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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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made, just remember the taliban we took afghanistan almost immediately after we left and recall president biden said the notion the taliban would take over was highly unlikely but that is exactly what happened. failed pullout lead to a suicide bombing which killed 13 american service members. i think he did this here and you won't hear today, president biden, you will member, asked by george stephanopoulos who taught military advisors warned against withdrawing on the timeline, they want to do to keep about 2500 troops. president biden responded no, it was split but we have heard from general mckenzie that he recommended 2500 troops stay behind. you will hear from him today as we crystallize the mistakes made in that crucial moment in american history. thanks to everyone next america reports. >> there is no way to get out afghanistan after 20 years. i make no apologies.
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>> thousands whole responsibility of joe biden. who is also the lead domino that lets the demise of all afghanistan. >> all this talk of chaos. >> in a broader sense the war was lost. >> whether it's afghanistan 2021, israel 2023, or haiti a .24, or i've had to go over and help rescue or evacuate americans because biden's administration is responsible for these failures and refuses to do so. >> a blockbuster hearing between the two generals who led president biden's chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan, they will testify the first time under oath since retiring from the military. hello and welcome i am sandra smith in new york, go to be with you, john. >> john: good to be with you, very important date, center, and the hours to come this is america reports. the events of august 2021 sent president biden's approval rating and a knows that he has yet to cover from.
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he is recovering once again trying to saving america's stomach americans in another country, fox news learning right mckenzie are expected to blame the bride and admini to to biden administration. >> complete coverage begins now we will speak to darren hoover the gold star father lost his son, sta sergeant darren taylor hoover at the kabul airport. and mike doody, and a former scout sniper who served multiple tours in afghanistan. >> plus house affairs member from what he expects to ask million mckenzie, jack and kate is also on deck and live on capitol hill, what are we expecting to hear, aisha, from generals million mckenzie? >> john and center good afternoon, we are expected to hear some pretty harsh administration criticism during this hearing i am told by staff
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committee members that we are going to hear both of these generals basically make a case that this state department failed to properly plan this evacuation, this withdrawal from afghanistan and then of course that was a result of white house policy. now this will be the first time we are hearing from former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff mark milley as a private citizen since he is retired. he has previously called this withdrawal a logistical success but a strategic failure. he said he wanted to keep u.s. troops in the country and that would have prevented the fall of kabul. also in the room today, john, several of those gold star families of the 13 u.s. service members killed at hobby gate and that's including steve mcewing the father of corporal steve who called abbey gate and interrupted the state of the union address earlier this month. i caught up with him outside the
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hearing room and i ask him about that. whether he is still facing charges, he says that no one from the administration has reached out to them since that, listen to this. >> no, no charges got dropped. >> you're still facing charges? >> yes. >> really? no one from the administration is trying to intervene or help? what do you have to say about that? >> not very much because they won't even recognize his own grandson. or grandchild. whatever. so, it's nothing new. it's been this way the last two years. >> yes, it is stunning that he is still having to deal with this from state of the union i tried to ask debbie dingell if congress should get involved, she didn't want to answer that question. michael walz did tell me congress is absolutely going to get those charges dropped. john? >> john: double tragedy for nikoui as well because a year after he lost his son in
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afghanistan is of his son took his own life. setting the table for us outside of the committee room, sandor? >> sandra: let's bring it to republican brian mass in the house affairs committee who was wounded in afghanistan back in 2010. carsten, i appreciate you joining us this will be a big hearing. we are already looking at michael mccaul who has entered the hearing room and about to sit and we will hear his opening remarks. as other congressmen and women filled the room, what do you want to hear from those who were in power and world leaders during this chaotic exit? >> looks, i want them to fess up to number one, that this was not a logistical success. but come you know, anything other than that. you can use anything, it was on else logistical success. if you have all the supplies there a week after it was supposed to happen that would not of been classified as a logistical success. so we need to see general milley
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walked back to those about painting any of this with a rosy brush. i don't think you'll get that out of mckenzie, mckenzie has been very, very clear. of his biggest regret of his time in the military is that the administration did this one thing. they did not pull out the afghan he is, they did not pull out the civilians, they did not pull out the state department individuals before they pulled out of the military. that was the biggest abomination of all of this that created what you sow it people hanging off the wings of aircraft, people rushing the airports, and i expect to hear general mckenzie speak about that as well. >> sandra: interesting set up in the states of this hint stomach hearing. it's titled "forgetting impeachment" watch this biden investigation. it reads well, house republicans find a hard time finding evidence, if their probe of the afghanistan withdrawal could be the most damaging house investigation for this president, the withdrawal was a pivotal point in biden's presidency. he has struggled to recover
