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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  March 10, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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pete: it is the 8 a.m. eastern time of "fox & friends" weekend. starting with this. the rematch is officially on as you know, as joe biden and donald trump hold dualing rallies in georgia. >> joe biden is no remorse he's got no regret no empathy. >> unlike donald trump on my first day in office as president i introduced a comprehensive plan to fix -- >> plus stangtding up for patriotism a high school student refuses to back down when his school asks him to remove an american flag from his truck. what? will: and a reminder check your clocks this morning. >> two hours late, it is impossible. i set my watch back for saving time. >> saving -- >> set the wrong way. >> not plural or possessive. spring forward. >> you go off the wall to take a
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deeper look at why we still observe daylight saving time. >> very important. third hour of "fox & friends" fox weekend starts right now. will: good morning welcome to "fox & friends" on this sunday morning 8 a.m. not 7, 8 a.m. hour -- because it is dailgtd savings time. we're all going to appreciate it in a day or two after we adjust. >> tired now get it you are too. rachel: grateful your wife brought us extra coffee. pete: we're ready to go. will: you know you're going to dig it when sun is still up and it is you 6:30 you know what i ? i love it. pete: you're welcome because you want to keep the clock the same. will: you know you're going to like it -- rachel: it is just so boring i
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can't even think about it. will: do you not like seasonal affect disorder in new york it gets dark before 5 p.m. sometimes. that's a huge bummer. really depressing. or in minnesota in the winter dark at 4:30 freezing cold it is horrific. now don't you topics you care the least about are the most fun to be passionate about. rachel: i'm a home body this doesn't affect me like a shut-in i get in the morning, and maybe sometimes i'll go for a walk not often but sometimes and i don't know why. don't think about this so much. i have way too much to worry about. pete: an evening walk like twilight -- rachel: when it gets warmer i'll think about it. will: now you can -- rachel: change the weather it is still cold outside -- will: did i debate you. pete: nothing we do with our clocks change the day you can go
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outside when it is light out no matter what time it is the sun does not -- will: dark at 4:30 and go home it is dark. pete: that's a fair point. rachel: start -- get behind marco rubio -- will: i'm in senator i have your back on this. as most of america does -- pete: i'm the out. will: friends at let us know. rachel: will's pete or side or not care that much. will: three part poll. a three part poll, don't care -- keep it the way it is. let's -- that's confusing. keep daylight savings is what i want. >> i want back and forth and back and forth. all right beginning we're going to move on to -- a promise beginning this hour with the race for the oval office. as you know we've got a rematch to the 2020 election on deck for november. rachel: president biden former president trump are both holding
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rallies in georgia on saturday. each with a different message to deliver. will: mailed linn rivera joins us from washington with the details. madeleine. >> georgia is a tossup so biden and former president trump will be spending a lot of money and time in the beach state. the president is trying to shore up his support among minority voters he's touting record low black and latino unemployment and he's blasting former president trump for his rhetoric on immigrants as trump slams him accusing him of failing to take action on the border. trump says americans are worse off now than they were four years ago. >> joe biden is no remorse he's got no regret got no empathy no compassion and worst of all he has no intention of stopping the deadly invasion that stole precious laikin's beautiful american life. >> donald trump calls them vermin poisoning blood of america no one should ever doubt
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where my heart is. unlike donald trump -- on my first day in office as president, i introduced a comprehensive plan to fix immigration system -- >> biden campaign is launching $30 million ad blitz including georgia and reframing age as an asset and trump campaign sees it as the president falling. >> look i'm not a young guy. that's no secret. ♪ ♪ >> africa rally in georgia saturday took off for miami and watched ufc299. >> you know where i'm going later i'm going to the ufc fights, you know why, it is closest thing i can see that's really reflective of the election process that we have in this country the ufc fights. >> tuesday is the earliest that trump can win the majority of
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gop delegates needed to officially become republican presumptive nominee georgia is one of the states voting that day. will pete and rachel. pete: thanks for the report i have to ask, though, give us your first vote who are you with on daylight saving time? >> i have to say i'm with will on this. i do like switching back and forth -- >> that's pete now you're with pete -- >> thank you madeleine. thank you -- with variety. okay. >> i do. keeps you on your toes thanks guys. rachel: thanks madeleine. one vote now a second vote bring in fox news anchor shannon bream who are you with? >> are we talking about fighting thing? >> daylight savings -- >> because i'm set the clock and leave it. and i don't know why they passed this through the senate in '22 and everyone who tells me they'll put an end to that.
