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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 8, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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reporter: they say crackdown is against crime and not visitors. >> we police actions not color. if you decide to come to the city, we expect you to act accordingly. reporter: dui check point and $100 parking fees to stop the violence and lawlessness face off last year. >> spring break is lame and fort lauderdale is jumping and it's lit. reporter: you heard that college student going up north and he says the party is no longer in miami beach. shannon. >> shannon: okay, danamarie, thank you very much. cutting tie withs a parent company controlled by china or risk a ban here in the united states and popular video sharing app has about 170 million users.
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>> dana: welcome to brand new hour of america's news room. i'm dana perino and bill's on assignment and i have my besty sitting next to me. >> shannon: oh, yeah. we've stayed out of jail no. problems yet. i'm shannon bream. lawmakers warning about the potential daniels of tiktok and hearing about it for years and the company may have proved point sending letter to users urging them to call congress and fight the bill. boy, did they. tiktok marching orders jamming phone lines on capitol hill and a stark preview of how maybe china can use the app as a weapon against america. a key house panel yesterday advancing the bill out of a committee in a rare unanimous, bipartisan vote 50-0 setting up for a full vote in the house next week.
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>> china is buying up our farmland and spying on the military insulations and predicting propaganda through the likes of tiktok. credit carder cp knows if it conquers the minds of the next generation, it conquers america. >> shannon: chad pergram is live on capitol hill after a short night. hey, chad. >> shannon, good morning. tiktok proved the influence and chinese-backed platform urged visiers to phone congress and oppose the risk of tiktok in the u.s. and congressional officers said tiktok fooded the license and many calls from middle schoolers and young people. >> tiktok early in the day and sent out to 170 million users
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and contact your members of congress. but we've been getting calls in our office and we've been telling people that this is nod a ban. reporter: tiktok can operate if the parent company byte dance complies and a house committee voted 50-0 to send the bill to the floor. >> i don't support banning and nobody on the committee does this. is a stunning scale. and that gives us access to the personal access to every single one. >> reporter: the white house supports the plan but president biden is having it two ways and his campaign uses tiktok to reach younger voters. lawmakers accuse china of weaponnizing tiktok against the u.s.. >> imagine when they want to truly engage in psychological
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warfare against the american people and break down our will and manipulate what we see and manipulate public opinion and they can drive cultural trends and they could drive us into insanity if they wanted and people are truly addicted to watching that app. reporter: now tiktok contends the bill undercuts millions of american small businesses which use the platform and house nah majority leader steve scalise propses a vote on the bill next week. shannon. >> shannon: thank you, chad. >> dana: bring in congressman mike gallagher and chairman of the house select committee on the chinese communist party. what would the bill do and how did you get a 50-0 result? >> it was forcing separation. the core concern is the ownership structure. as long as tiktok is owned by byte dance and byte dance is indisputably beholding to the chinese communist party and the risk is the adversary controls the news in america and most americans under the age of 30 aren't just using this to
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promote we are dance videos and getting their news. it would compel a divestiture and think of it as a surgery designed to remove the tumor from the patient and thereby save it and all the small businesses are concerned and they can continue to use the platform as long as we separate from chinese communist party control. tiktok proved our point yesterday and we had kids, compelling kids to call members of congress and in some cases threatening suicide. i had a colleague who had a caller call in and pretending to be his son. that that is for this bill and imagine what they could do getting closer to the election or on a more wavy issue on whether or not to vote ongoing to war or something like this. >> shannon: why is this different and senator warrener and democrats and senators alike getting rid of tiktok or the chinese influence connection with it. why is this different? >> we've learned from past efforts that have failed to do this and spent eight months
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working together and bipartisan effort and ranking member with the lead democratic cosponsor fell to work with and absoluting morris odell beckham jrer and frank palone working together and strong bipartisan core and the white house working it provide technical assistance and feedback and trump's efforts fail to legal bust and lesch from that experience and successful on the house floor next week. >> dana: congressman, what does the white house run by president biden know that the biden presidential campaign does not know because the campaign is very much on tiktok and wants to figure out a way to target those young voters? >> fair to say there's a divide and every single biden national security official from the director of national intelligence has warned to the fbi director most recently in my committee and tiktok under the present ownership is a clear and
