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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 13, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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is your message to the two men running to be our next president? >> well, look, i think with regard to former president trump, one of his biggest concerns is whether meta would basically acquire tiktok and i think regulators probably would not allow that because of antitrust concerns. with regard to president biden, look, i don't have tiktok on my personal phone. it's banned from government devices. it's legal to have but i would just tell everyone to please exercise caution with regard to this app. unfortunately, the ccp has access to data as well as can manipulate the algorithm that creates the content of tiktok. >> carley: we are going to be watching this all very closely. and working closely with congressman mike gallagher. bipartisan is just a in this case thing, right? a good change. >> todd: great to see in congress and on "fox & friends first." we thank you for your time, congressman. with that -- >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day, everybody.
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>> brian: i recognize that music. it's timing for us to start talking. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast and wednesday, march 13th, getting very close to saint patrick's day and this is "fox & friends." we begin with a fox news alert. get ready, vladimir putin warns the west, russia is ready for nuclear war. congressman cory mills who fights wars joins us in minutes. >> ainsley: here at home the stage is officially set. trump vs. biden. as the president heads to battleground wisconsin today. >> steve: meanwhile, let's talk about sand. miami beach is breaking up with spring break. >> brian: yep. >> it sucks, dude. went up to lauderdale. everybody is going to lauderdale and stuff like that. they are all bailing from here. >> it's too quiet. >> having a good time though? >> early. >> steve: it's early. and lawrence is live from the exparty hub in miami beach. >> brian: "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, your mornings are better because you chose to be with friends. ♪
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>> brian: fox news alert. let's focus on russia. president vladimir putin says moscow ready for nuclear war if threatened. >> steve: putin's latest warning to the west as some nato nations like france and poland refuse to rule out sending troops to ukraine. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson joins us live from washington. >> good morning, steve, ainsley, and brian. this is the second time since late last month putin warned ready to use nukes if russian sovereignty is threatened. this time on the eve of his election which is all with you assured that he will continue running the country for six years. he first rose to power 25 years ago when bill clinton was president. in new interview putin says quote from a military technical point of view we are, of course, ready. there are enough specialists in the field of russian-american relations and in the field of strategic restraint. therefore, i don't think that here everything is russian to nuclear confrontation but we are ready for this. putin added he doesn't think the world is headed to a nuclear
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war. the nuclear threats have ramped up after macron refused to rule out sending troops to ukraine. house democrats and centrist republicans are looking at a way to force a vote on the senate's $95 billion aid package for ukraine, israel, and taiwan, using a discharge petition, a procedure that has not been used in congress in nearly a decade. the g.o.p. has another bill that would reduce spending to 66 billion to focus on weapons for ukraine as well as money to strengthen the southern border of the united states. now, speaking of defense spending, president biden's new budget only increases defense spending by 1%, which is a cut when you factor in inflation. this would be the fourth straight cut the defense under biden. in the case you guys are wondering, the u.s. military keeps tactical europe, german, netherlands and turkey and britain is expected to bring nuclear wednesday back after removing them in 2008, guys. >> steve: thank you very much. live report from washington,
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d.c. let's bring in florida congressman cory mills on the foreign affairs and around services committee. he joins us right now. corey, good morning to you. >> ainsley: good morning. >> good morning. >> steve: what do you make of putin kind of out of of nowhere warning the west that russia is ready for war? how much does it have to do with ukraine or how much does it have to do with, as lucas just said, this week he stands for re-election? maybe this is for the domestic audience. >> well, i mean, it's not the first time that vladimir putin has made comments regarding any type of a nuclear readiness or even in the past where he said that he was prepared to use tactical small nuclear strikes within ukraine. this, obviously, came under tremendous amount of scrutiny when it came by the international community and that's why i think he was very cautious in his wording in time to say of course we are ready. that's the case with all nuclear armed nations. but, if you do remember that this individual has also violated treats multiple times which is why president trump removed us from the imf treaty
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to begin with. i think it's a little bit of political rhetoric to allow himself to be reelected and tell the russian people i'm strong and ready to fight and we will not lose our sovereignty. i think it's also a bit of warning, too, where he has actually tried to bring a peace talk before the ukrainians as well as the international community which he blames the u.s. for trying to basically stonewall. and so, i think that there is a point of negotiation that can still be had. i think that as he said they are not rushing towards nuclear war, but, again, as a nuclear nation, of course, he would be ready just as we are. >> ainsley: yeah. congressman. another public warning from putin just to discourage us, americans, to get -- from getting involved. but the house democrats and some of the centrist republicans want this aid package. it's $95 billion for ukraine. but many republicans are saying it needs to include something, language about our southern border to protect our southern border. the u.s. central intelligence agency director william burns. he said earlier this week if the west didn't provide proper support for ukraine, kyiv would
