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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 11, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> jeffrey, a big libertarian donor someone putting millions and millions of dollars behind different nonprofits behind a different senators and politicians and anywhere he can because he's a measure holder and by dance, tiktok the dangerous place because at one point they are saying we are not controlled by the chinese communist party in at the other and the chinese communist party will not let us divest from american interest, not only is there a spying problem in a pirating problem from tiktok but the chinese government basically controls one of the most influential cultural weapons that we have seen with the ability to influence a youth and that something that is completely legal in the us. >> laura: they should buy every media outlet out there. greg to see you, that is a first night, set your dvr's you stay connected with us, follow me on social media, jesse is next. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: a welcome to jesse watters primetime, tonight.
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>> his way through the octagon. >> jesse: tale of to campaigns. trump hailed as biden nailed. >> you're asking a question about my political choices and shame he is a rape victim and i find it disgusting. >> jesse: that truth of the shame campaign by the media, biden apologizes to the migrant who killed laken riley. >> i'm knocking to treat any of these people with disrespect. plus... >> time for spring break! [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: sports and politics have mixed since the revolution, on the field of valley forge, george washington spent days praying rounders, an early form of baseball. and since then they've youth
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athletic competitions to score votes. william became the first president to throughout the opening pitch doing it from the seed in his stance. at 330 pounds, who knew he had an arm. richard nixon became the first president to sit in the stands at an nfl game, redskins cowboys , he smiley because he had money on dallas. now when the chicago bulls were in their dynasty days in the nineties, jordan was not the most famous man in the arena, could not score court side seats but president clinton watch chicago make a run for their for the championship. and visiting the locker room, even after the game, went out with rodman that night. presidential cameo strength to games tell you a lot about the state of the nation. and over the weekend former president trump rolling into fight night in miami. >> donald jay trump flanked by usc ceo dana white.
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[ cheering ] [ ♪♪ ] it's just how big a mixed martial asked mixed martial arts that donald trump's purée she absolutely loves the event at a real privilege to have president trump in the building at ufc 299. >> jesse: i cannot think of a sporting event that joe biden could make an appearance at and received standing ovations. besides wnba game. the fan base is not partisan, they're just red-blooded american men and their girlfriends they are to see knockouts. trump walked in like he was the main event. celebrity shaking hands, taking selfies. we see some familiar faces there. friends of the show and some athletes. bangles qb joe and san francisco defensive and that kate does hanging out with the president
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prefight. dusted knocked at his opponent and walt's over and talk to trump and his daughter, watch out. it was pay-per-view, millions watching at home and in bars across the country. trump's face on the screen more then joe rogan's. and he did not have to buy $30 million in adds like the biden campaign just it. this was his second stop of the day, earlier the president in georgia just hours before at a rally delivering his verdict on joe's state of the union. >> joe biden should not be shouting angrily at america, america should be shouting angrily at joe biden. [ cheering ] and we should be saying crooked joke, you are fired, get out of here. you are fired, you are incompetent. get out of here, you are destroying the nation. get the hell out of here.
