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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 13, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> steve: wednesday, march 13th, 2024. welcome to hour two of "fox & friends." we start with the disturbing fox news alert. that guy right there, vladimir putin, is warning the west russia is ready for a nuclear war. where did that come from? we have a live report from europe coming up. >> ainsley: pretty scary. tiktok vs. congress. the house set to ban the chinese-owned social media app. but will it stall in the senate, brian? >> brian: that's a good question. miami's new necessary message for spring breakers. >> we were on a break. we were on a break! [laughter] >> brian: yep. miami beach is cracking down with new curfews and a lot of bike racks. lawrence is live with the exparty hub where the party used to happen and people just live there now shirtless. >> steve: now florida have their state back. the second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now and
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remember, #mornings are better with friends. >> brian: stay within yourself. ♪ >> ainsley: a fox news alert. russian president vladimir putin says moscow is ready for nuclear war if threatened. greg palkot joins us from london. another warning from vladimir putin but the u.s. ignores it at its own risk. in an interview putin said his country is technically ready for nuclear war, if there was an existential threat to russia. he added weapons exist in order to be used now there has been a fear russia could use tackle weapons war with ukraine. if the u.s. sent troops there that would be a significant escalation. here is more of what he had to say plus a reaction. quote: from a military, technical point of view, we are, of course, ready in the u.s.
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there are enough specialists in the field of russian american relations in the field of strategic restraint; therefore, i don't think that here everything is rushing to it, nuclear confrontation, but we are ready for this. >> rushing towards nuclear war, but, again, as a nuclear nation, of course, he would be ready just as we are. in fact, u.s. security specialists are not seeing that russia is a more aggressive nuclear weapon at the moment but we do know tactical nukes to neighboring belarus right on the border with our nato allies. the nato alliance including the u.s. is right now involved in the biggest military drills, the biggest war games since the cold war. back to you. >> steve: maybe it's connected. mr. palkot, thank you very much a live report from the u.k. meanwhile, right here in the u.s.a. of a. the rematch is on. let's talk politics. joe biden vs. donald trump. they are the presumptive
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nominees for their parties. mr. indy boo, who is campaigning in wisconsin today put out a quote. >> ainsley: he said the broad coalition of voters representing the rich diversity of the democratic party across the country have put their faith in me once again. in a moment threat greater than ever? republican national committee has just declared us the official nominee. we north going to take time to celebrate. we will celebrate in 8 months when the election is over, november 5th, i believe, will go down as the most important day in the history of our country. >> brian: that's what the president hopes is a busy week in washington. a vote on the future of tiktok is heading to the house floor in hours. and lawmakers are still digesting the testimony. a former special counsel robert hur who defended his report on the biden document case and made it clear he did not exonerate the president.
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>> ainsley: we have team conch, kelly o'grady will have the tiktok vote preview. first, go to peter doocy live from the white house. good morning, peter. >> peter: good morning. even though nobody is denying that president biden handled classified materials the wrong way, white house officials are saying that he has been cleared of wrongdoing. >> i think the main thing to take away from today is two words for the american people. case closed. >> when a prosecutor spends 15 months investigating a case, only to determine that there is no case here, and that there will be no charges, and that the case is closed, it only affirms the innocence of the president. >> peter: but not exactly according to the special counsel on screen right there as democrats hoped to contrast this documents case with trump's documents case where there are charges that have not been litigated yet. >> the hur report represents the complete and total exoneration of president biden. >> did you reach conclusion that
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this man was outright innocent? >> that conclusion is not reflected in my report, sir. >> the word exoneration does not appear anywhere in my report. >> you exonerated him. >> did i not exonerate him. that word does not appear in the report. >> hur had hundreds of pages of facts and footnotes memorized. and he thinks now that he knows why president biden may have been quietly collecting things for years. >> pride and money is why he knowingly violated the rules. the oldest motives in the book, pride and money. do you agree with that, mr. hur? you wrote it in your report. >> that language does appear in the report and we did identify evidence supporting those assessments. >> peter: when the story first broke, i asked president biden classified documents next to your corvette. what were you thinking? and according to the justice department, he may have been thinking about keeping stuff handy to refer to later for a
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book. it has been reported that he doesn't keep a daily diary. rather, he takes notes here and there. so, original material would be handy to have if he needed to back up a multi million dollars book advance. back to you. >> brian: $8 million. must have sold a lot of copies. >> steve: a lot indeed. didn't the president tell you hey, the garage is locked. >> peter: he did and, you know, i think wilmington, sometimes, has crime waves come and go and so he just didn't want anybody coming and checking to see if it was unlocked on the street. >> brian: documents in the back. >> ainsley: talked about the damaged boxes and how it was next to his zappos box and really messy. >> read the transcript about 250 pages, 150 times he said i don't remember. >> steve: hose garage could actually withstand national scrutiny? if somebody took a picture of any of our garages.
