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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 11, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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causes and having a daughter brutally killed. you should be speaking to the issues. >> kayleigh: i don't think nomenclature is of the moment to laken riley's family. >> emily: no, they are missing the point for selfish narcissism. i feel i'm a marriage counselor, i said regret, not sorry. how about you apologize for the loss of a life under your watch and apologize for butchering her name and we say laken riley. >> and how are you going to keep it from happening again? >> kayleigh: i wonder if the next question was have you called the family of laken riley. i doubt it. >> john: a live look at capitol hill, senate intelligence
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committee on worldwide threats facing the nation, and how will the top spy masters and law enforcement officials protect american from iran, china and russia. axis of evil. >> sandra: and the border, what americans need to hear to reassure the president is taking the threats seriously. >> look, i'm not a young guy. that's no secret. but here's the deal. i understand how to get things done for the american people. >> look, i'm very young, energetic and handsome, what the moun hell am i doing this for? >> john: ads, and he will go to new hampshire the state he snubbed by skipping the primary. with that, ready to go, sandra?
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>> sandra: ready to go. welcome, everyone, this is "america reports". today's visit is part of the campaign blitz to visit every swing state this month. polls show biden trailing president trump in several battleground states he won in 2020. >> john: complete coverage to kick us off this afternoon. juan williams and chris bedford moments away. >> sandra: molly line is in new hampshire, what is the president hoping to accomplish there? >> perhaps mend a few fences as you mentioned, john mentioned, he skipped the primary, the first in the nation primary state, notably he did win via the write-in campaign. general election, hitting the battleground states. his first trip to new hampshire since april 2022. in 2020, the former vice president biden, he did win
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here, he beat trump by 7%, and today expected to speak at the ymca, and similar playbook, focus on healthcare, lowering costs, including the cost of prescription drugs, introducing three policies he wants congress to pass, $2,000 cap on prescription drugs, $35 insulin cap for everyone, allowing medicare to negotiate prices for 50 drugs per year and making changes to the affordable care act permanent before they expire next year. in addition to that, the president has a new campaign out. you mentioned it, directly addressing a key concern of voters, his advanced age. $30 million ad, comes after a series of gaffes. >> air drops of additional food and supplies into ukraine.
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i guess i should -- clear my mind here a little bit. the president of mexico, sisi, did not want to open up the gate. >> president of everybody whether you live in a red state or a green state. >> and we are expecting the president to land here within the next hour or so. sandra, john, back to you. >> sandra: molly line in manchester, thank you. john. >> john: the president just touched down, by the way, sandra. president biden and former president trump holding competing events in georgia, former president taking shots at biden for backtracking on calling laken riley's suspected killer "an illegal." and juan williams and chris bedford, gentlemen, welcome to monday afternoon. ready to go? >> happy afternoon.
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>> john: this issue whether or not the fella who is, and use the word loosely, who was alleged to be the killer of laken riley is an illegal immigrant. biden said this over the weekend. >> you used the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed laken riley. >> undocumented, undocumented person. >> you regret using that word. >> yes. >> john: i regret using that word. so he didn't regret using the word previously to that, but suddenly he does, juan, who got to him? >> i think the people who are the activists for undocumented people in the country, a lot of them, i think it's about semantics, you and i might say this is nonsense. this is all about linguistics and the idea from the activist perspective, when you say a human being is illegal, you are somehow making them less than human and you are demonizing
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them, that they are undocumented, don't have proper papers. no argument the alleged perpetrated is undocumented and so i think the president is just saying hey, listen, i understand what the activists are saying and not that i'm trying to offend anybody. >> john: olivia dalton on board air force one absolutely said president did not apologize. >> i want to be really clear about something. the president absolutely did not apologize. there was no apology anywhere in that conversation. he did not apologize. he used a different word. i think what we should be really clear about is the facts. i think it's unconscionable some people are playing politics with this young woman's tragic murder. >> john: ok, so he did not apologize. the anchor on msnbc said so you regret using that word, yes. is that not an apology? >> sounds like an apology. this line from the white house sounds like the ladies from
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"outnumbered" said, bad marriage counseling. regret, and this is the problem the biden white house has been facing in general. what we saw at the state of the union was spur of the moment, it was not in the released transcripts, it was political instincts for something that has activated anger in the american people and joe biden used the instincts. a lot of smart instincts go against the policy folks at the white house are trying to push on this, that illegal aliens should be treated with kids glove, even when they are killing college girls. you end up with this word salad. >> john: as the right hand is arguing with the left hand at the white house about what the correct terminology is, president trump, former president trump is down in georgia, met with laken riley's family, a picture of that and said this at a rally what biden
