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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  March 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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[ applause ] do you have something. >> you want to plug. i am on tour if you want to see me giggle being oklahoma city, dallas and houston next week, jimbo >> greg: my pleasure. thank you doctor drew, molly, jamie. our audience, i love you. >> trace: good evening, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00
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here in los angeles and this is america's elite news. 'fox news @ night'. breaking tonight if you own a gun, read a bible or do not think the boorish wide open, the federal government is likely taking a very close look at your private bank records. the judiciary committees revealing just how much the federal government is comparing conservatives to violent extremists. and domestic extremists. they're also looking into what your motivation might be and in other words if you're an evangelical with a hat, beware, or live in dc with more on the unjust surveillance of everyday americans. >> reporter: crazy story. evening to you. the house judiciary committee says the treasury, financial crimes unit, circulated guidance from an outside organization to banks in this country that characterizes several conservative groups such as the centre for immigration studies,
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numbers usa, alliance depending freedom -- defending freedom of hate groups. treasury department guidance lumping them in with the kkk and the american nazi party. other gardens to look for what they called symbols of hate. those symbols were things like celtic cross, the okay gesture or white lives matter logo. the report from the house judiciary committee and the nice asian subcommittee called the governments of broad and unjustified surveillance of america's banking data through financial institutions. >> they've expanded to reports asking about the certain terms and these groups putting out a list of names of the alliance defending freedom and other groups in saying that they were hate groups, it's really chilling and frightening, code everybody else, were concerned about folks on the left on the political spectrum, their rights are being abused as well. >> reporter: meantime the treasury department's response and it did not address the allegations specifically. they wrote this, it's to
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safeguard the financial system from illicit use. they are deeply committed to fishtailing this important national security and criminal justice mission. in accordance with the law. you probably remember fox news digital first reported that following the protest of the capital on the 6th of january treasury, along with the fbi initiated multiple discussions with financial institutions. this is a wild story, one that deserves a much closer examination. >> trace: we promise to continue following, will back to as the news warns piglets bringing the culture of the america first policy institute law of justice former florida attorney general, it's great to have you on as always, we've talked before about how businesses like dick's sporting goods, those were kind of the group singled out. but look at this new list, if you would, up with this on the screen.
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talking now about the centre for immigration studies. numbers usa, another immigration group. alliance defending freedom, celtic cross, okay hand gesture and white lives matter. in essence what is happening here is that the federal government is targeting and censoring have to country. >> yes, if you purchased a bible , trace, that was one of the key search terms. we know the fbi has been nice, the entire department justice system has been weapon eyes and now we know even treasury has become a political weapon. that should scare every american on the left and right because if they can do this, they can do anything. they can look at your financial records and i quarrel as a career prosecutor, i quarrel they said their mission is. there for mission should be going after money launderers, who are drug dealers, their core mission should be financial crimes against the elderly. financial crimes supporting terrorist groups. yet they are going after
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everyday americans and it should scare all of us. >> trace: here is the senior council for alliance defending freedom. >> i think it's alarming that the government uses these obvious partisan and discredited third-party arbiters of truth? really are just promoting their own political agenda and trying to do damage the perceived political enemies to make decisions about anything, let alone sending them to financial institutions kind of financial surveillance. >> trace: he goes on to say that the government is colluding with these massive corporations. >> trace, they are. remember when they called parents at school board meetings, domestic terrorist, same thing. but even worse now because they are looking into people's bank records. and as you said half the population would qualify under that two illegally searched their bank accounts. so that should terrify americans
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that our entire government is now being weapon eyes and i do not by the treasury saying that they're going to look into it. not at all. >> trace: great analysis as always, think you for coming on we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> trace: meantime president biden expressing regret for using the word legal to describe the migrant accused of killing georgian nursing student laken riley. but his communication team is now insisting that it was not an apology. we are live with new information on this developing story. >> reporter: during his state of union address and strip moment president buying gold the murder of laken riley in elite will. over the weekend president biden seemed to apologize for using the word illegal. printer day on board air force one, sports -- spokesperson insisted that the president did not apologize. >> i want to be clear, the president did not apologize. there was no apology anywhere in that conversation. he did not apologize. used a different word.
