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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 12, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions... ...and an increased risk of infections... ...or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,... ...had a vaccine, or plan to. ♪ nothing and me go hand-in-hand, ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ now's the time,... ...ask your doctor about skyrizi,... ...the number one... ...dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, march 12th, is that accurate? >> steve: that is what it says is mine. >> ainsley: this is "fox and friends." exspecial counsel robert hur will be on the hill in two hours. we have a sneak peek about what he's expected to say about the report on biden's memory issues. >> brian: big trouble in big easy. new orleans police prepping for a wild spring break. >> we have intelligence division that watches social media, we're prepared, we always are. >> brian: lawrence is live on bourbon street with more. >> steve: and a major burn to a new york city staple. why the left is coming after wood-fire pizza, which is delicious. >> ainsley: again? so good. >> steve: finally. final hour of "fox and friends" for tuesday starts now and mornings are better with
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friends. all right, 8:01. fox news alert, two hours away from hearing from former special counsel robert hur getting information on president biden's handling of classified documents. we know what he will say in the beginning, we have his opening remarks. >> brian: primaries today and caucuses. >> ainsley: live team coverage. madeleine rivera is in washington on the election and mark meredith is at the white house with preview of robert hur's remarks. mark. >>y woo are expecting house republicans to grill robert hur about what he learned about president biden's age, his memory and ability. robert hur was investigating the president for mishandling of classified documents. this report looked at different
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things including documents dating back to when biden was president. republicans insist it raise questions about the president's cognitive abilities. we have robert hur's opening statements. he will tell them we identified evidence that the president willfully retained classified material when he was a private citizen. robert hur said he would not charge biden that there wasn't enough evidence, lawmakers will further examine what he thought biden's memory of the documents and his time in the white house. robert hur claims biden couldn't remember when his son beau died or when he was vice president. hur is expected to say relevance of the president's memory was accurate and fair. what i wrote is what i believe it is evidence shows and what i suspect jurors would see.
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it is quite an opening statement and gives insight what we'll see in this hearing in the 10:00 hour. the white house has been gearing up. it was released in february and possible the white house could respond in realtime and the president could respond on camera this afternoon. back to you. >> steve: good point. mark, as soon as the report came out, the president called a hasty press conference and blew his stack. >> mark: it was rare for this white house. we are used to only time we see the president is x time. the president was fired up and ready to go on rampage against the special counsel. we'll see what kind of political
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weapons. >> brian: we know how the press conference ended when president si took over mexico. >> ainsley: they interviewed joe biden for five hours over two days, that was right when israel had been invaded by hamas october 7. >> brian: i want to bring one thing, this is important that robert hur will end with. the evidence the president put his memory squarely as an interview. we asked him about his recorded statement, i found the classified document stuff and we asked him to explain this. he told us, i didn't remember saying that to a ghost writer and he didn't remember anything about classified documents about afghanistan and how they made their way into his garage.
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if you want to challenge robert hur first you should challenge the president's memory. >> steve: and politico got first copy of this and has an item up and go through what we can expect from republicans and democrats. brian, you pointed out, robert hur was appointed to office by then president donald trump. you were put there by a republican. politico writes, democrats may want to be civil for another reason. mr. hur could make things worse for biden if he wants to and politico is told judiciary democrats are likely to heed this advice and reason is twofold, some think biden's state of the union last week put the concerns to bed. instead democrats will emphasize one major point over and over,
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biden was exonerated and trump was not. >> ainsley: and now hur is a private citizen, not bound by doj. jim jordan will be asking questions today, we talked to him earlier listen. >> special counsel robert hur had one question to address. did joe biden keep and share classified information. resounding yes, he did. the penn biden center and university of delaware, his garage, office and home, five locations and shared classified information about ghost writer of his book. that is clear. we'll probe those areas. he found that clearly and pointed out because president would be sympathetic and this is special counsel robert hur's word, he would appear as elderly
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man he decided not to bring charges. >> brian: that is something republicans would say. read this document 400 pages. trump was charged and biden was not. don't tell me there was not a double standard. look at what jack smith was up to, there was similarity between where they kept documents and way they held documents and what happened over course of 40 years and never stopped and one happened in four months. >> ainsley: joe biden can say, i don't remember, he keeps talking about memory loss. i don't remember. >> brian: democrats ask, okay, next, and pass on their time. >> steve: associated press, in the transcript, mr. hur's team