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that's a will vote. >> one issue voter on take it up. i'm telling you. rachel: you can vote for will. >> listen, hey if will is running -- there's a lane there. there's a lot of call for third party and if you're going to be the daylight savings time abolition party maybe i'm with you. i, obviously, care more about this than rachel. rachel: i'm on bring back plastic bags. >> you can be clocks and plastic bags. there you go. definitely the anticommunist -- [laughter] will: we'll wait for that ticket and we have the biden trump rematch part two here and begun with hosting dualing rallies in georgia. shannon -- >> it did and you would expect what you would hear from president president trump that you did that he's going talk about all the ways that he thinks biden hurt the country the last three years, obviously, border is a huge topic.
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there's so many stories that we're covering there and our team has been covering there for years. we know that this is something that is not going to be an easy solution. but the laken riley family and friends were there with president trump last night he talked a lot about that and you did have a contrast of president biden doing a very different kind of rally doing interviews this weekend, and in which he was apologetic for the way he referred to the suspect in the laken riley case and i think it does provide a lot of contrast for folks but what he'll say -- president biden is, i'm about pulling this country together the other side is about chaos and ruining democracy and i am the stable force here. and those are the two rallies two arguments last night. rachel: such a hard case to make that you're somehow the anti-chaos candidate -- when you are the open border candidate. i mean, and you're in the midst of this contrast between someone who is calling for legality, and calling those who break the law illegal. and you're the person who is
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basically enabling the situation and facilitating it. really tough to make -- here's another remark that joe biden made i want you to watch this clip he's talking about the comments he made about the supreme court during the "state of the union." we'll get your reaction on the other side because i know you're so much about the supreme court. so listen. >> look, i think they made a wrong decision. i think they read the constitution wrong. i think they made a mistake and i was being blunt and part that they said -- remember, what they said was, it is up to the states to decide that's really what this -- what was said it is no longer a constitutionally guaranteed principle, and they used a phrase. that women can vote they can change as they want to. i found that somewhat insulting that idea they don't think they can. women are speaking out. they spoke out in 2022 they spoke out in 2024, 20 -- this is what's going to happen and i was making clear, women
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speak up this is going to change. and if you give me some -- a congress as democrat we're going change it back to roe v. wade. >> so -- shannon, i don't know how it is insulting to give people the right to vote. to defend democracy sure hate democracy. >> well i did think it was confusing i'm not sure that landed the way he mountain to say it if court is saying if they don't like this vote they can change lawmakers, policies that kind of thing well i'm glad that women have the right to vote i'm the not sure that the president articulated that but he's saying when the issue has been on the ballot it's been good for democrats why there's been a mischaracterize and they want this issue to stay alive and superawkward justices come to the effect as representing this is one of the institutions that bedrock of america we all work together judicial legislative executive and we
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provide a safety net in surviving. when you take on one of the institutions who can not reply to you although years ago with jts alito i don't think will ever go to another "state of the union address" they have to respect each other and as they're punching bags and you're attacking them from the podium i don't think it is a good look for any president whether a republican or democrat and they sit on their hands and try to say we're part of the framework. >> then to be chastised directly that's what the question should have been. it is not about roe v. wade it is about the -- treatment of these justices in that public forum. >> i would say and shannon you can validate this. roe v. wade in its extension case versus planned parenthood are considered some of the dumbest supreme court decisions of all time left and right there's defenders because they like the outcome of this but legal analysis of the constitutionality to right of privacy that doesn't exist in
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the constitution that a right to an abortion is pretty much considered a really bad intellectual decision. >> remember the late justice ruth bader ginsburg worried about use getting to end of roe v. wade roe v. wade she was worried for it was right for being upended because it wasn't as solid as it could have been in her estimation that's from her one of the biggest advocates for abortion out there. ening one of your guests is senator from alabama who had -- the rebuttal to the "state of the union" she's going to be on your show she's getting a little bit of flak from, you know, the internet from social media also "saturday night live." you have her on the show as well as others. why don't you tell us who is on and what you're going to be getting into. >> so senator katy will be on and talk about reaction to her "state of the union address" and she tells horrific story we've heard if you've heard her speak about a sex trafficking victim now there are all kinds of folks