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>> trace: -- >> reporter: that spokesperson said the president did not apologize in this interview on saturday. >> president biden: i should not use illegal, undocumented. >> reporter: you regret using that word? >> president biden: yes. >> reporter: that interview came after the president in another off-the-cuff moment initially doubled down on the word illegal. the morning after the state of the union. >> do you regret using the word illegal to describe immigrants last night? >> president biden: technically not supposed to be here. >> reporter: word illegal goes against how the white house and the biden campaign want to portray biden the opposite of former president trump when it comes to addressing illegal migrants. biden claims that he does not want to be disrespectful. of course president biden should not be apologizing for calling laken riley killer a killer. >> trace: thank you. [ ♪♪ ]
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the fox news at night commonsense department is perplexed because president biden does not regret going before the country in saying link in riley even though her name is laken riley. but he does regret going before the country using illegal immigrant. even though laken riley accused killer is an illegal immigrant. when biden was asked about using the word illegal said, laken riley accused killer technically should not be here. dictionary says technically means factually correct. but not the way people usually think about it. common sense things illegal is exactly what most americans think about those crossing the border. biden says the proper word is undocumented. but undocumented is a made-up turn by the media liberal politicians, it's politically correct. but legally incorrect. legally the term is illegal. so says the supreme court in federal immigration law, it's not undocumented or
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unauthorized, ease illegal immigration. and while common sense is parsing language the white house now says that even though biden regret saying illegal, it should not be construed as an apology to laken riley's accused killer. 's let's get back to the dictionary. regret means sad, repentant, story, story is an apology and saying regret does not equal apology. is one sorry excuse. let's bring an republican candidate in california 30th congressional district, that by the way is busy to replace intensive care physician and the dean at pepperdine university of public policy, judgement, think you i want to play the soundbite. this is the former border patrol chief of the sector and he said this about this illegal nonillegal controversy. >> this was not the time to sit there and start apologizing, he has yet to apologize the border patrol agents and the most -- words patrol delrio, he liked
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the american people. for him to apologize to the murder suspect, that is just ridiculous. >> trace: you can see that biden is just trying to placate his base, you'll do anything he wants in the base want them to do and its day in and day out, and this is one of those examples. >> exactly right, trace. so many times during the state of the union he said one thing and that is being forced to backtrack on it. and for the people around him, like you just quoted one of his press secretary, you're really trying to catch spinning plates that are flying all over the place. it's definitely true, just as you said your comments before that illegal is illegal. these are the actual terms being used in undocumented and the kind of terms of the president is trying to use are not the terms of hours that we use in the government chef. >> it's amazing, the senators had the following here quoting on x., president biden apologize for calling laken riley killer illegal. that's all you need to know about his shameful immigration
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policy and alex, you look at this and you think you're running for office here in california which has one of the most porous borders in the world another giving home loans to people who are crossing the border illegally and you think that at some point in time its going to catch up to us and to catch up to the country and in some places it already has. >> it's not just the home loans that we just gave health insurance to 750,000 immigrants and said that we have a $70 billion budget deficit. so we know there are laws and those laws need to be in force and i always say we'd be better off if we treated this country like we treat our own home. run it on a budget with minimal interference from outside sources, you keep the door closed and secured you let people in according to your values and preferences and you survey who comes and who goes out. >> trace: it's a good analogy might work as a campaign slogan, best of luck to you. back to you. it's an eye-opening number, i want to put this up on the screen because it says large
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number of immigrants entering the us illegally and you see is it a critical threat 55 percent, important but not a 31 percent, not important 15 percent. 86, that's nine out of 10 voters say that this is a big deal and it needs to end now. >> absolutely, trace. it is a proxy for overall government failure in particular failure of the federal government. and i think for most americans, they are wondering why can't we shut this border town. and it's rarely been a case where americans have had the opportunity to compare presidents who are running against each other where they been able to see, under president trump the border was this way and under president biden for the last three and a half years it's been this way. and honestly they are saying that this is unacceptable. >> trace: if you make it to washington and good luck to you on this, this is the stuff that you we'll have to deal with today. fbi director was talking about the threat that this migrant disaster is bringing to the country, he said this.
