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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 16, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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a laura, i want you to come play here. i'm going to give you 200,000l up front instead of name, image and likeness u you're arent w high school and it's a totally different world. >> dan it'ors always great tal to talk to you. sports is a great, great respitk to,e from politics, at i for me. >> thank you so much. you're welcomecs aast for ank y. >> thank you.roug all right. that's it for us tonight. everyone. have a wonderful sht tht.a wonds day on sunday. have a great weekend with your reiends and familyhave a gh you it is america now and forever. thanks fort watching all weekt long. jesse watters takes it all from heretakes it. all right, here we go.
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hello, everyone. i'm sandra smith, along with judge jeanine, judge jeanine pirro, i should say. harold ford is here and pete hegseth and greg gutfeld. 5:00it's 5:00 in new york city. and this is the fight. >> all right. the big news, special prosecutor nathan wade falling on his sword to protect his former flame. bonnie willis dramatically stepping down from the trump georgia election case. georg >> judge scott mcafee had given the fulton county d.a. judge theme massive ultimatum. it happened earlier that shee mu must cut ties. wade or step aside herself. willis silent so far.dg and while the judge did not outright disqualify her, he did not let he didnt willis skate cy back by calling the pair's junduct a tremendous lapse of judgment. but he says they're bad choicees do not constitute a direct conflict of interest. the judge alsoe a bonnie's furis courtroom appearance, saying that she behavedshe test
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in unprofessional manner when she testified. >> i think you live right here. no, no, no, no.. this is the truth, judge. and they love it.o be they love and i don't really like wanting be honeston with you. i like greta. you're confused. you think i'm on trial? trial these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. to si'm on trial no matter how you try to put me on trial. the man is not a a man is a companion. as you know, mr. wayne, a southern gentleman. >> he not so much judge was notr done yet. he also ripped into willisipntor playing the race card in that now infamous church speech. mid >> she blamed her misconduct allegations on racism. he called itons on r legally ims and this one's going to stingt s of bonnie's biggest fans and the media are turninheg saying that she should step aside. >> it's really a gift. former president trump, you have a judge who's overseeing a case calling, ional the prosecutor, again, unprofessional, saying that she made a bad decision.
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she had a lapse in judgment here. that is a lot of ammunition. blw this is such a huge body blow, almost a fatal blow.o her. tiffany willis, i think the way ford is, she has to voluntarily recuse herself. i don't know that she has it in her she clearly has no credibility with this judge. any one of these statements by a judge would be a career ender for a normal prosecutor to have an on the record finding that there are reasonable questions li lie oath. be devaedg >> that would be that would be devastating. oh, boy. and it's not over yet. while willis may end up staying on trump case, she's still under investigation by a case she undergeorgia senate co. and what they find maygia sena impact the prosecution against donald trump. >> all right, judge, you first on this. you know who else agrees with those mainstreaknow wm medc host andy mccarthy? he said a few moments ago, i thinark it's the best thingt l that could have happened for donald trump, i happen to agree and i think that this is a case that's mired in scandal.
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as the judge said, it has the odor of mendacity, which is dishonesty in lies. you've got to think about, okay ,they both engage in thect same conduct. >> but he's a bad boy. he's got to go. she gets to stay. now, the judge in his decision basically said, you know what, they weren't so honest with me he wasn't honest. but then when sht bue confirms his dishonesty she is not off the case. so on the one hand, getting the off the case is a gift to her because this guy didn'ts know his way around the courtroom. he's never tried a felony case. he couldn't tr they rico case.y he probably doesn't even know what the statute is. dobut look, the judge was weak. >> we knew it the first time soh he showed upt . alking this case he's now talking about you just said ityo the unprofessional manner when she testified during the evidentiarn unprofy judge. >> not for nothing.t but this is not the timeth not to talk about it.
