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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 13, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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why isn't aoc weeping overg over biden losing migrants? i i don't know. the performance artist is justsg suddenly got stage fright. >> tom from anderson, south carolina. the child traffickingi story is the most disturbing thing i've ever seen on youry is show. >> and that's saying something. and i know we showed a zebra san being assassinated. >> leon from dallas, north carolina anthony ruben has more guts thanans mo in congres. fox should hire that guy. he's tenacious. nisha from chicago. nin pop, took down cor but he's paying up barbecue. got it . >> dan from hamtramck, michigan ,i think you and the pope b should have a book signing together. will probablooy help out. >> is sales. totally. i'm watters this is my world. how about going to hannity
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and tonight, a big win for donald trump and georgia and more embarrassment for fulton county d.a. fani willis. >> plus, criminal referrals and obstruction and ethics violations might soon be levied against members of that trump hating january 6 panel. we got big news on that. jonathan turley, he join us with more. also tonight, carnage, chaos, violence, crime. the island nation of haiti has now devolved into a state of complete anarchy. as a gang member named barbara cue leads a violent revolt. now, florida, they are bracing a wave of haitian citizens fleeing their country by sea. governor ron desantis says florida is preparing full details ahead with fox news correspondent benjamin hall. but first, it is official. a 2024 rematch is now underway and joe biden is already falling behind. president leading nationwide in almost every single major poll. he's also ahead in every single battleground state, including ohio, michigan,
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georgia, nevada, and, by the way, pennsylvania, where new fox poll has trump up by two. in arizona, another new fox poll has trump beating biden by four points. meanwhile a bloomberg morning consult survey shows donald trump with a four point lead in the state of wisconsin tonight. needless to say, bad news for the biden campaign. earlier today, joe finally mustered the energy to actually visit the badger state and, well, let's just say jacked up, joe. is he's a distant memory. he's long gone. but his mysterious burst of energy from last thursday, state of the union, it's pretty much completely worn off now. whatever it was, red bull caffeine combination, who knows? >> take a look. to communities everywhere at this boys and girls club. i've been a gigantic supporter of boys regulation. biggest in country. but when i was a senator, i provided a lot of money. like during crime sprees were going on and on.
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i'm president. i can't get that done yet. and why did you guys get it first? i don't know. we're also cities all across america where highways used to be. and all along, you know, redlining, along with redlining, they disconnected entire communities from opportunities, opportunities in the city and central hub. from watching the milwaukee bucks play to attending milwaukee area technical college, and if i didn't mention the technical college, i go home to sleep alone because my wife is a full time teacher. wages are rising fascism prices, and now we have among the lowest inflation rates of any country in american. >> well, here we are back to mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, stammering. well, anyway, we are at the start of what will be a long, grueling campaign. joe biden looks terrible. he's simply totally incapable for performing the most basic duties as president. >> unless, of course, maybe the right amount of something is given to him ahead of time and the results speak for themselves. inflation unaffordable housing,
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violence, chaos around the world and massive security risks right here at home. even our own fbi director says so thanks to joe biden's wide open southern border. now, these are palpable issues that transcend any race, gender, ideology, political party. now, according to gallup, support for democrats among african-americans is now at a multi-decade low. and going lower. only 66% now identify as democrats. so keep this in mind. in 2008, 95% of african american voters, they cast a ballot for democrats. we see a similar trend among, hispanic americans, as president trump and the republican party closing that gap. >> now, there's no great mystery here. the democrat party is quickly cementing itself as a very small shelter group of elitists who prioritize, prioritize their naive political theories and far left trends over common
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sense republican parties for working men and women. this is the new coalition. their policies, by the way. well, for for the average american under democratic rule, it's made living more difficult, more expensive, less secure and safe for most americans, especially so many struggling get by. >> two thirds of americans living paycheck to paycheck. and now, instead of addressing these serious issues, democrats ,they are now employing a new strategy mocking the american people's concerns, laughing at their fears and dismissing their very real struggles. watch this. >> they've been truly demagoguing an issue of a georgia young woman who was killed, a georgia young nursing student named lincoln riley. they've now passed a law called the lincoln riley act. the legislation requires the detention of any migrant who's been accused of burglary ,theft. my understanding is that burglary and theft are already illegal. what does this law add to the current existing?
