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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  March 18, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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in early voting there maybe some were expecting but we have to remember now that the presidential race is settled maybe we'll have the examine about people come to the post tomorrow but these candidates there spend a lot of money to try to get people to go vote. >> martha: there will be a lot of focus on the senate as we get closer to mark thank you for gluing us in to the race in iowa. mark good to see you as always. mark morris reporting from cleveland today. the is the story for this monday march the 18th and the story goes on to look forward to seeing back here tomorrow. have a great evening everybody. we got some good podcast coming attack on earliest podcast wherever you go look podcast for the untold story and i will see you back here tomorrow, your world get started right about now. thou looks like it's closing in green territory today. the tune for more on that coming up. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]
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>> neil: advantage, by then? maybe not in a pulled muscle for in the the money grandmother president race is a staggering 53 million bucks last month that's essentially what donald trump paid in legal bills last year. and the money keeps pouring in for team buy-in. this is the legal bills keep piling on 14 trump. now the president has said this -- is that this week to embark on a -- taken to nevada and arizona and texas but not before very important phone calls today with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu chemical tell you what the president said and checking with joe lieberman on what he think the president should have said. all that and the president of the united states -- steelworkers union and why he is glad over something else joe biden said, even if you hasn't committed to joe biden yet. [ ♪♪ ] >> neil: welcome everybody got glad to have you got i'm neil cavuto -- neil cavuto. -- >> the rest of this week for precedents -- something that
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they've already been doing quite effectively. the $53 million in february campaign is telling us is the most ever for a democratic candidate in an election year. so there is a lot of dollar -- though and it comes as a mistress and is hoping to shore up support with progressives who are mad the president is not pushing for a cease-fire in gaza. president biden urged today on a one we're told was a businesslike phone call netanyahu to target hamas and rafah without ordering a foreground invasion and it sounds like netanyahu did bring up chuck schumer's recent call for new elections in israel. >> the prime minister did read his concerns about a variety of things come out in the american press. >> something else in the american press today, president biden's anger boiling organic scenes that according to report by nbc news specifically when a storm a couple weeks back
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that his handling of the war is costing him votes in places like michigan. >> the court is he began to shout and swear. so when he does that, is he shouting and swearing about netanyahu or about hamas or about his pole numbers? >> this is "when did you stop beating your spouse question, will because i don't think he ever did that. we'll use that as a premise of your question which is when he does that, i'm never seen him do that, showed or swear in response to that. so from my perspective, that particular report is not correct. >> there have been numerous reports about president biden's frustration's frustration with benjamin netanyahu dating back to the end last year but their national security advisor says he hasn't seen any of that. >> neil: peter cowan thank you. you're duty at the white house new mark -- big republican fundraiser come under -- they need to keep doing that because there are we behind the president and darshan -- what the -- will
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begin move the money raised is obviously very important. it's done diddly to improve the president pulled numbers but you has a lot of powder there. what do you think? >> i think it could make a difference down the line. not so much neil in the media because we're going to have saturation coverage and adds but you getting out the vote in november. there -- there's early voting can't vote by mail voting in churches and the like. there -- the so-called bark -- bella target -- harvesting that republicans combine about. when you have resources like the president is raising and i get two or three e-mails a week inviting me to fundraisers as that says to me that they are going to have the resources, the troops and the will to get the vote out an election that he is now trailing and enthusiasm is on the republican side speed to speak back my. >> neil: the money part is on the democratic side and
