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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 19, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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and make sure that gaza is never a threat to israel the existence. those are reasonable things, a d we should be wholeheartedly supporting them and that, and the problem, neil, is when we don't do that, the only thing that has worked in getting hostages back or putting pressure on his military pressure on hamas, that is the only thing they respond to so when you say you are going to take the foot off the gas on that, you make it easier for hamas and make it harder for israel to accomplish the goals that they are certainly entitled to accomplish. >> neil: all right, john, thank you very much. john ratcliffe, former national intelligence director. at the corner of wall and broad, the dow sword, nasdaq up, tomorrow the federal reserve announces its decision, not expected to move on rates, but much expected to possibly move the markets. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody.
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jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ donald trump hitting back while democrats take their law fair to unprecedented levels. they could now start seizing his iconic properties. the former president has just six days to fork over nearly half a billion dollars in his civil fraud judgment, or new york attorney general letitia james could throw a padlock on trump tower. trump's lawyers say making the $454 million bond is practically impossible under the current circumstances, letitia james has been fantasizing about this moment for a long time. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek, you know, judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets.
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we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to new yorkers, and yes, i look at 40 wall street each and every day. >> jesse: donald trump unleashing on the democratic law fair against them, listen. >> i built a great company. one of the greatest company anywhere in the country, especially when it comes to real estate. have some of the greatest assets in the world. and this was a rigged trial, this was a rigged trial by a crooked judge and a cricket attorney general. they'd like to take the cash away so i can't use it on the campaign, and this is just a corrupt group of people. it's election interference. and we will see how the courts rule on it. >> jesse: but this isn't just about getting trump. it has a much bigger applications for the country. shark tank star o'leary not mincing words and how outraged he is over the whole thing. >> you think about america, the reason this is the number one country on earth as we have laws and due process and we are property rights. it attracts foreign capital from all around the world. all of that is being shaken to the core here.
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it has absolutely nothing to do with donald trump, at this point, in my view, and it is completely bipartisan. this is an attack on america. no one is going to put any money to work in new york in these amounts until this thing settles down. the whole world is watching, and everybody is waiting for one thing we haven't got yet: adult supervision. >> jesse: jessica, do you think tish james has conducted herself professionally? she is out there eyeballing 40 wall street, kind of relishing being able to seize it? >> jessica: i don't think it's ideal, no comment i think that what she said on the campaign trail was definitely inappropriate, but that was pare of new york, that you are the one that was going to get donald trump. that doesn't mean that he didn't lie and inflate the value of his assets between $800,000,000.2 billion. of course it doesn't. but it's not a great
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side-by-side picture, obviously, to hear her talking like that, and i thought it was interesting when the news came out last night that 30 companies have refused to give him the money for his appeal bond. he got the money for the e. jean carroll sentiment, schwab gave him the bond. people were rejoicing, saying, this guy who is supposed to be so wealthy, right, doesn't have the cash to do it, and mark cuban of all people came to his defense on twitter and says, i really don't like donald trump, i'm not voting for the guy, i think he is unbelievably corrupt, et cetera, but there's a difference between your net worth and what cash you have on hand and the people who work in real estate famous they are not keeping a lot of cash. but the problem is that donald trump told us that he had the money. in april, he was in a deposition for this case, and he said, developers don't usually have cash, they have assets, not cash. i have over 400, fairly substantially over $400 million, that's just cash, that's just cash. so when was donald trump lying?
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because he was either lying today or he was lying then peered >> jesse: he has $400 million in cash, does not $454 million. >> jessica: he said i have substantially more than that and you're telling me $54 million is the problem here? it is not. the issue is we have no idea what's actually going on with these properties. how many mortgages he has out. that many companies don't say no to you unless there's something wrong with your assets. >> jesse: that's not true peered >> jessica: went on twitter last night saying, why are there no republican multimillionaires offering to len trump the funds? the man is a credit risk and lies about all of these things and that is how he got into this trouble, going to be tied up in court. >> jesse: doesn't have a sugar mother like the hunter biden -- there has never been a bond of this high in the history of the united states. >> judge jeanine: i think it is time to talk about how joe biden lies because that is how jessica would answer this question. >> jessica: jessica -- >> judge jeanine: it is more than $454 million. it's 120% of that.
