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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 7, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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in about an hour or so but tomorrow on "special report," we will have an exclusive interview with mike rawlins of the no labels organization. we are told there is news on that front. he will be here to talk about it. please join martha mccallum and me for our special coverage of the state of the union address. it is live at 9:00 p.m. eastern time we will sneak in at 8:55 if jesse will let us start our coverage and we will have a cast of thousands commenting about what's going on. we will bring you the speech and then the republican response by alabama republican senator kitty brit. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. a big night in washington, d.c. state of the union night. "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham
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this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. we are hours two hours away from what we hope is president biden's last state of the union address. larry kudlow is in the house, vivek ramaswamy, and so many more. first, spinning themselves dizzy, that is the focus of tonight's angle state of the union, state of the union speeches rarely memorable no. real evidence that they help turn things down for flailing presidencies. nonetheless brian's advisers are doing their best to propose ideas. >> i think the top line should be the inflation reduction act reduced inflation. good policy makes good politics, right? and he has good policy. >> jobs, wages, everything going in the right direction economically. >> the stock market is booming. blockbuster job report after blockbuster job report. >> i don't think you guys need me. i was just listening to the commentary. [laughter] i don't think you guys need me
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this morning. >> laura: of course kjp is right. although i might add that they do her job better than she does her job. and they don't even need, you know, to read any binder notes. >> you look at sort of him having the most diverse government we have ever had. i think he has a good story to tell that just got to do a good job of telling. >> can he tell it? yeah, that's right the question. >> regardless of what happens in the state of the union what they got to do tonight is win the after, win the spin. >> laura: got win the spin, as if there is any doubt that biden will win the spin in our media landscape we have now. of course he is going. to say because our dishonest media includes anchors, reporters and analysts who refuse to cover the border crisis for years, until they had to, and they down played the risk of inflation, crime, and the damage that the radical trans movement is doing to our kids. so the prespeech build up is the best in my view comedy going. dave chapelle should really take notes. >> i think you will see a lot of energy from the president.
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again, i will remind you, john, last year in real time he schooled the republicans who were talking about medicare and social security and made sure they committed to taking that off the table. that's the kind of energy you saw last year. that's the kind of energy i see every day when i'm working with the president. >> laura: prediction, in a few hours the media will be lavishing praise on biden. and if you can't watch the speech, you will hear people saying that it was amazing how biden knocked it out of the park. how he put to rest the doubts about his stamina. he nailed it. he was passionate. he did what he needed to do. it will be right up there the speech at the end of all of this with jfk's inaugural address and the gettysburg address. but, we had a taste of this just a few days ago. >> start your tape right now because i'm about to tell you the truth. and f.u. if you can't handle the truth. this version of biden
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intellectually, analytically, is the best biden ever. not a close second. >> laura: okay. this is delusional and frankly it's sad. now, we're supposed to believe after seeing biden in the last just three year span, that he is sharper than he was 37 years ago at the beto o'rourke bourque co? all right you be the judge. >> controversy over the constitution has been over the basic question that is certain to animate the debate that may commence in this committee. and that is the debate between the tensions between the rights of an individual and the will of the majority. >> i -- i guess i should -- clear my -- my mind here a little bit and not say what i'm really thinking. >> laura: okay. of course voters know that this spin, biden's at the top of his game is just all lies.
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a new pew research poll shows people are seeing right through it? >> big estuary of concern for biden in these numbers is probably on questions like is he mentally sharp? 29% say that describes joe biden. is he energetic? 24% say that describes biden and that underscores the challenge and potentially the opportunity that joe biden has with his speech tonight. >> laura: the opportunity to go from 26 to 28. now, i'm actually shocked that msnbc discussed biden's numbers today because it cuts against their own pro-biden narrative. but numbers are numbers. and when they are put in historical perspective, they are really bad for biden. george w. bush won in 2004 with a 54% approval. obama was a bit under 50%. and he beat romney, of course, in 2012. trump was at 46% approval in 2020. and, of course, he lost to biden. but now biden? he is now sitting at just 3 7 a. approval. and just when you think that
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couldn't get worse historically for biden, it does. >> if you want to push the clock back further the incouple bents where biden is or lower re-election year george bush in 1992. jimmy carter in 1980, they were both defeated for re-election. that's the historical challenge that biden faces. >> laura: well, the real challenge that biden faces is that the results of his policies are deeply unpopular and deeply damaging to the country. open borders, lower wages, more trans stuff, more war. china emboldened. so any president, even a president like at the top of his, you know, game in communicating would have a really hard time selling that as something good for america. and for that reason his communications team, his comms team, which certainly runs the white house gaslighting and spin from their pals. they even tried bringing in fake presidents to help the real
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president. i never spoke to some presidents all at one time. what i big speech i have to do coming up state of the union? any advice you have for me delivering my speech. >> well, sir, in my capacity as president, all i had to deal with was the media. >> we just had invaders from out of space coming in. >> i do feel i should just point out one thing there is no crying in politics. >> laura: i just want to stop for a moment going off teleprompter. there are really serious things happening around the world, someone had an idea to spend a couple hours, which is probably what that took with biden, especially, to bring in actors to kind of do a big roll up to the state of the union. two hours, at least. that's their priority. but, i mean, i got to be fair, it's better than getting his economic ideas from let's say sesame street. >> cookie, cookie.