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enthusiasm to his points under publican side but eventually you will need money to put to good use to that enthusiasm, right? >> you're going to need a lot of money and right now the republican party has just changed leadership so there's a lot of dissatisfaction with rona mcdaniels and now we've got a change at the helm. a lot of concern that some of the major donors that i'm talking to have is the fact that the checks that they may right to the or and see are going to be going to cover legal expenses versus programs like, you know, mynio blitzing, direct male and get out the vote efforts which are crucial for maximum there is one concern. i actually think that's the rnc tract campaign super pacs need to actually set up -- is a different -- there could be a downer that it will you want to help -- and donate,
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you know, five, $10 million to help president from alleviate some of that expenses and they can donate to a certain -- but then there are sum, you know, regular donors that actually want to go knowing that we are going to be spending that on get out the vote and other entities that are good to be focused not on the legal bills. so i think that the challenge is going to be what the rnc the kind of set that aside because these donors are very concerned. like a sea of donating -- doing something whether -- you want to know where your money is going on in over -- and i think that donors have a right to know where this money is going to go. and there are a lot of donors that are very passionately wanting to help pay down those legal bills. i know. there are some of those. and so let them donate to a fund that specifically, clearly says this is for his legal bills and thus there is another entity that you can
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use for get on the vote and other efforts. i think it's very important. >> neil: on that issue found there because i know you're a democrat but the republican national committee has wanted to make clear that the money raised for the party through the committee will not go to legal bills but it wasn't on the -- unequivocal. there might be ways around that. what you think of that? >> i think there is a real problem. i mean, noel makes a fare point about some small number of people who decide they want to pay donald trump's legal bills. most political contributors in my experience at a talked to a lot of democratic donors they want to paint -- paper activities that help collector candidates are not get them out a legal trouble. so i would say that the way trump has operated politically and personally is such that if there is legal room that could leave open enough of a pandora's box
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next is to lead some donors in a situation where the republicans are being overwhelmed with democratic money whereas some donors could stand on the sidelines when the republicans and the rnc need them really quite desperately. >> neil: you mentioned the legal issues and the control -- i saw -- onto alert -- and i want to follow it up with you, noelle. we're learning that donald trump is no requesting a clear overview of the ruling that the two disqualify the georgia prosecuting -- i mention it with you because it continues this legal back-and-forth and that's his another legal measure you are taking that that is added to all these other cases that either could delay them but it certainly means more legal bills. you're thoughts? >> yeah, i mean the is the last thing that we need as a republican party, to have
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this ongoing occurring expensive but it is a reality. so we have to deal with it. it is a reality. >> neil: and by the way, he's not the first person to express surprise i -- even amazement at the fact that fani willis just to keep her job. but whether that is justified or not, where you cite -- see this going college or the case, at best delayed have some argue is falling apart as we speak? >> it does seem to be falling apart, i mean with a focus now on her and now not on biden and most -- noelle nikpour and what's going on there is a huge distraction. i will tell you as you are looking at money and this is another distraction from, you know, contributing of republican daughter, this is going to be a great opportunity, super pacs to express those donors because super pacs are you know cannot coordinate for the campaign so this is going to be a great opportunity for these independent super pacs that wanted -- to advertise and do everything that they
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can because all that money in a super pack as you know it's open and it is extracting money from donors and it is used in every dollar spent right up until the end of the election there so, yeah, this is not -- >> neil: understood, i'm really jumping on both of you and i apologize but as all the time we have. we'll continue to look at this do call into question the wisdom of people fani willis as a special prosecutor on the case in georgia. in case -- ce that might be unraveling as we speak in the meantime the supreme court taking up a very big issue is between what is the difference between say the white house persuading you to change your policies and coursing used to do so? jonathan hunt has more from the supreme court. jonathan? -- david spun, i apologize. david? rep max no worries. a stake case here this report for a high-stakes issue in an election year and we'll tell you what the justices have to say, that's coming up.
