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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 13, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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but for the all these schools. >> it is. listen. the college game is about effort, passion and about history. currency yeah, but the greatest currency in college basketball is the history and tradition and you get it at the big east. >> ainsley: do men say i wish i had your job? >> yeah. i planned it that way, by the way. it has been a decade. the fastest 10 years i've ever experienced. >> brian: big east tournament kicks off at 4:00 today on fox sports one. tim, thank you so much and great to see you. >> let's go. make some noise, there we go clclgo. see you tomorrow, everybody. >> bill: all right, america you asked for it and you got it.
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it's official. president biden and former president trump get the rematch they've been looking for. both clinching their party's nominations. the primaries in georgia, me is misstate put them over the top. rfk junior gave a short list. aaron rodgers the quarterback from the new york jets on the active roster and jesse ventura. we move to this and tiktok to potentially ban that up coming up for a house vote less than an hour from now and we'll watch it together. good morning, everybody. america's "america's newsroom" begin now i'm bill hemmer live in new york. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." this is coming. coming for a while. it is interesting there is an article in the "wall street journal" how the company got caught unawares so they are scrambling throwing a lot of money around. this morning the house will vote on a bill to ban tiktok if china
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no, sir dos not agree to sell it. >> bill: beijing's ownership of an app used by 170 million americans seen as a national security threat. lawmakers hoping to stop short of an outright ban. >> what we're after is a separation from tiktok from its parent company bytedance and ccp. in that world tiktok users can continue to use the platform. it would allow for a better user experience. >> the main thing, though, we want tiktok to exist. we aren't there to ban it. i said we want to make it tiiktk tow. we have to see it get away from china. >> dana: kat cammack is a co-sponsor of the bill and talk to her in a moment. let's go to chad pergram and get the lay of the land. what's happening, chad? >> good morning. the vote to curb the use of tiktok hits the house floor shortly.
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debate comes first and then the vote. it needs a 2/three vote to pass. lawmakers are sorting out concerns from constituents and users of tiktok. they flooded the capitol phone lines. >> a lot of them are calling. it's clogged up the people that want a cease-fire. they're overcome the cease-fire people. >> how many calls have you received on this? >> it's my intern's job. >> there is worry how the app tracks users and scoops up data. opponents are concerned about congress targeting a single company albeit one run by the chinese. >> i think this legislation threads the needle. it is not a bill of retainer. it protects the first amendment. it isn't about content but conduct. >> the bill does not outright ban the use of tiktok in the u.s. but it does limit access. the platform would no longer be available in app stores. that's why some lawmakers oppose
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the bill. >> banning tiktok also means taking away a voice and a platform for communities of color and queer creators that have made tiktok their home. any ban on tiktok is not just banning the freedom of expression, you are literally causing huge harm to our national economy. >> garcia says the bill is rushed. watch to see if concern about the bill by former president trump suppresses gop support today. the bill also faces skepticism in the senate. >> dana: thank you so much. >> bill: let's bring in the co-sponsor of the bill kat cammack. good morning. we'll see how many questions we can get through here. don't know if it passes in the senate once it makes its way through the house that we expect probably this hour. president biden said he would sign it. his campaign signed up for it. what is the the best outcome of this at the moment, do you
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think? >> good morning to you both and i think we are going to see it pass in the house of representatives. as you laid out there will be some difficulties in the senate. that is in large part due to the massive lobbying effort currently breaking records for the millions of dollars that are going into special interests and lobbyist groups telling lawmakers that they need to keep the chinese communist party having access to american's data. that's the reality that we're seeing this not as a republican or democrat issue or any other lens than aamerican issue, a threat to united states national security and no constitutional concerns in my mind because as a constitutional conservative this is not a bill of attender this is saying we don't want you to have access to americans' data. i wouldn't want my government to have unfettered access, why let the ccp? >> dana: it seems like a common sense thing to say di vest.
