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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  March 14, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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ul isrecommend for snap rush to walmart and unleash your potential win for specter. what circle? circles. a few of you tak e wawhy circles is the entity that gets you to a the next levelvailab. circled is which code for rank tosses things away. so available at walmart and drink circle icon a special crime punch series. emily companion gets the real stories. women who survived unspeakable crimes fought back and lived tell their story. the folks true crime podcast with emily capone. >> you listen now pete is coming for easter eggs and now we're asking the white house to replacece a is eggs with potatoes at the annual easter egg roll, saying potatoit roll wouldn't exploit any sentient being s. that's all the time we have left. let not your heart be trouble troubled. greg will put a smile on your face
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. greg: t thank you. oh, it was for everybody. happy wednesday, everyone. so too big surprises. o donald trump has won enoughs delegates to become the gop's presumptive nominee and joe biden is still alive. politico is reporting that biden's advance team is full of, quote, turmoil and toxicity, using the same phrase to describepresiden the president's underwear. >> onderwearh, i know who writes filth. you do. filth?i know. scientists are reportedly close to resurrecting the extinct mas wooly mammoth after a stem cell breakthrough. bthey were able to do this by harvesting cells from the mammoth's distant cousin.
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it's not fair to pachyderms.ogiz i know that would apologize to the wooly mammoth. >> hong kong's newest superhero is an animated called . after speaking of animated turds. >> not we didn't even writen a punchline. a spring breaker admitted to cocaine use in an interview on fox and friends and her friends and family weretraged outraged that she appeared on fox and friends is there for that. >> chuck norris turned 84 this week. >> he celebratedthis w kicking e out of his water aerobics class . frontier airlines will allow passengers to paapf hiy to avoid sharing an armrest. >> they call it standing. a new study reports that americans have grown warygd
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of. glad i never i started, says one man. that's extremely cheap. it's true. oakland's taco bell's are closing their dining rooms over a crime. you can still buy the food, but you'll dinin have enjoy car your diarrhea in the car. the terrorist using fake ids to cross the border have raised red flags for the fbi director.b apparently, officials are worried that they may sneaiy into r-rated movie ms. >> you didn't have to laugh. it was cute, but it was there, though. i know it was. all right. hillary clinton is charging $5,000 a head to attend a fund raiser. attendees are asked to bring their heads in a plastic bag th that was great. you don't deserve that the transcript of special counseanscril robert interview with joe biden reveals that the president made car noises when
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talking about his corvette. , her pull his finger all right. through the monologue. so you remember that january six committee, the worst convening fact finders since the oj jury? heump would have got fairer hearing in tehran wearing a pride shirt. t a hearone of the stars of thoe hearings was cassidy hutchinson. tehran wshe's congressional aidt who gave the committee flip flopping y third person testimoy that trump attempted to choke out a secret service agenthe in the presidential limo in order to drive himself to the capitol to join the jan six riot. this despite there being a glass barrier between the front and back seats as absurd as itrr was, the committee stamped her story as fact and the medi a pushed it like jesse does his with books. now comes a gop house report that has the limo driver disputing all of this.
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so like adam schiff getting. laid in college, the lines never happened. three other actual witnesses concurred, but the committee ignore3 othe d that testimony like a a biden grandchild. ,i kno gw. the house report also confirms that unlike what the committee reportedke whatee repo, the mede to trump did indeed offeral gua 10,000 national guard troops for security that dardy. ittee more testimony. the committee buried and sobu they hid exculpatory evidence that proved trump was trying to prevent riotsator. mark >> so this committee missed the mark more often than joe biden trying to hit the n be on air force one.s >> but in this case, it was deliberate. then there's this. when the current house of reps went looking for ans fromscript the committee hearings, the committee seems to have misplaced many of the records. s maybe they're still in joe's garage. who knows? we're not required. to keep certain material, says committee chairman bennie thompson. well, actually, better you are.