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lose more territory to raush which could embolden china. what do you say about the funding? >> well, first off, let me just go ahead and say that the c.i. a director, our political director are political aplointdee appointee. i don't think we should go ahead and lump our southern border funding into international aid packages. we must prioritize our southern border first. that's the greatest threat to american lives and american safety, and american sovereignty. i like what speaker mike johnson said where he said we will not bring a single ukrainian package to the floor to vote on until our southern border is closed. that is the right response. i am not in favor of spending $95 billion knowing that we're $34 trillion in debt and as it was stated earlier, we have got a negative of 1% spending caps every single year under the biden administration. we are actually declining under bidenomics to fund our own military, to be prepared and yesterday and robust. we are the strongest volunteer armed forces in the world, but that doesn't mean that we go
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ahead and cut our military spending or not secure our own border in the efforts of securing others. >> brian: it's going to be interesting because vladimir putin, if he gets ukraine you know is he not going to stop. attack nate co-nation and cost us more even to deploy troops in those nato countries you which has already cost us more since they invaded ukraine. i agree with you they should separate them both. obviously they got themselves in trouble in the senate because they didn't agree with the bipartisan deal on the border. therefore the aid gets stopped and the border deal gets stopped and the democrats walk away with a talking point on that that they didn't deserve because they broke the border. they have no interest in going to the border. and now they are saying that you guys are the ones standing in the way of the border. but, we understand $200 million has been re-purposed that should help them out for the next few weeks. and they're going to be ascending atacms over there. what have you heard about that? >> well, the atacms discussion has been happening for quite some time. that was going to be a follow-up to the himars system that was approved right before i came
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into congress, actually. it's kind of been slow-rolled. started out as a javelin and himars and then atacms. you are seeing where readiness and availability longer range strike capabilities for defense is actually necessary. so i do see that but, again, we should not have been involved in this war from the way we were from the bin beginning. eu different element. i agree never should have put troops on the ground. not so confident they going-to-attack article 5 enacted. i don't think vladimir putin is that suicidal on that. i think is he a little more tactical. >> steve: congressman, hats off to you, because unbeknownst to the world until it was announced yesterday by lisa mcclain, congresswoman from the great state of michigan, you launched a rescue mission in haiti. i think we have got the soundbite. let's go ahead and play it. here she is yesterday. >> this is the third time this administration has abandoned americans abroad.
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i coordinated with congressman cory mills to rescue several americans trapped in port-au-prince. congressman mills actually participated in the rescue of those americans abandoned by the biden administration and the state department. >> steve: so, congressman, she asked you to get involved. she is from michigan, 8 of the 10 were from michigan, what did you do? >> well, look, this is unfortunately a pattern of abandonment by the biden administration that has existed from 2021 whenever he left americans behind in afghanistan. you know, i always look at the fact if the government is not going to be willing to do its job then america has to step up and do certain things that were required. when i went into afghanistan we conducted the first successful overland rescue when congressman ronny jackson out of congressman 13 asked me to rescue and mother and three children left behind. october 7th horrific incident in israel and october 11th i conducted the first rescue on ground for 32 americans, 45 the next day with a total of 255
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that i ended up rescuing out of israel. and this is no different. he is leaving americans behind. this have faith orphanage asked the state department for help we are preparing something for evacuation. what they didn't tell them they were preparing their own evacuation. they were evacuating nonessential state department personnel but not the americans. look at the precedent being set. i want to paint a picture here. walls don't work until we have a state of the union and we put a wall up around the capitol. we are working on evacuations but we can't get to you but we can evacuate american nonessential mission personnel from the state department. this is sending a direct message that the federal government only cares about government, not about the american people. this is the wrong thing to say. and i can del you i don't subscribe to that if americans are abroad and they are in trouble, i'm going to come to their aid and if biden is not willing to do his job, i will do it for him. >> brian: who is ever going to help out if we have to be bailed out by private citizens. how are they getting away with it. but write a $200 million check to haiti.
