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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 8, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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>> i love women's. >> they're the best. a flight with an all women crew took off from newark airport toward sarasota on thursday. united airlines gathered the female team to celebrate women's history month. first officer julia hopes the fact their name to know first officer julia comma, hopes maybe to inspire girls in the future generations to work in aviation. i think that's a space that really is. and you know what? i hope for the united is hanging on to its wheels. >> anyway, it's time for. all right. the brand company has partnered with nascar to unveil a new person suite that is made out of 99% air, 1% glass. it weighs as much as a light, but can withstand extreme heat and pressure of 4000 times its weight. that's it for us. have a great night. e to >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight. emember
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>> remember, your oath of office is defending us. all threats. foreigoffice ending fn and domestic. biden screams at americans. so the media knows he's alive. hahed a pulse. >> he he had frazier's left wholhae bunch of cops came up to me and said, we need to search your bag. i'd be scared to tell them now. the democrats and the police state. i think this is all bogu.s. nervous anxiety, like almost in tears, because i did notllene want to have to do these challenges. the oklahoma toll licking scandal just got even worse. >> plue. s, in his 18 62 state of the union address, abraham lincoln said, we shall nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of earth. >> those words came just weeks after what was known as the amei
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bloodiest day in american history. the battle of antietam hi, where 23,000 americans were slaughtered. there waslaughs weight to lincos words. he was honest abo lie. >> in 1941, franklin roosevelt9, articulated america's four essential human freedoms freedom of speech, religion, reg and freedom from want and fear. fdr urged americans to defend democracy in war tornse europe. these presidents use their the words not to scare americans for political gain, but to mobilize americans to meet the moment. lasto meet the night, presidentn didn't have the courtesy o to arrive on time to the stateo of the union. and once inside the chamber,the po he milked the political affectioion, inching ever soer s slowly to the podium, refusing not a single selfie from embarrassingly childish politicianssingly s, stopping an entertaining long conversations
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and basking in the pageantry and attention. there is something grotesquely d partetic about grown men and women of the president's own party pulling at them as if he had real talent. it was like the democrats hadtie never spent time with their president, like he'd come oupret of hibernation and showed proof of life. they don't see himio proof o atr christmas party or the easter egg roll. >> they don't meet with him about legislation. maybe they wanted to capturen th the moment on camera when they met the greatest met st pe, because joe that's who joe biden compared himself to, a combinationion of abraham lincoln and fdrof. >> biden declaring himselfa a wartime president, sayings he's saving democracy at home and abroad a, just liken america did in the civil war>> k and in world war ii. >> franklin roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation, and he said, i address you at a moment unprecedented
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in the history of the unioed in hitler was on the march. war was raging in europe. freedom and democracy were under assault in theassaul worl. tonight i come to this t same chamber to address the nation. >> not since president lincoln in the civil ncol war have freedom and democracy been on assault at homssaulte as there are toda. what makes our moment rare is that freedom and democracy are under attack and both at hom botd e and overseas at they same very same time. we will not walk away. wil wel will nonot fall down. >> biden framed this election not as a political campaign, but as a military campaign. pu just as hitler and the confederacy were defeated, putin and trump will alsd trumo. this is how biden's positioning himself. he will defeatn is trump, the ey of the state. >> i ask all of you, without regard to party, to join together and defend democracany
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remember, your oath of office is defending us all threats. foreigoughn and domestic. >> even liberal historians thought it was a bit too much. s >> this is the number one issuet for joe biden that he representsen that democracy in e ways and it might be overdone a little by biden. he's positioning himself as being the indispensable manen in abraham lincoln. >> beyond me lies authoritarianism and fascism. >> biden is democracy, just like fauci is science. anybody who disagrees is theanyd enemy and will be treated as such. thiss is was not your typical se of the union, this memorable presidential prose, soaring oratory that gives you goose bumps. >>ouebumps biden just screamed p hour to prove he's still alive. >> america stood strong. and democracy prevailed. we stopped you 50 times before. i will stop you again. 0 timei say, stop it, stop it, p it. stop it. send me the border bill. now we cut the federal deficit by a $160 billion.