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trump is facing federal charges intearngt of your committee's findings. so those interviews are what we would call evidencrviews aouldee i guess you would label it burn after reading that one or. r was crying and just a bit from all that smoke. >> yeah. ua and so the lies kept coming. and as usual, they only go one way to protect one guy while another. protect 1 gu danny daddy saying hunter never made any money h from. >> that was enough hogwash to clean the cast of the vieew. turns out that was about as accurate as the president's crime and inflation numbers. i'd saents infrsy joe, is bad a, but so far, he's pretty good at the vision. yeah. thoughtful. i'll take some now. would be told joe never apologized for calling the accused killer of lincoln riley illegal. but guys h, it's tape. please remember something. we're not the ones who mistake wives for our sisters and ther her hearing in congress yesterday proudly continued coni
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the tradition. here's an exchange with democranuheraditiont and representative dean. >> i want to give you a chance since the transcript is out you to correct the record on an important point. o t tha very sadly, your report on page 208 says that b biden couldn't come up with the dateid u the year of his son, bu biden's death when in fact in the transcript it shows that you asked him the month and do you know what he said mr.. huh? he said, oh god.o may 30th.e would you like to correct the record? his memory was prettrecordy fir. on the month and the day. >> congresswoman i don't believe that's correct>> i don.d >> respect to the transcript, but if you could, referring to a specific page, i'd be happy to lookwith perript buy >> i've read about it in reporting. liarg.. now, like i said, she's not making a mistake. she's just liar, of up to her eyelids. >> she says her asked himakingmu biden's death. but as the transcript from his interview with bidenscript u ,it wasn't her who brought it w up. first, it was joe. soas joe s dean clearly had reae transcript like she claimed she liedd th.
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then there's this insisting that harris report exonerated. >> biden so this lengthy, expensive and independen tn resulted in a complete exoneration of president joe biden. mpletei need to go back and make that i take note of wordat's not that you used. exoneration. that is a word or i'm going to continue with my pasts. because i'm going to continue with my questions. i know that's the term i ultimately reach. i know that whether sufficient evidence existed such that of the likely outcome, do you exonerate a conviction? i know that nom.t willful words. >> has mr. hertz my time? >> thank you. let me lie. so i gather that if you keep repeating the lie, it works. okay, then i'm five, seven, five, seven, nine, five, seven. i'm 125. £25. but it's lies too easy to disprove. dems claim her said there was
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insufficient evidence to charge biden. no, the criminal kno act was proven. he was just too mentally gone for the jury not to see. but a feeble old man. he was guilty of two things. really violate was the law and e 25th amendment. met they don't care because they count on the media to back their lies and they assume the public'sk thei too stupid to question it. >> it is notable, though, wrote that her wrote that biden could not remember when his son beau th. that's just not true. the president correctly statedeo the date may 30th,n but struggled to name the year. mo he remembered the dayname oyr and the month. he was just sort of speaking out loud saying, what year was n that. and i was i mean, in iven a muco more conversational way as,o rel opposed to sort of really stumsling over what year it waly . i think he hopes he gets a judgeship if donald trump gets elected again. >> he's trying out because he humiliated himself with thisy to. >> s thao the only way that guyt could be a bigger idiot would be to gain weigh wnt.
