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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  March 17, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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much for the work you're doing there. blessings over you and your team. it has been something you've done quietly, elf -- selflessly, and i know your heart, much of it is, is left in haiti. we will pray for those who are lift in your care. >> thank you for that. please don't forget about a them. thank you, shannon. shannon: thank you so much. mitch has been on my podcast, and today we've got a new one. living the bream drops this morning. i sat down with fox news correspondent benjamin hall, with we did a deep dive on israel, iran, ukraine and more. and he's got a firsthand account of all those places. get it anywhere you like to get your podcasts. that is it for today. thank you for joining us. i'm shannon bream. have a great week. happy st. patty's day, and we'll see you next "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning,
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everyone. welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm maria bartiromo if. thanks so much for joining us today. happy st. patty's day. today, bad policy and alleged corruption in plain sight, and joe biden just told us what four more years would look like; trillions of dollars in higher taxes, no security at the border and a declining military budget. coming up, senate leadership in the spotlight with president trump endorsing wyoming senator john barrasso for the second spot in the senate as republicans blast majority leader chuck schumer and benjamin -- and is joe biden. then, president trump says biden's climate change agenda is driving the auto business into bankruptcy, and the result will be a bloodbath of unemployed workers. the remarks triggering dishonest headlines about what he actually said from the mainstream media this morning. >> -- those big, monster car
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manufacturing plants that you're building in mexico right now, and you think you're going to get that, you're going to not hire americans and you're going to sell the cars to us. no. we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you're not going to be able to sell those. [applause] if i get elected. now, if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole -- that's going to be the least of i. it's going to be a bloodbath for the country. that'll be the least of it. but they're not going to sell those cars. china's building really big plants in mexico, and mention cose building -- what about here? we're building much smaller plants here. maria: why does president biden allow china to do whatever it wants in america? thousands of pounds of fentanyl with the underlying components coming from china, a covid cover-up, intellectual property theft and a propaganda campaign trying to dictate our minds and actions including step by step instructions to chai -- by china
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to foreigners breaking into america. james comer on his government-wide probe into federal responses to ccp political warfare ahead of an open hearing next week of biden partners' influence-peddling schemes. then the bid for absolute powerful how an open border helps congressional democrat, increasing the number of sanctuary city the citizens on the cent cuts helping to the expand districts. no wonder joe biden has welcomed 10 million so-called newcomers through his wide open border. coming up, texas attorney general ken paxton on the national security risks of biden's wide open border. florida congresswoman anna paulina luna and kash patel on all the information the january 6th committee and liz cheney decided not to show the american people. then mississippi secretary of state michael watson on why he says biden's executive orders are enabling ineligible people
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to vet in america. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ maria: and we begin this sunday morning with an eye on the senate abidst outrage this weekend from many republicans after democrat senator chuck schumer denounced israeli.netanyahu calling for an open election in israel saying on the senate floor this week netanyahu had, quote, lost his way and was an obstacle to peace and no longer served the needs of israel. this coming literally mt. middle of the country's fight for its survival. adding to the divisions joe biden has already created with his public calls for a ceasefire as israel retaliates against hamas terrorists who have yet to agree to hostage releases including five americans being held. this as president trump weighs into the -- wades into the senate leadership race, endorsing john barrasso for the
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conference's number two position writing in part, quote, i know john very well. he will never let you done. as -- he will never let you down. one bug test, will either of them work well with president trump? south carolina senator tim scott explained right here last week. >> i'd like to see someone leading the senate who is willing and able to work hand in glove with president trump. we need a majority in the senate that understands putting america first is working with president trump. maria: meanwhile, joe biden gave us a glimpse into what a potential additional four years led by democrats would look like this week with biden's 2025 budget proposal. it included at least $5.5 trillion of new and and higher taxes, a cut in defense spending after inflation and no efforts to secure the southern border. joining me right now with more on the future of the senate and the republican agenda is the man himself, wyoming senator john
