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tv   FOX News Saturday Night With Jimmy Failla  FOX News  March 17, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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the polo shirt with my name on it rest. get any of our stuff. you can take on vacation and take pictures with us on vacation. send us your video and will make your payments and give you three f. that's it for us tonight. tune in to "fox & friends" weekend tomorrow. byron donald, both to be vp candidates for sure. listen to my radio show negative product. fox news saturday night jimmy failla, i want to see if he will put me in the audience. maybe i could watch live. ♪ >> i am jimmy failla and this is fox news saturday night.
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in. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> happy saturday, america. good to be back in new york, i was doing standup in florida, sacramento and idaho falls. idaho is a boring state. i saw a deer run up to a hector like shoot me, dude. [laughter] >> i love a homefront as much of the next day but you are driving through nc dead deer, those are not accidents, those are suicides. avenue under the body saying i'm bored. if you're new to the show, fox news saturday night is a cable news peg party for everybody is welcome and we absolutely don't care you vote for because life was so much better before everybody became a pretend activist on social media. can i get an amen from the
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panel? and i mean that. facebook needs a button. nobody cares and i'm trying to say is we are here for jokes because in normal times, commenters are supposed to make you laugh. nobody wants to hear% take on the border crisis follow she probably does know a lot about family separation. sorry if that hit home. >> shipping containers. [laughter] >> with me tonight to help you escape the political feudalism, our great nation is to being torn apart, a fabulous realtor, host of the major global on foxbusiness the crowd goes wild. [cheering] the man in the middle may look like a and flow budget but he's stand up comedy thing, there you are. finally as a long-time monday night football reporter, she
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seemed more naked men the coach of the women's swim team, the legendary michelle is here and i'm excited about it. >> it's a whole to do. >> i know you saw mansions in florida but you need to be warned this show is a bit of a fixer-upper. >> that's why it's my favorite. >> another batch of subway rat timothy albino subway rat down below canal street and a coyote shot in my yard. [laughter] >> had a lot of nfl free agency stories but there was no nfl story i love more than the story aaron rodgers could be rfk junior's vice presidential pick, isn't it ready crazy to think the offense of line is so that aaron rodgers feels safer standing behind kennedy running for president? >> that's good. >> that's what i do, i got to
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write my stuff. do not find it funny? the idea that the inauguration would take place in late january is probably why he's doing this, the jets have nothing to do. >> we are not going to the playoffs. overlooking the three plays that happened before he was taken o out. really close to being good pla place. >> with all due respect, the new york jets are doing a lot better than going to jets. do we all agree? the mark football fans like to joke it stands for just and the season. just and the safety inspection. check this out. last week airlines boeing 770 lost a wheel during takeoff that fell from the sky and crushed a car in the parking lot. this happened in san francisco
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luckily 249 passengers on a plane for finance none of the junkies living in the car or home at the time. i love me san francisco but is the only city in the world where they sell cars in the real estate section. [laughter] it's not supposed to work this way but if the wheel wasn't enough, a different united boeing 777 made an emergency landing this week because of a fuel leak shortly after takeoff. i love how they word it casually like the pilot forgot to put the gas cap on his honda accord, no big deal. it bothers me but we had 50 passengers injured during a flight from australia to new zealand after the boeing plane had turbulence drop from the sky and slammed into the roof. if you're on that flight, how much champagne is getting spilled? >> i don't drink champagne, i drink whiskey. >> how much? >> a lot. the employee, what a disaster,
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you hate your job at the airport and you, and your car is smash smashed, what a day. >> you can always get worse. as someone who frequently joins the mile high club, doesn't concern you? maga never worried about turbulence and that instance but all this is too much. doors falling off and tires falling off. >> why are airlines going through the behind the phase? if you are on this flight and you are modeling your wife -- you think this would wake her up? >> my wife with sleep through it i go for the old cosby book. i can't say that. >> why is it happening on united? >> this is horrible. >> luckily nobody -- >> this is a plea for humanity right now. >> bipartisanship you will all get hit by a tire mike luckily nobody died in the australian incident and all were okay but
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this comes after the infamous january incident where alaska airlines proved taking off in a boeing 737 and everyone is amazed by this video, the fact that they were so, after the door flew off but have you been to alaska, they understand you want to die. [laughter] still not sure if this was an accident, somebody might have kicked off. >> i don't know how people sat still, i don't know. >> i think it's because that green think was on the wing and john present the window. [laughter] >> that dork tobacco cause review production at boeing's plant in washington and it turns out the company reportedly passed 56 audits but failed 33. as a sports reporter, i think you would agree 56 and 33 is a record for an nba team but should airlines go undefeated? >> they should. that's a horrible record, he terrible touchdown interception.