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>> pointed out cookies his cooks are getting smaller, paying the same price, ha ha. i was stunned when i found out that's what actually happened. >> laura: what did ernie and berth say? well, because biden refused to change any of his policies either on the border or anti-gas agenda faking it is all they have. trump is going to cancel elections forever if he wins. america will have no on allies in the world. trump will imprison his political enemies. of course that's precisely what they are trying to do. oh, sorry. the people who want to ban gas cars and gas stoves, they are all about freedom. >> look, you're going to hear the president address how our democracy is under attack, how our freedoms are certainly under attack. is he going to speak to what we have been seeing across the country as it relates to a woman's healthcare. >> laura: healthcare, killing babies. as i have said before, pot, porn, abortion, transgenderism,
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open borders, maybe throw in ukraine. that pretty much sums up the agenda of today's democratic party. but one problem, none of that helps people pay their grocery bills or fill up their gas tanks. >> making things harder not easier for the millions of americans who probably aren't watching tonight because they are too busy working a second job or try to figure out racking their brains how they are going to cover rent and their car payments this month. biden's spin, his friend's spin not going to help them. frankly it insults them. and that's the angle. joining us now missouri senator josh hawley. senator kjp gave up a little preview. gave us a preview of tonight's speech. watch this. >> it's going to be important for the american people to hear directly from him on his vision, how -- what he has done in the last three years. he has done more in the last three years, wily, than most presidents have been able to do in their first -- in their two
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terms. >> laura: senator? >> well, he has done more in the last three years open our border, let 9 million illegals cross, laura, he has given away our entire auto industry to china, he has flat lined wages for american workers. i mean, we could just go on and on. the question has he done anything good for america? i can't think of a single thing. >> laura: these speeches tend to come and go and the bottom line as i said in the angle, people actually have to pay their bills. and the spin, i'm going to get into the economic stuff with larry kudlow coming up. but this idea that america's democracy is on the line, trump is hitler, trump is paul pot. trump is stalin. that doesn't seem to be resonating at all but i guess that's all they have. >> when you wreck the economy like he has wrecked it and treated workers like he has. here's what he is doing when you mandate that we use tax dollars to pay china to make electric vehicles we don't want and sell them back to us at a huge mark-up, when that's your
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economic policy make china rich and make america poor yeah you have got to talk about the maga extremist and threats to democracy. only threat to democracy is joe biden's senility and the fact he has weaponized his justice department. >> laura: i tried to book oscar from sesame street who lives in the garbage. announce that the u.s. military, senator, is going to build a port in gaza, we have so much extra money. the development was revealed by senior administration officials leaking this before the state of the union to discuss humanitarian aid, for the hamas controlled territory. hamas is still holding american hostages, and this is a political move, is it not, on the part of this administration because they are bleeding support in michigan and other places? >> absolutely. joe biden try to appeal hamas face. think about it. guy so desperate for votes is he willing to go out and there throw israel under the bus and go out and pretend there is some moral equivalence between what
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has happened to israel on october 7th and what the pro-hamas fanatics are doing to their own people. if you want to blame somebody for what is happening in gaza blame hamas. instead is he blaming israel. it's all about votes. >> laura: when you go back home and talk to people in missouri. some are hesitant about voting for president trump. but, i'm hearing more and more, you know, he gets it. like simple comments that people make. even they are annoyed by nicknames. he gets it. i think that they mean he gets them, what they're going through. are you seeing that? >> absolutely. i mean, listen, it's not complicated. people want the border secure. they don't want drugs pouring into their country. they don't want 9 million illegals and people like laken riley being murdered in cold blood by illegal immigrants joe biden has let into the country. this isn't hard. they want to be safe and plots per russ. >> look at record biden's. >> laura: make biden appear for vigorous including this one. >> i think that what he ought to do is -- or try to do do what he
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last year ad-lib. go off script. show that he doesn't have to have a script. that's what a lot of people think that biden can't walk or talk without a script or chew gum. show that he can act in the moment and that shows real mental acute, it shows he is on top of his game. >> who said m mark kin none wast a fan of donald trump. that's the best news go off script. i love the hat. >> i'm going to sit there in the state of the union. i will be enduring it along with the rest of america. i would love to hear the president actually express authentic comment. is he not capable of doing it, laura. let's admit the truth. >> laura: i will get in trouble if i answer any questions he always says. >> there you go. there's a reason. >> laura: when he goes back to that microphone that's always a bad day for the comms team. senator, i don't want to delay you from walking across the way to get to the capitol. good luck. >> thanks for having me. >> laura: democrats are happy to build a wall, just not one that needs to be built.
