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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 11, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> sandra: fox news alert, a live look at capitol hill, screen left. screen right, the southern border. eagle pass, texas, as we count down to a blockbuster hearing on capitol hill. cia and the fbi director set to testify about the growing threats facing americans and we do expect the border crisis to play a starring role. we are watching it all for you live at the top of a new hour. i'm sandra smith in new york. >> john: and john roberts in washington. good to be with you, sandra. this is "america reports". just months ago the fbi director warned congress that so many migrants are flooding across our
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border that law enforcement cannot possibly keep up. >> the threats that come from the other side of the border are very much consuming all 56 of our field offices, not just in the border states. any time you have a group of people in the united states that we don't know nearly enough about, that is a source of concern for us. >> sandra: and now an illegal immigrant has been charged with killing 22-year-old nursing student laken riley. police say the suspect's brother, who is also in the country illegally, may have ties to a dangerous venezuelan street gang. so what is the president doing about all of this? apologizing for calling the suspect an illegal immigrant? >> you used the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed. >> undocumented. >> laken riley. >> undocumented person. >> you regret using that word. >> yes. >> john: you regret using that word, the president, yes.
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that is what he said last night. just moments ago the white house told reporters don't pay attention to what your lying eyes told you. in no way did the president apologize. listen here. >> i want to be really clear about something. the president did not apologize. no apology anywhere in the conversation. he did not apologize. he used a different word. i think what we should be really clear about is the facts. i think it's unconscionable that there are some people who are playing politics with this young woman's tragic murder. >> sandra: bring in tennessee republican senator big hagerty. if i call you a name i say i regret that, i'm apologizing. >> certainly seems that way to me. >> sandra: what is happening here. >> amazing they are talking about playing politics, all this administration is doing is playing politics and reaching for political power why we have the influx of migrants in the country, almost shut down
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congress friday night, chuck schumer said he would do that to me, count illegal immigration in the districts and votes, that's what it's about. motive for the crime at the border is power. count illegal immigrants to use sanctuary cities and blue states to get more power than they would get, and what happened here is politics and that's the reason laken is dead now. >> sandra: i dig true what we heard from voters in new hampshire, south carolina, all the primaries where american voters are screaming that immigration is their top concern. they see it as the top concern facing the country today. yet here is where biden still stands. earlier today, calling for action on the border bill. listen. >> this bill would save lives. bring order to the border. folks, we have to end the games. tell the members in congress to show up, show a little spine and
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pass the bipartisan border security. >> sandra: for voters who hear this president say this is how to fix the problem, they are not buying it. the latest fox news polling on the administration's handling of making this country safer. ok. those that believe he and his administration have mostly failed, 63%, just 32% believe they mostly succeeded. they directly tied it to concerns about crime. rightly so. >> absolutely they should. you heard the conversation about this venezuelan that committed this murder of laken riley, allegedly committed the murder. when president trump was in office, he essentially delivered the most secure border we have seen as a nation. he had sanctioned maduro and the venezuelan regime. we don't have information on the venezuelans that come in. when i was just down at the border two and a half weeks ago, they have no information, the presumption is the biden administration will let them in, invite them in. the same person accused of
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murder of laken, committed crimes in new york, released with a woke prosecutor with no bail. he moves to georgia and commits the most heinous of crimes. president trump met with the family, he showed some grace. joe biden is only cow towing to the illegals, it's shocking. >> sandra: and christopher wray, the moment he confessed on capitol hill what a growing concern this is from a security standpoint as a national security issue in this country. christopher wray. we know that hearing is about to happen on the hill, you know, half past the hour. do you think we might hear more concerns like that? >> i certainly hope so. the concern is real across america. the colleagues will be asking about this. just in the past year, 170 different nationalities apprehended at the southern border. the farmer i was talking to, the rancher there said he found 15 syrians on his property, adult
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males. why didn't they submit themselves to asylum, they didn't. they are there for another reason. it's frightening what's happening. >> sandra: and highlight president biden is speaking in new hampshire, i believe addressing the economy, which somehow has fallen to number two to most americans as their top concerns as immigration has taken the number one spot we have seen in so many polls. this just dropped from gallup, this is just in. a majority of americans now say the large numbers of immigrants entering the united states illegally is a critical threat to u.s. vital interests. ok. 55%, that is a record high, senator, according to gallup. is this an administration that shows it's taking this seriously, and obviously an election year, this has grown to a massive political headache for the president and his campaign. >> certainly they are not taking it seriously. but getting back to what happened friday night when chuck