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those bragging about overturning roe v. wade have no clue when america gets knockeng aboutadd down, we get . we keep going. that's america. god bless you al jesse: l. >> now, as a student of human behavior, when i observe wild and sudden changes in energy levels, something's been added to the mix. >> this man smoked around man the white house for three years, lethargic, neither an early bird or a midnight hou. owl, someone who struggles to finish a sentence and falls les to asleep in public. you go from a one to a ten. even "the washington post" wants biden to in a cup to test for steroidsto pa cu. joe needed to show intensity to prove the report wrong, and he just yelled at everyone. >> the supreme court businessbln is republicans and trump over and over and over agais n. >> my predecessor, predecessor, predecessor, predecessor. my predecessor. and my predecessor. my predecessor.
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my predecessor. my predecessor. my predecessor to my predecessor. like my predecessor. >> i know who we are as americans. this is a prime time attack ad e that the biden campaign should have been required to payventio networks to air. >> he delivered a convention speech massacrn e rating and statesmanship. >> if trump was this wickedly partisan at the state of the union, they would have cut the feed a portionould'v. rnment class warfare, big government tax and spend welfare handouts. it was zany. >> he even spent more time talking about snacks than fennel. >> the snack companies thinkk you won't notice if they change the size of the bag and put a lot fewer saying same size bag, put fewer chips in it. no, i'm not joking. it's called shrinkflation. you probably all saw col and snickers bars. you get you get chargedd yo the same amount. >> you got about 10% fewer a fewe. >> jesse
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biden never once acknowledged american hardship. : bidenever canceled. >> only spun. it got so bad that at one pointt a gold star father interrupted. >> watch. >> a year before it took off.h. his moderation up 30%, 30%, then went off the biggest increase in history. jesse >> that man lost his son, a marine, during biden'sawal. afghanistan withdrawal. it was just too much for him to stay silentit was tto. e pred >> the president hasn't even called some of the parents who lost their sons that day. >> he has not reached out to our famil s noy. th we've actually reached out to the white house and have never heard back. we askedehouse nev to meet witm to kind of understand wherethini they're thinking was in calling this a success. and we've not received a responsecalling this. >> so it's been months. the commander in chief had. 13 phone calls to make and he couldn't do it. >> he just check could s his watch as the coffins come home.
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>> biden was interrupted again f when he blamed trump for his border crisis. earlier, congresswomancrisis mae taylor greene had handed biden a pin with flake and riley's name on it. and 45 minutes into the speech, still, without mentioning her namethis. >> this happened, i'm told my predecessor called members of congress and the senate to demand they block the bilo d he feels political when he pulled it off would be a political win for me and a loser for him. it's nothim. i bout him. >> it's not about me. i'd be a winner. not really. i. lincoln. lincoln. n in riley. an innocent young womantno was who was killed by an illegal. that's right. but how many of thousandshave b of people being killed by illegalee by ils to her parey
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i say my heart goes out to having lost children myself rstand . >> i understand. lincoln, riley. biden doesn't even know her name. he couldn't even read it offen the pen. >> his callous dismissiveness his americans suffering is sociopathic. considering the man's lost his own childreng isciopathi tor accidents and cancer. biden's policies are producing gold star moms and angel moms, and he can't even calld them or get their names right. lincoln riley's mom writing this quote. biden does not even know my child's name. n knit's pathetic. >> if you were going to say your name even when forced, to do so, at least say the the right name. if president trump had called george floyd, jim floyd ,those riots wouldn't have been so mostly peaceful. fh biden selfish at his core. he spent 40 years climbing the precipice of washingtony rec until he finally reached the pinnacle of power. he's as an up, believes of