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>> ainsley: not my parents. it's just over time. >> steve: we don't have classified secrets. >> ainsley: no we don't have classified information our garage. kelly o'grady with details on tiktok. >> good morning to you all. today marks a critical vote on the house floor whether it comes to enforcement action against tiktok. i want to underscore this legislation has rare bipartisan support. so for some context, the bill would allow the president to classify alps that are under control of adversarial countries as national security threats. in that case an app. would be banned unless it cut ties with that country in question within 156 days. now, yesterday lawmakers attended a national security briefing on the chinese-owned app. all while chao met with senators on capitol hill. >> this is a clear sign we are inching closer to sweeping action against tiktok. the house republicans they seem confident that they have got the votes. they will call for a vote under a suspension of the rules. that does require two thirds majority to pass vs. a simple majority though it does speed up the process.
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there is an interesting wrinkle, however. former president trump is now opposing the bill saying a tiktok ban would strengthen facebook which he called the enemy of the people. now, if the house does go for, this it would still need to pass the senate and move onto the president's desk. there is a high possibility it could be challenged on free speech concerns. though house g.o.p. members are pushing back on that. >> it's not a bill reef it and ier in my view pro-specific not red throw speckive. protects the first amendment. this isn't about content it's really about conduct. this is really very much about the ccp and their ability to own data and use that data nefariously against our national security interest and against our citizenry. >> now, if this does pass, it would also spur an immediate need for tiktok to divest or split from by the dance. that six month very tough i have worked on large scale m and a and those deals take upwards of a year. >> brian: have to sell it. thanks, kelly.
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ins who house 300 votes to ban it. six months to sell off 80%. >> in the senate very guysy. among the people in the charge to lead it in is senator rand paul. citing a fifth amendment right to use it why does a chinese owned app. have a fifth amendment right. they are actually calling on the first amendment the bytedance people like they have any idea about the first amendment in china. >> ainsley: good point. >> steve: good chance it won't be brought up in the senate. they need a two thirds majority in the house. a poll came out in january, 35% of americans oppose banning tiktok in the united states. only 31% favor it. but, you know the number one concern about why they want to ban it? the average american? >> ainsley: what? >> steve: kids spend too much time on it. >> ainsley: parents are probably banning it. my daughter is 8.
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she doesn't have a phone yet. when she does have one i don't want her on tiktok constantly like all the kids are the kids love it. your children were teenagers when we started talking about this and they were upset about it and liked tiktok or did at the time. >> brian: c-span had the highest level intelligence briefings on this with bipartisan agreement that tiktok is bad. a chinese machine of manipulation against that's all that matters. if chuck schumer could stop looking at the polls and for once do things right, at least put it up for a vote and let people see where they stand. lobbyists are making big inroads. now the chinese executives are flying in to try to protect their investment. so i think it's just -- anybody who watched those hearings, you would not be in support of tiktok. >> ainsley: president biden said is he going to sign it if it does reach his desk. >> steve: kara frederick from the heritage foundation. and she said essentially at the 11th hour now a bunch of republicans are doing a 180 on
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it. donald trump has changed his position on it and others as well it will be really interesting. >> brian: the last thing trump said was i'm staying o out of i. >> in the beginning i don't want to give facebook more fuel and give them an opportunity to buy it or do something. i understand that especially after zucker bucks played such a role in 2020. when you look at what tiktok is. the president was so right in 2022 or when he was in the administration to try to ban it. >> ainsley: saying i am staying after o. you out of it after the facebook comment. >> brian: yes. >> steve: point was done a 180. he had as president said okay. let's get rid of it and let's ban it from stuff. now let's see where it goes. >> ainsley: lawrence is down in miami because he went down there to chase the spring break crowd. >> brian: it left him. >> ainsley: not welcome there all these psas all over the tv saying don't come here if you are going to be rowdy. >> lawrence: yeah.
