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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  March 9, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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will: two national guard soldiers and one border patrol agent killed in a helicopter crash yesterday. cartel members were watching and laughing about the accident. pete: a gold star dad of a soldier killed in afghanistan during the afghanistan withdrawal interrupting biden's >> getting arrested. >> president biden: up 30%. the biggest increase in history. pete: he is getting support from the gop. we will tell you how. rachel: you need to use your imagination for this. the willy wonka experience parking outrage in the pop-culture roundup. the third hour of fox and first weekend starts now.
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that is india, atlantic florida. they are just teasing us today. india atlantic. rachel: never heard of it. rachel: they are teasing us with beautiful pictures of sunny places which we wish we were at now. 8:00 on the east coast and we are happy to be with you and welcome and good morning. will: how many years would we have to host this show before we exhausted every city in america? we've done florida are thousand times but never heard of that. why are you looking at me that way again? always like you guys malign me for doing things people ask, i am listening to you and thinking about what you are
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saying, not thinking about what's coming up in the show but where it is what you are seeing. what i was thinking what you were saying, new jersey and florida far and away bleeding on the numerous shots we do. when in two and not even a distant third. how long before we exist every state in america? rachel: we don't get a lot of california or arizona. pete: new jersey and florida think more highly of themselves than other states. everyone wants to see them. rachel: no one thinks more highly of themselves than texas. pete: he has a pinstripe suit and his hair is higher today. rachel: do that one more time.
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will: hold on. that is -- governor kane. will:lantern, d lists. come en. we begin with a fox news alert, three people are dead after a national guard helicopter crashed on the southern border. rachel: soldiers fighting for his life, the other three passed away. will: madeleine rivera is live. >> reporter: two national guard soldiers and one agent is dead, one soldier seriously hurt after the helicopter went down. some images on the crash site. pieces of debris scattered on the ground.
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the joint task force is the helicopter was assigned to the southwest border support mission and crashed at 2:fifty p.m. mountain time friday while conducting aviation operations. bill melugin says a border patrol source said cartel members witnessed the crash. he was told cartel members watched the helicopter on their drone when it crashed and zoomed into the crash site and laughed about it, posted on cartel social media. identities of the soldier and border patrol soldiers and border patrol agent who were killed have not been released. pete: we had the vice president of the national border patrol council. border patrol agent in the rio grande valley renewed the folks involved in this but he knows about the cartels activity and
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it was interesting to ask about the video the cartel has made. here's his response. >> as agents we don't put much thought into what these folks saying. they are garbage and i prefer, not going to give them 15 minutes of fame. we are concentrating on those who lost their lives and still fighting for their life. routine patrol tracking people that crossed into the country in the process of looking good for them. they had mechanical difficulty, down on a hard landing and ultimately died. rachel: they are garbage and they are laughing, they laugh every single day as do the chinese working with those cartels because the cartels actually are the ones running
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the border, they control it. they decide who comes over and who doesn't and get paid handsomely for it. they are richer and more powerful so this is a slap in the face to border patrol who want to do their job but president biden won't let them. these are the kind of things that happen when you have to have border patrol and national guard overlooking but not able to do much. pete: we wake up with three lists great americans among our ranks because they are willing to do a job they are not allowed to do so i feel for these families. the names will eventually be released, they died in service of our country even if this administration isn't going to let them. rachel: appreciate that. president biden talking about potential debate against donald trump, says we will see. watch.