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hero and says anything to survive. he even made to up a fake civil war to scare the country and stay in charge. but the real civil war insidee i his own party and last night was a cannon shot to signal he has the gunpowder to wage a brutal battle for what hrutae calls the soul of the nation. >> who knows wherere that gunpowder came from?m. but we warned you. biden believes he's a wartimes president and is ready to take whatever action necessaraky to defend the country from you. >> the enemy. bring in former speaker of ther house kevin mccarthyspeake. that was a pretty just vicious political screed. s. it was. and you want to know why? , they i mean, remember, they wrote this speech. they practiced this speech. and whatsed thchha did they wang to achieve by it? he wasn't speaking to the nation. what he waons really doing is speaking to his party. this was more about a convention. bout conventi think he was worrd
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about democrats removing him for the nomine him fore. that's why he came out. he tried to show every democrats, you know, you got to be tougher, you got to be l stronger. and all he did was look meanoo and angr y. that doesn't bring him more votes. but he's really playing worriedn that the democrats would take him off the ticket. worried about what's going to happen in chicagoe ticketrrii to solidify that instead of govern the nationf govern. >> what about saying that trump is the enemy of the state and he's fdr and he was victorious against hitler. he's lincoln victorious against the confederacy. he's framing this as a militarys campaign. k an i mean, i don't think anybody sees it that way. tht see the economye ol stinks and we need the old guy out. what is he thinkin what ig here? there's three big there's three big issues. here's tt from, the ac the border, the economy and his foreign policy. d hisand that's the tough part r me. so he wanted to distract, say, his predecessor, how many timess blame him for stuff that wasn't
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even there. >> but he cannoteven t. move away from the the only one that's happening in america is only war our bord these cartels are the ones that are the strong enemy oute s there. these cartels are the ones that are bringing fentanyl. thafennel, the number one killr youth from 18 to 45 areou economy. he's complaining about these companies that can't put enough inside a bag because of this inflation that we created. more so americans are hurting more. and a foreign policy where he hasreign-po more and americag weaker that we've had five embassies we had to evacuate to under his war. i mean, this is the challenge. he's trying to deflects the ch d the anger so you can't question him. and someho starw to show that he stuttered through this speech. the numbere spee one issue out e to americans is his age and the border, the economy and foreignn policy. i think he failed on all he d of those last night. just by the way, he delivered it, he sounded almost like angeh angry old man, like, get that ball off my yard. no playing in the neighborhood. >> why don't you think he could say lake and riley's name?
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it's not that hard. the name has beenam said countless times in the country over the last two weeks. >> it shows that he hasn't put t an issue to it, that he doesn't afame it and remember what h said afterwards. it wasn't in the speech that she was killed by aards, it n illegal which made nancy pelosi upset. supposed to say their documentt . no, this person was illegal. but the other part wasotr part e thing that he said was even more disturbing to me. well, how manyurbing t. people ? being killed by legal individuals? well, you knowu know wha what? this could have never happened. this lady would have been protectethis l beend. she would be alive today if it wasn't for what he has done along the border. >> we do not want to take responsibility for it. kevin mccarthy, would you havebk been making faces in the back like the current speaker was the whole time? ap that's a tough place to be in a tough spot. it's a tough plac place to hold, t to be able to look through. and it's also even harder to hea
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r back there because he mumbles and the volume goes out within the speakers where the speakers in the auditoriumn are at. ob >> so it's not an easy job to be sitting behind him. no. and you alsog behind have to sit to kamala. >> so takes everything you got. sit nekevin mccarthy, thanks fog joining us. >> have a great weekend. weekendthank you. >> coming up, a very special announcement. tax season is hunting season for identity thieves. they can use your personal info to commit tax fraud, which increased by 30% last year. lifelock alerted to a wide volume of threats. others could miss if
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free. that's both. 2215215. >> president biden unleashed the most partisanal sta in presidential state of the union in history last night and hitee unios base loved it. >> the media because they wantpb a civil war where trump gets barbecued. >> but he came in andd he started punching folks in the gut. >> they wanted him to be folks i a fighter and boy fight. did he deliver? dei mean, had a pulse.