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so once again, it's more lyingn where the lies only go in one direction and therefore it's acceptable with no fact checking necessary. and that direction is always what makes trump look like a cross between luthor and a creamsicle like andrea mitchell's forehead. le d >> it started out small. try to remove the statue of mlk from the oval office. well, actually it was behind a door. then came the charlottesville hoax, where they smearedi ev trump as a , even though, you know he didn't go to harvard. >> oka harvardy. >> the lies culminated on jan six where protest peacefullye became inciting the overthrow of the government by a bunch over tourists with no weapons. their ridiculous lies are like college. four years later, you realize you've been had a laptops lapto his own photos, and corroborated by his own associates, is russian d is disinfo . that tape hoax claimed russian on trump, but they couldn't find any russian that ation th
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ru. rump >> you know, it's pretty easy to pay a to say they n someon on someone. just today i found 19 that say they on kilmeade and at least ten of them were lying. so keep making it up as you go, dems and media keep carrying their water because unlike w joe biden, we have a memory. >> a what welcome to the no. one broadcast. the way this broadcast.. why roundabouts highlight a border bridge out to. he's like a skinny, bald who needs ointment and makes kids cry on the playground. writer comedian joe devito slammed grimm and probably dumped your cousin tim. "new york times" best selling author, budget contributor. got it. he keeps his toothbrush in a guitar case. >> "new york times" best selling author, comedian and former. e of
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michelle, what did you make of the whole her thing? i love how they pain int him as irrational and crazy. he was like the homeless person i've ever seen w this thing. >> one of the disconcerting things about this series was tim his names her. so every time they said, well, her said, or i f listen to her, i'm like, oh, wait, who she wasn't. >> this is the person. hit's you are. i had to remind myself. he was so composednd factu and,s so factual. and he was so just as you said, really and confident.confid and it was a position, that jive hall dialoen g. yeah. says it all. it was amazing. it's my time. it's my time.know y so you exonerate him? no, i didn't. yes, you did. thank yo theyu. i'm done. yeah. i mean, that's the way they did that frickin leader. well, except. well, remember harry reid, when mitt romney was running for office, stood on the senate floor and said, mitt romney has not paid his taxes in ten years, a complete fabrication. earsompletethe washington even t a fabrication. but later he said, i don't late he didn't get elected,lectd did he? i mean, this is the reasonqually
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they do these things,repu they completely destroy people's reputations, their opportunitietas, futures. i thought her handled herself really weli thl. but it's the other one ofungi of trump lungingng through the the it's a monster of the beast, whatever that is to try to take over the wheel. >> i mean, just because of the y reality of like you're sittingfh in the back of that limo and you're lunging how do you even physically lunge to get at the wheeol. t >> so that had my you know, this had my mind screwed up the very beginning. >> and now to have all this, why do they like testimony?y and it comes out later and weitc need to hold the betteom r we need to hold these people to account. part of this is on us. we accep. t lies. >> we don't hold them to account. i think that we've just grown, grow n used to it, which is all i'm willing to say, mr. devito, that the january 6th hearing is now officiallg: to gey offene than the january six itself. yeah. >> yeah.
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it's a they're really pushing the boundaries of public lying. yeah hey are , really are that firstl of all, they they try to say sar day he he didn't eve he just didn't have the year orr the year as part of the daym wht element. they didn't ask him what time t it. of >> so did you try not to thing with joe biden. he doesn't have early onsetntiah dementia he has right on schedule dementia. >> yeah okaye gh. there's a reason why the people were 81 years old who are sharp . he's not one of them. yeah, you know, so we need to stop them81 y peopl likeing, oh, it's like when you see a 95 him year old when a road race. >> yeah, yeah. good for him. bude timenot because he ha awesome time, right, that he i didn't break. it's because good enough forr th that age. and joe biden is notat evenh or good enough for 81. now, they're always saying these things about trump . michelle, you're right. the idea that donald trump can now lunge and shattert is plexiglass, i mean, what is he, one of the x-men now? >> yeah, he's breaking through plexi like he's stealing toilet paper at cvs. a toil does it make any senset what they're saying? cb i did learn that ift
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you don't want to agree with someone says, you just wig it's my time. that's not exactly. exactly. kat, what did you make of that with that? >> jayapal look, i a lot of things. i think that it's almost as if these people might not be going into this looking for the truth . i think they're actually not looking to gain greater t understanding. and it might just be a circus where they're tryingo gaingreatt a viral clip out of it. >> i think that's what she wasas doin whagg. she's like, listen, if i could just say you did say exonerated. just s day it's quiet for long enough. that'll be the clip. yeah. viraral and everybody will say what a hero i am, because clearly here, run wasn't n interrupting her for no reason he was to say that thing. st he justust sahe said is not t true. >> she's like, stop, i'm trying to use my titlop i'm trye. is it? wa it is. she kept she wanted, i think, to repeat it and have there ive be enough space? i don't know. but clearly nobodyspace don' gos
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for greater understanding. it's all ego drive n and its supp is true. >> it's like, what is he supposed to do? she's expectinosedg to remain silent. >> well, he she puts words in his mouth lyingn silente puts report and he's literally looking for the pages. but he's like, the word exonerates nowhere on this report. yeah, unless you wrote it. and i wrote it right here and read it right there. listen, i think the biggerk th issue is, is it's not that he went through the plexiglass. okay, let's leave that out out. >> the fact that he thought he could walk his security is a problem. yeah, i bodyguards knew for a long time and when he got out he never said, tara, get the car. i'll takd when stuffe from hereo an inclination. and president trump is a smart man, but he could walk or put hands one of his secret service agents, he wouldn't be there anymor ae. 1 gu yeah, you mean like he's got one guy who's taking selfies and never wants to do anythings ? that guy's not going to be there. he's not going to just decide. it's like you decide one day. no, it's harrison not answering my questions the way i like it.