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talking to joe biden shows president was fuzzy on dates as he joked and recalled decades old story. what mr. hur will open with, he won't have much to add other than what is in the report. he says my responses today will be limited to clarifying for the committee, i will refrain from speculating or commenting on areas. >> ainsley: do the american people really care about this? don't take any more classified documents out if you are president and move on. the two are running against each other for president. >> brian: they care only because trump is charged. what was he doing for 40 years? why is he not charged? that may be something to vote for. what about the other guy? why is he charged with multiple charges, costing millions in case that could stop him from
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campaigning for at least four weeks. >> steve: keep in mind, the damning part, joe biden's doj says that joe biden is sympathetic old man with a terrible memory. that is the part that stings. >> brian: i would rather say charge me. charge me, say i got my memory. >> steve: i'm fine. >> ainsley: rather go to jail than anyone say you have that memory. >> steve: that will kickoff less than two hours from now. >> brian: president biden and president trump could clench party nomination today. primaries today, gop caucus in hawaii. >> ainsley: madeleine rivera will break it down for us. >> madeleine: no major challengers left, presidency biden and former president trump are expected to collect all or
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norly all delegates up for grabs. president biden has 1872 delegates and needs 96 more to lockup the nomination. president trump needs 137 more to become the nominee. washington comes in second with 92 democratic and 43 gop delegates up for grabs. mississippi has 35 democratic and 40 gop delegates and hawaii has 90 gop delegates. trump can clench after delegates in washington are awarded depending how many he gets from georgia and mississippi. president biden can become the nominee if he wins all delegates. rematch between trump and president biden is first in the white house since eisenhower
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defeated stevenson for a second time. >> brian: thanks. that reminds me of episode of "happy days" tom bosley was for eisenhower and richie was the kid who wanted stevenson and it caused friction between them, they came together and it ended on time. >> steve: like that. i'm from abilene, kansas, boyhood home of -- >> brian: "happy days" lost their gel by the end. >> steve: they were jumping sharks. >> brian: true, you are not kidding. >> steve: what is happening in the intel committee yesterday. they heard from all six intel chiefs about worldwide threats. don't look any further than southern border. director of fbi said bad people
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coming in, they have information that certain smugglers with connections to isis have tried to get people in the country. listen to this. >> there is a particular network that has where some of the overseas facilitators of the network have isis ties we're concerned about and been spending effort with our partners investigating. >> network that has facilitators involved that have ties to isis? >> correct. 26 people killed 3000 americans on 9/11, i worry that among the people coming across the border evading las there are some people among those that mean to do us harm. do you share that concern? >> i do. >> sometimes people say, this is just a fantastic theory, no
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basis in reality, do you consider that a frivolous consideration? >> i do not. >> steve: terrifying. >> brian: they talked about china, the land purchases, talked about iran and what they are doing with proxies and trying to kill officials like secretary of state mike pompeo, illegals, tiktok, russia and election. huge concern about ai and election. they say in ukraine they had zelenskyy telling everyone to put down your arms. think about that before the election. if something comes out as donald trump or biden, october surprise could be artificial intelligence. >> ainsley: they encountered 200 people on the terror watch list trying to get in. we have had millions come across
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our border and chad wolf earlier was saying wray has been sounding the alarm on this since december and biden administration is not listening. blinking lights everywhere and joe biden, this is his border crisis he kept open. >> brian: democrats have talking point because of legislation they did not pick up in senate. senator kelly and ostof went off on that. you should watch the hearing, such a pleasure to watch a hearing without partisanship, just information. that is on fox nation and you can watch. it is worth it. you will be enthuzed to see people put politics aside. >> steve: lawrence jones, you are down there for spring break today.
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>> brian: you are off today. >> lawrence: that's right. i haven't started drinking yet, i have a job to do. >> ainsley: you can get pizza and daiquiri behind you. >> brian: there is a miscellaneous column in. >> lawrence: we are in new orleans for spring break. i did not know it was a destination, it is a spot for folks. a lot of families yesterday, young people who are drinking and doing drugs and it caused alarm for parents who are funding this. they want their children to have a good time, now it is a threat because of fentanyl out there. >> steve: in new orleans it is not just drugs and drinking, it is the carjacking.