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>> jesse: the room was at capacity, 4000 folks, folks amassing the entrance hours earlier. but another event in georgia that day. joe biden, a few miles away the president of the united states on a saturday, no one else has anything else to do, these were the biden voters clamouring to see his campaign event. inside the room there were more reporters than supporters. he had bigger crowds during covid-19. and it looked like the 12 people who came to see them speak, half of them were there to boo. [ shouting ] >> jesse: the tale of to campaigns. one is electric and the other is stage. one man cares, the other pretense to. and should probably write georgia off after the laken riley party. donald trump met with the family
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backstage before his speech, consoled them and laid her death at the feet of the president. >> bided has implemented a formal policy that illegal aliens who intrude into the united states are granted immunity from deportation. that's when this monster showed up at our border, he was set free immediately under the program that crooked joe created. i call it, it free to kill. it is free to kill. when i say he was in a legal 80 -- alien he was an illegal immigrant, illegal migrant and he should not have been in our country and he never would have been under the trump policy. >> jesse: meanwhile the current president whose policy create death called laken riley the wrong name and still has not even called her family to apologize. but biden did apologize to someone. the killer. >> use the word illegal win
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talking about the man who allegedly killed laken riley. >> undocumented person. i should not have used illegal. undocumented. i'm not gonna treat any of these people with disrespect. they built the country, the reason the economy is growing. you regret using that word? >> president joe biden: yes. >> jesse: biden regrets disrespecting in illegal who killed an american. the illegal disrespected our border, laws and laken riley's life. and biden apologize to them. he did not apologize to laken riley's family for letting the killer into the country or forgetting her name wrong. she pol -- he apologized the killer forgetting his name aright, illegal immigrant. someone who immigrated into the country illegally. it is a crime to break into the country, just like it is a crime to break into a house. a burglar is not undocumented because his name's not on the dvd, he's a criminal because he's breaking and entering. that is illegal. biden does not like saying
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illegal because it makes them complicit in the crime since he invited them. and release them. and protects them from deportation. if illegals are just newcomers and banks amnesty easier. but apologizing to migrant murders an election year, he's digging his political grave. and the white house knows it. and it dies it was even an apology, watch. >> i want to be clear, the president did not apologize. there was no apology anywhere in that conversation. he did not apologize. use a different word. >> jesse: if i regretted disrespecting you, is not an apology, what is? the most pathetic part of this is that the media made him apologize, no one cared that he called the killer illegal except the media. now look at what the media did, good luck getting answers after this. >> president joe biden: and myla to take any questions? [ laughter ]
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>> jesse: whatever happened to juice just -- juiced up joe from the state of the union, fearless defender of the democracy, eloquent elder and chief and the political pugilist 10 deleting joe, what happened? did the president still have it? or did it wear off? >> president joe biden: in pennsylvania i have a message for you. said me a congress that i can support this right, us capitol the same building where our freedoms came into assaults jul. german some of the things you can cut -- a tremendous amount of things you can cut. and a tremendous amount of things you can do not cut. at the bottom is he still at it. >> jesse: july 6th? sent me to congress? whatever happened to fdr.
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i guess we're back to the real biden. so where does he get his energy from? >> on board air force one the president and i talked about how energized he is to take on donald trump, his likely opponent. biden told me every time he hears trump speak he gets "juiced up. after touching down in atlanta i witnessed juiced up energy firsthand as he and first lady doctor jill biden met with minority business leaders about local venue, the gathering spot. >> jesse: donald trump, the only thing that gets joe's juices flowing, not the 10 million migrants pouring across the border, not the gunfights in the streets, not the high prices and low test scores. i don't want someone who wants to win for him, i want someone who wants to win for us. the forgotten men and women get trumped juices flowing. it's time to make the american people the centre of attention. i want a president obsessed with you, the voter. not what the other guy.
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former espn hosted jointly now, you were there at that miami fight. what was that like? >> reporter: i have to say to embarrassing that was my first ufc event because i was always in studio. absolutely incredible. i had heard what it's like in the prior to type that truck came to a pay-per-view ufc event at madison square garden and how crazy everybody was. it was so intense, you could not hear yourself think what he was introduced and of course the procession. really incredible. almost refreshing and rejuvenating to see 20,000 people on their feet for this man. really special and by the way, he's not just making appearances. he has been alongside dana white, ceo and founder of ufc from day one. he is so supportive of this board end of the athletes and i witnessed the athletes talking to him in between rounds.