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ainsley. i called myself playing football with some of them yesterday and i think i may have pulled something in my back. i will recover later. getting a little old. the reason why we are here is because they decided to shut it down. we come every year. it's a much different crowd here at spring break. it seems like all the checkpoints, all of the psas have sent a message to the young people that if you are going to come here, you have got to come here safely, guys. >> steve: absolutely. and beings, you know, lawrence, we mentioned this earlier, but it sounds like the young people who want the crazy stuff drove 350 miles north of miami. it sounds like they are congress grey gaghtd in jacksonville on the east coast of florida. >> yeah. jacksonville and fort lauderdale as well. which their city now is going to have to deal with that. i think the bottom line for the businesses here, there is some benefit from the spring breakers but there is also a lot of bad for the residents here that have to deal with the massive crime
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that happens here and then they block au all the streets all the time. they are making it very clear. they used to ticket you. if you decide to block the streets, they're going to tow your car and it's going to be $600 to get your car back. >> brian: by the way if you go to jacksonville they already have the players championship and you get get down the roads. i don't know what they will do with a bunch of shirtless kids with tequila bottles in their hands. >> steve: that's last year. >> ainsley: the reason it's cleaned up in miami you said is because they have a new conservative mayor did you say? >> lawrence: yeah. he's a conservative mayor and he made it very clear. look, i have a business interest in the sense of making sure my businesses recover from the pandemic. he goes my first essential job is to keep everyone safe. >> steve: right. well, speaking of business owners. let's groh go from the east coast to the west coast out in california in oakland. 220 oakland business owners are saying, hey, you know, we pay taxes to the city of oakland and
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oakland is not doing what they're supposed to do. they are supposed to keep us safe and they are supposed to clamp down on crime. so you know what? they're threatening to stop paying taxes unless the city addresses crime and retail theft as well. listen to these soundbites from some owners out on the west coast who say the city letting us down. >> scared for our lives now. i'm in districts not the same as back in the year that i had been working. we are really struggling sales have dropped 20%. >> we are not going to pay taxes to the city. until they give us what we want. >> i feel like we need to start somewhere. i mean, it's ridiculous. it seems like it's getting worse. >> steve: they're right. they are absolutely right. >> ainsley: four taco bell locations switching to drive-thru only and ought out burger citing ongoing issues with crime dennys crossed after 54 years of business.
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raising cane is closing their dining room or they did in 2023. >> brian: what is pretty amazing is san francisco is starting to crack down understanding crime is out of control there so is oakland. so the city that started the anti-cop movement san francisco is starting to sober up. athletics about to leave. raiders already left. most people don't want to live in oakland now suddenly they are realizing it's unlivable, lawrence. >> lawrence: yeah, i mean, guys we have done a lot of reporting there. two problems there. the overall crime problem when it comes to prop 47, which essentially said in the entire state that you can still not be held accountable as long as it's not less than $950. also, oakland has a huge crime problem when it comes to the street races and shutting down streets. and then they have -- there is people that died as a result of this. they got a shooting problem that's happening there. so, again, it's this has been a long time coming from oakland. they supported defund the police. and now we're seeing the
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consequences of this big liberal experiment, guys. >> ainsley: the thing that scares me though for these shop owners, i feel so sorry for them small businesses losing money because of theft. if they don't pay their taxes is the government going to go after them? >> steve: of course. >> ainsley: have to pay fines on top of their taxes i'm glad that their voices are being heard i actually do hope they pay their taxes so they are not in trouble later on. >> steve: here in new york, in lower manhattan, the westfield fulton center nearby that big transit center they say the transit center because there are so many homeless people and so much crime it's scaring away their customers. and they want out of a 20-year deal with the mta because they say we want to close up shop. they are suing each other now. the city, mta is now suing them. >> ainsley: these are all like little shops down underneath the subway. >> steve: yeah a mall of sorts. people say, look, there are so many homeless people. there is so much crime. nobody wants to shop there. and the people who work there
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don't feel safe. so, they might be getting out of their deal. >> lawrence: what eventually is going to happen, guys, they are going to leave: this reminds me of a building i lived in new york city. they stopped repairing the stuff so the residents said we are going to stop paying the rent. what eventually happens is they make them pay their rent and the people say you know what? bye. see you later. we will go to another building and what is going to happen with the california residents is that they are just going to move to a state like texas and florida and restart their life. it's unfortunate. >> brian: lawrence, is that the same place where you ordered the five guys where they cost all that money last weekend? that's the same place, right? paying a ton of money for fast food and it looks like a mess. >> lawrence: this is true. got to make sure have a nice gym so can i work off the fast food, brian. >> brian: work out the deltoids. >> ainsley: he spent so much money on five guys like 100 bucks for his friends who had just come back from deployment. that was nice, lawrence.
