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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 12, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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class while they are calling and crying about tiktok. those on the app. make a living as influencer like any good business owner. diversify. you would never want to be reliant on a single course of income especially one controlled by the chinese communist party and let us not forget they themselves censor content on tiktok regularly that they don't like. i think that the writing is on the wall. this is going to fly through congress. biden will sign it. and at that point i think tiktokers will find that maybe life's a little bit better without the ccp breathing down their neck. >> carley: a vote a lot of people are going to watch. c-span and the news networks get a whole new set of young viewers which is probably good. get off your phone and sit in front of the tv and watch the news like normal kids. congresswoman we appreciate you. have a good day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> all right. it's 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. i just checked my watch.
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i'm going to look straight ahead right now. tuesday, march 12th, this is "fox & friends." top of the news. special counsel robert hur heads to the hill today. set to defend his report that among other things painted president biden as quote elderly man with a poor memory, closed quote. anxiously? >> ainsley: and, brian, a major warning from fbi director christopher wray about the border. pretty scary. >> the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have isis ties. >> steve: that doesn't sound good. meanwhile, look at that big trouble in the big easy. new orleans police are prepping for a wild and crazy spring break. >> division that watches the social media to see if there is any influencers or disrupters. we are prepared for it, we always are. lawrence jones, there he is right there, live on bourbon street. >> ainsley: what did you say beads and ben yeas.
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indeed. office starts right now remember, mornings are better with friends states of georgia, mississippi, hawaii and washington state. >> a total of 254 democrat delegates 161 delegates are up for grabs today. the biggest haul is in georgia with 108 democratic delegates and 59 on the republican side. >> brian: president biden already has 1866 delegates and needs just 102 more to clinch the democratic nominations. it's a fait accompli, which is my native language latin. former president trump h 1078 needs 107 more to push him over the top. special counsel robert hur testify before congress for the first time in congress on his
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reported on president biden's handling of classified documents. >> he's going to field questions about his findings but sparked major questions about the president's mental aacuity, mental fitness. >> steve: madeleine rivera joins us live with details. >> good morning. house democrats will try to emphasize that president biden was not charged. house republicans meantime will probably hammer special counsel robert hur on his characterizations of the president. to say recap, some of the classified materials found in the president's possession included documents about military and foreign policy and afghanistan. they were found in a badly damaged box in the president's delaware garage surrounded by household items. but hur gives this reason for not prosecuting president biden. we have also considered that at trial mr. biden would likely present himself to a jury as he did during our interview of him as a sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. he did not remember when he was vice president.
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forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended. he did not remember even within several years when his son bo died. the report angered the white house and the presidents who immediately went on the defensive slamming hur for suggesting he did not remember when bo died. but two sources familiar with the investigation told fox it was the president who brought up bo's death in his interview, not the special counsel. regardless, the white house argues hur essentially stepped out of his lane when compiling this report. >> just a little part of what we get to see is made mistake after mistake after mistake on camera this week. >> so, i want to be very clear here. um, the reality is that report, that part of the report, does not live in reality it. just doesn't. >> pete: so the special counsel is lying about the president's memory? >> it is -- it is -- it was gratuitous. >> house republicans issued a subpoena for the doj to hand over the transcript and recordings of the president's
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interview with hur. they have is far not received those items. coming up in the next hour house judiciary chairman jim jordan will be on "fox & friends" to talk about what to expect at today's hearing. steve, ainsley and brian. >> steve: madeleine, thank you very much. >> brian: kind of a tough thing his memory is fine. is he okay. he's not that old. he is 10 years older than he looks. whatever you want to say. so let's charge him because you've had 173 introduce. 147 witnesses. 7-millimeter documents. you've had classified documents in his midst dating from 1977 to '91 that was separate era in boxes with classified markings on them. you can't have it both ways. >> ainsley: you are saying that if they say he is not mentally stable, then they can't -- he can't stand trial. >> brian: that's pretty much the conclusion robert hur gave. >> steve: we kind of heard a little of it from kjp right there. the whole description,
