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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  March 9, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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♪ rachel: we begin this morning with a fox news alert and and a sad one at that. three people are now dead and one person is hurt after a national guard helicopter crashed in texas. near our southern border yesterday. pete: two national guard soldiers and one border patrol agent were killed. that's according to military officials. a third sold isier onboard the helicopter is in critical condition. officials have not yet released the names. will: fox news are now learning cartel members were watching with their drone, hen they zoomed in to the crash site and laughed about it.
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officials are investigating what caused the crash. let's bring in chris cabrera, vice president of the national border patrol council and border patrol agent in the rio grande valley. chris, we appreciate you being with us this morning. our thoughts and our prayers are with you and your with, your members there at the border patrol. i know one of those was involved in this crash. what can you tell us this morning about this incident? >> well, they were on routine patrol, i think they were tracking some people, some is illegal aliens that had crossed into the country, so they were in the process of looking at them. they had some type of mechanical difficulty, went down in a hard landing and, ultimately, or you know, three died. rachel: yeah. you know, chris,ing i know how difficult this must be for everyone at border patrol and the national guard, everyone protecting our border who puts their life on the line and then to find out that a drone flown by the cartel and posted, the video posted on to social media
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a mocking and laughing about our heroes, i'm sure that's just got to administer if pain to what -- add more pain to what just happened. >> you know, quite honestly, you know, as agents we don't really put too much thought into what these folks say. i mean, to us, they're garbage -- a. rachel: yeah, i agree. >> yeah. we're not going to give them their 15 minutes of fame. instead, we'll concentrate and honor those that lost their lives and pray for the one that's still fighting for their life. pete: you're right, that is the correct focus. the report or is it was a la coe that helicopter, pretty standard aircraft down there used, like you said, for the mission. what -- talk to me about how the border patrol works with the national guard because there were soldiers with the border patrol. what's that combination? why together and what types of things, are they just surveilling to let someone know? would they stop and interdict or try to prevent someone from crossing? what's their mission. >> you know, the national guard
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troops that come down and work with us are topnotch, and their pilots are second to none. we love working with them. they come down but, obviously, they don't know the area, the ins and outs, the traffic parents that we deal with. so with every helicopter that goes up, there's a trained border patrol if agent to act as a spotter. and so when people are coming through, the pilot's doing, obviously, the fly fromming. but the agent is in there -- the flying, but the agent is guiding the troops on the ground to where they need to go. pete: makes sense. will: chris, we appreciate you being with us. our thoughts are with your agency, your friends, your coworkers. we know you have one in the hospital still, we wish the best for him as well. thanks for being with us this morning. >> thank you. rachel: thank you, chris. i loved his response, by the way with, they're garbage, and they don't spend a lot of time thinking about it. but the truth is the cartels are laughing every single day at us because we have basically handed over control of our border which
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these guys are the ones who should be controlling it. but actually it's the the control of the border that's been handed over to the cartels. no one crosses into the united states, and millions are crossing, no one crosses without paying the cartel either with cash or with their body or some sort of indentured servitude. pete: no doubt. i hadn't thought about the drone aspect. i'm sure that's a very familiar aspect down there. the idea that of course they fly drones to get a sense of where the border patrol are so they can send in in the path of least resistance -- will: it is simultaneous obvious and eye-opening. of course they do. rachel: yeah. and their social media talk. these guys are able to operate with impunity. will: democracy 2024 now, president biden is already looking ahead to president trump, or looking he hopes, i'm sure, past president trump saying that in a presidential
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runoff against, between the two, you know, he hasn't decided yet what he would do when it comes to a debate. watch. >> reporter: will you commit to the a debate with former president trump? >> it depends on his behavior. [laughter] rachel: i don't know. i was going to ask you with, what does that mean? pete: if you behave -- rachel: if you behave during the debate with, before the debate? pete: clearly, that was an answer provided for him. they anticipated that question. of course under their characterization they will never believe that the he's behaving, and so as a ultimate, they'll say, well, we can't debate because we can't give a platform to hate and normalize the kind of threat to democracy that is donald trump and the misinformation he would spread if we give him a platform at a debate and, therefore, it's in the best interests of the country that the really old guy who can't talk doesn't take the stage in the debate. that, i think, will be the premise by which they deny this.