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schumer almost shut down the senate, you have to get to the motive of this crime. what they are trying to do, backfill the states losing population. new york, illinois, california, people are leaving in droves, coming to home states like mine in tennessee, florida. sanctuary cities here in new york, los angeles, san francisco. act as migrants to attract illegal migrants and then count them for the purposes of allocating congressional districts and electoral votes. we caught one saying she needs them for redistricting purposes, this is about power at the end of the day. they want to use illegal migrants to gain more political power at the expense of states like mine. >> sandra: final thought on that, what does that look like, you know, as that continues to happen and you have them finding that they are safe, you know, gathering en mass in some of these cities with nobody
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searching for them, and nobody hunting them down and nobody returning them. what -- how much are we at risk as a result? >> i think laken riley proves it. new york city is where this person illegally enters the country in 2022. commits a crime here in new york against a child in 2023, immediately let go without bail and runs to georgia, flees there. we saw venezuelan gangsters beat up new york police officers here and flee to california. no one is cooperating. this is what happens with sanctuary cities. >> sandra: and minor sexual assaulted as well. mocked in the mainstream media. >> john: gearing up to hold a hearing on the biggest threats facing our nation. everything from the border crisis to growing tensions in the middle east expected to be talked about. gillian, what threats do you expect testimony will focus on?
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>> gillian: from china and artificial intelligence, but there are plenty of republicans on capitol hill who firmly believe illegal immigration at the southern border is the top national security threat that america faces. >> a major threat. what we have seen is 50 people on the terror watch list in the last four and a half months, seen more than 10,000 people come across the southern border, special interest aliens. >> gillian: the worldwide threat hearing is important because the intelligence community is give the public a rare glimpse inside what they believe america is really up against in 2024. this is annual hearing, hearing from the d and i director, and bill burns, and chris wray and other top officials, including from here at the state
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department. the thrust of testimony of the chinese attacks on the u.s. infrastructure. what the co-chairs said this weekend. >> one of the things that we have done on a bipartisan basis is try to go industry by industry in america and warn them of the potential theft of intellectual property, $500 billion a year. >> gillian: president biden tried to ease some concerns of china bubbling up about his state of the union. >> i want competition with china, not conflict. and we are in a stronger position to win the conflict of the 21st century against china than anyone else. >> gillian: a hearing in 20 minutes from now, we'll bring all the breaking news live as it happens. back to you. >> john: thank you. >> sandra: a large scale attack by houthis in the red sea, shooting down at least 28 houthi
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drones. jennifer griffin is at the pentagon for us. tell us more about the attack. >> well, first, sandra, it is budget day here at the pentagon and the president is asking for $850 billion for the fiscal year 2025 defense budget. all of this is happening as tension with iran is increasing in the middle east. the u.s. and british navies defeated a large-scale attack by houthis in the red sea, the largest single attack to date. u.s. war ships shot down at least 28 drones in four hours. days earlier the houthis fired an anti-ship ballistic missile killing three, and marking the first sailors killed since attacks began mid october. and one just back from the region told congress iran is undeterred in supporting the houthis. >> they are undeterred in their support hezbollah, support to hamas, the support to the west
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bank, deterred right now in iraq and syria, and support to the iran militia groups, not in terms of funding and equipping. >> general carilla said he needs less expensive ways to defend the ships. each missile fired costs more than $2 million apiece. >> i would love to have the navy produce more directed energy to shoot down a drone so i don't have to use an expensive missile to shoot it down. what's worst is hitting the $2 billion ship with 300 sailors on it. >> on friday, u.s. central command war planes took out two terrorist truck-mounted anti-ship missiles in houthi controlled areas of yemen. six hours later, they fired two missiles into the gulf of aden, a singapore flagged owned and
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operated vessel. it did not impact the vessel. and another vessel deported for the eastern mediterranean, carrying the first equipment to establish a temporary pier in gaza after the president announced it. 2:17 military transport planes dropped meals and bottles of water over gaza, a highly inefficient way to deliver humanitarian relief to the gazans. >> sandra: john. >> john: a house panel releases new details about the broad and unjustified surveillance of americans banking data. more on the types of transactions ahead. >> sandra: more on president biden walking back on remarks