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so what i'll do is a nixon. he doesn't. i'll grayestions will gb shake him.s goin how do you think that's going to go? that well me from saying like well for me either i've get to see an entire and i'm good but this is the point man he just the story is so far-fetched and that's what the longer goes. i think there needs to be some more arrests. e le but they're on the left side. it's starting to look like they were more of the plannersie than any right-wing anyone. >> yeah, because they seemle to know every angle. >> they weren't doing anything. exactly. yeah. and they always knew the anglegs where there was something going on when they were walking around and they were aroun wereg them go. and it was maybe they might lose. relaainly they were on what was going on because it was very casual, relaxed and stuff. we're seeing that's leakedt any and a go look, here you go,t it look, here you go, look here. see, when my kids do that, it's called gotcha, you lie and get you . who es. >> there's some some left leaning guys. these are , right? that's how you get a. . >> terrorists now.
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i know. all righ t, bob, thanks. >> what names are in the mix to be vp picks? >> so would you get to national hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders? it's going to three classic tenders for butterfly shrimp for godaddy. >> i win. >> looks like somebody needs a new hand. thanks for sharing. >> i'm not the buffet guys. welcome to stormy heights, where the windows are always pella palace. fiberglass is the strongest material for windows and patio doors. the fiberglass frame is even scratch and dent resistant pella windows tested for extremes design for your home. >> hello. i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep relaxium. sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night you try it. relaxium sleeper study tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster,
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so we are american made from beginning to end. shop no at show allegiance .com speculation runs deep on who will be veep as biden and trump clinch nominations discussionino has now turned to potential vp's that's short for vicens president michelle. >> but what if rfk jr. the third party candidate recently. the said he's conside new york jets quarterback aaron rodgers and former pro-wrestler ck aaron and minnesotaminnes governor jesse ventura. one is an elite athletvernor jed other one played for the jets. >> oh, hey, hey. jesse ventura was a navy seal. i know. both are reportedly openra to te idea. rfk also reached out to tulsi gabbard, rand paul and yang,dren all of whom declined. so far, he hasn't asked thd, an
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hutchinson, carly fiorina orhinn mike huckabee. >> he's still waiting to hear back from ross perot. oh, oh, he'll still get 18%. meanwhile president trumpp is considering at least a dozen potential vp's, includinisg souh carolina senator tim scott, new york congresswoman elise stefanik, ohio senator j.d. vance and former hud secretarys ben carson. but seems to me he's overlooking the obvious strong candidate that nonobody s one says you can't pickt yourselfpick. i do that all the time when i'm choosing partners. i know i probably should have just ended it with thethe i thatlaugh from the wife tonighct on that show you. it's rfk telling us he's not serious or is he trying to b oe careful not to pick somebody that will look like it's either right orik left? well, he made a big mistakee mae in suggesting to people who are
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more well known than a he is. you don't want to do becau that because your vice president, vicse aree president, supposed to be like that little tiny tire you put on when you have a flat. >> yes tha terri it's just theyr emergency to get you where. you you need to go, right? that's what it is. it's not like you want to have haveh alr with. >> all four tires. yes. being like that. yeah. i mean, interesting picks. i mean, especially aaron rodgers heard that he jump for joy and his achillesred tendon completely off his leed e >> and can we can we please refer to jesse ventura as jesse the body that is his actualctua name? i thinl namek the is important, unfortunately, because we have guys who were so old this time around, that's not good. we should have younger people so the v.p. could do what they're supposepeople se vo is go to funerals of people you've never heard of in other countrieal s. >> very true. kat you're a huge sports fan, aren't you? >> aaron rodgers leans libertaria ln. >> is that appealing to you?h,
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yeah, but. b but rfutk is not a libertarian.. i know there's something people kind of say on twitter. t whate sayeah. >> so she lives it. my favorite, honestly, is people saying that trump needoples pick a woman to get vs from women, as if women never wm don't like another woman. no, never. k you'll never hear a woman look at another woman and say, i don't like her. ani . e me some of the meanest things i've heard in my whole life have come from women . yeah. so true. >> and then hate you would still want you tru8 e tyrus. and should we be askingd we aaron rodgers to be running for anything? yeah, why not? the trip is dumb.a gr listen, joe makes a great point. it would be if aaron was