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>> he had frazier's left.h figh he did it all with fight. he did it with punches. he came out punchingt.he didh pe out swinging. >> policies to make your life better. tw the media wants blood. plain and simple. for the ladies of the view, itre was a religious experience for the church of derangement syndrome. >> i felt like i was at my black church. d there was call and response, and we love that. i mean, he had audienc hade the u participation. state of the union. incredible. i thought he was fabulous. i pictured trump just goinge tr nutsum watching it and not sticking it to trump instead of standing up for you. as de that's the democratic party's platform as describescd by bake. >> it didn't even matter m that biden lied for an over an hour. >> i mean, the media called it flawless. i found jake, it was quite a factual speech, at least in terms of the assertions of fact. >> 30 lies, 30 how does. one fact checker have zero
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and another as 30? it's not like a wine sommelier k . >> it's not a matter of taste. cnn didn't even fact check biden calling lincoln riley the wrong name. >> calder. >> lincoln. riley. he also called the illegalg nam. who killed her an illegal. what do you think? upset the left more? the homicide or the word? sidenu >> the president used the term illegal when he was responding. in the heat of the momenillegalh i heard the word illegal. there were people in the text messagesllegal that heard the wi illegal. >> we usually say a word document. he said illegal. i don't thint'k a big deal. okay. are you disturbed as some member ares of the political ba, especially latinos, are by the presiden politic t using the term illegals, which is, you know, pejorative? this i this is where the democratic party is right now. det an illegal murdered an american. they're upset about what we're calling the murderer u. >> biden was just asked about this, hasn't been askewase about lincoln riley, but he was asked about what he called her killered aboute .
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>> did regret using the word and miguel to describe immigrants last night, sir?grans well, i probably l i don't agree . >> technically, you're not supposed to be here, but not everybody felt the thrill go down their leg. steven smith, keeping it real. >> what the does that mean? joe biden looked like he had energy last night. >> the question is, cacan you rely on him to do that for four years starting next year. that's the question. and if you think that our speech offsets, all of that, he's smoking crack. >> i'm worried. age matters at this pointve see in time with joe biden, because we see some slippage. >> investigative journalistsglen glenn greenwald joins me now. great question by that reporter. you regret calling thisu
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killer an illegal? >> he has not yet been asked ifb he regrets letting the illegal killer into the country. >>y glen glenn. no. i do think, though, that it gets to a poin it there is a really significant danger to the biden presidency, which is a of people that he reliesnd on and the party relies on topa go and vote forty rer him are sg that they want in part because they are extremely angry won'tsn that he has chosen to stand by israel and finance and arm its war in gaza. tal ped he did very little to talk to those people who are swearing they will not a it. vote for joe biden in november because of it. you have a lot of people who do care a lot d about things like y his battle to try and close the border or do more to the border, pretending that he wants that bill to be signed and is angry thabill t that trup said not to sign it. there are a lot of people alienated by that. e it's true that a lot of liberal pundits are oozing glee oveofr what they saw lastie night, it was like written for a liberal pundit and the vasa lt majority, a country that has all kinds of doubts about him, found nothing in this speechouba
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that would have convinced them to be more supportive. and i think that's a hugm to be danger that they are listening to the tv all the time, to the green rooms of cnn the t and ms, and not to the american people that they need to vote for him. >> it wa ts as if this was a written for the green rooms of msnbc. this it wasn't delivered to the large portions of the country that have doubts about his competence and his performance. >> why do you think he so tightly tailored this to the media? >> well, i think that the media things that the reasons americans believe he's too old to perform the officd toe h is because the republicans and the media have been telling them that and they nee thatd way to give the media a kind of weapon to say, no, look actua at biden. he's actually capable. but the reason americans thinkln biden is too old, just like stephen smith said, is because they've been seeing for themselvess be over three yearsating his brain deteriorating. and he looks like an old man with dementiand hen ola. and the fact that he was able f to stand on his feet and not drool for an hour haeed nos no e of overriding that judgment. >> he's not a persuasive, toughe
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guy the way he walks and talks. so he has to launder the propaganda through the press because he can'tcaus convince the american people through performance that he's been an effective president. >> it's a very good point,ent. in glenn, thank you for joining us. have a great weekend. aeat weekand just remember, trt to take whatever joe biden took last night. >> i don't know. good. >> sounds good.may yeah, maybe i'll takbee a doubl. of next. new york city now, a police citye. >> okay. iness n to come in and business is never easy. p the starting at eight months pregnant, that's a different story. slow down.made i we were starting a business from the ground up. t people were showing up left ad