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barrasso. senator, thanks very much for being here. >> great to be with you, maria. thank you. maria: so much to discuss with you. you gave a speech on the floor right after chuck schumer when assume. >>er denounced netanyahu, is that right? >> that is right. israel is a democracy. and we do not need chuck schumer or joe biden telling the people of israel who they get to vote for, decide to vote for to be their leader. don't need that at all. assume or called netanyahu an obstacle to peace. the obstacle to peace hamas, the a hamas terrorists, the a hamas murderers, the a hamas rapists. israel and the united states have been closest of allies for decades. israel has every right to defend itself, and republicans and democrats alike have been saying that in the senate. but right now it looks like joe biden, chuck schumer have changed their mind about things. and i'll tell you with why i believe it is, it's because the
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radicals in their party are not agreeing with israel. they're siding with a hamas, and both biden and schumer are worried about them in their efforts to stay in the white house. we need to elect donald trump to be president. maria: well, congratulations to you on donald trump's endorsement for your number two role in the senate. what can you all do to finally secure the border? >> well, number one, i'm so grateful for president trump's support, and i'm going to do everything i can do to the make sure that he gets elected and that we get a republican majority in the senate and in the houses because the democrats are a party of an open border and high prices. finish we need a better border president. we don't have that now. we have a president that allowed 9 million illegal immigrants into the country. he said he needs more laws. he doesn't need more laws. he needs to stop abusing the laws. president trump and republicans understand that. joe biden apologized for the
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murderer of laken riley, for calling him an illegal are. that's what he was. he's here under biden's policies. it's the not new laws that we need. you put the republicans in charge, and and what we're going to get is we're going to be able to defund the things that democrats have been doing. the flights into the united states, the things that's enticing illegal immigrants to come here. it's the free food, the free hotels, the free money. that's all going to come to a screeching halt if we have donald trump, republican majority in the senate and a republican majority in the house. maria: yeah. i know that laken riley's family was outraged because president biden got her name wrong and then apologized for calling her murderer illegal. he signed how many executive orders to overturn what a trump has done, and why is he so focused on, you know, leaving this border open?
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>> well, 94 executive orders to allow illegal immigrants easier access to the united states. he's surrendered the border. and a lot of it has to do with the fact of the census. remember, i believe that only u.s. citizens should be counted in the census, but joe biden and the democrats want all the illegal immigrants counted in the census, maria. and here's why. the census is use today calculate out -- used to calculate out congressional seats, how many seats each state gets as well as the members of the electoral college, how many electoral college votes each state gets. so when you have these sanctuary cities and you have people moving to san francisco and chicago and new york city, they get counted for their number if of congressional a seats. these are blue states. these are liberal people. we forced a vote on the united states senate to say only u.s. citizens should be counted in the census is. every democrat senator voted to count every illegal immigrant.
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and in so many of these places they don't have voter id. that's what the democrats want. more so that's why a.g. merrick garland is vowing to fight voter id laws. i've never heard anything like this. what's wrong with having an id to vote? >> well, the people of wyoming understand that. we do in wyoming. that's how our democracy is preserved, that's how we know we have free and fair elections. you need to make sure that it's, that every person who is voting is the person that they they they are and is a citizen of the united states, and that's what republicans are pushing. maria: but, look, i mean, we've been talking about the border for a long time, and the senate has not been able to do anything, senator. i mean, what's changed now? why do you believe you're with actually going to be able to make some change? >> well, we're going to need to be in the majority to do that. we need president trump back in the white house, and we need a house as well, and we can defund so many of these -- we need to basically slam the door on the things that are enticing more
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people to come to this country. every time i meet with the border patrol, i've been there many times, they say they know what a we need to do. we need to bring back the remain in mexico policy that worked. we need to eliminate this catch and release that joe biden has done, and we need to finish the wall. those are the things that will secure our border for our country. maria: senator, you also reminded me, you had grilled xavier becerra from hhs about hospitals. the hospitals are now overwhelmed. why? because migrants are getting sick and going to the hospital. tell me what's happening. >> well, you get 9 million illegal immigrants into this country, and the places that are complaining the most are the places that are the sanctuary cities. denver, chicago, new york, san francisco, all of these focus are turning out to ask -- folks are turning out to ask for care, get care, and yet they're not paying any if bill. what we're hearing from these cities or, they're saying we need more federal money to pay for the care facility legal