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it's a little too late. you should have held on contempset as opposed to having second thoughts and putting it in your decision. but whathts antting in she did h was race baiting and i knew if they did that and talked about a racially charged charg defendant casting aspersions at him that would be off the case in a second. >> and the judge say s, look,e ar there were an onslaught of questions, but you've got the georgia bar, you've go ed certat the state committee, you've got the legislature, you've got this, that judge, you were the trier of fact. you were the one who creates the evidence i upon which the appeal would be taken. >> this judge doesn't even know what his is. jus >> and let me just finally say that he says that he didn't meet the standard of actual conflict. they didn't meet the standarf ad of actual conflict. >> he was her boyfriend. they knew it from the fromll phe the of the cell phones. >> they knew it from bradley, terrence bradley. and yet judge made a decision to allow them to perjure themselves.
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and she gets to stay on the case while whils fored falother making false statements. perjo i thinsek there's a lot of perjury in here, but i think it's on the part of the prosecutort i th . >> how do you see this? i mean, hasn't fani willis destroyed her reputation through this process? >> so good to see you all here today and good to be back around the table. the judg e has again a very strong opinion about this. i differ a little bit. deferi agree with some i agree with the that the headline is i think she should step down. she should step aside. i think in the interest of justice thest of ju and intet of fairness, i think she could she could step down with and he hold her head high for one reason. the judge made clear i don't w think the judge is weak. i think the judge i think the judge that showek i thin d to be a pretty strong character and a pretty strong person throughout juro. hole thingnd perso but the judge said that there's relan meritsr yobetwee of her case. what do you think? the merits are strong. there's no relationship to how she's puu th ngest knt this case together.t relationship to what? their relationship wascase, her lapses in judgment and nathan wade's lapses in judgment are abominable.
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that being said, judge, she's an elected official says ,and nathan wade is not.hi so i think the judgenk differentiated of the reasons a he had had her step down or ask her to step down versus nathan wade. >> i think that was a part of part of his calculus. but i thin n ork in order for thiswho be case to go forward, for those who believe that she'sli in ther hard work and those who in her office who believe they have a strong cas belieheee interest of the people they represent, it would behoove her to step downople tt . >> very interesting, greg. tremendous lapse in judgment. apse inthe judge says a fani wib was, well, why should sheld she be able to continue on this case? >> that's a good question. it's sad. i mean, wade fell on his? after she fell on his over and overer and over again and. me >> that's what's upsetting to me. sandra, the lovehe loverbor boys gets the ax, always the dudechyi in the hierarchy of identity. >> female trump trumps male. obviously it's sexist oril obvbh they would both stay or they both go. >> the other explanation beyond
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sexismr explan. >> the judge is a big fraidy cat. yep, he's scared of straplessshe use of fani willis. she already treated him like a dog toy on nationa himal. >> imagine if he told her to go what she do next. you turn into freddy krueger wo >> i mean, she'd be. you think she was texting lovery boy a lot, man. sh he she he she would flood justzone with relentless harassment. and he's just saying, god, i got an election coming uayingr maybe i can keep her at bay. i love the phrase odor of mendacity. it sounds like a romantic drama on the hallmark starring dean cain. >> the odor, the odor [ mendacity. >> it's an elegant way of saying basically the judget l should open the door to look at all these texts. that's what he just did. text didand to be referred to as the state ag or whatever you want to doe stat, do not want ho step down because she's hilarious. she's magiariousc she's likeestr the chatty best friend in aa horror movie. i can't get enoughhorr of. and she helps trump because ann show anding clow
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she's the biggest bozo. and that guarantees that everyone will see what a circus this is. >> and if you look at all of these casesl thes, they're al falling apart. i mean, they're all like cheap umbrellaheap umbs, you know, thu fine. you open them up and they just collapse. so ju i think it's a it's a great day for america. it's a great day for your green jacketrrie. . >> so much.ap happy st patrick's day to you. hey, petpy st.e. at d haeg says, what do you have to say about this? i mean, this really open to sasr to the public to see a system that is truly struggling , as jonathan turley pointed out earlier. >> yeah, who has faith? it's another example of a you em that we there's very little reason to have faith in right now. you talk about it, you mentioned it, both of you. the odor of mendacity to look up mendacity. >> it just means liar. yes. f th >> order is what comes outthe fg of the bathroom on the flight. you know, this is a good dumpster of mendacity. okay? this is . a this judge is an absolute flake. >> you're exactly right. total coward all the evidence is there. >> 10,000 text.