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is it just a messaging bill? does it do anything or change anything? i will note for our audience that overall crime is down this year across this country and migrant crime is negligible while crime by migrants is negligible. >> hey, joy, if you don't follow the rules and you enter the country, you do so illegally. >> that, too, is a crime. now, this comes just a few after several media and hosts, including joy, had a good laugh at virginia residents who were concerned about immigration, of course, led by conspiracy theories, theorists, nutcase rachel maddow herself. they were mocking them for sharing a border with west virginia. no one thought to mention the illegal immigrant who is arrested in virginia after abducting a teenager or the illegal who is charged with assaulting a 14 year old girl. well, they giggle in front of that girl's parents. or the illegal immigrant accused of killing a two
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year old boy only a few miles away from the commonwealth of virginia in ohio. in their ivory tower, many on the left, they don't really seem to care for them. thank the money is platitudes are far more important than your quality of life. and reelecting joe biden and hating donald trump is the order of the day every day. anyway, here with reaction, former arkansas governor mike huckabee, fox news contributor joe concha. governor huckabee, let me start with you on the issues of the day. and i'm looking at the polls. i don't really want to put a lot of stock, 236 days out of this election. in polling today. lara, trump was very clear that major changes are coming to the republican party. that would include legal ballot harvesting, encouraging conservatives, republicans to vote early vote by mail so they're not down hundreds of thousands of votes. but more importantly, i think the message about law and order and safety and security and secure borders and energy independence and america's
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leadership role on the world stage are very important. and, well, they're very important. look at the big shift that has happened among nonwhite voters. this poll that you mentioned shows that in 2020, joe biden had a 50 point advantage, 50 points. it's now down to 12. sean, that's the kind of thing that is in political terms. it's just a stunning reversal. now, part of the reason for that is a lot of people don't understand that some of the hardest working in this country are hispanics. and it's not just that they're hard working and they're seeing their paychecks dry up because of inflation. and it means that every working family in this country, according to recent numbers, have $11,434 less than they did when. donald trump was president because of inflation. so that's one hit. the second is they're working hard and they see people who didn't come across the border legally. they came illegally.
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they're committing crimes, are making it difficult for people to respect them as legal immigrants. and worst of all, they're watching people get hotel rooms, three meals a day, $10,000 gift cards and flying all over the country. people are sick of it. and what you said, it's common sense and there's a whole lot more of common sense in this country than the democrats think. >> there is, joe. joe concha, you follow the media as as anybody. and it just no matter what the issue, what the day the subject always returns, the fact that they hate trump. they want to believe everything awful about donald trump is zero objectivity. you know, as i said about fake jake over fake news cnn. he claims that he's a journalist. he's full of it. he's not a journalist. he's a liberal talk show host that pretends to be a journalist. that would be same at all these people that think they're journalists on msnbc, dnc or cnn or abc, nbc, cbs.
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are they really objective journalists? do they even exist except for our news division, journalism has morphed into activism at this point, sean. and it would be better if just the jake tapper's of the world and the rachel maddow and the jen psaki, the world just all get said. >> yes, we are rooting for the democratic party for joe biden. we want him to win. we want trump to lose. we want to demagogue republicans who they put together the lincoln riley act . somehow you have joy reid on msnbc talking about how that's a bad thing. if we start deporting or arresting people and keeping them behind bars when they commit crimes, whether they're violent crimes, whether there are other kinds of crimes. and all i know is now when you look at the polling, if we go back to that for a second, i'm vexed, i mean, terribly vexed, mean i was told by the pom pom brigade that we just talked about on other networks and an op ed in the washington times "new york post" that last week state of the union address that was supposed to reset
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the whole ballgame right was the beginning of the end for trump that. biden was feisty and he showed energy and had the passion of a soft, you know, pixy stix and jello shots on spring break . and now we're seeing trump rising in the polls. and since the state of the union, where biden has fallen back even further. so that tells you that, you know, old guy yelling and reading a teleprompter for an hour and doing a divisive speech by all polling shows that this was more divisive than a unity speech. it doesn't resonate well with voters and it bears repeating again in seven swing states north carolina, georgia, arizona nevada, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. joe biden trails in all seven. ohio and florida. they're gone as far as being bellwether states. they are solid red. and joe biden isn't, you know, a bordeaux. he's not going to get better with age as we get closer to the election, which is 230 something days away. >> and one has to believe that any time he's outside of a teleprompter, outside anything that's not remarks that are written for him, it's going to be clean up on aisle one, 14, 19 and 20 seven, as we've seen in the days since state
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of the union. i don't see how democrats solve this at this point because there aren't going to be any more state of the unions to at least try to prop them up. >> now, governor huckabee, lara, trump was on the show last night talking about the president trying to campaign in, of all places, new york state. now, i would like to see better one, nobody ever listens to me, governor, so i just i just throw out my ideas that kind of they evaporate in thin air. >> but i would like to see president trump go in the state of new jersey. i'd like to see him go into predominantly african american ,hispanic american communities. i'd like to i'd like to for him to remind people that under his leadership that he set record low unemployment in the african american community, the hispanic american, the asian community, women, african american youth. all of these things that he has done and accomplished.