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sympathetic well meaning elderly man with a bad memory. the white house and the biden team exploded at that. they are really angry at it. "the washington post" has got some details. >> brian: look at this. come on. >> steve: right there behind the corvette. that's in the garage. "the washington post" this morning has got some details about the back and forth regarding the description of mri have ever seen before as joe backs up the car. apparently after hur wrote the report, he gave it to joe biden's lawyers. and joe biden's lawyers said you can't keep the stuff about the memory and the old man stuff in it but mr. hur refused. he said nope, it's going in. it went to the department. >> ainsley: it's his excuse not to charge him. >> steve: explains why. >> ainsley: loit sounds like. >> steve: elderly man sympathetic. the doj looked at it and said
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mr. hur followed the protocols. and merrick garland reviewed it and said i'm going to publish it without making any redactions. but, the key is the biden team told mr. hur take it out. and he said nope, it is staying in. >> ainsley: that was his way of saying we are not going to charge him or send him to court for this. yet, when it documents donald trump, is he able to stand trial. >> brian: right. yes. and is he three years younger even though the president keeps saying they are the same age. also what he would do is go into a classified meeting and he would leave the documents there but he would take notes and leave with the note cards and notebooks. yeah. it doesn't say classified but you copied over the classified material onto the note cards. don't tell me you don't know better. here is the fbi director crimp wray revealing that the fbi doesn't have. >> steve: whole different talking point. >> brian: i will hold off on that. i will say, this he is obsessed
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with afghanistan, the other story line through this. which i wouldn't be surprised if republicans tried to play out. because if you see 9 horrible way in which he insisted on leaving afghanistan, you have clues to joe biden and his obsession to getting out afghanistan through the obama administration. he was maniacal about it. military said. it all played out when he finally got the job there it's going to be fascinating. robert hur is not used to giving speeches. they said he has only really testified on capitol hill one time before w he was in marylan. a lot of it is you could be a really smart person but you might not be a great presenter. we will see if he can do both. >> ainsley: let's talk about the border now. this is what you were referring to with christopher wray. what he is saying in front of the senators is very alarming that isis, isis cells could be here in the united states. listen to this. >> there is a particular network
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that has where some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network isis ties very concerned about and been spending enormous amount of effort with our partners investigating. >> there is a network we are concerned about that has facilitators involved in it that have ties to isis. >> correct. >> and terrorist organizations? >> correct. >> 26 people killed 3,000 americans on 9/11. i worry that among the people coming across the border evading law enforcement that there are people among those that mean to do us harm. do you share that concern? >> i do. >> sometimes people say well, this is just -- this is just a fantastic theory. it's no basis in reality. do you consider that to be a frivolous consideration? >> i do not. >> steve: chris wray and all the intel chiefs were up on capitol
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hill talking about worldwide threats. and, obviously, marco rubio asked the initial question about, okay, we see these images every day of thousands of people coming into our country at the southern border. do you worry that some bad guys could be in there? he says absolutely. he has no doubt that criminals have entered the united states. then he talked a little bit about apparently a human smuggler with ties to isis. apparently what he was referring to was last august there was a report that the fbi was investigating people from uzbekistan helped by a turkish smuggler with ties to isis. and so they also talked at great length not only about the 2.5 million people who were apprehended at our southern border, as you look at eagle pass just over the weekend, but also about the 670,000 got-aways. if you are a bad guy. you don't want to surrender yourself to the border patrol. you want to get away into the
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country and do whatever you want to do. christopher wray and other intel chiefs freaked out about what's going on at our southern border as well we should be. >> brian: avenueville haines, burns, tim hough, and bret holmgren the state department secretary. i watched the whole thing, on c-span go to school on this. keep bipartisan out of this and should be saluted. what i found. the honesty. think try to avoid politics as intel chiefs. try to tell people they have never seen especially since october 7th. ner seen the threat so high from soible different areas, some different plot lines. but what they said at the end whether senator ossoff and senator kelly if we only pass this legislation we wouldn't have this problem. and then senator rich said, listen, i can't let this whole thing close with you saying this. that was one piece of legislation. you have let this border go to hell for three and a half years.
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you wanted all the directive orders from the white house the minute he got in there and you have said nothing. >> senator kelly hasn't plugged the hole in the arizona wall. they have done nothing except for now they can grab ahold of this legislation. solved anything. the other thing is this. i gave d.n.a. kits to the border. i wanted everyone swiped so we knew who was coming in. and this administration, he didn't say this. but this administration stopped with the d.n.a. kits. they stopped with the swabs. so we don't know -- we didn't know if they cut off their ankle bracelets we don't know who they're when they came in and don't know how to find them once they are here. it's absolutely criminal. >> ainsley: what's scary the senators talking about it took 26 people to plan 9/11. we have had 200 people try to get over on the terrorist watch list. >> steve: we have 265 minute come in. >> ainsley: the ones we know of. millions of people every year coming across our border and it took 26 people to plan 9/11.