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vivek ramaswamy joins us next with reaction. stay there. ♪ - [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. - [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better.
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>> we can secure our border without an ineffective specific wall. >> building a wall is not an answer, not here or any place.
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>> we don't build up walls to keep people out. >> >> laura: oh, yeah you do. we all know liberals love walls and tall gates, big fences, lots of security to keep uninvited guests from crashing their fancy houses and of course they want to keep theirselves safe. and at the u.s. capitol they love keeping americans out, americans. they find fences and barriers useful as props as a way to remind people, of course, of january 6th, to give the impression that maga is a threat to democracy joining me now is vivek ramaswamy former g.o.p. presidential candidate. defense man extraordinaire. this offense is giving january 6th vibe. are they going to put us all in solitary confinement, too? >> certainly what they are planning to send the vibe of. it was pretty striking to me. i was there earlier today, these people that believe that walls work. they know they are effective. part of the reason they don't support one at the southern border is not because it doesn't work but because it does work and so that's what it comes to this border issue denies not a
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technical challenge go. to capitol hill you see it's a technical challenge. keep people out. they are good at that. it's a challenge of will and incentives. if you are importing long run voters in the democratic party, you are not going to need a particular rush to actually stop that long wave influx that's what is going on. >> laura: egg pass area of texas where all the migrants coming through. they caught one of the illegal aliens wearing a biden-harris shirt, watch. [speaking spanish] [laughter] >> laura: that's a riot. they are laughing at every step of the way. and do you know what? if you are playing for that team, they are signaling exactly who they want to vote for. here's the other thing that is pretty remarkable, laura, in principle election integrity at this, voter i.d. at the ballot box and the issue of illegal
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immigration and border security are two separate issues. what is remarkable is that the very people who favor porous borders or poor border security are also the ones who favor lowered requirements for voting. so these issues i think are intimately labeled- >> laura: do you think illegals will be voting in the next election. >> inevitably a lot of seepage and long run play. look at what democrats were saying this is now considered a conspiracy theory of sorts on the right, it's a conspiracy reality because democrats have been saying it for 10 years. this was their way of actually -- >> laura: what's their. no one voted for this and they don't care. supposedly the great defenders of democracy. nobody wants this open border. no one wants these endless wars. no one i knows wants endless wars the washington contingent and washington crowd might. most people do not want these policies and they literally do not care. >> a nation without borders is not a nation. i don't care if you are a democrat or republican or independent, most people in country agree on that. up to us now to step up and make
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that our vision rather than complaining what the other side is doing. i think if we do that we win. >> laura: today the house passed laken riley act only 37 democrats voted for it. one explained his decision. >> the bill says if you are arrested, that you could be detained indefinitely. have someone detained without that due process i think is unamerican. >> right. even if that person allegedly goes on to kill a beautiful nursing student on the university of georgia grounds? >> well, obviously that is horrific, what he did which was steal $200, i don't think people would have been able to draw a direct correlation between everyone who steals $200 and being a brutal murderer. >> laura: they are fine with criminals being here. they are more interested in the due process rights of illegal aliens who never should have been here than they are the due process rights of people languishing in prison here in the united states because they didn't have the right political view. >> the first thing obvious