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immigrants. no. we need to stop the illegal immigrants from coming into the country in the first place. the administration has no answers on any of this, and and when you do all of this free care for those folks, that means the people that are paying their bills are ending up having to pay more to take care of those who are getting taken care of for free. maria: all right. we will leave it there. senator, real quick, do you expect the tiktok bull to come to the senate this week -- bill to come to the senate this week or no? >> i don't expect it this week. to me, it's a threat to our national security because it's controlled by the chinese communist party. i met with the ceo of tiktok last week, he said we don't need to get rid of tiktok. they need to just sell to an american company so that tiktok is not under the influence of the chinese communist party. they use it to spy on us, to follow us and promote propaganda. thanks, maria. maria: thank you so much, senator john barrasso joining us from wyoming. now to potential corruption
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ahead of the house oversight committee's open hearing this week propose probing allegations of influence peddling and bribery. one key witness who will not be there is the president's son, hunter biden. despite making defiant if statement back on capitol hill in december when he initially rejected a subpoena to appear if behind closed doors for a sit-down interview. >> i am here to testify at a public hearing today to answer any of the committee's legitimate questions. republicans do not want an open process where americans can see their attacks, expose their baseless inquiry or hear what i have to say. what are they afraid of? i'm here. i'm ready. maria: well, apparently not. in a letter sent to house oversight committee chairman james comer on wednesday, hunter biden's attorney abbe lowell writes, quote, your blatant plan
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for media attempt is an obvious -- one witness says he will, one witness who says he will be at the hearing this wednesday is hundred or biden's former business associate tony bobulinski who said in a statement to fox news, quote, now is the time to stop up, hunter. as you have said is you want to do. don't cower in the face of accountability and end this fight for truth and democracy. joining me now is the house oversight committee chairman, james comer. mr. chairman, thank you so much for being here. you're going forward with this hearing despite hunter biden saying he's not coming. why? >> well, i think that we're at the point in the investigation where we need to hear the discrepancy ises. there were massive discrepancies between what three of hunter biden's business associates said pertaining to hunter's involvement and pertaining to president biden's involvement versus what hunter testified. so this is an opportunity for hunter to have the public hearing he wanted. the media grilled me, accused me
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of not wanting to have public hearing. we want the public hearing. we actually need the public hearing because of the discrepancies. we want to iron out the discrepancies because somebody lied to congress in their interviews and depositions. either it was the three business partners or it was hundter biden. now, i'm 99.9% sure i know who the answer to that is, but we're going to give hunter bide an opportunity. i'm not sure he won't show up, maria. there have been two times when he showed up when he wasn't going to show up to have a publicity stunt with the mainstream media, to attack me and say we didn't want a transparent public hearing. well, that's going to be this week, and i fully expect up hunter biden to show up. if he does not show up, then it's not going to end well for the bidens because we have three witnesses that are testifying -- have already testified under oath to significantly different stories as to what exactly the biden influence-peddling schemes were. this is very shares because we're at the point now of
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criminal referrells. maria: criminal referrals, meaning you are going to refer these people for criminal action. how many criminal referrals are you expecting to make? >> well, there are going to be multiple criminal referrell -- referrals. we've spent a year investigating this. we faced massive obstruction from the white house, from the biden legal team, yet we've been able to get probably 80% of the information that we've requested. we've accumulated lots of evidence of wrongdoing from the 170 suspicious activity reports to the multiple shell companies that were used to launder the money and hen send the 10 different biden family members incremental payments. all the payments from romania, from kazahkstan, from ukraine, from if russia that were sent to the bidens at -- most of which happened during joe biden's tenure as a vice president of the united states. we have given the bidens opportunities to explain what business they were actually in,
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and and if as of this point i can't tell you a single legitimate business the bidens had other than they were influence peddling. and i think most americans would agree that we don't need the immediate family of our president of the united states profiting to the tube of tens of millions of dollars -- to the tune of tens of millions of dollars from our add very sirs. we're at the point of holding people accountable for criminal wrongdoing, and i think we've already demonstrated several indance stances of criminal mischief by multiple members of the biden family. maria: well, look, the white house wants this impeachment inquiry shut down. they say after mr. smirnov was indicted, it's clear this whole thing was russian mismisinformation, and they want the investigation stopped altogether. tell us right here, right now, do you feel you have evidence to tell us, to share with us that joe biden, president biden, actually benefited from this influence-peddling scheme that you're are referring to? >> absolutely. finish joe biden got two
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payments, we've already disclosed that, that came from jim biden as a result of the influence-peddling schemes. now, the white house and the media try to claim those were loans. okay, let's say they were loans. hay weren't, but let's say they were for the sake of argument. jim biden never could have paid that quarter of a million dollars back to were it not for the influence-peddling schemes. the one that landed $200,000 to joe biden and the one from china that innocented $40,000 -- netted $40,000 to joe biden. so joe biden benefited to the tune of a quarter million dollars. we've proven joe biden lied over a dozen times. he said he never met with any of these people that were wiring his family money. he either met with them for dinner or spoke to them multiple times on the phone. that is a blatant lie by joe biden. joe bidenen said his family never got money from china. we've proven they got $8 million from china, from the chinese
