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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 15, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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everyone, i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." thank you for being with us tonight. tonight, what happens when rats are whacked out on read? billy "the exterminator" is herv how to protect your family, believe it or not but first, they are coming to america. that is the focus of tonight "angle." he made his agenda clear back in 2019. no making migrants wait toleas mexico any longer.e, the return of catch and release, open borders, and of course, i more refugees. >> will reverse trump's detrimental asylum rates are targeted for refugees to a level commensurate with our responsibility. i will review the protective status with the population ripped apart by violence and disasters, including venezuelans and haitians. >> lauraar: and l come almost five years later because of a
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biden's pro migrant fanaticism,d venezuela and haiti are usingzu american as a dumping ground for their problems. venezuelan gangs like notorious are flooding the border and committing horrific crimes.el madura was happy they are of someone else's problem now. and now a warning of a new wave w dangers posed to americans because venezuela just released 100 more hardenedim criminals. according to one prominent miami immigration attorney, these are career criminals. these are prisons where there thugs and killers. these are not prisons where they house the political opposition. again, this is all on biden thad said would never try the stuff if trump were president. add to that the collapse of haiti and the risk of a massive influx of unvented haitians into the south florida. the biden team would love this,
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of course, because they want to turn florida blue and the only way to do that if they don't change policies as canceling out native-born americans, as they call them "newcomers." of course, biden folks will pretend they will turn back the areagents who try to come by v. >> i think youitio are right, te driving conditions in haiti could very well press morepr people. weov have recently approved some additional assistance that we could provide to the.w coast guard. k that that has now fully been approved. we will provids ife notificatiof we haven't already. doe >> laura: what does that mean, we assist the migrants?t thon our boats? well, okay, we assist the migrants in the rio grande as t well. they are all brought to shore. although it is true the maritime rules make it easier to turnth people away, i wouldn't put
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anything past the biden people when it comes to bringing people into the when you think of the fabulous imajob that antony blinken hase in ukraine, just imagine how he will help haiti restore democracy. >> we need to see ansia transito to elections, to a clear returng to a democratic path. when a high of $200 billion thcoming to dod come another billion dollars to the sup united states government. in support of the national security support o >> laura: none of that money will be wasted, none of it, i'm sure. doesn't tony blinken always looked like he lost his best friend, by the way? these people couldn't evacuate from afghanistan, but they are going to restore democracy and 80ro? money down a rat hole that we will have to borrow or print again. a real leader like florida governor ron desantis protects his people first and certainly doesn't waste their hard-earned money.or
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he put his border agents on high alert for refugees who tried to reach florida. that is good news. but will commit is nol coincidence we are seeing chaos break out all across the globe e have a week debilitating precedent at home.ul why would americans support throwing billions to othery se countries when they see this government sabotage our own country? it makes no sense!e it's not that we don't have sympathy for haiti, of course, we do bet their problems are decades old. oursr meddling hase. usually mae things worse.coun >> week rich countries put a lot of food to sell to poor countries and leave them athe f burden with producing their owns foodas. it may be good for farmers in h arkansas, but it has not worked. i did that. i have to live everyday with the consequences with less capacitye with rice crop in the hady feed those people. because of what i did. >> laura: later we forced unpopular preston on haiti ande
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what did that get us? what we are seeing in the streets tonight. of course humanitarian catastrophe unfolding, that the american people will be asked ts pay for. g the fact is for a variety ofe pe reasons, haiti can't seem to get its act together. the people there suffered terribly so america repeatedlycl tries to bail it out. it is an endless cycle that frustrated than president trump in 2018, reportedly referred to it as a capital s hole countrye and that created a mediahe firestorm at the time because liberals who don't hesitate for one second to mock, pe traditioa americans, christians, people oh faith, will always jump to defend the third world.peop >> many people have long held disbelief that it is just chaos> and haiti haiti. absolutely untrue. w >> we make this happen for you. haiti is great already. >> laura: is it, conan,