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rachel: you saw a preview when rachel maddow was angry that they took on msnbc a little bit of one of his victory speeches during the primary. she's already laying that out. do you think that it will happen? i mean, do you think there'll be enough pressure, will, that that he's going to have to debate, or is this going to be the last election -- will: well, i don't think he'll be the nominee for president. i don't think he'll be on the democratic ticket. rachel: fox news alert. pete: that would be a bit of an outlier coming out of the state of the union, because the consensus was at least for now, it solidified him on top of the democratic side. will: the point of whether he is a nominee is not what he does at the state of the union address, it's how he polls compared to president trump. and if the polls stay the way they are today, then you can't run out a man who is unlikely to serve four years and more likely to lose an election. he's only ever mattered in his ability to stop donald trumpment he has never mattered in any other way. he's not a politician with any
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big base, he's not got a big supporting cast, he's not got fans out there. pete: correct. will: in a lot of ways he's very much like nikki haley. it's not as though nikki haley's endorsement matters to donald trump. that's not an insult to nikki haley. the point is she didn't have some big a bit. she was simply an other vote to donald trump -- pete: i think he's even less than the nikki haley. will: he is. he's just an other vote to donald trump, and if he isn't inspirational, they need to find another. that's what bill maher has talked about, and i agree. what you're about to hear, this is going to be from bill maher, is going to suggest any if other democrat would beat donald trump. i don't know that that is true, but i do know almost my other democrat would have a better chance of beating donald trump. here's bill maher. >> i want to talk about 2024. you think biden should drop out of the race in. >> of course. i said it long ago. i i called him ruth bader biden.
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>> you worry that could help trump -- >> if he drops out, they'll win. biden should drop out, that's the point. he's being selfish. you know, james carville was here and said, this was months ago, and he said any 50-ish democrat won't even be close. >> wouldn't even be close. >> so, no, of course he's got the voice of god, but who nose. that is my basic belief also. it's theirs for the taking. rachel: well, to your point, i guess if joe biden doesn't win, the most likely if he drops out or at least one of the top contenders will be kamala. i think she would do worse than joe biden. pete: i think you're right. i don't think joe is going anywhere. i think he is selfish. i think he had the performance they think he need to have at the state of the union. i think they think they have an election machine especially in
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swing states that can defend him and they will count on the press and everyone else to ramp it up to russiagate level yet again on his behalf. i don't think he's going anywhere. rachel: and they'll do the same thing, beware of the republican mirage that's going to happen in the beginning of when the votes come in and all the kind of stuff they do. and, listen, mail-in voting is a recipe for cheating. it just is. and if you really cared about elections, we would have write-in ballots, paper ballots, but we don't. this is what they like. i think they seem very confident in joe bidenen winning, and it's not because joe biden's great. will: the state of the union doesn't matter. pete: if only mattered internally. will: the machine that you with referenced does matter. and i think that is a legitimate rebuttal to my anticipation it won't be joe biden. you could put anybody in front of the machine, and and the machine will push them across the finish line. joe biden's adversary is not
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donald trump. as much as donald trump has defined politics for eight years, the truth is what joe biden is fighting now is apathy. so he needs if passion for people, and i think there is fatigue, by the way. i think the resistance has lost some steam. they have to keep believing that donald trump's an existential threat to america, and after eight and nine years of that, there is fatigue on the idea that we're going to die if donald trump becomes president. they'll try to ramp it up, you're exactly right. oh, fascism, authoritarianism, all these things. they're going to -- racism, abortion. they're going to, like, smoke every log on the fire to divide you. i'm not talking about you or me or even swing voters. they're talking about their bas- pete: the word i've heard for that, amnesia with. they're wheeling out, you've forgotten how horrible it was. will: yeah. pete: i kind of feel like it was the good. rachel: remember, i went on vacation -- will: trump stays at 2020 levels but joe biden loses the apathy,
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t over. pete: oh, for sure. will: so his enemy isn't trump,ing it's apathy -- rachel: which is why he gave the speech that he did which was a completely partisan, not unifying speech. he really is -- but this goes back to the point where you're in danger when you have to give a state of the union that's a campaign speech because you're afraid that your base has, as you said, you know, they've lost their passion for you. pete: which is very different, by the way, than the tate of the union donald trump gave in 2020. if you go back and watch it, very different. another topic here, will, the next gulf ceo -- will: it's a feeder system for the lpga. pete: so the nxxt is a feeder golf -- will: tour. pete: a tour that feeds up to the lpga, the ladies' professional golf -- rachel: guess who doesn't play golf.