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>> lawrence: this is true. >> steve: you don't need a nice gym your back hurets playing football with the spring breakers. come on, take a day off. [laughter] >> lawrence: i'm trying i'm playing football with the spring breakers i don't want to pull something. maybe go back to my basic workout, you know, not trying to keep up with the young folks. >> steve: there you go. >> ainsley: thanks, lawrence. >> steve: good job from miami. >> brian: sorry nobody showed up. >> ainsley: no story there. >> steve: carley showed up for news out of haiti. >> carley: present and accounted for. begin our headlines with the fox news alert. violence in haiti continues to spiral out of controls a the country's acting prime minister says he can't fly back to his country. and while the marine corps has secured the u.s. embassy in the country, the state department is advising americans to leave haiti as soon as possible. florida congressman core mills helped get 10 americans out of haiti. he joined us earlier. >> so it was a total of 10 americans, we conducted a night
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operation. departing out of a neighboring country by helicopter. if americans are abroad and they are in trouble, i'm going to come to their aid. and if biden is not willing to his doo his job. i will do it for him. >> carley: he is so cool. the u.s. is agreeing to pay for a kenyan peace keeper forces to help improve the country's situation. but they are refusing to go to haiti until the government is in place. an illegal migrant is now charged with killing a 12-year-old boy in missouri following a wrong-way crash. police say the venezuelan migrant drove head on into another vehicle going 30 miles over the speed limit. the victim, his name is travis wolf. he was severely hurt after the crash back in december. he dived in the hospital six days later. god bless him and his family. a small number of chicken pox cases have been identified at a massachusetts migrant short-term. shelter,believed to have contrae disease.
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state officials saying there is no current outbreak. this comes as the measles has been spreading in several big cities. in chicago seven cases have been confirmed at the city's largest migrant shelter. the state is moving observation posed women and children to hotels to quarantine. and united airlines is telling boeing to stop producing the boeing 737 max 10s they ordered after another delay in getting the models certified by the faa. meanwhile, southwest and alaska are cutting flights as boeing delivers fewer jets during an ongoing criminal probe and one passenger on board that new zealand bound boeing plane that nose dives in mid-air hurting 50 passengers recounted the terrifying moment saying, quote you know in the exorcist when the girl flies from the bed and hits the ceiling, it's exactly that scene. i was like what the heck is this? and take a look at this. japan's space one rocket exploding just seconds after its
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inaugural launch overnight. leaving behind large cloud of smoke and fire you see right there on the launch pad. the company says the flight was interrupted after the launch, but the exact cause of the explosion is still under investigation, space one was trying to become the first japanese firm to put a satellite into orbit but thankfully though no one was hurt. and, listen to this. peta is urging the white house to switch up the tradition of the annual easter egg roll. the group asking the first lady quote will you please initiate the annual white house potato roll instead. easter is not a time of renewal or joy for chickens on egg factory farms. a potato roll wouldn't exploit any sentient beings and encourage empathy and kindness while promoting potato farmers in the u.s. i love that, guys. if you want to get-go with the easter egg roll and go with the potato roll. what an argument.
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>> ainsley: i bet he does. enough to he? a place where he probably will. >> steve: he does not do it. what they have a problem with when the kids have the spoons out on the south lawn they have a hard boiled egg. >> they want a potato instead which would never bust and stuff like that. >> carley: mini potatoes are very delicious. my favorite kind. >> steve: potato rolls my wife buys for our sandwiches is really good. that's different. >> brian: potatoes in spoons small one put them into boiling water and make something at the end of the day. >> ainsley: mashed potatoes. >> steve: the problem is it's the easter egg roll. >> brian: traditions don't matter blow up every tradition. >> ainsley: called it spud tacular having real eggs would exploit any sent yent being. >> it's going to exploit the chickens. >> carley: leave this to the egg. we are okay.