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>> they're supposed help ensureh a smooth transition of power. you don't want to surprise yot elect with a fower foreign crisis before inauguration. >> and now crisi the a de factoi nominee. >> he's entitled to intelligence briefings againn . and the white house is already playing gameplays. >> president biden said donald trump should not be given the traditional intelligence briefings that were given to the former president because, quote, a what value is giving him an intelligence briefing? what impact did he have at all iefing, t slip ? and other than the fact that he might slip and say something? does the president still fee ano that way now, now that donald bm trump is on the way to becoming the parties nomiy of thee an republican party's nominee and would be entitled to the briefing that a party candidate would get? i thin k the president's words stand today as he said it. however ago.i >> i don't think his mind hass i changed on that. the cia hand hass another plan.e >> i'm pretty certain that my former intelligencre colleaguesb will provide briefings that are not going to d o any type of damage to sources and methods in terms
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of providing information to donald trump that he could misuseoha. but they will provide analytic overviews and briefings about some of thbriefings ofe hs and then letting donald trump know what the assessments are at this point. so i think it's going to be analysisthin that will be devoit of the sources and methods, the sensitive things that we are most about, the typess of things that were in all those documents that he had in the bathroo m and other areas in mar a lago. >> remember, back in 2016, the intelligence communityce started the russia hoax, then inserted spies inty starteo the briefings. >> what's going to happen this time thi? ti john brennan literally invented this whole hoahnx, covered up the laptop, and now they're worried trump's going to abuse the systed goingm. >> former cia officer and whistleblower john kiriakou joinjoins s now. have >> what do they have in storee this timthise, jesse? this this is so nonsensical. anybodissical.y who has been ina or who has been a consumer of intelligence knows
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that everything that john brennan said in that cliha pbecaus is nonsense, because what is giveton to to presumably or presumed is analytic anyway. what he's talking about is blue border reports or black border reports that go only to the president anyway. an would get or what donald trump will get is going to be what donald trump would have gotten anyway. this is just this is justn john brennan talking to hear himself speak. >> do you believtalk heae that e intelligence agencies are going to spy on the trump campaign agaigoing n? i'm not sure they have the guts. they were they were caughtt the last time, caught red handed. cayou and i talked about thison the last time i was on the show. i just don't think that they it again have the guts to try to do it again. >> do you think that they're >> think in thisad election? >> i know you had those ways that you described the interference. woul tho you descd look like. but in terms of stings,
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you know, confidential human sources, foreign intelligencee n activities. i hate to even say these words e but i think as americans, we cannot touch, we cannot trust fi rather, the fbi, the cia, even nsa. so i hate to say yes to answer your question, but i'm going to have to sayquestion yes. u i think that it's up to the rest of us to keep them honest ,keep them following the law. okay. well, it'll be interesting whenr trump if trump wins reelection and watching everybody scatter, that's going on. that's right. that's going to be quite evo . aining that's right. for and should make for some great novels. some novels.i just hope he doest we insider as the director this time. >> we need somebody to go in there and clean house. n70ani agree. but he always gets people foisted on him and it's very hard to trust john., than have a great weekend. thank you so much. great, great analysius. >> thank you. the oklahoma toll licking scandal is spreading
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muscle cramps and spasms. there are works. works. try their works and get back at it. >> when you can't watch. listen. get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on 76 in america is listening to national guard to the subways inside new york's latest depl their pae
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in their feet. go, man, though, and smell better naked from head to toe. >> tonight the senate passed
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a monster half trillion dollar spending bill. monsteit's on its way to biden's desk. what do we get for the money? whwell, we reported earlier.llio congress earmarked millions for bus stopns f equity fetish part, prisons, solar panels and anklea $5 mtors for cars. >> even dianne feinstein got five million dollars for an earmaravk. >> the grave. we drove back into the bill tonight and founwe don't thed e0 more pork. 880,000 is going to monk seal awareness. that's a monk. seal lives in hawaii, . now you're aware, just save this 800 grand. >> also in hawaii, you haved ue millions going to access indigenous ecological $500,000 to ask polynesian people about their special knowledge. >> i didn't know questions were that expensive. >> politicians are givingts