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[laughter] no, i don't either. pete: i'd have to be all over it, and i should have done my research before the show, but it's 6:13 a.m., okay? i figured will would know. so i'm relying on him, and he delivered. will: i don't play much golf -- pete: he plays a lot of golf. will: i do think "fox & friends" is the place you should be tuned in because breaking, this is a big story, it's an advancement of something everyone talks about and that is nxxt has banned transgender golfers from their tour. now, this is on the heels of a transgender golfer, you're looking at haley davidson, man on the women's tour, i believe won several events. yes, i think won several -- i think second on their tour. rachel: is that him in the middle? if. will: yeah. rachel: he's not even trying. [laughter] pete: what's interesting is, yes, they ban it, but look at
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his response. his response is to blame the women for it. here's what haley davidson said on instagram after being banned because people shouldn't compete with women in golf. this is what he said. you know what really bugs me? if people think i win by just showing up. this is a slap in the face to all female athletes being told any man can transition and beat them regardless of the hard work those women put in. you think you attacking me, but you're attacking all female athletes. will: i have no idea what that means. any dude can beat these girls, so i have to pax -- practice a little bit. and the fact that i have to practice just shows you how hard these girls have to work. [laughter] rachel: i thought what he was saying is you're assuming i can beat these girls which you're insulting these girls by assuming i can beat -- pete: that's basically it. apply the same thing to a sport
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like the wnba. you're putting down the amount of time that these women have put in the gym. these women have worked on their dribbling, their passing, their shooting, they're professional as. how dare you assume that lebron james could walk in and beat them. that's basically the thought. will: stuart mckinnon, the ceo, says as we get through the evolving landscape of sports, it's crucial to hold the competitive integrity. our revised policy is a reflection of our unwavering commitment to celebrating and protecting achievements and opportunities of female athletes, protecting categories are a fundamental aspect of sports at all levels, and it's essential to our tour to uphold all these categories for biological women, females, insuring a level playing field. and i believe, by the way -- rachel: good for them, by the way. bravo, bravo for standing up -- will: wasn't yesterday international -- pete: women's day, uh-huh. [laughter] did you celebrate?
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if big day at the -- rachel: i don't like this idea -- pete: it was started by communists. will: was it? if. rachel: my instincts are so good at sniffing out the commies. [laughter] pete: we'll check in the break, but i believe what i saw yesterday with, yeah, it goes back to a communist holiday -- will: very few know that. but i would it's no coincidence this policy was passed on international women's day. rachel: probably. listen, one of the people, i think, who is really responsible for bringing this to attention and took a thousand air roar -- air a rows and so much abuse because of it is riley gaines. i think she is a hero to all a women. she is responsible for all these changes and people rethinking this, and she's going to be on our show later today at 9:20 a.m. i hope she feels very celeb rahty or -- celebratory, because she should is. will: we'll see her at 9:20.
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until now, a new jersey police officer if's recovering after being shot while responding to a domestic violence call last night. authorities say a suspect opened fire op on officers as they arrived outside a home in hamilton township right near the jersey pennsylvania state line. another person was also shot, but with officials have not revealed their condition or the status of the suspect who shot the officer. passengers were forced to evacuate after a united airlines flight went off the runway in houston yesterday. the plane if rolled onto the grass when-exiting a taxiway. fortunately, no one was hurt. this is the third incident involving a united our elines flight the week. a tire fell off a japan-bound flight just after takeoff in san francisco damaging several cars in the parking lot on thursday. and a fort myers-bound flight had to make an emergency landing in houston when flames erupted from an engine. so everybody enjoy their spring break travel. i know the airports are full. you saw that, pete, this week?