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said. >> he was an illegal alien, illegal immigrant, illegal migrant and he shouldn't have been in our country and never would have been under the trump policy. >> john: juan, where is the appropriate place to put the outrage? on the fact that the president used a word that the left and immigration advocates don't like, or on the fact this poor young girl was brutally murdered by a guy who entered the country illegally, traveled to georgia and perpetrated murder. >> the point of all the republican criticism of the state of the union, we are now down to did he say illegal, should he have said undocumented. i think look -- >> john: no, no, that's the argument on the democratic side. >> no, i think that's why the focus is on this, which seems to me to be not that big an issue but see for some critics this is the issue. why did he call this guy an
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illegal, should he have said undocumented, should he have said regretted saying undo you wanted -- you know, it seems to me that there's a tragic death and i don't care if the woman was killed by someone in the country illegally or who was drunk driver, if it was my child, john, i would be outraged, and upset, and especially the idea that it was a physical assault makes it worse. this has nothing to do. like saying oh, this is all about -- biden or trump, nothing. >> john: does it make it worse when first of all the president won't talk about her, then is forced to talk about her at the state of the union, gets her name wrong, then calls the alleged perpetrator illegal and rings his hands the next two days walking that back. the meantime, the family is still grieving. >> it's about meeting the moment. the white house is failing that. a city beset by crime or by fentanyl or beset by illegal immigration and you've got politicians that refuse to even call it what it is, then how can
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you possibly trust those people to actually be able to deal with the problem. arguing whether someone is legal or undocumented, why are they even here in the country, why were they released in new york, down in georgia, why was i.c.e. not notified. politicians can't get the words right, never get the issue right. >> i think it's all out there, chris, everybody was saying, why was he in the country, and why was he released in new york, for trump, he wants to drive the anti-immigrant message as his top message, that's why he blocked that legislation, bipartisan legislation in the congress, and now he's pushing this and he's using laken riley's murder to facilitate his campaign. it's an expedient move. >> he would not be wrong for driving that, number one issue in the caucuses in iowa, and new hampshire, and primary in south carolina. people care about this. >> voters i think are the ones
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pushing that. trump is responding to that. even on the senate amnesty bill, trump was laid to that game. a lot of conservative republicans are saying we don't want to back the sanctuary cities, don't want work permits. trump is riding a wave that exists outside of him. >> john: gentlemen, fiery monday. >> we got you going. >> john: appreciate it. love that. thanks. sandra, a lot more to come on this. we'll be talking to leo terrell about it. >> sandra: when you consider, john, looking back at the primaries and the top concern to american voters was immigration, this is a tough one for people to see play out from this president, and mispronouncing her name at the state of the union, why not just say that was a horrible mistake, you know, and we would all move on. but it's -- this is an interesting moment for sure. >> john: now for the white house to say no apology whether there clearly is, do you regret using that word, yes. >> sandra: i can imagine leo has
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a few things to say about that. look forward to having him on. meanwhile, former president donald trump and e. jean carroll have reached an agreement on the payment of his bond payment after he was found liable for defaming him last year. he is to pay more than $80 million to carroll. the bond has been paid but held by a third party until the appeal process plays out in court. >> john: president biden unveiling his budget proposal. what's in it and how does it compare to the house republican budget that came out last week. we'll take that up next. >> sandra: the clock is ticking for tiktok. will congress ban the social media app this week? charles payne is here on that. >> both parties recognize the threat that tiktok poses to america. it's a threat to your data security, it's a threat to your kids. also a threat to our country because the chinese communist party controls its parent
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see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. >> john: president joe biden unveiling his budget plan for the upcoming fiscal year, the white house saying it will reduce the deficit by $3 trillion over the next ten years. fox team coverage, fbn's charles payne will join us shortly, but first, edward lawrence is live at the white house and what does the new budget include? >> the president's budget includes $7.3 trillion in spending in this budget. 5.5 trillion in revenue coming in for taxes, a deficit of $1.8 trillion in this budget, even though tax revenues are increased by 403 billion for fiscal year 2025. when you break down the spending, the president planning
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on increasing a specific tax on people making more than $400,000 a year to pay for increases in medicare by $97 billion. the budget increases medicaid by 22 billion. the omb director says it increases spending on affordable housing, free tuition for community college, prescription drug negotiations for all americans, not just on medicaid, the president says $258 billion to build or preserve 2 million affordable housing units. >> we realize many of you are dealing with homeless encampments in your cities and towns. we are providing $8 billion to allow you to provide alternatives, to move unhoused people off the streets, get them into homes. the bottom line, we have to build, build, build. that's how we bring housing costs down for good.