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where is that going maybe the kenyan forces which is insane. >> ainsley: were these missionaries? >> some were missionaries and some from philanthropist. night operation departing out of a neighboring country by helicopter. came in, landed in a make shifted hlz helicopter landing zone. i believe by the time we had coordinated everything throughout the night, we were able to get on the ground for about a minute and seven seconds for a complete hot load with a helicopter running. get them in and there was some video of that and then we were able to safely get them extracted and get out. >> ainsley: god bless you. thank you so much. >> steve: no kidding. you saved them. >> brian: corey, last question, who pays for this? >> i did. >> brian: wow. well, you should say. >> steve: what's your website if people would like to contact you? >> brian: help you out. >> well, i'm partnered up with an organization called never forgotten foundation. i had started before i ran for office.
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it was to help americans and help children abroad that are being exploited. i have now obviously divested the minute i was elected but they are still going on and doing great things under one of the co-founders with me. but we are trying to do everything we can to try to rescue and keep americans safe. not just here at home but also abroad. >> ainsley: that's very brave. >> brian: you shouldn't have to. >> ainsley: so many evangelicals go down there to help with the orphanages. thank you so much. that's amazing. >> steve: job well done, sir. thank you. >> thank you. >> steve: thanks, core. >> brian: mitch has orphanage. he has basically a mini army just to get to the kids. >> ainsley: i loved his book. >> brian: is he fantastic guy. 11 minutes after the hour. robert hur spoke for five hours yesterday and got heat from both sides. >> steve: you are right and we are going to talk about that in a minute. first, the 2020 rematch is on president joe biden and former president donald trump are the presumptive nominees for their
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party. it doesn't become official until the convention. mr. biden campaigning in wisconsin today said this: >> ainsley: he said the broad coalition of voters representing the rich diversity of the democratic party across the country has put their faith in me once again in a moment when the threat trump poses is greater than ever. meanwhile, trump says he is ready to get to work. >> national committee has just declared us the official nominee. we're not going to take time to celebrate. we'll celebrate in 8 months when the election is over. november 5th, i believe, will go down as the most important day in the history of our country. >> you know, donald trump is going to ruin democracy. donald trump will destroy the world and kiss up to dictators. you know the rhetoric. get used to it for the next nine months and donald trump talked about the president's lack of competence and how he screwed up everything he touches. kellyanne conway and newt gingrich will talk about that
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later and be on our show talking about this rematch longest run-up in the history of elections. >> steve: and a moment ago, brian, you started to set something up. >> brian: yeah. robert hur is the special counsel we didn't know much about him. we had three still pictures which we got the most out of. we finally saw him on capitol hill for about five hours. he sat there and took heat from both sides. the first thing did he was qualify why he wrote up the report he did and said, listen, i talked to the president for hours over the course of two days. i did hundreds of interviews, looked through millions of documents. and, basically the democrats had a tough situation. because, if they proved the president was competent and on top of his game, then they had to ration rationalize taking of documents over 40 years. they didn't like the way it was characterized. if you looked at the content of what was in that report and the transcript that was written out, that report, they had to actually go through the eye of a
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needle. so they thought rather than do that, i have an idea, let's compare everything to donald trump. and then try to perry and use this word exonerate over and over again where robert hur says the problem is i didn't exonerate the president. >> steve: so, if you missed it, it ran about five minutes -- five hours. he was unflappable. our producers watched all of it and put it together so you could appreciate his testimony yesterday. here he is taking it from both sides. >> you disparaged him in terms you had to know would have a maximum political impact but you decide god further and make a generalized statement about his memory, didn't you? >> congressman, i could have written my report, theoretically in a way that omitted references to the president's memory but that would have been incomplete and improper report and then. >> that wasn't my question. >> my analysis. congressman, what you are suggesting is that i shape, sanitize, omit portions of my
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reasoning and explanation attorney general for political reasons. >> know suggest that you not shape your report for political reasons. [gavel] time for the witness's response. >> that did not happen. >> how much did president biden get paid for his book. >> he made 8 million. >> $8 million. oldest motives in the book pride and money. you agree with that, mr. hur? you wrote it in your report. >> that language does appear in the report and we did evidence supporting those assessments. >> so this lengthy expensive, and independent investigation resulted in a complete exoneration of president joe biden. >> it do not exonerate him that word does not appear in the or the report. >> mr. hur, it's my time. in this case did you reach a conclusion that this man was outright innocent? >> that conclusion is not reflected in my report. >> ainsley: i love that she said -- she didn't like what he said no, i never used the word exonerate in the report, it's my time. it's my time i'm going to speak. here's some of the highlights that i took away with. the law has to be applied