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from. republicans focus on this and not the selection year? >> we have been focusing on this on the oversight subcommittee literally since we have come into this congress. and it is looking at these things. not just how they left americans behind, how did they leave american's equipment behind but what aid and comfort are they giving to our enemies? >> carsten, thank you for your time at your service, sir, we will dip in here and listen to the chairman and his opening remarks. >> military forces from afghanistan. for months before that announcement, the intelligence community and his senior military advisors including both gentlemen testifying here today issued dire warngs about the withdrawals consequences. after the announcement i along with other republican and democrat members of congress urged the president to prepare for the withdrawal in its inevitable fallouts. unfortunately those warnings
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were ignored. as a withdrawal date neared the situation afghanistan deteriorated as the taliban gained significant ground across the country. yet the biden administration's failure to plan for their withdrawal threatened the safety and security of u.s. personnel and country. as a result in july of 2021, 23 state department employees in kabul said they sent a cable channel to secretary warning of their grave concerns for afghanistan's devel ability andt nothing was done. instead our investigation uncovered the white house refused to listen to warnings about the situation on the ground. disturbingly, we have uncovered the state department leadership prohibited, prohibited its employees from uttering the word
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"neo" shorthand for emergency evacuation. until as late as august of 2021. too a little, too laid. additionally this committee learned that the state department did not even request an emergency evacuation until after kabul was surrounded by the taliban. as a result the airport was not secured until august the 17th, 2 days after kabul felled. as the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. and fail they did. the next two weeks created international outrage and humiliation for the united states. people all over the world watched as babies were flung over barbed wire fences by mothers without hope. desperate afghans fell to their deaths from airplanes.
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and hordes of people surrounded the airport as they tried to flee for their lives. the damage to our reputation and our credibility, it united states credibility, around the world, that damage will last four generations. our service members were forced to watch as american citizens and afghan allies were beaten and murdered outside the gates of the airport. these brave americans were told to stand by as terrorists brutalized innocent of civi civilians. and then on the morning of august 26th, we watched in horror as reports of a terrorist attack at abi gate flooded the news. 13 u.s. service members were murdered. with dozens more injured. 170 afghans were killed with countless injured as well.
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some of the abby gate gold star family members are here today and we honor you. we honor your sacrifice. here today. to the families here today and to the american people i say i will not rest until i get to the bottom of this tragedy. you deserve answers. the american people deserve answers. and i intend to deliver. when the last u.s. military plane left on august 30th, 2021, more than 1, 1,000 american citizens remained trapped in afghanistan. as were tens of thousands of afghan allies who risk their lives serving beside our troops and diplomats. many if not most of those allies are still trapped, constantly in fear for their lives. i want to thank both of our
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witnesses for being here today. despite current dod officials actively trying to limitour testimony, you have agreed to appear herntarily. and i am grateful to you, both of you sirs for your service to our country and your service to this investigation. i also want to think the abby gate gold star families for joining us here today. and while the president has never publicly stated the names of your children, i will here today. their names are darren hoover, johani rosario, nicole g, hunter lopez, daegan page, umberto
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sanchez ryan mccallum, dylan, kareemnikoui, those are the namf the fallen, may god bless them. they will not be forgotten. with that we recognized the ranking member. >> thank you, mr. chairman and let me start by thanking chairman and chief of staff, general mark a millie and former commander of the united states central command, general kenneth f mckenzie jr. per testifying before this committee today and sharing as you did before the house on services committee in 2021. key military and policy insights on the withdrawal of america
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from afghanistan. i also want to thank you both for the years of sacrifice and service to our great country. and recognize the hundreds of thousands of american service members, diplomats, and development professionals that work to support united states efforts in afghanistan over the course of our presence in the country. i also want to recognize the 2,461 american military personnel who gave their life in afghanistan for our country. and of course who my heart bleeds for, the 13 brave americans who were killed in ices terrorist attacks while facilitating the evacuation.
