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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 13, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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jeff bezos, mark zuckerberg, jamie dimon and others all cashing out a staggering $11 billion just within weeks of each other. can't wait to dig into that. is that sending warning signs ahead of a historic rematch between president biden and former president donald trump? do these billionaires know something that we don't? we'll put that question to our econ panel. steve moore and robert wolff. they'll be joining us live coming up. a judge in georgia tossing out six counts in the election interference case against former president trump and five co-defendants. but many other counts in the indictment remain. hello, i'm john roberts in washington. we're off to a rollicking wednesday. sandra, here we go. we knew it was going to be a big week and it's following through on that promise. i'm sandra smith in new york. this is america reports that fulton county judge finding six of the counts were legally deficient, including three against donald
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trump. the decision coming as the judge considers an entirely separate bid to have a da fani willis removed from the case over misconduct allegations. jonathan turley is here to tell us what all of this means for the case moving forward. so? so this was the statement to brad raffensperger brad raffensperger that donald trump made during a phone call that was recorded that seemed to be at the center of this case, he said i just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have. but the charges arising out of that statement have been quashed. that stays quashed. what does that mean for the rest of the case? again, that seemed to be the centerpiece of it? >> indeed, that call has attracted the most attention in this case and other cases. many of us have questioned how incriminating that call really is. people have said that that is the president saying just go and create those votes. i read that same transcript and
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seemed to me the president was saying that's all i need to flip the state. that's why i'm asking for a recount. but these counts could be essentially revived if they want to go back to the grand jury but that will eat up calendar space, may make it difficult to try the case before the election. pt also the judge said you can still rely on the underlying conduct. you just can't charge it as these crimes the way you've written the indictment. so that means they can still refer to the call to try to make out the case for racketeering, but they have to go back to the grand jury if they want stand alone crimes. >> sandra: jonathan turley, last week apparently judge mcafee gave an interview to a radio station in atlanta, georgia, seven minutes long, he talked about his legacy and young children and able to explain the historic case to them.
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but as for the news from this and i'll ask you how unusual it is a judge even gave an interview in the middle of a case like this, he weighs in on the timeline he is setting for himself and another observation. listen. >> i gave myself a deadline because i knew everyone wanted an answer and i'll tell you, an order like this takes time to write. there's a lot that i have to go through. and so you know, i've had -- emphasize this, i've had a rough draft and outline before i ever heard a rumor someone wanted to run for this position. so the result is not going to change because of politics. i am calling it as best i can in the law as i understand it. so i still feel like i'm on track to having that done by the deadline i put on myself. >> sandra: first of all, interesting this was out there, that he gave this interview in atlanta, but your reaction to what he said. >> first of all, i think the judge has done a fine job. i think he has tried to be fair
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to both sides. he's a very new judge. only on the bench a short time, now standing for election, he's a state judge, you have to go out and get votes. but i think that he's gotten generally good marks overall. he faces a tough decision coming up this week. the standard for disqualification is surprisingly vague in georgia. there are cases that suggest that all you need is really an appearance of a conflict and then there's others that suggest maybe you need to prove a conflict. that latter standard, two attorneys say we paid cash for everything, no receipts, and so no evidence you can use to prove that point. he's going to have to make a critical threshold decision on that and we are all waiting for that to play out. >> john: so jonathan, i want to ask you about another big piece of news that's popped in the last hour or so. and that is news from hunter
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biden that he is not going to show up at this testimony in an open session of congress on the 20th to which he was invited. abbe lowell sent letter to james comer saying we can't show up, he has to be in california for a court appearance the next day, those things are in conflict with each other, plus says if you are going to have a hearing about influence peddling, you need to invite donald trump's children and jared kushner as well, saying this in the letter, if you are serious about pursuing this oversight purpose in a legitimate and bipartisan fashion, hold a hearing with the relatives of former president trump whom you indicated you would ask. if you do, mr. biden would consider an invitation for that event. it's really interesting the way that abbe lowell and hunter biden are driving the bus on this issue. >> they are. and the letter makes it clear that they consider this matter closed, that it's not just the conflict in california. they give no indication they are
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willing to, you know, make any significant change in coming to congress. and as part of these sort of loosey moments, where every time congress tries to kick the ball they pull it out. and at some point the public, and i think they're past that point, are going to say stop gaming the system. that you were just a few weeks ago saying you want the public to see this in the broad light of day, and then suddenly you just can't instant the sunlight. you have to make a decision and be consistent. but i think it's par for the course. what is clear is that congress doesn't need help in creating these hearings, and they are not going to take no for an answer. they can require him to appear but they are most certainly going to go forward with these hearings. >> sandra: very interesting stuff, jonathan turley on the news. good to see you. >> what's the biggest tip you've ever gotten? >> like 50.
