way. it has to be vote for your interest and not any other reason. it is great to have you on the program. thank you so very much for helping preview the state of the union address and who you're bringing with you tonight. go ahead bless you, senator. >> thank you, harris. appreciate you. >> harris: watch president biden's state of the union address and republican response right after both air here on fox. bret baier and martha mccal lum are hosting -- maccallum are
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hosting the special coverage. why this now? governor cath eye hochul just -- kathy hochul sent the national guard to patrol the subways and hochul pushed in 1,000 guard and new york state police right after mayor eric adams celebrated the decline in his city's crime rates. they say hochul's move is an election year stunt. some citizens say thank god they're coming and republicans are calling for a ban on china-owned app tiktok. >> we've listened to warnings from every major national security official in the biden administration. message we've heard from them is that tiktok under its current ownership structure is a threat to u.s. national security. >> you have national security implications here obviously that raise the alarm about something needing to be done.
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>> harris: well, president biden oddly claims he's for the ban. however, he is still definitely using tiktok for his campaign to go after young voters. would you call it hypocrisy? steve hilton, next. ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein.
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>> harris: new york governor kathy hochul deployed 1,000 national guard and state police into the new york city subway system. >> all the subways, they're fast and there's a number of crimes and not statistically and not significant but psychologically and i want more people to go on the subway. it's going to do a lot to calm down the fears right now and anxiety, which is running high.
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>> harris: her timing is odd. new york city mayor eric adams all joyful on his social media last night celebrate ago decline in most of the city's crime rates. however, there is a 13% spike in subway crimes so far this year. the subways we know have per sis at the present time crime. we know that, it's been throughout his administration. he called it having a perception of crime and we were all imagining it early in his tenure but now she make this is move. new column with the headline "hochul putting the national guard in new york city subways is a political stunt". steve hillton is here with us. know what it is, it's late. >> by the way, it's the same dynamic, harris, going on with almost every issue and just as you're discussing with ted cruz on the border, it's the same with crime. what you're seeing is the collapse of this far left
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democrat experiment into chaos and destruction and they're finally wake up to it. you see it with the boarder and crime and implement the far left policies and causes a disaster and we point out for years, whistled say wee, we asked fox news and the only people that point out the disaster and they say oh, you're making it up. it's all a fantasy. it's not true. then finally weeks and months before an election, they come to their senses and say wow, this is going to cause us political problems and we've got to look like we're doing something and that's why you end up with these stunts. by the way, not just new york and see the same in dc, san francisco, oakland and democrats in california sent in a national guard to oakland. by the way, talk about a stunt. that lasted for three days. that's what that was about. and it was their policies that
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caused this chaos. >> harris: you wouldn't do that on the net works where they're going and come to the network that's covered it and not saying she won't pop up here but didn't do that first. the house is preparing a bill that would require a chinese company to cut ties with the wildly popular tiktok app. or face a u.s. ban. the president has thrown a support behind the ban. so why is this campaign, i mean, steadily using that app, they're tapping tiktok to reach young voters? lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle say they're less than thrilled. >> i'm not going to tell them how to campaign. we would ask people to be very care and feel cautious and using it. >> they're complicit and had the president of the united states go out there and open up a tiktok act for all federal employees and amazing and all
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members of the military and contractors, it's banned for them. >> it's absurd. >> harris: steve. >> that's the central point. the hypocrisy and it's literally banned for federal employees and he's saying he's not a federal employee and do we get now back to the arguments of this. >> harris: might not be after november. >> exactly right. part of the 14th amendment applies to the president and saying well, trump can't get away with separating himself but coming to tiktok, it's perfectly fine. it's ridiculous and the hypocrisy, there's a deeper point here, which is that the arguments here i think seem to miss the point. it's a question of national psyche and not about the data but the content. look at tiktok and compare the content that they push with their algorithms here in america versus what they push in china, they are serious about using
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tiktok as a weapon of mass degradation. that's what it is in terms of content that's stopping to be pushed for americans by the algorithms designed in china to degrade our society so that rubbish we see on the platform is so different from the content in china. >> harris: yeah, no, it is manipulated having been in the south china sea area, those countries recently, it is different for what we see and they see. it's manipulated. steve hilton, always great to have you on focus. thank you. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: president biden's problems are pressuring up and state of the union speech and high expectation level for him. he's not only taking on former president trump but also facing doubters within his own democratic party. plus, more defense attorneys ashley merchant on alleged
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misconduct by district attorney fani willis. she's the one prosecuting trump in the election interference case. experts say it's troubling for her. >> you have to know whether or not there's a compromise to those ethics and that brings into question her prosecutor ways and more. >> harris: fani willis insisting she started a love affair with a married man who she calls a southern gentleman but couldn't be because he was cheating on his wife, after she hired him. trey gowdy is next.