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>> are we aware of any of these smuggling organizations are run by or conducted by people that have ties to isis or other terrorist organizations? >> there is a particular network that has some of the overseas for tenth facilitators of the smuggling network have isis ties and we are very concerned about it. >> trace: again and again he said we are very concerned about this and yet this administration does not seem to be a willing partner to him and his fbi associates. >> they are the executive branch. they're supposed to execute all the laws that we already have it people on the ground in my district differently tired of it. they want a system with transparency with consistency, we should be able to recruit skilled industries immigrants were going to embrace our constitution and integrate into american life like my immigrant family has. and that is what people want. >> trace: alex, best of luck to you. p. pearson good to see you always.
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let's bring in laurie camp and a mom who lost her son to gun violence in athens, giovanna, thank you so much for being on here. i know your son was killed in athens 26 years old, almost a year ago to the day. and it was a shooting near the university of georgia campus. and i know it was nodding illegal immigrant we're talking about here but you know how violence affects the families in that area, what would you say when you hear of this controversy going on with laken riley and would you tell other people? >> my heart goes out to laken riley family because no mother wants to get that awful call as something is wrong with her child. when she gets that call that you can't be there to comfort them. i want other people, mice and i was 24, i just spoke with him,
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he just celebrated his birthday. and it tore my heart to pieces and just last week we celebrated that one year mark for us to enter into another violent area in athens. and this has got to stop. >> trace: our hearts go out to you and you're family, to you now, glory, here is a clip of one of your local commissioners, her name was melissa, she said this which we all thought was a little bit stunning, let's see what the audience thinks. >> i am as disgusted by the crime as i am by the hysterical glee with which so many have seized upon this tragedy to promote division, bigotry and hate. this tragedy offers yet another reminder that monsters are real and they come in all shapes and sizes. they come in the form of white men with weapons of war fuelled by mental illness, bigotry and right-wing conspiracy theory. >> trace: division, bigotry
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and hate? what about accountability and laws and safety? >> yes. and i also spoke to the commission that night, we had a rally, this is after the make athens safe rally that we had. and i actually spoke to the commission that night and the mayor. and i said that i am not a racist because i want everybody in my city to follow the same laws that i'm required to follow. and as soon as i spoke and got down the next person out actually went on and said in that folks is an example of a racist and a bigot. and so as soon as i said that they had to throw back on me again. and that is just the state that we live in in our community. >> trace: what would you say about that, about that commissioner, and what would you say when she says something like that? >> that is dividing athens even more. we both were products of athens
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clarke county. in the community as a whole and as long as we have division in the community we are not going to bring it together. nothing's going to be solved. so the question i have always asked is how can we build our community, we did not say we wanted to make white people better, black people, we said we want to make athens safer. >> trace: it's a very noble comment, lastly to you we have 20 seconds for you, when you heard that biden regretted calling laken riley's accused killer illegal, your thoughts were what? >> of course he's going to say he regretted it because he wants the democrats continue to support him. but again, as we've all heard, he couldn't even say her name correctly. and it's just time for new leadership in our country. >> trace: thank you both for
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coming on. meantime it already appears to be a done deal by this time tomorrow president biden and former president trump are expected to make it official clinching the presidential nominations for their respective parties, jackie is live with a look at what appears to be the deciding primaries. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, two hours from now or just a few hours from now we expect president joe biden former president donald trump to be able to officially say that they are the presumptive nominees for their respective parties. trump just needs 140 delegates to clinch the gop nomination, something he's expected to easily do during tuesday's contest in georgia, mississippi and washington state. body 102 delegates to secure his nomination on the democratic side. the primary seated -- season was a bit more of a challenge for trump who face more then 10 republican opponents, started 2024 election cycle.