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present danger to national security and campaign has a different view and i can't control the biden campaign and i can try and pass a bill into law and luckily the president o or karine jean peer signaled he'd sign the bill. then both campaign cans use it. >> dana: members of congress are staffers of this and it's a number of states are trying this as well. montana and i think of others trying to do something more kin to ban an age limit and how much is this about parental involvement and their awareness of what you're alleging is going on with tiktok in the ccp? >> for me it's primarily about foreign adversary control of a social media app ask solving that problem and confront a second and more difficult problem which is that the corrosive impact of all social media on kids. as a parent that's the problem i should solve before my daughters
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are older and is influential and bruising debate about the other issue and it's correlation with anxiety and suicide and depression. >> dana: on the house noor and how quickly to the president's desk? >> no one has ever accused the senate of moving quickly and i've had a lot of interim senators and senator warrener sees the threat clearly and hagerty wants to take action and i can't handicap that and i'm a member of the people's house and not the house of lords and i hope they'll take it up and move quickly and i've had a lot of productive conversations. >> dana: congratulations, 50-0. >> shannon: i would say your 3 and 1-year-old are probably better at social media and screens than i am at this point. we look to them at this point. >> thank you. >> shannon: good to see you. fox news alert on the economy. u.s. employers adding a stronger
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than expected 275,000 jobs in february and the un-moment rate though ticked up to 3.9% and there are revisions to earlier months and the report can complicate the fed's decision on whether to cut decisions. >> dana: president biden using state of the union address to propose a bunch of measures and campaign promises during an election year that it won't come cheap and could cost you a bundle. grady trimble of fox business live at the white house with the price tag. what is it, grady? reporter: hey, dana, it's a lot when you add up all the policy proposals that the president put forward last night and gop critics calling them a laundry list of expensive freebies like student loan debt forgiveness and going for more. >> tax credits of $80 per person per year reduce healthcare costs for millions of working
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families. no child should go hungry in this country. i want ann yule tax credit giving americans 400 a month for two years as mortgage rates come down. reporter: all that adds up to billions of dollars if it happens and the president makes the case, policies like those can selling student loan debt are good for the economy. he always talks about building the economy from the boot tom up and middle out and republicans argue it's these types of programs from the biden administration that have caused higher prices and interest rates making the american treatment less attainable and he's out of touch with the american people. >> they're not concerned about how many degree toe chips are in a bag. they're concerned about whether they have enough money to pay their mortgage that's doubled under him because of inflation and interest rate hikes and again, he's doubling down, he's pouring gasoline on the fire of inflation and he's going to make
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the quality of life and standard of living even worse. reporter: if you're wondering how president biden proposes paying for all this, one way he floated last night and floated in the past is raising the corporate tax rate and republicans say that will lead to fewer jobs and more financial hardship. dana. >> dana: grady trimble, the debate is on, thank you. >> shannon: there are 22 arab ststates and president biden is pushing for a 23rd and calling for a "palestinian state right there on israel's border". will caving into the squad help him in november? there's also this. >> come on, we're in a house of god. for that recognition. >> shannon: so much for rolling out welcome mat. >> dana: letitia james takes the stage at an event and met
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with a course of boos. >> shannon: where in the world is bill hemmer? not a bad view and probably a hint too. listen to the song for another one and we'll reveal where he is later this hour. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein.
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>> oh, come on, we're in a house of god. for that recognition. >> dana: they weren't having that. new york attorney general letitia james got less than a warm welcome at ceremony for new york city fire department and booing crowd drowning out her speech to first responders. james was there to honor the wearing in of first african
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american chaplain of fdny and james prayed for the fire fighters even the ones boog her and we'd like to hear that. >> shannon: we do. federal judge denying a request by president trump for the payment to e. jean carroll and in january a judge ordered tram top pay her for defaming her and president trump's team responded by saying "this is a continuation of a totally lawless witch hunt". it's adding up there in new york. they don't mess around. >> dana: it was a surprise to me that you have to pay the fine before you appeal. >> shannon: some bond. right, in new york, it's a new york state thing that is, you know, when you give somebody a half million like the other case he has to deal with. that procolludes for a lot of people be -- precludes for a lot of people to make an appeal. if you're appealing the payment itself.