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really? maybe we should ask barbecue?rm anerd that is "the angle." joining us tulsi gabbard, former hawaii congresswoman andor fox news contributor, people who forgot who who haven't been watching this carefully, this guy who calls himself barbecue i claims to be running the showbv now and haiti. he's ahead of the largest getting there and obviously, al4 accounts, it is a complete nightmare, 4,000 prisoners released from the worst prisons roaming the streets to my regular people can't get food. so it is a horrific situation. but you get the sense we are about to be dragged into it big time. >> hey, laura, you are exactly right. you get that sense because of the biden/harris administrations in action. they were in action, is, incons fact, their action. their conscious effort to continue the open border policyu letting anyone and everyone illegally come across the
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borders, which when you reallyi, look hard at what they are doing, they are engaging in ahee criminal enterprise, aiding and abetting many of these human trafficking cartels and other groups as we are seeing now come recently with the fbig recognizing that they are isis connected individuals usean domestic human trafficking individuals. the biden administration isy responsiblise for all of those peer their role in this entirese operation essentially is to run interference for these multibillion-dollar criminal enterpriseg ths with the cartely like cuttingtt through the wire that governor abbot pt put up, by creating entryways and openings for people to continue to illegally cross the border. the humanitarian crisis, the hardship people are facing, the national security threat that we are experiencing as a result of their policy is on their backs. this suffering is on their hands. >> laura: tulsi gabbard, just
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like they don't care about theer women being traffic at the boarn or the folks at interstate 80sa whose schools are being overcrot the people being assaulted in new york by migrant. they don't care about any of those people. they are all collateral damagetu and biden's america. this now the state department says when it comes to haiti, they are trying to reassure us tens of millions of dollars we wahave already sentct there will be monitored. watch out. >> there is $33 million the secretary announced on monday ih humanitarian assistance we are providing to help alleviate the humanitarian situation on the ground. weogra always have guardrails in place, monitoring in place to ensure that money is usedhe effectively.n i th >> laura: tulsi, when i think of the state department, i really think about monetary guardrails because we have never seen thehist state department we money before the history of the united states of america, come on! >> yeah, give me a break thever
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accountability. they will not allow us to have e accountability over the money we are giving to ukraine. to speak of other secondly, laura, they say all these fancy things, and i thinkl it is to try to make themselves feel better or look like theyry are doing something, when, in t fact, history tells a different story specifically when it relates to haiti.l just within the biden/harrisy to administration, they sentd $650 million to try to establish some rule of law and help o policing in the country and root out these violent gangs. look at the country now. where has that money gone a thework they there was such long history of corruptione do there. they are moring,e concerned abot looking like they are doingbo something, just like they were trying to play now with our own borders, than they are about solving any real problems.shor >> laura: and tulsi, when you think about drawing the short end of the stick if you are
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interested in working in the diplomatic corps, imagine if you were confirmed today as an ambassador to haiti as denniss hankins was by a vote of what was it, 99-1 or 89-1, yeah. they are sending the marines toe the embassy in port-au-prince, and they already pulled out oressential or nonessential dypersonnel. forgive me for not getting that right but they already pulledh some personal out and this guy has to go in and deal with this? he couldn't get france?i poor guy! speak with the most thing, lai h laura -- it is tough, it is tough. i think the most important picture though mike baker take away here is number one, thebord biden/harris doesn't care about the borders and more concerned d with looking good than actuallyo doing good for the they have got to enter into the real world that the rest of ussv
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live in and may may be, may be exempt there is some interest in solving problems. they actually have to want to solve problems and it is clearn that they don't. >> laura: noib, they wanlet totr bring as many people into the country as possible. i feel that you mike that thereo will be haitians coming into the country. tulsi i'm always good to seemp's you, thank you. the classified docs case handed down a major ruling.■s a you don't want to miss it next. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women do it. if you can see her, you can be her.