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and then ask how the democratic party's policies how's how's law and order in your town or city? how are your schools for your kids? do it? i think that that might be an effective idea for him. >> sean, i just want to say, gee, i listen to you. i don't care what joe does. listen to. but i do think you're right. i think donald trump go ask him the lesson, perhaps. you know, i think it's a great idea. i think he should go. he to be the captain kirk of the 2024 race that he goes where no man has gone before, that he goes to these places where people are hurting their jobs, are not paying them enough to keep up with inflation, where the working class people are taking it on the chin. and the very people that sat and listened to joe biden's speech, quite frankly, when i was listening, that having him yell at me so angrily for an hour, i was ready for someone to give me a phone call and try to sell me extended car warranties.
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i thought it would be more pleasant than listening to another minute of joe biden's divisive speech. i think he's got a great opportunity. >> i hope he listens to you. you know, beginning to see the democratic party's emerged as the party of the coastal and media elite class and republicans are becoming the party of working men and women in this country. the people really do make the country great. governor huckabee, thank you. joe concha, thank you. as we continue tonight. historically, the biggest factor in every election that involves the economy. make no mistake, your economy in this country right now is not good. get this. >> americans now need more than $11,000 each year just to maintain the same standard of living under joe biden. now, think about that. 44% of americans, they don't have the funds to pay an unexpected $1,000 expense. that's living paycheck to paycheck. and by the way, prices as we
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saw, cpi numbers, they are still rising. just time for easter. guess what? the cost of eggs that's going up 8.4% month over month. and the bad news keeps coming. the budget friendly chain that's called tree. well, they're expected to close around a thousand family dollar stores in 2024 alone. here with analysis tutor dixon of the tutor dixon podcast, and also he's the host of the big money show. brian bromberg is with us. you know, it's -- it's the people that make the country great. tutor and they're they're suffering. they're struggling over 60% living paycheck to paycheck. if if you have that large percentage of americans that can't withstand $1,000 hit emergency, they're in trouble because something is always going to happen. absolutely. >> i was reading these stories today and the family tree, the dollar tree stores closing really hit me. i'm in small town america.
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i'm in a small town in michigan . and our students at our school go to dollar tree for everything but our family shop there. if they get groceries, they go there to get school supplies. this is a regular store in, our town. >> and when i think about that not being available to people, it's a critical store because the prices are lower, but they can't even keep up because low prices like that don't work. in a world where we constantly have increases in fuel charges, but also our trucking companies are becoming few and far between. and so they're raising prices. we lost yellow freight. that makes a big impact on all these little stores that are bringing their products in from all over the country and all over the world. they have to pay for that. in addition, there are hidden charges. now you get all of these climate charges slapped on to anything that you're shipping on trucks like that. it is crushing small businesses and that ultimately is crushing our families that are paycheck to paycheck. and now they don't have those discount stores.
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it's devastating for a place like west michigan. >> brian, this is your wheelhouse. >> the economy, how bad is it for the average american? well it's so bad that they keep telling president biden, sir, it's bad, prices are bad and he keeps going to them and saying, well, inflation's down. and they're saying, well, that may be true, but prices aren't coming down, sir. >> you've got to do something about it. his treasury secretary was out today talking to fox business and she said, ebs have a bright future. sean on the same day that the fisker automotive company is reported in the "wall street journal" to be looking at bankruptcy filing. we've got $1,000 family dollar store is closing. >> they're going to be in urban areas where people said, let's defund the police, forget about crime. and now stores will close and the folks in those areas will be without the place they go for food, for medicines, for cleaning supplies.