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>> steve: that's all. lawrence jones has been on our southern border. he is a texas guy, and he joins us today from, as you can see right there, he is down in the french quarter going to be talking about spring break in a minute, but, first, let's talk l.j. just a little bit about chris wray saying yeah, bad guys have come across. >> well, this is a second time the fbi director has warned that there is flashing lights going all over the place. so, i think are we going to take it seriously once an attack happens or are we going to start to put measures in place. there is a two prong issue we are dealing with. we are dealing with the raddization happening with some of the homegrown people. we got as i always say little jihadis marching around saying no justice, no peace. calling for the destruction of israel taking at veterans administration tan damage of the open border. whether it's the gangs and the united states operating the crypts and bloods that feel and
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see an opportunity to leverage this or our enemies that just want to plan the next attack. they have a wide open border to do that, guys. >> steve: good observation. >> brian: when it comes to spring break i know they're probably hosing down the streets now. getting ready. you have no cops there, lawrence. nobody wants to be a police officer in new orleans. they almost canceled maduro because they couldn't secure it. they tell all the kids you can't go to schooling during maduro, mardigras. have they done the same thing with spring break. >> lawrence: it's interesting. when you talk to the cops they say hey, this is just another day in new orleans. they are already down significantly when it comes to law enforcement here. and the way they tell me they are going to police it just just like they do mardi gras, like they do any type of other event. i had the opportunity to talk to a captain yesterday. this is what he had to say. >> we have a lot of young people that come down here every night in the french quarter and that's just the regular diet for us.
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yeah, there will be a few more than usual. but we have an intelligence division that watches the social media to see if there is any influencers or disrupters. we have our regular district people and special operations that handle all those things. we are prepared for it. we always are. >> steve: lawrence? >> lawrence: you know, brian, what i'm concerned about is not just the violence but, ainsley, you appreciate this, too. when you used to cover spring break. there's a lot of drugs and i talk to a young lady yesterday as i'm on bourbon street and i always ask them this what is the first thing do you when you get up? normally they will say drinking. this is the first time she goes i do my makeup and then i do a certain type of drug. and that's concerning for me. because, when you have over 50% of the drugs laced with fentanyl. she could be signing a death warrant right there every morning. >> brian: everyone smoke pots now. unbelievable. commonplace. years ago that would have been an issue. >> lawrence: that's exactly right, brian.
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we're not talking about just pot. she was talking about doing another type of drug. and that is dangerous. >> steve: lawrence, 5:15 in bourbon street. any of the places open? >> lawrence: nothing open right now. these are the stragglers that have had a rough night and straggling their way back to the hotel room. >> steve: they are playing hurt. >> lawrence: if they stumble we will try to catch them. >> brian: more action in the streets than in the bars not now but at night. >> lawrence: that's exactly right, bret. >> steve: it's still bourbon street. bourbon street is bourbon street. >> ainsley: people will do anything for those beads. >> brian: 1810 partying in the bourbon street the same way. had to get there with carriages and ticket for riding the horse too fast. >> ainsley: street is named after alcohol. >> brian: would have been a give away. >> steve: a story about i want the thing that they have over on
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bourbon street. it goes way back. >> ainsley: pretty scary about the drugs though. when i covered spring break years ago the first thing we are grabbing the bottle and grabbing the bourbon. trying to get drunk as fast as we can seemingly so, right? my goodness. >> steve: the worst thing you could see is a funnel back in the olden days. >> ainsley: now so much fentanyl and hearing so many stories. we all know someone who has died of fentanyl overdosing, accidental overdosing. >> brian: funnels are great because you have to put oil in your car. always good to have them around. >> steve: just remember what order to do it. >> ainsley: right. the faa reportedly finding dozens of issues during a six week audit of boeing 737 max production following that frightening door panel blowout in mid-air. >> steve: in one instance, federal investigators saw mechanics for one supplier using dawn dish soap as a lubricant in testing seal on the door during the fitting process.