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communist party-linked entity cefc. the list goes on and on and and on, maria. there's a lot of evidence here. we heard from gary sap shapley -- gary schlafly and the irs whistleblowers who were wanting to charge the bidens with crimes, so the evidence is overwhelming. just because the media and the white house want to indock try indoctrinate america and say there's no evidence, that doesn't change the fact that there's a lot of evidence of criminal wrong doing by the biden family. maria: congressman, we are trying to connect the dots here to the national security threat. we talk about and focus on national security largely on this program. i know you're doing a whole-of-government investigation into the response to the aggression coming out of communist china. i'm wondering what joe biden did to actually get paid if this story is true and if, in fact, he's made policy decisions in response to accepting money if from places like communist
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china. is that part of your investigation in tell me about this probe into the response to communist china p. -- china. >> china's our biggest threat. there's no question about that. i think even liberal democrats would admit to that. not only are they a national security threat, they're stealing our inte lek i chul property, our patents, all of to our research and development that american countries invest trillions of dollars n. china's stealing that. joe biden is not tough on china. in fact, i would go further. he has a china-first, hurricane-last policy on a lot of he can things -- america last. is this because his family took $8 million from china? we're already seeing patrick ho, the number two guy at cefc, who was indicted and incarcerated in the southern district of new york for bribing foreign officials, he paid hunter biden a million dollars to be his lawyer. hunter biden wasn't even licensed to practice law in new yorkful now he wants his money back. the chinese, are they holding
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things over joe biden's head? this is serious, serious national security concerns that we have. we found that joe biden hasn't been truthful about meeting with these people, affiliated with the chinese communist party that were paying his family millions of dollars, and we think that america's on the -- we think that america's on the wrong path with respect to china policy, so our committee's going to delve into that. we're going to take information that we've learned, people like peter schweizer have uncovered, and we're going to go further and use our subpoena power to get results. maria: and when joe biden first started this presidency, he canceled the china initiative which was indicting people for stealing that intellectual property. >> that's right. maria: is that part of your investigation? real quick. >> absolutely, yes. maria: mr. chairman, thank you. good to see you this morning. house oversight committee chairman james comer. we'll be right only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice
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>> my understanding there have been a lot of drone incursions along our southern border. how many drone incursions have we had, and or what are they doing? >> i have talked to discuss toms and border protection who are responsible for the uas incurlses -- incursions in the border along with doj, and they put the number at thousands.
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>> over what period of time is that thousands? >> i would say in the, probably over a month. we could probably have over a thousand a month. maria: wow, thus of drones at our border in startling testimony from a senior pentagon official on thursday on the number of foreign drones that are crossing into american air space on a monthly basis at the southern border despite the pentagon and the fbi sounding the alarm on the growing terrorist threat at the border. president biden says he will not take executive action to secure the border. instead he says he'll rely on congress to fix it. meanwhile, in his new $7.3 trillion budget proposal, president biden is asking for $50 million in border wall funding to be resindhed so it can be redirected towards securing the border in, quote, smarter, technology-forward ways. joining me now with the impact the crisis has had on his state and beyond is texas attorney general ken paxton. thanks very much for joining us
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today. this is startling, to think about these foreign drones at our border. give us your sense of the open border and and its impact on texas and the country. >> look, i'm not surprised that this is going on the -- going on now, that they're sending drones across, and it's no surprise that joe biden's not going to do anything about a it. he started off day one of his administration saying he wasn't going to deport if anybody, and now he's continuing to blame congress who has given him the authority whether it's remain in mexico, stopping catch and release, building the wall. he has lots of authority. he isn't using it. he's doing just the opposite. he's aiding and abetting the cartels to get more people here for his own political purposes. maria: i mean, this is just extraordinary. we've been zeroing in on this impact in america. roger marshall, senator from kansas, the other day joined me and said they're setting up led by the ccp and the mexican can cartels setting up human trafficking throughout america, setting up businesses that are maas ifage parlor as a front for