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observation of the difference between george floyd's death and laken riley death. look at the responses of the same political party to those two deaths. it's a travesty. here's the other thing, laura. we have made a mistake in this country that it's time to actually correct. citizens who are here legally versus non-citizens who entered illegally. do not enjoy the same rights. and i think let's even go to the 14th amendment. birthright citizenship does not apply to the kids of illegals. so supreme should read the 14th amendment really carefully where a lot of the due process under the law and other attributes are guaranteed. >> laura: constitutionally about it but we could win that debate. >> win that debate easily subject to the jurisdiction thereof in the 14th amendment. my suggestion to the left when they complain about the 14th amendment is actually try reading it. many of them haven't given that a try first. we are on the winning side of that. >> laura: do you think any of this is going to work tonight for biden? it's going to make any difference whatsoever. >> i think the stakes are very high. they are have undoubtedly prepped him got him offer whatever energy enhancements he is going to need going into
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tonight to make sure this is effective performance. the reality is they might do themselves a favor if he actually craters so they can do what i think many want to do anyway which is to sideline him by the summer and really restart the election process then. >> laura: you are a betting man. i will bet you that's never happened. do you want to put money on that. >> i think it's 50/50. people of vested interest to keep him there. at the same time a bait and switch operation is a trap we can't afford to fall into. >> laura: he is their best option. that's the truth. you know business. i know. this he's their best option. they don't have anyone better than biden. that's the truth. >> i think the reality is he is a puppet they can control. that much i will agree with you on. his mental fatalities that's not a bug but a feature for them because it allows them to control him. more recently they have lost their use. people stopping at nothing to keep donald trump out of office. i think they will stop at nothing here as well. >> laura: you know something about politics. i wasn't trying to say you know nothing about politics. >> i'm proudly an newcomer. >> laura: in the swamp you feel
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it? >> i'm eager to leave. >> laura: vivek, great to see you as always. president biden preparing plenty of spin, of course about the economy tonight. larry kudlow is here. he's going to help us kind of sift through this all in the swamp. don't go away. ♪
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>> compare the stories the state the country was in when donald trump left to where it is now, wages, everything going in the right direction economically. >> when we talk about 14 million jobs created, unemployment under 4%, wages have gone up, that did not happen by accident. >> laura: well, nice try. but here's the truth. when they tell you wages are up, that's a lie. in fact, real wages are down 2%. a gallon of gas now costs 42% more since biden took office. groceries effects all of us, up
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25%. do you know what else is up? credit card debt, spiking 47% since biden took office. one other when the white house says, which they are saying a lot now, look at the stock market, it's an all-time high, first they laughed at trump when he said that second, when trump took office, the dow was at 19,827. shot up to 30,996 when he left office. that's an increase of 56.3%. today, the dow closed at 38,791, compared to 30,996 when biden took over. that's an increase of 25.1%. remember trump had to overcome covid whereas biden got the benefits of the end of covid. he should have run with it. joining me now larry kudlow, host of larry kudlow on fox business, former chair of the national economic council under president trump. larry, does the biden spin win? >> they are going to really try again and they shouldn't because the facts are completely at
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loggerheads. at one point i want to make when joe biden came into office, the economy was growing at 6.5% with an inflation rate less than 1.5%. those are facts. that's not politics. those are factoids pure and simple. the other thing i want to say is you compare trump wages under donald trump, average -- this is the most important measure you can have for working folks, average weekly wages, okay? adjusted for inflation, okay? they have gone down almost 5% after three years of joe biden. similarly under trump, they went up 9%. we have the -- i mean i will tell you what it was, january 2017, okay, $366 a week. that's what you made. when trump left office in january '21, $3,999 a week now
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now -- $399. january '24, $380, it's gone down 4.9% in three years plus under joe biden. people took a pay cut in the biden years. >> laura: they feel it. >> that's why his coalition is falling apart. >> the doesn't change the facts. >> can't change the facts. >> laura: msnbc, larry, tried to talk to voters about the economy. well, didn't go so well for them. >> wages are up. inflation is easing, stock market are doing well. they feel about the economy day to day? >> i'm not sure i agree with what you just said. everything you have to buy every day is way more expensive than previous years. >> laura: this was in erie, pennsylvania, larry. that's good news for trump. that's bad news for the people there. >> working folks, not the richest, working folks see essentials just cost a lot more.