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going after her saying it is out of context and like this happened under biden years, so we'll ask her is that the impression you meant to give. give her a chance to clarify and explain exactly what's beginning on because she's taken a ton of heat for that and pete buttigieg part of fanning out cab netted members of reelection to talk about the border and the economy the top two issues, and so we've also got tim tebow with us who is shining spotlight on a really ugly disgusting problem of child exploitation and use his celebrity he does to wake people up and we'll talk to him about that too. >> powerful testimony on capitol hill this week looking forward to that interview. shannon, thank you. >> and by the way i'm wondering if you guys can show up if old people show up at that cove thing in nashville are we getting carded on the other side and only young and cool to get in but they might turn me away at the door. >> maybe you and pete could -- rachel: double date -- together. pete: double date they don't have to card us because there's
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no booths we're good. >> carding if you're over 35 you can't get in. i'm not saying pete is but i am -- pete: we'll hang out on the side cool concept. appreciate it. rachel: thanks shannon. >> see you guys. >> you've got it. rachel: turn now to headlines. two of the three victims died in a national guard helicopter crash in texas friday now have been identified. john garcia served as a new york state trooper and casey frank psaki as a national guard soldier a third victim a cvp agent not identified and what caused the crash and a spokes fern for the national guard says more information on the crash could be released today. president biden signing a $460 billion spending package yesterday. congress avoided a potential government shutdown, measure is a combination of six bills that
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include funding for the justice department fda at the pentagon homeland security and state department were all left out. funding for those departments set to expire in less than two weeks. this just in. princess kate posing in the first picture with her three kids since her abdominal surgery and continued support as today is mother's day in the u.k. the princess of wales has been missing for royal engagements since christmas forcing many to speculate about her condition. she's expected to return to royal duties after easter. and those are your headlines. pete: i wonder why we do different mothers days apartment of the revolution -- we're doing our own. might be part of it. rachel: i love that. pete: it is the fourth sunday of
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lent and rickey dillard just ahead but first our series continue as we've done all month long with a reading from the hallow app. so if you would at home, join us in prayer bow your head close your eyes as we pray. lord, you give your life to set us free from sin. you loved us so much that you sacrificed everything so we might have the freedom to love you and others well. it is so easy to become attached to things of this world and to lose sight of what matters most. today we asked that you reveal what limits our freedom. give us the courage to become utterly dependent on you. our hearts are restless until they rest in you. we pray in particular today for those who circumstances prevent them from experiencing real freedom. may you deliver them from all that afflicts them so they may receive the peace you offer. with this in mind we pray oh
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jesus we surrender ourselves to you and take care of everything. amen. thanks for joining us all month long and hallow for this partnership the entire month of lent check them out. god. we take this moment just to give you thanks. we thank you for this time to come together as a family, as friends, and as a country. help us, lord, especially this lent, to grow closer to you. amen. join us in prayer this lent. on hallow. stay prayed up. right now you can get a free footlong at subway. just buy any footlong in the app and get one free.
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pete: welcome back we have a story that we thought you would be interested in because we talk about flags that are flown on this show and american flag is the symbol of our country and we love it but some people have an issue with it for some reason think it is political and usually we're talking about it in cities or whatever this is a story out of eastern indiana so rural indiana, east central high school there's a senior there who has a flag on his truck i think we have a picture or video of it. and an administrator at the school said you can't fly a flag on your truck anymore. and park it in the school parking lot. will: right. inexplicable. pete: the student cameron blastic speaking out what was said about him. watch. >> the school kale to me and told me hey -- you've to remove this flag other than you're getting written up for insub i said it is not going
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to happen and i read them indiana state laws, and everything that shows them that i'm perfectly legal and fine to fly that flag. i was ought told never to back down on a situation that you believe in. that's just the way i was raised my family raised me that way and i'm very grateful for it. >> he read them back the policy tom black said this on friday he said after careful consideration and recognition of the importance of the u.s. flag as a symbol of unity and national identity pleased to inform you we're allowing display of the u.s. flag and students at the east central parking lots. >> after careful consideration. was it a tough call? will: you can hear the student in the clip said i read them back the hand book i don't know that there was a policy. but i think this is more reflective as an instinct someone inside that administration considered the american flag -- political. or divisive had is a sad -- which is not surprising. right? are you surprised? that someone had that reaction somewhere? government school --