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>> will you commit to a debate with donald trump? >> president biden: it depends on his behavior. pete: depends on his behavior. the state of the union, he accomplished the lobar finishing the speech and quelling concerns about whether he's capable of being the candidate. that was the real bar they had to pass and what questions turn to who will be trump's vice presidential pick and will these two debate? there is no surprise, the answer was too quick. the answer was quick and i think ultimately that is an excuse to say he will never behave because he's a threat to democracy and can't give him a platform, spread misinformation so won't debate. rachel: karine jean-pierre was asked i can't answer is that. the first hint we got he was not going to definitively say
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he would participate because they will find an excuse to not have a debate because it will be a disaster. he did well, he had to finish in the speech, not be buffering and mess up and got past that and that is the bar but that was a teleprompters speech at the debate has no teleprompter and if he felt secure he would say of course i will debate him. or he would say -- will: too quick to move on to the idea that it will be president biden versus donald trump. you may say about people who care about the state of the union, proves himself by making it through pretty well. so whatever it was, jacked up and ready to go for an hour but
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didn't prove anything to the american people, the polls are what matter and that will determine the nominee, a lot of people are saying right now it is time to move on from president biden. >> i want to talk about 2024. you think biden should drop out of the race. 's >> if biden drops out you worry it could help trump. >> if biden drops out they will win without a doubt. biden should drop out, that's the point. he is being selfish. james carville was here months ago and said any fiftyish demonstrate -- democrat, so of course who knows? that is my basic belief. it is theirs for the taking.
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pete: that is the argument to be made and it is possible. he did himself a lot of favors in his own party. we are talking about d bates. it is march. this is going to be the longest general election cycle we have ever seen in our lifetime. the fact that he didn't say the presidential commission work that out means if it is joe it is unlikely there's a debate. will: forget whatever that was. let me give three digital podcasts. on the will cain show i had the host of the ruthless podcast. they know what they are talking about. john ashbrook said to me democrats go to their convention. president biden announces he cannot do it after months of bad bowling and it can't be donald trump, i will admit
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months of manipulation ahead, systemic and media manipulation, they have those cards they can play with some recognition the polling is bad, they put up a field of 3 or 4 candidates because you can't just ignore kamala but put her in knowing full well she doesn't win and the delegates go i've got gretchen witmer, gavin newsom and that is how at the end you end up with new some. some validity to that, trump has a new nickname for gavin newsom and that shows in some way the seriousness of gavin newsom. news,. rachel: okay. all right. well. i guess that could happen. i don't know. pete: plausible but unlikely.
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rachel: what i believe is anything could happen. anything could happen. if i were to take pete's side that they will keep him there, the assurance of that he could keep it above, a lot of confidence in the tricks that they quiet, the mail in ballots, president biden would have to go down even more before this could happen. rachel: president biden will sell the line that i am the guy who beat trump before so i'm the best guy to beat him in 2,024. that the line he will use internally including the oval office and his own head, that's the most important factor. rachel: the other point, it's very selfish of president biden to stay in the race. jill biden and joe biden are very selfish and there's a reason they may want to stay in and that is the doj and fbi has
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been a great protection of their racket. they may feel like staying in office is a way to protect their enterprise from coming -- let's face it, the doj and fbi have been helpful to biden. will: the interruption with marjorie taylor greene who said say her name and president biden mispronounced laken riley. another interruption didn't lead to an exchange but certainly raised eyebrows, couldn't tell what he was saying initially but something about afghanistan. the person that yelled that out was the guest of cory mills, he is a goldstar dad, his son was killed in afghanistan. he was interrupted, attempted
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and got escorted out, goldstar dad talking about his son who president biden has never said his name, wanted to make it known at the state of the union. >> president biden: up 30%. 30% they went up. the biggest increase in history. pete: second battalion first marines. remember the 13. right at the moment president biden had pivoted and said the world is safer now under -- rachel: he didn't stand up and say say my son's name, he never said at the state of the union address anything about the others who died, the tragedy is not only did their son died but
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their son's brother killed himself at the gravesite of their son a year later. this is a massive human tragedy. pete: when they commander-in-chief ignores and dismisses that. rachel: he was taken out, handcuffed, taken away, let out in handcuffs, had to pay a fine. think about the protesters blocking the traffic. there is a protected class, certain people treated one way in our country and certain people allowed to do other things. can't imagine if the gaza protesters had been republicans vilified during that speech, two types of people in our country treated very differently. pete: republicans are calling for the goldstar father who lost his son in afghanistan,
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his older brother committed suicide, never apologized or said his name in public. steve was arrested for demanding biden do it at the state of the union. the charges to be dropped. pete: if the group blocking biden from moving to the capital had not been, had been amaga supporters, not about what you are protesting, peaceably assembling, if it had been them it would have been characterization would have been the january 6th guys are here again. no equal application. will: start with this. nine people debt after a crash that shut down the stretch near wisconsin, minnesota. semi truck entered the same intersection as a van slamming into it.