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whether it's gasoline, or whether it's groceries, and you were running to some of these price increases. look, i will say federal reserve has brought down the yearly inflation rate, okay a bit? yes, they have. >> laura: never leafed to be there, larry. >> in the first place. joe biden three years plus inflation rate 6% at annual rate. 6%. under donald trump, the cpi was 1.9% for his entire four year period. >> laura: mortgages were flying. people were buying home. people were positive. consumer confidence was up. >> 2.5% on a 30 year mortgage right now is over 7%. take you about $1,100 a month more to buy the same basket of groceries than it did four years ago. >> laura: larry, i have been it dying to talk to you about. >> this just stuff. >> laura: really quickly because they are going to yell at me. when biden talks about shrinkflation has the municipalities.
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it's annoying when packages are smaller. >> cookie monster. >> laura: yeah, why are companies forced to do that now without losing money. >> because their raw material prices have shot up. >> laura: thank you. >> labor costs have shot up. either they jacked up prices, which turns off consumers or they give you a few fewer potato chips to hold market share. they are caught between a rock and hard place. >> laura: what are they supposed to do. >> because of bidenflation. >> he cause it. great to see you in person as always. >> thanks for having me. >> laura: you're welcome. biden will push for more ukraine funding tonight. he knows support for that is waning. he sent john kerry out with the solution. kevin has all the details. >> laura, listen, if you could steal the phrase what's you talking about willis into a single quote. the climate czar john kerry what he just said might just top the list. this weakery seemed to suggest
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that the world might feel better about the ongoing blood shed caused by russia in ukraine if, that's right, if it cut its emissions. quote: if russia wanted to show good faith, they could go out and announce what their reductions are going to be to be and make a greater effort to reduce emissions, maybe that would open up the door for people to feel better about what russia is choosing to do at this point in time. say what? now, normally, this is the part where you would use a clip from that movie you know naked gun where everybody slaps their forehead in unison because you can't just make this stuff up. needless to say over on capitol hill even democrats were hard-pressed to explain kerry's jaw-dropping gaffe. >> i can't defend that. that's an absurd comment. look, putin biggest crime is the invasion of ukraine and killing innocent people and to think that if you had better climate policy that that would in any way excuse a brutal war is just
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foolishness, he should certainly retract that statement and i really don't know what the guy was thinking. >> ro khanna straight shooter online radio reaction as you can imagine was pithy. at this point the biden administration is like a continuous snl skit said texas senator ted cruz on x. others piled on with one social media user calling kerry a raving lunatic and a climate clown. laura? >> laura: climate clown. kevin, great to see you as always. a former nikki haley donor says, well, her g.o.p. days are nourished. if she doesn't do one thing right now. he's next. ♪ more flexible way to move, with pods. save up to 20% now for a limited time. whether you're moving across town or across the country. save up to 20% at pods dot com today.
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♪ >> laura: now, nikki haley is known to be very smart. but she wouldn't listen. you got to know when to hold them, you got to know when to fold them. it's time for her to fold them. she has absolutely no chance. why humiliate yourself in south carolina and lose by 31 points in your home state? it's political suicide. >> laura: that was from a nikki haley donor. now being praised by the left and supporters courted by the biden campaign. >> i think the state of the union is going to serve as
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another moment to further cement the choice in this election for the american electorate at large and of course for nikki haley supporters as well. >> you saw between 7 and 8 and 10 of these haley voters say they are not committed to voting for donald trump this november. so we see these as opportunities. >> >> joining me now is andy former nikki haley donor, current of melt corporation. welcome back. how do you think haley has played this? >> thank you for having me, laura. and what do we know today we didn't know yesterday? we knew that she had no path. unfortunately, she was misled by her fundraisers and handlers telling her what she wanted to hear. not what she should hear. then she proceeded with the alabama following agreeing with alabama's decision on ivf knowing that she even has two
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ivf kids. now, i think the real mistake, when she entered these five debates, she pledged to no matter who were the republican nominee was that she would support that nominee knowing very well there was a strong possibility of it being donald trump. coming from the trading business, your word is your bond. and in my opinion, nikki haley must keep her word. if she wants credibility and she wants to be trusted going forward. >> laura: here's the problem. you got mitch mcconnell endorsing trump. i'm sure he is not thrilled about it but he endorsed trump. john thune endorsed trump. he wants to be the next leader of the republican party. you got john cornyn, number establishment guy endorsed trump. i mean, people are lining up, business people are lining up. he is meeting with a lot of big deal business people now.