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about the murder of georgia student laken riley. the white house assisting it is not an apology. new from leo terrell next. ghestn the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> sandra: new details on the fed's tracking of american's banking data. the federal government conducted broad and unjustified surveillance and flagged a number of prominent conservative groups as hate groups according to a house committee. hillary vaughan is live on capitol hill tracking this for us. hillary, what else is in this new report? >> well, sandra, it's not just where you shop that could make you a red flag in the fed's eyes, now the types of groups. conservative groups, symbols flagged as potential hate groups and hate symbols, according to
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the new report from the house judiciary committee. they say the treasury financial crimes unit, characterized several conservative groups like alliance defending freedom as hate groups. guidance lumping them in with the likes of the k.k.k. and the american nazi party. and other guidance to look for hate symbols, like the celtic cross, the ok hand gesture and the white lives matter logo. jim jordan says it's scary and if they can do it to conservatives, they can do it to anyone. >> these groups putting on a list of names of alliance defending freedom and other groups and saying they were hate groups, it's chilling and frightening. we are just as concerned about on the left, their rights abused
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as well. >> a spokesperson saying the mission is to safeguard the financial system from illicit use. numbers u.s.a., one of the groups classified as a hate group by the outside report, blasting the treasury department saying they used the report in a transparent attempt to stifle free and open debate is stressing, ongoing attempt by the biden administration to silence those who dare to criticize disastrous immigration policies. guidance to banks was pretty blanket and vague. not tied to a certain customer accused of certain criminal activity, but really just went out to all banks to look for this among all of their customers, sandra. >> sandra: it is really something. thanks for digging into it, hillary vaughan on the hill for us, thank you. john. >> john: republicans ripping president biden for walking back
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his use of the term illegal when describing laken riley suspected murderer. but the white house is denying that that was an apology. >> i want to be really clear about something. the president absolutely did not apologize. there was no apology anywhere in that conversation. he did not apologize. he used a different word. i think what's -- what we should be clear about is the facts. i think it's unconscionable that there are some people who are playing politics with this young woman's tragic murder. >> john: all right. so, no better person to run it all by than leo terrell, civil rights attorney and fox news contributor. leo, was it an apology, not, was it directed toward the alleged murderer, directed to people who took offense at his words an illegal, fox used to say, we report, you decide. so, let's do that right now. here is what biden said last night. >> you used the word illegal
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when talking about the man who allegedly killed laken riley. >> undocumented, undocumented person. >> you regret using that word? >> yes. >> john: there you have it, leo. you decide. what did he do there? >> leo: he did apologize, and john, basically apologized because he has to appease the far left. you and i know he apologized, what you heard from the deputy press secretary tells me one thing, john, joe biden is not running the white house. there are people basically controlling the narrative in the white house. joe biden, as of today, has still not apologized to the riley family for mispronouncing her name and so sad about this, the illegal immigrant who crossed the border committed an illegal act by crossing the border. and the democrats are in denial because that represents their future base. and i'll tell you, john, that
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deputy press secretary, let me use her same words. i find it unconscionable that people used the george floyd case to promote summer of riots and to basically play the race card in 2020. how dare they say that this situation with laken riley is being politicized. this woman died and she should not have been murdered. the correct word was killer, and i find this wrong for the democrats who play the race card in 2020, justify the summer riots, to turn their back towards this young girl's family. >> john: leo on the subject of whether or not this is politicized, former president trump was in georgia over the weekend, he met with the family of laken riley, spent some time with them, consoling them over what happened to their dear daughter and said this on the campaign trail, listen. >> illegal alien, he was an illegal immigrant, he was an
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illegal migrant, and he shouldn't have been in our country and he never would have been under the trump policy. >> john: so there's charges that trump was politicizing this, but laken riley's mother herself said joe biden was pathetic for not getting her deceased daughter's name right during the state of the union. so is this being politicized or is this merely people expressing outrage over the fact that this young woman died and might not have had to die if this person was not paroled into the united states, and b, released on charges of theft in the state of new york. >> i submit the following evidence to you. polling in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, what's the number one issue, john. illegal immigration. sandra pointed out the gallup poll, 55%. president trump is not politicizing this. he's just reacting to the feelings of the american public. illegal immigration is the number one issue.
