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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  March 10, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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shannon: god bless you for how you're using your platform to try to make a difference. of it's inspiring to the rest of us as well. >> thank you so much. shannon: and just a quick note, my podcast, living the bream, dropped a new episode. this week i sat down with the author and founder of the gathering, jenny allen, to talk about her new book, untangle your emotions: naming what you feel and knowing what to do about it. don't we all have some emotions these days? great discussion. that's it for us today. thank you for joining us. i'm shannon bream. have a great week. we'll see you back here next "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪
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maria: >> now my predecessor, a former republican president, tells putin, quote, do whatever the hell you want. my predecessor came to office determined to see roe v. wade overturned. my predecessor and many in this chamber want to take prescription discussion away by repealing the affordable care act. maria: the state of america. the response from south carolina senator tim scott and wisconsin senator ron johnson and florida congressman byron donalds coming up. meanwhile in georgia, president trump speaks with the parents of murdered georgia nursing student laken riley, vowing to secure
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the southern border. if. >> i will fight like no one has ever fought before to insure that a what happened to this american daughter, this incredible, incredible american, that this never happens to any other daughter or anyone else ever again. we will do everything we can that it doesn't happen again. [cheers and applause] maria: coming up, it is official, the face of the republican party changes with new leadership at the republican national committee. newly-installed cochair lara trump is here on her efforts to insure a transparent and free presidential election. as attorney general or merrick garland vows to stop voter id laws. then, america's adversaries looming. four-star general and former vice chief of staff of the army, jack keane, on the china and russia threat to america's national security. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪
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maria: and today we spring forward with this sunday morning just 239 days until november's presidential election and an expected rematch between president biden and former president trump. in fox if news' latest power ranking, trump is forecast with 251 electoral votes against biden's 241. now 48 votes are up for grabs -- 46 up for grabs. trump is making major gains with key supportersers of biden with 28% of black voters, 51% of voters under the age of 30, 48% of hispanic voters and 43 of suburban women backing the 45th president. come this november republicans will decide on a new leader in the senate after mitch mcconnell announced he is stepping down after a serving in the leadership position for a record 17 years. but mcconnell will stay in the to serve out his term which ends in january of 2027. so far john cornyn of texas and john thune of have announced
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they will seek to become the next senate republican leader. joining me right now in this "sunday morning futures" exclusive is south carolina senator tim scott. senator, great to see you this morning. thanks so much for being here. >> good morning, maria. thank you. maria: who would you like to see in that leadership role in the senate? >> you know, it's a great question. i'd like to see someone leading the senate who's willing and able to work hand in glove with president trump. we need a majority in the senate that understands putting america first is working with president trump president trump. our priorities should start with closing the southern border. it should continue on having the the next wave of tax cuts that gives americans their money back, and then we should make sure that we have law and order in our streets. that's not the person, john or john, it's the concept that president trump will lead our president to a brighter future, and we must have a new majority leader who wants to work hand in
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glove with donald trump. maria: you know, while president trump was meeting with the family of laken riley who was murdered by an illegal who crossed into this country in september of 2022 according to the fti -- fbi, president biden was apologizing for calling tha- >> it's disgusting. maria: -- that person illegal. can you explain it? >> no one can explain that. talk about disgusting. joe biden is more worried about using the word illegal or undocumented. the word he should use is murderer. here we have donald trump, our president, sitting down with laken riley's family, and you have joe biden apologizing for what word he used. we need a president who's serious about saving american lives by closing the southern border with a trump wall. we need a president who is serious about saving american
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lives by reinstating the remain in mexico policy. maria, we need a president who is serious enough about saving 70,000 americans who are dying of fentanyl by getting serious and tough on our border. we don't need a president who's going to back step and a apologize for using the word illegal versus undocumented when the word he should just use is murder or. that is disrespectful to the riley family, and i'm so thankful that president trump sat down with the family and and made the commitment that i would make as well which is simply we will close our southern border and save the sons and daughters of this nation by putting america first. maria: how would you assess the state of the union, sir? >> long and wicked. he went on forever. i can't think of a worse person to give a long speech than joe biden. wicked in that i heard a