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what is particular tock fighting back so hard? >> this is not a ban. it is not. we have a literacy crisis in this country but only ten pages. if people read it they'd see it is just a di vestment. you have to be a foreign adversary which is defined in u.s. code and statute. not something you can take on and american company. that's where company of the commentary i've been hearing. the thing that is really concerning is that the ccp & see they would rather see us ban tiktok than to di vest. they stand to make billions of dollars through a die vestment. this seems like a chinese government is more concerned
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with having unfettered access. people are wondering if it's all about the money they stand to make a ton ever money through this, why would they not do that? >> bill: a couple of things here, folks looking in on the outside might be wondering a practical application. recently tiktok sent a message to most of its users with a pop-up message which shows you the access they have. but also wonder about instagram or facebook and the power that they have also. i don't know how that fits into this. but october 7th in the hamas raid in israel changed minds on this app. explain how. >> the thing that people are not really talking about, which they should, is that over 60% of the content that is pro-hamas, pro-palestinian content is actually generated in bangladesh, malaysia, egypt, saudi arabia, pakistan and then
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it is actually amplified in tiktok users' feeds in the united states. the majority of the anti-israel content is actually generated and created overseas and the algorithm is taylored to push that content in america. that's one of the reasons we're concerned because we're seeing where this foreign interference. not actually generated here in the united states. not a reflection of the sentiment here in the united states. but think about the fact that in israel, they have tiktok and in israel, they have manipulated the algorithm to show 90% of the sentiment is for pro-hamas in israel. do you think israelis after october 7th feel that's the case? of course not. as you pointed out, there was a massive barrage of tiktok users calling our offices. most of them under the age of 15 crying, many of them in class. the thing that was so telling to me was that just this time last year the ceo of tiktok told my
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committee that they didn't have access to geo location data. it turns out they tapped into the geo location data of their users. if you were in an energy and commerce committee member's district you couldn't use the app until you actually called through the app and then they would unlock the features for you to use. so this is just a massive effort that has backfired because what they say is that they don't do that but their actions speak differently and they say they don't but we know that they do. >> dana: listen to president trump on squawk box on monday saying this. >> there are a lot of people on tiktok that love it. a lot of young kids on tiktok who will go crazy without it. without tiktok you could make facebook bigger. i consider facebook to be an enemy of the people. >> dana: is he wrong? >> in some respects. what this bill does is what
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president trump's executive order years ago was all about forcing i di vestment, not a ban. for all the tiktok users out there 96% of them are also on the other social media platforms. it is not 100% accurate to say that just because you di vest tiktok that others will get bigger. most social media users are on multiple platforms. i think that's a bit misleading. >> bill: thank you for your time and we'll watch the vote this hour. kat cammack, thank you. >> my assessment in the report about the relevance of the president's memory was necessary and accurate and fair. most importantly, what i wrote is what i believe the evidence shows and what i expect jurors would perceive and believe. i did not sanitize my explanation nor did i disparage the president unfairly.
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>> dana: a fiery hearing on capitol hill. robert hur standing by his report of president biden that called into question his mental acuity to be commander-in-chief. hur's findings show the president is unfit for the second term according to the republicans. the white house is looking to move on. that's where we find peter doocy high on the north lawn. >> dana, we know where president biden kept classified documents. now we know a little bit more about why. >> joe biden had $8 million reasons to break the rules. classified information and shared it with the guy writing book. the oldest motive in the book, pride and money. do you agree with that? you wrote it in your report. >> that language does appear in the report and we did identify evidence supporting those assessments. >> democrats hope to contrast the biden documents case where no charges have been brought with the trump documents case
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where charges have been brought. however, robert hur didn't really get the comparison. >> you exonerated him. >> i did not exonerate him. it does not appear in the report. >> white house officials say the issue now is fully in the past and won't happen again. >> the president has made an announcement that he is going to set up a task force to examine how transitions handle their packing of papers and movement appointing a team to look how those transitions are handled and make recommendations to avoid this happening again in the future. >> that spokesman is talking about how the white house's belief is that this report and the hearing this is a quote, affirms the innocence of the president but it is unclear why they would need all these new policies to be put in place if the president is as innocent as they say. >> dana: it's almost as if some of the democrats wished that he had been indicted so that they didn't have to deal with the
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other issue about the elderly man with a poor memory. maybe it is behind us for now. thank you, peter. >> bill: gang violence spiraling out of control in haiti. how the u.s. is supporting a push for peace and also trying to get some people out of there >> dana: as the border crisis continues a migrant shelter deals with a dangerous disease. plus this. >> bill: the dream is alive. what a great time of year and how sweet it is. a small school punching its ticket for the big dance for the first time in decades. ♪
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>> bill: they're just calling to order there on the floor of the house, the republican out of kentucky is against the idea of banning tiktok or forcing it to divest. see how the vote goes as they take on an issue where tens of millions of americans have been drawn to. this massive app that's taken on huge popularity in a very short period of time. we'll watch it momentarily here on "america's newsroom" coming up. >> dana: the cdc responding to a measles outbreak at a chicago migrant shelter. local health officials say there are several cases among adults and children all reported at a large warehouse housing migrant families. doctors are working to i.d. anyone at risk and to get them vaccinated. >> bill: there are growing concerns about migrants evading border patrol. officials are warning the gotaways are one of the biggest national security threats from the border crisis. the number is stung.