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>> $50? >> has anyone ever tipped a car? >> right over here, you'll see your brand-new car. >> are you serious? ♪♪ >> where's the last piece, guys? >> down here. >> what is it doing down there? >> sandra: we know tiktok is popular, it has hundreds of millions of users right here in the united states, but the house just passed a bill that would ban the popular app unless it parts ways with its chinese parent company and users are not having it. >> i'm not really for the banning of tiktok. >> i hope it's not banned. >> i think that it would definitely be like censorship. >> i think it would be disappointing. >> a lot of people are making a living through content creation, and older people think it's a joke but these are some people's livelihoods. >> sandra: kathy mcmorris rogers
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on how congress should respond to the concerns. first, aishah hasnie live on capitol hill. what happens next? >> well, this bill heads over to the house and here is the thing, sandra. 352 members of the house, democrats and republicans, including the democratic leader, voted yes for this. that's not nothing. and chairman gallagher says that's something the senate cannot ignore. >> i think the most prudent thing for us to do now is to just engage with our colleagues in the senate. i would welcome a conversation with senator schumer. i know senator schumer is very concerned about the threat posed by the chinese communist party. >> so far, though, sandra, leader schumer has been noncommittal. he says he's going to look at the bill for now and also weigh a huge endorsement from senate intel chair mark warner and marco rubio. meantime, the tiktok ceo trying to influence the senate, putting
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out a statement that says this process was secret and the bill was jammed through for one reason, it's a ban. we are hopeful the senate will consider the facts. now there, is a potential stand-off brewing between the two chambers over ukraine aid. yesterday chris coons suggested the house show urgency and take up that bipartisan bill. i asked house democrats who just voted for the tiktok bill what they think about those comments. >> is there any concern they hold this bill hostage in the senator that bill in the house? >> i'll defer to senator schumer on this sort of -- i don't know. >> you wouldn't want to see that happen? >> i want us to vote on the national security supplemental now. i want us to go back into that building right now and vote on it. >> so despite this huge bipartisan vote in the house, very unclear at this hour what the senate does next. sandra. >> sandra: all right, aishah
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hasnie on the hill, thank you. john. >> john: let's bring in washington state republican congresswoman kathy mcmorris rogers, chair of the house energy and commerce committee. what do you see, and we have talked about this before, what do you see as the potential threat from tiktok here? >> well, we know that tiktok has repeatedly been caught in this lie that is not beholden to the chinese communist party through byte dance and yet we have internal recordings from employees who said everything is seen by china. we know that china surveils on its own citizens. we know china cannot be the chinese communist party cannot be trusted with american user data and cannot trust them to protect american values like freedom and that's why the house voted overwhelmingly, 352 yes votes to force tiktok to break away from byte dance. >> john: i do note that 15
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republicans were in opposition to it, and get to that in just a moment. many people believe that is the ultimate manifestation of a trojan horse, insidious in ways no spy device ever could be. here is what christopher wray, the fbi director said about it. >> americans need to ask themselves whether they want to give the chinese government the ability to control access to their data. whether they want to give the chinese government the ability to control the information they get through the recommendation algorithm and give the chinese government the ability to leverage the data that the software on their devices -- >> john: opponents of the ban are out there saying no, you can't ban this, we need it, we need it for social contact, need it for doing business, need it for news and entertainment. they see that this is a part of their daily lives that they have to have. i mean -- odisius could only dream of something this effective when he went after troy.
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>> yes, it only underscores the importance making sure that american user data is protected. tiktok has the choice to make. this is not a ban. this is tiktok deciding whether or not it remains with its current ownership structure, byte dance and ultimately controlled by the chinese communist party or divests, if it's breaks away from byte dance and will continue to operate in the united states of america. that is -- that's what the bill does. it's a very narrow specific, it's legislation that we have worked on for months to craft to make sure that we are taking into account the national security threat, our intelligence, our national security companies, mr. wray and others have said this is a threat. a tool of the chinese communist party and we need to take action to protect american user data. >> john: the bill passed unanimously out of committee, overwhelming bipartisan majority, but a few people voted
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against it. >> any ban on tiktok is not just banning the freedom of expression. >> we need comprehensive data privacy legislation and thoughtful guardrails for social media platforms. not another red scare. >> i believe that it is an infringement on our first amendment rights. and violates the constitution. >> john: those were democrats, you could expect some might be against it. most republicans were for this, again, 15 voted against. one of the republicans who has done a complete 180 on the tiktok ban is former president trump. now saying he doesn't want to ban it, he thinks facebook would be more powerful and that facebook is the enemy of the people. were you surprised at his change of heart regarding this? >> so the legislation is focused on the national security threat. this is about data that would be controlled by foreign adversaries. we are not getting into content at all. and i think that's a very important point to make.