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one person is in the hospital. the cause of the crashes under investigation. hawaii, installing fire detection sensors. in the event of another wildfire. there's a new push in maui to speed up the building process. to expedite permits, on average the wait time to build is 400 days. the massive fire in texas under those lines. the savannah baseball team, over-the-top antics going viral after dirty dancing in jacksonville early this month.
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♪ pete: they had the time of their lives that night, they were dancing, from the classic 80s movie. will: did they remake dirty dancing? rachel: no one can remake, nobody -- pete: they will try to remake and butcher it. will: they did, say it right here, they did. rachel: who was in it? that was my high school senior our junior prom. i just aged myself a lot. i don't care. i am owning it.
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tiktok is a threat. the house is expected to vote on a crackdown bill, telling users to fight back, directing them to fight back. >> i called my representative, tried to stop the ban on tiktok. rachel: they were able to logon. former face block -- facebook employee reacts next. pete: here's a look at what is coming up on one nation tonight. brian: coming up tonight, 9:00 eastern time on one nation, do you want to live longer? i will tell you how. you want to laugh intelligently? one of the hottest comedians in the country. and why democrats have suddenly found religion when it comes to crime and punishment and tom cotton, the senator says america is trying to break up with china. china is trying to break up with us.
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do not miss this addition of one nation. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at ♪ ♪ ♪
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my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport.
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will: housley bankers want tiktok to separates ties to the chinese communist party, the
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paging based dance, 6 months to sell the platform. in response, tiktok is encouraging users to flood lawmakers with office calls urging them to vote against the bill. the social media company is calling it a tiktok shut down. a tech policy center director at the heritage foundation and former counterterrorism analyst joins us now. have you seen these videos? what is popular, tiktok is popular, people respond to this call, and even more important, some of these donors, republican donors with billions invested in tiktok, what are you doing at tiktok? rachel: that is a lie. it is not a ban or outlaw of tiktok. it simply gives tiktok a choice, cleanly the best from
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the chinese communist party or face a prohibition on the google and apps stores. why doesn't tiktok make the choice? and very present and proven so in its parent company and face a ban. if it doesn't want to get band just separate from china. as simple as that. it is not a full on ban. this is been mischaracterized and people are wrong. what's wrong with the calling and offices and whatnot, tiktok can manipulate, kids say they will commit suicide if tiktok is banned, this is all an idea or proof the tiktok can manipulate and influence the next generation of americans to calm themselves in so many ways. it is devastating in my mind. pete: the house vote that has come out of committee at the floor which in addition president biden said he would
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sign the bill, the legislation will trample the first amendment rights of 170 million americans and deprive small businesses of the platform they rely on to create jobs and growth. an example of what we are talking about. >> call your representatives. so many small businesses, people are surviving on this apps. >> i called my representative to stop the ban on tiktok. i will drown without this apps. ban tiktok and you are banning financial security for mothers. >> thousands that people use this apps to improve themselves to generate income you need to call your representative and tell them do not been tiktok. brian: people are making money on tiktok and a lot of apps and have personal interest in continuing. what do you make of vivek ramaswamy and donald trump saying this is not something they would be interested in or
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putting out tiktok is not our only problem. rachel: there are massive problems with big tech but i would say the policies donald trump had when he was president were good. he was the one who tried to push through the executive order to ban tiktok and another company, he should stick with that. and he should stick with that line of thinking. don't give a foreign adversary access to children in their pockets, having american company to make money on isn't the biggest thing but we need to tackle the big tech problems, the heritage foundation at the forefront of that. we understand that. china is a clear and present danger. get rid of the chinese commonest party and we will tackle the american companies in the future. will: thank you. ever dreamed of meeting marilyn monroe? her ai counterpart's debuting's this week.