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of 124,000 people over the course of 17 days over the course of 2021. as i have previously said, presidents biden's attempt to bring our troops home was the right one. and while that decision was in our country's best interest -- >> we will have a lot of reaction to that and a quick break after the ranking member continues with his opening statement, a lot of guests line up and we will get back in there in a moment. >> john: and pretty extraordinary to hear general mark milley was the junior chief of staff and in command will actually lay the blame at the foot of the biden administration in the state department for what happened. i don't remember hearings and the password that has occurred so take a quick break will be back with the general's testimony and opening statements in just a moment.
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i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you
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>> john: we are back let's go to the house foreign affairs committee we just heard from the ranking member negri makes who acknothat mistakes were made and finding ways for those to not be repeated again. to chairman congressman mike mccaul from texas. >> we will have an agreement so with that said i am pleased to have with us here today the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. mark milley and former commander of u.s. central command general kenneth f mckenzie jr. both generals paid a pivotal role throughout pivotal withdrawal but a pivotal role throughout our nation's history and many conflicts. i commend you for your service to our nation.
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your full statements will be made part of the record and i will ask each of you to keep your remarks to 5 minutes. and finally as a reminder today's hearing is to the veracity protections of section 1,001 of title 18 of the united states code which makes it a crime to knowingly make any false fictitious or fraudulent statements to the committee in s investigation. without i now recognize general mark milley with that i now recognize general mark milley. >> thank you, members of the committee thank you for your efforts and what you are doing. i am grateful the opportunity to be here general mckenzie and my purpose here today is to help you form a holistic excess stomach assessment of our efforts in afghanistan but most importantly i am here today voluntarily to help the families of the fallen. the 13 fallen at abby gate.
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and the thousands of fallen and tens of thousands of wounded and countless other members who suffered the invisible wounds of war to help them get answers. i am humbled to be here today with three gold star families from abby gate, and i know the other families could not make it, but i intend to contact them in the coming weeks. they know my feelings for them. they know there are no words by me or any general or any politician or anyone that can ever bring back there fallen. but all of us can, and all of us must, honor their sacrifice to protect our country and to be rever grateful that they answered the call to the colors. each of them paid the ultimate sacrifice in freedom like so many before them to keep our nation safe and we owe them answers. and i am committed to assist in the effort to get them answers. we should also not be under any
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illusion, we will not get all the answers here today. this process will take a considerable length of time. we must also recognize much of the record in fact is classified. and beyond the scope of this here, so over two decades between 2001 and 2021 about 800,000 of us in uniform the united states military served in afghanistan and thousands of others from many agencies in our government. of those 2,461 soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines gave their lives. almost 30,000 more were wounded in accidents, others countless suffered invisible wounds including the 13 from abby gate. we must always honor all of their sacrifice. each of them. over two decades of fighting the taliban, bringing usama bin laden to justice and ultimately protecting the american public. we lost over 200 international
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troops and more were wounded in action under my direct command in several tours and multiple years of combat. in both iraq and afghanistan and every commander who was ever served in combat knows that we, personally, give the orders the task the purpose, the place of that soldier's death or wounds and we also know it was the enemy that killed or wounded them. of combat is an unforgiving environment and those of us who have served in the brutality of ground combat live with that dark reality every day and every night. and we will live with that every day for the rest of our lives. there is no military leader who has lost troops in combat that does not know that feeling. so this is personal to me. and i will do everything in my power to ensure these families and all of our veterans and families know the truth and have the answers. at the peak of our military commitment in 2011 the united states had just over 100,000 or just under 100,000
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troops and about 20,000 dod contractors. that same year the united states began to bring down troops, closed spaces and retrograde equipment. nothing we will discuss today happened overnight. it was a process of withdrawal that spanned a decade. the outcome of afghanistan was an effect of many decisions over many years of war and like any complex phenomenon there is no single causal fact to determine the outcome. but multiple factors in combination. in the fall of 2020, as i previously testified publicly, my analysis, my personal analysis, was that an accelerated withdrawal would lead to the collapse of the scaredy forces and the afghan government resulting in a large-scale civil war reminiscent of the 9090s a complete taliban take over. over the white house to reduce troop levels by 2021 paid when the current demonstration came off there were roughly speaking