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[ ♪♪ ] you -- when they were pushing social media platforms to take down for that maybe smack fossils about the pandemic and even
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the 2020 presidential election. others appealing saying this is going too far white house, you can do that while the spring court taking up this very matter today. david spun has more from washington. >> reporter: with afternoon from the supreme court. critics of the administration say its quite simple. the front-end administration colluded with big tech companies, social media companies, you try to limit what could be sent on some of those major platforms while the justices were interested in hearing some of this pregame, it appears the majority may rule against that theory. butter course never know what the justices will rule on how they will rule i should say until the rule which will likely be the end of june early july but the big question is the divided administration improperly coordinates with some of these largest tax forms in the country to moderate contact -- content? can't think about forcing my private parties on facebook and x formerly twitter and other big sites. administration accused and
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sued for collaborating with these sites especially related to health policy like the covid vaccine. here's a skeptical justice sam alito questioning the government followed by justice tonje -- brown jackson with complete opposite view. >> the only reason why this is taking place is because the federal government has got section 230 at an antitrust in his pockets and to mix my metaphors and it got these big clubs available to it and so it's treating facebook and these other platforms like vr subordinates. >> our view has the -- significant ways in most important time periods. the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country. >> reporter: a significant case dealing with health policy, also national
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security at election security related issues during this high-stakes election year again, we will have a decision from the justices at the end of the term. >> neil: david carr thank you very much. katie because he the former president -- law attorney. katie, the court seems -- he never know our cleaning -- on the point here, deciding whether the government in the does have the rights at least to question information that is going out there without using a cordial to force the issue. address if you think it's the latter undergoing three three-part you be dead set against this. it just sort of store -- during this other than there is the issue back-and-forth between persuasion and coercion. where are we? >> mother is exactly right. the court did not some convenes that at least based on the justices question during argument that the government had gone so far as to coerce the platforms to remove speech but simply were trying to persuade them, which the case law has previously held that state
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actors can in fact try to persuade certain speech to be regulated or removed but they can cross the line over into coercion and that leaves us with a question of what exactly is coercion and justice alito pointed out that the government has significant power over these platforms and critical -- particular with section 2030 and that in and of itself could potentially lead to that conclusion but other justices did not seem to take that position. >> neil: you know, i'm reminded, anderson michael legal input here that this is an episode out on the sopranos. the government gets in contact -- you think will be a very good idea for you to correct these false stories that are out there on vaccines and treatments for them, the comments about -- gherig 2020 election. you think would be a very good idea for you to look into this or say something about this and ordering it. >> well, the idea here is that the government can make such a position known but
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they can't cross the line into actually cursing the platforms to removing that data and, of course, we're looking back in retrospect and some of these posts and noting that some of their smack my having been truthful by the time of the decisions were made is where the court's are not -- analysing this from and whether the actual government actors went too four because a court seems to recognize that you do have some interest and some authority to make there positions known and their preferences known for that matter but the line of coercion is really where this case will come down on. >> neil: but it is intimidating and your understanding end of that weather its an ongoing order on a strong suggestion against the justices will decide about that -- whether that's coercion that. >> that's exactly right and i would agree that i think it's troubling to think how much involvement the government can affirmatively have with these platforms and coordinating with them or whatever word you want to use but certainly there is significant interactions between them to affect -- by the preferences of the government.
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so the court doesn't seem to think that the first amendment violation but many people we would've previously may be thought that i was getting very close and not crossing that line. >> neil: i would be remiss and when and as this thought out trump move -- as the georgia judge to allow him to allow -- appeal a ruling that keeps -- as the lead prosecutor -- what did you make of that? >> i think that that wasn't necessary move back trump's side to us to make a pretrial ruling or an appeal on that particular issue because that there is in fact impact the case progressing. is typically not something that would be allowed to be appealed pretrial and something that could be reviewed again after the fact but there is no harm in asking the question and it certainly was the right move for the defense in this case. >> neil: but he's asking the judge himself, the judge isn't going to reverse this not on his own is the? >> the judge is probably not going to reverse his own
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decision. it is normal to ask for reconsideration of certain rulings if they are not favorable and there are certain circumstances where judges will reconsider certain facts that he would miss -- miss our planet something in the record and could come down differently. is not abnormal but in this particular case i think the judge has given throw thoroughly from his perspective to the conclusion and i would not anticipate a reversal so does he make an announcement to that effect marginal -- what i'm getting is that whether this is another delay in getting this resumed if it ever -- ever gets resumed. >> typically a motion for reconsideration can be decided fairly quickly and it would be document in the record. i don't know if there will be a formal announcement or not but certainly there will be documented in some way. >> neil: do you think this case will start to get dry before the election? >> fani willis case has significant issues that from this codification issue which has already kinda been handled at this point, there was the dismissal of a significant amount of charges and the reason those charges