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>> government building, domestic discretionary spending increases are 2.8%, defense spending increases 1.8%, defense spending is actually a negative increase when you factor in inflation. china is increasing their spending on defense by 7.2%, just delivered an hour ago to congress, they are digesting it as we are digesting it. obviously more to come on this. back to you. >> john: you used the word digesting. i'm thinking that that deficit of 1.8 trillion could choke a flipping horse. >> and the deficits -- average 1.7 trillion in this budget over the course of ten more years. so, there might be deficit reduction somewhere, but maybe it's reduction of what was the increase? i'm trying to figure out how we are reducing this deficit. >> john: digesting that deficit is like eating an elephant. one bite at a time. oh, my gosh.
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ed, great to see you. thanks. >> sandra: charles payne is here, host of "making money" on fox business. proposed handouts on the screen. people see what is in this. childcare funding for families making under $200,000, credits for first time home buyers, affordable housing, reading quickly, so much, charles. 12 billion refusing the cost of college fund, worded so politely, you see everybody is going to pay for this. proposed tax increases on the flip side. 25% minimum tax whose wealth is over $100 million, and 28% on the corporate tax rate, a business killer. 21% minimum tax rate for billion dollar corporations. how does this play out if it were ever to become law? >> charles: more pain and misery for main street. you are subsidizing something, you are not bringing the cost down. you are going to bring it higher, right, and that happens
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any time the government writes the checks willy nilly, and the wording is offensive, these are not investments. get out of the way, reduce regulations, a lot of folks would build starter homes if it did not cost them half the cost to fill out the red tape. a lot of opportunities for the private sector. this is a budget that says we don't believe in what america was built on, capitalism, we do not believe in capitalism. state of the union, president biden brought up the civil war and fdr, it's a war on capitalism, how can the budget go up 44% pre-pandemic, only four years ago. so we have never really -- never really had -- the problem is not getting the cash, it's been spending. so, the budget is 7 trillion and get 5, next time 8 trillion, it never stops. never stops. >> sandra: you talk about the housing affordable and thinking
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about the dynamic of the president and left saying oh, we are providing all these handouts, all the government back stop and stimulus to drive growth, but the same time, we have to pay for that. and when it comes to affordability, our interest rates have had to go up to pay for that massive government spending that led to inflation. so end of day you have to ask yourself who is eventually going to pay for this, nothing is free. meanwhile, what to do about tiktok. i know you have some strong feelings on this. should it be banned? where does charles payne fall? >> i'm typically not a banner. i tell people like the companies that i personally don't frequent or give my money, pretty soon i'll have to learn how to hunt. i don't say ban this or ban that. but they are acquiring so much of our information, and add in a.i.
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the communist government of china. we are extraordinarily vulnerable with this and at the very least has to change ownership. we are guaranteed the information no longer flows through the chinese communist leaders or have to ban it. >> sandra: maybe you ought to buy it, charles. kevin o'leary is offering to do so. >> if this order goes through, it's got to be sold. i'm going to put up my hand and say i'll buy it. i'll guarantee the servers are on american soil. guarantee close the chinese back doors in the code. i'll guarantee it becomes safe for the user, the parents, small business, and large business, it will be an american company. >> sandra: what do you think? >> charles: kevin talks like that, the white house will pay him a visit before the day is over. you know, we have a budget we need someone to pay for. we love competition. and there's no doubt we like to see competition and that's why the problem comes. you really don't want to stifle
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competition, that's, you know, the innovation and that's what guarantees us better and better stuff. but in this case, the information is unfortunately we just, we divulge everything. we put it out there. >> sandra: rand paul weighed in in a similar fashion, so when did republicans become the party of banning things. he's against it and slammed the bill. said if congress bans tiktok, they will be acting just like the chinese communists who have also banned tiktok. why not just defend the first amendment. interesting take. final thought. >> charles: 98% of the time i'm with senator paul. on this one, i would love to see the ownership change. i just really think it's a lot at stake here. >> sandra: all right. charles, great to see you. john. >> john: sandra, from sanctuary cities to small towns, how migrants are starting to trickle into a sleeping little town in wisconsin. hundreds of miles away from the border. our next guest is making
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immigration a central issue in his campaign. we will speak with wisconsin republican u.s. senate nominee eric hovde coming up next. >> sandra: alexis mcadams is live in new jersey where a transparency law may be on the chopping block. what is happening there? >> hey, sandra. waiting to see what is going to happen, supposed to be a major discussion here. people in new jersey are not happy, they want to hold government officials accountable, but a democratic senator wants to gut it. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment.