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they love him too. and for me it was beautiful to sit back and just watch all that happen as wealthy athletes and nfl players coming up to him and nervously asking to take a picture. it was fascinating to watch. >> jesse: they were nervous? they're not nervous went 300 linebackers or comic. >> reporter: i was helping them take pictures. >> jesse: you saw his contrast with the events with the current president and joe biden and georgia has still not called the laken riley family, has not corrected his mistaken called her lincoln riley. and now apologizing for calling her killer illegal. says he regrets that should have said undocumented. he wants to respect the killer. how do you think that is going over with the country? >> reporter: to me it's as if we did not need a final straw. about when that happened, to me it was not even a political thing, i was heartbroken for
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that family. first of all i would like, i know biden is a football fan, he told me once when i interviewed about what a great football player he is. bad timing to get that confused and it goes back to the big picture, number 1 the family, and it breaks my heart. number 2, shame on the family. the biden family for allowing this man with what we see happening mentally, frankly, allowing someone they love to be put out there in this position. so to me it is heartbreaking all around, yes, for laken riley's family. but this is wrong for the family to allow him to be in this position in the first place. it is not okay for anyone, not occasion. and i know we can do better. this is when, jesse, in my opinion, everybody has to put all their issues aside with donald trump, with whoever it is, what is best for our country. stop voting on emotions.
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vote on what we need done here to fix things. as a mother, i put myself in laken riley's mother's shoots, unacceptable. and there's only one answer, in my opinion as a voter. >> jesse: the hate has to stop dominating, the discourse, you have to put country above your motion and exactly right. are you ever going to go back and see another fight? >> reporter: i am completely obsessed with it. >> jesse: your hooks now? >> reporter: the best part is when you are that close because i was way behind president trump and dana white were you could hear the hits and punches and see the blood squirting everywhere. i want to go to all of them. got says a lot about may, doesn't it. >> jesse: you're very unique individual. and we have a lot of respect for your bravery. it's the same thing on the five, teeth flying out of people's mouth, bloody eyes. it's a fight. it's a rumble. >> reporter: i've not been invited on that show yet, we
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shell see. >> jesse: we'll get you on one of these days. thank you so much. prime time celebrate spring break. >> what issue facing america's most important to you. >> bouncers need to do a better job because i don't want to walk into a club full of ugly men. [ ♪♪ ] ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. an empty tomb, and many people believe that's where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins. but on the third day, god raised his son to life. that's our hope in this troubled world in which we live. our hope is in christ, a risen savior. have you ever trusted him as your savior? have you ever invited him into your heart? have you ever surrendered your life to him? if you haven't done it, do that right now. just pray this prayer. say, "god, i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry. forgive me. "i believe jesus, your son. "i want to invite him into my heart, "and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord
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"from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer we've got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you. so, call that number that's on the screen. do that right now. god bless you! thank you! feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ is she? playing with the confidence of a pro and getting all up in that grass as if she doesn't have allergies? yeah. nice.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: democrats in the media realizing biden cannot be rehad trump needs to be neutralized, no one is fine their hoaxes anymore. the indictment it's only reinforced trump's connection with voters, to the media has an additional strategy. shame. make regular americans ashamed to associate with them. they'll make trump into a racist russian loving rapist with a rap sheet and say, you're not going
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to ruin your reputation by aligning with that guy, are you? >> if he's going to be shameless which is his greatest asset than byron has to get in there very hard and go rapist, racist and fascist, over and over again and hammered and with those three things. rapist, racist fascist. >> jesse: it's what high school girls do and it can only work if the others are weak. yesterday abc tried it with nancy, and actual rape victim the testified about her abuse, watch. >> reporter: how deuce court your endorsement with the testimony we just saw. i will tell you, i was raped at the age of 16 and any rape victim will tell you, i've lived for 30 years with an incredible amount of shame over being raped, i did not come forward because of that judgement and shape but i felt it. i'm not gonna sit here on your shown asked a question meant to shame me. about another potential rape victim, i'm not going to do that.