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socialist utopia emerging in his words. he is giving away money to student loans. he's giving away money for welfare programs. he's giving away money for climate. all i heard was giveaway, giveaway, giveaway and tax more. that is antithetical to who we are as americans. what americans want is the ability to control their own future. that requires having their money back. that's why we were better off under president trump. maria: yeah. >> in 2017 he led the greatest tax cuts in the history of our nation, over $2.3 trillion going back to americans and in their pockets. maria: yeah. >> so we a had the lowest unemployment, we had low inflation but we had high enthusiasm, high optimism. success, maria, breeds more success. and that's why african-americans, hispanics and women voters are coming back to the gop, because we have a
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leader. maria: yeah. >> we have a leader at the top of the mountain that says we can all do better. maria: do you believe the black community will come out for trump? this november? >> i have never seen the type of enthusiasm for a republican presidential candidate than i'm seeing right now for president donald trump. 40 of african-american men willing to vote for president trump. why? because they had more money in their pockets, we had more law and order in the streets, and we had a great canner future for our kids -- greater future for our kids. listen, president trump is the president that says every child in every zip code deserves a quality education. president trump is the president who says every neighborhood deserves more police. not defund the police, but let's refund, respect and have our officers where they're needed the most. we as a people, the american people, love that. but african-americans are devastated by migrant crime.
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we're seeing african-american kids staying home from school in new york city so they can put illegal immigrants in the schools. we're watching colorado and denver specifically zero out paychecks so illegal immigrants can have more money. that's devastating for communities. president trump stands with a a backbone and says not on my watch. maria: senator, i was struck by a.g. merrick garland's comments recently. he gave a speech and he said is he is going to vow, vow to stop voter id laws. he said it's discriminatory partly against the black community. what's wrong with having an id to vote, and why is this attorney general so bent on enforcing no id when you go to the voting booth? >> with well, listen, he disrespects the black community with his race baiting. here's what he's suggesting, tata we are too dumb, stupid or
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poor to be able to get a photo id to vote. let me ask you a question, maria, have you with ever had to show a voter id or an id to get on a plane or to cash a check or to check out of your grocery store? of course you can. of course you have and of course you should. maria: well -- >> we want joe biden fired so merrick garland goes out with him the next day. we should all a want voter id. why? maria: yeah. >> because it makes sure that we protect the american process of voting. here's what we know from the 2022 election in georgia, they changed the law, voter id is still the law of the land, and they had thest turnout. and republicans still -- highest turnout. and republicans still won with across the state. we mow if you can have voter id and voter integrity. maria: senator, it's a great point. obviously, he's making room for the illegals coming into this country. >> crazy. maria: it's great to have the conversation with you, sir. we will continue to follow it. thank you for being here. >> look forward to seeing you
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again, maria. thank you. senator senator all right. senator tim scott. and now this -- >> it was pretty surprising that the special counsel would state the obvious in writing, that joe biden's mental capacity is diminished. i think we see that play out on a daily basis. what i'm concerned about is the fact that hidden within that document with is evidence that some of the classified documents he mishandled were from ukraine and china. of. maria: and that was house oversight committee chairman congressman james comer with me here last month on special counsel robert hur's report investigating president biden's handling of classified documents during his tenure as vice president is. hur declining to bring criminal charges against biden in part due to what he said the jury would see as, quote, a sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. hur is scheduled to testify this week in front of the house judiciary committee, that's coming coming up this tuesday, as house are republicans had their subpoena denied by the white house that the doj hand
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over transcripts and audio related to hur's interview with president biden. meanwhile, special counsel jack smith continues to aggressively pursue criminal charges against former president trump's handling of classified documents. he filed a number of arguments against trump's bid to dismiss the case. joining me now in this "sunday morning futures" exclusive is florida congressman byron donalds. thanks so much for being here, great to see you this morning. >> good to be back with you, maria. maria: your reaction to this approach, different approach, toward the classified documents case. >> look, i think -- i find it to be completely disgusting by the department of justice. house oversight and house judiciary are doing our jobs, we are requesting the information from the if special counsel on his investigation into joe biden. and let's be clear, this is not about joe biden's activities during his presidency, it is the fact that he did take classified information from a secure facility when he was vice president and when he was a united states senator.