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electric cars to people in the projects. can ou live in the projects, you can rent the electric car for $3 an hour.e doll >> take your girl to the movies. go t o the mall, hit the beach. >> we're going to keep you you posted on how that one turns out. last year, we told you aoc wanted a half a mile to put anye oyster reef in queens. >> she just got it . now, not just any old oystert jt reef, though. it's an antique racist oyster. reef. once they installed in the bay a ,diverse students will be able to study oysters. i'm not sure i want to eat ant u oyster from, the queens bay, but i don't know. >> and speaking of studying, bernie is spending a half a mile to study a monument stud. to study it. the monument's been in vermontju sincst tmonumente the 1800s coms the battle of bennington. big turning point in the revolutionommemora . >> we respect monuments. want them to see them stay intact, not topple. but that's not what the money'ss
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for. bernie wants to investigate the root causes of whystre the monuments distressedssed. >> and they've been investigating why the monuments y havenso distressed for years. and they're going to continue are . estigate why? to the tune of $500,000. my guessun00,000.? s >> the root cause is the monuments. 150 years olnt is d. that's why it's distressed. now, these politicians worked for a private company. >> they'd be fired. mpany th ben the how the government works. they hide the pork in the bills. thousand pages long because nobody reads them. and then they passdy reads themy after the state of the union on a friday. the unso we're going to keep reb and reporting on this garbage because you deserve to know where your money is goinag e tog. >> now, democrats have painted themselves into a corner the faats haver left flank of t wants them to continue to let criminals run wildtho contin. but the rest of the normalople people want cities wan safe. u new york's governor, kathy hochul, came up with a
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plan where everybody loses, flood the subways with theal gud national guard, but not to fight crime, but to checkcr bagsime,. you so if you're on your way to work, your purse is getting checke work,your purd. y's ba shopping there, they're looking in your macy's bag. you're going to the gym. g.they're at your sweat pants. the national guard doesn't want to do this doesn't. they signed up to be kind of in the military, not the tsnoa. ae >> and they know they're notg stopping any criminals. the guys who shovelecriminald ls onto the tracks aren't walking around with briefcasesren'. look, they're stopping commuters, students, tourists in nice clothes, going to work, wearing glasses. rimina >> they're not criminals. all they're doing is maybe making people latels d, feeling targeted. this is the most lazy and ineffectivthis i laze way tp crime. show force in the courts, not in the subways. is anybody buying this? we sent a producer to the subway to find out. >> does that make you feel any
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safer? not necessarily. no. no, because they're not stopping everywhery are nostoppe >> s you got everybody with bag? i mean, randomly searching bags. it doesn't really make sense. >> all bogi think this is all b. >> what do you usually carry in your purse? carrnot weapons. but maybe we should. my phone. >> a little bit of money, you know, lipstick, bottle water. and a book.ketchy nothing sketchy. a loaded question, ma'am. a loadi got a couple of knives y bag. you got knives? yeah. did you do the damage? o ri they go right through you. this is like a police state. ye sees. >> yes, it does. if you got stopped, would you open you your bag and show them? i mean, i would. hav what? i want to. i mean, now i. places to go. would you let them check your eyes? >> no. i mean, a bunch of cops came upi to me and saidf h of, we needhea to search your bag. i'd be scared to tell them no. what's the craziest crimg ei'd yoof thever seen on on subway cars? >> chris cuomo. i never seem to find one guypusd pushed on the tracks when we're checking. p someth
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>> people's bags have stopped. something like that. said rosenbergs in new york city radios. >> so now you get national guards with the uniform, with the big, long guns. >> the doing tsa bag checks.whai i mean, what is happening to this city? >> well, the city is completely shot. you know that jersey, it's over. you know, we've go. we've got a democrat,ys mayor eric adams, who says all the right things and doe rs all the wrong things. we've got a governor who does all the wrong thingss and even says old things. i mean, look, this is a farce. i'm friendly with the chief of transit, michael kemper. he tells mtransit,e the same tht every day. you know, the police have madest over 3000 arrests in these subways in 2024 alone.m is you know what the problem is? tht. re all ou 15 minutes, right? recidivism. the same people committing ut the same crime. it's not about the national guard or polic thee. it's about. it's about judges. it's about das abo bail reform,h
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kathy hochul is completely okay with. so they are what is she doing?trac she's trying to distract us,us i think is if she cares when. the truth is, if we really examine this, this a bailssue w reform issue, which she hashi failed us like her predecessor, mr. biden. the. s the main issu not done. not not not on guys like dunzo here on the fourth joint in new york city. >> so check the fourth thousando criminals into a prison and stop checkinop checkg everys bag. you need to check yourself out you n. institutio >> said you went a little wild last night. is everything okaye last? >> well, it is okay, and i'm>> glad you mention that because much like that, the crowd pro marineud that poor guy, the fa who was killed, the father who was taken out of the gallery last taken night, i was the other guy. i was physically removed. and only because remov the capitol police just. he decided to be very nice. am i not in a washington d.c. i jail right now and here in queens talking to you. eensobut once joe biden started