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human trafficking. i don't understand what's behind this, why president biden would keep this border open. you say it has something to do with cheating with the census. tell me about that. >> yeah. and i think you had a guest that just talked about this very issue. this is accurate. they are counting illegal immigrants in their census so they can move these people around a to the states where they want more congressional representatives and and more electoral college votes. it's purely political. so he's willing to trade the safety of america whether it's terrorism, whether it's drugs, whether it's other crimes, he being joe biden, he's willing to trade all of that to get more democratic votes so that they can control congress and they can control the presidency. maria: so what about the upcoming election? do you worry that they're going to try to get illegals to vote? look, a.g. merrick garland said he's going to fight and vow to fight voter id laws. >> i think that's a signal. voter id laws are the best protection if against voter fraud. there's only one reason that
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merrick garland doesn't want voter id to prevail, and that's because it's easier to cheat. there's the only one reason. we vote, we debated this in the texas house in 2011. i was there. the only reason you don't want voter fraud protection if -- or voter id is because you want voter fraud. and that's clearly what this administration if is pushing forward with. maria: so you were there fighting hard to protect the texas elections. how would you assess the election security and the potential for a transparent election this november? >> look, i'm still concerned about a it because they clearly did it last time. i saw what they tried to do in my state. they try to do the same thing they did in georgia, michigan and wisconsin, and if we were able to stop it with 12 lawsuits, but they're not going to stop. they are definitely focused on doing what they can to shift elections even if it means they have people voting illegally. and the main way they did it last time was by mail because you cannot verify when you have mail-in ballots sent out to everybody and they're sent in with no signature verification
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and no photo id, you have no idea who's voting. when they say you can't verify there was voter fraud, they're right because they set the system up the make it that a way. maria: let me get your take on all of these lawsuits that you've been putting down. you're suing the biden administration. you're also suing pfizer, right, about the vaccine. >> yeah. so the lawsuits against joe biden are numerous because there's so many different ways that he's harmed our state including cutting our own fences down, which makes no sense that that could possibly be illegal. the pfizer lawsuit is really important to expose what these drug companies, these pharmaceutical companies did especially in the manufacture of the vaccine. the fact that it wasn't tested, that they had special protection so they didn't really have to it's it p if then they went out and were not accurate about the results. the results were not good, and they lied and then they censor ised people when people came up with the obvious truth that these vaccines were not working and it did not stop the transmission of covid. so i think it's really important
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that the american people know this, and that's why this lawsuit has continued. maria: do you think other states are also doing the kind of due diligence you're doing in terms of the fair and transparent they'd like to see? >> look, i don't know. i'm concerned about that. i certainly hope so is. i think some of them are. it feels like georgia passed some good legislation. but i have to worry about texas, and we had to fight that out in our own primaries trying to protect our elections because we had republicans in the texas house including our speaker who did everything he could to stop election security in our state. so we have republicans -- maria: thank you. >> -- who have tried to stop it. thank you. maria: a.g. ken paxton. thank you so much. we'll be rig there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick.
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from app stores. the bill received major bipartisan support, 197 republicans and 155 democrats voting in favor of this legislation due to what they call the ccp's a influence over tiktok. the bill now heads to the senate where its future is uncertain as a some senators question if majority leader chuck schumer will even bring it to the floor for debate. wyoming senate john barrasso just told me in the show it will not be brought to the floor this week. joining me right now with more is florida congresswoman anna luna paulina and former department of defense chief of staff kash patel. thank you so much for being here. congresswoman with, i want to ask you first about the border, because with we see increasing numbers of chinese nationals coming in through the texas border. i'd like to get your take on that as lawmakers are looking at tiktok as one more way of chinese infiltration into america. >> you know, these same lawmakers that are trying to virtue signal and say that
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there's somehow this open border agenda in which it's only women and and children coming here, the same lawmakers like chuck schumer that are boeing to be blocking the tiktok bill, i think that tells you everything you need to know. maria, there's a lot of money on both sides pouring into preventing congress from actually passing this -- passing this legislation, but there's this massive free speech speech debate. tiktok is a military weapon being used by the ccp. if i could just for a moment, the ability to the dragnet if our systems, to collect on intelligence, to collect on military exists with this app. and so i want to remind people that there's a ton of disinformation largely being pushed by pick tiktok, but it all dose back to the ccp. maria: kash patel, you were the chief of staff at the defense department. tell us how you have viewed tiktok in your role. >> yeah, look, in the trump administration i think president trump righteously acted on national security or intelligence by rolling out a discussion to ban tiktok.