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both are a violation of the espionage act. and having a poor memory does not absolve you from violating the espionage act. being old and you would elderly -- elderly does not absolve you from violating the espionage act. and so once again you see the two-tiered system of justice against donald trump simply because he is the republican nominee, and he is actually the person that would blunt the radical democrat agenda. so what do the democrats do? weaponize the department of justice, go after their political rival. it is fascism here in the united states brought to us by joe biden and the democrats. maria: so what -- where does the impeachment inquiry against president biden stand at this point? you're a member of the oversight committee, and you and james comer have talked about $30 million that you have identified going to biden, 170 suspicious activity reports, the gift of a porsche and two diamonds. i want to get your take on, specifically, what evidence you have, the most egregious
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evidence that you may have that points to joe biden being involved in the influence peddling that you and your committee have laid out. >> well, we have it with the fact that we now know that hunter or biden did bring joe biden to this dinner at café milano. it has been talked about in various deposition transcripts from tony bobulinski to devon archer. when we asked hunter biden, he couldn't recall. you have the text message famous hi about requesting money from chairman zhao. the money sewed up a week later -- showed a week later. hunter biden said he was high, can't remember. but photos from the laptop from el show he was at joe biden's house on the day the effect text the message was send. number two, the fact that you have money that flows to jim biden on the same day checks are cut to joe biden. and then they're calling it a loan, but there are no loan documents that a exist. that's number two. and then number three and most
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importantly i think if you're talking impeachment, joe biden has woefully violated immigration law in the united states. he has also violated supreme court ruling when it comes to student loans, and he does it with impunity. i believe it's partly the oversight investigation, but it's also the willfulness of joe biden to ignore the supreme court and to not faithfully take care to execute cute -- execute the laws of the united states when it comes to border security. maria: in fact, during the state of the union address he tried to school the sprowrkts attacking them for their decision on roe v. wade. your reaction and also give us your assessment of biden's state of the union this week. >> well, i found his scolding of the court disgusting because the left will say that they want to respect the institution except when they don't get their way. when they don't get their way, they want the call out supreme court justices in front of the world. that was outrageous. there was a reason not -- the entire or supreme court was not there, because i think they understood they didn't want to be subjected to joe biden's foolishnesses.
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on a whole, the state of the union speech was disgusting. i've never seen a speech like this where the opposition party from the if president's party did not stand for an hour in that speech. it was partisan is, it was a campaign speech. he was trying to prove himself to his political base because they have serious questions about his ability and, frankly, they should have serious questions about his ability, but it was not about the united states of america. it was not addressing the true state of the union which is unraveling a bunch of the policies joe biden because they've been disastrous for america. maria: this is what i really want to get to. the state of the union is an opportunity for america to understand where the country stands on so many issues whether it's economic or foreign policy or beyond. i walked away from that state of the union not really having a clear understanding of what is the state of the union. so i can you, what is the state of the union today? if. >> right now under joe biden we are a nation in decline. and it's truly sad because america has so much promise.