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were dismissed is because they were drafted improperly meaning they didn't allege in advance but they could actually be reunited if there were two -- worded differently so i think many of us need to decide if you want to seek a second indictment on those charges if this is going to proceed and then kind of collaterally there are going to be i would imagine the investigations by the state bar and other interesting -- agencies into financial -- money wasn't conduct. don't hundred smack but i think that it certainly could have an impact and if so in terms of the trial date i would anticipate that it would be shifted, again i don't think will be tried before the election but i've said that -- for various reasons and i think it's kind of a moving target at this point with all the pieces out there. >> neil: katie, thank you very much. going out at you and you better all that away. katie cherkasky -- who local
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enforcement to arrest migrants crossing the border and essentially send them back. that might prove easier said than done. the court will spell that out and deal with it soon. exible pah with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without
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this case with this car case with the human smugglers last week in never county co. have to turn those folks over the border patrol in most cases those folks are then just released with court gave in your down the road but an -- if texas can prove someone cross the border illegally they could be arrested and charged in -- and potentially deported back to mexico, just last week outside san antonio homeland security agents arrested this venezuelan gang member who was on columbia's most wanted list. across the border here in eagle pass in january, a week before texas -- texas took over so lee park and he was read by border patrol the sames what happens with most minutes -- minutes ones were no. he has been free out on the streets -- streets for the past. months. texas officials say it is a perfect example of what they are trying to stop from happening. >> we're going to make it as difficult as possible to cross unlawfully into texas. we want to push out activity elsewhere, further was this
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way -- and i think our stance is very clear with all the barriers and the consequences that we have in place, on the manpower is that don't cross into texas because if you do then you will be arrested and prosecuted. >> reporter: here's another example of national security risk posed by the border crisis. the nbi's joint terrorism task force is now investigating this lebanese man tried to sneak passed the border near el paso and allegedly made terrorist threats to staff asked that he was a member of hezbollah and they plan to clear smuggled abound in his final this nation was new york city. we'll officials are taking those claims seriously our sources stressed how highly unusually it is for an actual terrorist offer of the kind of information voluntarily but it is worth noting that at least 58 individuals on the terror watch list have been apprehended crossing the border since october. >> neil: not very measuring my friend. garrett tenney in eagle has without. congress been meet hutchins during the snow -- house oversight committee
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among others. congressmen that say that court doesn't go along with what the government wants to do -- then what? >> will we believe that the national or federal government, the national people who have that authority and responsibility have abdicated their role in responsibility. in the -- we believe it's national security issue and we believe that texas shoe -- should have the ability with people who are on our soil for us to be able to carefully, with a class b. misdemeanor, to arrest people know who they are, and then understand what they are attempting to accomplish. we believe it is wrong for people to come into our country illegally and we hope this -- separate -- the supreme court seize that this is a national security issue. >> neil: of the witness out is this practice going on n now? >> it is a decision that was made by the state of texas,
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the legislature, all done properly, and the department justice challenged this on that and that's -- that's why this report is handling the case between the reason why bring it up congressmen is, you know, there is this growing fear here are certainly for those -- no matter your view on the border that this will make things worse and then there are more times when your governor and restate our student by the government, the federal government, then helped by the federal government. this is a pattern whether you agree or disagree with the counter legal measures taken. it's no kind of, like, the records your. >> well it's undisputed that this federal government does not have -- act with responsibility of taking care of whether it be children or whether it be adults. whether it be people who are terrorists. they have not chosen to take the proper and necessary, we
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believe, background and elements into place where we understand who they're letting loose on the streets of texas. we believe that there is a way for the law to be followed and is that server -- federal government abdicates that responsibility that we believe someone in law enforcement as we have had for years where we -- you have different lover -- levels of what enforcement to make decisions about this. we are not moving someone back across, we are simply giving them what would be a class b. misdemeanor and then we will include know who they are and what they're doing. we believe this is really important for the security and safety of not only our citizens but we believe it's all within the last mack if there were some viewpoints that we were going to deport people then that would be different as you i'm sure the three congressmen, thank you for taking the time, we appreciated. >> you back. in the meantime you heard about the dust off between chuck schumer and benjamin
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netanyahu of course schumer actually weighing in on a potential election and israeli said there is long overdue that god over-the-top responses from benjamin netanyahu and in this country from one josef lieberman. he's next. joint pain was killing my creativity. blue-emu gave me my hobbies back. it's the arthritis pain relief our joints rely on. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add an all new footlong sidekick. like the philly with a new $2 footlong churro. sometimes the sidekick is the main event. you would say that. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. (police sirens) active ten eighty nine. the threat says, “the bombs will blow up tonight. jews will die. they deserve to die.”