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fairly, right? they are doing this to biden. they are saying that he willfully took the information but he -- we're not going to charge him. donald trump, they are saying willfully took the information but we are going to charge him. but joe biden can't city stand trial. the jury would say he is elderly, he is well-meaning but he has memory loss. so my question was if he is incompetent to stand trial, how can he be competent enough to be our president in the other thing was the book deal. he made so much money and they detailed what he did with these classified documents. hired a ghost writer. he shared the classified documents with him, even though that ghost writer doesn't have security clearance. the ghost writer, when he finds out there is an investigation and hur is involved. he deletes the evidence, and then he destroys it when robert hur is named special counsel. they were able to recuperate some of those conversations and that was what a lot of the conversation was part of the report. and they said, you know, why, if you are not going to charge him, why did you have to talk about his memory loss. said just like any good counsel
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would do i have to explain why i came up with my conclusion and my decision. and then adam schiff was upset he said "well, you've created a political firestorm." >> steve: and he did. the cover of the "new york post" today is "i did not exonerate biden. you heard me wrong." hur 'd. both sides hitting him. >> brian: i think one thing you could take out of all joe biden's future speeches is any condemnation of donald trump and documents. because he is going to get hit so hard with specific documents. this guy has got hundreds of documents with classified markings and on one hand they say he has a photographic memory and the other hand. >> steve: joe biden? >> brian: are photographic memory and other hand he has no idea how certain things got there they got him on tape. we haven't heard the tapes yet of him saying "i have classified documents and nobody has any idea i have them."
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give them to his ghost writer bolster his book made $8 million. >> ainsley: he only had 80 classified documents and donald trump had like 200. they both had classified documents. give them back. let it -- call it a day and let them move on with this election. >> steve: hur showed up as a private citizen and told the story and we got to hear it. meanwhile spring break season down in florida and much of the warmer parts of the united states. lawrence jones yesterday in new orleans, the big easy and now he has traveled one time zone to the east. and you're in miami beach. >> ainsley: hey, lawrence. >> steve: good morning to you. >> lawrence: hey. good morning, family. a little bit different here. as you guys may remember, the last time i was on miami beach right on this strip right here, one of the cars that we were interviewing pulled the gun in the middle of the interview. it's a little bit different. the checkpoints everywhere. dui checkpoints. weapons checks. and the spring breakers, they are feeling a little bit
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different. here's a clip. >> it sucks, dude. went up to lauderdale. everybody is going to pc and lauderdale. >> too quiet. >> lawrence: having a good time though. >> it's still early. >> lawrence: what do you think of them toei towing the cars th? >> that's crazy. >> there is more police presence out at night. >> we like that. feel safer as a girl. >> that helps make certain people turn around and if they're up to no good. >> lawrence: so, guys a little mixed reaction amongst some of the spring breakers. some of them are going to fort lauderdale and some of them are happy with some of the measures. >> steve: lawrence, i was reading this morning, i think it was "the daily mail," it said that the really crazy stuff in florida right now is in jacksonville. apparently they have moved further north and that's where the action is. >> ainsley: are you finding that, brian? bryan brian i'm here. >> ainsley: brian spends a lot of time in jacksonville: we did
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all these stories and helped clean up panama city because we exposed what was happening there now you are down in miami. it's great that the law enforcement is out in full force. >> steve: they did it themselves. >> ainsley: that that one guy said well we need to go to fort lauderdale. that's where it's moved thought. keep moving after they are shut down. >> lawrence: and we're already hearing that from people that they're traveling about two hours out just to go there. you know, it's interesting, because they got this new conservative mayor of miami beach. and we talked to him. we will play it a little bit later. he goes my first job is law and order. so i know some of these folks want to be able to have a good time. he goes you can have a good time. but breaking the law -- the hundreds of weapons that they seized, they are not going to be able to do that this time. they are going to actually enforce the laws that are on the books. and you can see the consequence of that. >> brian: can i see a new series for you, lawrence. chasing spring break. you are just one city behind. you just go chase spring break.