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that is almost a half a billion dollars in cash. give me a break. and i'll tell you why they don't want to take a risk and give him that money. the reason they don't want to take a risk and do that is because this market, this real estate market in new york is very, very vulnerable. nobody knows what the valuations are worth anymore. new york is now a crime-ridden city. there is crime all over. immigrants all over. they are about to go bankrupt because of the immigrants in the hotels and all the areas of new york city. and there's another reason. not only is new york unstable because of the democrats who have literally destroyed this city, but because of the fact that people in business fear letitia james. they fear an absolutist authoritarian, totalitarian, "i will get him." if i ran for office under that line, they would have had me out on ethics grounds before i even made it to the office on the first day. but let me say one thing.
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no private company has ever been faced with this kind of money that they had to put up in order to appeal. everybody understand, this is just so he can appeal. if he doesn't come up with half a billion dollars in cash he cannot appeal the case, which on eighth amendment grounds of the constitution is an excessive fine by anyone's analysis. and finally, the thing -- i heard today -- it may is time to go to federal court on this eighth amendment claim so he gets some kind of repose or something that gives them a chance to hold on for a minute. and by the way, her drooling, "i look at 40 wall street every day," that is beneath the office of attorney general. stop being so trashy in the way you approach this defendant, and in the way you approach the resolution of this. >> jesse: greg gutfeld? >> greg: you know, i am old enough to remember when the democrats predicted that donald trump would operate like a mob boss. do you remember that?
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from morning joe to rachel maddow, he was the godfather. he was going to, like, he was going to extort -- it turns out they were actually laying the groundwork so they could exact a mob justice. you can predict with the dems will do by the accusations of the people they don't like. trump inciting racism, they said in 2015. than five years straight, they incited enough racism to cost billions of dollars in incinerated cities. so if you are not worried now because you are not a billionaire name trump then you are missing the big story. we are all open game. they choose the person, they find the crime, they work out a law, or the interpretation of a law, and then they get you. inflated assets? this is part of the real estate world. and the banks didn't have a problem with it. if you look at this as a movie, who are the good guys? well, find out the victims are. oh, wait, there are no victims. so it is the person that is prosecuting somebody on behalf of people that don't exist.
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where that money go? it is going to new yorkers, what does that mean? will he go to a homeless program? to homeless programs even exist? what happened to the $800 million? if this were a movie, the bad guy is letitia james. as much as you hate donald trump, he is the victim here. every day i spend in new york i wonder who's next, right? because now they can do it. it's not whether they should do it. that doesn't matter. it's because they can do it. i don't know if the democrats know what they are doing. when you imprison nonviolent political opponents, while you don't imprison violent allies of your own, again, look outside, or look at -- throw peter navarro in prison while he's on appeal but not hunter biden, who is on appeal. reverse engineer laws so suddenly the statute of limitations no longer matters. do you realize that this will come around? that they are red pilling a country? when you have a select group of people that feel you need to be
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punished, it is predicated not on you being wrong but they believing you are evil, then they think they have a right to destroy you. >> jesse: give me all your cash or i take all your property. that's not the american way. >> dana: i would just say this beer every time they bend the rule of law to try to get trump, they make a more powerful. if you are weighing the court of public opinion versus the court of legal opinion, trump is clearly winning in the court of public opinion. so they have screwed themselves up and then they are screwing over new york because the businesses who don't want to invest or are scurrying out if you're looking for other states they want to go -- which of course, everybody. >> jessica: need to, i think she is a very flawed messenger on this. i hope you can figure out a way to get some relief. this seems so unfair. and i understand, like, the legal reason why you make so many pay bond and all of that, but when judge jeanine points out that no private company has ever been asked to do this, i do think that makes a difference, also, for people at home watching. >> jesse: choi does.
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ahead, joe biden juicing up the fear factor to win back minorities. ♪ ♪ if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar.
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♪ ♪ >> wages up across the board. so folks, look. i'm going on too long, i apologize. ♪ ♪ [laughter] that must be my traveling staff.
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>> greg: [laughs] joe biden out in reno getting an oscar style music send-off after rambling on too long. team joe keeping a tight leash on old yeller while he campaigns out west. they even gave biden maximum stability sneakers to avoid falling but no amount of fancy footwork can solve the fact that the old man has got nothing to run on. james carville suggests biden fill that void by going all in on trump. >> he's clearly going mad, and i would attack, right now, i'd spend that money, i'd jump all over him because my feeling and when the opponent is drowning, the first thing you do is throw him or her and anchor, and that is what he needs right now. he drowning, give him an anvil. >> music to my ears. >> greg: are those halloween stores already open? biden is already heating that advice and turned into some good old-fashioned fearmongering because he is losing key voters to trump. the big guy now pumping out ads to try and win them back, but it looks like it ain't working.