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wall street people showing up to have dinner with him. they know kind of where things are headed and they want to, you know, cover their bases but she seems to think that he owes her something at this point. >> well, she already committed suicide. she is adding to it. i'm a big fan of mitch mcconnell, but nobody has been called worse names and more names by donald trump than mitch mcconnell. but he's a class act. is he a real martin luther king. real -- he came back andwants te party. america has a real problem with biden getting reelected. >> laura: oh god, no. >> sit down and say to themselves what about kamala harris? there is probably a better than 50 or 60% chance that you're going to deal with a kamala harris presidency if biden wins in november. lawyer layer we should just have the bumper stickers kamala 2024
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and get more people to vote. andy, great to see you. thanks so much. while president biden gets ready to leave the white house for the state of the union, donald trump has a plan to hit back in real time. oh, i love. this mollie hemingway, ari fleischer, they are here to react, next. ♪
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♪ >> laura: in about 30 minutes or so biden will get into his motorcade and head over to capitol hill where is he going to try to defend the indefensible, what he has done to this country. for a preview we go live to the white house with fox's own peter doocy. he's standing by. peter? >> peter: laura, we have seen this over the last couple months the trend is poll after poll find a lot of people going to be watching the president for the first time in a while thinking he has more issues with his mental sharpness than president trump does. part of the president's approach is going to be tell these people watching trump four years younger is actually the same age. they gave us this excerpt. part of it says my lifetime
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taught me to embrace freedom and democracy the future core honesty, dignity equality to respect everyone to give everyone a fair shot. to give hate no safe harbor. now, some other people, my age, see a different story, an american story of resentment beings revenge and retribution, that's not me. the president is also going to try to pitch a unity agenda on things like fighting fentanyl that everybody likes. that officials hope could appeal to moderate republicans. but at the same time, he plans to put republican lawmakers down, specifically for killing a bipartisan border deal and for hostility as he sees it to what biden officials call reproductive rights, specifically access to abortions and ivf. officials are also saying they know the talk about israel and gaza tonight could be very emotional, even for people in their own parties, so the speech prep has included practice for how to deal with hecklers from his own party and at the moment, even though we are about an hour away from the president leaving here to go over there are about
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100 protesters who are trying to obstruct the motorcade. specifically people who want president biden to be tougher on israel and more sympathetic to the cause of a cease-fire. you can see it there. these guys are in the street. the secret service has multiple ways they could go to the capitol. it's not likely that this is going to cause any kind of a delay to the speech. but, they are going to have to get a bunch of plastic handcuffs out pretty quick so they can start on time. laura? >> laura: all right, peter, great to see you. joining me now mollie hemingway editor and chief at "the federalist." ari fleischer former white house press secretary. both are fox news contributors. ari it does appear that biden has some really hard core fans located around that motorcade route. a decent crowd, maybe 100 or so. can't tell from the pool shots we have. they are not happy biden is now going to put a port in using our military to help hamas with americans still held hostage there. but is he thinking that is going
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to help him politically. thoughts tonight? >> yeah. a couple things. number one, if this little protest tonight just wait until chicago. just wait for the democrats gather in chicago. what you are seeing tonight is nothing. chicago going to likely be mayhem for the democrats. as for that port that he is going to announce tonight to bring allegedly humanitarian relief to the people in gaza, that is not to bring relief to the people in gaza. it is much more to bring relief to joe biden in michigan. that's what that is about. that is one of the most overuses of the military to secure a political purpose at home. he is so worried about losing votes from the arab community in michigan, that's what is motivating him to do this. and he is going to lose on that front. i can't wait for the speech tonight to hear what he says about hamas. is he trying to have it both ways. and you can't do that on the issue like this. he is alienating america's jewish community, which is overwhelmingly voting block and arab community. is he going to end up with the worst of both worlds.