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fort lauderdale, leave go to jacksonville. >> lawrence: they were really invested brian,. >> brian: spring break, chasing down the fun. >> ainsley: say things on camera and a look back one day and regret it or their parents are going to see it. >> lawrence: you mean like brian doing cocaine, ainsley? of course they are going to regret it. >> brian: right. that's out there. >> steve: lawrence, we look forward to your interview with the mayor coming up very shortly. he will be live in miami beach all morning long. meanwhile it's time for headlines and look who is joining us. >> carley: good morning to you guys. more news to get to starting in lithuania where police are investigating an attack on the former chief of staff to the late russian opposition leader alexei navalny. he was hit with a hammer 15 times outside his home last night. an unknown attacker also sprayed him with tear gas and broke into his car. the victim calling it a politically motivated attack saying, quote: an obvious
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typical gangster greeting from putin from bandit st. petersburg. and lithuanian coroner and counterintelligence saying it is likely the attack was organized and executed by russia. nashville police releasing new surveillance video of a university of missouri student missing since friday. you can see riley strain wearing the last shirt he has last seen in crossing a street downtown. the 22-year-old was kicked out of luke bryan's bar and no one has heard from him since. japan's rocket exploding just seconds after its inaugural launch overnight leaving behind a large cloud of smoke and a fire near the launch pad. the company says the flight was interrupted after the launch but the exact cause of the explosion is still under investigation. space one was trying to become the first japanese firm to put a satellite into orbit. thankfully no one was hurt.
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a fox business afox news alert. eli lilly announcing partnering with amazon pharmacy to deliver prescriptions. this allow medications like the popular weight loss drug zepbound directly delivered to patient's home direct to consumer website lily direct. the pharma company's chairman says the goal is to use amazon's two day delivery option to, quote: have a fantastic customer experience where the product gets to them as soon as possible. and did you hear about this? well, you are about to. independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. says is he closing in on a vice presidential pick. there are big names on his short list including nfl quarterback aaron rodgers and pro-wrestler turned former governor jesse ventura. very funny response here to the rumors about his teammate saying, quote: that he was why he ain't been answering my text messages. and those are your headlines, guys, back downstairs to you. >> brian: that would be the
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ultimate. tendon tear bad. losing your quarterback to the robert kennedy jr. the all-time low. >> ainsley: could he run and play football. >> brian: run for five days and just play sundays. >> steve: set your dvr so it goes off every morning 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. eastern time so you can watch us all day long. >> brian: might be recording now. congress is ticking on tiktok. house is set to vote on a bill cracking down on the chinese owned social media app. today. >> steve: former facebook long overdue. hear from her coming up next. ♪g be headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season.