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he actually acted on the intelligence that proved to be true and was castigated for it for three years. and just last week we had senator warner confirming tiktok is a national security threat. if we can divest tiktok completely of any ccp ties, towards the congresswoman's point, we can shut down the mill we tear's information -- the military's information collection. maria: well,ing i want to get your take on what happened in terms of the january 6th committee, ka a sh, because you've written an op-ed on this, and it appears that liz cheney and the january 6th committee edited out some important, key informing to tell us about that day. >> you're absolutely right. and it's a tragedy for america, because they're been deprivedded of the truth. just like the fbi and the dnc in russiagate who lied and withheld information of innocence to a federal judge to unlawfully surveil donald trump, or liz
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cheney and cassidy hutchinson have been caught doing the same thing. we have been testifying for three years now including on your show, grand juries and elsewhere that donald trump ordered 10,000 plus national guardsmen and women days before january 6th, and the one transcript from a career secret service officer or who testified two years ago corroborating all of that information to be true was worm holed by liz cheney. it turns out that the lies cassidy hutchinson and she produced are the steele dossier of january 6th, and they used the same modus operandi to deprive the american people of the truth. there needs to be serious congressional action. liz cheney isn't in congress anymore. somebody should be subpoenaing her or tomorrow to ask what other investigation if she withheld. liz cheney put it in her nuclear football and tried to bury it. maria: but where is the information now? did she destroy documents? if. >> that's the critical question that i hope congress is
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answering, because i don't have access to that. we now know she withheld information of evidence. we are hearing from chairman loudon -- loudermilk's committee that certain things were destroyed. we need to have a full on investigation of every staffer and every congressman and woman on that committee to get that answer, otherwise we're never going to know the full truth. they told us that bowser orer and pelosi actually wanted security, that was another lie that we disproved yet again with this critical testimony. they're the ones that yes -- rejected it, and cheney knew about the rejection and still tried to campaign on a disinformation projection for donald trump about he was somehow committing insurrection are. you're right, maria,ing we we need all of those documents, and i hope congress subpoenas them immediately. maria: congresswoman, you're with us. are you going to take this up? is this manager you're looking at? because let me tell you, right now the biden administration is still pushing this whole idea of insurrection of donald trump. we played the sound bite of president trump at the top of
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the show, how he said there would be a bloodbath in the auto industry if biden gets his way jamming down the throats of americans ev vehicles, and the mainstream media completely mangled his words. look at these headlines that the mainstream media put out today on trump's commentary the about bloodbath. and then the biden-harris administration comes out with a note and a statement saying he said bloodbath. if he's not elected, he's promising another january 6th, congress congresswoman. so what are you going to do about it? >> oh, i mean, it starts with, first of all, we have to shatter this narrative. to see, if you look at their press release, maria, they said this was a racist attack on black and brown people. meanwhile, you have people like nadler, people like debbie wasserman schultz saying if we don't have open borders, who's going to be in the fields to pick the crops which is absolutely in itself the definition of prejudice and racism. the fact is, is that again we are going to see a massive push from now until election day using social media, using the
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media to try to take everything that president trump is doing and saying out of context. but back to your point on january 6th and liz cheney, i would be happy to work with chairman comer and chairman jordan in order to subpoena that. and i will say this, you know, we have a particular tool kit in the house of representatives, and i believe that this speaker, that this republican body needs to take contempt of congress very seriously if these people are going to play ball. they did it to members of the white house. we need to insure that these people are respecting our constitutional authority, and if they don't want to hand over information that we are asking of them, they need to be held in contempt of congress. i'm tired of signaling that. i think that congress needs to bring those charges. maria: okay, congresswoman. we're going to be watching your work. kash patel, great information from you. thank you both, we appreciate it. kash patel, anna paulina luna. quick break,president biden is using the power of the pen to bolster voter rolls while his attorney general vow to fight against voter ids as 10
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million foreigners are here on joe biden's watch. now mississippi secretary of state michael watson is suing the administration to stop enabling illegals to vote in american elections. he will join me on his battle the keep the biden administration from overstepping the u.s. constitution. he's next. ♪ ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. >> we have three pillars that we need to focus on at the rnc to insure victory on november 5th; turn out the vote, protect the vote and raise money. but i would argue that maybe the most important of those three is protecting the vote. election integrity. we have to insure that when people go vote, they feel like their vote counts, that they are inspired to go vote. maria: and that's new republican national committee co-chair lara trump with me here last weekend on the steps they're taking to insure a transparent and fair election this november. at the state level, mississippi
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secretary of state michael watson is demanding that the department of justice stop enforcing an executive order issued by president biden in 2021 that has federal agencies involved in expanding voting access even though that's not their objective. article i, section four of the constitution says in part states have the primary authority to oversee the times, places and american of holding elections for senators and representatives. biden's executive order calls for nonpartisan third party organizations approved by the biden administration to work with federal agencies on registering voters. watson says biden's order allows the doj to facilitate voter registration and mail voting for individuals in the custody of the bureau of prisons, for one, which he says creates numerous opportunities for ineligible from prisoners to be registered to vote in mississippi. the federalist is reporting among the groups approved by the white house is demos, a liberal think tank, and the acl are u.