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>> lawrence: that is right. we talked about the carjacking. remember in nulsz new orleans, beginning. you talk to people across the country in liberal cities, they will tell you that crime is down. if you are a resident and experiencing crime on day-to-day basis, what numbers and years are you comparing it to, the pandemic or to prepandemic levels. there is tone deafness. >> brian: this is just one of many destinations. it used to be fort lauderdale, now there is more than one major place. you go to miami next. where does this rank, do you think, in terms of spring break destination? you can put a tank top and have
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bud light or bud dry and hang out with people. >> lawrence: "new york post" calls it one of the top destinations. the thing that is different from fort lauderdale, miami, daytona, there are more families here celebrating spring break together versus miami and daytona area with young people going wild. >> steve: we'll check in with you and tyrus later this hour. >> ainsley: i'm ready to see miami. >> steve: the faa reportedly finding dozens of issues on an investigation of boeing 737. >> steve: patternly one instance, federal investigators saw dawn dishsoap as lubricant
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while they were checking the door seal during the fitting process. >> brian: brooke singman is here with details. >> brooke: federal aviation administration found dozens of issues with the max jet production process during the audit of spirit aero systems after a door plug fell off midair during january. spirit aero system failed seven out of 13 audit sessions. a boeing 737 flight from houston forced to turn around when an engine caught on fire and a tire falling off a boeing was forced to land in los angeles. the falling tire crushed a car in the parking lot. mechanics were seen using dish
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soap as lubricant and used hotel key card as way of checking door seals. spokesman telling "new york times" the company is reviewing nonconformity for corrective action. big question is what happens next, boeing has been given 90 days to address all 33 issues found in the audit. >> steve: they will see we're working on it, we fixed it. coming up on 8:20. >> brian: carley shimkus ready to do the news. >> carley: different type of story, a boeing whistleblower found dead in his truck outside south carolina hotel just days after testifying against his old company in a lawsuit. john barnett was a quality manager and worked for the company for 32 years before retiring in 2017. according to the coroner,
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barnett died from a self-inflicted wound. hatian prime minister resigning overnight as armed gangs take control of large parts of the country and looting is rampant. blinken meeting with caribbean leaders to discuss a way forward reaching a deal on the compe competition. and prince william making an ap appearance yesterday joining queen camilla at westminster. he was spot the eleanor in the day with prince kate. the princess has been missing
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since christmas after undergoing stomach surgery. and utah coach learned she was being fired after the team's loss in the mountain west tournament. >> do you plan to rebuild for next season? >> i will not be rebuilding, i just coached my last game at utah state. >> the school saying they appreciate everything she contributed, but they are making a change. national girl scout day honors the day the organization began. in 1912, since then helped millions learn badges, skills and go camping. amanda mushrow and wonderful troop from wycoff explained. >> they learn to take care of the environment while camping
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and survival skills. >> what do you love most about the girl scouts? >> camping. >> what do you love most about girl scouts? >> camping. >> carley: they love to go camping, so cute, it is girl scout season. we want to thank that troop for joining us on "fox and friends" square this morning to celebrate and bringing cookies in for us. samoas are the best. >> brian: you order and wait four months. say they order or come in. >> we've ordered already, this is when they start to come in. girl, if you want to order or for information. >> brian: i went to the pet store the other day, there were girls outside. they don't carry cash anymore. don't you think it hurts sales
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with cashless society? >> they are girl scouts, you will find a way. >> steve: you have samoas and thin mints. the doocy do's are our favorite. >> ainsley: they are caramel delights down south. >> brian: dvr the show and find out what ainsley thinks about those. lovely girl scouts, great to see you. "fox and friends" news alert, awaiting robert hur arrival on capitol hill, we have excerpts from his opening statements. >> ainsley: democrats look to use taxpayer funds to protect illegal immigrants.