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2800 truth on the ground with 2800 nato troops and contractors. beginning in february 2021 the national security council conducted a ten week agreement and various options were presented and debated. in previous public testimony i noted that at that time my analysis based on my assessment and the recommendations of the commander to include general mckenzie and the consensus of the joint chiefs of staff. that we needed to maintain a member minimal force of 2500 troops on the ground. mostly special forces with allied troops and contractors in order to sustain the afghan national security forces and its government until the diplomatic conditions of the agreement were met. without this support it was my view at the time that it was only a matter of when, not if, the afghan government would collapse and the taliban would take control. again, i previously probably testified, and i consistently
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supported and negotiated an end to the war but only if there was a reduction in violence leading to a permanent cease-fire and there was afghan to afghan negotiations leading to a power-sharing agreement between the afghan government and the taliban, and it was my view absent those decisions i was not a fan of unilateral withdrawal because of my assessment and associated costs and risks. the fundamental tension facing the president, and in fact to present was that no one could satisfactorily explain when or even if those conditions would ever be met and if we stayed indefinitely, and open war would likely begin with the taliban again with increaseded risk of additional casualties. the 14th of april 2021 president biden made the formal announcement of his honoring with the military withdrawal while maintaining presence. our mission was to conduct a retrograde of the u.s. military forces and equipment while leaving a small contingent to
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defend the american embassy while double medic outcomes were negotiated. on the 14th of august the noncombatant evaluation stomach evacuation decision was made by department of state and the u.s. militaryry alerted, mobilized, d rapidly deploy faster than any military in the world could ever do. it was my assessment that that decision came too late. the deploying forces quickly took operational control of the airport with significant elements of the 82nd airborne division marines, national guard, special forces along with our cia partners and select nato forces. additionally we set up multiple bases to process evacuees and others throughout the middle east, europe, and in short the united states military perform on the most incredible evacuations under pressure in recorded history, in an extremely difficult dynamic and dangerous environment. that is due to the competence, bravery, to anyone who had a role in this. at the end of 20 years we, the
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military, help to build an army state but we cannot afford a nation, the enemy occupied probably overthrow of the government occurred and faded away that was a strategic failure. but the military also provide hope for my 20 years to the afghan people, we provide an opportunity to millions and in the final days we gave 130,000 people their lives and freedom at very high cost. and most importantly we protected the united states from terrorist attack from afghanistan, which was our original mission and that mission continues today. there are many lessons to be learned from 20 years of war, and the 10-year drawn forces and final evacuation and mr. chairman, i have a lengthier paper for written testimony that i would like to submit for the record with your permission. to the american people, the most important lesson, i think, to learn is that your troops,
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united states military, from private to general and did all they could ever do. your military defended you successfully for my 20 years and continues to do that. for that, every american should be internally grateful. to the veterans of afghanistan, hold your heads high, and i know there are several in the room today. no you did your duty. ch of you did what your country asked of you under extreme circumstances. many of you like congressman mass lost limbs and were grievously wounded. and you did it selflessly with professionalism, courage, compassion, and with great sacrifice. and finally coming to the gold star families that are here with us today and those that couldn't make it, there is nothing i can say or do that will fill the gaping hole in your heart. but as i have told you before, i am committed, and i will honor that commitment, to get you the
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answer is to get you to the truth, and i will personally, and i know everyone else will as well, honor your sacrifice and the sacrifice of your loved ones. and q, mr. chairman, i look forward to your questions. >> thank you -- >> john: okay, the former chairman of the chief of staff of his opening statement, sander, saying he recommended that 2500 american troops stay april 2021, president biden gave the order for the troops to come out and then the army did whatever it could to try to work through the chaos and get people evacuated. >> sandra: just want to note a little color from the room coming from one of our reporters, our team has counted five democrats in that room, just five democrats, 13 republicans. of course, they could be coming in later, mike waltz had previously tweeted out almost zero democrats, that says it all, but it turns out there are a few of them but not many. interesting color from inside that room as we now await the department of defense commander
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retired general kenneth mckenzie. we will take a quick break as we have two and we will be right back and have more from capitol hill. it easily connects to every tool he needs, to clear the way, ♪ lift heavy loads, ♪ and as he puts it, add the strength of 10 extra people to his family's land. ♪ every 3 series tractor built to deliver confidence. you just have to get in the seat. learn more at why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made.