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so what yo theeu have to help mt here, judge? so two people lie? yeahgoes, only one goes. yeah. so that's the standard now. yeah. because of the situation in, in, in, in georgia in, atlanta around her political power where she sits, who she is and who she's prosecuting. >> but that's the big takeaway m news. fani willis has responded, as we reported. top of the hour as of the topren of the hour. she has not she has nodelyw sh e is calling these unjustified attacks. of course, sheattacks. is watchg the five that course she is in. >> let me tell you something else. 's fact that she's an elected official doesn't excusd e her.cuse o in fact, there is a higher standard for someone who is a prosecutor and elected official. >> you should hold yourself out ther e as being like caesar's wife. and the judge didn't and holdul her to that standard. it could be because runnr officetofo h in three weeks in his first campaign, and he does want to tee off any of the's candidates because he can have the law on his side, which
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side ht he said in his i respect you all's appraisal of about, you know, he should make decisions.udge jea could he just the same thing over. and over is people in powere in saying big lapses in judgment, totally unprofessional. >> n dgement o. okay. that was news. all right. and we'll continue after news. >> you leave your news, next your own show happen. >> save patrick's day moment to you're chase. all right. up next, liberals attempt to stop crim liberalt to se doe. passengers pleading for the police after a man gets shotpassene. i the head keep an eye on everything i do. so when you get to nashville, hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders, i. what about you? three classic tenders for big butterfly shrimp. in tags? >> four of a kind. i went, oh, okay. is it always a competition? i am the shrimp but frustrated
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>> turns out bag checks in theer cities. doal not making residents any safer panicked passengers fleeinsafer.g their lives in a e new york city subway after a fighgh t led to a man getting get shot in the head with his own gun. h. viewers are warning this is a tough one to watch on. >> yeah, you don't see the but you hear them. brand new surveillance video shows that manw survei enteringp the subway without pay. >> he then boards a train wherae started a fight with another man. they get in a boxing match and woman allegedly stabbed him. it's at that point he draws a gun. the passengers flee, but the other guy ends up disarming him in that fight, shooting him in the hea.1 guy d with his own
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weapon. the perpetrator is now in critica l condition. >> the d.a. says they're not filing charges againstd the other man who fired the gun on the subway, saying was self-defense. >> pretty shocking. this even there's a lot of extra manpower in the subway these days. >> theway new governor kathy h flooding the zone with about 700 national guard membersflhe, but she did strip them of their rifles. she's p hochul says she's very proud of her national guard despite, some saying that move was not necessary. how doe was no respond to some r fellow democrats calling the move theatricslling th playo republican narratives that blue cities are poorly run war zones ? i'm not buying it. i'm not buying it. my job is to kee ip people saf e so i have any way i can. i'm going to keep new yorkers safe. will kthe subways have been saf, but we had a spike recently, a 45% increase in subway crimes. i needed to do somethingic and dramatic and quickly to send a message.
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>> sui o judge, real quick. >> so daniel penny defended comself to, but they're coming after him. >> i mean, talk to me about this case. you know, the parallelfter himka and the penny case are very strong. this guynd penny who takes a guf of his backpack, apparently they're checking bags. they didn't check his bag. so he gets a gun on a moving, locked subway car. nobody can get out. and they're screaming, get me out, get me ouou areett. s goin >> he takes a gun.g and the person he's going after and he ends up getting the gun from him and shooting him in the head. so the person who shot him in the hea hod and he may die from this is already nott be being arrestedin he has the rigt to defend himself. but why didn't daniel petiright have right to defend himself when everybody on that moving, locked subwa msely car undergroundlt felt that their lives were in danger? all righ theire in danger.t. mean, this is just a different scenario. if this guy really mental health issues, then he is very
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much like george neele they in . danny petit case. >> but look, she can go out mayr kathy hochul or mayor adams of the whole lot of the democrat e des out and say, we're going to do what's right. we're not going to do in the republicans narrative. >> here's the bottom line. you've t got to start prosecuting crime. you've got to change that bailpg laws that didn't reform bail that just allowed criminalsoingy to keep going. you've got to remove prosecutors who won't prosecutod level crime, as evidenced by the fact that the guy bthe who broughfacthot the gun woundp being shot with his own gun, he jumped the fare all. >> right. you know, it's called the broken windows series. you start with a lower level. start wi. crimes and you move up. but this is going to continueon to happen. they can put an army in the subway. a girl lost her legsirl . her boyfriend convicted prior assaults, put her in frontvicted of subway. you've got to change the law and stop talkingbu the talk.s me i mean, greg, the guy was clearly you watch the video is clearly mentally ill
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he's got a gun. some of the checks didn'n t wore and kathy hochul would have condemned if trump, the trump administration, had put nationalondemned. ars. this is where if you were on another any other network pick any network>> gre there wi an awful and affluent white female liberal sayine femag. but i take the subway every day. and it's this is just an aberration. >> it's an anomaly. i take subway every day. >> it's never been safer. thisbeen saf how it went? >> a yellow did, b b yells it a a fight b c start a a pulls out a gun, b grabs a gunwhat and shoots a. what happened is c, there's a woman ther h?ome, stabbed they in the back. all of this is it's a very complicated mathematics equation, but it only happens in places where it can happe onm >> and this wasn't it midnightid in the lower east side, you knower east s, was on a cro subway in the afternoon. so happens because it can.d it h >> and why did it happen? what's missing? .