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higher than many of us expected after following the story for three years. garrett tenney, what do the numbers tell us? good morning. >> good morning to you. f.b.i. director said it best we don't know what we don't know about these people crossing the border and getting into our country without being caught. there has been more than 1.8 million known gotaways over the last three years and again these are people who know if they tried to come into the country another way, they would either be arrested or denied like these gang members that border patrol agents caught this week adding to the 215 gang members who have been caught already crossing the border this year. fox news has also obtained this nighttime video from texas dps showing a cartel smuggler crossing back to mexico on a raft after dropping off a small group and guide on american soil who then tried to hide in the brush when agents arrested them. this weekend in the laredo
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sector south of where we are a joint operation by border patrol and texas dps targeted multiple smuggling operations including stash houses like this one where more than 30 people were hiding out after crossing the border illegally. texas could arrest, charge and potentially deportal of those folks on their own without the federal government under the state's new law. for now the supreme court has put that law on hold until at least next week while they decide whether or not to let it go forward while challenges play out in the lower courts. over the last week the number of known gotaways is averaging more than 800 a day. bill. >> bill: 800 a day. that figure at the top 1.8 million really hard to get your head around. garrett tenney, thank you in eagle pass, texas today. >> dana: haiti in crisis. leaders scrambling to form a new government after the prime minister stepped down. armed gangs overtake the streets.
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steve harrigan is following the story live in fort pierce, florida. you know the country well. it has been a mess for about a year. never been great unfortunately for them but right now it seems it is worse than ever. >> it certainly is. a scary situation for people on the ground. a power vacuum. no one knows what will happen next. how bad is it? the acting prime minister can't get back to his own country after he resigned. stuck in puerto rico. violent gangs have attacked the airport and control 80% of the city of port prince. political groups are trying to agree on the appointment of a new prime minister but not clear that people will accept what they're told. >> how many times has it come here? they go from failure to failure and do nothing for us. >> the u.s. has agreed to spend $3 hundred million on kenyan
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peacekeepers. they say they won't go to haiti until a government is in place. u.s. officials have been clear that it will be the haitians who decide on their next leader. >> it is not for us to make the call on who leads haiti. it is for the haitian people to make that call. >> florida congressman corey mills carried out a helicopter rescue of ten u.s. missionaries in haiti who he said have been abandoned by the biden administration. right now in haiti the u.s. embassy is still operational, secured by additional marines. dana, back to you. >> dana: thank you and we'll stay on top of this. just 90 miles from our shore. >> corey mills is the republican from florida. very impressive guy. he was on with "fox & friends" first earlier today and just roll the sound bite. he went in and got ten of his people out already. he did it and he paid for it. >> this is sending a direct message the federal government
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only cares about government, not about the american people. this is the wrong thing to say. i can tell you i don't subscribe to that. if americans are abroad and in trouble i will come to their aid. if biden isn't willing to do his job i will do it for him. >> bill: before he was in congress he started a nonprofit. does this kind of work. he had to divest from the nonprofit to serve in government. so impressive and we applaud him for the effort that he has already put forward. >> dana: very consistent and quite a leader. we'll follow that story. >> bill: a daily habit for millions of americans could be a thing of the past. controlling tiktok by the hour. the house setting to vote on that sending users into a tizzy. trump versus biden take two. is this what the voters want? we'll find out. >> people that are interested in whether the president is up to the job i just refer you to the state of the union that he gave the other night.