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>> reporter: it's not about shaming you it's about -- what you're doing is defending a man that's been found liable for rate. i don't understand how you could do that? >> not in a court of law, you're trying to shame me by asking me this question. >> reporter: you repeated that. >> again i think it's offensive, as a woman i find it offensive. >> jesse: have you ever witnessed this before? a woman shares with you that she's been raped and respond with, what about trump? not i'm sorry to hear that, that must have been so difficult but you are a hypocrite. we asked abc news about george's behaviour and they said that george was just, asking meaningful questions relevant to the viewers. i wonder george's work for bill clinton is relevant to the viewers because their anger has a history of demeaning sexual abuse survivors and accusers. back in the nineties george works for the clinton campaign and served in the white house. and george had a whole roar room dedicated to silencing bills accusers. it was not believe all women
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back there it was belittle all women that accused clinton. and with the help of hilary they smeared everyone. from jennifer flowers, paula jones, we got a glimpse into these tactics in the 93 war room documentary. >> i consent you a fax with name addresses and phone numbers that you had an affair with. would it make a true? it is complete bull [ bleep ] if you went on the radio and that's about bill clinton is the father of a child, you'd be laughed at and you people would think you are crazy, i guarantee you that if you do this you'll never work and democratic politics again. nothing in matters. you will be embarrassed. people with think and nobody will believe you and people will think you are scum. >> jesse: george is a democrat knife fighter, he's there 20 elections, not cover the news. and his books he called bills
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passed accusers an alleged sexual partners bimbos multiple times. and when the truth broke about the lewin ski scandal he wrote this, my defence of clinton past bimbo interruptions had been predicated on my belief that he would not create new ones. george party with epstein after she was released from jail for soliciting prostitution from a minor. george had dinner at the mansion how could george associate himself with a man accused of rape? no one asked george this because you're not allowed to. but you're allowed to ask republicans anything, even republican rape victims on live tv. this is a new strategy. shame game. and this same shy see cynical operatives that slandered clinton victims are back to victim shaming to keep another president and power. haley's a former white house press secretary and cohost of outnumbered. i don't know if this is going to go over the way that george
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thinks it is. >> no, he looked cool bull in this. but here's what i think is important. i think that this interview needs to be deconstructed because it should be a case study for what the trump campaign -- campaign and republican conservatives are up to -- against the next eight months, when you look at this interview he took something that was not newsworthy, the news of the week was state of the union super tuesday biden and trump having rallies in georgia, he ignored all of that and remember he's on the sunday show, he supposed to cover the news. and instead he talked about trump posting bond on carol even though the verdict was found weeks and weeks ago, not a newsworthy steak -- like me. he spent five minutes and 50 seconds grilling nancy on this, bringing up rape. and then at the five minute 57 -- let's turn to january 6. and spent 10 minutes on january 6th and rape, of a 44 minute show sunday show, that is what
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republicans are up against. >> jesse: generate six biden calls at july 6th, it's the same thing. she gave it back, do you think that that is scared george off from trying this shame game going forward? >> yes. >> jesse: he's gonna do this with all republican women going forward. >> and every republican woman should study what nancy did, she did not give an edge, she did not back down, she did not stay on defence, she went on all fence and went right for the jugular, and what did george look like? he looks like a scared fourth-grade boy that had forgotten to study for the test and showed up and was scrambling for something to say, he kept saying the same thing over and over again and was at points during the five minute and 50 seconds, i thought i had asked ally rewound the segment on youtube. it was just him saying the same thing. so every person who decides to go on the sunday show, study what nancy did, find your offence talking about and
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prosecute the case. that is what we need to do heading into november. >> jesse: study what she does on outnumbered, that will prepare you as well. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: why joe biden is losing the black vote? doctor ben carson is next. [ ♪♪ ] in a rocky mountain setting spanning over 280,000 acres. three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy fly fishing and america's finest trout stream. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to three forks to book your luxury experience. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe
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may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. >> jesse: newsletter, fdi submitted migrant crimes real, it's about to get a lot worse. fbi director testified in front of the senate and he confirmed with the media refuses to report, watch. >> a hole host of threads that emanate from the border. and some of them are criminal threats, we talk about fentanyl and violence and a lot of violent crime in the united states is at the hands of gangs who are themselves involved in the distribution of that fentanyl. >> jesse: not just migrant crime, migrant terror is next.