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it seems on what the president initially said at the state of the union, admitting laken riley was killed by "an illegal," and democrats freaked out over the use of the term, and he went on msnbc to say he regreated using that terminology. listen to what he said then. >> you used the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed -- >> undocumented. >> laken riley. >> undocumented person. >> you regret using that word. >> yes. >> jacqui: saying he regretted it was the exact opposite what his first answer was, he was asked on the under wing of air force one when he was heading to pennsylvania on friday if he regretted using that term, his first answer was no. technically they are not supposed to be here, or he's not supposed to be here. but democrats were pressuring him for some clean-up on that language because again, many believe that word illegal to be
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perjortive, so he cleaned it up, and our producer on air force one heading to new hampshire asked the white house why the president felt he needed to apologize for using that terminology and the answer was pretty instructive. >> i want to be really clear about something. the president absolutely did not apologize. no apology anywhere in that conversation. he did not apologize. he used a different word. i think what's -- what we should be really clear about is the facts. i think it's unconscionable that there are some people who are playing politics with this young woman's tragic murder. >> jacqui: so they are drawing a distinction between the president saying he regrets using the word and saying it does not go so far as to indicate an apology. there has been a lot of scrutiny over that msnbc interview and a lot of criticism over the president, you know, using the
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word illegal and to refer to someone who murdered someone allegedly in this country, a bright young woman whose life, young life was cut short, and seeming to have more concern for how he refer to that young woman's killer than to the circumstances surrounding her death, the fact this alleged killer was in the country illegally, under this president's watch, he came in in 2022, under biden's policies, was released into the country, he's venezuelan, temporary protected status for venezuelans, arrested in new york city, released, sanctuary city, did not get an i.c.e. detainer because of his status as a migrant in a sanctuary city and then went on to allegedly kill this young woman. part of the president's state of the union strategy was to come out swinging and to counter these age concerns and a big reason why they are trying to
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clean this up, the off the cuff comments cut against the strategy of contrasting biden and trump. the president wants to paint trump as somebody who demonizes, but this whole dust-up has cut both ways for him, and certainly gotten a lot of reaction across the spectrum, guys. >> sandra: really interesting. jacqui heinrich live at the white house for us, as we get brand-new reaction. joining us now by phone is national border patrol council vice president art del cueto. >> i think it's another distraction by the administration. if he wants to apologize he needs to apologize to the entire america public for the disastrous border policies he has put in place. many lives have been lost because of his policies, not just the riley family, but also
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have to take into consideration the amount of fentanyl that has been allowed into this country under this administration. that's where the apology needs to go. the entire american people. >> john: art, it's john here. i just want to play, so it's fresh in folks' minds, what biden said at the state of the union address in response to marjorie taylor greene yelling at him, say her name. >> i -- lincoln riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. that's right. but how many thousands of people killed by illegals? so to her parents i say, my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself. i understand. >> john: so he says my heart goes out to her parents but he said her name incorrectly and then tried to say ok, so she was killed by an illegal, but how many thousands of americans are killed by those in the country
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legally. kate beddingfield said he was right to apologize for using the words an illegal, because he's trying to build a broad coalition to get re-elected. so, art, what is this really all about? >> at the end it's about politics. the word illegal is used in a lot of immigration documents, it's a legal word that's been used. i think the problem is this administration continues to play with words so they can switch up the story line, bring out their own narrative. they do it when they talk about migrants, when they attack president trump and he's not anti-immigration, none of us are anti-immigration. we are anti-illegal immigration. that word illegal holds a lot of weight and it's the truth. >> sandra: let's not forget also this term newcomers in the past