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i share president trump's concerns around meta and facebook. this bill is unique in that it's targeting foreign adversaries. we are working separately on legislation for privacy, data security, and believe that a national data privacy security bill is very important for protecting americans and protecting americans online, as well as protecting our kids online. that is a separate issue. this one is unique to foreign adversaries. >> john: we'll see what it does in the senate. congresswoman, thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> good to be with you. thanks. >> john: on that point, president biden says he will sign this bill if it reaches his desk. the key question, what will happen in the senate to get that answer, ask louisiana republican senator john kennedy coming up in the next hour. sandra. >> sandra: well, john, as the u.s. stock market continues to hit record highs, some of america's richest business leaders are selling billions worth of their stock. why is that happening? we'll put it to robert wolf and steve moore.
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we'll dig in. plus this. >> immigration was the number one issue, i mean, again, these could change, in virginia. >> virginia does have a border with west virginia. very contested area. >> john: liberal media hosts laughing it up over immigration in virginia as an illegal migrant there is now charged with sexually abusing a child. we will talk to governor glenn youngkin why the border is such a big issue in the commonwealth and what he's doing to address it. anthony: this making you uncomfortable? good. when you've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you... to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death. veteran homeowners,
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>> what do you say to the family having to use the credit card to pay for food or possibly lose their home with debt they have accumulated with the higher prices. >> i think the most important metric to judge how households are doing is their spending
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power. president biden knows that high costs are a burden to many american households and it's his number one priority to do what he can to lower costs. >> sandra: spending power, remember that. that was treasury secretary janet yellen sitting down with edward lawrence on an exclusive interview on the state of the economy since president biden took office. and suggesting inflation will not be on a "smooth path" from month to month. ok, wow. what a prediction. robert wolf is a former economic adviser of president biden, and founder of 32 advisers, and steve moore is here, brilliant economist and senior adviser to the trump campaign. robert wolf wanted me to lead in with he's been right all along on this. but when it comes to spending power, robert, i'm going through the list. you want to talk about wages up, jobs added, stock market up.
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gobbled up, car prices up, electricity up, gas utilities, up 30%, gasoline up 30%, food prices are soaring. so, it's tough to listen to that and think wow, gosh, americans are a whole lot better off announcement. >> that was a great interview that fox did and i'm glad she was dead wrong on the inflation being transitory as we talked about for a whole year. listen, it's accurate purchasing power is better over the last year because wages are doing better, inflation, but with that being said to your point, prices are still incredibly sticky. >> sandra: hold on, better since when? the worst point of the presidency? >> the last year. wage 4%, inflation 3. but not the period of time, surprises are still up 15 to 20%
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and it's gonna stay high for a while because we have long tail inflation. and you and i spoke about it. the fed has to get off their 2 to 2.5% target, and we should be ok with 3 if wages are doing better. >> sandra: i bring up the point of spending power, that's what people are feeling, taking home less money when they are dealing with the sky high prices and historic inflation. however, this was the vice president kamala harris in a new interview, and she was defending a question on the economy and sky high rents. listen. >> rent is up, like 47 of the 50 biggest cities in the country. how do you fight the bad vibes? >> no one wants to hear econ lecture and i appreciate that. we have actually corrected a lot of what was heading in a really bad direction during covid. over 10 million people were