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♪ ♪n >> laurath: now, when the biden claims that trump will roll like a dictator if elected and take revenge out on his opponents, do they honestly have no clue how>> to do make stupid andfo hypocritical they sound? >> if he is reelected, the former president has openly said he intends to weaponize the department of justice against his enemies. >> laura: now, that was only about 12 hours later that donald trump was back inrt. cou to spend another day off thehi campaign trail in front of adi judge. his attorneys arguing for the dismissal of the criminal election interference case thats never should have been brought in the first-place courtesy of his politicatel enemy,sy of cou.
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all the way, joe and kamala harris are free, footloose and fancy freege barnstorming the crucial states. meanwhile, georgia, therr democrats doing their best to have a embarrass of the fani willis and her entire case. the judge is expected to rule out any moment as to whether or not they will take the load off of fani or at least dismissed her from the trump case. joining me now to unpack all of those come i'm sorry, fani, fan, fani i keep saying the wrong thing the legal counsel in impeachment case and jim trusty come another trump attorney and both are familiar with the kids it's against the former president. we will get to george in a second, gentlemen but i want to get jim's take first of what took place in miami today in the classified docs case. judge eileen cannon has deniedis trump's motion to dismiss. the jim, she said essentially the various phrases being contested
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is too vague in phrases like "entitled to receive" or related to the national defense authorized persons, that there were too many outstanding legalg questions for her to grant the motion to dismiss. do you agree with her ultimate finding there? migh>> well, i do somewhat. that might be surprising but the reason why, she is taking any isincremental approach toward scheduling, discovery issues. that is what we are used to in federal court and actually what we want from our judges is to decide the issues that are right at the time they need to be decided. what she did it she dismissed this without prejudice, saying we can circle backtion when deae with juried instructions and decide if there is aeet constitution with vagueness. that is a difficult standard to meet in general. but the key thing today was notu that, it is she keeps talking and asking questions about selective prosecution. t you mention weaponization. thatha is the real -- that is ai
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uphill battle but treating president trump when it comes to mar-a-lago, that is a or that. will land in her wheelhouse and can be a big one. i don't think it was a bad one for two lose one constitutional issue for the time being. >> laura: it is pretty funnyvi to watch, david, the reaction from some of the trump critics. they act like they won the case today. firs mt year law student knows w difficult it is to have a motion to dismiss granted when there is a dispute to some of the underlyifacts.the resolution ofl question depends too greatly one contestefid and structural questions about stillge fluctuatiod,n definitions of statutory terms and phrases as charged, et cetera. i think this was a very conservative ruling on her part. a lot of people want this to gol away and i think it should go away, but i think this isju
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actually quite smart odgf this judge in this case. a >> i don't think this is a loss at all for president trump. i think ji im is right that she handled it in the proper way. he has, in this case, unlike many other cases, some really serious arguments for dismissal. they will have to confront the mens rea element in the mind-set willfully in the context of thea ctpresidential records act. a lot of commentators want ton. say the presidential act has nothing to do with this case and so on. they are wrong.acks if they look at the 2012 o decision from jackson and tc asa real trump hater in which she said the statute is silent as to who has the right to designatehe extent so far as it names the executive as the onl y person with the right to designate personal presidential recordshi while in office peer thangt goe, if nothing else to the mensed rea whether president trump willfully violated the law.eopl willfully means doing somethingw reasonably believes criminal. he had people telling him,gnat
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people who should know, telling hilm he had the right to designate these as personal records. that issue, i think the records, judge howell in d.c. turned and virtually wholesale fashion, despite the attorney-client privilege, i think that ougho to lead to a dismissal.iden i think the grand jury wass tended bcay the evidence. this is many issues in the case. this was not a loss for >> laura: especially nonlawyers andat obviously we ae all itl lawyers, but it is not t complicated when you boil it down tfor o the facts. i want to play one sound bite for you, jim, because it's made me scream laughing. in morningalizdia when they realized that it is some of the charges against trump were drawn dropped in the georgia case. and ultimately it is foreboding for the future of fani willis. watch. >> i just wonder if he would go there, if he would dismiss