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talking about israel, you see me proudly wearing start my isrg dog tags right now. once he started talking maout israelght, i watched it making remarks for about 45 minutes. i was chirping. i was chirping. i was chirping. once he merchant israel, just. he completely lost it. i was physically removed by secret service and the police had to talk to the sergeant of armsrned out. and as it turned out, congressman anthony esposito in new york had to pick me up u like my dad to get me out of the car. wellet m, that's one thing biden and i agree on is it belongs in priso inn. good luck out there, sid. stop acting up. >> all right. oklahoma's high school foot licking scanda high sc l just got weirder. >> everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. >> they want that hollywood >> they want that hollywood white smil new sensodyne clinical away rights to shades whether teeth
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and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's goinge war ag to help a lot of patients. of patients. >> israel is under attack.bomb the war against israel begane'rp the war against israel begane'rp with thera murder of hundreds of precious children in this orphanage, bomb shelter. we're praying for god's help. praying to our vinamilk nu, our father. our king. our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of losti loved ones. ho have forced over 100,000 israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis . >> the international fellowship >> the international fellowship of christians and jewshe ground reaching jewish people of all ages. children. mothers. the elderly. even holocaust survivors. y supi but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have that the people of israel have mobile despera shelters, emerget
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supplies and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. desperately need. >> our teams on the ground, often at great they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who areriss living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly kno important time for all ofw the friends of the the friends of the international fellowship, christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. beca only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we'russ praying and acting in their interest because we believe that's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before . this is your moment. this is your opportunity your pr to make a life saving difference. call , or vit's your prayers ands that give hope to the people of israel.
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of deer creek high school in edmond, oklahoma, where high schoolers werk se filmedheo licking peanut butter off each other's toes for a fundraising even t. so >> the video was so shocking, it triggered an investigation from the state investi superint. but it turns outtu that was jusn the tip of the iceberg. t now, other schools, the exact g underwn, are comin fire for the exact same reasons. >> edmond north high schoolese i in edmond memorialize school are facing heavy scrutinghy aftr similar footage going all the wag aly back to 2015 resurfaced. the disturbing video showstter licking peanut butter, chocolate and other sourceate af of each others feet and armpitss . and just like deer creek high, h they were doing it for charity c . >> edmond public school says it was all part of their philanthropy schoolsf event. they called vulture week and swine week. some whistleblowers from edmond school say they weren't just looking. pitt's werent , they were swapping spit, too. >> the bird feeding would consist of four students,
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and so the first student would have to like, drink something te it in their mouth and then spit it into the next person's. now and then spit it intoperson the third person's mouth. >> then the fourth person had to swallow it. omebody was nominated to stand in a trash can. this was after we are all eating our lunch and we all would for our lunch on topn of this person that was in the trash can. and it doesn't stop there. toprdigh school whistleblowe said this was targeted towards lower income students, the kids who couldn't buycome their way t of the nasty challenges any student could bid on.a stud another student say a student didn't like, they could put like $100 on me to have to lickn ketchup off of someone's face. and if i didn't have $100 to give to the philanthropyuld a to get out of it, i would justve have to be involved with it. it to these schools. deer creek said it faileday to uphold the proud image of their community. >> and edmond public schoolsei
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said the money went to a good cause. >> have these people ever heard of a bakhave t hearde sale? >> you might like that. >> it's time for sink or swim. tonight, it's carley shimkus versus jessica tarlov. and you do the headlines. >> so if you don't know this, i do. the headline, you have to in pressure every single answer here. first category, praise the the lord. after last night's state of the unio lord. sn, who said joe bidm them feel like they were in the back of a black church? was it sunny hostin or joy reid confidently, joy reid, who is it? >> i mean, i felt like i was the at my black church. there was call and response and we realized that i wl he got audience participation >>d certainly he said, praise the lord. >> i was like, am i at a jewish disadvantage? like ie mi both, here we are.