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you could make the clear argument, maria, that the only reason why our economy is still a afloat is really because of the ingenuity, the hard work, the ethic, the grit of the american worker, the american businessman, the american financier. all of them working interdependently to just produce if goods and services and enjoy america. it's the greatest nation in the world. but with this leadership from joe biden where we have fallen behind on the world stage, we are falling behind when it comes to energy, we are falling behind when it comes to regulation9 and the government gets bigger as a result, it's not been good for the united states. we can significantly do better. this is why i believe donald trump's going to be the 47th president of the united states. maria: well, during the state of the union biden said, and this is a quote, i've already cut the deficit by over $1 trillion. that's just not true according to the committee for a responsible federal budget. maya mcgiven necessary writes this: more than the entirety of the fall of the deficit can be explained by covid relief are enacted under, both trump and
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biden expiring. so the covid money has expired, and that is why the deficit went down. covid-related spending fell by nearly $1.5 trillion between fiscal year '21 and '22 according to the committee for a responsible federal budget. we're still waiting to see if you all are going to groirt work done, the appropriations bills, and avoid a government shutdown within the next two weeks, right? >> that is correct. two quick things. number one, your report is absolutely correct. and then joe biden did the dumbest thing ever, he juiced federal spending with his american so-called rescue plan which created the disastrous inflation that has been crippling american consumers. but went it comes to the federal budge, i do believe we're going to get in this work done finally. and it's important for the american people to understand that house republicans were prepared to get all this done last september, but the reason why this could never get resolved is because with chuck schumer and senate democrats wanted to delay, delay, delay, delay and delay some more, mostly for politics but also
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just to get as a much money into the government as possible to spend on reckless policy. it is unfortunate, buts this is what happens when you have bad leadership in the democrat party. america can do better. and and i'll even say for democrat voters, they can do better as well, because the people leading their party are leading their party into oblivion. it's a shame, seeing what's happened to the democrat party in america. maria: congressman, fors it's great to have you, thanks very much. we'll be watching your work. thank you, sir. >> thank you. maria: congressman byron donalds this morning in florida. quick break, and then the new leadership at the republican national committee as president trump strengthens his grip on the are republican party and his loyalists, michael watley and lara trump, are voted in on friday night to lead the rnc. lara trump is here with her priorities for the upcoming election. can the new team ensure a fair and transparent election? but first, the national security impact of china's aggression, senior strategic analyst retired four-star general jack keane is here on the china threat next.
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sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. >> i quote extensive hi from chinese propaganda ministry officials and and military officials. they call tiktok the trojan horse that they're using against the west, and they lay are out
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in excruciating detail how they use it as a propaganda tool to undermine the faith of american young people in their own country. maria: and that was peter schweizer, author of the bestseller "blood money" on the threat tiktok poses to u.s. national security. this week the house is expected the vote on a bill that would force chinese company bytedance to celtic doc over concerns that the chinese communist party is access ising personal day of the app's users. joining me now is fox news senior strategic analyst, retired four-star general jack keane. general, your reaction to this upcoming vote and the threat that is tiktok. >> well, we're clearly moving in the right direction. i mean, our entire intelligence community, led by the fbi who's responsible for counterintelligence, are all in agreement here that tiktok is absolutely a threat to our national security. so this bill is moving in the
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right direction. and for our audience to understand, it's not suggesting to ban with tiktok. the bill really is after change the ownership of tiktok. get rid of bytedance and get another company in there who owns it that is not plugged into the chinese communist party. that really is the issue. and hopefully, this gets past. it is a threat to our national security. and certainly it most significantly would be if we had a conflict with china in terms of what they know about the american people would be a huge advantage to them at that time and how to manipulate them. maria: yeah. it's an important point to majority i also want to get your take e on the threat of iran as well as what's happening on israel and that what maas -- and hamas. you say that there was news broken prosecute testimony of the chairman of centcom. talk to us about what's aping and the approach to iran from the if united states.
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>> yeah. well, a couple things. first of all, we have to congratulate centr -- centing com and our military capability in shutting down the iranian-backed militias that have been attacking our bases in iraq and syria. after the february 2nd and february 7th attack, 85 targets hit and, obviously, the leader of the iraqi-backed militia, that shut 'em down. they've been shut down for over a month, so good news there. but in dealing with the houthis, because we've been out of yemen for years. we're still in iraq and syria, and we don't have the visibility in yemen that we used to have. he had testified that to really stop the houthis from taking it from just degrade them to stop them, we have to impose costs on iran. and that is something we've all been talking about here with you, maria, and others. iran is the center of gravity here, and you have to put their assets at risk.