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>> dana: seems strange. what do you think will happen? >> shannon: when it comes to the new york state system, it's going to work very well for him. we'll see. they're going to keep trying. >> dana: there you have that. we'll pay attention to that and also to this, founder of lgbtq nonprofit is behind bars after authorities say she stole $150,000 from covid relief funds and then she fled the country. david spunt is live in washington with the latest. what happened here, david? reporter: her name is ruby coraddo and appearing in dc for a detention hearing and facing money laundering and defraud ago covid era paycheck protection program. the 53-year-old ran a washington nonprofit and provided services to lgbtq+ community called casa ruby and she's promoting it a few years ago. >> we're going to be inviting you to get to know who are the people of casa ruby. reporter: opponent to the
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criminal complaint filed she diverted at least $150 grand of $1.3 million in taxpayer-backed emergency relief funds related to the paycheck protection program to offshore banks and using for personal use and received $1.3 million from the paycheck protection program and injury disaster loan program and she transferred $150,000 to el salvador keeping it away from irs scrutiny and facing charges of bank fraud, wire fraud, laundering of money instruments, criminally derived proceeds and failure to report of foreign bank accounts and she fled to el salvador in 2022 but fbi agents, dana and shannon, arrested her at a hotel in maryland this week. casa ruby shut when it became public that employees weren't getting paid and other issues tackle hell and will she could face 30 years in prison for bank fraud and up to 20 years for
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wire fraud and up to 20 years for money launders. dana. >> dana: sounds like it all caught up to her. >> shannon: it's been ten years since malaysia airlines plight mh370 vanished over the indian ocean. and the families of the 239 people on board are still waiting for closure. greg palkot has more from london and, greg, this has been such a fascinating story for so long. i can't believe we're at the 10-year anniversary. >> amazing stuff, shannon. 10 years ago state of the art boeing 777 took off and then disappeared without leaving much of a trace. new there cub a new hunt and new hope. take a welcome. mh370 with 209 on board took off from malaysia and after 30 minutes it wasn't heard from again. >> it's suddenly the greatest mystery of modern aviation. reporter: heading for china and veered off course and telemetry off and is the light tracked to
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southern indian ocean and those in beijing wondering including michigan native waiting for texas boyfriend phillip wood. >> how can this happen? how is it possible? reporter: that triggered air, sea, and under water search, one of the biggest of all time and come up with little. except for a few plane pieces on distant shores and victim's families gather ten years on and crash theories rage from mechanical to foul play and some news amid a new hunt. >> i'm reporting of investigations of mmc70. >> they want another try and specialists found a clever way of tracing the plane's exact path. >> as long as we look in the right places, then we will find it. reporter: good news for those still grieving, including vim tim partner sarah looking for peace at panama resort. >> we want resolution and leaving it hanging open is like the wound can never totally heal. reporter: a wound that couldn't
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heal for sarah and others connected to the crash, any new lead brings them closer to closure. for investigators, not just answers about the crash they're looking for but ways to make flying safer overall. shannon. >> shannon: greg palkot, thank you very much. >> i'm ready to fix it. send me to the border now. >> dana: president biden trying to pin the border on republicans and will that resinate with voters fed up with the chaos? and we're getting closer to the big reveal. where in the world is bill hemmer? this song might also give you a hint. ♪ when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating?
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>> dana: the tine ager found hundreds of miles from her home in ohio and officials are investigating if she was the victim of human trafficking. alexandria foff covering this four for us. good morning, alex. reporter: good morning, dana. the victim was in the country illegally and she had crossed into the u.s. by herself from honduras and placed by government agencies into a sponsor home. the sponsor police say was also undocumented and the girlfriend of the suspect, experts are baffled. >> the whole intent is to serve the best interest of the child. to protect the child so that they grow up to be okay adults. that doesn't intend for the government and how did this case happen? i don't know. it should have never happened.