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the vp, it would be the vp. b he would be on the cover of everything would be jfk, would be in the back and be like, i am the president, you know, but there's slim down and it's not going to be had. no shot. jfent thingok is not the indepe. things are not going to go anywhere. so otherwise it be bigger wanting to be, you know, because aaron has been in the league a long is only one once.o sot it's not a very good record . just the body of interns. he would be a good vp. but again, he's got so much there's so much between you can't have too crazy people like jfk and justin bodies okay. yeah . well, i'm just like, we keep talking about like, liz. n we got to be honest sometimes it's cute. cool. sounds good. but, hey happen it. yeah, but the more, the more inportant issussuee with this we thing is we just need to have some insider informationy fine and yet you've been pressuring me and bugging me. fine. okay, fine. >> me? i'm running fop.r vp can go on f
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i. if i can't. go on you go. tim scott is going to taketim s. oh, there you go. if i can't go, you know just it depends on, you know, if thg give me those days off then people we don't know funeral. >> so that's the only thing i think trump should pick all four of them for his vp and then have them compete to see whe.>> greg:n they them p you're fired. >> yeset. michelle i think his choices were designed not to look partisans were because my theory is that what if what he get is a third party would get a large percentage, i think, and it if trump loses, then the right's going to blame rfk. if if biden loses, they're going to blame rfk. soiden he has to thread this neh where he picked somebody. that is it from the right or left? >> well, it's interesting. i know for a fact that aaron rodgers received interest from another candidate as well. so this is not the firste candidate that's talked to aaron rodgers, vivek ramaswamha ty and it is te truth that i know this for a fact.
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>> so that it's really interesting how aaron keeps coming up. i think it's aswamy.s the wholeh covid stance and all of that that made him very popular with a lotimpular wi of people.i i lived in minnesota under jesse ventura. ved ininnesotai wouldn't recomms at all. so i think and i think you're right, that's just too kind of craz y people. i don't think either of them is going to end up being his pick. but it is interestin wilg that unlike in the other parties, he has to present his picks in to get ono the ballot. yeah, it's a really fascinating thing. interestini kind of think that e presidential candidates should shconventhere and go, you know what, before the convention, here's who's going to be my thie'd here is here's who's g to be my second secretary of state. here is going to be here'se here my because i think that makes you all the more desirable. peoi >> a lot of different people, if they know who's on your team, he's presentin your teg, by then oa way, in oakland for some reason, who lives in oakland n.? >> i don't know how to say. k yeah, because i don't know anybody. i mean, i have a frieny
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d hav that lives in oakland, but he's in real estate. i don't know and he's really lazy, but he doesn't watch this show. but he's your baby thinking about race by his chubby littlea face. >> it will be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld go slash gutfeld and click slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio1s audience. ge >> bye bye. >> bye bye. call nader traffic congestiosti. >> hello. 12 hours of relief. wow. wow. bauer's mucine hours of relief from chest congestion in any cough day or night. mucine season now. trying mucinex instant new su t medicated drops leak underwear has one job. has one job. >> i just want especially for those sudden crush moments. crush moments. always for no other with a rather dry board that locks in your head these guys quickly up to zero leaks always discreet the protection we deserve. >> what do you do when you're tired goes flat and there's air anywhere to fix that you reach for bull's eyebrow the smarter faster
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than trashing a nine year old watcworse 9-yearh? >> w we all could have seen this coming when they actually published an article tryingncel to cancel a nine year old, a nine year old kid. >> i would like to knowreject what were the pitches that were rejected? yeahs what i, that's the one ths getting through. this is actually the best that deadspibestn to offer.r. it's actually worse than wee even know. wer >> why were people offering to write that? they were sayingto , you what? no. so i think that as bad as we see it is, it's way wors ae. >> we even know. i'm trying to think, like, could you see, like, is your infant racist? >> i guess you could just you could just go younger. w >> yeah. how would you want to beat it? if you're at home right nowan and you is your infant racist, that will probably would tell. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. but i think there's an article and indeed there was e wa. our dutiful viewers googled my request and lo and behold, racistabies. baby. several articles, in fact,