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>> brian: wow, palmolive wouldn't have worked. todd piro is here. >> todd: dawn helpful to the birds. dozens of issues with boeing 737 max jet production during audit of the company and its supplier spirit arrow systems. the audit launched after that door flew up off in mid january. boeing failing 33 out of 89 product audits while spirit aerosystems failed seven out of 13. this all coming after a recent wave concerning incidents involving boeing planes. you recall a boeing 737 flight from houston to florida forced to turn around when one of the plane's engines caught fire. and a tire falling off a boeing plane taking off from san francisco was forced to land in los angeles. you see it right there on your screen. there is the tire and there it goes. a falling tire crushing a car in the airport employee parking lot. as you mentioned federal investigators saw mechanics for supplier spirit arrow systems using that dish soap as a
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lubricant in the door seal fitting process. and also using a hotel key card as a makeshift way of checking the door seals. a spokesman for spirit telling the "new york times," quote: the company is reviewing all identified nonconformities for corrective action. big question now guys is what happens next? boeing has been given 90 days to come up with action plan to address the 33 issues found in that audit. i don't know but folks. call me old fashioned. when it involves something flying in the sky at 30 to 35,000 feet, i want zero issues. not 33. back over to you. >> steve: no kidding. i was actually on the boeing 737 max 9. which last night. coming into newark we had an aborted landing. >> todd: are you serious? >> ainsley: so windy yesterday? >> steve: it was very windy. don't know if something was in the runway. whatever reason, down, down, down, down, up, up, up.
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>> todd: in all likelihood it was the wind, i'm speculating here there seems like at least last week one incident a day that may feel like compounding at the same time you have to fly. if you hear that you get scared. >> a lot of times fox news is on at the airports. we might want to dial it back a little. >> steve: we have actually got more. >> that's right. we got some more news, guys, related to boeing. listen to this a boeing whistleblower was found dead in his truck outside auto south carolina hotel just days after testifying against his old company and in a lawsuit. john barnett was a quality manager and worked for the company for 32 years before retiring in 2017. according to the charleston county coroner. barnett died from a self-inflicted wound. a fox news alert here. the haitian prime minister resigning overnight. his departure from office comes as armed gangs take control of large parts of the country. and loot something r rampant.
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meeting in jamaica to discuss the way forward. former prime minister was not involved in the closed door meeting. a measles exposure alert has been issued in chicago as the citywide case count keeps climbing. five more infections have been confirmed at a migrant shelter prompting quarantine measures and assistance from the cdc. chicago's health commissioner urging those who are not vaccinated to get the jab saying, quote: how contagious measles is, i anticipate seeing more cases. four of the five cases found in chicago's largest migrant shelter. and listen to this: a new government commissioned report is calling on congress to move decisively to stop a, quote: extension level threat. posed by artificial intelligence. according to the report, the rise of advanced a.i. artificial general intelligence has the potential to destabilize reminiscent of the introduction of nuclear weapons.
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the authors worked on that report for more than a year. and prince william making a royal appearance yesterday as his wife faces a lot of attention for an edited photo. the prince joining queen camilla and other royal family members westminster abbey for commonwealth day service. earlier in the day he was spotted in the car with princess kate just hours after she apologized for releasing a doctored family photo. the princess of wales has been missing from royal engagements since christmas after undergoing abdominal surgery. singer eric carman died over the weekend in his sleep. that's what his wife announced yesterday. he was known for hits like all by myself and hungry eyes. ♪ hungry eyes ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise. i've got hungry eyes knot i feel
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the magic between you and i. >> carley: carmen found fame raz berries before launching a very successful solo career. he was 74 years old, guys. and i hear that he was a big fan of "fox & friends." >> steve: he was i hold my hand the eric carmen two cd album he sent it to toba the sound guy. he said i'm a big fan of "fox & friends." the last line please tell steve, ainsley and brian, i will be watching as always. he was a big fan. >> carley: wow. >> ainsley: i actually said that. >> steve: right there. how cool is that? >> ainsley: i want to cry. that takes me back to fourth or fifth grade my friend had a jukebox in her playroom and we used to play those songs. i just don't want anyone else to i do. >> brian: somewhere someone is
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playing that song every single day. >> steve: my favorite was ♪ all by myself. >> brian: a little depressing. >> steve: eric carmen. >> ainsley: on that note. >> brian: dvr the show and think back. meanwhile. 10:00 today, special counsel robert hur heads to the hill on his report painting president biden as an elderly man with a poor memory. >> ainsley: jason chaffetz is coming up next and is he walking on to our set. >> brian: look at those white shoes. ♪ a little bit heaven ♪ still a little bit flesh and bone ♪ a little bit foul ♪ i don't know where i am ♪ a little bit holy water ♪ still a little bit best of your knowledge man ♪eeth well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way
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>> brian: happening today, i cannot wait. special counsel robert hur set to testify before the house judiciary committee, this after the special counsel declined to charge the president, noting, among other things, quote: we have all considered that at trial mr. biden would likely present himself to a jury as he did during our interview as a sympathetic well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. former house oversight committee chair jason ch chaffetz joins us now. your thoughts?