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even democrats in chicago and new york are upset. what trump said in 2016 about securing our border has come to basically become a fact that people are being hurt and harmed by illegal immigration and all trump is doing is expressing the feelings and the anger of the american public who is upset with illegal immigration. i'll guarantee you this. trump wins because of the illegal immigration in november. this is an issue that the democrats cannot hide from. >> john: so biden's former communication director kate beddingfield was asked whether biden did the right thing by walking the language back. listen. >> i said so, i think obviously look at the end of the day what joe biden is trying to do is build as broad a coalition as possible to get re-elected and saying to the broad democratic base, you know, i hear you, i hear your concern, and i shouldn't have used that word is a smart thing to do. >> john: so this would suggest,
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leo, it's not about laken riley brutally murdered by the person in the country illegally, but language-building voter coalitions. >> absolutely correct. she was an apologizing with the statement. the democrats are building for the future. black and hispanics are looking for a future voting block. let's be very clear. they have done nothing to secure the border and they are going to continue this because they are planning for the future to replace those disgruntled, dissatisfied democrats who have left the party and became a trump republican. >> john: meantime, as far as we know, the president has not reached out to the family of laken riley, based on their reaction i'm not sure they want to hear from him. leo, thank you. >> leo: he has to get permission from the left wing democratic party. he can't go and apologize unless
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he gets permission from the progressive left, john. >> john: leo, thanks so much. >> sandra: a senate committee will hold a hearing on worldwide threats, it's expected any moment now. we will be watching for news on the border and the threats in the middle east. plus this. >> 15 million new jobs created so far, that's a record. growth is strong, wages are rising, inflation is down. >> john: president biden touting his economic agenda but forcing a record number of americans to dip into their retirement savings. brian brenberg and taylor riggs joining us coming up next. her with 5g solutions. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. pga of america and t-mobile are partnering on 5g-powered analytics to help improve player performance. t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide... to get their members back on the road. and las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help fuel operations for one of the world's largest racing events.
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city's trains and busses safe following the lead of new york city. mike tobin is live in chicago with more. governor kathy hochul raised eyebrows by saying she wanted the national guard in the subways, and folks in chicago are saying we want it too. >> that's exactly it. the head of the largest union, john, chicago transit authorities has been complaining for years his drivers are not safe and now following the deployment of the national guard on the new york subway, keith hill says he wants to see guardsmen screening for weapons and providing for security on the l and cta busses. he says half the time people are arrested for incidents on the cta busses and trains, they are already wearing ankle monitors, showing they have been in the system but still a threat. >> my drivers feel helpless, feel like we are sitting ducks and even when the police come and arrest somebody we pick up the same person the next day that brings us the same issue,
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and more agitated, and even more going off on us more. we feel like sitting ducks. we feel like we helpless, and it's not just in chicago. this is transit throughout the country. >> hill sent a picture from an incident in which a passenger fell asleep on a cta bus. when he was awakened, he left behind a 9 millimeter handgun and high capacity magazine. with shootings and stabbings on saturday, the cameras happened upon a security incident on a blue line train. cta said criminal incidents dropped 5% last year and showing a downward trend this year. it's governor pritzker's office that would deploy the guard. the office is not responding to inquiries. john. >> john: mike tobin with the latest in what looks like a lovely day in chicago. thank you. sandra. >> sandra: president biden hitting the campaign trail after
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touting success at bettering the economy. >> another 15 million new jobs created so far, that's a record. growth is strong, wages are risings, inflation down, and reduced the federal deficit i might add. inflation comes down, mortgage rates will come down as well. >> sandra: ok. it seems americans, however, are not feeling the relief he is touting. "wall street journal" reporting a record number of 401(k) account holders are taking out early withdrawal for financial emergencies. taylor, as we know, it's not a great idea. the tax consequences on that are big. >> yes, it is. so that is never a good idea. but i think what the underlying issue in the story, sandra, is showing, people are feeling really, really stretched. so often we said the economy is great because the consumer, 60, 70% of the economy is the consumer and doing great, and a sign they are starting to roll
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over just a little bit. i was reading one of the latest notes and we are expecting retail sales later this week that if you are making over $600,000, you are doing just fine. but making under that, or even a lower income consumer, you are really starting to see things being put on the credit card, not being able to pay it, also # the buy now pay later is starting to increase, so people are starting to buy but not able to pay it back. >> sandra: we already know that americans have racked up the credit card debt under this presidency is up 45%. so while we are, we do continue to hear them tout things are great, more people are relying on debt just to get through. but the 401(k) thing, this is intriguing. "wall street journal" headline, more americans are treating it like a cash machine. what sort of red flag about the economy? >> what it tells you. the biden administration is saying inflation is coming down, right, everything is good. what they never tell you is the price level is still going up.