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and all of that is because we've got a president who fails to confront reality and tries to spin a fairy tale, a bright green future that gets darker by the moment. >> it really is. and i don't know what you tell people to do because i don't know anybody that works an eight hour day. i just don't. the average person putting in a ten, 12, 14, 16 hour days and, you know, it's all you can say. all right, i'll get another job to make ends. >> that's going to be even harder. twitter will give you the last word. >> you know, we just had gas prices rise again in the state of michigan. you see the egg of the egg prices going up. gas prices going up all before easter, all before spring break. these were the one time this was the one time families that will have a little celebration. we'll drive up north, we'll do something fun. and now they're getting hit with high prices again. and joe biden doesn't say anything, but you hear trump saying drill, baby, drill. and i think drill, baby, drill is going to win in 2024. i hope so. and secure the border.
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maybe we can even balance the budget and stop robbing from our children and grandchild just to live within our means. >> all right. thank you both. coming up, a major win for vaginal trump in the state of georgia. also, are criminals now other the criminal referrals now coming following the explosive that the january 6 committee withheld and deleted key evidence. i told you from the beginning this was all a predetermined outcome. jonathan turley reacts straight♪ . >> i her i saw expressed. rise it makes it less real. the powefrr of contrast. there so you can rise from being ice to nail fungus is nasty. opti nail starts improving the appearance of fungus toenails in just two days. it's clinically proven formula penetrates the nail. the results you can see quickly. you nail give fungus damaged
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the number one choice of online sellers. go to ship station e-commerce. >> try and get two months free . >> all right. breaking news tonight out of the trump georgia case today. now the fulton county judge down there, mcafee dismissed six charges against trump, but his codefendantat saying that the state failed to allege sufficient detaialleg
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six counts of solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer. and last week, the judge confirmed he is now on tracke a to issue a ruling this week on whether to remove the fultonu county d.a. fani willis fromlt the caseonfrom following a hearg on her alleged prosecutorial misconduct. foing a meanwhile, a new bombsh. report alleges that january six committee, you know, the one i kept telling you had a predetermine1 d outcome, that they withheld crucial evidence. get this, including testimony from trump's driver that refutes cassidy claimso that donald trump tried to lunge for the steering wheeld and commandeer his presidential suerv back to the capitol. the report also concluded that trump did, in fact,ct can instruct his staff ahead of january six to offer 10,000 national guard troop 6s to the capitol for extra security, somethinl fog he and his officis have all said publicly.
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four of the five people in the room said it to meto on the record. they had this information. watc mh calling up the guard, and then it became the chain of command, went to nancy pelosi and to the mayoe r. d.c. muriel bowser did you, req as required by law authorize that one hundred percentd atte and attested to by many people and they turned it down? nancy pelosi turned it down. was written refusal. the communication between the leader of the capitol police and their chain of command to th mand saie refusing our request to allow national guardsmen and women to stage january four and five before january 6. did you both ask for the national guard be called up ? >> without a doubt, sean. we've made that very clear. no without is madet just once, s occasions. we wanted to make sure theref was plenty of national guard tha
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on the ready in. >> there was some kind of violence. he had a meeting with president trump on the 3rd of january concerning there i some threats and at the very end, he asked if there werane any requests for national guard support. what was the president's nl guai response to you with regard to the request made by mayor reo bowser? fill it and do whatever was d necessary to protect the demonstrators. >> and he said the same to me in an interview i had with him now. tonight, congressman barry loudermilk, who chairs subcommittee issuing the report, is telling just the, john solomon, that he may make criminal referrals for obstructio snethis in and house ethics violations. anyway, here with reaction all of this, george washington university law professor, news contributor jonathan turley. te so they had evidence and direct testimony from the secretst service driveryingh trying, no, he never tried
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to commandeer the vehicle or tak reached over to take over the steering wheel and they allowed that. they did not make that public. o then we have the issue of apparently they lost a lotviw of information in interviews that would have been exculpatory. then we have on record four out of five people. the other one was general milley in the room. e econfirming to me in intervies that, in fact, donald trump days before january 6th wanted to bring up the guard. but th to brhee people that woud to ask for it said in writing in the cas e of muriel bowser, no. and nancy pelosi said no. d why was that narrative never told to the american people during wasat never their prime e hollywood production hearings? >> professor? >> well, as you you know, sean, there was no alternative >>e. tiv >> there were no alternative witnesses presented. the committee didn't cal ative wilunts people with opposing accounts. they didn't explore other
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explanations. >> there was this drumbeat on single narrative, and it was produced by this abc producer they brought in to create this package. and thcreate thie committee coud have been so much more. but it's putting aside put the t that the committee really just refused to consider the alternatives to its its itsc conclusionlusis. you have this troubling argument that our allegation that passwords have been withheld, documents are missing. if you remembeand dor with thisg lunging story, the media ran with it. >> iy the medit was on every single network as trump was portrayed as this truly crazy person. >> lunging at his secret service driver, trying to take control over the beast or the presidential limo that played over and over again. >> and the committee members knew. when people were reporting this, that the driver deniedpl.