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>> brian: why do potatoes sprouting in the bag? that's kind of a scary thing because potatoes are alive. >> ainsley: you left them in the bag too long. use them immediately. my mom would buy tons of them and all had those eyes sprouting on them that scared me. >> brian: should scare you. potatoes want out. >> steve: just cut them out. they are fine. >> ainsley: robert hur shutting down claims that he exonerated the president. >> you exonerated him. >> did i not exonerate him. the word does not appear in the report. >> steve: our friend andy mccarthy watched the whole thing. his analysis coming up next on "fox & friends." and good morning, new jersey. >> brian: no spring break there, either. ♪ years fly right by ♪ ♪ ♪
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capitol hill grilling on both sides really taking issue with democrats' characterization that he cleared the president of criminal wrongdoing. he did not. here with reaction, former federal prosecutor and fox news contributor andy mccarthy. andy, your take away. first off, it happened over and over again. democrats tried to say you exonerated him let's call it a day. it didn't work. he had to jump back in. >> yeah. prosecutors don't exonerate people for the most part. the gig is that you evaluate whether there is evidence yard thabeyonda reasonable doubt proe elements of the offense. if there was not that does not mean it wasn't a criminal offense or the guy didn't commit it. it doesn't mean you have enough information to persuade a jury. i would pointed out, brian, when he was asked, hur admitted that a rational juror could have found biden guilty and i thought that was very telling because the standard on appeal is convictions get upheld if the court finds that a rational juror could have found that
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there was enough evidence. >> brian: what is your take away from, we read -- we read his report. and now we see him -- see him in person to defend his report in what he did. do you think he held up? >> i think he was a very good witness. he is obviously a straight shooter. i think, you know, the plan they had to try to paint him as a political hack going in, obviously blew up on contact because he is just not the kind of guy you could tell watching his demeanor that he is not that kind of person. on the other hand, i'm not persuaded by his rationale. you know, he kept making excuses for why a jury might have, you know, acquitted despite this fact, despite that fact. and, you know, that's what defense lawyers usually do in trials. what judges tell juries is that you look at the evidence in conjunction not in isolation. not bit by bit. and i think you are talking about a 40-year course of
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conduct where the prosecutor himself concluded that biden acted willfully. to me, that's a case you take to trial. >> brian: main difference between this case and trump's case. they keep pointing to trump didn't cooperate and biden did. what do you say to that? >> that's a terrible way of distinguishing them. cooperation is not a basis to not charge somebody. like, for example, in a murder investigation, once the murderer knows he has been caught, it's frequent that they will let you, you know, search the house, they will give you a statement. they will be cooperative with the police. we don't forgive the murderer in those circumstances. cooperation is a sentencing issue. so, after you have been convicted, whether you plead guilty or get found go ahead by a jury, then at sentencing, people will say well, he was very cooperative with the investigators and the court will take that into account for what it's worth in fixing what the sentence should be. but, it has nothing to do with guilt. >> brian: so, what do you think
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should happen with the trump case if everything is fair? >> i think that this testimony yesterday confirmed what i have been saying for a couple of months which is that biden should pardon trump on the classified documents counts in the florida case. if they're saying the difference between the two cases is that trump obstructed and biden didn't, then forgive all of the classified information stuff across the board. treat trump and biden the same way. and try trump on obstruction. >> brian: just real quick, on the new york case, the president is saying let's do a delay until we find out if i'm immune. do you think new york will entertain that and delay? >> i think they have to entertain it. i think they will try not to delay and i doubt the supreme court will throw trump a bone to try to get that trial delayed. >> brian: andy mccarthy thank you so much. on the air 12 hours yesterday appreciate you getting up today. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: over to ainsley.