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>> sandra: general mckenzie now delivering his opening remarks and open statement in the hearing room at capitol hill, right now addressing abi gate and the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan come the q&a with lawmakers will start shortly after, let's get back at the hearing room. >> terminus execution by brave people on the ground, the enemy sometimes has success. to ignore this fact is to ignore the fundamental reality of the battlefield. if there is fault, it lies in a policy decision that placed the joint force in this situation and exposed the force forced overtime to the possibility of these kinds of attacks. we did not rely on the taliban for our security. we used them as one tool among many to beef up our defensive posture. we avoided a number of potential advocate attacks and i am proud
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of the commanders and troops that prevented them. this is small comfort to those who lost loved ones and i realize this. nonetheless, what is remarkable about kabul is not that the tragedy of abby gate happen but that many other attacks did not happen. i will end my statement with this observation. i was the overall commander and i come and i alone their full military responsibility for what happened in abby gate, thank you i am ready for questions. >> thank you, general mckenzie, now recognized myself questions. we have sergeant tyler vargas andrews today here and i want to thank you, sir, for your service. and your courage for testifying before this committee. almost a year ago to the day. he was a sniper at abby gate and testified to us that he had the suicide bomber and insights. that was identified to be on the lookout, he sent to the sniper photos and other related documents to his commanding
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officer for permission to engage the suicide bomber. yet, that warning was ignored. he never heard back. i and the chairman of the armed services committee after that testimony sent a letter to the department of defense requesting these documents and sniper photos be delivered to the congress, produced the congress by this document letter request. to date, that has been ignored. the department of defense has refused. we have also requested the testimonies of general chris donahue and admiral peter basely who were the commanding officers on the ground during the abby gate disaster. to both of you, to general milley, do you think these documents should be turned over to united states congress, and do you think that both
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general donahue and admiral basely should testify before congress? >> sure, absolutely do, i believe the transparency and the board of directors with all the american government and i believe you are entitled to those within classification, absolutely so whatever documents are out there should be turned over to the appropriate jurisdiction and oversight. whatever witnesses are needed to establish truth and transparency within the bounds should absolutely happen, absolutely, that's why i am here. thank you. >> i agree with general millie. >> also on accountability i have asked the state department officials who was responsible for the catastrophic emergency evacuation, not surprising with point fingers at the department of defense. but i want to set the record straight. while the dod helps conduct the emergency evacuation, it is the state department that is responsible under law for
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developing the plan and leading the evacuation. is that your understanding? >> yes. the state department's lead federal agency for planning and execution of the noncompetitive operation. and the department of defense is in support of and other departments are in support of. that's correct. >> general mckenzie? >> i agree. >> the state department are they responsible under law? for requesting emergency evacuation is that correct? >> that is correct. and i think actually i think that is done at the pass at oriole level, you have to check the law but i think the ambassador can make the decision but it's up to him or secretary of state. >> and did the state department specifically embassy kabul have an evacuation for afghanistan? >> chairman every embassy has an evacuation plan for afghanistan.
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embassy kabul had not had a plan or had an f77 list which is the list of u.s. citizens and their families in the country, and we struggled to gain access to that plan and work with them over much of july until we finally got a decision to execute which as i already mentioned occurred on the 14th of august. now, we worked with the embassy before then, but we did not have authority to move out and do the things you have to do to make a nail happen until the 14th of july at comic correction, the 14th of august and as we know we were in extremist at that point. to go and august 14th, just days before the fall of kabul in the evacuation of the embassy, august 14th was when they finally put forward this plan? >> that's when we got authority to execute the plan. >> and you urge the white house and state department to put pen to paper to develop a plan to get americans and our afghan
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allies out of afghanistan, correct? >> yes i did. in fact, i was concerned by the middle of july. i was concerned about the different pace of department of defense planning as compared to department state planning. and i took an opportunity them to make representation to the secretary about my concern over that. in fact we were moving pretty fast on this, they were not moving fast and i was concerned we would arrive at different locations just based on it. and i went to the secretary which spent some time talking about that and actually followed up with a written idea on some things we could do, sent a letter with ten recommendations to the secretary. >> sandra: really compelling testimony so far as the general finishes his answer to the chairman, michael mccaul, who is an opening question to those leaders. that were in positions of power during the chaotic exit from afghanistan. john, a really interesting moment with general mckenzie there, and moment to go he it
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remains my opinion that if there was culpability in this attack at leas and policy decisions that created the environment of august 2021. we know these gold star families are in that room listening to every word of this, john. >> john: one of the things he pointed out that there was no plan and the initial evacuation to evacuate embassy personnel or other americans who might become stuck in afghanistan. we will take a quick break, we will be back with more questions in the hearing right after this. . it's doug... ...of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. uh-huh. uh-huh. mm-hmm. sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪(sung) liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters march 22. your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days.