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ofis is a law enforcement officer who said it just didn't happen. >> and yet they allowed that false narrative to be t out there, including former representative cheney. at no point did she forward and say, you know what? let's be honest here. the person that would be mosty directly involved, the driver denies it. >>involv driver so we didn't h. but it's really consistent with what we did not hear janua throughout the thery january 6 i hearings, which is any alternative narrativ e. >> all right. let me ask you this, because >> s ms that were ignored. also, even lester holt over at nbc news and, a credit to him reported that, in fact,te they they had actionable intelligence, that there weree e people that were plotting and planning and schemin andg. e january 6th, what happened that dayne that they hadd they actionable intelligence, but they failed to act. hadactionabnow, the capitol pof initially said, i don't thinkth we'll need the guard.
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but in the final days leadings up to january 6th, and he wrote about this in his book and he said it to me in in an interview that i have had here and on my radi oo show, that, sw in fact, once he saw new intelligenceew, he wastionag begging for the national guard and nobody would give it to him. >> and is it one of the worst things that we can conclude outh of this this this sham hollywood production hearing of liz cheney and company, the fact that they never dealt with the question of how do we ever prevent something like this froprevenm again. they never came up with any solutions. professoey neverr right. >> i remember what all of usembe were doing the coverage on thata day. one of my first responses before the riot began is i hadde never seen the capitol so thinly protectedseen the for a r event like this. it was that obvious. we were showins that og pictures of just a few bicycle cops behind temporary fences, and it was glaring because just the previous summer,it was you i
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a violent riot that caused the president to be removed to ad th safe room. very large number of officers a injured. >> there was arson, there was property damage, and they hadd to call out the national guard and put up fencing. >> so if this waonal ands obviog that was being suggested by the white house, they had literally su house gone through this. the >> and the reporting latercy said that pelosi felt that the optics were not going to b te good. but that's part of what we want to get some answers to as the house works through. >> what was not disclosed these proceedings. >> yeah, great point. you remember donovan in they reagan years, you know, after a long investigationd th, he's vindicated. where do i go to get my good name back? as gd trump will the country ever hear all of this problem or not? i doubt any major network or fake news. >> cnn or most dnc will ever report any of this. that's pretty sad.
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let me transition, if i may, to the issue. >> fani willis. what do you think will happen in this case t? s to her >> it relates to her and whatt should happen, in your vieshoul >> well, this case is disassembling in front a of our eyes. this was a very basic error. basyou know, the this this is a major case. but these prosecutors didn't put together the most basic narrative or facts that have to support these counts. the question is, what ditdw the grand jury know if it i wasn't in the indictment. how did they vote outht thesere crimes? >> what were they told is the basis? because the judge justhey told r said you're not even telling the defendant what he needs to know to defend himself. >> i don't know what facts you're alleging here. now, they coulal evidee yod go k grand jury and get a superseding indictment. but that's going to take time. t it's going to take time off the clock. and they mayf th have a problem doing what is obviously their overriding purpose here,y which is to try donald trump before the election. befor
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they could just go without these counts. the judg coulde said, let you ro to the underlying conduct. i just won'the let you use them as stand alone crimes for these particularrime unless you goto back to the grand jury. >> let me ask you about robert hur. >> get your reflections on thisy when one question by a california congressman, congressman was put towards the the councicil the special counsel robert hur. >> yeah. oh, yeah. gurors can definitely be yeah, they definitely would be able to find him guilty. that was one of the moreo me interesting things to me and the idea that joes biden says to his ghostwriter, ohr., i found more top secretre documents in my basement, let me read them to you, even though you don't have a security clearance. >>don't a what does that say about equal justice and application of our laws? >> well, that was what was the most powerful aspect of hers testimony.