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charges if planning to throughout the case or remove it from fani willis. >> to tr thiy to look on the brt side in many ways, this could potentially streamline the case. we are having this conversation p of her potentialde disqualification. it could sort of be duck and cut. >> laura: i mean, jim, theyo are trying tkio find any little thread -- trying to give some credibility, which is obviously f a case that was brought by ms. willis ands ma paramore. >> they may watch the lasthen bubbles of the state of the titanic coming down when it comes to georgia. a cerebral job of a challenging jurimotion. he had been elected district k attorneyep purging herself in court, disrespectfully doing so. he kept as calm and waited through the facts. he's waiting through the legal issues. the beauty of this one from president trump's perspective is
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if it is dismissed withoutbeca prejudice, which is usually a pure victory for the defense because they go back to the grand jury and recharge it. but if he dismisses it without prejudice and the disqualificationth kicks in with the entire office, which georgia law says happens i p wonder if e circumstances, nobody will pick this up if they have anyo sense at all nor the d.a. willt say let me jump into that morass and handle this case. >> laura: david, do you agree with the dead camp at that point? >> i think so. i really don't know. b d it depends who they select and who does the selecting ay.t the end of the day. but let me tell you, this judgen is onto something with chargestm dismissed but his problem one don't know how to defend against them because they were not specific enough peer that is a real issue in the new york casea new york cases cockamamie felony by charging misdemeanor to commit a target act. act the grand jury never specified what the target act is. is it to a tax purposes?
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that is by a bill of particulars. i think that is defective to the new york case, and i hope the lawyers will latch onto that. >> laura: that is fascinating, the bootstrapping will not work for them. david and jim, thank you so much. pro-china tiktok defenders out in full force spewing april's narrative. what is about? tim cotten and mike gallagher are both her e to crush the phony narratives next. ♪ ♪
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>> laura: 352-65, that was the final tally for the house bill to force china's sale of tiktok due tobut, national security concerns. but in this rare and overwhelming moment of bipartisanship, why the heck is chuck schumer not taking swift action to advance legislation? asking questions if tiktok e that it is notbout
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controlled by the chinese communist party, why on eart>>h chinkea so worked up about this >> this kind of bullyingitio behavior that cannot win in faii competition disrupts company's normal business activity,on damages thmee confidence of international investments and an investment environment and damages normal internationalably trade order. bac and the end, this will inevitably come back to bite the united states united states itself. >> laura: threatening us, why?pr would they ever allow a pro-u.s. propaganda outlet to set uprn business in china? of course not! spare us all the concern about the international order. we know what you do want tos write up your joining me senator tom cotton and mike gallagher whose thoughts are the tiktok bill. let's start with you, senator cotton. tiktok ceo spoke with fox'st aishah hasnie this afternoon. watches. >> there is a lot of misinformation out there and i intend to clarify it.
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i haven't heard exactly what wev have done that is wrong.ha as you know, it is very disappointing for us that the bill passed in the house of representatives. this is a bad bill. if it is passed into law, thisce is a ban on the country. >> laura and: senator, since he hails from a country that bans free speech and religious g freedom, he should know this s not a ban. it is working with tiktok users that all up in arms. >> laura, sharp shoot the ceo of tiktok is a stooge and enricheds himself at the chinese communist party. the tiktok legislation that passed yesterday through the house thanks to congressman gallagher and house republicancc leadership there should be taken up immediately in the senatee ay chuck schumer. the advocacy you talked about is a perfect example, laura. sen you have tiktok pushes millions of phones and users asking to press a button to call the congressman. what you think would happen ifha donald trump next year tried to impose tariffs on china?