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no one here to include the centcom commander is talking about conducting an attack that would suggest we're going to war with iran and going after infrastructure in tehran like we did in baghdad in 2003. these are limited attacks to get iran's attention, to make sure they understand that their assets are going to be held at risk. and that is a step that still needs to be taken and hopefully the administration will release the assets that the centcom commander has to do just that. maria: yeah. i've got to tell you, it doesn't feel like we've got any aggressive, you know, response to all of these attacks on our troops in the middle east. and even as we are sort of stalling on an aggressive response there and if stalling on an aggressive response to the aggression coming out of communist china, president biden is warning bibi netanyahu that the he needs to put a ceasefire in place, like, immediately. biden warned the prime minister of israel that an assault on
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rafah would cross the red line. the president has been talking about this expected ceasefire for a number of days now, and yet there's been no conversation of any expectation that hamas is going to release the hostages. >> yeah. i mean, for the life of me i don't know what is going on here. the proposal on the table that israel has is a ceasefire. you know, for six weeks. and and obviously a release of hostages and significant humanitarian aid. that's on the table. who is saying no to that? hamas. maria: right. >> they want a permanents ceasefire. they want withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza. look, those are unreal list aric negotiating points -- unrealistic. so it looks like hamas if appear to be digging their heels in here because they believe they have the wind at their back with the international community condemning israel for its behavior. and now this just is reinforces
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their position because we have the president of the united states, no less, reinforcing that behavior with as welch -- as well. listen, what has to happen here and let's put it on the table, israel has to destroy the remaining effective hamas fighting battalions. somewhere in the neighborhood of five to six of them. four of them in rafah. if they don't do that and if they don't take down the principal hamas leaders who are still alive in those tunnel systems, what's going. to happen? hamas will declare victory, and they will rearm and reattack and threaten israel again. that's put israel's survival at risk. people will not want to live in israel if they can't take care of their families and feel secure. maria: of course, yeah. >> that is the objective hamas is trying to achieve. maria: general, well said on all three counts. we so appreciate your guidance and time this morning. thank you, sir. jack keane joining us this morning. quick break, and then president biden turns the state
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of the union into a campaign speech attacking president trump. reaction from new, incoming republican leadership, rnc cochair lara trump is here on biden's state of the union and revealing comments by attorney general merrick garland when it comes to voter id. stay with us an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. ♪(sung) limu emu and doug.♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ...of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here.
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>> we are challenging efforts by states and jurisdictions to implement discriminatory, burdensome and unnecessary if restrictions on access to the ballot including those related to mail-in voting, the use of drop boxes and voter id requirements. maria: voter id requirements. that was attorney general merrick garland vowing haas weekend that the department of justice will confront if any state that implements tougher election security measures including rules to show your id. in houston on friday, the republican national committee elected michael watley to
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replace ronna mcdaniel as chairman and lara trump as cochair. both received the endorsement of former president trump who told me exclusively in an interview last month at mar-a-lago that a changes were coming to the rnc leadership, and certainly they have. joining me right now is the woman herself, the can chair, the new cochair of the rnc, lara trump, who begins day one on monday, tomorrow. lara, great to see you. congratulations. >> thank you so much, maria. i really appreciate it. maria: what is your priority leading the rnc right now? >> well, you just heard from the top law enforcement officer in the country, merrick garland, that he doesn't want voter id anywhere, that he wants to basically give access, as you just heard from him, to anyone whether they are legally able to vote or not. that is a huge problem. we have three pillars that we need to focus on at the rnc to insure victory on november 5th; turn out the vote, protect the vote and raise money. but i would argue that maybe the most important of those three is
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protecting the vote. election integrity. we have to insure that when people go vote, today feel like their vote counts, that they are inspired to go vote. we can never allow what happened in 020 and the questions surrounding that election to ever happen again, so i'll tell you right now what is already underway at the rnc, we have for the first time ever an election integrity division. this means vast resources can dedicated solely to this cause. we are going to have -- and we've already started working on, and i'll tell you monday we're going to expand all of it -- a nationwide network of volunteers whether it's poll watchers, trained poll workers, these are people who can physically go in, count ballots that are coming in, know how many are coming in, how many are going out, volunteer and paid attorneys. if you are an attorney who wants to volunteer, we want you. donald j, gop, please come volunteer -- gop