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dfw -- and the iowa hawkeyes advancing in the big ten tournament with a 99 5-62 win -- 95-62 win. caitlin clark passed steph curry to become the ncaa single season 3-point leader. >> the glue of the team, the mother hen, as they've called her. caitlin clark hits the 3-pointer! [cheers and applause] and clark makes history once again. will: iowa is taking on michigan in the big ten semifinals this afternoon, and those are your headlines. rachel: well, climate activists are coming for america's farmers. we keep talking about that, how a new methane satellite and a government program for livestock the tracking could pell even more trouble for already -- spell even more trouble for already struggling cattlemen. will: and we'll separate fact from fiction from the state of the union address. >> certainly met the moment. it was like a punch in the face
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to every republican in the room. >> everybody knows this was a great speech. there are finish magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. chantel: whatcha doing? alice: just buying a car on carvana. chantel: you are not. alice: yeah, it's super convenient. i already got pre-qualified in two minutes. chantel: say what? that's fast. alice: yeah it is. chantel: oh— alice: look, i can customize my terms. chantel: say whaaat?! custom down and monthly payments? alice: yep. and just like that, my car is getting delivered in a couple days. chantel: say whaaaaaaat?! delivered? alice: mm-hmm. chantel: where we live? alice: right here. chantel: right here? alice: here.
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methane production. and and as climate activists increasingly target ago cur and ago cur-related -- agriculture-related emissions, could farmers be at risk? virginia farmer john boyd jr. joins us now. john, thanks for joining us this morning. i'm always a keeping an eye on what they're doing with these kinds of developments because supposedly it's supposed to go after the big, bad oil and gas companies. but there's no saying they can't use this satellite tracking, you know, device to track methane to track ran commerce or and their cows -- ranchers and their cows and the methane emissions there. are you worried about the same thing? >> well, you know, it's very alarming for america. we have these kinds of groups putting enormous resources to target farmers and other companies right here in the united states. why don't they do something to stop china from spying on the united states? rachel: yeah. [laughter] >> and putting resources there. it's always beat up on america's
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farmers. and, you know, they put another $15 million into tagging beef cattle for america's farmers. so here we are many farmers are facing foreclosure, are losing their farms, and instead of putting measures in place to help us, today continue to put bad policy in places to hurt america's a farmers. and that same pot pot of money that congress passed some months back, a billion dollars for climate, and here they have top companies like tyson foods and others looking at producing bugs. who's going to eat bugs out here? rachel: no question about it. you know, it brings we back -- you know, the state of the union address, there were a lot of lies, and we're going to be tracking some of them today on the show. one of the biggest was joe biden tying to present himself as a champion of small farms and ranchers. i nearly got up out of my seat when i heard that, because no one has done more to hurt small
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farmers, vilify them as terrorists and their cows as eco-terrorists but also regulating them and now these kinds of technologies which i'm sure, as you just said, are going to be used against american farmers instead of the chinese. >> well, i sat will there and watched the president's speech, and i did watch it, and i waited for him to say he was going to provide the $5 billion in debt relief that he promised our members. i waited for him to say he was going to stop farm foreclosures in this country. i waited for him to address the issue with the lowest cattle numbers in history since 1951 -- rachel: really in. >> and the president spoke about how many potato chips was in the bag. how many potato chips is in the bag is one of the issues he highlighted. and i would like to say to the president if you don't start investing in america's small farmers, there won't be any potatoes to put in the bag, because there won't be any small farmers in this country, and
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we're going to be begging third world countries to send food here to the united states if we don't start putting america's farmers first now in the united states. rachel: i want to go back to what you talked about a earlier. there was a $460 billion omnibus passed just this week. $15 million was spent on tracking devices for the cattle. again, tell me why the government needs to track our cattle electronically. >> they don't. they don't need to track my cattle. if you'd like to know, i have 150 beef cattle here on my farm. i've been been raising beef, good beef, i add a, grass-fed beef for 41 years here in this country. i'm a proud dare cannily man -- dairy man, a beef cow farmer here in this country, and that's the way that america's farmers want to be portrayed. we don't want a whole lot of policy that doesn't help us. and is every time there's policies, we have to adapt to these policies. and here's another one, $15 million to tag my cattle when i
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can gladly tell you what i'm doing here on my farm. how about putting some laws in place to help small farmers or and beef cattle farmers remain on the farm and stop the selling their farms. usda is selling our farms at record numbers. we're down to 40,000 farmers in this country, and we actually are facing extinction here. rachel: yeah. >> so instead we're faced with all of these bad policies that a don't help us, but hurt us. we have to adapt to them, and today don't want to put the resources in. that same climate money that you spoke about, not a dime is coming to mecklenburg county. some went to virginia tech and others, but no resources is coming to the county that i'm in, and we represent 130,000 farmers around the country. rachel: yeah. well, just as you said, the farmers are struggling. we're losing small farms and ranches, ranchers, and at the same time the chinese are are gobbling up our farmland. >> yes. rachel: such a misguided set of
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priorities in our government. it's -- thanks for joining us, john, and for always shining a light on this problem. >> thank you. support america's farmers. rachel: it's an american way of life. that's right. okay. thanks, john. >> thank you. rachel: the media with branding the state of the union address as a major win for president biden and a loss for republicans. >> he scared republicans. >> he had a lot of moments where he was kind of trolling them. rachel: our good friend joe concha says not so fast. his assessment is next. stay with us. ♪ -- take all my inhibitions. ♪ baby, there's nothing holding me back ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!!