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reporter: the suspect was arrested in virginia monday after a tip involving cruz's relationship with the migrant sparked a investigation by ohio state police and charged with sex crimes involving a minor and abduction and another case in virginia, a man was taken into custody here 32-year-old renzo mmendoza montez for the rape ofa 1-year-old girl. but apparently it's a laughing matter according to president biden's former press secretary. >> i live in virginia, immigration was the number one issue. again, this could change, in virginia. >> virginia does have a border with west virginia. build the wall. >> what? reporter: according to ice in that last case there, mendoza montez arrested in may while illegally entering the country in september and given a court dais and release into the u.s.. dana. >> dana: alex, every state is now a border state in this
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situation. thank you. >> we need to secure our boarder and fix the immigration system. i think we can do both. in november, my team began serious negotiation with a bipartisan group of senators. the result was a bipartisan bill with the toughest set of border security for the purposes we've ever seen. you don't think so? oh, you don't like that bill, huh? >> shannon: years of broken promises on the border caught up to the administration and last night the president was pointing finger at republicans for failing to solve the crisis instead of talking about how he is going to fix it. bring in former rnc communication doug high and to counter matt ben nit. welcome. good morning to you. there's a lot of pressure on him and this moment on his way in
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with congresswoman marjorie taylor green who was in her maga stuff saying say laken riley's name and victim of the nursing student in georgia. i want to play a little something when the president finally decided to address that head on. >> lincoln riley, a innocent young woman that was killed by an illegal. that's right, but how many of thousands of people are being killed by illegals? >> shannon: there's a lot to unpack there. that was clearly an unscripted moment but now not the left is coming after him for using the fraise and term illegal. >> it's not a phrase that people on the left like and i understand why. undocumented immigrants is the way they refer to them but the bigger context here is what the president was saying about immigration. he took it head on and it's been a vulnerability form and we'll discuss but what he said was absolutely true, which is he has embraced a very, very tough border deal written by jim langford that's a very
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conservative republican. senator langford was nodding in agreement during that part of the speech because he knows it's true. what biden is proposing to do is going to be the toughest immigration proposals that have been on the table in a long time and the problem is that donald trump has tanked that deal because he told people in the house he didn't want it. >> shannon: whether they've been nodding from langford, the speaker was -- >> dana: speaker said he doesn't have a good poker face but the reason biden wants the bill, doug, is because for three years, after the executive orders he put forward, they dismantled those policies and that's how he ended up with 9 million additional illegal immigrants and all these stories we're talking about. the fox news poll just most recent one, immigration at a 66% disapproval for president biden and the current views on biden versus frequency versus trump four years ago coming to immigration, negative 47 for biden and trump's edge was plus 45. that's all to say to matt's
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point, can biden and the state of the union say republicans are to blame here erase three years if republicans can't figure out a way to talk about this effectively? >> short answer is no. any time outside of washington dc last weekend i spent four days in north carolina. the two things i hear the most are biden's age, he can't do anything about that, and immigration and the border. he can do things on this and look, when i worked in the building behind you all, i would have dreamed to have had a bill negotiated like put forth in congress. congress rejected and we have to move forward and i was surprised by biden giving a lot of words and not really any action. if hoe had said comma, and that's why i'm going to sign this executive order and that executive order showed action, it would have been a much stronger thing for biden. donald trump did one thing very smartly when he was president. when he'd sign an executive order and he'd hold it up so we could all see. look at me and what i've done. what was in the text was less important than demonstrating
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action. bind has to demonstrate action because he's hemorrhaging on this issue. >> shannon: i noticed this moment when the president came in last night and was shaking hands and talking for quite a bit of time with joe mansion, got to be relieved to the white house that he's not running but what does no labels do today? still sort of a thorn in the side of the white house? >> absolutely it is and something i'm obsessed with. they're going to vote today. they're debt gals they hand picked voting to go forward and don't have a candidate. donald trump put on truth social last night how delightful it would be to have mansion and romney running on the no label especially ticket. he knows they'd help him. it's apparently only no labels doesn't know that. >> dana: quick answer, does last night's speech quell any talk of replacing biden at democratic convention? >> it quells some of it. look, this was a good night for him. he was strong and forceful, loud obviously as well. that was on purpose. but there's old bruce springsteen song, prove it all night and biden needs to prove
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it over and over and over again. he's going to be remembered for his last gaffe and his last slipup, not a strong speech. >> dana: doug and matt, thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> shannon: see you guys. >> the president engaged with the community on a number of occasions and working night and day around the clock to secure the release of hostages and make sure we're doing everything we can to, you know, address the situation in the region. >> dana: the white house insisting president biden is doing everything possible to end the fighting in gaza and bring about the release of hostages, including american hostage. his pans were guests at last his pans were guests at last night's state of the union and they'll join us with reaction next old bn america's news room. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis.