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>> the police absence of law and order means there's no distancing and ord . have right post george floyd that left wing spasm law and order has given and given this this and new yorkers, many of whom are on those subways. smu voted for thiste you the 1970s with smartphonesar. all a lot of these people were out there chanting defund the police and now they're living their consequences. >> and as much police they ar as i loveonal and respect the national guard, they are not trained in this stuff. >> therere not an opportunity cn for that political optic, that uncleity decided to do. she chose a stunt over a reale that would reduce crime and make us safer. so what she dicrd madid made usu let's say which comes to the question, whene whic is enough? >> what does it take? we keep saying that.ou do you thinkgh wha one party rue is over in these cities? is it time to try something new and let the adults back in the room? a good city is run by democratdd and republicans. the mom and the dad.
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that's how things work. it's not dems and crazy is here' . dems can't split the powerot that way. now it's dems crazier dems and the craziest. s. maybe try dems crazy dems and come republicans make the of republican mayor come back and this would be over. ,do you think that's in thek cards? res because you know you've got a governor responding to it. we're seeing things like thi i s a regular basis. >> so maybe so. and i have any problemcal di with political diversity. and i'd love for democratsve t to have a majority. but at the same time, i want answers. and i think gregg touches and i'd saimy i'ndd sa gy threek things with regard to this. ond barack is not it's decided not to file charges and i think it will increase pressure around a penny case. it'slear to it's a book for him it's a brooklyn d.a. not not did not they they decided not to do it in brooklyn for thank you for the correction, too in the pit f
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y a gun to the person on the subway camera. did he have a gun? not a pin. ditherd noe waths t said there l in this one, which may be a difference of a different differentiating factor. and but still, mr. penny will haved his time in court. and i'veon said a show before, i think based on what i see, i think the guy responded rightlk thy, we need cops in the subways. and i'd be willing, as a taxpayerwillin, probably earn more money than others in the city to pay a little more, ensure that we had pe to eensuro dedicated cops dedicated to subways all across, all across ss the c't because without the subway, the city doesn't work. if people can't to work,yer ge can't get to school, can't pick their kids up, can't get the entertainment t i can't gre get to the things across and around this great city. >> we liveatwe in.k. it simply doesn't work. so this has to be the priority. and i believ ty ane it is a priy of mayor adams and the governor. but we need something different. and thd somethinfferent and thte last year, minutes of the last few days have really showe realo us how difficult and how unsafe it is for poor families and others goings ho to and goinge subw to work to take the subway. >> you know, now with congestion pricinayg, more people are going to be taking the subway because they don't want to take that issue u p takthp to issuesf
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>> those are the economic consequences that i think about every. ho day. i don't necessarily hear people say, oh, you know, i take the subway every day. i keep goingw the i. r is what i hear is the youngprofessi professional paying $2,000r east a month for rent on the upper east side to live in 200 square feet, who now has to pay $60 to get to their job in lower manhatta in? they fear getting on the subway or mom trying to get their kids to schoooml. they avoid the subway that's more cash out of their pocket. cast of the policiesr no or not. these are huge economic consequences for the cithugecoyt makes it more and more unlivable. >> i wonder if when>> and people watch the five who don't live in cities love these segments pe because it's like city. >> it's like they could sit there. you're sitting home, you're going like those idiots get out of their sure. shirt an, but we can't. beca, yeah. >> we're here, right to our bosses and defense. great new york. this is the greatest city in the world. love 11. and we got to figure out how we make it safer and we make c the subways. >> we're going to get rid of that title. you want a better cityithe worl is milpitas, california. is that where you and tom brady
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are from? no. san mateo. nice try, though. >> there we all right. we move on ahead. e loganjoe goes nuclear on. >> liberal musician musician neil young for trying to cancel neil young for trying to cancel out a pizza bar on a date. sor >> it's easy to get lost in investment research, introducinersonalig jpmorgan pel advisors. hey, connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goalslss n >> great jpmorgan wealth management. this nothing better than the subway series footlong the subway series footlong except when you add an so all new footlong sidekick like the philly. footlonwhat a new 12 foot long. sometimes the sidekick is the main event. you would say that every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. >> most guys get serious air bags as they get older, but most guys don't do anything