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pete: well, the legacy media what just fawn ifing over joe's state of the union performance this week. >> he certainly met the moment. >> he ain't scared of republicans. >> he had a lot of moments where
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he was kind of troll thing them. >> i've never brought that much emergency to the 10 p.m. hour. >> i thought the speech was very high caffeine. i think joe biden woke up in this morning, had a cup of coffee and had his wheaties. >> it was like a punch in the face to the republican in the room. everybody knows this was a great speech. pete: everybody nose. but what does -- everybody knows. what does joe concha think? he joins us now. joe, what do you think? >> i think everybody is misreading what happened on thursday night, pete. here's what i mean. the president, what was it called, a -- [laughter] marco rubio called it a proof of life speech, right? [laughter] he showed that he has vigor and passion and can rah really loudly give a speech, right? if that's what it was. it was a speech. it's in teleprompter. the state of the union's one of the most choreographed events we see in politics. let me see what happens if you put joe biden on a stage up
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against donald trump for 90 minutes and that teleprompter goes away. suddenly, he has to defend his record based on his own mind and his own acuity. then i want to see what happens. in other words, biden showed he could read a teleprompter, andhe prepped for that peach for a week. he was at camp david for five days, right? if had no events. great, you can do that. what happens when you actually have to take questions during a press conference, for example, for 90 minutes from actual reporters? democrats have hair guy now. before you heard about michelle obama, gavin newsom going to replace him at the convention. now they think because of what they saw on thursday night that he's their guy. but don't count on that too much. this is the max headroom president city. pete: but you're confirming that their audience for this was the very people we showed fawning. i mean, today needed to consolidate support amongst their base that joe was capable. so it was a really low bar, and met that the low bar by yelling loudly enough. >> like jumping over a speed
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bump with. this was a speech for the msnbc audience, the cnn audience, "the washington post," missouri times. what he needed -- new york times. what he needed to do was show people in those six states that decide elections that he understands their pain. like bill clinton once said, i feel your pain. you can't talk about how we have the greatest economy in the world and the lowest inflation -- which was a lie, by the way -- talk about crime being at a 50-year low which people in san francisco, chicago and new york who are moving to tennessee and texas and florida will say, no, that's not what's happening. and you talk about a border crisis and blame solely republicans instead of just announcing during that state of the union that you're going to resume wall construction and remain in mexico and eviscerate catch and release. he could have done that, he didn't. that's the thing. i base people on their a actions, not their words. and joe biden gave us a lot of everything is great, everything is awesome, but people in those states that we talked about that matter heard that and said you don't feel what's going on in
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the country right now. pete: yeah. but it did its job for his purposes -- >> yes. pete: temporarily for now quelling the doubts on the democrat side. the only construction hay did talk about was a port in gaza. no border wall construction. >> you're military. does this feel like lebanon all over again? pete: it's a super dicey situation, absolutely. we will be putting troops in a very vulnerable if position. there'll be more on that coming up, no doubt. >> indeed. pete: all right, joe, thanks for checking the media. >> great to see you on this saturday morning. it's been a slow week, so it's good to get back in. pete: yeah. get a nap. [laughter] what's in store for alec baldwin after the rust armorer is convicted? we have a legal analysis on that coming up next. start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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will: the high stakes james crumbly trial started this week. he's the father of high school shooter ethan crumbly, and he faces four count of involuntary manslaughter after his son allegedly use requested his gun to kill four students. a teacher took the stand with emotional testimony on thursday. >> i lock eyes with this person, and if i see -- and i see some movement coming from the side of him. and i realize that he's raising