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>> as a criminal defense attorney. i was listenintestimony. g of, thinking for the, you know what? for the grace of god, go i if of efd a with this amount of evidence against him, i doubt seriouslnst hiy prosecue would have any hesitation. >> they havehesitati 40 years of mishandling classified material. they had years of mish one key e who tried to destroy it. they have the defender acknowledging that he had it. it was traveling from spot was to spot wherever he's working or living. >> they had to tal livingk about his memory because otherwise they had a lead pipe center of a cas thee. yeah. all right. this country is ever going remai to remain a constitutional co? blic it better get equal justice back quick. jonathan turle equal jy, thank when we come back, is china spying on americans? and a shocking beating caught on tape in the state of, missouri. >> senator josh hawley, he's next.
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you can't watch. listen, get the latest business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. >> and a major development on capitol hill today where the house passed a bil velopmenl by an unusually massive bipartisan margin, setting upan an ultimatum, an ultimatumthe pa by dance. by the way, as the parent company of the social media aprp called tik tok, either they sell the app or it getsto banned the. and this is a chinese company dout chgress is rightly worrie about china controlling one of the most popular social mediinla in the country, which, by the way, the cia director is china warning could be used by china to influence u.s. elections. the billfluenc now heads to where the senate where chuck schumer, he will have to decide what towt do next. president biden has said that he will sign the bilxtl of the senate passes it. here now with reaction, missouri senator josr h hawley.
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senator, i'm not the most technical guy. i onlyechnical know what i read. peter schweitzer's new book is is very definitive.fact and the fact that the communist chinese are saying and topsaid officials have said that tick tock is a spying device that they're using against america. >> is that your understanding,is 100%, 100% china? >> that's exactly right. there's a reasonrrect.on that tk chinese communist party is so interested in. tiktok. they're absolutely to selling it. you know, back when donald trump asrump president said thao ought to ban tiktok, the chinese communist party had a total meltdown banktok the ab. it's because they use the appe to track our whereaboutsth. they track our data. they track our keystrokes. they want all ofdata that information from americans. and this is about putting americans back in charge of ge at off of our cell phones, o get china out of our media. let'of ourl phoness give americl of their lives back. >> well, i would also add, maybe we should not allow alinese nationals to be buying up thousands and thousands of acres of farmland, ranch
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landf ac and land near military installations. >> would you be opposed? because i don't think i would be. i think i would have a lot of faith and trusti lotand in s to, in fact, buy tiktok and get rid of any spy mechanism that might be associated with it. i don't know elon musk anyt knoa billionaire or billionaire that wanted to buy it. i think i'd have a lot more confidence in it. >> wouldd you be you?d >> absolutely. if this were owned by an american company or an a ind american individual, a group of individuals, that'd be fine. i mean, what needs to happen t o hahere is there needs to be a firewall between tiktok and beijinetweeng because the we deal is all the information tiktok gets from americans isf available to the chinese communist party. that's the problem. that's whythe chineseunist pa iu threat. that's why they want to get into our phones so they can get thisrity threat et informat. we need to put up a firewall. if they would sell tiktok, that's a f fine. he if they won't sell them, then we're going to ban it. okayed if you ban it, i'm sure some kids will be upset by it.
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but they probably would be ato competitor that would fill that void. i imagine it's pretty popular among among kids. how do we know that they're doing this? and if we we've known this% ceri and you're a 100% certain, then that means everybody washingtoni knows this. why is nothing being done up to this point? ngp to why, again, we allowing chinese nationals to buy upnchlan our farmland, ranch land and land near military installationd landeds. >> have we forgotten their number one geopolitical foe or people just not aware of it? because it seemst so obviouse oi to moue. yeah, i think the answermo to that, sean, is money. tiktok has spreaney.tiktok id mt washington like you wouldn't believe. look at joe biden. joe bideonu wouldn't an says onm of his mouth, oh, yeah, we ought to get tough on tick tock out of the other side of hiser mouth. he's on tiktok out there soliciting votes on tick tock t out there, trying to build up a political base. he's got advisers all around him who are protect us. so the deal is tick tock has, t
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enormous, enormous influence. and you're right. china's buying our farmlanchina they're buying industrial capacity now. they want to buy our media. that'sity noeywant t what this . they want control of american media. we need to say no to allfore of that, no to this foreign influence. americans ought to own this stuff. and americanigs ought to beit. in charge of it. >> amazing. all right. >> serg have another disturbin video outside of your state of missouri. everyone's talking about it. a teenag talkinge girl attacks and beats another. look, this beating is so brutal that the state's attorney general is now calling for attacker to be charged as an adult. the victim is hospitalizedt is in critical condition and the school district is now saying it offers its sincerest i condolences to everyone involved. >> you know, i grew up at ai grw different time, senator. this was a particularly brutal figh t. we but when we played sports growing up, there probably wasn't a day that went by that somebody didn't fight somebody else, and then we'd dust ourselves off and go thck to playin og.