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>> in 2008, in 2012, you voted for. >> barack obama. >> 2016? >> i voted for donald trump. >> hillary clinton. >> 2020? >> donald trump. >> biden. >> who will be about for in 2024? >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> you may vote for the former president? >> not me. >> why do you say that? >> my views on certain things have changed. it is just so expensive to survive. and we are planning on having kids. i don't want to live in a stressful environment trying to rub two pennies together to try to make it, either. >> greg: wow. well, i guess according to joe biden, they ain't black. >> dana: i was just going to point out it is not a surprise in chains.are going put you back joe biden, remember that -- >> mitt romney. >> dana: that election cycle. he tried to scare black voters and supporting him. if i were the trump campaign i would just run that clip. it reminds me of when guy benson
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was at the first debate when we were in milwaukee and he talked to an uber driver, a black woman who said, i've never voted for a republican, but i have a feeling that not only might i but everybody in my family might, as well. it was all about the economy. even today, larry summers, who was a big democrat, trying to warn biden about inflation for a long time, he said inflation is probably worse than they realize. i know why he went to wisconsin. he is going to try to figure out a way to run that up. but the problem is, the awfls that you talk about, they are all for policies like evs, student loan forgiveness, the climate stuff, that are pushing up inflation and hurting the people that the democrats have usually been able to reach. and so i don't think this is falling on deaf ears in the black community. does that mean president trump could get them out there to vote for him? i think that remains to be seen. i think there's a lot that has
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to be done in terms of the actual get out the vote efforts at the rnc and national level but certainly at the state level. the state republican committee, no bueno. >> greg: they want to start a family, so i guess the abortion ruling will not have an effect on them, sadly, to all the democrats. jesse come i think carville wants us to accept the premise, which is that trump is drowning. >> jesse: he is swimming backstroke around joe biden. [laughter] he is up in every battleground. he is even up nationally, which is unheard of for a republican candidate. and he is cruising to the nomination. it's going to be a nice convention. and biden is afraid to debate him. i wouldn't say he is drowning at all. saying go negative, what more could joe biden do to go negative against donald trump? launch a drone strike into mar-a-lago? arrest him for the 17th time? take all of his buildings, all of his cash? what more could they call him?
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they have called him every name in the book. if you were a black american and you were being offered a choice would you rather have a trump economy or the biden economy? it's a no-brainer. there was lower gas prices. only $2.47 a gallon under trump, rates were lower, inflation rate averaged 1.9%, black ownership was up, black wages were up an extra $400 a month after four years. wages are down under joe biden. rates are high, homeownership's out of reach, gas prices are high, because inflation is just eating everything. >> greg: judge, he is turning to fearmongering, but fearmongering is nothing new. fear is an actual persuasion technique. so is this that surprising? >> judge jeanine: well, it is surprising because that's what they have been doing for the last three years, so why all of a sudden are they coming up with this like a new idea? the truth is what we just saw was what a lot of people are
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experiencing, and that is people who would have never considered voting for trump having lived the last three years under biden and forced to come up with an extra $11,000 a year to live the same way they lived under trump are saying, wait a minute, maybe trump wasn't so bad. and wait a minute, the economy was better until covid, of course, hit, and then they lied to all of us and told us we had to stay home and all of that other stuff, but the bottom line is that you cannot -- you cannot be so authoritarian, so dictatorial, s totalitarian that you have to say they fear this man. they felt more freedom during donald trump. and, you know, they are not buying into it. and blacks are not -- look, trump is ahead with blacks at a point where democrats never thought possible, and with the hispanics. why? not because they are black or hispanic but because they are real people. and they are saying, you know what, the economy matters to me.