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>> steve: happening today and capitol hill the house is set to vote on a bill that would crack down on tiktok the social media app. as tiktok ceo attempts to lobby the senate. joining us with more tech policy center director at the heritage foundation kara frederick. good morning. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: what is going on it sounds like it probably can pass the house but in the 11th hour suddenly some republicans are going you know what? i'm not so sure about this. >> yeah. so this has been really interesting. so it sailed out of the house energy and commerce committee 50-zero last week. that was remarkable. a lot of the this process has
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been kept under wraps so tiktok couldn't really mount that extensive lobbying effort that they are very famous more. they punch down other attempts to contend with the tiktok and chinese communist party ownership problem there. yes, it looks like there is some sort of consternation. if people actually read the bill, they pay attention to the letter of the potential legislation, they are gonna be mull find. they are going to understand that all this bill does is ask bytedance to sever ties with the chinese communist party how tiktok to become an american company. if it doesn't it faces prohibition on apps and it the clear cut your ties with ccp and continue to operate as normal. that's getting lost in a lot of the the swirling lobbying influences happening externally i believe congress members need to stick with the facts, understand what the bill does and understand this is
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foundational. this is low hanging fruit. we should be able to keep the chinese communist party out of the pockets of our children simple as that. >> steve: absolutely. a bunch of republicans have been for a ban or for divesture for a long time. it's kind of weird that they're doing a 1 # 0. you know, ultimately it, will probably pass the house, the big question is if it is ever brought up to the senate. stay tuned for that meanwhile, christopher wray, the fbi director, kara, was on capitol hill yesterday, talking a little bit. they continue to talk about worldwide threats and, yesterday, he had one soundbite that we wanted to play for everybody where he talks about threats from terrorists are now at how he described it a whole other level. which is terrifying. watch. >> i believe that the terrorist threat level that we're contending with right now is at whole another level from already height everyoned terrorist threat level that we were seeing even before october 7th. you've seen a rogue gallery of
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foreign terrorist organizations calling for terrorist attacks against us in a way that we haven't seen in a long, long time. >> have individuals on the known terrorist list suspected terrorist list or the no fly list presented them at -- themselves at u.s. airports once entering the united states attempting to fly? >> i believe the answer to that is yes as well. >> steve: that's pretty scary. i know you were deployed to afghanistan a couple of times as an intel officer. what do you make of what the fbi director had to say yesterday? >> well, i believe that he is right. and here's the problem. and this is what particularly gulls me and a bunch of young americans who raise their right hand and said yes, you know, i'll go. i was a civilian intelligence officer. but we were targeting al-qaeda. we were targeting them over there so they wouldn't come over here. the porous border that the biden administration's policies have allowed, they just -- they render all of that bunk. they render all of the sacrifice of people who did things much more gallant and noble than i
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did sacrificed so much. completely moot when you open the border and you allow military-aged males we have seen it with our own eyes, to cross border with impunity. we don't know what they are doing. we don't know what external operation cells exist in the united states now because of everyone who is allowed to walk over the border with very, very minimal checking it's a big, big problem and frankly decries the sacrifice of so many young people who went over there so that they couldn't come here. >> steve: such a good point. we have already seen a couple of instances where people who have come across our southern border have gone on to commit murder in this country. they're accused of that so, it's not a stretch to think some of them could be terrorists. kara, thank you very much for getting up early and joining us on this wednesday. >> appreciate it, steve. >> steve: all right. it is let's see, it's 26 minutes before the top of the hour. carley? >> carley: you always impress me with your math kills on the fly. never change. >> carley: more news to get to
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starting with a queen pin. a mom accused of nationwide crime ring stole $8 million worthed goods from stores in at least 10 statements california's attorney general found at least $350,000 worth of goods in her home. they also found a warehouse where authorities say she stored the stolen goods before selling them on amazon marketplace at half price. and billy mcfarland, remember him? he is the founder of the fire festival. he revealed that he owes $26 million to fans who got ripped offer. he also owes $6.8 million in back taxes. in 2017 around 5,000 people spent big money to attend the fire festival on a private island in the bahamas. it was a disaster and was canceled after one day. mcfarland was convicted of fraud and spent hoping to hold a
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second fire festival to make money to pay restitution. >> steve: why not? >> 25 minutes before the top of the hour. fox news alert. big news out of england, puberty blocking drugs are now banned for children. former prime minister liz truss welcomes the decision and says they must be prevented from being sold privately. she joins us live coming up next. ♪ symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses.