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what would your line of questioning to robert hur. >> you want to dive deep into what he was -- what was the back and forth between the president to lead to the conclusion that he has a poor memory. where are those tapes? are s. there video of that? is there audio of it? why won't they let congress to see it? other thing not getting the headline big line of questioning is how deep was the probe? joe biden had these fake emails. and he sent thousands of them. and he had fake names that he was using. he supposedly, allegedly, had a burner phone. you know, the case of donald trump, they went and got the direct messages coming off of one of the social media apps. did they go and look at that with joe biden? those are the types of things you have got to dive deep on how did he use the fake names? >> brian: why as a senator are you allowed to have these classified documents? >> you're not. >> brian: date back to the soviet union and yugoslavia. meetings with tito. >> joe biden had been in office
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since 1972 when i was 5 years old starting to play soccer. he knows the rules. there is no fact pattern, not one, in which a united states senator can be in possession of a classified document, none. >> brian: how hard would you push the ukraine line of questioning? because i think a lot of people like comer and company are looking for that. >> yeah. no, absolutely. they are going to dive into the russia stuff. they are going to dive into ukraine. they are really going to get after afghanistan and what he was thinking about there. >> brian: right. other thing i want to talk about was senator menendez says he won't run again. is he still allowed to sit on all the intelligence hearings. still allowed to be a senator. among the people outraged by this is fellow democratic senator john fetterman. >> it's clear that my colleagues want to keep him around and now we have his trial in less than two months and that's going to handle it. >> what does it say about this institution that he is still serving in here. >> i don't know what it says
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other than they are okay with having a sleaze ball in the senate. >> brian: he was arraigned yesterday for the third time in six months pleading not guilty in obstruction of justice charges. and the guy already admitted i tried to bribe him in cutting a deal with the government. >> john fetterman, the moral compass of the senate democrats. it's unbelievable. he should not be there. they should strip him of his security clearance. why is he getting classified briefings? he is up for bribery, for goodness sake. i thought the way the house treated santos was actually wrong. i think voters should have decided that. but they kicked him out fast. how come the democrats aren't holding menendez to the same standard that they were yelling about with george santos? >> brian: i wouldn't mind if this is the first time it happened it would be like, wow, shocking. >> this is the least shocking story in the senate. look at his background. he got away with a hung jury last time but who went after him? jack smith? and he fell short. >> yeah. >> brian: is he overcharged.