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a gun to me. will: here to react is new york-based trial attorney rebecca rose. rebecca, thanks for being with us this morning. >> thank you. will: this is a watershed case when it comes to how much responsibility the parents have of a child that becomes a shooter. involuntary manslaughter, is the charge. what of the elements that lead to a guilty conviction for a parent? >> well, in this situation it's the blueprint has already been set because this man's wife has already been found guilty. the prosecutors allege that that both the parents were just not attentive enough, and in the case of the father, he bought the gun, he signed off on the gun. they've already presented that testimony. and he left the gun unattended. so he left it in an armoire not locked, he didn't have the safety -- will: those are new york state law requirements in. >> this case is in michigan. will: michigan, i'm sorry. >> so they also allege that the
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parents were brought to the school the morning of this attack, and we're told their son is really reacting, he's making drawings that are very violent with guns, and the prosecutors are alleging that the parents left. they didn't go home to check if the if gun was still there. they didn't do anything affirmatively. they also didn't tell the school that he, that there was a gun in the home that he could have accessed. so these are the issues of gross negligence, which is what involuntary manslaughter is in michigan. will: gross negligence, that's -- and the evidence is access to a firearm that was not secured and notice that the kid in this case had these issues, that they were somewhat dismissive of. and i think even some warning signs he would do something, drawings -- >> drawings, violent drawings with a gun, pointing the gun, blood all over in the drawings. so, you know, the students in the school are being protected by the teachers.
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the teachers did bring the parents in. the problem is, the parents and the prosecutors' contention, did not act quick enough and didn't inform anyone in the school -- will: right. >> -- that there was a gun. will: let's move now to alec baldwin. in the case, the armorer in that case, i forget her name -- >> anna gutierrez reid -- will: thank you so much. the armorer who's in charge of handling the firearms and ammunition on a movie set has been convicted. tell me what impact that that has on alec baldwin, because you would think to some degree that didn't make alec baldwin less culpable. >> it's interesting, right in so you see that now we have a blueprint, we know where the prosecutors are going. the prosecutors get a conviction on the woman who is responsible for the gun, for everything. alec baldwin's defense is going to say the person that created this problem is already guilt and -- guilty and will be
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sentenced properly. they're contending that alec baldwin didn't use the firearm properly. he negligently used the firearm. so he pointed a firearm although he didn't know it was loaded, and he didn't check it properly. alec baldwin's defense team is going to say it's not his jock to check it. it was someone -- job to check it. it was someone else's job -- will: with right. and you can have shared cull pant it's not all or nothing. two individuals can be responsible. so the question seems like would be is did he break protocol of what he's supposed to do and how he's supposed to handle the weapon in that situation. >> the prosecutors are alleging very strongly that he did. we'll wait to see what the defense says. let's see because he's got a very hefty defense team, you know? they're top of the line defense attorneys. we'll seal if there are things that we don't know that alec brings out in his own testimony or in the witnesses they present. we don't know if he'll take the stand. will: rebecca rose woodland, thank you so much. >> thank you, will.