12:37 pm -- we have lawsuits to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat. to anyone out there who's thinking about cheating in an election, we will go after you, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. it is not worth it. every person in this country, maria, whether you are a republican or democrat should want free, fair and transparent elections. and that's e what we're going to focus on. maria: well, look, you just heard a a.g. garland. you are going to be fighting off an cup hill battle because they do -- uphill battle. he said he's going to vow to stop states that have voter ids. and you have to question whether or not this is about the 10 million illegals who have come into this country on joe biden's watch. i had a friend the other day tell me she was standing at a food truck, two gentlemen approached her. one had tattoos all over his face. they looked like illegals, she said, and one add a clipboard and he said to her, hello, miss, do you want to sign up to become
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a democrat and vote. you're talking about people that you want to hire, they're already doing that, and they may be doing it with illegals coming into this country. >> yeah. well, you do have to ask yourself, why would you not want something so basic like voter id? and i think you're right, people say why do we have a fully open southern border? why is it you're willing to allow fentanyl to pour over and kill 100,000 americans a year? why is it you're allowing is -- 11699 people on the terror -- 169 people on the terror watch list last fiscal year to come over, and i think the only thing people can figure is the democrats are bleeding and hemorrhaging voters. they understand that they cannot fool people in this country any longer, so they have to import people. and the only reason you wouldn't want voter id is if you want people who cannot vote to vote in these elections. it is insane. it's exactly the reason, maria, that this is our number one focus at at the rnc. you look at things like ballot harvesting, this is a tactic that the democrats have used for
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decades. we are going to have a legal ballot harvesting operation at the rnc. it is already underway, and we will expand it again starting on monday, starting next week when we are in that office. i can guarantee you over the next eight months you're going to see things happen at the republican national committee unlike you have ever seen before because this is a must-win election. if donald trump is not elected on november 5th of this year, i do not believe we have the same country on the other side. if these people are able to use their communist tactics like they have to try and stop this one man, if they are able to continue to destroy this country, we'll never get it back. so we are laser focused, we're ready to go and ready to work hard. maria: is it too late already? the democrats' machine is ongoing and has been on. remember what kamala harris, the vice president, said the other day. she says now they're going to pay people to come out and get engaged into voting. she said government -- and this is all a taxpayer dollars. people should understand, this is your money being used to pay college students to register
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voters. she said college students could soon earn money for registering other voters right now. they'll receive money through the work study, a federal program that pays most of students' wages while employed at a part-time job. taxpayer money. >> yeah, it's unbelievable. imagine donald trump using taxpayer money to influence the outcome of an election when he was president. of people would have gone berserk over it. but this is very, very problem mat problematic -- problematic. it's not too late. i think what we have to understand right now is that every tool in our war chest we have to bring out because they are desperate, they are floundering. they are trying to sell a product to the american people in joe biden that they don't want. look at the polling between joe biden and donald trump. if the election were held today, donald trump would win handily, no problem, hands down. we have to insure that the over the next eight a months we get people out to early vote, we ballot harvest like nothing we've ever seen and we insure that every person who is legally able to vote can do so and
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anyone who legally is not able to vote cannot do so. we have to protect that vote once it's in, and that is how we are going to win on november 5th. maria: all right, lara, we will be watching your work, for sure. thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. maria: rnc cochair lara trump joining us this morning from florida. quick break, and then campaigning at the state of the union. the president's priorities failing to align with those of regular americans as joe biden kicks off his state of the union yelling about ukraine, then tries to school the supreme court on abortion before misleading the country on his handling of the open border and the high-priced economy. senate homeland are security member ron johnson on the more than 10 million illegals in america on joe biden's watch and why now we're not even supposed to admit that they are illegal and have broken the law to get here. ron johnson is next. ♪ ♪
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precursors. this chinese a behalf a ya, the triad, smuggles it to mexico and into the united states it comes. over the last five years, this chinese triad has monopolized money laundering. they have that down to an art now, and now we're seeing this explosion of massage parlors which the chinese triad is running. maria: and that was kansas senator roger marshall with me here last weekend on how the chinese organized crime networks work with dangerous drug cartels in transporting people into america, then they put women to work in human trafficking businesses,s ploiting president biden's -- exploiting president biden's open border policy. on thursday the house passed the laken riley act which requires illegal migrants charged with theft or burglary to be held by immigrations custom enforcement. the bill is named after 22-year-old georgia nursing student laken riley who law enforcement say was murdered by