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where there is tension or conflict over taiwan?t of course tiktok is a tool of chinese propaganda and as you said, china would never allow pro-american news source in its country and it doesn't allow social media companies no. and we shouldn't allow tiktok to be owned by a chinese company that is dominated by chinese influence here. >> laura: congressman gallagher, the tikto fk ceo hais from singapore. s it doesn't mean he's not a ccp stooge, he is. are you surprised so many on thg right are making the argument that this is just going to give the government the opportunity to ban conservative websites or other websites on protection,t r protection grounds that we can't trust the government in this case, even though it involves china? >> well, as a conservative, i don't start from a place of trust and the government, which is why we crafted this bill so
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narrowly that it could not be used in order to give ther executive branch oanf branch authority to go after any individual in america or any american company. i get it, or social media companies are a disaster as well. rol but this foreign adversaryt control of what is increasingly the dominant news platform ithn and these people are arguing against a bill that does not exist. there was no with the word t in this bill that would allow the. executive branch to go after ani american company. the other light that tiktok has been telling is that this is not somehow about free speech. but is absolutely not. it is about foreign adversary t control of a social media company, and therefore, thenjec ability of an adversary company ofto invoke propaganda into then minds of millions of americans. i have to give credit to senator cotton who is at thel of forefront of eliminating dangerous by the ccp control ofi tiktok.
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we would not be where we are today if it were not for hisn leadership. >> laura: both of you have been absolutely phenomenal onr,i the china issue for years. congressman gallagher come i can't believe you are retiring.s i am depressed about that and i wish you weren't.s. senator cotton, we are evenif c seeing this in our school systems, as you pointed out, i don't know, congressman gallagher, you know about this website. is it, which is a chinese based, it is tutoredrn out, and it is being used by northern virginia public school systems. we find out it is essentially a chinese firm that is collectingt all sorts of data. but is owned by the primaverapia capital group, which is a m chinese investment firm. yeah, laura -- >> laura: wean will go senator first and then come back to congressman gallagher. >>cl it is owned by this grouppt close ties to the trunk communist party and not just school but ownedro
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department of defense, and recently, we haven't got satisfactory answers but i findt it hard to imagine we will get satisfactory answers.e why would our department of defense used chinese ownedt tutoring site for service memberputss or families when its at risk the data and the privacy of all of our troops and their families? there is more of enough of america tutoring's services and our military should be using. we should not use one close tieg to chinese communists. >> laura: it also has ties,teda congressman gallagher, tori bytedance. by day and is everywhere. extremely wealthy, powerful ccp connected company. but they have their paws. connected with this firm as well. >> they absolutely do. the core point about bytedance commit is beholden to the chinese communist party. bytedance has had to apologize in the past for failing tothey
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follow appropriate, political control from the they'v te had to hire for thousands of sensors to ensure in the future they follow the political control. and we also have major american investors who have billions on i the line having invested in bytedance that are now using the money to lobby against anyeapo action in the house and the senate. they are weaponizing why the d. swamp againsant us, which is who we need to stand up against us and passes legislation before it is too late.>> le sw >> laura: yeah, during the swamp, let's make it a reality. senator and congressman, thank you so much.spll high-speed fail, sucking taxpayers dry could come to a town near you?ng town near you?ng if you fail to spend a rama in california, it could next. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season.