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tomorrow is the oscars so is the fifth time the charm for bradley cooper? the world of pure imagination, not exactly. the apology after this willie wonka let down, the pop culture round up. ♪ (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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rachel: time for a pop culture round up. we will touch on the latest and greatest hollywood drama out there. tonight night, the 96 academy awards, the oscars tomorrow night and hollywood is buzzing over oppenheimer versus barbie, bradley cooper is up for his
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fifth attempt at winning best actor for maestro. tom, who is going to win? >> reporter: oppenheimer is a great movie in the kind the oscars are supposed to be about. i'm sick of barbie people complaining we got snubbed. they made a lot of money. rachel: they should win for costume and original song. >> i didn't go to see barbie. my daughters went to see it. that is what it is for, for your daughters to go on the weekend. rachel: bradley cooper has been running hard for this, netflix, $20 million. >> on the nose alone. rachel: the notes too. >> reporter: bradley cooper is great, can't believe he was nominated five times, show the guy some love. rachel: you think he should get it?
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i think about like the pope. if you wanted that bad you won't be a good pope. if you want it that bad. >> reporter: he is laying get back. rachel: ai is a big thing, bringing marilyn monroe back. they will debut -- >> reporter: marilyn is too human. she is flesh and blood, okay, when you see her even in black and white she comes to life. looks like a marilyn impersonator. and -- rachel: i hate this trans-humanism. that's part of it. she's human in all her beauty and psychological things she's dealing with.
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the new marilyn monroe is sidney sweeney, saying she's the next iteration, quite popular but i agree with you on that. let's move to the next topic which is meghan markle. >> she's the ai. rachel: one of the top build people, the vision of visionary female leaders. i saw some of her on the panel, and complaining about bullying of all people, meghan markle says i don't understand how people online can be so catty and cruel especially when you are pregnant and as a mom, in such a tender phase of your life, time of your life. what about what she did to princess kate accusing her of being a racist?
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>> reporter: she has been a big gossiper all along but that quote has she ever said anything interesting? somebody should offer one million dollars if you can find me something she ever said that's interesting. talking about ai, they could do ai of her because everything that comes out of her mouth is senseless pablum. they talk about feminism and girl power and all that stuff. i listen to her podcast, it is so boring. rachel: she is insufferable. willie wonka. parents saw this ai generated ad saying you can give your kids a willie wonka experience, they paid $35 and turns out they got into this creepy warehouse and the kids started crying and it didn't deliver. that's the problem with ai. >> reporter: the problem is the mother and the father, they pay $35 for a ticket.
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there job, i take my kids to things that are lousy but it is great and kids love things, if the parent acted like this was fun the kids would have had a good time. parent started complaining and one of them called the cops. rachel: parents are like -- >> reporter: i would have said you didn't get stuck in a tube like augustine's glue or shot down an egg shaft, you should be happy you are here. rachel: i talk about this a lot. an article in the new york post showing how insanely high their dating standards are and that is why they are single. they said they look if you are from queens, they want to look at your bank account, what do you make of this? >> reporter: dating is easy, getting married is hard but i don't think there dating standards are very high.
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i see these women out on dates. all i see are gorgeous women with very sloppy looking guys. they have a problem that they are single because the guys aren't marrying them. they don't have to get married. plenty of hot women for these guys to have a great time with. they lowered their standards on husbands, what they are looking for in a mate. they don't have to. guys don't have to live up to any standard. rachel: i like that answer. who knew you were dating expert too? marriage expert. we have to talk about that. tom is going to be on the big weekend this week. catch that tonight. tomorrow night, thanks for joining us on pop culture round up, love it. the anti-police pendulum is swinging get back. oregon, san francisco, washington and new york pushing safety policies after back lash
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will: crime is soaring across the nation, blue states and
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cities using the reverse card on ultra progressive policies. pete: let's see how lawmakers are changing their tune, the blue card right there. we played that, a couple months ago. it is fun for a while, not fun when you live in one of these cities but the reverse card in san francisco. will: governor newsom initiated police reforms in the state. part of the nationwide defund the police movement. pete: under police reform in juvenile justice reform, all these examples coming after george floyd, 2,020, defund the police. what happens when you defund the police? will: a percentage rise in major crimes, in los angeles at 13% rise in a 3-year period in those california cities.