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>> let's be the jews as well. which president was brave enough to admit the state of the unions brav? not good at their address. was it gerald fordwa orre jimmy carter? history lesson here. i'm not going to call it. i mean, i'm just thinking more about the state of the union. >> this is going to be decisive and we must say thank you. am i right? >> the union is not good. curly. tired of battle? that's a written statement on my tumblr. and that's why they do not. i mean. etals fa.feelyeah, it's the pan i feel. got to see gerald ford. yeahdown but you're down. tarlov you need this thing for sweet serenade, which singersh dedicated a songsinger to firsty jill biden this past weekend? was it bono from upa2, bon jovi? >> i don't know any of these. >> okay, hold on. >> i'll go just for for sport, just for support.
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>> okay. let's see it. first lady time. that would be a british accent, not bon jovi. so wy. e going to go finaln jovi question, the nail biter. don't forget to moisturize right up your alleys when ou thinkn care of thisld a-list actors, not someone you associate moisturize dr and cleanser with, but you just announced he's dropping a skincare brands drop this weeo >> is it dwayne johnson or kevin hart? okay. hartd i'm going to go. >> i'm not looking. you are really. i don't buy the book. kevin hart and you're going with the rock? >> yes. let's see. ladies and gentlemenn., welcome to super vain. he looks great. and kevin does have great skinds . yeah, they both have. hav e. iboth have a lin yeah. you know what? upon further review, i would if' i had more and less pressure
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on me here. okay. what? still doesn' >> jesset yot get a hat. there you go. congratulations. that's my hair up. and happy birthday. >> how they got set up. that's your gift. you got to pick up one hat. many of you have been textinge us. >> how can i see jesse watters? in the flesh. ?this is how you have to buy the book. get it together. y th, it's going to be out wil on the 19th, and i'm going to be doing a whirlwinngd bookwl tour. i will be in northville, new jersey, and then b n point pleasant beach, new jersey, back to back back. saturday, mah 24th. and then the following sunday. then i'm going to go downd be sunny fort myerths, florida, then behave in new jersey and then vero beacach, florida. >> yorba linda, california. hopefully you can squint and. ta >> see those dates. we should just maybe don on that again on monday. so everybody can read ita magnif without a magnifying glass. >> get it together. troublin g tales from the liberal french system.
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>> text bill from lantana, texas. uld've >> lincoln would have gotten lincoln's name right. anybod lincolny would have. art from pensacola, florida. what does, that 10% missingng f from the snickers bar reserved for the big guro y. he a >> he always getslw the kickbacks. jerry from floridas gets since d biden was so sharp and with it on thursday, maybe the special counsel reconsider prosecutinggi him now. >> don't get too sharpm no, joe. you'll be in court. tom from anderson, south carolina we screen people atth the airport in the subways, but not at the border. >> point. >> frances from pearl river, nn new york. if johnny sat behind you during your show, would he be clappinyl like kamala or frowning like johnson? johnny, is it spring break right now? jo sprin back,es we'll have to ask him. i'm watters and this is mys my r


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