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so that's why people are having to take these withdrawals. they are still -- paying higher prices than ever, they still cannot afford that because their paychecks have not caught up. so going to the only spots they have some cash available and your retirement is a terrible place to go because the penalties are huge if you don't pay, if you take a loan from your retirement and don't pay that back, the penalties are huge. worse still, mortgaging our future. that's what the nation is doing, that's what individuals are now doing. >> sandra: speaking of mortgages, how it started versus how it's going. it's taking a lot more money to pay your monthly mortgage than it was when this president took office january 2021. the average payment, 3%, 30-year fixed was 1350. as of now, january 2024, the latest at 7% interest rates on 30-year, it's a big difference, taylor. >> it's a big difference.
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and this is the necessary medicine that we have to take because we let spending and inflation get out of control. >> sandra: it's important to point that out. >> the federal reserve had to raise interest rates to cool off the economy because we spend trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars on spending outside of covid. i would argue the first trillion was good, help businesses out in the middle of covid. you did not need round 2, 3, 4, 5, they didn't stop. >> i can tell chom ping at the bit. >> you look at the mortgage number, $700 difference in the average monthly mortgage payment. when people say life is unaffordable, what they had in mind. >> sandra: and don't have a rainy day stash for emergency. >> john: another scary incident involving a boeing aircraft. more than 50 people injured during a flight to new zealand. what caused it? plus this. >> it's always predictable to me that they are going to find someone that looks like me to
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speak on their behalf. >> i do find that extremely insulting that my story is simply only highlighted because of the color of my skin. >> sandra: a school choice advocate firing back at liberal lawmakers in tennessee who accused him of being a pawn. that advocate, walter blanks, jr. is here to respond and explain why school choice is vital to help minority communities. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come.
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>> sandra: fox news alert, awaiting the senate threat hearing, it is now underway on worldwide threats. u.s. intelligence agencies talking about trade a few minutes ago between china and russia that it's been increasing since the start of the ukraine war. china exports of goods used obviously for military purposes
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has risen more than three fold since 2022. we are going to continue to monitor this and when they get in for questions with the agencies, we will certainly bring the news from that to you. >> john: we'll keep watching that, sandra. more and more republican-led states are turning to school choice with alabama the latest state to pass it into law. and now the battle is brewing in tennessee, where the governor is trying to pass a major vouchers bill for families across the state. our next guest is fighting for that law in tennessee and is now on a mission to make sure more students are afforded the same opportunity that he had when he was a child. let's bring in walter blanks, jr. school choice advocate and spokesman for the american federation for children. good to spend time with you. in addition to what's going on in tennessee and alabama as we said, texas just voted out a number of lawmakers. they happened to be republicans because they were opposed to school choice. why do you think this issue is gaining momentum? >> well, you are absolutely right, john. i mean, what's going on and what
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happened in texas was an absolute thunder clap for parents and families and 77% of the incumbents that afc affiliates targeted who oppose school choice either lost their seats or went to r un-offs and five of them did not run for re-election. it's very clear parents and families across the country want other options, they want more and they are voting with their feet and remembering that as voting times comes. it's a school choice wave and we are riding the wave across the country. >> john: you are in support of the bill in tennessee but when you did, one state represent, antonio parkinson suggested you were being used as a pawn by school choice advocates. >> it's always predictable to me that they are going to find someone that looks like me to speak on their behalf. and i'm not saying that to
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ridicule you, i say it to be cautious. >> i think that's a little out of line. >> am i able to respond? >> let my apologize publicly, maybe i was out of line. >> john: it's interesting that so many times when an african american who is bucking liberal doctrine comes out and says it publicly, other folks say oh, you are being used as a pawn. what do you say to that? >> well, i lived this firsthand. school choice because my lifeline. it literally saved me and got me out of a rough environment and i watched my parents struggle financially to put me in a better place and if it weren't for school choice there would be no telling where i would be. the principal at the public school i was attending told my mom, if you give us five years, we'll have the middle school turned around and the high school turned around and my mom said he would be either in jail