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oh, to charlatans, let's drink our faces and by the way, he does take tips at the other . i never take two lumps before dinner. it ruins the appetite do they have? >> do you guys feel like chariot people? >> can i give you some feedback as a bartender? you and that's what musicians k are acting like. huge babies. s bands on thiste are bailing on the popular south by southwest festival in texas in protest of the event's sponsorship by the united states military amid israel's war on hamas, texas greg abbott says good riddance, telling them, quotddancee, we are proud of the us military in texas. if you don'ttary in texa like it come here. and there's another whining
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musician making headlines. >> neil young is backs, on spotify two years afterotting boycotting the platform over concernsform ove joe rogan wassn spreading misinformation. nonformatiw rogan's show isn't y exclusive anymore young? >> says, quote, i cannot just leave apple and amazon like. bes i did spotify because my music would have very little streaming outlet to music lovers at all. soettl i return to spotify. joe rogan says he welcomes young back, by the way, neil young came back to >> congratulations. neil yeah, welngratuill, that's good news. and his excuse was he said that because all of the platforms and now allowing my disinformatio n and his just go back on spotify to oh yeah great know you got some ethics. yeah well everybody's doing it s information. >> all right greg it's spotify g even let neil young back on of course neil young really
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i think realize you don't make business decisions based medihe stuffd on you see in your social media bubble. >> his reaction originally, spotify was not his original idea. he wasn't thinking for himselfso like a lot of people, he gott tt ouat opinion off social media, and it turns out he found out that the people who claimed that they were going to boycotet spotify weren't could ever support neil young anywaever go it's always the case. so he sawed off his fans to appease who aren't his fans but are just lonely people on twitter who don't spend any money. they just spend energy. spene whoave all these liky just needy, edgy artists who claim to rebellious right at south by southwest, but they are so accommodating to the mob. they pretend to be in your face, but don't do anything wil to save face in front of low information activists because they thinkthin cool. these punk bands should realize what's the reaalizl risk is to condemn hamas. >> that's that but they won't
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do that because they're cowards. covered indss because tattoos with shaved heads, they're all sheep, terrifiedpula of being unpopular among the loudest losers on social medir e loudesa. you know, you hear, harold, don't any of these woke bands realize that half of them would be burned at the by hamas? >> i hope they do, but i'm against hamas. i don't i'm against people who think that that you should we should be urging think the isras to not try to find retributiontt and justice. but i think this is this to me the woke musician thineang. he >> this is freedomry of expression. he had every right to sa righty whatever reason, if i disagree with his reasons, saying i don't want to be. i mean, i think you would agree sayingd u would to don't want to be there and but really have no you might call it woke. >> what he got awakened to was capitalism. he realized he was losing money and losing opportunity and losing losing opportunity for people to buy his things. >> so at the end of the day, the system worked and he was able to dod an mental gymnastic,
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saying now everybody accepts joe rogan and stuff. so because everybody accepts w it, then i'm going to compromise myself and go theril and e. >> look in of the day,cong congratulations. those are young. you get more people, listen to youratulations er music and y your music and that's them. >> do they really want it? all right then, sandra , it isn't hypocrisy. where is freedom of speech tour turned into i don't believegh you have the right to speak and therefore i'm going to get spotify. f it really is about capitalism. it's about the almight really. e >> a and when he saw that the other musicians were showing uph and they were on there and they were getting the money, he wanted the money too. wanteys about.s and when it comes to the bands that are showing up to south by southwest, don't know.s a lo i don't know that that many. i think there's a lot a lotin that go to this festival and he's talking about like a dozen or so don't don't experience the same lossd attent of money, loss of attention loss of fanbase and they'll turn back around either. so greg abbott says do notn' cod here, do not come back. south by southwest, by the way, they firedred back back.governor don't agree with the governor. we don't agree with governor abbott.