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pete: no. will: it is set i don't know if it is limited to government schools. that it should be a unity symbol it should be national like i said identity when he came to the realization of for some reason there's an instinct that it is something else. rachel: some will say if they will say that american flag is offensive or brings up bad feelings but usually a superwoke unhappy teacher, who you know, definitely unhappy. who you know is deciding to bully a student because that student is clearly a happy american. and they don't like that. and so this time, in this rural town, faithfully they picked on the wrong kid the problem is this is happening in all kinds of schools, and we're not raising enough of those kinds of kids. pete: good parents -- you're right because the flag that -- we have become a country that
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used to salute one flag and now we've got -- more than two flags but it is kind of two flags. it is the left wants fly the transflag that's the big symbol that so many want to push. will: they're talking about the original sin our history, statues, everything -- it is you know you want to say oh they've made american flag partisan yes. it has because you know, for better or worse the left has decided that america isn't something to celebrate. pete: correct. will: at least not no symbol or history but aspiration. pete: decided now flag has become a partisan symbol. rachel: with kaepernick when you hear national anthem now we have two anthems at games, so i mean, it is going take a lot of really brave kids like that and really great parents who are -- really raising the kids right. teaching them their rightings. teaching them to understand just
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how wonderful this country is. but you know, when you see this happening in rural indiana -- you know that the project is nearly complete by the left. so it is scary stuff. pete: they're working on it and didn't count on cameron. cameron is the fly in the ointment there. thank you cameron. tiktok lawmakers set to vote on major crackdown on chinese onlied social media app. rachel: congressman mark gallagher is leading the challenge. that's next. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch.
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businesses here. >> i called my representative i was like i'm calling to stop the ban on tiktok. i will financially drown you're banning financial security for mothers. >> the thousands and millions of people that use this app every day to improve themselves, to generate income you need to call your representative and tell them do not ban tiktok. >> outrage tiktokers urging fellow users to call their elected officials including our next guest to fight against a bill that would crack down on cccp tide app faces house vote this week so mike gallagher chairs on china and introduced the bill and he joins us now. congressman thanks for being with us. let's start with videos have you received a lot of calls from people as we've heard about -- constituents or kids upset about this potential bill? >> we have, now the good news is, for those users of tiktok that our bill is not outright
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ban as tic to be has been lying and telling users it is a forced devestture we are requiring that tiktok separate itself from chinese communist control to allow for better user experience going forward and the fact that tiktok forced a popup notification on all of its users had them enter in their zip code automatically called their representatives and some cases tiktok kids threatening suicide on the phone with their representatives one inpercent nateing a colleague son shows you the dangers this platform remaining under the control of bytedance and imagine if we were voting on removing permanent normal trade relations from china or authorizing force to defend taiwan and tiktok was pushing lies to its users and interfering in the legislative content that kind of proved the concerns for us in the way they handled this. will: i appreciate the clarification on what the bill will do but another follow-up on
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the pushback. we talked about it yesterday. big gop donor jeff billionaire owns 33 billion of tiktok he as well he denies this i think has been pressuring legislators have you had donors have you had big billionaires pushing back on this bill? >> i personally have not. not been contacted by mr. yas what i would say to have a financial stake in tiktok they would it to go public in america and not hong kong that is not going to happen under current ownership structure but the only way and best way to make money off that investment is if we have a separation, a surgery that removes the cancer from tiktok and saves patient, and then they can all make money going forward. that's fine with me. i don't begrudge that and concern is for adversary control of what is come dominant news platform. >> it is huge but back to your
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bill and clarification you're not banning tiktok you're trying to force to take the ccp out of it. is that possible we hear about algorithm back doors used for privacy invasion so forth it is not most suspect it is not a financial enterprise necessarily point isn't to make money but to be a trojan horse for all issues. how do you get that out of tiktok? >> it is definitely technologically possible. the real question is whether the chinese communist party will allow it to happen if that exist and remain on their version of export control list which it is on that list. that tells you something very fundamental about how they view this platform to the point you suggested it isn't just a way for bike r bytedance to make money but influencing money and xi jinping talked about power of short form videos to propagate narrative and influence foreign societies that is heart of the concern.