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's campaign was put know that despite the opposition he will still become the nominee five days sooner than he did in 2020. telling the new york post, the american people have spoken and this is nothing short of historic. now we look towards defeating crooked joe biden. from his part biden has been out on the campaign trail saying this about his opponent in new hampshire today, listen. >> president biden: my predecessor failed the most basic of any duty the american people. the duty to care. i believe that is unforgivable. >> reporter: major shakeup underway at the republican national committee, snooze confirm roughly 60 staffers have been pushed out as the committee begins emerging with the truck campaign. >> trace: a big story, live for us in new york, let's bring in the founder of the christian ministry for young black men, also a conservative radio host reverend jesse lee peterson. great to have you on the show.
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a black voter on why they're considering voting for donald trump. >> right now i couldn't tell you they open the poles i'm voting for joe biden. what changed. >> life. i want 3 percent so i'm not paying $8.15 for gas. the way the last three or four years have been its the forces ever been in my life. i never even consider thinking about voting for donald trump. but living in america these last four, is a consideration. >> trace: after what happened that life happened and it's been hard for some of these young men >> even if i was black i couldn't afford to vote for joe biden. and i hear this all over, everywhere i go. and as you know for a long time. committed to the democratic party, that's no longer the case because the democrats have clearly tossed that aside. and they're not looking out for them anymore, they just want to vote.
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so black people are starting to feel the economic crisis. >> trace: just the economy? >> the economy, the borders, what it's not being talked about is these aliens are coming in and ending up in the black communities. >> trace: in the schools? >> yes, schools and the gang violence between the black and hispanic centre coming in, it's out of control. you're just not hearing a lot about that. >> trace: i don't think people -- understand that in these underserved city when you flood the schools with people who were illegally here, it's devastating for the students that are already there. >> absolutely. the black are affected first and foremost by it but because black leadership don't care their government for themselves, for money and power. the blacks don't have anyone to represent them so you you starting to hear a lot of that speak out now about what's really happening. and i have to tell you even my family that was, i never imagined that they'd be voting for donald trump. they're saying yes to trump now
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and it started with obama, a lot of black saw that obama would do more for them but he did not get jobs or provide for them. and joe biden has just wipe them out, they can't afford to vote for joe biden anymore. >> trace: irreverent, think you for coming on. >> appreciate it. >> trace: coming up despite the warnings, there's now a dramatic exgalatian the tax of the red sea by an iranian backed group. and as jennifer griffin will tell us, one sunken ship could lead to major conflict. later in the night a new book argues that so called gentle parenting, trying to get kids happy, is the reason why kids are not growing up and facing adversity is the key to success. argue in favour of gentle parenting? yes, no, why? why not? let us know on instagram and will read the best responses,tr wereee coming right back. [ ♪♪ ] [car door shuts] [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks
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>> trace: update on the brake and using the middle east, american forces in the past 48 hours have repelled a major assault by houthi militants, talking about iranian backed terrorist that are continuing to launch dozens of attacks on ships in the red sea, meaning that these proxy groups are simply thumbing their noses at all of the warnings from the biden administration. here's the chief national security correspondent. >> reporter: u.s. navy defeated a large-scale attack by iranian backed houthi in the red sea this week it, the largest single attack to date. us war chip shot down at least 20 to draw in just four hours. days earlier the houthi fired antiship ballistic missile at the true confidence, a commercial boat carrier, killing three sailors. the commander general eric just back from the region told
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congress that iran is not second-guessing backing proxies. >> they are undetermined support for the houthi, undeterred their support on hezbollah, support hamas. >> reporter: sending to missiles costing more then [ inaudible ] because if you thousand dollars. >> i would love to have the navy produce more directed energy that can shoot down a drone so i don't have to use an expensive missile to shoot it down. but what is worse than not having that expensive missile shooting down is hitting the $2 billion with 20 citizens. >> reporter: us military transport blades continue a drops over gaza this weekend, dropping 27,600 meals and nearly 26,000 bottles of water today. on saturday us army vessel general frank departed norfolk virginia carrying the first agreement to establish a temporary period gaza. after president biden announced the plan during his state of the