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>> ainsley: thank you so much, brian. fox news alert, the new york civil liberties union is suing nassau county over a transgender sports ban that was signed late last month. the executive order bars transgender women from competing in female sports at county-owned venues. an attorney for the nyclu saying, quote: trans people who play sports need support and affirmation not to be a political target. across the pond, the national health service in england revealing children can no no longer be prescribed puberty blockers for gender dysphoria. children will only be provided youth -- these drugs will only be provided to youth taking part in clinical research trials. u.k. parliament member liz truss is pushing to extend that ban even wider. the former prime minister joined us earlier. >> what i hope to see is it is stopped all together. we know people are getting them mail order. we know they could get them privately. and i just think it's incredibly
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damaging for young people. >> ainsley: the move has been widely criticized by lgbtq groups. those are some of your headlines. now to a fox news alert. putin is warning the west russia is ready for a nuclear war. this as new polls show americans find biden is weak on the world stage. newt gingrich is going to react to that, next. there he is, live. ♪ with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal;
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of the house newt gingrich about all of that newt, good morning to you. >> good morning. i think what you steve go ahead, into the. >> i was going to say what you just said poses a real dilemma. for both america and the rest of the world. does vladimir putin get to do anything he wants to because if you say no he is going to go to nuclear war or do you stand up to him and say, you know, there are limits to what we're going to tolerate. and the truth is if you went to nuclear war, your entire country would disappear. there would be no russia left. so, to what extent is he running a bluff and to what extent are we all supposed to hide and cower, in which case does that mean he gets to take poland? does he get to take germany? i mean, at what point does his threat not become real anymore? and i think this is a very serious problem of managing a personality that's pretty isolated, getting older, and may
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feel like this is his last chance to create a greater russian empire. >> steve: newt, how much do you think this announcement that he made to state-run media in russia has to do with his mindset or the fact that this week he is up for re-election and at the same time the west has got some big war games in the region? >> well, i think that's part of it, but i also think, frankly, that he has contempt for biden. i think he respected trump as a tough guy. and you had the same experience with xi jinping. around the world people thought donald trump was genuinely tough. and that he would, in fact, do things that were decisive. like, for example, killing general soleimani, the iranian leader in a precise strike. the result was people are pretty tame while trump was president. i think they watch joe biden stumble around, get confused, and generally, you know, except for two hours with a great deal
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of being juiced up, his presidency as you saw with the transcript yesterday, this is not a guy you get up in the morning and say boy, i'm really scared of him. >> steve: right. >> that's part of what putin's language is all about. >> steve: you just mentioned donald trump when he was president. the match is set as of yesterday. super tuesday 2 yesterday was. donald trump and joe biden both got the magic number. they will officially be nominated at their conventions in the summer. but, how big a problem is it for joe biden, newt, when you look at all the states, in the primaries, where so many people voted uncommitted, as a protest about joe biden's stance with israel and gaza, or you know, something else you total it all up, as you look at the percentages, over 400,000 american voters voted essentially no preference or uncommitted. is that going to come back to haunt joe biden in november or
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will people say okay, i was just doing a protest vote in the primary. now i'm going to vote for him. >> well, i think a lot of them will just stay home. they won't vote for trump. be they just won't show up to vote at all which hurts the democrats at every level. the senate races, the house races, the governor's races, as well as the presidency. but i also think -- you know, biden has two very different problems. he has a problem on his left largely about the fact that he has supported israel and israel's gradually destroying hamas. and that's a problem with very specific people, for example, in michigan. then he has a problem with everybody. because they go to the grocery store. they go to the gas station. you know, bidenism isn't working. bidenomics is beginning to resemble herbert hoover and i think as a result biden has a huge problem. speeches don't change and advertising doesn't change because people go to the store and they say, in my own life, i
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know what he is doing to me. and if you will notice, people consistently now say that they were better off personally, better off under trump than they are under biden. that's a devastating mountain for a candidate to try to climb. >> steve: it was just a couple of years ago, you spent 100 bucks at the grocery store, you came home with four bags of groceries, now you are coming back with two. then again, that's another story for another day. mr. gingrich, thank you very much for joining us live today. >> thanks, great to be with you. >> steve: all right. >> indeed. all right. coming up on a quarter before the hour. miami's new message for spring breakers, don't come. >> we were on a break. we were on a break! we were on a break! [laughter] >> steve: yeah. miami beach setting new crackdowns and curfews. as you can see right there. lawrence jones is live in the sunshine state. lawrence, who's that with you? >> lawrence: hey, good morning, steve. i got commissioner suarez with me.