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[ ♪♪ ] >> neil: benjamin netanyahu isn't the only one who was upset about chuck schumer trying to interfere in elections and a sovereign country of israel so is joe lieberman because he is coming up there in the meantime, burglar and keeping track of the fallout on capitol hill from august. had rob meikle afternoon. president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke by phone today and national security advisor jake sullivan was asked if the leader's discussed the call based on majority leader chuck schumer for new elections in israel. >> i'm not talking
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specifically about any of one of them. elderly from president biden's perspective this is not a question of politics. it's not a question of public statements mack is a question of policy and strategy. >> schumer' speech underscores the rift among them are correct about the middle east. republicans sees the chasm between democrats. you believe the speech was an effort by schumer to placate the hard left. >> it was wrong and rbc republicans that up and said so. israel is an democracy. they have absolutely every right to hold an election and have a right to defend themselves, they're going to keep doing the pier mechanism cracks are really scared right now because what we see is so many of the far left democrats are supporting hamas instead of israel. >> schumer told israeli voters it was time to move past netanyahu as the crisis deepens. but i was too much for many lawmakers. schumer hold smacker criticism from democrats.
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the influence of minnesota is jewish he called the speech "responsible." one gop member one and yahoo to make his case directly to americans. >> think it's perfect time, let israel come here and talk about what they are doing overseas in gaza and wt the palestinian conflict has brought to their country. a making case and from the american people since we have leadership in the senate actually speaking openly against the leadership over there calhoun appropriate can you possibly get? >> no democrats are rustling internally with how to approach the middle east. the conflict is curving support from president biden among progressives. it's believed that schumer''s speech was designed to serve as a heatshield for the past -- president. >> neil: -- that schumer statement understands outrageous, but joe is always good to have you. you might have heard that nancy pelosi had said in a weekend broadcaster it was brave on the part of chuck schumer. what you think was brave about it you mark.