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♪ >> ainsley: a fox news alert. children in england can no longer be prescribed purecket blockers for gender dysphoria. the national health service admitting quote there we conclude there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effective of puberty suppressing hormones to make the treatment routinely available at this time. our next guest is pushing to extend this ban even wider. former u.k. prime minister and current parliament member liz truss joins us now.
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former prime minister, thank you for joining us. >> good morning. great to be here. >> ainsley: great to have you here. you want to expant this not only to the government level but to private clinics as well. what have you found? what are the dangers with puberty blockers with children? >> what we know is that children have been taking this treatment in the u.k. and around the world. and they are potentially damaging their fertility, they are damaging their brother bodies. they don't understand the consequences of those decisions. this has happened because it's being pushed by gender idealogues. they a putting pressure on the health service here in the united kingdom and right around the world. i'm delighted that the health service is now saying that no under 18s can be prescribed these drugs. what i want to see is it stopped all together because we know that people are getting them on mail order. we know they could get them privately. and i just think it's incredibly damaging for young people, before they are able to make those decisions, to take these
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drugs, they are altering these bodies and, in the future they may not be able to have children, their future may be damaged. >> ainsley: yeah. so why did you get involved in this? i know you talked to a group of moms. what exactly did they tell you? >> moms in my constituency are concerned that their children are being affected by this gender ideology. so, what they told me is that girls are having boys in their restrooms at school. there is no privacy anymore because these boys are claiming that they identify as the opposite sex. we know that's not possible. we know there are two sexes. there are girls and there are boys. there are men and women. best of your recollection unfortunately, because ever the pressure from the trans extremists, our schools are responding by having unisex rest rooms and we're seeing these drugs being prescribed to the under 18s. being hugely damaging. so this is a massive step
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forward in britain that these drugs will no longer be prescribed on the national health service. we also need to make sure that single sex spaces are protected. that girls are able to use the restroom without having boys in there. you know, we know that being a teenager is difficult enough as it is. what i really worry about is the pressure particularly on teenage girls to take these drugs but, also, to conform to this crazy ideology which all of us know just isn't true. >> ainsley: especially at such a young age. there was a girl last july, i believe last summer who spoke in front of congress and she was crying and she said she was a de-transitioner, she had made a desperate plea to congress to say listen to her story. it was her 19th story, her childhood was ruined. had a double mastectomy 15. started puberty blockers at age 1. she said it caused permanent damage. her voice will be deeper forever. her jaw line will be sharper.
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herness always longer than it was before. and her fertility is unknown at this point. thank you so much for coming on. i appreciate it. >> thank you. thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. miami beach is breaking up with spring break. lawrence joins us live from miami, next. ♪ not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you.