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quote, racial bias may tha be getting babies at six months university6 months t research r. i guess it's texas. i don't know. the nbc news. how to raise anti-racist babies and from time your baby is racist and why can live with that? that time article cited study that found toddlers preferred to play with adults who lookedee who looked like them over those who didn't. which doesn't prove racismst pro at all, just proves that species choose what's most familiarve them as a modeamilia of survival. and there you have it, folks. grovinr as ag again, greg is not and beautiful. he's right there with tyrus. wow. i don't know. i you've had a lot of babies. were any of them racist? i love the racist. yes. >> my kids are racist. yes. it's not my kids's notik i worrt about it was. i recently just went through
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that? yeah, at the parthe pak was jusk playing with my kids. and there was a toddler in the sandbox and i heard the n-word. i walked over and as followss i sit nana. he said that it was that i thought i heard something differen at. look, he's looking at me, and i look down his little diaper, little swastika, right? get this racist baby out. you know, when the kid had to be dragged off, i called me a black light. i wonder that little boy was. i >> this is a stupid world. racist baby. i put some soap in his body and feed him. >> he doesn't care what color is. you need to worry about the parents. to worryhearentsyes, that's theg i checked. like mine. yeah, that i told him just. well, not you. all right. no, no no. >> it's a moving cat.moving is this another reason hate babies? oh, gosh. they're racist
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. g i mean, they're bad enough screaming, but they're also racist. i'm kind of. i kind of do wonder where they got the babies this study,n because i am not a mother that i know of.and i just. i feel like ifif i wer i were m, a new mother, six month old baby soaking, in all the joysofe that motherhood has to offer, someone was like, can i borrow your baby. and i was like, why? and they were like, well, we want was wan to see if he's racr not, maybe i would be thatate desperate for child care. i don't knowildcare . but i want to know wherey go they got the baby. t theyeah, exactly. >> it was willingly like, yeah, here's my baby. let me know if he's. yeah, that's a michelle white's . i think planned parenthood should embrace this and just say, like, every nned abortion stops racism. ta oh wow. that is a that's a good tag. great. thank you. yeah no, that was quite pleased
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with myself. >> i think you should be. never happens. never habut. well, this study doesn't tell tl you how many toddlers like were in the groupw many, so there cod have been ten. >> and this happened with seven of ten babies. and that makes it 70%. yes, but that's ten toddlersm nt in the universe of toddler them. so i'm not sure that i'd likeol to know the methodology, but i'bum tara's this is like yes, is you've got to keep taking things younger and younger and younger, like in the sports worln tad, you wea interested in college players who were going to be great pros. noo bew you're interested in hih school. players are going to be great college players. now we're gettinllegeg in elemea school players who are going to be before, you know, we're going to bry s e saying, who's the toddler that can didn't thay i in nba? so they they keep going younger and it's an unnecessary focus on god. >> it's just so stupid. you take, your baby to disneyo i
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world and he sees mickey mouseaa for the first time and he screams because he's a big brad. >> yest that he hates animals.s right. and the first time he sees me,th he's goinges scream the same wa it was like i first time i sawnn santa, i saw santa and he was in black. he was holding a knife though. it was more a white man thand santa. >> exaggerating. we're supposed to they're supposed to be the most accepting of people.ed to be and he's my sant m a joe. >> you surprised there are actual articles about racist babies? no. babi all wrong.ut st yeah, they're all wrong. babies. the most racist. he was the last timecivil ri they marched for civil rights. >> you eveyeah, wer at them? yeah. no. to skinheads? yeah, where they come from. but i will say i don't care for babies racist as long as they shut up on a three hour flight. >>asg as i care that that baby, that baby could be sitting next to me reading the protocols of the elders of zion. as long as he shuts off, it doen
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doesn't interfere with me. get my son chips. that's that baby's cool with me. he's got a mine comp coloring. well, the crayons are white, . ough you had a six. ha ha ha ha. all right, we must come back now. let's try this again. let's google. so we said it was when we said babies, google. >> is it possible that your u unborn child could be racistcoue and then google can be racist? and we all we have articles forn that. we're doing this again tomorro m w . >> coming up, it may sound, but you can learn to be happy what we're doing here will last for generations, will still break. thanks to break. i mean, i like to take care.