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miami beach officially breaking up with spring break. his reaction, next. ♪ have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> janice: good morning everyone. it is a beautiful day in new york city. we are going to get up to the 60's again today. let's take a look at it. temperatures starting off a little cool but we will take 50.
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plenty of sunshine and look at this as we go through the next couple of days. we will get close to 70 degrees on thursday and then we go back to more seasonal averages nest week but we will enjoy it for now. over a foot or more for the colorado rockies. also point out not only the severe risk threat including tornadoes but this is the fire weather outlook as we go through today. note the extreme fire danger for parts of the panhandle of oklahoma, as well as texas. that's where we have those deadly wildfires last week. so that's going to be a big concern. there's your forecast highs for today. it's a very warm across the south. and we'll get those warmer temperatures in towards the midwest, warmer than average as we go through the next couple of days for the east coast. and we will watch that winter storm across the west. fox for all of your latest details. steve, ainsley, brian, i know we are going to be playing basketball later today. >> brian: look out for st. john.
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>> janice: i see the basketball hoop. >> ainsley: villanova the mascot is going to be here too. >> janice: really? brian loves moss scotts. >> brian: they have nothing to say. i make the mistake of talking to them. >> ainsley: brian always interview. >> steve: one year we made them pull the head off and talk. >> janice: that's awful. can you find that clip? i would like to see it. >> steve: yeah. i'm not going to say which school it was. >> ainsley: look. some of them take it very seriously and they don't want you to know they are the mascot. >> steve: i understand. >> ainsley: breaking up with spring break. miami laying down the law in a new commercial after the city saw two fatal shootings last year. >> do you even remember what happened last march? [sirens] >> that was our breaking point. so we are breaking up with you. >> maybe we can talk when you are done with your spring break phase, but, until then --
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>> brian: lawrence jones is in miami with the commissioner david suarez to see if the strategy is really working. lawrence. >> lawrence: thanks, brian, i appreciate it. let's bring in the commissioner. you made it very clear what i see different, what the community sees different is the result of an election, right? >> yeah. we have a brand new city commission in miami beach. three commissioners, including myself and, more importantly, we have a new player, a law and order mayor that has really taken public safety tom priority. it's our top priority. >> lawrence: have you gotten any pushback from the locals here. the bizs here? what's been the reaction? >> so the reaction from our residents and voters have been 100 percent positive. you know, we got elected to do just two things keep everyone safe and our city clean. and you know, public safety was a top priority for residents
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this year. i campaigned for over a year last year and the number one priority was public safety specifically spring break. what happened last year completely ruined our brand as a city. >> lawrence: you guys are going to have a commission meeting after this interview. this weekend is going to be the big test. >> this weekend has traditionally been the one with the most blood shed, unfortunately. and so, you know, we as a commission have proactively reached out to governor desantis and said, hey, instead of coming on the last weekend when there are no shootings, there are no stampedes, we wanted to be proactive in this measure. and, you know, unfortunately, our last mayor was -- had a very confrontational approach with. >> lawrence: he did not like the governor. >> did he not like the governor. the governor did not like him. and, as a result, people died this year we got it right and we
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are being proactive. so the very first weekend in march, we had fhp, we had fuc. the coast guard, atf. we had a very proactive approach on how to really handle springer break. >> lawrence: we have seen the difference. commissioner, thank you so much. good luck this weekend, guys. >> thank you. >> lawrence: i will send it back to you in new york. >> steve: that explains what is going on. thank you very much lawrence, and commissioner. time for news, carley. >> carley: it's the right time. you are right. new details about kate middleton's photo editing controversy. metadata shows it was digitally altered multiple times before it was published onto the royal's instagram page. questions still remain about who altered the photo each after the princess of wales apologized saying she touched it up. and a woman is suing the maker of ozempic claiming she was diagnosed with a condition that weakens stomach muscles after using the popular drug. in a lawsuit, she claims novo
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nor disknew causes the disease among other stomach issues. back down to you. >> brian: yeah. but it works. we will see if it worth it. congress takes on tiktok. live report on the big vote todayen in the house. i have two seconds left. called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening.
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