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but this is a little bitli different. that wasn't the kindttle dif fig that went on. >> no, this is this is athis i criminal act. this is an assault. this looks like attempted murder. thiss act th is one student bashingbashin in the head of another girl. and, you know, everybody can see it on the video. it's -- it's a terrible, terrible video in th . it's right there. this student ought to be tried as an adult. i mean, this o as an adul is attempted murder. you've got to throw these people in jail. what's happened is all these ile have sent the message that it's okay to assault people. crime is jus aplt okay. we'll look the other way. we'll make excuses. we'll patch you on the head. we gotimpact to stop this?aren't our kids now aren't safe in our own schools because of this kind in school >> it is time to get tough get on crime. and that begins right here t, you know, and then. >> then we have this whole other issue. remember the couple that was defending their home and all the trouble legandl trouble that they were dealing with. i got to tell you, it's we're in a very, very precarious spot here where if you defend, then you're the person that gets in trouble. h think a lot of americans
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are torn. >> what are they supposed to do? are they dm? ell the >> well, i mean, just like this in the school sign.ol off >> i mean, the school offers its condolences. that's condolences. no i mean, this girl is in a coma. that's not going to cut it. i mean, we've go cut neet send a message here, which is that crime. this is crime. this wasn'e wht a little disput this wasn't a spat. this is crime. it cannot be tolerateda sp. and you're right, to those good americans out there who are just trying to defend themselves. parentanstryingnd themselves wae safe at school. we need to say that we're on their side. tit's time for prosecutors and mayors and the federal pr to get back on o the side of law abiding citizens and not on the side of the criminalsg citizeand no. >> all right. we appreciate it. senator josh hawley, thank you. and up, why the turmoil in haiti could make our border even worse in terms of thee in crisis. our own benjamin hawley, he has a lot more straight ahead right after this. cops is back on fox nation, the only place to watch
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ww dot allied legal. that's one 880 52323. violent gangs have overtaken haiti, causing a serious humanitarian crisis and is only getting worse. one of the gang leaders who some claimas 1 is now the mt powerful man in haiti, goes by the name barbecue. some reports say he got the nickname because he likes to set his enemies on fire. >> barbecue claims. it's just a nickname that his mother gave him. mothers always give the name barbecue, i'm sure. and as civilians look to flee haiti, while according to reports, u.s. border patrol agents in florida, they are expecting a massive wave of illegal immigrants come from the war torn country. florida governor ron desanti il he says he is prepared. he announceds said today sendin0 additional soldiers, aircrafts to protect the state from illegal vessels coming to floridas. e th
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here now with more, the author of the "new york times" of t y saved a war reporter's mission to make it home. e a hoour fox news corresponden, benjamin hall. and by the way, ben has a fox nation special sacrificee de survival. a story from the front line. it's alst o available right now.t first, it's great to see you. well, i tomorrow it is two years since this ordeal in your life began. >> i have met you interviewed. >> you. h you have shown amazing courage, convictionavin, optimism in the face of what were very severe injuries you sustained in ukraine. i saw that you went back and met with president zelenskyy. ck andhow is your life go? how are things going? whatwhat was it like with zelenskyylike? e yo >> but, sean, it's a pleasureu to see you again. and you've been there to support me. the whole way through this. >> but when we spoke we mesutte about a year agoen wt abou wheno the hardback copy came out. i was at the end of mycame o wh' recovery, my physical recovery. but what's happened between then and now is sort
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of rebuilding my life, figuring rebu world,live in the my injuries. and i can tell you wholeheartedly that i knowet for sure that when you are knocked down, when you go through things that are anfficult, kt you can pick yourself up and you can put yourself in a better position than you were beforef of a. and that's how i feel speaking to you today. i feel that we've taken everything that happenedi e've s and we've turned it around and we've made positive things out of it. e possit opposite you, feeling so strong about everything that's happened now.back i and yes, i was back in ukraine in november. i met with president zelenskyyta and that was a big moment for t me because i wanted to go straight back to where the attack happene k tod. i wanted to go straighty back to where i got my injuries and i wanted to send a clear messaginjuries sene again that t be able to stop us. you won't be able to stoepgo journalists who want to go and tell the news and you won't be able to stop me either. so you abl it was an emotional p back to see zelenskyy. and of course, very interesting to hear what his planse anas ar ukraine now that they are frankly losing in many placesth, the front lines. >> so it's been an incredibles year for me. >> sean, it's a pleasure to be sitting here with you. easure h