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there's a separate concern about the apps ability to track your location spy on you but i think the core concern, is the around algorithm and manipulate information. we have an outside analysis suggesting that when you compare to instagram certain topics make no sense topics unfriendly to the ccp to not to appear on tiktok relative to instagram. >> i need to read this quickly a statement from tiktok regarding unanimous house vote the house committee vote. this legislation will trample first amendment rights of 170 million americans and deprive 5 million small businesses at the platform they rely on to grow and create jobs if your quick response. >> i would urge users of tiktok to call the companies leadership and say, break up with the chinese communist party so your user experience can continue and finally it is not about speech and authority does not penalize speech or behavior it is about foreign adversary control. they narrowly defined of social
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media that is the issue not speech. will: congressman mike gallagher thanks for being with us this morning. >> thank you, sir. will: time to spring forward ever wonder why we change clocks? pete and i will go off the wall with the history and future of the tradition. next. ♪ ♪ if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and blurry vision, you need clear answers. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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♪ ♪ >> don't forget tonight daylight saving time. should have changed your clocks. >> 2:00 now which way does it go? >> spring forward fall back mr. peterson. >> so it is 1:00. >> set him up sammy. [laughter] >> i was this close to going home. >> that's a great show. it was a good show. >> it is that time of year again, though. so what is daylight savings time. how did it start? and why are we still observing it? we shall go off the wall to find out. pete: if you haven't been watching this show maybe up late because you forgot to spring forward we're having a bit of a debate because i think we should keep doing it back and forth. will: confusing it.
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you like to mix it up. pete: i like tradition i like to -- will: i want to set it, keep it. pete: daylight saving time -- will: more as possible and originated with benjamin franklin hanging out in france and had the idea to -- light off the cannons at sunrise but he realized how much candle usage was being burned when you were inside org did the dark. pete: darker earlier so they were burning candles and they wanted to save energy they needed and other expendtures for the war efforts to world war i was -- because of the -- will: franklin as the idea and in world war i let's pick up franklin's idea. pete: because it makes more sense and by the way most of us think it is because of farmers that is a myth. yngt know that until this morning. did you know that before that? will: i didn't either.
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they used farmers as excuse to push this on us and they started during industrial revolution that was government policy this is government policy make us switch our clocks around. i think fascinating history is before this in the 1800s everybody did their thing clock manager set the clock and it kind of mix things up because it could be 12:15 in boston and in new york. pete: everyone looked at the sun and decided what time it was so nobody knew what time it was and town clock to set your own clock who knew because trains were had to run on time so they had to consolidate to standard time later on and shifted two times. will: gravitated to culture and rational didn't work and didn't save energy costs. pete: apparently enough candlings for everybody so didn't need to happen that way. will: thus as you can see the debate -- rages. pete: it's become a fixed part of our culture in at least --
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almost all of our country. but not all of it. will: just two states by the way don't participate in daylight savings. as we have standard time all winter long daylight savings time to get more sunlight and hawaii and arizona both warm states, arizona rational is it is hot we don't -- pete: why do that. the navajo nation by the way interestingly on the reservations dongt do that so back in the 1800s clocks all over the place and different times all over the place. hawaii near equator why change it? will: every other state does and northern europe same thing countries there same thing. pete: texas should stand alone. i don't know -- will: florida is trying to lead the charge in the united states to keep daylight savings the way we are the way we wake up this morning. marco rubio trying to introduce
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this legislation called sunshine protection act. pete: doesn't surprise me to come from the sunshine state. will: anti-sunshine. pete: that is what washington does so well. there's been traction on this for a while there were efforts this is not the first time. bills like this have been proposed and for some reason thought swamp likes the switch. will: they're not in touch with americans but i am and i know because i have my finger on the pulse of america, 62% are on my side stop changing the clocks. pete: we asked you out there what do you think and here are comments from viewers that we would love to share. this is -- phoebe -- said she hates it. no purpose. will: doesn't change a thing that's you vote. no that's a me vote stop messing the clock. pete: it is stupid and we should not have it.