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unemployed. we have created over 14 million new jobs. wages have outpaced inflation. >> sandra: we'll take the econ lecture, won't we, steve, we want to hear what it is that this administration is doing to improve the living situation and the economic picture for so many americans. >> the quote you played by janet yellen where we talked about the spending power, it is true that people are still spending. the problem is, as you know, sandra, we have talked about this in weeks past, the problem is people have record high credit card debt, they are seeing record high numbers of people having trouble paying their credit card because they are so indebted, and you have, you know, problems people can't pay their mortgages, mortgage payments are up. so, people are going further into debt and the reason for that is despite the pact that robert is right, that the inflation numbers are not as bad as they were a year and a half ago, you are still looking at inflation, as i see it, around 4, 4.5% and people's wages are
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still falling behind. now, he's right, the last few months wages have eclipsed the rate of inflation. but if you look over the three years that joe biden has been in office, average family has lost about $2,000 of purchasing power, not better off, they are worse off and that's the problem and why people are still so angry when they go to the grocery store and the gas pump. did you see what gas prices are rising again, have you noticed that. >> sandra: up a whole lot more than wages. wages are not keeping up with the price of all those items. which brings me to my last point, check out the dow, another record high. we are not adjusting in realtime for inflation, which is necessary to really see how this would be affecting american's pocket books. but robert, i'll go to you on this. recent stock selloff among the most wealthy americans is certainly getting some attention. jamie dimon, 150 million, leon
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black, jeff bezos is selling off, is this typical when the stocks are at record highs? >> it's typical, they all get paid disproportionately in stock, so most of their network. and look at the stock sales, it's less than half percent of the network. you have some talking about a possible recession or stagflation, i'm on the other side of that. the stock market has been incr incr incredibly buoyant. >> if i want to buy stock in a company and see the ceos selling the stock, i don't know if i want to buy into that. it's not a sign of confidence. but he is right, small percentage of what they own. robert, i agree with you. a lot of things, i don't think we should surrender on the 2% target, we are not close to. if we make it 3, 3.5, we'll have
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5% inflation. that's surrendering. >> you and i should discuss what a post covid world should look like. i think the target is too low. >> sandra: i had one from the federal reserve bank from chicago on, and 2%, the goal. >> one of my best friends and i disagree with him, too. >> for once i agree with austin. >> sandra: brilliant. always a good day. >> it's incredibly damaging for young people before they are able to make those decisions to take these drugs. their future may be damage. >> john: united kingdom health service bans puberty blockers for adolescents. should the united states follow suit? dr. marc siegel on that. >> sandra: a county outside new york city taking a big step to fight for fairness in girls sports. c.b. cotton is there. the plan is already facing some
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pushback. >> sandra, that's right, pushback, even outrage. the nassau county executive is trying to level the playing field. lgbtq advocates are not too happy. i'll have more after the break. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur.
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>> it's incredibly damaging for young people before they are able to make those decisions to take these drugs that are altering these bodies. this is a massive step forward in britain that these drugs will no longer be prescribed on the national health service. >> john: the former u.k. prime minister liz truss welcoming the decision to ban puberty blockers for adolescents. they say it's because there is not enough evidence for their safety. the u.k. now joins much of europe and leaves the u.s. even more isolated as one of the few countries that continue to push the potentially risk drug on kids and in some cases, without their parents knowing. dr. marc siegel, fox news
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contributor, professor of medicine at nyu langone medical center. u.k. was prescribing it for children experiencing gender dysphoria, but people say whoa, whoa, whoa, moving way faster than science is and now the national health service in the u.k. says you are right, we have to put a pause on it. >> john, i think that you set that up just right. i think the issue here is you don't want politics or even personal politics over medicine and what the person europe and u.k. has done is looked at this carefully in terms of evidence of harm versus evidence of benefit. here in the united states, i'm suspicious that there's too much politics. i'm very well aware that some of our societies like the american academy of pediatrics and others are backing this. but consider the long-term side effects of a puberty blocker.