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joining me now is mississippi secretary of state michael watson. secretary of state watson, thanks very much for being here. >> yeah, good morning, maria. such an honor to be with you with. more so you sent the biden administration a letter x you told them to stop enforcing this executive order. tell us why. >> that's exactly right. and this is an issue that's been slithering through the weeds for about three years now wherein the biden administration has issued this executive order. i tell you what, if we don't stand up to this, there are going to be catastrophic consequences to our cup. it basically allows them to go into prisons to help assist in registering as well as getting out the vote illegal aliens and felons across this country. that's something that americans should not be okay with, something we're not okay with in mississippi and will not happen in our state as long as i'm the secretary. maria: so are you planning to sue the administration then? >> yes, that's the next step. obviously, we wrote the letter now, and i think's the problem. we have -- i think that's the
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problem. we have seen about 936 different agreements with prisons making sure that they're enforcing this in their prisons. so we don't know where they are, tell us what you're doing, stop this. you have no right to do this, no authority to do this under the constitution, so that's an important thing that we need to be raiding the alarm on here in the country. maria: this is pretty extraordinary. on the one hand, they've got a wide open border, illegals coming in and that's change the mag-up of the census, and then -- mark-up, and then the census based on those numbers is creating bigger congressional districts for sanctuary city democrats. and if on the other hand, you're telling me that an executive order is enabling prisoners to vote, and they're hoping that they vote democrat. is there anything to do about this? if can you stop it? if. >> listen, this is a coordinated effort. if you look at the executive order, what they have done is turned every federal agency into a get out the vote on the democratic party.
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we're not going to let that happen in mississippi. that's why i wrote the letter, and we will follow pup with a lawsuit if that's what we need to do. democrats are going to preach dem rah crass' on the ballot. they to have love democracy when they can control it. we've got to put an end to that in our country. maria: once again they're doing exactly what they say donald trump is doing. we've got more with mississippi secretary of state michael watson when we come right back. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user.
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maria: welcome welcome back. i bet with mississippi secretarr state watson. former president trump is gotten the presumptive republican the presidential nominee. 'sthe title trump clients in 204 nomination. this week georgia mississippi, washington state held a primary sneer inherited. of sent ade letter to the bidennd w administration assess the h primary mississippi and when ara you expecting to hear back froms the administration after the letter you sent? >> hopefully as quickly aspo possible. i have got the automatic br responseoa this is too broad weh isnot responding to this, of us and that's how they moster importantly i will othera states to do what mississippi has done to it we focus onsure making sure our voter rolls are clean. make sure only united states
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citizens can vote in our elections port otay what we help register over 275,000 new registered voters in mississippi since i've been in all workthis because democracy is foring everyone. this administration's weapon raising dimock against their political opponents and that's not a gooden thing. >> you said the biden secretary of this is not new though, right? >> it is not. that's a problem again as i sli mentioned earlier it's beens, slithering through the weeds we have not bee an paying attention to this i'm happy to raise the alarm today to stop the illegal activity of the biden admiadministration it comes the voting space. >> you are saying this executive order enables people incarcerated to vote? aga >> again section nine tells u.s. marshals service to go intore prisons, to help them toal register tsoo vote. also two of them assist ing voting by mail if they so choose. by thend, way also in custody f our u.s. customs is illegal aliens has an important piece as well they are going to be helping them, here is a
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registered vote and will assistt you if youe, so need. >> a great point spread secretary of state thank you very much. this is the beat secretary state michael watson joining me. wewill be following the story. thank you so much for joining me. i'll see you again tomorrow morning on mornings with mariamr johnny on foxbusiness six to 9:00 a.m. eastern. have a you great saturday and hl saint patty's day.ea ♪ or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty.
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