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>> people are getting traded. >> we might burn the franchise down. >> you so imagine, they have an inspection, can a house so if it fails on the inspection? >> absolutely not, this is a disaster. multiple inspections and same thing with airlines. they are not doing the inspection, just giving up entirely. >> the guys might be affected the most traveling comedians. do you think it's time, have you given any consideration to bring back the bull bus? >> that's a nightmare. >> have you seen the doors? the method rather go down on united flight over alaska and driven through the bronx on a bowl wedged under the bridge. >> this is where you are an amateur, driving across -- you can furnish an apartment if you
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leave during the right time of the day, there are guys selling appliances, you can get a couch, i'm not kidding. >> it's nice. >> the pilot stayed awake at all these incidents which is more than we could say for to indonesian pilots who fell asleep in the cockpit for 30 minutes and caused the flight to veer off course by hundreds of miles. the airlines on sure what caused them to pass out. there you go, you can do it. >> we don't care, it's saturday night. if you have a problem with my material, e-mail me at michelle the foia. [laughter] >> i should warn everybody, the jokes were only get looser, it is saturday night. the world is on fire and we are living in a throwback bazaar universe where rfk junior is running for president and jfk
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junior is running the airlines. [laughter] talk about it but you should know the procedures yellowjacket will go to the panelist with the best performance of the night. michelle attempting to become a two-time winner but it's my understanding were still recovering from the rash from the first time one. >> that's okay. >> this jacket originates in my taxi garage and at the end the one with the craziest story would get a yellowjacket. this is not that one because there was a hepatitis issue and wouldn't let us keep it but you will like it. the question, is all of this making you more concerned about flying? >> absolutely and i pilot. i was on a plane constantly. identify a lot of united, delta because united has had leaks and that's a red flag for me but absolutely. i think twice now about taking a flight as opposed to driving.
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>> i did garner support. >> i was thinking about it until this block happened and now i'm just going to drive one. can i weigh in on this? i have a theory people with emotional support animals are [bleep] -- can you hear me out? if you are bringing your dog onto the plane because you think it will crash, or jew a jerk for killing the dog, too? >> that's true but i think you would rather go down coaching the animal -- >> so you want me to nuke bigsby? make a blanket out of this. >> it said you dressed like a leprechaun with a libido issue. >> jimmy failla -- are you up to it? [laughter] we are in the groove, great show on hannity joins me.
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assuming he didn't see this block, the local office. here to blow your mind beat your we can hang over the game of golf course for rehab? you will not want to miss a second. let's go get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small...
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[laughter] whoever wrote that needs his head examined. [laughter] fox news saturday night, i'm sorry to report another scandal on her hands. people are freaking after williams wife kate admitted she photoshopped a picture with her kids, zero the horror. a huge controversy the associated press killed the photo permit system. the first two posted after her mysterious hospitalization is still stupid. 600 reasons. first of all, who among us never edited a photo incentive out? i had a guy in my taxi photoshop a picture of his junk before he texted which was awkward because i didn't vote for anthony weiner but there he was. [laughter] for prince's kate, this royal photo scandals go, is not like to work a party with jeffrey epstein so does everyone needs to relax? >> is there another question? >> i don't like the one breaking out.
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she is a nice person, she's never done anything wrong and she's clearly not a medical issue going on in want her to post a photo. who hasn't photoshopped? i understand why because they are worried about paparazzi things. >> do you have a concern by this happened? reckless unfounded speculation? the mark she's gone, no one knows where she is. i'm going to say this. she left a not attractive gender, it makes sense on paper, he's bald and looks like an accountant. i don't care if he's royal family, i would get out also. they are fooling us, is like circle the differences. what i'm like, trying to entertain my kids at a diner in new jersey? [laughter] >> i think everything -- instagram should be called this is what i would look like if i was hot. [laughter] is making your kids look bette
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better -- would you think? the fact that everybody is focused on this tells us we have bigger issues people are trying to mess but she is wonderful -- think about the scrutiny she goes through everyday and what woman has not edited photo? most of the people you see, they are edited galore. >> they also don't know about the royals, they are famous for photoshop. most people know the queen had a net to tattoo, you don't even see the teardrop. >> you behave. >> i don't think there is any expectation but i do mean it and as freaked out as people are on social media, can we agree it's nice to see a royal taking picture with kids besides prince andrew? 's progress. stick around, i went down south, that's where i was, spring break. fort lauderdale may never be the
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same. the spirit of drinking until used doocy leprechauns, the game of golf course or rehab. play along at home next. ♪
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girl, but the mayhem began. rolled up in won this weekend, you know what it means, a good time to own a car. i checked out fort lauderdale at 2:00 a.m. to see how the party is going. watch this. >> i'm down here in fort lauderdale, florida for spring break. the good news is every college kid is getting a 4.0. the bad news is that is there blood alcohol content. it's a mess. trump or biden? >> i can't angela. >> so obvious, america knows it. >> trump or biden? >> trump for the win. this guy wants to jump in, the white dude. come here. trump or biden? >> biden. >> come on. biden is in bed. >> i'm joking. trump for the win.