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you know that stat, which is not a political organization media outlet has reported previously over 10,000 calls to the fda have been received from side effects on lupron, and it's one of the puberty blockers, the main one they use. one side effect, brittle bones, bone pain, headaches, depression and anxiety, the very thing that the american academy of pediatrics says is reduced by using them. that's a judgment. it's not necessarily the case. people can get more depressed as a result. also seizure have occurred and a problem with fertility. a time in life, a child, still a child, gets a surge of hormones, either testosterone or estrogen. when you are blocking that, you are making a decision with the team that sends them down a pathway that also may lead to gender-changing surgeries. and i'm concerned about all of
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that. i think it's premature. >> john: so advocates for puberty blockers say hey, the life of the child is at risk if you don't help them with a gender transition. but there's plenty of evidence out there that shows that in 80% of cases, gender dysphoria resolves by the time that adolescent is an adult. but the effect as you pointed out of taking a drug like that can last a lifetime. what detransitioner chloe cole told congress in very compelling congress about her case. >> my voice will forever be deeper, my jaw line sharper, nose stronger, bone structure masklized, adams apple more prominent, fertility unknown. i look in the mirror sometimes and feel like a monster. puberty is a rite of passage, not a disease to be mitigated. >> john: sometimes the health problems manifest after the
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transition as it were is undertaken. chloe cole said she was told that her parents were told by the counselor she went to see she's going to be suicidal. she was not at the time, she became suicidal after the puberty blockers. >> it's powerful what you just showed and i agree with you. what we are not doing enough is mental health support of children or teens when they feel they have gender dysphoria. that's a real entity, you may outgrow it, 80% of the time you may not. we need to support it -- you may outgrow it 80%, you may not. and 22 states have banned in the united states but we need to look to the u.k. and the national health service of all places does not do things like this unless there is science and a lot of science warning about the long-term risks here of
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early interventions like this. >> john: just before we go, you mentioned 22 states, i want to put on the screen the map that have restricted gender-changing treatments for adolescents. how -- what effect do you think this might have here in the u.s.? i mean, we don't typically follow the u.k. lead on things, but in this case? >> i think this will have a big effect. i think that we don't have to follow their lead, but again, western europe tends to be a lot more socially liberal than us. i think that there is a warning here and again, the message isn't that gender transformation is something we are against. we are talking about children versus adult, adolescents versus adult. we are talking about politics versus medicine. i'm out on the side of medicine and science here. the science doesn't back this and the long-term risk which i pointed out already may even be more so than that. >> that may be the key, we don't yet know what the long-term risks of all of this is. dr. siegel, appreciate it.
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doc, thank you. >> thanks, john. >> john: and point out again in the next hour, chloe cole is going to join us why she thinks every state should follow the u.k.'s lead and ban puberty blockers for children. sandra. >> sandra: interesting discussion there. nassau county executive is standing by in order to protect female athletes in sports. bans biological males from playing on all girls teams at county run facilities. new york attorney general and the civil liberties union threatening legal action. c.b. cotton, how is this county responding? >> hi, sandra, nice to see you. even though the fate of who can play in women and girls sports here on the courts may come down to the court of law, the nassau county executive tells me he stands by the ban. >> biological males are traditionally bigger, stronger and faster. that's why there's a wnba, why
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there is an nba. we need to protect women, make sure the competition is fair on a level playing field and safe. >> the nyclu filed a lawsuit on behalf of a long island roller derby team calling the policy a violation of new york human and civil rights laws. under the new order, the county will need to know if there is a biological male on an all girls team if that team wants to use county sports facilities. nyclu says the question is intrusive, adding "being forcibly outed could be humiliating and dangerous" but the nassau county executive who signed the order last month says he's not trying to out anyone. >> they are the ones that are identifying themselves as transgender females, as biological males, which is fine. but you can't bully your way on to a woman's basketball team or
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softball league. >> nassau county has filed a federal lawsuit in response to new york attorney general letitia james' demands for the county to rescind its ban. which lgbtq advocacy groups call illegal. >> he's trying to create a solution where there is not a problem and unfortunately the real problem is our transgender youth being attacked. >> now the county's order affects more than 100 sites, many fields and courts like this one. sandra. am>> sandra: very important story we will continue to cover. thank you. john. >> john: rfk, jr., inching closer to announcing his running mate. could his second in command go from throwing a football t sitting near the nuclear football? katie pavlich ahead on the third party veepstakes. >> machines are looking up, looking good. now collect the money, i have my
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grandma fanny pack, do the snack first. >> sandra: a gen z entrepreneur, can't wait for this, cashing in on the american dream by owning vending machines. we are going to have him on the program shortly. he will have the machines behind him and his secret to success. [street noise] [car door shuts] [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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>> john: fox news alert, a federal grand jury has charged the brother of laken riley's suspected killer with possession of a fraudulent green card. if convicted, diego ibarra faces up to ten years behind bars, and they say he is part of a