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>> we are concerned about the terrorism implications from potential targeting of vulnerabilities. there's a particular network that has, were some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have isis tight. >> jesse: fbi director try to tell biden to close the border for the safety of the country and the president will listen. democrats say migrants are illegal and they don't break into the country. >> the undertone from your side is that somehow people who are calming illegally are trying to break into the country, i don't think that people are breaking into the country illegally. >> jesse: it may not appear like they are breaking and because biden is letting them break in. but it still against the law. no denying that the american electorate is going under a radical racial realignment.
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nonwhite voters are flocking republican party ahead of november. look at this new analysis from the financial times. nonwhite voters are abandoning the democrats in droves. they've been leaving in small numbers for decades. and then it started hemorrhaging when biden took office. and they're not just leaving, they are switching votes to republicans. black americans and democratic -- has been that democrats most loyal base in the sixties, in 2020 biden captured most of the black vote and now he's pulling 30 points lower while claiming this. >> you promised black america that you would have our back. do you feel that you have our backs. >> president joe biden: i have your back. >> jesse: more then obama? nobody even believes that, black voters are saying no to joe because he does not understand the new generation. for months the media's been trying to figure this out,
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examining black voters like an exotic foreign species. >> right now i cannot tell you that if they open the polestar that i'm voting for joe biden. >> what changed. >> life. i want the right person so i'm not playing -- $15 for gas. wayne it's been in the last few years it's the worst that it's been in my life. i would not even consider thinking about voting for donald trump. but living in america these last four, it's a consideration. >> president biden sold a dream that he couldn't accomplish. 's famous quote was that for african-american you want black if you didn't vote for joe biden. >> what do you think a former president truck? >> i think president trump was a bad people person but a great leader. he put the economy in a booming state. >> jesse: even husbands and wives of different parties are lining. watch. >> and 2008, 2012 you voted for? >> barack obama. >> 2016? >> donald trump. >> hillary. >> clinton 2020?
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>> donald trump. >> biden. who evil form too four. donald trump. >> donald trump. >> we are planning on having kids. i don't want to live in a stressful environment trying to get two pennies together. >> jesse: former how secretary joins me now. doctor carson, why do you believe that black voters have been slowly and now the acceleration picked up moving from democrat republican party. >> thank you for having me. i think black voters are like every other voter. eyes, years and have a brain. and they are able to cn juxtaposition the trump administration and the biden administration right next to each other. they can ask themselves where you better off, it's very easy to say inflation was much worse with biden than with trump.
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unemployment record low and record high wages, record high homeownership with trump. those things are moving in the other direction with biden. you have preferential treatment for illegals with biden. with trump, you had basically secured, even with the opposition of the other parties. there's just so many things that are different and like i said, black voters are no different than white voters or any other voters. they look at what works for them. and traditionally the blocks have all gone to the democratic party. i group is it radical democrat. and then i did something you're not supposed to do, i listened republican. i listen to ronald reagan. i said this guy does not sound like a horrible racist he felt like my mother, values and principles that very similar to hers. the other thing about donald
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trump and i think it it's very attractive to a lot of black people is you don't have to wonder what he's thinking. he tells you what he's thinking. and east truthful, it may not always be what you want to hear, and me know. you wanted to say. but it gives you a sense that you at least know where you stand, makes a good impression on people. >> jesse: a straight talker he put money in their wallets and that rearview mere is not that far away because you can just remember three to half years ago, we hear the same thing. we're also hearing about you, possibly being in the running for vp is that something you are open to? >> i'm not running for anything except for ways to save our country. that's the key right now. and i think that is what president trump wants to, you think about the fact that he already had all the fame that anybody could have a tremendous amount of money, there wasn't really big advantage for having