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>> brian: today in california, democrats set to advance new bill using taxpayer funds to protect violent illegal immigrants from deportation. california assemblywoman kate sanchez joins us now. what would this bill do? >> so it would give hard-working
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taxpayer dollars to fund and expand program that would allow criminals, illegal alien criminals convicted to stay in california and expand it to those across the united states that express intent to come to california to live. >> brian: people are working this bill, this has a shot? >> so okay, we saw this bill late saturday night amended and push through the judiciary. the writer has pulled it because we sounded the alarm. as of now, it is elf shoulded, not dead, shelved. we need to stay vigilant and engaged? this process. >> brian: unbelievable. the definition of violent crime
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in california, murder, rape, assault with deadly weapon and kidnapping, let's give that person cash to rehab himself. reggie jones sawer said, as long as i've been in state office i ensure people are given a second chance, this ensures crucial immigration services for all. even people that don't belong here and criminals that show they shouldn't be here. >> our california voters and people across the nation deserve transparency and to know their taxpayer dollars are going to things we want to reward in california, not to expand a program that would have allowed convicted illegal immigrants to stay here. it blows my mind. it was shocking all the way
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through. >> brian: if i put a number on how many were prepared to vote for this, do you have an idea? >> everybody up until last night were prepared to vote for this today, i think it is good t testament to the people that put a stop to shelf this bill. i would say it is incredible, keep it up and stay vigilant because it affects the nation. >> brian: embarrassment it was offered. thank you for bringing attention to it. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: 55% of the country say illegal immigration is a critical threat. fox news alert key inflation report just out, gas prices surge to four-month highs, what does it say? brian brenberg knows and will tell us about it now.
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i know this might seem out of the blue, but i was wondering if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up
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ask your doctor about how skyrizi could help with your skin or joint symptoms. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> steve: numbers, key inflation report just released seven minutes ago. february month of february, not good, consumer prices rising at faster rate for second month in a row. here is co-host of big money show on fox business brian brenberg. they are trying to get inflation under control and going in the wrong direction. >> brian: they are struggling, inflation at baseline level up 3.2%, core level, 3.8%. what does that mean?
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inflation rates have gone way up and come down and plateaued just under 4%, almost twice what the fed is looking for. what does that mean for your wallet? the fed does not have good data to start lowering interest rate yet, 7% mortgages are not going anywhere. >> steve: we try to get to our 2%, which has been elusive with inflation, if stuck at 3.2%, they will not cut rates and wall street counting on cutting rates and it will screw everything up now. >> brian: this data does not justify interest rate cut. question is how political could fed get, do they want to cut rates in an election year, that is a different question. economically speaking because of
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all the spending we've had and you saw the president's proposed budget yesterday, that is keeping these inflation rates elevated and when they are that high, you don't have an economic reason to bring rates down yet, that is key here. >> steve: it is key and you will be watching on fox business. for years and years people talking about building new big houses, because of the economy, bidenomics, suddenly home builders are building more affordable smaller houses. >> brian: shrink-flation home edi edition, you could say. president biden is blaming companies for slink flation. we will make the house smaller so you can afford it.
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that is not their fault. you can afford less home now than you could 10 years ago and certainly four years ago and that is result of inflation we're talking about this morning. >> steve: the house may be smaller and have a smaller footprint, the interest rate is still high. >> brian: it all works together. >> steve: he'll talk on the big money show on fox business. thank you very much. 20 before top of the hour and carley joins us with news. >> carley: sad story, death of a u.s. israeli citizen, eton chin, we spoke to his father ruby about his son's kidnapping in october. >> i think that is pretty accurate, so many emotions going on, now is no time to think
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about emotion, it is time to act. number one message we are trying to convey that time is critical. >> carley: devastating for that family and that man there. there are 134 hostages still in gaza and 33 are considered dead. the gold star dad of a marine killed in the kabul airport bombing is doubling down after he was arrested for disrupting the state of the union address. >> i don't know what i did, i jumped up and said do you remember the abbey gate, i've been waiting for three years for this man to say my soven son's name and he never did. >> steve nikou faces jail time and a fine. >> steve: check the calendar, spring break on bourebon street.
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lawrence is coming up next on "fox and friends." my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. an empty tomb, and many people believe that's where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins. but on the third day, god raised his son to life. that's our hope in this troubled world in which we live. our hope is in christ, a risen savior. have you ever trusted him as your savior? have you ever invited him into your heart?
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have you ever surrendered your life to him? if you haven't done it, do that right now. just pray this prayer. say, "god, i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry. forgive me. "i believe jesus, your son. "i want to invite him into my heart, "and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord "from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer we've got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you. so, call that number that's on the screen. do that right now. god bless you! thank you!