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week, that the white house has floated to call these illegal immigrants coming into the country. it was a fact sheet distributed by the white house press office to advocate for the bipartisan border agreement that the president has endorsed, art. where officials pointed out the bill includes 1.4 billion for cities and states providing critical services to newcomers. i mean, does this show this is an administration taking this problem seriously? >> this administration has not taken the border situation serious since day one. their policies created this chaos. their lack of caring has created the individuals in this country that are suffering. and they continue to just play with words in order to get their own narrative across, when realistically they could care less. all it is to them is about politics right now. >> sandra: art, thank you for joining us on this breaking news. more reaction, bill hagerty will join us at the top of the next hour with reaction from the white house. john. >> john: immigration is a huge
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issue in so many states, to dig down more into this, eric hovde, wisconsin republican candidate for u.s. senate. what do you make of the idea the white house is ringing its hands over whether or not the president actually apologized, saying absolutely he didn't, no apology in the statement. >> encapsulates the problem with the white house, taken over by the progressive left, joe biden is pulled to the left every single turn on every issue. look, the immigration crisis is humanitarian crisis. losing 100,000 young people a year to fentanyl. i was with a sheriff from one of the border counties in arizona who said prior to president biden being elected they confiscated 6 million fentanyl pills. last year, 110 million fentanyl pills. so, if you look at what's happening there, they have lost track of 100,000 children. now, think of that. a lot of those children have
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ended up into the sex trade. think of also our country, we are already struggling to house and provide medical care for our own citizens, and now we have literally doubled the population of the state of wisconsin where i'm running for the senate in three and a half years' time. it's insanity what's going on. >> john: one little town, 15,000 people, an hour west of milwaukee, called whitewater. they have had about 1,000 illegal immigrants that have moved into that city. now, people may say oh, 1,000 people, that's not a whole lot. but it's a 7% population increase and the burden on the town is the same as if you compared it to new york city. having one and a half million illegal immigrants suddenly move in there as opposed to 50,000 there has been. the town is $450,000 in the hole as a result of this. >> oh, 100%. and again, where do you school those people, the children, where do you house those people, medical care, you know -- the
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city of denver, the hospital system in denver two months ago came out and said we are overwhelmed. don't go to the emergency room. well, the people in whitewater are experiencing that same dynamic playing out. what are you going to do if you have a stroke, allergic reaction, broke your leg, not go to the emergency room? it's insanity what we have done and just opened the borders. >> john: you are a businessman, economy is one of your big platforms as well, you ran a bank in california, big real estate company as well. but your competitor, tammy baldwin who holds the seat says she is pro american jobs. what she said in a new political ad. >> we can't let china steal wisconsin jobs. so i wrote a law to require american infrastructure projects use american iron and steel. >> tammy baldwin got president trump to sign her made in america bill and then president biden to make it permanent. >> john: you concede the made in
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america bill is beneficial to wisconsin. >> tammy baldwin has voted for every single bad policy that has driven american businesses out of the country. tax policies, regulatory policies, so companies here in america have moved manufacturing jobs to china and to canada and mexico, vietnam. it's the policies that we'll keep and the taxation rates will keep jobs being created here. i also find it so ironic that she's trying to connect herself with donald trump because all she did was attack him at literally every single turn. so you know, she's never reached across the aisle, it's something i've been talking about. i think it's her ad to say oh, i did something across the aisle because she is one of the most extreme liberal politicians, her voting record with joe biden, if you can believe this, is 95.5% of the time. she is a rubber stamp to the progressive left. >> john: it's going to be an
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interesting race. at the moment, lean democrat, see how it goes. eric hovde, thanks for being with us. and we have also asked tammy baldwin to come on the program. so far, no response from her. >> sandra: thank you, john. more states taking matters into their own hands to give parents control over where they send their kids to school. why are democrats fighting that tooth and nail? we'll ask school choice advocate walter blanks, jr. >> john: more controversy for the royal family. steve hilton on why kate middleton only added to the mystery surrounding her health with a mother's day photo. we have a new photo of kate to show you. stay tuned for that. ght months . that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. >> woman: why did we choose safelite?