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or a body bag. and now i'm nine days out from being a father to a young son, and i want him to have what i did, and every child in tennessee having access to the best education that works for them. the issue is personal to me. >> john: congratulations on your pinning fatherhood. wish you and your wife the best. on that point, you said that school choice saved your life. representative gloria johnson claimed the school you went to had worse outcomes than the school that you were zoned for. and then she added this, posting on x, my apologies to the "witness," he doesn't work for americans for prosperity, originally tweeted you worked for, he works for betsy devos' outfit, american federation for children, even worse. you fired right back saying this, this is interesting. gloria johnson has black lives matter in her bio but when a
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black life speaks for his experience, she can't call him by the name. only the black lives that agree with her. and you are one for three on the facts in your original post. it's like representative parkinson there. >> yeah, and it's absolutely not true and my testimony i did not say where i came from or what school i attended, but the private school i attended consistently outperforms the schools, the public schools in the area, and for parkinson, look, the schools in memphis right now, 10% proficiency in math, 15% in reading, you would think him of all people would be willing to try something new for the students in his district and his city, but like i said, whether they join the school choice waiver or not, we are going to get it done in tennessee and i'm going to be on the front lines of it. >> john: appreciate it, walter blanks, jr., thanks for coming with us. >> thank for having me.
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>> sandra: dozens injured on a boeing flight. what the airline said caused a sudden drop mid flight. that's next. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen.
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>> sandra: at least 50 people are hurt following a technical event on a flight to
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new zealand. alexis mcadams has more. what happened? >> we're getting a statement from the airline now. they say they regret any discomfort that passengers might have experienced. that is latom airlines. this is after 50 people were wounded on a plane earlier today, a flight going from sydney to auckland. the airline has not specified what caused the drop. 13 people were taken to the hospital. this comes after technical problems from another flight coming from the same airport. this flight left sydney headed to san francisco. because of a mechanical issue, you can see the boeing turned around. we have a graphic to show you later of this boeing 777 turning around, back to australia and landed about two hours later. this is just the latest in a series of headaches for boeing, especially in the u.s., the last ten days, an emergency landing in portland, an emergency
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landing in houston and it was on thursday when that tire fell off of a boeing 777 landing on a car in san francisco. sandra? >> sandra: thanks, alex, live from london, a quick break. we'll be right back.
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a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer's dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. >> john: going to jump over to capitol hill to the senate intelligence committee hearing. marco rubio, the senator from florida, is talking about the new axis of evil. russia, china and iran. let's listen in. >> they share one goal. they want to weaken america, weaken or alliances and our will because it helps them to achieve the world as they envision it, the world that they want. but it comes at our expense and all that's been built over the last 20 or 30 years. so i think that one of the greatest dangers we face is the inability to see how they're all connected. one of the greatest challenges
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we face is to deal with them as if they are interconnected. i think what life will be like on this planet for the next generation will be determined by what we do or fail to do here over the next two to three years and certainly with the issues that are before us today. so i look forward to hearing from you and i appreciate you coming. >> director haynes, i believe you're up next. >> thanks very much. chairman warner, vice chairman rubio, members of the committee, thanks for the opportunity to be here today alongside my wonderful colleagues to present the ics annual threat assessment. >> john: there's the threat assessment coming from the c.i.a. director after senator marco rubio eliminated the new threats that the united states faces by this axis that is developing with russian, china and iran. saying it's in china's interest to see the ukraine war because they depletes america resources. russia is teaming up with iran and basically what he was saying
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in the overall, sandra, any time russia, china and iran get together, it's not good for the united states. >> sandra: a lot of reasons to want to monitor this for the growing threats that come from abroad and also from our southern border as this migrant crisis continues. remember, christopher wray made huge news at the last one of these talking about the threat to national security as the border crisis continues. >> john: threat to national security and personal security like what happened with laken riley. the president talked about it, the former president talked about it. a big issue this november. >> sandra: great to be with you. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. have a big week ahead. "the story" starts right now. trace is in for martha. >> hi, john. hi, sandra. good afternoon, everybody. i'm trace gallagher in for


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