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will: let's go over to pete. pete: you got it, will. i'm sitting in your seat. turning now to a few additional headlines, happening today it is the first national hostage and wrongful detainee day, and families of americans being held oversea shes are looking to meet with joe biden. six americans are currently being held hostage by hamas. today also marks 17 years since robert levinson's abduction in iran. this marks one year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was detowned in russia. that's -- detained in russia. that's where paul whelan has been in prison for the past five years. and new overnight, senators sending a $459 billion funding package to joe biden's desk just before midnight preventing a partial government shutdown. it includes six annual spending bills covering funding for over a dozen departments and agencies handling transportation, energy, or housing, agriculture and if
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veterans' programs. the white house says joe biden plans on signing it today. and joey a logan know leading the way in a practice session at phoenix race away yesterday. he clocked in with a top speed of 131 miles an hour. definitely has to be a shorter track. but tyler roedick stole the show with this the wild burnout. don't miss the shriners children's hospital 500 tomorrow at phoenix raceway on fs1 tomorrow. the race begins at 3:30 p.m., and those are your headlines. let's turn now to our dear friend, the chief, rick reichmuth, for the forecast. what's up, ricking? if. rick: morning, pete, how are you? pete: good. how you doing? rick: i'm good. big storm across the eastern seaboard. there's been so much rain this past week, and we've got a rainy saturday in store for us. a lot of rain across parts of the southeast. some spots, over 50 -- 5 inches
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of rain. flash flood warnings, severe thunderstorm warning with this and out ahead of this line, a new tornado watch until 2:00 today. so be on the alert for that. here's where you see this green, that's the active, imminent flooding we have going on throughout the day today though across to see that across the carolina coastline. very heavy rain towards this afternoon and possibly across parts of the northeast because all this moisture is on it way that direction as well. here's where we have the severe weather threat throughout the day today, eventually parts of north florida, jacksonville, you've got a chilly day the next couple of days in store as well. temperatures look like this, cold out across parts of the west, colder certainly than it has been. we are getting towards the beginning of spring and, pete, tonight, you've got to set your clocks forward. of this is the night. it's nice tomorrow afternoon, we get that much more light, but when you work a morning show, i keep forgetting to take this weekend off -- [laughter] pete: you take the whole weekend off. rick: at least tomorrow, man. this is a bummer tonight.
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pete: it really is a bummer. thank you, rick, bumming us out. good to see you. a new pentagon review pouring cold water on alien reports despite their own employees seeing objects like these fuzzy objects in the sky. ufo expert nick pope isn't buying the government's explanation. he explains why. ♪ you shook me all night long. ♪ ♪ you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. ♪ ♪
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will: a new pentagon report is debunking decades of alien reports saying, quote, no evidence that any u.s. government investigation academic-sponsored research or official review panel has confirmed that any sights of uap represented extra that terrestrial technology. rachel: here to discuss is former u.k. ministry of defense and ufo expert if nick pope. so, nick, you heard what the pentagon report says. what do you say about it? >> well, there's a bit of a disconnect between what the pentagon says and what various whistleblowers have testified to congress under oath. so there's a lot of people in congress pretty riled up about this, i think, and really saying that there are the still
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questions to be answered. pete: but, nick, not a good day for the ufo believer community though, right? if you've got this report coming out trying to put a squash on it, wouldn't the onus be on minute to provide more evidence? -- somebody to provide more evidence? >> yeah, you're absolutely right, not a good day at all. this is a case, i think, of the empire strikes back is how this is being portrayed. [laughter] but, you know, look, people are pointing to some fairly fundamental problems with this report that came out yesterday with. i mean, one of them is that the allegation is that some of these programs are either illegal or certainly not being conducted without proper congressional oversight, and they address the issue of whether some of this has been put into the private sector simply by saying, well, we asked people at the aeroprospace companies and they said, no, these -- aerospace companies. well, think we need to get some of these people under oath
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because the whistleblowers have testified under oath. will: i don't know why you find it compelling that the police department investigated itself and town no wrongdoing. pete: i didn't say that -- will: everything coming out of the pentagon is absolute gospel. [laughter] but i do think, nick, to pete's skepticism, the revelation on extraterrestrial life or even just unidentified flying objects won't come from the government. it will never come from the government. and what should be compelling for skeptics or for anyone who wants to believe is at some point there will need to be private evidence. we have private evidence of everything else. we've all got a video camera in our pocket, so at some point it's going to have to be recorded by someone without pentagon's stamp of approval. >> absolutely, yes. i think people have given up on expecting the government to be truthful about this. and the phenomenon hasn't gone away. pilots are still seeing these things, filming them on forward-looking infrared
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cameras, tracking them on radar. there is a real problem in our air space, and we need to get to the bottom of it. no, this debunking report doesn't really help. and a lot of the people who testified, by the way, haven't even to spoken to the pentagon because they don't trust them. rachel: really quick, nick, i don't have a lot of time. why would the government be trying to conceal this? why don't they want us to know that there could be ufos? >> part of it's embarrassment. these things are in our air space and we can't stop them. the other thing is the technology. we don't want an adversary like china finding out more about this. so i think there's a lot of secrecy about the technology. will: all right. nick pope, thanks so much for being with us this morning. pete: thanks, nick. rachel: thank you, nick. will: the clock ticking for tiktok. the crackdown bill president biden's promising to sign, next.
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4:01 am
rachel: it's the.


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