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>> sandra: brand-new pictures showing kate middleton leaving windsor castle, this happened a short time ago today with prince william. and this is all hours after she apologized for manipulating a picture of her and her children, which several news agencies removed from publication because of it being doctored. a.p., reuters and others. steve hilton, fox news contributor. it's a crazy story. what is happening here? great concern about kate's health, they put a picture out there, it does not take much to see that it was very clearly photo shopped or edited. these seem like sort of amateur mistakes for the royal family. >> exactly. that is the word, sandra. princess of wales herself put out a statement clearing it up to a certain extent saying she was the one who did the editing and described herself as an amateur photographer. it's an amateur communication operation in the loyal family causing all this totally
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unnecessary drama and i think actually to take a step back, look at the contest here. the first point, since the death of the late queen, a year and a half now, in fact, i think to the surprise of a lot of people the royal family has handled it pretty well. the core members, king charles, camilla, william and kate have kind of stabilized the whole situation. a lot of people were speculating after the queen was gone, the royal family itself would be questioned and so that has not happened. the british people have rallied to them. that's g. the second point, as you said, at the heart -- medical issue, she's had obviously very serious surgery and the thing to remember, this is a family with young children. that's what we have to remember. so, a lot of people are saying why can't she be more trans pa -- transparent, well, they have young kids, maybe they don't want to share with the kids
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what's going on, and anything they share publicly will get back to the kids. aspect of the family. and things have gone well for them except in the last couple weeks and i think the real turning point, because of the absence of king charles and absence of prince william because of a family medical situation, you had prince andrew returning to public duties, the guy banished because of his behavior. calls into question the strategy that king charles has set out, slimmed down monarchy, a handful of people instead of the wider monarchy when the queen was there and people are saying hang on a second, maybe it's slimmed down a bit too much if you have king charles out of action and kate out of action, who is left. >> sandra: for those of us who want the absolute best for her, concern about her health and this planned surgery and why we
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are not getting updates, it's a long time since we have seen her publicly. it was refreshing to see she was photographed today leaving with wills. joe concha earlier this morning. >> this is 31 flavors of stupid, by the way. you have the official twitter account of the prince and princess of wales saying oh, we were just experimenting with photo shopping. you think the princess is up at 11:00 saying oh, maybe i can alter this, alter that? >> well, maybe she was. i don't want to remove -- i think so. >> sandra: she prides herself being an amateur photographer, and the christmas cards, taken by kate herself. and many experiment with editing. i wanted to express my apologies for the photograph released yesterday caused, i hope everyone had a happy mother's
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day. maybe she did a horrible job of it. >> i believe that, and it's ok for her to be an amateur photographer. what's not ok, the amateur communications operation. the christmas card, there was some concern about the christmas card and one of the prince's fingers missing or something from the photo, this is not a new thing. and so you think the people around them should not be amateurs, and should say hang on a second, what did you do to this photo, are you sure we want to release it. i think that's where the blame lies. >> sandra: kategate is what we are calling it. hopefully she's recovering. great to see you. thank you. >> you used the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed laken riley. >> undocumented, undocumented person. >> you regret using that word. >> yes. >> john: you heard president biden walking back the comment
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describing the illegal alien accused of murdering laken riley as "an illegal." but now the white house says he regrets using the word, he was not actually apologizing for its use. leo terrell ahead on this confusing flip-flop by the administration. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to
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>> john: new jersey lawmakers are considering a bill that would sharply restrict public access to government records. as you can imagine, it's coming up against an awful lot of criticism. alexis mcadams is live in trenton, new jersey. what are the people in the community saying about this? >> people here in new jersey are not happy because they say there is already a lack of transparency in the government and they think this move by a democratic new jersey senator would just make things worse. take a live look at what's happening right now, going on in trenton, new jersey inside the statehouse, the senate budget and appropriations committee will have a public hearing at some point to review this new bill that would gut the open public records act. that allows people to ask questions and hold officials accountable, pretty important, right. controversy started earlier this month when new jersey democratic state senator paul sarlo introduced the bill to make changes to the public records
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act, this bill could take it away, john. a long list of changes, including you can no longer request any emails or call logs and also records custodian could just deny a request if they think it could lead to harassment, that means they could deny tons of requests. dozens of organizations fighting back. watch. >> those who request records, whether they are newspapers or just the average citizen know that you really can't get any records in seven days and it's like pulling teeth. this bill makes the problem much worse. >> we'll see what happens inside the senate committee hearing. >> john: in sharp contrast to the florida sunshine law. thank you so much. sandra. >> sandra: we are awaiting a big hearing on capitol hill over worldwide threats and the new axis of evil. tennessee republican senator bill hagerty why the president is failing to deter american's
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adversaries. >> john: and the oscar nominees who did not win a statue, not going home empty handed. the whopping $180,000 goodie bags, swag bags, and whether it shows hollywood is way out of touch with the average american. . you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at breathing claritin clear is like... (♪) is he? confidently walking 8 long haired dogs and living as if he doesn't have allergies? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. but i'm also a mother of four. and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family.
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