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>> this second set of charges -- third set of charges coming at him right now is probably the most serious. >> brian: i look forward to your reaction after the robert hur testimony. >> i will be here. >> brian: thank you so much, jason chaffetz. let's go over to ainsley. all it says is i should toss to you. >> ainsley: i appreciate it, brian. thank you. great job. here are more headlines for you the gold star dad of a marine killed in 2021 in the kabul airport bomb something doubling down on condemnation of president biden after he was arrested for disrupting the state of the union. >> i don't even know what i did. i just jumped up and i said do you remember abby gate? it was like the lord convicted me. the holy spirit got in me. i have been waiting forth three years for this noon say my son's name in this chamber and he never did. >> ainsley: he never said his name. wow. the gold star father was arrested by capitol police and he faces up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine. an fdny union leader weighing in
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after some first responders were cheering for donald trump and they were booing new york attorney general letitia james during that promotion ceremony. [applause] >> and chief hodgeens for. >> the union leader saying, quote: at any moment they could have shouted lock it up. before, during, or after. it only seems like hours later that they felt they needed to act. new york city council woman joanne arriola is surprised by the backlash if they were chanting. >> trish: tissue would it have been a problem? if they were chanting biden, biden, biden would it have been a problem? they were chanting trump trump trump is that the problem? >> internal investigation into the heckling incident incident. four door off the florida coast
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30 minutes ago. the crew spent 6 and a half months on board the floating lab. those are your headlines. check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> janice: i'm glad the weather was good for that landing. take a look at the maps. it's going to feel like springtime for parts of the country. 45 in new york. get into the 60's which is nice. then we have the colder air behind a front that's going to bring the potential for severe storms this week. there are your forecast highs today for parts of the midwest and the ohio valley, it's going to feel above average. we could hit some record highs as well. there is wednesday, thursday, and friday as we get above average. feeling more like spring for green bay and davenport. 72 for you. it feels more like may, almost summertime heat. there's your forecast today. we have a low pressure system coming out of the northwest, that's going to travel across country and bring the risk for severe weather today, wednesday, and thursday with a real
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highlight as we get into wednesday and thursday. we could see the potential for tornadoes and heavy rainfall that could cause flash flooding. that's the next big storm system we are going to have to watch over the next couple of days. ainsley, we will enjoy the 60's, over to you. >> ainsley: it was so cold yesterday. >> janice: it was 70 miles per hour in the northeast. grounded planes and steve was talking about delays. >> ainsley: going to get nice weather. >> janice: very nice weather. an. >> ainsley: thank you, janice. this chilling warning coming from the fbi director christopher wray. >> particular network where some of the overseas filterers of the smuggling network have ties. >> ainsley: chad wolf on that threat on our border. that's next. ♪
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about and we have been spends enormous amount of effort with our partners investigating. exactly what that network is up to it is subject to the current investigation. >> but, there is a network we are concerned about that has if facilitators involved in it that have ties to isis. >> correct. >> terrorist organization? >> correct. >> steve: that's not good. well now the fbi director, chris wray, sounding the alarm about potential terrorists crossing our border as he confirms terrifying human smuggling operation has ties to isis. former acting dhs secretary chad wolf joins us right now. chad, good morning to you. >> good morning, the six intel chiefs yesterday were testifying about worldwide threats. and you don't have to go very far. all you got to do is just go right down there to the border of texas and mexico, and that's a problem. >> well, absolutely. and we have been talking about
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the national security and public safety threats that have been coming across that southern border for the last three years and, of course now the director is talking about the nexus between smuggling operations and isis. remember, director wray back in december talked about blinking lights everywhere. so he has been on this theme of the threats coming across that southern border for some time now. and, look, in my personal opinion, this is the closest or the most vulnerable that we have been since 9/11 given the number of threats that we are facing, specifically as it relates to that southern border. >> steve: well, you know, and so often, chad, we talk about how the cartels are smuggling people, in what's their motivation? well, they are making a lot of money. what is the motivation of all of the smugglers and where they were talking about the group apparently it sounds like some turkish smuggler with ties to isis. what's their motivation? are they getting paid? or is it to try to get bad guys into the country? >> well, it's a good question.
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and the answer is we're not sure. i think it's important to remember that there has been over 350 known or suspected terrorists that have been captured in the first three years of the biden administration. and you compare that with just 11 over all four years of the trump administration. and what that tells me is that individuals and groups from around the world believe that now is the time to take advantage of these lax policies along our southern border to get folks illegally into the country for any number of reasons. >> steve: all right. we know it's a problem. we know it's a political liability for joe biden. we have heard he is going to take executive action. at least that's what we thought until yesterday. watch this. >> mr. president, when is a border executive action coming? an executive action on the border? >> i'm counting on the border action happening by itself, the passing. >> congress can't come to an greenchts well, they haven't yet. they haven't. >> mr. president,. >> i'm helping with them. >> steve: could that possibly be
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right? it sounded a couple weeks ago, before the state of the union that he was going to be announcing shortly some executive orders, much like donald trump had to rein in the number of people who could come into the country. now it sounds like seeing just going to use it as certainly a hammer to knock the republicans over the head saying hey, republicans won't pass anything. i got news for them, nothing is going to happen before the election. so if he wants to stop it, he should do something. >> yeah. absolutely r. absolutely. this is absolutely crazy that the president of the united states, perhaps the most powerful individual on the face of this earth cannot solve this problem. he has a unique authorities. he has over a dozen different authorities between himself and secretary mayorkas that they can use today or tomorrow to solve this crisis. they have refused to use it. instead, they continue to blame congress that somehow congress has the magic pill to everything that's occurring along that southern border. they don't. he should take executive action.