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>> laura: mollie, i have enjoyed thoroughly over the last, you know, 48 hours, the media's big build up to tonight and their claims about trump as poor biden has struggles off the cuff comments. nicolle wallace and rachel maddow, they had some interesting comments. let's play them. >> america becoming a threat, which is what it becomes, a threat to the world order if trump is reelected a known known. >> project of the republican party is to install a strong man form of government in the united states and get rid of democracy. and that is the project of electing donald trump. >> laura: so they are to lead us to believe there will never be another elections in the united states. i don't think there's a person on the planet who actually believes that and i don't think they believe it. >> i don't think there is anyone who believes that but they also have the problem that president biden and his department of justice are right now engaged in the retribution and retaliation that he says that he needs to be
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reelected to prevent. that's what the department of justice is doing. it's one of the reasons why his polling is so poorly. but, as far as the world situation, too, even this protest tonight shows another problem that he has relative to president trump. you remember, during the trump presidency, that he was -- you saw peace breaking out all over the world, including in the middle east. and president biden who claimed he would be a very good foreign policy president had been overseeing quite a bit of chaos around the world. >> laura: ari, chaos as far as the eye can see in the middle east in america. tonight, this is just as you said a sliver of evidence of what biden is going to face at his own convention. but, the people are not happy about the migrant crime, taking resources from hard-working americans. people are, you know, i hate the word, pd. off and they are mad. they feel like nobody is representing them exexcept that guy donald trump. >> inflation is still the leading issue in the united
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states, even more than the border. it's because people are still suffering from it every day. and there's nothing joe biden can say tonight or do tonight that really is going to reverse that i have been in the white house where you try to craft a speech for a president whose popularity was on the decline. and you are looking for the right words, the right language. but events are bigger than any one president's words on any one given night. people understand that when you give a speech, you are packaging it, you are putting it together. it's a wish list. but then they go right back to their reality the next morning when they get off the couch. and that's why there's really little that -- to anything joe biden can do tonight to reverse those fortunes. the only thing that can help joe biden is if either he gets younger and healthier between now and the election or inflation and the economy really do change dramatically between now and november. >> laura: that's not happening. no. i mean, the feds, pulling interest rates down. you will see a lot of people wondering how interesting since inflation really isn't coming down as rapidly as they predicted. but there's an issue about
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mental acuity. they are trying to compare trump to biden. and you saw that with people my age bull. this is what happened with the conversation between jake tapper and chris coons. watch this. >> former president trump is saying that he wants to debate joe biden any time anywhere any place. is that a good idea? >> i wouldn't encourage it but i don't think the campaign or the president has made a decision yet. >> are you saying that president biden should not debate former president trump? >> i think that's up to him. >> laura: that's your answer, mollie, he will never debate donald trump. >> except that's a problem for him. he has -- he has a situation where people know that he is struggling with his mental acuity. they need to see him debate. they need to see that he is able to handle the situation. and so if he refuses to debate, and i understand why people would want to avoid it, it only reinforces for people that problem. it's not just mental acuity. it is the policies that people don't like. it is.
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>> laura: results. >> he could change those policies and he is refusing to do that. and so the policy is whether it's on the border, with foreign policy, with the economy, with crime. those are the things that people don't like. even more than they don't like the fact that he doesn't seem to be all there. >> laura: ari, they keep thinking this is a comms problem. so the comms team is essentially running this white house as far as i can tell. by the way, we have another excerpt from the speech tonight. he says that -- he is going to say i came to office determined to get us through one of the toughest periods in our nation's history and we have. it doesn't make the news but in thousands of cities and towns american people are writing the greatest come back story never told. ari, i think the greatest come back story that's in the offing is trump's ascendensy. >> i think that's probably right, laura. they shouldn't even try. it is a political mistake and communications mistake to try to tell the american people that which you earnestly believe and feel is wrong and you need to change your beliefs. it's just not going to work.
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this is an emotional issue. it's an emotional reaction to biden's bad policies because people see what's going on in the border is wrong. what is happening, inflation, hurts. and you can't tell people deny what you're feeling. that's what this white house is trying to do. it just won't work. >> laura: mollie, quickly, young people don't really watch politics as much as the rest of us do. they will catch bits and pieces of this. will this change any minds? >> i doubt that this will make a huge -- the only thing that would make a huge splash is if he really does fail to deliver this speech but he will probably handle it just fine and it will not matter much at all. >> laura: reading a teleprompter he actually did do that decently. mollie and ari, great to see you. thank you so much. that is it for us tonight. stay with fox all night for the state of the union coverage. thank you for watching. jesse watters takes it from here. it's america now and forever. see you tomorrow night follow me on social you will get commentary throughout the night. ♪ ♪


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