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venezuelan criminal gang. jose also remains in custody after being charged with the gruesome murder of laken riley while she was jogging on the university of george in athens. >> sandra: president joe biden heading to wisconsin, joint base andrews, making his way to the battleground state as new polls show donald trump and the president neck and neck. let's bring in katie pavlich, fox news contributor and town editor. what's top of mind for you right now? >> so interesting, because the democrats made the argument that they wanted to run against donald trump because they thought he would be the easiest candidate to beat. now, a lot of time between now and election day, lots of things could happen. you remember in 2020 march at this time the whole world was shutting down for the pandemic, hopefully that won't be the case. but president trump is beating biden in a lot of places he has
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to win. he's behind biden in pennsylvania, winning in georgia, nevada, i mean, these are places that biden thought would be on lock and so democrats are working really hard to get the president on the road to get him out to meet with voters and of course the republicans are holding their convention in wisconsin as well. and so it's interesting to look at the map and look at obviously there is a blue wall that democrats are trying to defend, that's how donald trump beat hillary clinton in 2016 by taking that down. but joe biden has issues with union voters in places like migrant, with rashida tlaib's voters in michigan, and minnesota looks like a potential swing state this time around. >> sandra: very interesting. polling when it shows trump advantage over biden at least for now, in a head to head match-up, it seems the strategy for biden is to dismiss those polls. listen here. >> why do you think it is that you are trailing trump in all
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the swing state polls? >> you don't read the poll. >> why are you losing to trump in the polls? >> the wrong poll. >> 5, 5 in a row. >> none of the polling matters, not nearly as accurate. >> sandra: and the last one as recent as monday. put it up on the screen, i believe we have it off to the side. trump's lead in these real clear politics swing state polls that shows exactly that. is that a good strategy for them to just dismiss these polls, or will they have to start to being a knowledge that and change their game, katie? >> well, politicians, republicans and democrats, they love the polls when they say they are ahead. they don't like them and say they are inaccurate when they are behind, and polling can be spot on, recent elections spot on with the issues and with the numbers. but in 2016, a lot of the polling was missed. and so maybe he has a point there, but the bottom line is the campaign is sending him to
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the places where he has to win in order to be the president for a second term, and donald trump is also hitting the road in a number of those same places. and so elections are always tight. they were last time around for biden versus trump, and here we are again with voters having the direct comparison between the two without a lot of space and time between when trump was in office. >> sandra: and also this concern if they acknowledged it, a star-studded third party presidential ticket could hurt him in a general election match-up. fox news polling for president if you had to make your choice for president today, if you were voting, 41% go for donald trump, 38% for joe biden, rfk, jr., 13%. and as he has recently approached the nfl quarterback aaron rodgers and jesse ventura serving as the running mate.
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>> and also talked to tulsi gabbard, and andrew yang, he needs a vice president candidate to get on the ballot. and he pulls from both republicans beating trump and biden. he hurts biden the most, you have seen democrats so adamant keeping him off the ballots and even issuing lawsuits to keep them off. they know it's a big problem for him. >> sandra: kennedy said he had been speaking with rodgers for the past month and they had been in touch with ventura since the former governor introduced him at a campaign event. >> minnesota, there you go. >> sandra: very interesting. thank you. >> john: intriguing choices. a live look at the state department, secretary of state blinken to speak shortly. we will will bring that to you live. >> sandra: and boeing backlash grows after 50 people were injured during the flight to new
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zealand. what the pilot told them about losing control of the plane mid air. ♪ is she? playing with the confidence of a pro and getting all up in that grass as if she doesn't have allergies? yeah. nice. welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals.
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>> john: new details emerging about the flight to new zealand that plunged mid air, one passenger claims the pilot said his instrument panel went blank
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mid flight. dan springer has the latest for us. a lot of times, dan, when a plane suddenly plunges it's because of turbulence. may not be the case in this case. >> nothing has been ruled out for a cause, including turbulence, the investigation is just beginning. based on the passenger account and what the airline is saying, some experts think the plane may have lost power a few seconds. they called it a technical event but did not elaborate. 50 passengers suffered injuries when they were thrown to the roof of the boeing dream liner when it suddenly dropped as it flew from australia to new zealand. chaotic scene, and one passenger from canada said the pilot came back to the cabin and said the instrument panel went completely black for a second or two. if that did happen, the flight data recorder will be able to confirm it quickly. meantime, on monday, united airlines flight had a mechanical issue that forced it to return
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to australia. they reported smoke from the landing gear. that's not all, a couple days earlier a wheel fell off a different 777 as it was taking off from san francisco heading to japan. also a united flight. it damaged cars parked near the airport. the barrage of bad news started in early january, when a door plug blew off a 737 max 9 after taking off from portland. it was missing four bolts that locks it in place and boeing has no record of who made the critical mistake and audit by the faa dozens of reports of failures, and that boeing and the main supplier did not do the work according to specifications, and so boeing has a lot of problems trying to get their reputation back. >> john: quite a picture when you see the tire fall off the
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777. not a small tire either. >> sandra: a live look at biden's travels. the president heading back to wisconsin and michigan as he looks to shore up the democratic blue wall, announced milwaukee for the headquarters for the wisconsin election push. we are following the president's movements. more when we return. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase
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