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jose antonio ibarra rah who entered the country illegally in september 2022 through the el paso, texas, open border. the venezuelan national had previously been arrested in georgia for shoplifting and then he was arrested in new york, but new york let him out. the bill now heads to the senate with its future in the democrat-controlled chamber uncertain. joining me right now with more on how biden's border crisis is impacting communities across the country is wisconsin senator ron johnson, a member of the senate homeland security committee and, of course, a longtime friend of this program and one of the original truth tellers out there. senator, thank you so much for joining us. your reaction to the open border. >> morning, maria. well, first of all, i think it's exactly what's going to happen in the senate with the laken riley bill is certain, it won't be brought up. just like we haven't held one hearing on the open border. and when you hear president biden, you know, apologize for calling an illegal alien that murdered laken riley illegal, he
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should have used undocumented, it just shows exactly what their attitude is toward the open border policy. they want an open border. they caused this problem. and i think what's even more disturbing is when you hear more and more reports of military-aged men, these camps in the darien gap, the ngos, the nongovernmental organizations, that are located right next to these camps. by the way, the american taxpayer is funding these nongovernmental organizations. so you can basically say that not only does the biden administration, their open border policy facilitate some of the multibillion dollar business models of some of the most evil people oping the planet, we literally are paying and orchestrating this invasion of america that is a clear and present danger to this country. this is beyond the pale. and yet president biden is apologizing for calling a murderer an illegal immigrant. it's amazing. maria: it's unbelievable. it's amazing -- he says i should knot have called him an illegal.
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i should have said undocumented. why? he illegally broke into the country and then committed chaos and murder. there's a wreaking story last night -- breaking story from your colleague, senator bill hagerty, who had an amendment which barred illegal aliens from being counted and allotted congressional seats and electoral college votes. he says we now know if dems care more about their political power or the citizens they supposedly represent. the amendment did not pass in the senate. >> no. and, again, people need to understand even if the illegal immigrants aren't allowed to vote and, of course, democrats are doing everything they can, mail-in balloting, are reducing controls over our elections, they want these illegal immigrants to be able to vote. but even if they're not able to, what will happen is our census will be impacted because the census counts all residents, legal and illegal, documented or undocumented. so what you're going to see is these illegal immigrants flood into states like california, and then california will get more members of congress. they'll be able to tip the
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balance in congress. so even if they're not able to vote, this is definitely impacting our electorate, and, you know, basic governance. and so we'll have democrat policies, radical-left policies continuing to destroy this country. maria: senator, i want to get your take on whether or not anything changes with the new makeup of the senate. we know mitch mcconnell is not going to get, go for re-election. let's take a short break and then talk about that and a lot more with you. senator ron johnson is with us this morning. stay with us, we'll be right back. ♪ (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't.
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what we're about. you know, what is our mission. we just passed we palin votes over -- with republican votes over $12 billion in earmarks, 600 pages of them. it had been the republican conference position to to oppose earmarks as the gateway drug to this massive deficit spending. so we need to go through that process. first of all if, show what we're. if freedom, free market system, defending the tiewsmghts but right now at this moment in time we must counter the i'd ideologe policies of the democrat party that is lairlly destroying this country. we have not done an effect if i have job. i want to go through that the process. i'm hoping in the development of that misstatement those leaders will help define it, fully embrace it and then commit to leading based on those principles and not violate them as we have in the past. maria: well, i mean, you keep
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saying and your colleagues in the house keep saying you don't want to continue with nancy pelosi's budget, and what do we have over and over again? nancy pelosi's budget. i could say the same thing about that, you know? you just avoided another government shutdown because of another mini bus, right? we've got an upcoming deadline. joe biden says he already cut the deficit by over $1 trillion. that's false. we know that. the committee for a responsible budget says that was all covid relief money that went away. so you're still in it. >> yeah. let's face it, the uniparty has no problem pillaging our children's future. we've pretty well locked in a new baseline at $6.4 trillion. our population has increased less than 2%, yet spending has increased 45%, and most members of congress, both sides of the aisle, unfortunately, are okay with that. maria: yeah. >> they're just whistling by the grave beyond. that has to change -- maria: so it sounds like --
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>> that's the kind of discussion i'm trying to drive in the senate. maria: it sounds like you're not in on john cornyn or john thune becoming the next leadership here. >> we need to go through that process and define who were and met the american people know this is what we're going to do to push back on this radical leftism. maria: senator, thank you. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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