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>> ainsley: waiting robert hur's arrival on capitol hill and fox news obtained prepared remarks and assessment of the
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president's mental fitness. hillary vaughn is live on capitol hill. >> just hours before special counsel robert hur was set to testify on capitol hill, the justice department is handing over transcript of the five-hour interview between president biden and hur to congress. ap reviewed transcripts. ap reports it shows biden told prosecutors he had no idea how classified documents ended up at his house or office. biden said he was not that organized when asked why classified documents were stuffed in different places. he said he did not know. how it got there, he said he did not ask anybody to take care of it, it just got done, i can't remember who. robert hur resigned as special counsel and will be coming today
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as private citizen, he can speak more freely, if he wants, something that might be worrying democrats saying time of hur's step-down is suspicious. if democrats are hoping for robert hur to walk back his comments, that will not be happening. in his opening statement he will defend it saying, i knew for my decision to be credible, i could not say i recommended no criminal charges, i had to explain why, relevance of the president's memory. the ap report details back and forth about the president's son beau during this interview. according to ap it was biden who brought up beau's illness and death and talked about a book he published about that painful time. what month did beau die?
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was it 2015 he died, biden asked again. from the transcripts lawmakers have been asking for the president mused about when his son beau had died. we got insight into the tenor of the conversation in transcripts. biden was chummy and cracking jokes and joked with prosecutors asking if they found risky photos of the first lady. if you did, she is very beautiful. there might be of her in a bathing suit. >> ainsley: what? we will be watching. sorry, not sorry, a grandmother going viral for taking her grandchildren to disney world. the grandmother telling reddit,
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i was invited to a birthday at epicott and they wanted to go. my daughter-in-law was furious and burst into tears. my son said i should have asked for something that big and his wife feels robbed. fox news saturday night jimmy failla join us now. what do you think? >> jimmy: the woman should be apologizing to her kids, no kid wants to go to epicot. >> ainsley: the golf ball. >> jimmy: disney world is the real action. i side with the grandma. the mom dumped these kids for five days so the mom could go to mexico. vacationing with the kids is not the priority, getting the hell away from them is. the grandmaactually does hook
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the kids up with quite an experience. if you are a good parent, you are happy your kids had this experience. i'm with the grandma. >> ainsley: 7000 people agree with you. new york, messing with our pizza, we heard about this and new york has quietly approving this green plan that requires pizzerias to install emission control system to reduce air pollution. >> jimmy: i will do my best not to give middle finger on air. i am paid in pizza. look at this gorgeous pie. six o'clock a.m. pizza. the pizza here, we had a rat go viral, the rats like new york city pizza. in the name of curbing pollution, infuriates me. biggest cause of emission is
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traffic. they are delivering pizza. >> ainsley: and hitting people on the sidewalk. thank you. check in with bill hemmer for what is coming up top of the hour. >> bill: one hour from now, robert hur is center of american politics, we'll watch together and trey gowdy is here for what he's listening for and newt gingrich will examine the fall out. the head of fbi with ominous warning over who could be in our country after open border served open door for three years now. big show, join dana and me eight minutes, at the top of the hour coming up. do you remember the p, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling.
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>> lawrence: it is spring break seasons. new orleans is one of the latest destinations. we're on bourbon street with tyrus. >> as a parent, man, spring break was supposed to be an exciting thing. i can't see any scenario where i would let any of my children go to spring break. homeless issues, crime and drugs there is no safe place. they're wild and want to be free. we have enough problems with
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young american men with no purpose or direction doing dumb stuff. we have an invasion of illegals coming into this country, young men with nothing to do. no guidance, no structure. who is their target? girls. >> bill: recipe for disaster. >> i never covered spring break in new orleans. how do you feel it becoming one of the destinations? >> like i said for our economy, yes. would i let my kids go? no because of what's going on in this country right now. >> lawrence: we're heading to miami next. they've already had gun problems and trying to shut it down. >> kids make dumb mistakes. somebody passes you something in a group. oh it's an upper, you pop it. now we don't know what it is. fentanyl? you don't want your kids doing anything but you have to be real. >> lawrence: 50% of the drugs are laced with fentanyl. thank you for being here. i'll send it back to you in new
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york. >> steve: tomorrow you are heading to miami, is that right? >> lawrence: miami. heading right after the show to the plane. >> brian: bring tyrus as your bodyguard. i needed more research. put tyrus on the road. he is gone now. >> steve: the interesting thing about south florida. it sounds like for the most part the spring break has moved north. look who is with us right now. >> girl scout day. >> ainsley: they're so cute. [applause] . from new jersey, we love you. you did great, everybody. >> ainsley: look online new want more information. >> brian: girl scouts and adults, join me on radio. >> steve: see you tomorrow, everybody. >> bill: here we go. robert hur is on the hill.
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