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another vote for you. batting a thousand. pete: you're right this is time for all politicians to talk about ending -- what? will: she's with me. stop talking about it. do it. pete: brian says waste of time. they're all with you. this is rigged. will: where are you friends at fox i don't know if they put it up on instagram or twitter yet trying to protect rachel and pete on this. because we know america is ready to just keep daylight savings. pete: we'll see. don't worry the swamp will kick in. nothing is going to change we're all going to be turning our clocks backwards and forwards and talk about this again next year. will: one with you chief meteorologist rick for our fox weather forecast. >> see i got the meteorologist the guy who does the weather and the time and the sun and all of that. he says -- will: with the meteorologist -- >> i've lived in both of these situations i've lived in
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arizona. where we didn't have it and lived in the other where we do have it. i like having it. so there you go. by the way -- just to be a it is daylight saving -- >> you said savings 40 time there is. daylight saving. there you go. pete: he's the expert. rick: chilly start for a lot of the country this morning and had so much warm air this winter, in fact, warmest winter for much of the country so much so that the great lakes have not frozen over first time that's ever happened only about 3% of the lake froze because of that we're now getting lake effect lake enhance snow behind this system that brought all of that rain yesterday across much of the mid-atlantic the severe weather yesterday across georgia and the carolinas. you see where that front is cutting across central florida right now heading to south florida not much moisture associated with it anymore. most of the storm up to the northeast that is blue snow
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great lakes will enhance some of that throughout the day today. and we'll see some spots maybe 4 to 5 inches of snow piling up and it is windy behind us. get ready this afternoon winds will kick up and feel really cold. we might even see a few snow flakes to the 95 corridor. colder air behind this storm and not lasting long and warm up again and a bit of a chilly day today. rachel to you inside. rachel: all right thank you so much rick. we're going turn now to your headlines. new overnight police responding to shots fired call -- last night during a birthday party at a children's trampoline park outside of atlanta while pirlgs say they didn't find any victims at the scene. one parent says people were trampled while trying to leave the park. police have not yet identified a suspect. irish voters rejecting two constitutional amendments to redefine family in roles. amendments would take away, quote, very old fashion language.
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the first amendment would change definition of family to include durable relationships like unmarried couples. and their children -- and the second replaces languages about a mother's role instead of mother's role they're calling it duties in the home. good on the irish people. and to hockey, philadelphia flyers have traded for stanley cup winner erik johnson my nephew full disclosure defenseman who happens to also be my nephew that was in prompter there leaving buffalo and heading to flyers as team makes push for the playoffs. i've never been more excited reading a headline. well maybe when i read that he won the stanley cup but we're proud of you. you're closer to us. all right the birthrate in the u.s. is on a steady decline. how it could greatly impact our social and economic future. we're going to talk about that
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great topic, next.
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care for an aging population our next guest new book, hannah's children hears from 55 college educated women who are raising five or more children and the decisions behind their choice. i love this topic already. katherine ruth, ruth you're going to have to give me help with your last name. is that very author and she joins us now with her findings ruth this, obviously, fascinates me i'm a mother of nine. on the back of the book it says, in a two child world, an eighth child choice begs for an explanation. so what is your explanation? you interviewed 55 different women who have made this choice. what did you come up with at the end? what are your findings? >> yeah these are women all around the country who think of children as the purpose of their marriage and the greatest blessing. so it is just -- a pure belief in goodness of
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children and motivates them in a center of their lives around children and fit their careers often abundant careers around their children. rachel: i was just talking to a woman in our studio a friend of pete hegseth and she has six children and we're going to have this topic she said i'm an attorney herself and she said you know what, i just funneled my ambition into my family and my home. which i thought was a beautiful answer. how which does faith have to do with -- was that a common theme among these women as well? >> yes. faith is a huge theme across the country. and really across the world right it is -- and so what about faith a specific belief all right typically motivated by faith. this is why this book is call thed hannah's children i'm pointing to biblical hannah who is just a wonderful example for us as somebody who really prayed to have that child prayed to have samuel and i kongtd think of a better example for that. so you know, muslim, christians,
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jews, mormon woman across the country you know very, very motivated by that belief, yeah. rachel: i couldn't put the book down last night i was just loving everything i was reading and one of the things i thought was interesting is so many of the women said, i didn't feel like i don't feel like i'm missing out on anything but, in fact, learning more about myself and who i am. my own personality is actually coming out through the experience of mothering in a big family. >> right. right, that was a resounding theme right the sense that although -- rachel: count cultural. >> huge rewards and often times we don't talk about those rewarding very much. rachel: yeah. the another thing i thought was interesting is some of them talked about how they felt more connected to their ancestors they felt like there was a chain -- and that they were gaining strength through this experience of mothering. that was reaching back into
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generations, that they felt the power of mothers in their family, you know, tree from, you know, as they go through this experience. >> right. i mean, so people talk about identity and identity politics and one of the women that i talk to and, in fact, she's called hannah in the back is what a way to form an identity to reach into the generation and build this link that was sthepg that really took me surprise that was a really beautiful statement. yeah. rachel: the book is called hannah's children. you are an economist, i should say so there's a lot of data in there but a lot of beautiful stories it is very readable i encourage people to get a copy so i'm a fan. thank you. >> thank you. glam still ahead grammy artist dillard is here and our faith serious continues here this morning.
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you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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