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union address. there at waterways really ports north of gossett that israel controls the checkpoints. the pentagon has not explained how it plans to provide security and safe distribution without putting us boots on the ground in gaza. something us officials say they will not do. >> trace: jennifer, thank you. let's bring in rabbi from bel air here in california former member of the counterterrorist unit. thank you so much for coming on, you first, you heard jennifer say that the largest single attack to date, we're spending millions of dollars to knock down these thousand dollar drones. but if they do not, and they sink a us ship this whole game is changed. >> it's a massive spit in the face here of the us capabilities by you ran, this goes back to iran. i'm not really sure why the biden admin in the us military's
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not getting more aggressive with iran, i think it's important to call it what it's called what it is. the houthi are apparently pulling these attacks out in cooperation with the ongoing war with hamas against israel. it's a very connected the link there and i really think that the general's right, they have to get the cost down but i think they just need to keep escalating the aggression, they can do that at the can get rid of shooting those two million-dollar missiles a piece fired on those drawings. >> trace: we saw the food drops there in gaza, and there's no pressure in the us putting no pressure on egypt, no pressure on jordan, they want israel to feed the people in gaza and then the president talking this weekend about [ inaudible ] >> reporter: invasion of rafa would you urge him not to do, would that be a redlined? >> president biden: i'm never going to leave israel, defensive israel is still critical. so there's no red line of good and cut off all weapons. >> trace: it is a redlined, it's not a redlined, it's very confusing people what is not
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confusing a lot of people saying that biden and the present risk. >> the problem is our president is not doing what he should have done months ago. we have already given $80 billion over to egypt, why then opening of the border imagining, let all the refugees out, we will go in make her own camp in feed them. and israel clicked on the job in two weeks. would not have the people in the street screaming genocide over. but no, why is pressure on egypt. it's a question that everybody in america had, of american. i'm not asking this is a jew from israel, i'm asking this as an american. why are you allowing this were to continue, get all the children out. they don't have to be there and let -- you want israel to destroy hamas? do be an america favour by destroying a mosque. get it done. >> trace: quoting, the rift
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between biden and benjamin netanyahu widens as israel leader spouse to press on with the rafa operation, we have some general they saying, israel needs to do what israel needs to do. >> israel, as we have discussed has put on some pressure cooker campaign, they force all the hamas rats down to israel, and israel needs to go into rafa and finished doing that job there and they're not that far away, but the fact that biden is holding israel back means that biden wants to have his cake and eat it too and dictate how israel's going to proceed. but israel's been extremely careful, they been given more barrels of structure, laid down the airstrikes, more risk to the idea of sources -- forces for the special operation unit. thinking is just a question or topic they're gonna have to go into rafa but biden it needs to swallow the red pill and let israel finish the job otherwise gaza will get breached again into the southern portion of
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israel and then who knows what will happen in the north. >> trace: 30 seconds left. i just want to say a lot of people say that biden would trade israel, the relationship for votes in michigan and minnesota. >> things to change and you started seeing 100,000 people uncommitted and the vote and screening in the streets. but i'd like this administration to here, you don't fight a war with politicians, you listen to your generals. general shorts destroyed iran like that. it was not george bush that fought the war, it's not the politicians, listen to your american general's. let israel do what they have to do. >> trace: good advice. gentlemen, thank you. what kate middleton said after she got caught posting a doctored photo. and why do gently mental health is worse than body any previous generation, still store rips through new zealand's south island and the officer who lost best smile contest to a police dog. now has to pay app days best
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viral videos are next. 8:33 pm on the west coast, 'fox news @ night' trip across america and look at phoenix, arizona. hometown of stevie next. i'll look at gaylord, michigan where they have to hundred and . that was from 197071. finally a live earth cam look at new york city where the federal reserve bank has $90 billion in gold. and you can join us live do not forget set your dvr and watches any time, we are coming right back. abigail and her new book, you have to see this. r [ ♪♪ ]ea neutrogena® retinol? yes! it evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines, with visible results in just one week. sounds like you've said that before. once or twice. neutrogena® retinol ♪ vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors.