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>> janice: good morning, earn. take look at it. big old storm bringing a lot of snow to the colorado rockies. that's going to inject. bring severe weather and high fire danger over texas and oklahoma where you had those wildfires last week. can you see the radar, snow still to come 3 to 5. 5 to 8, 8 to 12. 2 feet of snow in parts of the rockies there is the cold part of the storm. the warm part of it we could see severe storms. it's going to be 78 in dallas. 66 in chicago and also point out where we could see the severe storms wednesday, thursday and also high fire danger for parts of texas and oklahoma. fox for all of your latest details. steve, ainsley, brian, down to you. >> steve: it's going to be a beautiful day. >> janice: it is. >> steve: i'm going to play pickleball this afternoon. >> janice: yeah, good for you. the city of miami beach saw complete chaos during spring
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break season. but this year, new rules and regulations seem to be preventing stuff like that from happening again this year. >> brian: senior citizens, you got your beach back. lawrence jones, you are in miami. hey, lawrence. is anyone with you? >> lawrence: brian, we love our senior citizens. >> brian: i know. >> lawrence: they are very kind to us. a great time in mom beach because as you said, brian, there was little changes that were made here. and it's causing a big impact. this is what we found yesterday. watch. >> miami, spring break 2024. ♪ >> hey! >> lawrence: spring bake in miami sun and booze. not this year. miami beach is breaking one spring break. >> we need to talk. >> this isn't working anymore. >> and it's not us. it's you. >> so, we're breaking up with you. >
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>> lawrence: so what is the message? is it spring breakers are welcome? we are not saying that you can't have spring break, just not the old way. >> what we are saying is these are the rules. these are the laws. if you want to come here, play by these rules. and if you are not going to play by the rules, you are going to suffer the consequences. >> lawrence: what did you put into place? >> as you come into miami beach you will see police presence. license plate readers, dui checks to get on the beach there are checkpoints. we shut down parking garages. >> why the measures. >> come here to enjoy our city. have people coming to looking for trouble and causing problems and we can't have that. >> lawrence: last year pulled up to a car trying to interview one of the kids one of the guys pulled out a gun. you confiscated a lot of guns last year. do you all still have that type of concern this year. >> right now we haven't seen that level of issues. a lot of our businesses have thanked us. they have actually said they have done better this past march than they did in past years because they didn't have to close up their business. they have didn't have to put any security measures. we are actually doing things
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really well. >> lawrence: how is that impacting this business, personally? >> we have already seen about a 30% drop in attendance. if you are not a miami beach resident they will charge you $100 flat rate to work out or grab coffee or grab a loaf of bread from coffee. this has affected all of us. it's taking away business and sort of punishing the wrong people. >> lawrence: if you were to give it a grade, a, b, c, or d for the measures that have been in place and you weigh the impact to business versus public safety and all of it together, what would you give it? >> it's hard not to conclude that this was a successful exercise. it's been peaceful. there are still lines at the clubs of what appear like spring breakers waiting peacefully. the crowds aren't as intense and big. the beach is quieter. got to give it an a acknowledging that when you take a step like this, businesses are going to be lost a little bit. you hope, like in life, you are making a little investment. >> i have been to a lot of miami
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beach spring break and this is the chillest one yet. let's see what spring breakers think. they decided they were going to crack down on spring break. >> fort lauderdale is great place to be at night. >> not right here. >> not right here. >> younger scene out here. >> it sucks, dude. everybody went up to lauderdale. everybody is going to lauderdale and stuff like that. all bailing from here. >> too quiet. >> lawrence: still having a good time though. >> early. >> lawrence: what do you think about them towing the cars though? >> that's crazy. >> i will say there is more police out at night. >> lawrence: how do we like that. >> feel safe as a girl. >> it helps make, you know, certain people turn around if they are up to no good. >> looks more safer now than last year it was a little scary. >> lawrence: how has it been in miami beach with all the rule changes? are you all liking it or not? >> i mean, the rules ain't stopping us. >> we had a really good spring break i feel lining. >> i feel like it's been normal we flew. we didn't have to park. the beach is calm but the beach
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is still good. >> lawrence: how are you feeling about spring break. >> we are loving it. >> obviously i'm here reporting but i try to have a good time with the young people as well. and i always tell the young ladies, you know, if you put a drink down, don't pick it back up. make sure you are not experimenting with the drugs. so this is an opportunity to educate them as well about what is out here on the market here. it's a different spring break in miami beach. >> steve: completely different. i just got a note from my friend ken who lives down there and he sent me a video of the 1-95 causeway parking lot because of the checkpoints and uber even and you are probably ubering around, they have got warnings that it's going to take extra time to get places because of the checkpoints. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. and they are aggressive with them, too. they are making sure there is no open containers. they are always giving people breathalyzers as well as giving them tests to make sure they are not incarcerated.
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>> steve: intoxicated. >> lawrence: exactly. they would be out there on the beach drinking and then they would get in the car. well, that's done now. >> ainsley: i like this music. >> brian: you pick this music to bump us out? [laughter] >> ainsley: thank you, lawrence. all right. the stage is set. biden-trump officially clinching their party nominations. we'll talk about it. >> brian: dance us out ill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in
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