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♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪ >> dana: in the commercial break wrp listening to the debate on the house floor about the di vest tour of tiktok from bytedance and mike gallagher congressman from the china select committee spoke a few moments ago. listen here. >> thank you. tiktok is a threat to our national security because it is owned by bytedance which does the bidding of the chinese communist party. we know this because bytedance leadership says so and because chinese law requires it. this bill therefore forces tiktok to break up with the chinese communist party. it does not apply to american companies. it only applies subject to the control of foreign adversaries defined by congress. it says nothing about election
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interference and can't be turned against any american social media platform. it does not impact websites in general. the only impacted sites are those associated with foreign adversary apps such as it can never be used to penalize individuals. it cannot be used to censor speech. takes no position on the content of speech. only foreign adversary control. foreign adversary control of what is becoming the dominant news platform for americans under 30. this is a common sense measure to protect our national security. i urge colleagues to support this critical legislation. >> dana: that debate continues and driving forward the vote should take place in the next 30 to 45 minutes. we'll be on top of it. over to you, bill. >> bill: watch this now from last night. >> we have to go into victory. our country is in serious
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trouble. we have no respect on the world stage. again, this was a great day of victory. last week was something very special. super tuesday. but now we have to get back to work because we have the worst president in the history of our country. his name is joe biden. >> bill: that was from last night and truth social from the former president. now the stage is set. it is march 13th. for all those who thought this would be a battle for months and months and ongoing it hasn't happened. it has been wrapped up already. donald trump needed 1215. 1,215 delegates. he got it late last night in the state of washington, 1,241. he is the nominee for the republican party. now as we look toward the general election examine the polling we're seeing here and you will see a ton of polls for the next eight months. we believe based on a crush of those polls real clear average has donald trump with a slight lead. however, within the margin of error. we talked yesterday about the
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magnificent seven. seven states that will decide this. today we do a crazy eight if you know the card game. we added minnesota that leans democrat and michigan which leans democrat and put also on the board georgia and north carolina right now we believe lead republican. critical states. remember georgia from 2020. the ones in yellow are the legitimate toss-ups. nevada and arizona. also pennsylvania and wisconsin in the upper midwest. remember how important this was for donald trump to win in 2016. it will be vital again if he wants to come back and be the president yet again. advance this year. here is your forecast the way we see it now. you need 270 to win. donald trump at 251. joe biden 241. toss-ups we just mentioned will determine this election. with that back to my partner, dana, with more. >> dana: bring in marc thiessen,
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fox news contributor and biden and harris said they will go to north carolina as well. they might see something there. let's look at the poll here. fox news how would you vote if the candidates were trump/biden, rfk. 41, 38, 13. now the race is officially -- mostly officially set and you have a situation where biden is polling just behind donald trump at this moment. marc, how do you see it? >> it will tighten before the election. joe biden is the most vulnerable incumbent president in modern american history. trump can't just count on his unpopularity to win. he whats to unite the republican party. he won in -- he lost the election in 2020 by 43,000 votes in three states. call them the terrific three since we talk about the crazy eight and the rest of that. nikki haley won 2.9 million votes in the primary so far.
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our fox news voter analysis shows somewhere between five and ten and six and ten say they won't vote for trump in november. if even a fraction stay home or vote third party or are just split their votes or something trump loses. in georgia yesterday he won georgia by 11,000 votes. there were 77,000 votes for nikki haley. so the haley voters are the swing voters of the 2024 election. trump has to win them over. he has to pivot to the general election and focus on uniting the party and non-maga part of the gop he needs to win. >> bill: you think about georgia and the haley voters and virginia and new hampshire. that's where i think it was most pronounced, would you agree? >> i agree 100%. and again this is going to be -- what trump needs to understand is maga voters won't decide this
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election. his base is energized and loyal to him. he has expanded his base. that was only a third of the electorate. republicans have rallied around him because they are angry about the way he is being treated. the left is weaponizing the justice system to go after him trying to weaponize the constitution to keep him off the ballot using civil lawsuits to bankrupt him and republicans have rallied around the president. he has to win over those voters who haven't yet rallied around him and who are concerned what a second trump term would look like and concerned he is more focused on revenge than restoring the country. and if he doesn't win those voters over and unite them and make the case to them. they are gettable. it is not trump again voters, people who like his policies and might have voted for him in the past but concerned about what a second term would look like. he has to assuage those concerns. >> dana: president biden is trying to lock down his base.