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♪ ♪ >> california with real authorities virtual reality.ure about the inside future of what trains may look like when start rolling in california. and it won't be long beforeo virtual reality becomes the real deal. >> i would like it to be. >> travelers can buy a ticket to write high-speed rail in hig california. >> laura: elk might look like california's high-speed trains will havl e to remain virtual le
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longer. now, this boondoggle introduced in 2008 with the estimated cost$ jaw-dropping at the time,'s $33 billion, i remember on the radio. it is now 2024 and there is nodo sign of it being done. mor now, they are asking for $100 billion more. this sounds like ukraine. joining me now as jason rantz,se talk radio host, jason, i swearh anthis has been going on longera than 2008. i guess that is the beginning of the obama administration, all of these great projects. tell us, how do californians put up with this? >> i remember because i'm from l.a. i remember thinking as a child, boy, i can't wait to take a three hour train ride toinut san francisco when i can take a$ flight for 90 minutes only cost about $80. it never made any sense what p they were pushing, yet, peopleis still think this is going to be this amazing new type of technology called a choo-choo
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train. we will be able to go from point a to point b in a long amount oe time but we are calling it a bullet train so it sounds fast. they were is this weirdto fascination with europe and asian countries and how they ar able to do transit in a generale sense. they are very good at what they dood.t we areth we are not good at these kinds of projects and we never have been. with some rare exceptions, but the larger the project, especially wait as long as they. decided to wait in california, it was destined to fail. so give us $100 million more. abouallyt the time this is actuy done -- >> laura: $100 billion!. >> no, it is $100 billion more. >> laura: for a second come i it was a typo. [laughs] >> unfortunately, that i inss hw much it is. we are throwing money at technology that is so, so, so old. we will have teleportation by the time this thing is actually whatdone. it doesn't quite make sense whah
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they were doing, especiallyfo given the factrn that californi. cities are falling apart. imagine what you can use $100 billion or even a fraction of that on. put it into san francisco rathea than take us to san francisco in a train with the city may not even exist by the time that this is done. >> laura: i don't want to get -- i don't want to give san francisco a penny until they really, really, really reformsob themselves. i'm not giving these mayors anything but let them breathe a little much. california is also looking to rake iinn some extra cash by hiking up electricity prices, which are already very high-end california. and they wilt l base it on yourg annual salary. result is coming. people pulling and $28,000 to $69,000.69000 to 180,000, $173 and people over -- $128 a month.
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that is real cash and living ino california, a lot of people you don't even make that good salary of 180,000 with four kids. that is not a lot of money iny california although it actually isis.s >> it is really getting out of control. id. but to your point, we saw its is coming down this road. but keep in mind, this is of course the only thing so expensive in california but on top of literally everything else that is making the statement credibly unaffordable. they just started to stop the exodus that you seen over theay course obef the last few years. only two of them may be give o more of a reason for people to leave. the sad irony is they are still not capable of handling theot demand of power. even though they will be charging a heck of a lot more for >> laura: jason, alway ss wonderful to see you. thank you. things have gotten so bad in biden's america, that even the
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>> we are going to do groceries now. ever wake we go, we spent $300. everything keeps going up and up. >> until i see the difference at the bottom of the receipt at the grocery store, the economy is not doing well. >> you have to pick the cheap stuff because we don't want to spend that much. we have to think about all the time and it sucks. >> laurat: it is outrageous and americans need to cut cost.k they are going back toto basics, some of them. i joining me eva shockey, a hunter and outdoor lifestyle influencer. eva, i love interviewing influencers and you have been hunting quite some time. y made actuall difference ictuan your wallet,ef
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especially in the last couple oo years, when you hunt something that you end up butchering and consuming? >> absolutely. this is the lifestyle that i grew up with, so i really didn't understand how expensive meat was and that was back in the dai when i started hunting. now meat and groceries are so expensive. i wawas doing the math today g command if you go into a grocery store, we have all been there and weigh more than we like the cost, say stay is $15.e nsyou can get a hunting licensen north carolina for under $50.if if you get a deer come it willur serve your family the whole fall. instead of getting individual stakestu. it is pretty incredible if youe turn to the hunting lifestyle and realize how functional it is, besides being a great way of life commit actually has a huge csavings to you and your familyr >> laura: eva you look like you would be a influencer for makeup or fashion.
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she is not a hunter! but a lot of people know that you were coming on and asked mes she butcher? does she butcher her own pills? do you? >> it really depends on the situation. i'm not going to lie. i depend on my husband a little bit more. >> laura: okay! >>re we will make summer sausag, dehydrated it and make beef jerky. there was a little that i do the prepping site if it. >> laura: i like that.ike let him do that part. i think that is a great idea. now, when young women hear about hunting and i'm not a big hunter, but i respect it and i think it is fantastic. but they are afraid. people are afraid. yet, it is back to nature. if you consume what you kill, that's, you know, the ultimate in conservation if obviouslye respecting the numbers and so ulctinforth as you must.