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>> thanks, neil. i don't think anything was brave about it. i think it was outrageous and i think really it was a case of a highly owe -- affected -- take advantage of a friend and he wouldn't do this with a casual ally are certainly an enemy. but to call out one of our closest allies in the world, israel democracy when it's at war and tell its they should dump the prime minister, talk about crossing a redline. there was a diplomatic redline that i have never in all my years scene crossed. it is outrageous. i've been following the pools in israel thereby the truth is that i missed in mr -- prime minister netanyahu is not popular right now and his right-wing government is not popular. but if you ask the people of israel is netanyahu following
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the right policy in gaza, trying to destroy hamas? the answer is overwhelmingly positive. so chuck schumer is asking the people of israel to do something totally contrary to what their opinion is and i just -- can you imagine if schumer had made a similar appeal to the people of britain to overthrow prime minister rishi sunak for some reason. or the people of ukraine to overthrow president zelenskyy because he wasn't making enough progress -- >> neil: but there had to be accomplishing to this, senator, right, i don't know what the correlation is. used to work with chuck schumer. this is an election year after all. the administration understands is in support of israel has ignited this other counter rally were a lot of the democratic constituency feels anger and are getting -- that -- and selecting a strategy that they deemed a
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failure. so what's going on you think? >> it's hard to say. it's hard to judge motivation. chuck may feel this way and he wants to speak out and i go back to what i said -- >> neil: let me put that around. would he do this if it were not an election year? romance away from the siding president? >> i would really wander because there are certain facts we know. and one, we know is because -- is that a growing number of people on the left in the democratic party are not happy with israel's policy and they want to see -- but they seem to forget how this started. it started with a brutal terrorist attack by hamas against the israeli experiment israeli defense forces are actually making great progress against hamas, give them a little more time and they will effectively destroy hamas and then there can be a cease-fire, and hopefully movement towards a
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better life for the palestinians of gaza. but to intervene in this wing is just offensive to one of our closest allies in the world and i'm really disappointed chuck schumer for this. >> neil: we'll follow it very closely. they want to get an update from you -- will do that another time but will -- you as always, senator. good to see you. >> thank you, wait to be with you. in the meantime here is a big union and you would cover it support as a candidate running for a pretty much anything. i'm talking about the united steelworkers international union, ex-president, david mccall, is here. start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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is against the sale. david mccall is the presence of the united steelworkers international and he says there is a good decision and jones is right now. good to have you. >> hi. >> neil: what you make of the president doing this. you saying he is trying to protect american jobs here scared concerned about a foreign enemy taking over an iconic name like u.s. steel.
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what you tell your whole -- on members? >> first of all, you know, recognize japan is an ally but not necessarily as an economic ally. over the years we've had multiple trade cases against japan and rightly there is from them selling products below market price or even being subsidized and that makes it a national defense issue critical infrastructure issue and supply chain issues. so that is -- >> neil: finish that thought. >> i was watching overcapacity in japan and their steelmaking blast furnace operations and they said they're going to follow the plan of u.s. steel. well u.s. steel has been shown -- shutting down operations in the u.s. eventually that can lead to real issues around national defense and critical infrastructure. so that is one of the reasons that the concern among women the other part about it is although the publicly say that they'll accept the collective bargaining
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agreements -- that a signatory to those labor agreements under the transaction. it's actually a shell com company, a subsidiary of nippon steel that -- >> neil: in other words whatever commitments that they've made that you're not sure if they would honor them to let me ask you this mag joe biden is against this from happening haldol trump is against this from happening, you're weighing a decision on which one to support for president. where you lien? >> we are clearly leaning towards president biden and we'll all doors him i'm sure. i will be up to our excessive -- executive board ruler in the very near future but president biden has really developed for at least in my lifetime and industrial policy in this country with the infrastructure bell county ria and the checks and signs act. if you do that along with making sure that we're on a level playing field with the rest of the world, that is about real progress in america for industrial industry. >> neil: so i just made the decision now. what are you waiting for? >> we just haven't had our board meeting yet but we will have it in the near future.
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>> neil: let me ask you a little bit about that because often times when unions democratic candidates which is more often than not the case, members tend to go, you know, on their own independent way got a good many of them will support republican candidate got a good many of your members did so. with donald trump and i know in the passed with ronald reagan. but it's more the exception then the rule. is there a divide among the heads of the united steelworkers union and let's say the members? >> i don't think so. you know, we put in progress or put in process in 2020 something called more union, your voice in which we get input from our members and we take service from our members, we've already done that this year. and -- you talk about what's important for our members and what's important for them and their workplace and by the way there is plenty of republicans in our union as well as well as democrats. we support people who this -- support our memory and the
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community that 11. >> neil: could you work with the president's trump if he got in to the white house again? >> didn't work so well for us last time. you put a lot of antiunion people in the administration who were not helpful to us. >> neil: have you met with donald trump? >> i have knot. >> neil: why not? >> neil: >> he hasn't asked me with his enemies that -- sent a survey to him he didn't respond. >> neil: to as things stand now is just a matter of time because -- before you commit again -- after meeting and meeting with your members, but it will probably be for joe biden? >> it would be up to our members and our international executive board. >> neil: how does the union feel at this -- this deal with japan and nippon steel falls apart out of a word about her job? in other words could they go at their own, would you go as it smack on -- on your own as a u.s. entity? >> it has been ongoing for over 100 years so the answer is yes the issue isn't about so much about the ownership. it's about what the
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collective bargaining agreement is, the commitments that we make and the collective bargaining agreement. is also about shall defense. >> neil: david, he proposed. it was great seeing you again. david mccall of united steelworkers international president, will meet presumably on that -- coming into our newest room at -- edges has an idolatry's request to exclude michael cohen's testimony internationally trial. into that also is denying a request to exclude stormy daniels testimony from the same hush money trial. we'll have more after this...