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in minnesota he had 20% of democrats saying they voted uncommitted. let me ask you about the hur report. there was this testimony. the "new york post" with this front cover. you hurd me. where does it go from here? it is behind us? >> it's not because it is -- i don't know what will happen in the court of law. in the court of public opinion what hur said basically yesterday is joe biden committed crimes but he didn't think he could prove them in court that we were willful because he was too old and cognitively impaired for a jury to convict him. how do you prosecute donald trump for the same underlying crimes that joe biden committed and not prosecute joe biden? there is a separate issue. you have to separate the issue of interference with the underlying crime. the fact that he didn't -- if you commit a murder and you
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cooperate in the investigation and tell them where the bodies are buried doesn't absolve you of murder, right? the fact that joe biden cooperated with the investigation and donald trump didn't, that's a separate crime. the underlying crime is the same. so if the american people see that one president was prosecuted for this crime, the other wasn't they see a sense of unfairness and maybe go after him for the interference. that's separate. >> bill: or you do what andy mccarthy suggests say you are both wrong but we'll drop both and move forward. >> exactly. that's what they should do. >> bill: that was his suggestion at the very beginning of that hearing yesterday. marc, thank you for coming on and talk to you later in the week. thank you. >> take care. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: well guys, an early start to march madness. wagner college, a small private school from staten island upset merrimac in the title game last night and take a look at this
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game-winning point. >> tough shot. and he banks it in. if we do the right thing and stick to our game plan, we can win this game and they did. give credit to him and his players. they played a tremendous game. >> dana: they secured their first trip to the big dance since 2003 with last night's win. the team shared this clip of the players celebrating the huge win in the locker room. i imagine that congresswoman malliotakis is quite happy today. >> bill: frank siller, too. living on staten island. nicely done. cool. we're coming into march madness and spring and days will get longer and the weather will get better. >> dana: i drove by central park and all the leaves on the bushes that line the fence are out. >> bill: good to see, right? welcome to the big dance. folks at wagner. you are on the map. u.k. doctors can no longer prescribe puberty blockers.
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it sparked outrage but health officials say it's the right call. name, image and likeness generating a ton of money for young americans. what's on the line. up for debate and the basketball stars, the twins are on capitol hill and join us live next hour. >> we benefited tremendously from social media and it helped us in that way. >> as long as you earn your way it should always be for the student athlete.
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>> bill: we're watching this debate play out on the floor of the house taking a vote any moment now. the key number to watch we're told is about 280. 280 votes needed to force tiktok
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to divest. marjorie taylor green at the microphone now. listened to mike gallagher a while ago as well. as it moves on we'll take you back to the floor of the house momentarily, okay? so stand by more coming up. >> dana: breaking overnight. england's national health service will stop prescribing puberty blockers at gender identity clinics. not enough evidence they are safe or effective. greg palkot live in london. hi, greg. >> that's right. the u.k.'s main medical body the national health service making a big move getting a lot of attention. nhs will end the distribution of puberty blockers, drugs that delay the production of hormones in young people questioning their gender. except in certain cases like research. the concern from doctors and scientists is medication was given too freely, too early and the long range feather on
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children's health mental and physical were not well enough known and considering further -- these moves in fact put the u.k. more in line where hormonal tearing drugs are limited. >> i just think it is incredibly damaging for young people before they are able to make those decisions to take these drugs. >> for its part the u.k. transgender advocacy group said this announcement is deeply disappointing and a further restriction of support offered to trans children and young people through the nhs. as for the u.s., thoughts on the use of hormonal tearing drugs seem to be split along partisan lines. 22 states have passed bans on the drugs. some see the places that still allow the medication as outliers considering new concerning research. others say freedom of choice is good for youth. the direction around the world from what we've seen, dana, is
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towards caution for the care of kids. back to you. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: dr. marty makary the professionor of health policy at johns hopkins university. the health minister, her statement ending the routine prescription of puberty blockers will help insure that care is based on evidence, expert clinical opinion as is in the best interest of the child. do you support this move? >> i do because the u.k. did this the right way. they did an objective review. commissioned a group of scientists to look at all the evidence and they concluded from the formal review there was not enough evidence to support the safety and effectiveness of puberty blockers. in particular they looked at a study from a clinic that is now scheduled to be closed where they looked at kids who got puberty blockers. a third of them had worsening, declining mental health and about another third had no
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improvement whatsoever. a third had no benefit and no improvement. that was a wake-up call to the doctors in the u.k. and that's when they said look we have no evidence to support this. let's put this on hold for now. >> bill: you just heard our reporter from london, greg palkot. he said that they were doing it too freely and too early. are we doing that here? >> there is a general remorse among the medical community in the european medical sector where they recognize now in norway, sweden and so many other areas that they may have been doing this too frequently and many are saying we're doing that in the united states as well. look, there are kids who are the traditional intersects. they have biological basis for boy having ovaries, a girl having male genitalia.