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>> absolutely, exactly. i when i started hunting and i came from my family of hunters, my dad is a hunter. i did not hunt until i went tooc the universityer, looked at thev grocery bill, i was a broke university kid. what in the world, how will i afford meat?ta that is when i started hunting. but when you don't think of a hunter, hunters, we are note elmer fudd anymore. things havhee changed over the years. anyone can do it. you get a bow, you can target practice and spendd time outdos with your family. if you actually want to take the next step to hunting to sourceoo your own food, you actually get to live that 365 lifestyle wher you appreciate the a there is no antibiotics that we are putting in her body and it is really a win-win. >> laura: is that the bow next to you? >> it is. >> laura: where is a question mark >> it is right can you see it? it is named after me, though eva bow. it is my favorite.
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>> laura: that i as pretty cool and a nice color. it goes with your outfit.ry eva grea rt to see you. hungry rats, how do we go from that to hungry rats. in new orleans, rats with a t wicked case of the munchies. >> the uncleanliness is off the charts. people shouldn't have to come to their office and see rodent drippings on their task. the evidence, property room you took a tour of, major rodents on the floor, cockroaches, the rats eating our marijuana. they are all high. >> laura: okay, wait a second, joining me pest control technician, billy brotherton but you may know him as billy "the exterminator." all right, billy, are rats on weed like humans are on weeds, slower, lazier, dumber, or are they hungry, and a happy?
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>> they are mainly like us, but has to be burnedburn for it to e effect. so they are just eating the raw wheat without it burning won't get them high. >> laura: so it seems like they are really worried about that though because i guess thea humans marijuana is quite testyr to the rats, proving that they will make messes of themselves anywhere they are. i >> and also, it'f it is coming t of where they keep their evidence, it can be messing up court cases and on allof kinds f things with the rats eating evidence. >> laura: how do you get rid of them? new york is constantly adding to its rat patrol. they don't have enough policep officers to stop criminals, but they are addinaddig to rat patrl all the time. >> it takes three things for a a successful rat infestation to get out of hand. that is food, or bridge andd water. if you havr.e the trifecta
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rextremely difficult to get rid of. also the rats can multiply faster than the exterminator can kill and get them out of theyth are losing the battle every day. what i would do is a productis called zinc falsified here they would have to close the police station down for a day or two.yu when they put that zinc outcomea i guarantee you every rat will die. they don't have to eat it or drink it or live in it. all they have to do is walk on the test and they are done. we can do this if it gets desperate. >> laura: billy, you were holding up the big snakes before we went to commercial break. first of all, those are fake, obviously. they aren't real? >> no thomas e they are wrapped around me. >> laura: are they moving?>> t oh, my god, take that off my thought that was fake. i'm scared of stakes, honestly.!
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okay, wait a second, don't show them again because i can't look at a but do you release the snakes when you bombed the place or do the snakes diet, which for me wouldn't be a bad thing? >> no, we remove the snakes and relocate them. we wouldn't harm them in any way. i don't even like killing rats, but where are we going to takeo all the rats? so i have to do it. but snakes, they don't infest like rats. by the way, this could be a good bug control. >> laura: okay, i said not to put the snakes up again, please come i'm half-joking, but i'm terrified of snakes and spidersi sold billy, what about your most wild intervention? i thought it had something to do with a lion as i recall. in my getting that right? >> yes.
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there's been a bunch of close c calls but i was shooting u something up in canada with the production, and there wasn't a lion's den with two lands, female and male fully grown. and the zoo... to go in the lion's den ande an interact with the lions. sure, we raise them from when they were born so they arend reallyly friendly. abilit't hy shouldn't have a t problem. okay, so i go into the encl enclosure, and big as asa volkswagen bug come up both huge. the sooner i get in there, the female gets up and i smell like their favorite cologne, she attacked me! >> laura: okay, so billy is lion page because of the clone he was wearing, and i know the story now.lly, billy, come back soon, don't ever show the [sirens sounding


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