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stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and less joint pain, and that means everything. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your doctor about how skyrizi could help with your skin or joint symptoms. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> trace: first up in the real news round up their piece to be a settlement in florida's wrongly titled it don't say gay bill. it allows students and children to speak freely about sexual orientation and gender identity in classrooms as long as it's not being taught. princess kate issued an apology after posting an edited photo with her children on mother's day in the uk. the incident came to light after
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news agencies pulled a picture saying it had been manipulated, princess kate wrote on ask, like many amateur photographers i do occasionally experiment with editing. i wanted to express my apologies for any confusion with the family photograph. we shared yesterday that cause. it's unclear what exactly the changes that made to the photo. a new survey says half a parent financially support their adult children in some way, the report found that 47 percent of parent shall not approximately 1300 bucks a month on average. let's bring in former guess committee member and tv personality can douglas. great to have you on. talking about parents and supporting the kids. you have a 26-year-old son, living in new york, finance, great job, barely making it. >> barely making it. he did everything rate, trace. went to the right school, got the intership, worked like a dog for free, and now he's in a really great job. and barely getting by. or something, he's not living --
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he goes to joe poli and sweet greens. and takes the subway. three remains living in new york. and i don't know. >> trace: i wonder what's would think about this, from the california globe, reality versus narrative, illegal immigrants getting taxpayer-funded home loans quoting many of our adult offspring can even afford to buy a home in california is so important for the state to help a low in middle income individuals by holmes, maybe we start with their own citizens since it's coming out of taxpayer pockets. these are zero interest loans and no monthly payment. how's that? >> i will tell you, for my son and all of his friends that come over all the time when he's back here, they all say that they're going to be about 60 before they could afford a home in west los angeles that is safe and that they can have a family and. >> trace: it's crazy. cnbc headlines as the following here, 47 percent of parents with the child older than 18 provide them with at least some
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financial support. what he think about that? >> i think it's over 47 percent. how do we do it when we have to be taking care of our kids till during the late thirties. and so many of my friends are doing that. >> trace: it really is. we do it a little bit, that's the way goes. great show. >> thank you, so good to be here. >> trace: next guest is worried about generation z., bad therapy believe the mental health of this young generation is worth -- worse than previous generations in every way, let's bring in abigail, great to have you on here, i love this because it's a breakdown, very wise -- very tweeted this, "bad therapy: why the kids aren't growing up" is the number 1 book on all of amazon but did not make the new york times bestseller list, and goes on to say post- millennial headline that the bookstore begins to fight book bands and then bands your book. par for the course. >> and really should be called
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new york times wishes it were bestseller list, i think the book white rural rage, outsold that book by double. and courts that one made the new york times best seller list, you can guess why. >> trace: exactly right. writes is about your book at she draws attention to several issues including the overuse of medicine and therapy, the tendency to justify any fear or anxiety in the sizable percentage of american children who have been diagnosed with behavioural, developmental or mental illnesses. every kid it seems today is on some kind of meds. from young first and second graders, they're all taking some medication, youth schools that have situations where they have every three minutes and three hours, you have to go into your medication, what is happening? >> mental health experts that had nothing to say when these kids were heading into a second year of lockdowns now present themselves as the cure to a
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generation that they have overmedicated, over treated with wellness, techniques in school, social emotional learning, obsession over these children's feelings and guess what, they're the most is regulate generation on record. >> trace: it's heartbreaking when you were reading some of the passages of the attempted suicide and so forth because it seems like these therapist, if you suggest that they are having mental problems, you suggest that they might be a danger to themselves and they lean that direction. >> that is exactly right, they're living out of a tear any of their own feelings and each other, they need to outlaw world, away from the overmedicated is, away on the things and exerting some independence because right now they feel like they had no capacity to do things in the world, they are fearful, worried, they are stressed out inside. and the mental health experts are only making it worse. >> trace: walton family foundation did this and they came up with only 20 percent of