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situation is a two-state solution over time. but there is no other path that guarantees security and democracy. there's no other path that guarantees that palestinians can live in peace. >> shannon: president biden reiterating his call for two-state solution for the state of the union address and squad sill still not impressed and cori bush will not say whether she would vote for president biden in the missouri primary later this month. the state facing an uncommit #-d vote protest and republican senator marco rubio says the president is more concerned about the two states in the midwest, not the middle east. >> talks about a two-state solution. what he means by a two-state solution. it's not israel and palestine, his two-state solution he's trying to arrive at with all the crazy ideas are michigan and minnesota. those are the two states that he's most worried about because he's afraid he's going to lose them. >> shannon: democrats urging president biden to take that and all the uncommitted volts as a warning -- votes as a warning
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sign. >> in the chamber tonight are families whose loved ones are still being held by hamas. israel has a right to go after hamas. hamas entered this conflict by releasing hostages, laying down arms could end it by releasing the hostages, laying down arms and surrendering those responsible for october 7. >> dana: partisanship was much in play yesterday for a moment last night and there was a moment, an attempt at unity. president biden bringing lawmakers from both sides of the isle to their feet during the state of the union address promising to secure the freedom of the hostages held by hamas. joining us now are ronan and amayra neutra. what was it like in the chamber last night in the chamber? who was the mood and how did you feel you were received in
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>> well, we attended the speaker johnson's reception. we met a lot of congressmen and kennedy talks and i think we really saw bipart son support o release the hos hostages and tht was the only thing that brought people to their feet the whole evening and it was emotional and a lot of members wearing the dog tags and yellow ribbon as a reminder that there's still six living american hostages plus two american that were murdered and still held in captivity for 153 days. it's unbelievable. >> shannon: for you, this is not a political issue. this is your child. do you worry that it does get lost in conversation? that there are americans here and this isn't just that we have interest in a region. i mean, these are our people,
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this is your son. >> yes, that's true. i think that's why it was even more important that it was mentioned yesterday in the address and that everyone showed the support personally. we were hosted at the event by congressman on both sides of the aisle, and we're very appreciative of that because it can't become a political wedge. it cannot. it's a humanitarian issue, our son is american, and he needs to come home. >> dana: there was also -- if we can pull up this photograph and call them the squad and members of congress who very much think that israel needs to have a ceasefire immediately without really pushing hamas to release hostages as president biden said and many others said. if they'd release the hostages, there can be talks but till then, that's not happening. do you feel there's any cracks in that foundation of release
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the hostages and then we can talk? >> they've got to be. there has to be. the kansa qatar and egyptians po lot of pressure on hamas holding any progress here and the offer is pretty generous as farads we understand we're not -- far as we understand it's not the full officer but they can get into a ceasefire as long as they start releasing hostages and then the people in gaza will be getting unity maybe they need to be getting and getting humanitarian support and we don't even know if he's alive for 153 days. where is the parallel here? >> shannon: it's got to be incredibly frustrating for you and the other victims and do you feel like you're getting communication and support as you are waiting for some word of your son?