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>> neil: the federal reserve begins at a two day meeting to decide the course of interest rates over the next couple days but the next couple of years that is a lot of folks thinking who will be jerome powell's replacement especially of donald trump comes then, no fan of the central bank chief that he chose. among the names mentioned, by the way, kevin hassett, former chair of the economic council of advisors for donald trump. an economic svengaliinizg. one of those names kind enough to join us right now. are you interested in becoming
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chairman of the federal reserve? >> what type of comment? 20 years ago i would've loved it. the only time it could happen, neil, is if trump were elected which i think he will be. then you have about a year and half are for the comes up for appointment. by that time, i will be 854 years old. >> neil: [laughs] >> i will have great, great great, great grandchildren. i'm 83 right now. i think it's a little premature to talk about me being fed chairman. 20 years ago, neil, jumped right at that one but not today i don't think. i don't think it makes sense. >> neil: careful, my friend. 83 is the new 82. i'm just telling you. >> okay. >> neil: the age thing notwithstanding, you are one of the fittest, fastest people on your feet that i know. it's something in which you can have an enormous sway and influence. you've been critical in the federal reserve under different chairman in the past. if you were to entertain the
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job, if it were offered to you, and again, i know the age thing, what you're saying. i don't buy that. what were some of your big concerns taking it over? >> well, i think one of the problems is being able to shift the rule and how the fed operates through the fed should not be controlling interest rates. they shouldn't be. they should be following interest rates, not trying to lead them. they should be trying to control the balance sheet at the fed to give a good free-market solution to the monetary solution which they have not been doing. they should reduce that balance sheet back down to slightly larger than where it was let's say in 2007-2008 in that range and they are not done that. there is no paul volcker, there's no others. alan greenspan. these people are not running the fed the way they should and i would love to see someone get in there and control it using quantity roll in letting marcus determined that having the fed follow markets so that market is clear rather than causing this
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hyperinflation which is literally what they have caused. >> neil: you are a walking encyclopedia, talking about the fed's balance sheet. those financial institutions that go back to the meltdown in 2007 and eight and nine. it still on their books. if you are in charge of the fed during something like that would you rescue those banks? >> no, i would not. i would not of rescue those banks. i would not bond the intervention. had a lot of financial crisis in our history over almost 200 some years and those financial crises cause a lot of damage. once there over which is about five, six, eight months, the game starts again and we don't have protracted losses. what we are done with the financial crisis of 2007-2008-2009 is because permanent losses where you bailed out losers and we taxed winners and we never allow the system to clear. we should've allowed her to clear and then would be much better off today.
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we've had a horrible economy honestly since 2007-2008, ever since bill clinton by the way it ever since bill clinton it's been a bad economy. a lot of the responsibility is due to the fed and i really think that's true. we should just make sure the fed encourages markets, not tries to stop markets. remember it's a profit and loss system. people make judgments, gases and investments and some of them lose. some of them win. the loser should not be bailed out on the winner should not be penalized for that sake stop progress. that's what we've done. >> neil: thank you for saying that i would be the first person to interview you and your appointed fed chairman. >> all, you are. you are my first one ever in life. where were you? back when the tom-toms were being used to communicate. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone i'm


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