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>> which part? which part? supporting the military or being agains the mil t the u.s. army.nd wil so you know, the bands will show up where the dollar is they'll come back around to. all right, so wrap it up. >> well, neil young got 60% of his global streaming from spotify. >> wow. missing that 60%. yeah, that'smissin what that is. ultimately, what it comes down to and it isn't the motto of boston. don't they say keep boston weird? that's likweird that's 1e one ot they say, well, they should like the military because biden's been makinhee thg militl real weird recently. >> actually, the military in transitio, joinedn has no std at all, so they should be fine with the new woke. h thbiden military. w i don't know why they're protesting it, but -- but when it comes to israe eyt whenl and then then people really dig in. that's their that's their ground i . yeah. i'm going to drop my panel. yeah. all right. coming up, climatecoming uimatgw want you to eat snakes to save the planet. >>, sammy, the game. maybe born in the u.s. trailer
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livestock used for meat and coul d gift as a solution to rising food insecurity around the glober . acke snakes are packed with tons of protein. some even sa tony it tastes like chicken. exclamation point in your tasting of this python. week you and we talk about this week after week, you do this, you think it looks like chicken or fis orh. ak >> only time are going to eat snake. if i evee isr do survivor or goo dinner with dagen mcdowell, lik you know, they act like, oh yeah, raising snakes is just like raising pigsnakess ls. have you ever seen or heard of snakes? would you imagine being a snake farmer? this is the dumbest thing ever. t thing evthey do better for the environment. the hese are the same people say it's better for the environment if you just die. >> they wantenvironment if to b. >> and it's the same pattern over and over again. they tel samtterl that the world is on fire and their data is junk. heirthen they demand that you do things they would never do remedy it. so they will tell you to eatl tl
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insects, eat snakes, get rid of your air conditioning, stop going on vacations, requiremeanh flying. meanwhile, they're chowing down on kobile beef in their air conditioned gulfstream. screw you. airtreathey're let them eat cat and you can eat snake alley pythons, but only if they get to eat these elite first. these >> i like my snake meat extrafid fatty and filled with a plump al gor pe. hey, you live in the greatete y state of tennessee. do you guys. your state python farming is that big ans d i don't think it's big. >> but is it? i don't think so. and ther>> i done are a lot of s snakes in tennessee? thankfully, some water snakef m but it would never occur to me i to capture it. what do you do to scale it,e t pull it and eat it? y be a >> nobody. i mean, maybe it tastes like chicken. nobody. nobody wantsbut to eat it. >> you hit on the right point in order to have farms
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need to have farmers, which means you need to have people volunteering to be snakop . yeah. and gathering up hundreds. what could go wron reds.ld go wrg with my snake farm of pythons? >> and my neighbors love imyt. . >> it'll be. the eli yeah, this is. this is the elite center of research and also i was trying to understand it because it's just disgustingit wase one internet user described as gamey and very toughy sums and chewy. >> some say it tastes liked chicken. raod and curry soundake chickes >> disgusting. um, i guess part of theti rationale is they they say t ita has a lower mental capacity to some of the farmerscapacity . therefore they don't think it's as you know mean to kill. >> so no the problems but it seems like they're discriminating against dumb animal animals. yeah, that's wrong. you can find a lot of dumb animals that would need. judge, you have thoughts about this? i have no thoughts about this. i don't think about it. in fact, looking at that snake, i'm not goin g to think about itline forever. >> here's the bottom line. if they want i us to eat snakes
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and bugs, make sure that all the politicians eat that stuff av before we have to eat it and why are they so worried about sustaining environment? first of all, we're not supposed to have hamburgers. remember that, because of cow flatulence? now they want us to eat snakes . i'm not going to eat it. that's what it is. snakes don't>> than't fart, bab. that they know that part well, saying, have you ever heard a snake are? >> no, i haven't. it's really weird. you. no, they know that's the what it is. it's the carbon that comes out of the. but plus, then once they get itt to eat the meat that's outheon c of the but yeah. flatulence. but, but that's how it works. . but i majored in this in college. where's the brought on this snak's the bute? >> my point. it don't even have legs. i'd say that those would still be inside. you could use this. g to c >> yeah. that's something that those who are in the climate changone movement. e this is the worst thing to be saying. i think everything around us, every wechange this is thing unt talking about stuff like this. and i'm gonna have a big stink