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gen z rates their mental health has excellent. we think about that? >> less then half of them thought their mental health was even good. this is a generation that has been convinced by the so-called trauma experts that they've all experienced trauma, debilitated by trauma and demanding mental health days off from work. you know what they need? lessen the mental health intervention. that is what is causing the problem. and they need their parents to step in any need parental authority and they need the parents to give them independent so that they can get out and feel like thinking things in the world once again in that way they'll be ready to grow out. >> trace: i have to go push would be to firm kids? >> yes, we should give them high expectations and honour them with that. >> trace: great have you on the show. [ ♪♪ ] first up in the viral video, three week old seal pup took to the pool to practice owning chicago's you and yes, seals have to learn how to swim, the keeper threw in a toy for additional fun. here's the shocking moment a storm ripped the roof off a
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house in new zealand, powerful wind battered the island which remains under severe weather watch, homeowner was rattled, shaken up. but he is fine. two. >> weeks back i lost paying a debt for the best mile on facebook and i pay my dues today. >> trace: misery officer who lost to a police dog and a best smile contest is paying his dues as a training run a, dog made quick work taking him down. and running off with his right sleeve, all flash and his being a winning smile. if you viral video share with us at @tracegallagher on social media. and coming up, we just talk to abigail about this, do you think children need to deal with adversity to become stronger adult or should their happiness be prioritized? weigh in, we would love to share what you have to say, the nightcap crew is next. [ ♪♪ ] nyquil severe honey.
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>> trace: we're back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic family matters, in abigail shrier's new book she says prioritizing children's happiness over their growth can hinder them from growing, her philosophy is that children need
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to deal with adversity to become strong adult, do you think parents goals should be to raise happy kids? >> no, the ninth of tenth, i promise you tough parents make good kids and good adults. weak parents, soft parents generally, not always, generally don't. that's my opinion. >> trace: i think it's a good one. kim douglas. >> i would go both ways. i think when i was raising my son i wanted him to be happy, but strong values, strong character and strong morals really instilling that at a young age, i think that clears your path. >> trace: same, you're raising these kids and you want them to be happy but you want them to know that there's going to be adversity along the way. bumps in the road. i said in a hundred times. show me a coachable kid and i will show you an employable adult. >> i think is apparently don't want to raise unhappy children, national your goal, i don't think you should inflict trauma
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or grief you make hard decisions that make them happy and are good for them. >> trace: sometimes do you want your kids to be unhappy? sometimes they need to be a little bit unhappy to grow, maybe, no? >> my kids are a lot of bit unhappy it seems like. [ laughter ] artificial happiness is something that we need to be careful about because you cannot sustain that. abigail said something and i took note, give your kids high expectations and honour them with that. there's a sense of pride that comes with drawers and helping out around the house and the community, that's a successful human. >> trace: that's right, a proud kid and abigail is happy kid. >> strong kid is a happy kid, solution stop obsessing over the happiness start making them strong. >> trace: and you think the message is resonating so far? >> so far as threatening the book is sitting at the top of amazon charts. so far so good. >> trace: if only it would make the new york times bestseller. [ laughter ] asked our followers if parent
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should be raising happy kids and results show 30 percent, yes, 3. statement tina seth teaching a child to be happy also teaches them how to grow with themselves. the school of hard knocks is the best school. no, the main goal should be to raise responsible self-sufficient children, dan says, i think an important powder development is also failure. is a fairly good downs their stance. happy kids are spoiled kids and allen says that kids need to be taught that there is success and future in life. good all-around segment there. abigail thank you, kim, matt, kevin, jackie and thank you for] watching america's late news 'fox news @ night'.s] 'fox news @ night'.s] tomorrow nightg . g, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks
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