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in fact it's been very detrimental. but he still willing to get in there, i think all of us who are interested in saving this country because this is no longer about democrats and republicans. this is about those people who believe in the values and principles that made this into a great country and those that want to fundamentally change it into something else. >> jesse: from radical democrat to a great doctor. and a great guest and a great american thank you so much. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: something was missing from the academy awards last night. [ ♪♪ ] start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: hollywood gushed overall been hyper last night at the oscars, celebrating a movie about the atomic bomb. i've not seen it but i've heard good things. oppenheimer created the ultimate weapon, and the ultimate deterrent that so far prevented world war iii. but the same people embracing the bomb had been trying to dismantle the nuclear arsenal for decades. suddenly they love the bomb because they made a movie about it. but they did not actually want
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to talk about the bomb. >> the reason this movie was the movie that was was chris nolan. >> thank you for those who believed to be my whole career. >> what we do is meaningful in the stuff that we decide to make is important. >> we made a film about the mind that crete the atomic bomb and for better or for worse we are living in oppenheimer's world i'd like to dedicate this to the peacemakers. >> jesse: seven acceptance speeches for oppenheimer and one mention of the bomb. hollywood's quick to move on from a because once it serve them. remember a few years ago when hollywood went all in for haiti. they had the t-shirt and pushed a whole donation campaign trying to convince us that haiti is great already. >> i had that says haiti is great already. were quite happy to have it. people really like the slogan. they like it so much so that
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this website is exclusively offering this haiti is great already t-shirt to raise money for two amazing charities. >> jesse: the country is a mess again. the gang leader named barbecue runs at haiti, he got the name from burning people alive. maybe haiti would be greater if the clintons had got the silent the money they raised. does hollywood have anything to say about that? no. radical protesters waking up to hollywood's performative activism. despite so many actors wearing cease-fire pins last night. the oscars still face a flood of programs protesters at the ceremony outside. i remember when ukraine had their pins, i wonder what fashionably said country will be been pricked into hollywood lapels next year. former celebrity fitness trainer jointly now. did you enjoy the award ceremony last night? >> i didn't watch it. i was watching the gold cup
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final, i watched america beat brazil. when they told me we be talking about it i did a brush up fast on the internet. >> jesse: i was watching the academy awards that you were watching sports. it's embarrassing. from why you have learned, after watching it on tape, how did it strike you? >> listen, hollywood and california and general is a place where you go along to get along. i grew up here, i've been guilty of it. if we're giving the benefit of the doubt its like i better do this, it might be the right thing and if i don't do it are they gonna cancel me? which, probably. in addition, i've been guilty of this as well, you do things in a performative way because you think that you are more important that you are. and i'm being honest, i did that when i was younger in my thirties, i get all this attention. i must matter, my opinion must
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matter and you step out of your lane and you upset a lot of people, you patronize a lot of people and it's a mistake, i haven't made it for a decade now. but that is wear that is coming from. and there is a virtue signal or is that just want to be liked and ozempic is a perfect example. you are 100 pounds overweight, you're healthy at any size. i'm jumping on ozempic because i cannot tolerate being a size four site zero. unfortunately that it's just the culture and california. >> jesse: i'm glad we have you on tonight because there is an issue we thought that you'd be an expert in analysing. john walked out with no costume to present the best costume category as a personal trainer is this somebody who needs ozempic? >> no, john cena does not need ozempic. i don't understand why this
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happened? but i can say that his physique looks wonderful and i would expect nothing less of him. [ laughter ] >> jesse: you seem submitted, you are blushing. [ laughter ] >> i'm a rock girl myself. i go dwayne the rock johnson. but after this i might switch players. >> jesse: john cena getting her to switch gears. thank you so much. and we have a lot of respect for you and we appreciate you joining jesse watters primetime. >> thank you, it's mutual. >> jesse: johnny does spring break. >> how important is generally 63. >> january 6th is very important because my best friend's birthday is generated, best week of the entire year. [ ♪♪ ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: get smart insights on the top headlines. >> we'll be covering all of it. >> announcer: no story with mark mckellen weekdays on 3:00 on fox news channel. america is watching. [ ♪♪ ] miami beach decided is canceling spring break kansas