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friday. the first question is great and it>> gre some thinking i'll read it to you sandra what one thing was ruined when it became popular? harold social media. >> oh, very good. >> yeah. it's -- it's it's a it's been a of my being in my existence in my house. my kids are starting it in ten and eight and nine and i'm trying to figure out how to manage this. 9 m try too i can see it in youe when you said it like it fac is actualle y up a lot of yourr mental energy. mes lot.lain >> judge. too n't think of anything you what when there's too many of one thing, let's say like evy has a bag that hast the l of the b on it. >> i've seenso so much of it i never want to see. yeah, that's what i meant. i didn't want to, i didn'tan wat to push the sale, you know, they'd say, oh, maybe it was like when everybody started wearing trucker hats that you anymarint to wear it anymore.
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>> yeah, you just stop. pe what's one thing that wasrudw ruined when it became popular? was ite popula you do a lot of e do become ruined? >> when do they becomepebecome i wouldn't know that charlie sheen right. >> yeah, that's what we all have to do is prevent ourselves from becoming ruinous. >> exactly. through increased popularitys ecoming . >> anything else? i can't think of anything. i'm going to think i'm a pass. scify hadonly if i had >> i'll give it to you. i'll give you a second. something my kids do. sure. yeah. sandra, i mean, we're gonna sound like snotty table. >> just see, like, the hamptons, you know, that's like, oh, tell me about it. that's why, you know, it's. it's so popular. that's why i only take a blade. it's a copte andr. et a private copter on the west side. i get there in, liket there , 25 minutes. oh, yeah. like, i haven't been of the hand. hae hampto glad no one at this i table said democrat. >> so, yeah, i was going to ne b beaches because you used to be
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so quiet. >> okay, this is a great question. o ba linda asks, would you rather go back in time to meet your answer nesters or travel into the future to meete your descendantsur ? >> sandra oh, definitely. back in time to meet likel my ancestors. >> why? um, fear what they fear. what >> what the future looks like and knowledge where i come from. >> that's selfish. okay. yeah what the, back to meet my answer. really? yes, i w. e don't know enoughgh at all. >> it depends on what ancestors like. o >> i'm not interested in. maybe just two generations ago. give me like six or seven or6 or eight, like fishing and nor 7 li, you goinghem to just flock with them 100% you like. >> so the world,s the like the cool things you have, you get to bring stuff to the pastth . >> don't know that we even t better bring one item to the party. now i'm going for it. yeah, me too. i'm going for it. i want to. i'd love to see my. first of all, this is crazy to be same, but i'd love to see my great grandma, my grandkids.r
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are great grandkids. and what if it's a disaster? well, your ancestorsandkids coud be that. >> but you can always stop it. you can just. i would want to go backwards, but not that far backwards. >> there has to be air conditioningthat. go f but i don't want to go forward because i won't go like, say, for examplore, they have a i and i would know they could be laughing at me and i would knowy a it and it would reallye talk. >> here's why i wouldn't go backward, becauseg: i wouldve i'm alive t right now. i don't want to put that in jeopardy. so let'so pu in jeopardy go bacs my ancestors. and they go, oh my god, wetorseo to make sure this thing doesn't come onto the planetplan. >> so we're going to they they keep it becomes a story because the storwnryy that's pad down through the trip, through the generations. make sure greg never born yet but they made him outlander. >> outlander is like that really? it's fabulous someone livessure because you lived late sr. yes. there you go back to the few. here's here's a question that can go badly. thatre g something you like
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to do. >> the old fashioned. i would what p everything the old fashioned way. >> i don't know. in the gutter. i like a lot of thisaper conversation. >> i like to consume my press. i love newspapers, hate that iil don't like. i still get the paper. people thinkl ge nuts probably.b >> and i was like, cooking. i l i like likike e old fashioned gc oatmeal cookies, like with, like the notk quick oats. >> but as i read a lot of that, i was like, have you ever made ice cream in a churn? >> yes. oh, it's just creamy and delightful. wow. nevedge, never made ice cream. >> judge, what we want to do. the old fashioner made id. yeah, i don't know. tow i'm going to say vinyl bad . >> like listening to records. listening to records, remembering what thaords's t it's like to put the needle on the vinyl. >> it's like the best.