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[cheering] >> everyone your i think is sober. >> you could say that. [laughter] >> this is not about politics. what you think is better to party with on spring break, trump or biden? >> trump all away. >> get this girl off while it's still on. >> trump 2024. trump don't play no games with these people. make sure he gets it done and we are making america great again. trump 2024. north dakota. >> what you think of indoor plumbing? >> i think it's good for the economy. >> hey girl. all right, gotta. how are you? >> trump or biden or other? >> her mother for president.
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he said he is voting for jesse watters. take away kharkiv. >> i would go with biden because of my political opinions but trump so -- >> do you think he throws a good party? >> one 100% no. trump would throw a better par party. >> was the question. >> it wasn't do you have a affinity for people with dementia. >> you will go democrat or republican money. >> no, you did that. the philly is coming out. >> the dude said trump all away. could you think was on more drugs? the women or biden at the state of the union? >> i will go with biden there. >> i hope you have a better shot with the women than biden. >> i appreciate that. >> did your he wears a leopardprint diaper. >> we are in the white chicks
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about to start throwing up. trump or biden? >> that's it trump from the dog. even the pets are going with dt. rough night. thankfully biden is not awake to see any of this. >> you heard that? >> one 100%. >> spring break is going for trump which is weird because spring break already is like hunter biden. >> no. >> this is my designated driver. i don't know if you've met before. [laughter] >> everybody thinks college kids are liberal elite knobs, that was the opposite and we didn't select that. we questioned probably 100 people and those were like the 50 who could speak english because they were hammered. the one guy who said biden was philly and wanted to fight me afterwards that they were
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bombed. if you know me as a comic, i don't care who they vote for, we get paid in chicken fingers the first five years, chicken fingers and we are moved up to the standards circuit. >> the be club. [laughter] >> i went out of my way to say this is not political, it's not who you are voting for. i think that might be something, that was america. like fort lauderdale. >> wife the electoral college. >> that sell? >> she's like in every shot. >> i am surprised, i can't believe a gal like him. >> she seemed really intelligent. [laughter] >> sober. >> we move forward and sadly between patrick state and spring break, some people need to dry off. one thing i noticed in my travels is a lot of rehabs sounds suspiciously like golf
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courses which inspired this week's saturday night game of golf course or rehab? i'll read the name of an establishment in the camp panel will guess of it took golf course or rehab. there are perks to this game, you have to be right. golf horse or rehab? canyon crossing the prescott, arizona. golf course or rehab? >> golf course. >> you are incorrect. altogether. >> very different. >> i like arizona to be honest. >> by the way, she got one wrong and took a shot at an entire state. >> mangled they in west palm beach florida, golf course or rehab? >> it's got food in it, it cannot be rehab because people would think manko and go drink.
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>> you are incorrect. >> i would have been with you on that. >> that should have surprise you, not a girl liking me. [laughter] i'm like mortally wounded. kidding. hidden jackson to florida, hidden hills. >> monday night football, she will have a bit of an advantage but at the same time you probably know a lot of rehabs so, too. get on the board, the bridges. the bridges in st. louis, mississippi. >> rehab the mark you are over to. another state. >> back to arizona, silver sand. >> rehab. >> you are on the board and that's good because you think of
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golf, you don't want sand and the title because that's discouraging. a strip club called the crab, you know what i mean? stick with me. to reverse in nashville, tennessee. to reverse a golf course or rehab? >> golf course. >> you for to. >> i'm good at this game connect she's got game. your reputation is writing on this. it matters. your whole state is a golf course. >> it is. >> here we go. we had to california. malibu hills in malibu, california. a golf course or rehab? >> you say it's rehab and you are on the board. talk. >> here we go.