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you know, you always trylf in and put yourself in the position of somebody that is gonetiondy, such a trauma as yourself. i mean, your life was hanging in the balance gon for a long time. and i just don't think i could be as strong as you been. and it's inspiring in every way. and it'st's in a tribute to you. >> we see what's going on in haiti. it is horrific.n ha >> it's a humanitarian disaster. howeveitit's horrific r, americt have the ability to take in all of the people that i'm sure would love to make it here. to how bad is it? and are they targeting the u.s. because they know, like so manyo other people from other countries, that outhr borders are pretty much wide open? >> yeah, and i've been speaking to people in haitiop. i've been there sometimes myself, and i've got some people on the ground. if some you can fly out of haitii and the gangs control the airports, but those flightaa are leaving to south america. those are full of people whose plan is to fly to sout pwho plah america and make their way north. it's no secret that so countr people are doing it's a country of 11 million people and it is in a worse plac
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e today thann it has been in decades. as you said earlier, no governmentes ands yo gangs are g over. if you can leave, you are tryingr if to leave. and that's why, you know, desantis and florida, they're taking extra carosn flee where people are going to be coming in boats as well. and they're bracinbracing for more people who have come out of this criminalized. you have ois alized gang infected country coming north. w ba yeah. look, it's how bad is it? i meand is it? we're just gettit reports. what do we know about this leader barbecus what de? his >> did his mother reallyther give him that nickname, or did he get ream because of thesec l horrific evil activity perpetrated? >> ac you know, i've been in some of the slums of port-au-prince, and as i walked through themof g everyone was making goat sounds to me. and i asked the person i waso m i said, why are they doing that? they said all because they know that the western is taste better than haitians. these guys, they areners cannib. some of them are. gh, you know, that name may have a number of reasons it. but look, it's very bad. he came to power he was head 9
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of the g nine. and to come to power, he took over all fuel centers aroundg th the capital and he held the hospitals hostags e. she said, unless you hand over power, unless you pay me, i'm going to let the people in the hospitals die. and so that's how he came to power. t and he continues to hold the country totally. countryyou know, by its neck. and he has said that he will work with the devil in hishe t words, in order to take power. and many people are afraidma rui that could be russia, china, iran. many of those countriehina or st interest in destabilizing a country so close to the u.s., such as hait iing a coi. and there's a big concern that they are actively trying to destabilize that countryit t to make more problems, immigration, more problems on the very doorstepors for of e u.s.. >> now, i want to remind people, you have a fox nation hv special sacrificed survival, a story from the front line, which is now available to fox nationh islable on .com. and now your book out in paperback. caif i understan youd and it is called saved a warll correspondents to make it home.
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it is beyond inspiring. great book. for also been an honor for meoe to get to know you as well as iw did. >> we didn't know each other e that well when you were reporting on the show. and we've gotten to know each othe butn r and you're an inspin to so many. >> great to see you, sir. >>.k you, sean. thank you. all right. coming up, peter, the group people for the ethical treatment of animals, they're coming aftera is easter and the easter bunny. >> i explain. straight ahead. tough fungus is tough to kill, and it can spread. it's time to start using fungi now. maximum strength, functional is so powerful it cures and prevents fungal infections. plus, it has. and tea tree oil to restore skin health. say goodbye to tell fungus with now. >> this two dollar bill features president trump's shot. donald j. trump makes history once again by the first former president of the united states to ever be criminally
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