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the of you make it work. >> and you got me a records player. two years. yeah, i guesago.s. rate you got me all day. oh, how about write a letter? oh, that's nica e. o >> oh, catholic. would you like to do that,do huh an ex ? >> give us an example, do you?eg i have beautiful handwriting. thiso is this will be in order to write man due to the county jail. nty jailh here you go. show the happy face. all right, pete, you didn't give an answer so far 15 years ago, before all the . plays and all the nonsense you know what? i like? the book, basketball, everything. all of it. we learned nothing. one would think so. yeah. >> how morning's cough congestion? congestion? i'm feelin mucinex kickstart. oh, headaches better now mucinex kickstart gives one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation.
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and we are now releasing forr gutfeld live 2024. be to gueld livey gutfeld dot cl in new jersey florida and north and and two shows in vegasshow back to back baby. >> all right, let's do this.let dois bad news great picture.n thank you. all right. so we're going to show you this is who wore it you we'll show you eight models from the san antoniofrom t zoo modeling a pink cowboy hat. and you're all going to have to vote. a pink and you'll goingwhich o? >> let's go. here we go. that is.s i thin i think that's f binondo banana. binondthe cap area. >> that's shirley, the chicken ,that is. >> shalhoub the snake. that's yoda, the alpaca little foot, the turtle that. oh, i like ham, the slop. that's a papaya, that's chunky and that reflected the armadillo. so i'd pi >> who would you pick as wearing it.
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best yod st yoda. yoda. yoda is the alpaca. wh yads they was shirley shirlei >> i don't know. so that's the chickerley'tn thas a chicken. i like that one. like show. like the snake show at the bankd too. >> you would need it. but did take ta yes it out. >> sandra you got it going on. a chucky all. the while you're well, you're all wrong. the winner is popeye and the slop is pope and he will receive a first class round trip to harold's house. oh, sorry, harold. on that beautiful note, incredible videoe.incr oh, is c and you can only see this in new york city. captured the supersonic concorde floating downand you s hudson river while the retired british airways plane was the world's fastesrk's hud wow.t to ever fly. the concorde was making iny.y back to the intrepid museum via barge after undergoing several monthtrrge ah restoration. what a beautiful and unbelievable plane that a. >> i don't know if i got ever er flown out. it was just too fast for me. the safest way to fly right there. yes, i was going to sa
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r mey, thri they couldn't flght jude.gesay. doesn't fly anymore. okay. all right. this rescuy back. e will only eat ift he gets a kiss on the forehead. ifs. wait once again, a kiss on the forehead each. nod each. w you think that we'd see it?at' the couple of times he gets a kiss, then he eatsdple of t. okay. he waits, gets the kiss, then he eats. okaye best waits, gets the, so d . real quick, winner winners are long in minnesota. and so >> real a of guys threw £100 steel. we saw blades on the ball. oh, what? ride on the ice? what could go wrong? look at that word. it's oh. to circle and drop in middle.dd. mm-hmm. isl right, guys, that's pretty r . is that you, by the way? no, but i might try that.t i yeah


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