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when lakes monroe, georgia regardless of what it is, i guarantee it's within a mile of a waffle house. >> the hardest games, a golf course. [laughter] >> on the board, a golf course. >> you see how she is stalling. >> veteran sports reporter. you have two, you have one. she knows what she did. she just asked me, how is your wife and kid doing? classic carlton oaks in california. carlton oaks. >> i've never even heard of th that. >> you are incorrect but you
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have won the game. michele to foil what they come together jacket yellowjacket, he's not just doing it but a suede jacket. eleven. give it up for michele to foil. you did it. [applause] >> i'm very proud. 242 on the show, i've been here twice, i 12 yellow jackets, is like the biggest accomplishment of the year to make it matters but you earned it because you have golf enough you probably need to go to rehab to take about. still to come, i'm getting real model model, sean hannity will be here. pair reminded great your loins. next. ♪
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there you are welcome back to fox news saturday night. my next guest has the ability to some audience with mine going tricks literally reading minds. let's hope he doesn't -- i don't know how he feels about this jacket. i kid, someone put that in there. my man. the fact that he lost the beginning of the show and still agreed to come on astonishes me. >> once i saw the jacket, all bets were off. [laughter] >> you said read minds, i don't read minds, i read people. think of somebody you will call today on the phone. right now in this moment. any way i could have known what you just out of? >> yes. >> how? >> let's go back in time because you will say maybe you look at my phone or something, how about a question nobody knows, think
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of the first girl you had a big crush on. look at how he smiles. without using your fingers, i can always see, counting your head how many letters are in this person's name just to yourself, not out loud. >> okay, it took a while. >> this wasn't -- look at me. five, six, seven. five letters? >> that's correct, which. [laughter] >> makes up the letters. did you see that? >> did you see that? money, is that your first precious name? >> that is correct them in my mind is blown. >> were going to go away past, if you could sit down at dinner, there is no way i could know what you are about to do. sit down to dinner, we make this
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jacket disappear, i'm kidding. [laughter] you could sit down and interview anybody who's lived, dead or alive, man, woman, anything. sit down, have dinner and interview somebody, can you see somebody in front of you? is there any way i could know you thought of? i be people and i said that are alive and i watched when the decision was made. the person has passed away, am i right? think what this person is famous for, i don't think you did athlete, i think -- i don't kn know, tell us all and i did not tell you who to pick, you could have picked anybody, who is it? >> benjamin franklin. >> not even close, i mean spot on.
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>> $400 -- >> i wrote a book but this is boring, you wrote a book, didn't you? >> hand on my face, you get to make the choice like a day job you -- go to your page, open it up, these are his decisions, see yourself doing this, okay? re-creating this moment, i'm opening up, tell me if you've got it. you're looking right now? and i didn't set this up, you could have picked any page, anywhere, is that right? were to tell you right now, think beginning, middle and end, page 136. >> it is not subject seriously?
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her hands are getting warm -- and kidding. hold on. hold on. page 136, good thing i'm not getting paid for the spot. [laughter] you a safe the best for last. do you know what jimmy did? want to keep it the last word on the page, i think picked the second from us, is it the second from last word? >> no. >> be honest. you picked any page, any word, i can't go any worse, was the word you picked? >> constellation. >> are you serious? >> swear to me. >> it's always funny because i picked the word, to, page 136 and i picked the second from last word. i want you to see, page 136, we
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are on 110, clear on 125, colleague. page 136, the first word is consecrate. i can tell you this. we are going all the way down to the bottom. the last word is console, second to last word is constellation. >> well done. >> you're not freaked out? >> no, i'm having a panic attack but unprofessional in front of the camera. my mind is blown. if the goal was to get us to quit smoking weed, you have succeeded. [laughter] the one and only sean hannity going off next if you didn't just break him out. [laughter] after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways.
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advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action.
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my next guest is bo jackson of media must to export start tv and radio, technically three or to be count his best-selling books. this guy has come along way since i took him under my wing. fox news and sean hannity joins us to say thank you.
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>> i would not be here without you. the only guy is going to give me up late on a saturday night on tv and that's how much i love you. that's how good of friends we are. jimmy failla, congratulations on the show. i'm here late on a saturday night because that's how much i care. >> i don't know i have the show without you but seriously thank you. this truly blows my mind, when i was a cabdriver, i listened to you and mike kat for three hours a day. the idea that i now appear on your show let alone scalp tickets at the studio behind your back, it blows my mind but it's good to see you. [laughter] >> if everybody knew your life story, honestly there's a book there from cabdriver to tv star because your life story is amazing and i love every aspect. i love asking you about the crazy people he ran into is a cabdriver because that's pretty much 90% of the people in new york which is one reason i live in new york anymore.