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he should take and use the authorities that he has and for any number of reasons he just is choosing not to do that. and we continue to see this crisis spiral out of control. >> steve: all you got to do is play back what chris wray said yesterday in the white house and it's like hey, mr. president, are you sure you don't want to do something? listen to this. let's see what he does. chad, thank you very much for joining us today from south florida. >> all right. thank you. >> steve: you bet. meanwhile it's not all beads and beignets in the big easy. new orleans is one of the hottest and most dangerous spring break locations. watch. >> we have an intelligence division that watches the social media to see any disrupters or influencers we are prepared for it. we always are. >> steve: lawrence jones is live on bourbon street. lawrence, you are coming up next. ♪
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>> so much coming up on the news and on the channel. first off henry cuellar if anybody knows anything about the border democrat or republican this guys knows. hold a press conference with other democratic leaders in the house saying we have got to come up with some type of legislation before it's all said and done in fact before the end ever the month. robert hur testifying 10:00 today it's going to be explosive
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and interesting. he has 400 plus pages to talk about and they are going to try to defend the president, his intellect and his memory, good luck with that finally, ted cruz, not only is he up for re-election, is he going to be talking about the nil and how to bring some type of regulation to college sports among his whether you chip roster of guests nick saban former coach of the university of alabama. that's going to be interesting if you are a cleaning sports fan or athlete figure out how to get regulation into the wild west. >> steve: fantastic. stay tuned all on fox. >> ainsley: in other news a new report calls new orleans one of the year's most popular spring break destinations also one of the most dangerous. >> steve: so, would you let your kids go there? well, just last week louisiana's governor signed eight new crime bills into law including legislation that would charge 17-year-olds as adults. >> brian: so is the big easy safe for spring breakers? lawrence jones joins us now live
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from bourbon street where they are hosing everything down. lawrence? >> lawrence: you know, brian, i love how you enunciate my name that's a new one for me. guys, as you know you have been doing the same thing, ainsley, covering spring break for years. this was the first time that new orleans was new orleans was added to our destination. this is what i found yesterday, watch. j do you think spring break good idea for destination. >> new orleans is an unique city event driven economy. we have events every week. sometimes more event in a given week. we handle mardi gras. essence festival. quarter fest. getting the super bowl next year. we do it for a living. we do it week in and week out. spring break is another event. we are prepared for it.
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>> don't you think spring break is a little different. kids out of control. >> get coffee and a drink here. >> lawrence: are you all prepared for the consequences of that. >> we always are we have a lot of young people come down french quarter regular diet for us. more than usual. intelligence division that watches the social media see if there is any influencers or disrupters. we are prepared for it. just this first quarter alone down 28% in homicides. down 37% in nonfatal shootings. down 48% in carjackings. 58% in armed robbery. we are doing rile well and continue that. and provide safe environment we can for all our festivals. >> >> lawrence: what is your message for people coming here for spring break. >> new orleans. take advantage of what it has to offer. don't bring weapons. watch yourself. use the alcohol but don't abuse it. take care of one another, watch out. if you have any problems, make
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sure you call us. we'll help. >> lawrence: i will say, guys, the one difference i noticed in new orleans versus the other cities i have been through a lot of families were out here last night. does it make it safer? we'll see when we get the crime stats. >> steve: lawrence, great report. meantime 5 minutes before the top of the hour carley has business news. >> carley: ikea slicing prices as inflation. swedish home and furniture company planning price cuts across the company. roll back increases that began in 2022. and listen up, cruise fans, virgin voyages is testing out a new monthly subscription service. the pass starts under $10,000 for a four month cruise, wow. the membership includes wifi. access to private roof top as well as wash and fold laundry services those are your headlines guys. over to you.
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>> steve: got to have wifi. thank you. >> ainsley: president biden asks his team for permission to take questions, next. >> am i allowed to take any questions? [laughter] anybody here? it's doug... ...of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. uh-huh. uh-huh. mm-hmm. sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪(sung) liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters march 22.
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