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that has been known for centuries. it is rare and those kids need special care. we've seen this massive movement to promote gender fluidity. kids are born neutral and get to pick and our only job as physicians is to affirm whatever they pick. that's where the controversy lies. >> bill: thank you, we'll see where it goes from here if anywhere after the u.k. thank you for coming on. >> dana: back to the house floor. chip roy from texas is speaking now. we're awaiting a vote on the future of tiktok that is expected to happen in a matter of minutes and we'll bring it to you live as it happens. plus a two-time heavy weight champ is urging congress to act on ukraine. >> as we all know the world is literally at war. shooting at us in addition to the fact that our friends in ukraine are running out of ammo and our friends in israel need help as well.
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>> pro-palestinian protestors bringing traffic to a virtual halt in virginia. the scene as the republican governor glenn youngkin says enough is enough. it is unacceptable to block interstates and en gaininger the lives of virginia grateful to virginia state police for their commitment insuring safety and quick handling during this morning's commute. look for more of that coming up this summer. >> tears cannot wash away the blood that covers all my country. for two years we have been fighting to protect our families, to defend freedom. some call it a miracle. this is no miracle. it is heroic sacrifice. >> dana: ukrainian goodwill ambassador in washington with a plea to lawmakers to pass a much-needed military aid package and joins us now. i would like to get a picture with you. i have lots of pictures with the
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tallest people in the world and seeing you there with nancy pelosi i feel you would be a great addition to my collection and wonderful to have you here. what was your reception like on the hill yesterday? do you think congress is poised to pass more aid? >> good morning. we will get the picture when i'm back in washington. my visit here is very important for us ukrainians. we are struggling with lack of ammunition, we're struggling with lack of support, even though we're getting some, but how much is enough? we just got yesterday bill of 300 million support but a band-aid on a deeper wound. we need to fix the deeper wound. we fight. we don't need other soldiers in our country but we need the tools and weapons. in the war we can defend our country to live as free men and women in our country that has been attacked for the past two
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years recklessly, senselessly from putin's russia. the support is expected. if we aren't going to get it now, it will be too late. by the end of this year. time is ticking against us. >> dana: sir -- >> i also want to say stronger ukraine means stronger europe and europe is one of the longest reliable allies of the united states of america. geo politics has been very important for the americans and the united states and right now if you are going to weaken ukraine you will weaken europe. we are not the last country who will fail under putin's aggression. we need to protect the eastern border of europe. we need to protect ukraine now. otherwise it will be too late. >> dana: yesterday the pentagon said they were able to find $3 hundred million for a weapons package they will send to you and that brings a total of the united states spending to
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$44.2 billion. it is a significant contribution and asking for more. let me ask you this. the americans don't want russia to win, right, that's not the case. the question is, can ukraine win? and do you have a manpower issue? and an ammunition issue? i know you don't have a will issue. there is the will to win but do you have the manpower necessary in order to do this? >> of course we cannot compare manpower of the ukrainians and russians, yes, we have not that much soldiers. but we need weapons to protect our lives. and we can do it. i also want to say that this doubt in the ukrainians has been before the war. you counted us out. you gave us three days that russia will invade us.
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we are now over two years protecting, defending our country and we're doing well. what we need, we need just this support now. otherwise it will be too late. by the way, for the americans to say all the numbers and finances that have been spent in europe -- i'm sorry in ukraine in this case, 90% is remaining here in the united states. new jobs being created, it stimulates the u.s. economy and the weapons, old weapons that you don't need give it to us. use your own arsenal of weapons. you can do it. you must do it anyway. just give us the tools to protect our lives. >> dana: you are a goodwill ambassador and i would always want you on my side. thank you and we'll follow this story as it goes along. your support.for having me and >> dana: high stakes showdow


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