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pete: they see overwhelming drop in quality-of-life, lawlessness running the streets. turns out politicians want to keep their jobs so they throw the reverse card down. tuesday of this week in san francisco voters passed an initiative to lift restrictions on what police can do like pursue. police are not allowed to pursue criminals, now they are in san francisco. will: george gascon is facing a reelection bid. you've got 20%. pete: he's going to be in a runoff. will: the reverse card in san francisco. democrats keep saying the crime crisis is manufactured. it is not real. why is this happening? pete: president biden said crime is down across the country. will: june of 2,020, washington dc, cuts made on the police budget happening a lot of places across the country.
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what did that do in washington dc, same timeframe? major crime up 25%. quality-of-life crimes also through the roof. pete: i was in washington dc during some of the riots which was the beginning of our sense the nobody is in controlling washington dc, criminals are on the streets, city council through down the reverse card in dc saying we want more people in jail while awaiting trial. release everybody before trial and they commit more crimes, they are trying to roll it back. these cities are left-wing loony bins but they are throwing reversal cards down a little bit. will: in new york as well, new york passed a budget with $1 billion in cuts to nypd the same summer. it led immediately to a 30% rise in major felonies.
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pete: guys and gals in. choosing to retire so they got a recruitment problem as well. here's the thing. on the reversal card with governor hochul she announced the national guard will be alongside mta, mass transit, new york police in the subway but that is kind of. if you talk to the national guard, they are not allowed to do searches or arrests. they are only there in case things get out of control for the transit police who make the introductions. you think there will be things changing on the subway? no. folks closest to this say it's a windowdressing exercise. will: a private sense and a citizen protecting other riders and charged for doing so. let's talk about oregon. they went full on legalization, hard drugs.
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what an experiment. what a failure in oregon. pete: they decriminalized almost everything to include hard drugs and as a result drugs and narcotic events, skyrocketed, so did deaths, deaths from drug overdoses, wasn't a small increase but year after year increases across oregon. when you make that legal people use more. they did finally reverse it. will: they are ending that experiment. the lesson in the end, you should judge politicians harshly that make such idiotic decisions that require reversal of course within three years, decisions of which lead not just a lower quality-of-life, what you saw on the border was pure hysteria driven idiocy. pete: what you saw in the reversal card, will voters
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elect these guys or kick them out and bring in some seriousness like guiliani in new york? will: after spring cleaning, perfect time to start new home project and chip away it has you covered. ♪
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earlier in the show we saw the latest and greatest gear to revamp the outside of your spring. will: chip weighed the joins us inside the house. chip:what is awesome about this, this is called the horizon ultra, the industry's first projector with dolby vision. what this will do is 60 hz projection at 200 inches with audio built in. it is light weight but to take it outside, this is a lighter form factor but all the streaming apps built in so you don't have to do anything. it sounds great. next up, let's take the bath
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back. create a space that fits your aesthetic about your budget, this is from a bath fitter. these are high-quality acrylic panels, it takes out the messy demo type of renovation. really great stuff. it is easy to clean but you are not sacrificing durability or functionality. you find these guys at this is just a demo. let's take a look, you are going to like these. i spent a lot of time at my desk. this is the x 3 and x 4. the x tech. 275 pound weight ready. the 360, look at this. look at this.
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it has heating, cooling, massage in the lumbar, dynamic lumbar support. they make standing desks and accessories. look at this. some water filtration always a hot topic. ultimate water filtration system. this is nano mesh technology in the filter. the military and nasa uses it. it will illuminate 2 different contaminants from the water. we want to know beer drinking clean stuff. makes it easy to get hydrated and have confidence. more. we are taking more out of the water. have you seen this? this is from echo h2o. a portable water bottle puts hydrogen ions into the water. there's hydrogen in your water.
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it puts more in. you need more. pete: electrolytes. >> hydrogen has health benefits that reduces inflammation, helps with energy digestion. it made bursitis go away. good stuff. this guy with a 10 minute cycle, that is the same as drinking 18 bottles of water. no one is doing that. they got the picture at a bigger option, we will keep these guys hydrated. will: 4.5 trillion ions. ♪ d who doesn't love a good throwback?
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