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allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> harris: can he do it? president biden has to reach and vault over a high bar of expectation tonight. his state of the union address will have to make some democrats more comfortable with his ability to finish out four more years. one political scientist puts it this way, the challenges that joe biden has within his own party, his own base, are the biggest challenges he's facing in this election. he has a lot of issues with younger voters in the party. i think that can be directly linked to what is happening overseas in the middle east. that's one quote and we're also seeing that play out in primary contests so far and hundreds of thousands of democrat voters in several states voted un-which i
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am thed or no perches over the president's policy on israel and hamas war. die hard supporters have his back. >> going for the primaries and i don't think it's going to affect his vote total and it is going to affect his turnout base. >> we shouldn't be concerned about this as a political matter and about what to do in gaza or the middle east based on how the votes line up. >> harris: the president is wooing nikki haley voters this week and a campaign spokesperson said this. nikki haley standing up to trump and offering things like election denial and chaos and division and a home for them in joe biden's campaign.
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>> harris: federal prosecutor and host of sunday night in america. set it up, it's the closing argument for president biden. >> it's got two problems, policy issues and he's got performance issues so on policy, it doesn't matter if he sounds like cicero tonight, which he won't by the way, but if he sounded like cicero, it doesn't matter to young people who disagree with him on the middle east or other voters, other democrats who disagree with him on other issues. now, even if you agree with him on policies, he's got some performance issues. look, democrats can say what they want, but success tonight is him just not screwing up reading the tele prompter. if you poll house democrats right now, they would say let's go back to the days where we submitted the state of the union in writing.
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don't even have it live because they're going to be as nervous, harris, as lindsey graham is in a spelling bee while listening to him tonight. >> harris: does lindsey know you feel that way about him? >> i've seen his transcripts. it's not just me that feels that way. >> harris: okay. i wanted to point this out and asked for our team to look at this just at the length of speeches and the longest on record for the state of theupon, this is since 1964 on record was bill clinton, january 2000. one h 1:28: 49. trump was 1:22.25 and hour 22 in february of 2019 and around that for his others. biden, last time he gave the state of the union, february of last year, it was 1:13. the bar is especially high because of the stamina that this is going to take.
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>> i would temporal integration him as an old washed up prosecutor. i've heard good speeches and heard long speeches, but aye never heard a -- i've never heard a good long speech. what's his purpose and what does he want to communicate? some level of mental acuity is his goal. policy, no one will change his or her mind based on what comes out of his mouth based on policy. they want to know he has the mental acuity to make it four more years on the republican side and people going to watch if people are vapeing or singing along or getting handsy and are republicans capable of acting like adults in public and that's the state of the union and does biden fall asleep during his own speech and can republicans avoid being arrested.
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those are the two reasons to watch. watch. >> harris: all right, let's get to this. the white house -- >> we'll be with you in colorado. yes. >> harris: goodness. the white house fired back after defense attorney ashley merchant testified yesterday about a meeting between district attorney fani willis and vice president kamala harris. merchant cited evidence that willis visited the white house in february of 2023 and months before a grand jury in georgia indicted president trump in the state's election interference case. fani willis is of course prosecuting that case and facing disqualification from misconduct and having an affair with a man that she hired as the highest paid prosecutor on the case. it just gets more tawdry from there. we've all watched the drama play out. the white house claims the vice president was hosting an event with black leaders and she did not directly speak with willis. here's some of merchant's very interesting testimony.
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>> the open record and before the white house acts as we have records and willis and mayor of atlanta were at meeting with the vice president and he told me they met at hotels and he would go to her place. there was a period of 15 or 16 days where he did not have a contract. they -- which also happened to be one of the types they were out of town. so they re-upped the contract and the cap was significantly higher. >> harris: so that was at the courtroom because that ended about a week ago. this is inside the georgia state senate special committee investigating willis' affair with nathan wade. we showed you parts of this live. i just want to get your reaction to that, trey. >> i just want people to understand, harris, this is not the way 99.9% of all prosecutors in this country conduct themselves on either side of the isle. these are politicians masquerading as prosecutors and it will be the undoing of our justice system.
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now, whether or not a judge finds that this is sufficient to disqualify the prosecutors, i'm not sure that helps trump. i'd rather have two people that don't know what they're doing prosecute me than find two people that actually do. the larger point is weaponnizing our justice system whether it's a federal or state level and it will be our undoing and what i like to know more about is these meetings with nathan wade and the white house and people of all political ideations and you get ethical crimes being committed. >> harris: some things they were doing really and in if fact this has to do with the president pushing against an opponent like was the justice system actually being used and he now has more questions than
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he's ever had before. >> well, but bret is right. fani willis and nathan wade may very well have issues with respect to personal reigns leading and cantor before the court and may have georgia bar issues and the question for president trump and other codefendants is whether or not the indictment is legally sufficient. even if it is not, they're just going to go get another grand jury to indictment him again. we got to fix the underlying pathology, which is a politicalization of our justice system. >> harris: trey gowdy, thank you. come back any time always. good to see you. >> yes, ma'am. >> harris: former president trump says he will debate biden any time, anywhere, any place. the white house playing dodge ball. >> that's something for the campaign to speak to. you should speak to the campaign. reach out to the campaign. camp. >> harris: will biden dare to debate trump? power panel next.