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and journaling. do you do any of that? do you believe, and this? >> i do. i do those things. but i think i've been hurt lot a lot because when i read this article, the first things i thought was, i bet this class is going to be crawling with predatorse crawli because t about it, there's no where you can really get an opportunity to walk into a room what is sureunity to be fullope of vulnerable people. >> they're all sitting thereeges taking a class at a college class on how to be happybe happg that's like having a live laugh love sign like that. that's a very clear advertisement that things are not going well for. that's a great year for a lecture. is professor sir, get your vulnerable girls, right? >> yes. wellke you, guys are two hot, hot girls. i think they're not 1010, my guys are. >> you guys are laying this up for me. do you think they were happy because there were no tests or homework? no or home, they were miserablen
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all the guys showed up. there's no girls in the class. this is justther guy like sex ed in college. everyone's like, oh, i'm going to human sexuality development because it's going to be girls. we talk about and it's a bunch of dudes. it's the same thing at the newpor tt beach. dist's lots of guys. yeah, they go to these classes, think they're going to be girls and they're no t lotguyst it's h of dudes going in there, and then they all just sit there like, well, this, this happiness gonna be a lot harder than i thought. it.ness wilr. >> i don't know. you know what i think? is it happines s when i you're young, overrated, if you're really happy when you're young. michelleyou are happ, you're leo to be ambitious about making improving your lifure. was i was miserable when i was young. and look at me nowyoung an. . thank you. thank you. know, i. i agree with you by self-esteem was in the toilet and i've talked to peoplein about this who say that's probably why you worked so hard, you knowprob but will say this i thinki th that right now, in this day and agt noe so many people are o freaking unhappy and depressed and they don't realize sorry to get all touchy feely.
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they don't realize they have ita in their own power to make themselvesven happy through thim like meditation or whatever. and maybedite if they sit in aos classroom with someone who really knows their stuffod and them, you know what? hav you do have control over making yourself happy no matterover ane else tells you. >> maybe there's some something productive and positive about that. 's i try to make up fothatr i'd be one of the girls taken it. >> see what i mean? yeah. yeah. gee i think it's good. >> yeah. you know what? first the first thing that i have to tell them is put your phones down and they would do it. wellnd t do it, i thought the tg that's making a miserable is looking how everybody else lives. se liv yeah, that's what instagram is like telling them, hey, everybody's got a betteres lives . >> yeah, that's not how they live. instagram, right? those are all fake pictures. >> no one's that happy. that's lesson number one. >> that's lesson number one. joe, are you happy? >> well, you mean right?