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do seem to be pointing a finger at the state department does not go unnoticed. >> -- it looks like the general -- yes, i'm talking to you. wondering what your thoughts were. >> yes, great. well, first of all it has to be pinned here and it is unequivocally clear the decision to execute and unconditional withdrawal with the president deciding on over the objection of his military chain of command the device to that it's unlikely that al qaeda would rise again if we pull out completely or that it is likely, and that nato nations again that were with us that provided several thousand troops themselves all to a person representing those nations wanted to stay. not to please the united states but because of their own
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national interest. the president made this decision over all of those objections. he owns everything that took place as a result of that suspicion. so they are complementary in that position in the statdepartment not to it recognized accelerated nature nature of what's taking place and general mckenzie's flagging everybody that this is happening faster than we thought it would happen. and where is the plan to execute and call a neo-operation but at on getting the american citizens out there and getting the embassy closed down in getting the afghans to supporting us to stomach out as well while the withdrawal was taking place prey along the lines that needed to be to meet president's objective and every thing needed to be done by the end of august so yes the state department played a role in this failure but the rose has to be pinned to. this is the president's decision. he owns this problem and the consequences that came as a result. be one yes and we heard general
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milley said there was a plan to leave 2500 troops in place at the end of the trump administration until the conditions and diplomatic conditions of the law were met, real quick, those conditions were never meant and yet biden went ahead with the evacuation? >> yes. there is no doubt about that. what people don't understand also is that when negotiations began during the trump administration with the taliban with the exclusion of the afghan government, something many of us were opposed to, we stop as a result of the agreement with the taliban to start the negotiations, we no longer provided air support to the afghan security forces. and they became painfully aware of what it was going to be like if the united states pulled out of their. i received phone calls from the president of afghanistan asking me can you do anything to reverse this decision because the casualties we are taking are
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really significant. that began to put in place in the minds of the afghan security forces what it would be like without the united states in support. and then we went downhill from there. which will likely not be discussed at this hearing but the audience needs to know. >> and general come we appreciate those thoughts thank you very much. >> sandra: john we will have to take another quick break as you can see this hearing continues, mark milley is now speaking, gold star father of marine staff darren taylor hoover, darren hoover will be joining to react as well, coming up more coverage of this continues when we return. speak of this program is supported then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? by h. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections
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>> sandra: ranking member is still questioning. >> coalition partners including all nondiplomatic personnel, private scaredy contractors, trainers, advisors, and supporting service personnel. is that correct? that was the deal under the trumpet ministrations that correct? >> as i recall i think there were seven conditions that the united states signed up to an eight conditions that the taliban signed up to. but i think you rattled off most of the key ones, it was a very explicit thing that said you had to go there were 13,000 more or
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less, 13,000 u.s. troops when it was signed and then you had to go to 8600. >> i just want to make sure. and so therefore the withdrawal was underway in january 2021 after president trump withdrew u.s. forces without concerns of the behaviors that correct? >> the withdrawal was absolutely underway. withdrawal forces what underway del mcdonough was underway. >> i don't have time because i would like to do a complete investigation, that is what i think that our committee has the responsibility. so we can really be transparent. >> sandra: we will continue monitoring this hearing room, we will get back in their live and coming out, john, we have the gold star father garrett who were joining us and former army sniper and afghanistan veteran sniper and afghanistan veteran will react. get a newday 100
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