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a full-time resident not of florida. >> i heard that but here's my concern. you don't look very florida. where is the mullet? the sleeves are still on the shirt, are you sure you are in florida? >> one 100% sure. i have videotape evidence everyday. [laughter] i will say, he were great, i have no idea where this segment is going tonight, i commend -- [laughter] >> you are now off the meter. watch this. i'm going to ask you a series of personal questions and answers will stay between you and me. as you mentioned, for cabdriver because before i got into this, what was the toughest job before media? >> of the work tough from the time is eight years old newspapers. i was washing dishes at a
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restaurant by hand, i was a dishwashing machine and a late night cookout 13th. i stepped lobsters shrimp and fettuccine and takes. >> can you cook well? >> i prefer to eat my own meals, very precise on my diet, keto friendly. i looked at all. when i was a house painter, i loved all of it. >> when you talk about keto, it sounds like you're giving me another that intervention and i don't appreciate that. let's stay on message. >> i didn't say that. >> i kid. has sean hannity ever saying karaoke? >> yes. not only have i sunk karaoke boat when i used to do freedom concerts with country stars in this case charlie daniels, i get up on stage and full stadium and
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sink the devil went down to georgia with charlie and you could pull it up on youtube, it's there. >> i love this so much. king of things on tape, south carolina senator ted got told me the one that's the best rocky. is that true or did tim scott cost himself the vice presidency? [laughter] >> that's -- it was a great episode. i am a fan. by the way, he moved to florida, hinton, jimmy. you might want to get rid of the cab think. [laughter] i thought the series overall was great. i have one scene i love and that's when rocky gives a speech to his son. life is not all about cotton candy, sunshine and rainbows. nothing is going to hit harder than life itself but it's not a matter of how hard you get hit, it's a matter of how hard you get hit and keep moving forward. >> i'm going to stop you.
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before the studio starts shadowboxing, very inspirational. last question. you are supportive of law enforcement on a heroic level. my question is which fox news talent would make the best? [laughter] there's a lot of them. probably greg gutfeld. >> but he couldn't drive and reach the pedals. i kid. you know i love greg. >> final? tomorrow is st. patrick's day, over under on years for sean hannity. >> over under public vodka, maybe three or four. >> that's why we love you. this is a big deal. thank you, brother. >> happy saturday night. if there's anything better i can
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think of, i would be doing it. [laughter] >> all of your burning questions will be in answer next. ask a cabbie right around the corner. ♪ the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. and it could strike at any time. think you're not at risk? wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited.
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how do you cashback? chase, make more of what's yours.
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fox news is proud to bring you this she■s a hero moment. i knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. part of my journey is responding to looks. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women do it.
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if you can see her, you can be her. ♪ >> a good day to driver kat because everybody is in the ci city, it's got to be fun. st. patrick's day is a great day to drive the cab. if you like throw up and girls crying, have a should for you. st. patrick's day last year, hadn't even started. a guy was throwing up on the sidewalk. like don't you have a show to
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do? >> time for ask a cabbie where we tap into the wealth of wisdom i acquired picking up goons, loons and buffoons. if you have a question for just one life advice from yours truly, # ask a cabbie or e-mail us at as an saturday night fans at if you have a cell the video session, send it to us google put it on the air like this gentleman here who came to my recent book signing. >> jimmy, any recommendations for good restaurants? >> white new yorkers going to the popular restaurant chain called this space bar rent but if you don't what i enjoy, best pizza place in the city, one first and broadway but they are old-school, you will not get pineapple pizza. my throat shoe at you and run you to the street. my favorite state, i get the bonin by medium. if you pull your life together, if the harry salad but the
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meatball appetizer is next level. the reason i look on in my third trimester. their own pastrami and the best foods to sleep in. at the end of a long taxi shift according to one of my friends. did anybody ever get into your cabin and say follow that car? if you never got that request, would you have done it? the up somebody at 125th and lexington, a subway station metro north, i had a guy jumped in and goes follow that car, he is a little french and i'm stupid so i blurted out, this is like a movie, broke. i was so excited, we went to randall's island, i'm assuming quarter we followed, he killed the guy but he gave me a $200 to go he owns my silence from here to eternity. next, did you ever have a serious accident? the answer is no but i had a
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serious accident before i became a cabdriver, i not jenny up with an eye had no health insurance which is how the party started. i never got into an actual accident in my cab i was awake for so i take a lot of pride in that driving record. thanks for watching. 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday right here on fox news. don't forget to follow us on social media at as an saturday night. listen to my radio show box across america weekday noon to 3:00 p.m. and i'm coming to a city near you on my everybody calm down work. tickets on sale at box across good night from new york city. i am jimmy failla reminding you will be here next saturday and you can be republican, i'll see you right here tomorrow. ♪ ♪


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