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>> harris: a trump biden rematch all but set after super tuesday of this week. the next big question, will biden agree to a debate? former president donald trump again has issued the challenge and time on truth social and he's calling to debate any time anywhere in the place for the white house secretary karine jean-pierre is willing to george any time, anywhere, any place. >> is president biden going to commit to a debate with donald trump? >> that's something for the campaign to speak to. >> we know when the debates will be. we know where they're going to be. is he going to go? >> you should speak to the campaign. in 2020 once it got down to
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one-on-one. joe biden said i can hardly wait to debate him. how about now? >> i'm going to sound like a broken record. reach out to the campaign. >> harris: team biden fired back "i know donald trump's thinker city for attention and struggling expand appeal beyond the maga base and if he's desperate to see president biden in prime time, tune in to watch the state of the union in prime time". georgia congressman and former pennsylvania congressman great to see you both. doug colins, your thought s? >> my thought is that i think the democrats are having enough trouble trying to see if he can get lumis one hour tonight on state of the union and much less if he's showing up on the debate stage can with donald trump in the fall. right now i'd say the odds are very slim to none. but, hey, you never know as we look forward to it but like i said the democrats are more concerned about what happens in the state of the union and called it like people ask me what you think about state of the union and it's like nascar
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people tuning in to see if there's wrecks. >> harris: patrick, if they debate, what does it look like and why won't biden just say, yeah, they have the dates. just pick one. >> yeah, there's three dates already. september 16th is the first one scheduled and scheduled in texas and two in october. >> harris: this is not a primary. it's for the highest office in the land. >> yeah, but there's already three scheduled but in september, one in september and two in october and i think that's what it's been and now that we have a mano e mano competition, it's a spicey eight months here. you are dodging and doing a kgp and it's unlikely. >> he should debate will debate and three scheduled. >> harris: have you talked with the team on debating? >> there's three scheduled debates. >> harris: that's what you told the reporters. >> not going to debate the former president. >> harris: as president biden
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prepares for his high stakes state of the union address tonight, we're looking back to the promise that he made in 2021. >> i'm a man of my word, america is back and as president of the united states and at the very start of my administration and america is back. >> harris: he said it and meant it and the botched withdraw from afghanistan. russian dictator putin's invasion of ukraine and hamas terror attack on israel october 7. iran, paid for and trained killers launching more than 150 attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east. and that's just the foreign policy problems. we also have biden's border crisis, creamery sis, persistent high price hurting americans at home. gallop sol shows 67% saying the u.s. is less respected throughout the world compared to three years ago and reverse order now, patrick murphy.
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>> also, in the last few years we see russia lost 100,000 troops because of the iron will of the ukrainian people. >> harris: what does that have to do be biden's promises and problems? we're not fighting in ukraine; right? >> we've been very supportive and given $75 billion in military aid and manufacturing freedom and absolutely standing toe to toe with the allies and helping and training their forces in places like poland and making sure they continue the russians and russianings lost over 100,000 troops if not more and they're having a hard time and it's at a stalemate and that's why we need to the house to pass the senate bill. >> harris: you're making us awfully complicit and responsible for that . does russia see it that way? yes or no? >> yes. they know we're standing shoulder to shoulder with freedom loving countries like ukraine. >> harris: and that's where you want to come down on all those problems is the one you mention that you think biden is doing well on? >> i didn't mention that. >> harris: that was the question. okay. so joe colins.
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>> okay. look, i'm going to say that this is going to sound funny coming from me but joe biden told the truth. they are back. back from the biden administration to the obama administration when the middle east was in chaos and our allies around the world ryan higgins not sure where we stood and appease iran by going to stop them from getting one and delaying it for alittle while and these issues and he was truthless and going back-to-back policies and i think when you look at it right now, that standing in the world and a lot of times presidential races are tipped over by this and foreign affairs and this time in the afghanistan withdraw and ukraine and palestinians and are all problems for joe biden >> harris: i want to dig deeper with the time we have left. patrick, would you like another go? >> quickly, the obama administration in the past, we triple the amount of forces in afghanistan to bring bin laden
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to justice in that administration. he killed innocent, thousands of innocent americans on 9/11 at the world trade centers at penalty gone and let's make sure we're fair about that. also let's talk about how under the obama and economically the [inaudible] rose 60%. now at all time high right now. >> harris: nobody doubts that richer people are getting richer. nobody doubts that. but you have voters on main street america, we mean people with jobs and paying their bills, we want them to do all the things too. real quick, doug. we have to go after. >> yeah, no, i think that this is the time you'll have two incumbents running for president and would rather have donald trump four years with the american people what we did and had in the last three years and causing a problem and telling everybody we fixed it. >> harris: thank you, gentlemen. can't wait for the next great debate. outnumbered is next. automated voice: please insert your parking ticket. it's going to take a lot more
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