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>> we do feel that the president, you know, has committed support from the first moment, and we've been meeting regularly with the national security adviser jake sullivan and receiving reports very candidly about where things are at. unfortunately there's no resolution yet, you know, and there's still work to be done and all the parties need to continue to put pressure of things that need to happen. we're very appreciative of the support that we're receiving. >> dana: might not be able to see this but the t-shirt says bring omer home now. we share that sentiment and thank you for being here and for the state of the union address. >> thank you very much for having us. >> i know jewish students who have decided to take their stuff off and remove the stars of david and stop telling people they're going to chabot and
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worried about what they're friends might think. >> shannon: it student telling and painting an ugly picture of hateful and hurtful anti-semitism on campus and they demand answers of what the elite universities are are doing to stop it. we're live in cambridge, massachusetts. hello, molly. reporter: good morning, shannon. this 12-page letter sent to the leaders at mit and seeking information about how this institute has responded to anti-semitism on campus including "numerous deeply troubling incidents, include ago pro palestinian rally that created a blockade of imt's entrance and stopped students from getting that their classes in early november". when the house committee chairman virginia foxx, republican of north carolina signed this let tore mit, she did so alongside a jewish grad student from mit and shared her interview from america's news
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room and the letter highlights the experiences of khan and other jewish students facing threats on campus which khan hung israeli flags and the institute created a new banner rule forcing her to take them down. fox writes "mit hypocrisy as outlined above exposes the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of its leadership's rationalizations for their inaction towards anti-semitism on campus". this is the first letter sent by the committee to mit leaders including the president sally corn blood and rather infamous hearing in december on capitol hill and campus anti-semitism and president's of harvard and upenn refusing to clearly articulate calling for the genocide of jews against school rules and two other leaders, harvard's claudine gay and penn's mcgill stepping down and more news to mit two jewish students filed a federal lawsuit, a civil rights lawsuit
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against mit arguing the school approves of anti-semitic actives on campus and tolerates harassment. mit responded for comment and do not typically comment on pending litigation but as for the foxx, letter, they're reviewing the content and mit is committed to providing response to the committee's response questions. shannon. >> shannon: molly, thank you for the update. >> this is the north pole. >> no it's not. >> yes, it is. >> no, it's not. >> yes, it is. >> no, it isn't. >> yes, it is. >> no it's not. where's the snow. >> dana: that's your final hint in the hunt for bill hemmer. >> shannon: he'll be here sharing secret location and we can't wait to see him, o♪ that helps you get the most for your money, so you can be any traveler you want to be. you can be a free, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. yes! that's how you waffle! mr. "this script got a plot twist" at a radisson hotel.
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voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. >> harris: president biden went after former president trump
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during the state of the union. was any of it enough to ease voters worries about his age and fitness? plus robert f. kennedy jr. the "faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: so here we go. we have showed you pictures all morning asking you to get where is bill hemer. time for the big reveal. do we have a drum roll? we do. coming to us live from the arctic is mr. bill hemmer. good morning, bill. great to see you. >> bill: we came to the caribbean, da na. we're in the arctic ocean. several hundred miles north of alaska on an active ice flow that is moving slowly through
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the arctic sea. we came here with the u.s. navy. they come up every two years and run arctic drills through the area. i see a negative 18° on my thermometer now. we have come here to see how they operate. how they live. how they survive over a period of five weeks time here in the arctic. it's something else, guys. i have to tell you. unless you're here it's hard to understand how dynamic and complex and challenging, and baron. we were in a plane yesterday for about an hour and a half. we flew 200 miles. there is nothing but ice everywhere. it's all flat. it's all cold. so in the minute we have fire away with your best question. >> dana: okay. i do have a question about geo political interests. one of the reasons we're there is this is maybe the next frontier. the next battle front?
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>> bill: that's what they say. that too is complex, even. later today we will board a nuclear submarine and going deep under the arctic ocean to see how they operate as well. these are some of the most amazing pieces of machinery you will find anywhere in the world. we will get a first hand look at that. ladies, we will come back with a story. this is a story we have never done before, told before, i don't think we have done a live shot in the arctic ocean. we have tents where we spent the nighted, a few hours of sleep. frankie, come back this way. this is the command headquarters here. i think 15-20 minutes. come on back, frankie. 15-20 minutes out here and we're good. we head back into the tent. that's what we're sustaining for the moment. it's been an amazing ride and we're only half way through.
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>> hammer time. i have a shallower question. was this enough for you. 18° below, it was colder in iowa. >> dana: it was. >> i imagine it's downright frigid where you look there. >> bill: i told the guys that, shannon. we came from 42° below in des moines this. is nothing. next time is the caribbean, ladies. have a great weekend. catch up with you next week and i will tell you about it when we come home. >> dana: hemmer, how is the global warming? >> bill: it's a very interesting story. >> dana: come back and tell it. >> bill: there is none. have a great weekend. we will enjoy our time here. >> dana: take care and be safe. >> we need to go and explore. stories to be done. >> dana: whys the next geo
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political hot spot down in barbados, maybe. >> we are on top of it. >> dana: wonderful to be with you today. what is happening on fox news sunday. >> we have state senator. tim ta tebo joins us. >> dana: he was on the hill this week. >> yes, talking about difficult topics. he's not afraid to go there. he knows it's important for innocent people around the globe. >> dana: a heck of a week politically. super tuesday. we had the colorado ballot decision from the supreme court and the state of the union address. next week will be newsy too. thank you, shannon. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. >> harris: we will begin here.


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