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city telling college kids "don't come." but one city's trash is another thirties treasurer. fort lauderdale welcomed college students with open eyes and after johnny wouldn't stop bothering me to send him down there after a while, i given. -- i gave in. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> what collect the guy go to? "florida state university. >> arizona state. >> everybody is loving -- >> a lot of drinking. i'm dying. >> mr. trump: may she rest in peace. >> beautiful white girl got me to fill black girl. i would love a latina. >> how have the ladies been treating you guys? >> haven't taken showers and we got here. >> i love it. >> what have -- with the craziest thing you guys -- >> got -- a guy licks my foot. >> a guy got naked in the water. >> -- hay spit in my mouth,
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spit in my mouth. >> did you do it? >> yeah. >> mr. trump: >> president biden: that's amazing. >> back -- one guide them in -- >> on god. >> this girl that tried to take my girlfriend and we ended up wrestling. >> mr. trump: to end up putting both of them. and the craziest thing i've ever scene. [ ♪♪ ] >> how old is your school? >> is a liberal arts school. very liberal. >> really broke. as soon as we go court -- a feeling we go crazy a lot. >> god, karen, you're so stupid! >> reporter: what issue facing america's most importantly you? >> not enough people on this beach is a bit -- because problem. >> people are too sensitive. >> i don't like racism. >> the boxer need to go better job because i don't want to walk in to a club for ugly men. >> you gotta go. [laughter]
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>> what are you talking about?! >> how is joe biden doing? >> [ bleep ] >> any heart president and if you like it should be me. >> president biden: like i'm very young, energetic and handsome -- >> he raised prices, it's not it. >> vpp is not really doing [ bleep ] >> take a look around you! where the threshold of hell. >> what has joe biden accomplished? >> what has he accomplished? nothing? >> that would be correct. >> really? yay me! >> how is kamala harris doing? >> is that the color lady like me? don't even know who that is. >> i don't even know that is? >> kamala harris? what do you think she does? >> oh it's a girl. >> [ bleep ] paris caillouet. >> supers is pulling the strings like a puppet. >> you're right. [ ♪♪ ] >> define inflation.
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>> it's bad. >> i was paying eight dollars for [ bleep ] big macniel a couple weeks ago, paying lip recall for it. >> people going broke. >> if you're in charge, how would you handle the migrant crisis? >> they can get the new people out. >> they got to get wp out, get sent back home. >> is like getting in to the bar -- so you let the girls in first? >> is only reason i like being a girl. >> athletic success would say! >> how important it is january 6? >> i don't know i don't pay attention to dates like that. >> january 2nd for import because my best friend's birthday in january 5th so that's the best week of the entire year. >> i like it. i like it. is a good day. great day. >> what happens on january 6? >> that's when remote. >> goodness. bless your heart. >> how is donald from doing? >> [ bleep ]. love that guy. is good stuff. >> i love you too. but you're not my type. [ ♪♪ ] >> you want to say what --
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what's up jesse watters? >> high! >> my love my mom loves you and that means i love you too be one less -- "let's go on jesse watters! >> come to spring break! [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: are starting don't -- any series in a choke -- since the bucket out in a week i will be interviewing some of the people that i spoke to the great all these chapters so you'll be hearing from all sorts of people tomorrow, a woman who wants to legalize prostitution. we'll be joining us. and you will love her. and if you don't love her i don't see how you could. tuning tomorrow night and for the rest of the week and the next week after that and get it together series right he here. now let's do some tests... mike, cincinnati ohio, buydown will disrespect an illegal immigrant murderer but will businessman gleefully disrespect 74 million voters. that would be a yes. sarah from florida on nonviolent hold seems still
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he played football, i went to the university of delaware with biden. that we do not not play football he never attended our games." we want to talk to you, contact -- you know what kelly have your text, will talk to you. larry from duca, kentucky. " based on the size of lisieux -- one that has her work cut out for her. one that will have to call craig. john from green day wisconsin, when i speed on the highway is not illegal. i'm driving at an undocumented speed." very good. jeff from orange california at home whenever going to see you at ufc events, jesse?" dana, i'm available. when ever there's -- you let me know. that's all for us tonight. dvr the show can also remember, i'm jesse watters, and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]


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