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i am better. i've been better. let'i' is be honest, for for mot of these students, happiness will be not repaying their student. yeah, they were in the united states. i think what they showed was that happiness takes work, but bitterness that flows naturally. >> yes, i tried some of these things i, i, i journal, but at some point it turned into som a manifesto. all right. the unabomber used to journal? yeah. when? when it go >> gret be 300 volumes.e i thought maybe i should get back up on this, but igot td go to learn meditation. i went to learn transcendentaldn meditation 1400 dollars and i did the studies and then i camen back and i said, i still it's not working. and he said, well, it's not not a bludgeon against unwanted thoughts. >> and i said, well, what dodgea you that's more like a bludgeon that i'm looking forgeon bec. wd and he said, no unwanteds thoughts. it's part of the meditation. i said, okaypart , well, sometimesl i actually fall asleep. and he said, sometimes falling asleeply fall is. >> part of the meditation, yeah. i said, how about get my 1400
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dollars? that would make you happy. yeah, yeah greg: t. i had to have a hard time meditating. you know, it's -- it's hard, you know, when you're in the hot tub. uh, i'm sorry. oh, next. peter tries to ruin easterwith m by being a pain in the keister so long past a lot of gamewheret flacks, a super thin, flexible bat with maximum otc strength light game that contours the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and then we mentioned it reallyr ,really sticks. >> it's a long pause. it's good medicine. that when ad animal is gone, you cannot get it back. >> e but can repair it with prou animal repair. it penetrates deep into it penetrates deep into the tooth to activelthwash weakened enamel. i recommend for animal repair with new animal repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they wer ♪ ♪e great together. >> type two diabetes discovermy. the ozempic tri zone oh that thing i got power of.ozi >> i learned my a1 c cc d risk and lost some weightas strok
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more words. five words. easter potatoes instead of eggs. michele peta sen t letter lette to jill biden. good for her urging to swap to the traditional chicken eggssw at year's annual white house easter egg roll for potatoest th. promote kindness instead of factory farming. what do you make of this? >> um, you know what i think of? i think of the famine in ireland. wow. and that'sthof te in ireland nol to me. so and i think a lot of irish catholics would be offended. >> shouldn't they just have joe roll down the hill? they could. row that happens regardless. yeah, that. that just goes without saying. peter. um, they're. they're weirpetad. ole le and they did this whole letter to her with all these punsttwiti like, this is a really appealing idea, isn't it, dr ap. joe? >> it's. it's. it's dumb. it's dumb.
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kat, i mean, who's speaking upps for the potatoes? i mean, they have?e eyes, and tn world isg. watching, according to the potatoes. >> actually, this could be a potential pr disaster. >> what? biden's when he wouldn't notice ,he'd be like these, eggs are really strong. i what do can do?l tell him in advance and hope he remembers. in advance a on. yeah. they pull him aside. these are potatoes. why are you trying gaslight this president has been scrambling the potato eggsst and that's just not going right. goinght.. s stupid all right, here we peter, let's play the game. g this is like telling a world person. hey, let's do tarzan with ad actor. is yeah. you just see your mind blown that you do it. l
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>> you can't call him lord ofor the apes, can you? oh, so you want to take a lifeless food sourceit with nothing growing in it and replac replacee it with somt with six eyes is going to scream to death. and it's probably a potentiaen lse 1 k weapon because one kid is goingd to throw a potato at another kid. it's not to be. yeah a. yeah. it's a dangerous trend. we could have thousandacked. ag millions killing, you know, death. no one's going to eat. they're killing potatoespo.. yes. so they can say the embryo was egg with nothing thean in it. yeah. you can eat. and the president knows how to scramble everything.le at lejoe, what do you. >> is this just is this another peta stunt that we just pick up on? because we think it's funny? e ththey have to come in, they a to barge in to everything that's funrg and enjoyable. like michelle said with the puns. they even said, why noe punst h. potato roll where there is something called a potato roll and you putere is potat a a hamburger on it.
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but they like even it's like it's thanks, it's easter. weeaster got to ruin this. so it's thanksgiving where you have tofurkey. so tofu turk you got tofurkey y and especially eggs are an almost perfect food. and if you want proof when you go to a diner, don't say, oh, you get some potatoes. would you like eggs on the side? yeah. you sat sau want y. >> well, all my eggs. and then you talk about hash browns. yeah. let's leave the eggs alone becaus and the talk t shbrownse. >> they are just the wayy god intended them to be. they can't feed themcan't . >> it's pink. the white house can't afford it . oh, that's right. there you go. there we go. go, goged of. thiy go, goged of. thiy >>♪ we'll be righ >> look, i got to get rid h of this. 3x be what? ♪ye >> cause it stinks.? ♪ye having to try down here raisinar fresesh. >> it helps remove odors three times better than detergent alone. it works. >> yeah. downy rinse and refresh. beautiful and healthy looking. and it shouldn't be a compromise.
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