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safety matters to me. the democrats aren't helping me with either. and immigration is important to me and i am furious because as an african american, someone in the minority community, i am suffering where illegals are taking priority over the places where i want my kids to go after school. they are taking priority where they are getting credit cards and free food, free apartments, free health care, and i have to work. you know what? blacks, minorities, everybody are like, i just want to live and d make money, have my family safe. >> greg: jessica, you know i am easily frightened. what scares me is war. attacks on free speech. unchecked crime. city disorder and chaos. hm, that happened under joe biden. who should be fearmongering? i believe it should be me. >> jessica: well, there are new crime stats. i know you love -- >> greg: you know that. those aren't actually -- we could talk about the crime
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stats. have them right here come as a matter of fact. the gutfeld institute of statistics. most crime statistics are fallible because most aren't being reported correctly. that is what the -- >> jessica: heard that one before. i will not be sending you a big fat check for next year's research on that. the biden campaign recognizes a very real issue with the soft boat with latinos and black americans, the $30 million they have rolling out after the state of the you and is going primarily ininto those markets, and the absolutely should. it is important to spanish-language ads come up to 20% of the latino population speaks the spanish, see ads in their own language. i wouldn't consider it fearmongering, though, to tell people things that donald trump is saying because we have seen that there is this void where people don't remember the things that he said in rally speeches or what he was president. they don't remember details of the trump economy and you did. were you were correct and the time frame of this. trump economy was going well and
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then covid hit. that doesn't mean it wasn't the trump economy. it still means for instance that black unemployment is lower under a president biden than it was under donald trump. creating millions more jobs under joe biden. and this is when it was "healthy" under donald trump. that millions more people had health care under joe biden then under donald trump. and yes, you are right, the real clear politics average or favorite does have trump up 1.7 i think it is, 1.8, but there've been fivefold since the state of the union that have biden up. and we know how elections are won and they are one with cash. and donald trump's campaign -- >> dana: by them? >> jessica: that is what citizens united told us. >> jesse: how does it win if you get your cash seized? >> jessica: i'm talking about fundraising, not personal cash. >> jesse: has no money -- >> jessica: if you -- he didn't get money from china and that is what had to drop the
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stupid impeachment because it was from another planet. can i -- >> greg: what, jessica? >> jessica: okay. so, in february, the biden campaign raised $53 million which is the biggest fundraising call we have seen. the trump campaign said they also had the biggest month effort but refused to tell you how much that is. the real problem is the small dollar donors. the people you say love donald trump. they are not giving. he is down 63% from where he was at this point in 2019. you cannot win elections without people giving to your campaign, without caring about your campaign, so they can stand up there and you can wear blacks for trump t cert or a mug shot t-shirt, but at the end of the day, that is not going to -- >> judge jeanine: would you rather have more money or higher numbers? trump's got the higher numbers, okay, that's the end. >> jesse: actually over performing and not fundraising as well. >> dana: what messaging is going to work? that we shall see, i guess. >> greg: to your point about,
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they don't remember what trump said, maybe they do remember what trump said, but they are more interested in what he did. the things about what he said -- >> jessica: but i just told you things he did that were worse than joe biden's economy. >> greg: you made some crazy spin. >> jessica: i didn't -- >> greg: there is no spin -- >> jessica: if somebody has a black american and you are being told you should like someone more because now he has been indicted, you will find that offensive? >> greg: i know that is your ankle that you are trying to slap a felon on him -- >> jessica: slap a felon? the judicial system -- >> judge jeanine: joe biden system. >> jessica: oh, come on. >> jesse: prosecutors invite him? >> jessica: republican prosecutors -- >> greg: time for jesse's book. >> jesse: thank you. >> greg: up next, hope you like electric. your gas car could go bye-bye of joe biden gets his way. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: joe biden is still charging ahead with his dopey electric vehicle push that most americans aren't buying. his administration is getting ready to finalize -- gas powered vehicles and would accelerate the clean vehicle transition by forcing automakers to more rapidly expand electric options in their fleets. but so far, forcing car companies to sell evs has been a bloodbath for their bottom line. the ceo of hertz is resigning after the company's big bet on evs went bust. america's energy secretary jennifer granholm is in denial and thinks green energy is the way to go. >> most companies who are doing the investments in clean energy are not making these choices out of charity or because they are
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nice to have. they are doing it because their bottom lines demand it. goosed, by the way, by incredible tax credits. >> judge jeanine: gavin newsom is also having a tough time selling his ev revolution. a new study claims california is unlikely to meet landmark goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions unless it nearly tripled its rate of reduction through 2030. okay. dana. >> dana: yes. >> judge jeanine: what elizabeth granholm just said, the energy secretary, she is saying they can't wait to get into businesses because the bottom line benefits it. am i stupid or did i miss the point. >> dana: this should drive everyone up the wall. remember the black couple we saw who said they were likely to vote for trump because they want to start a family. one thing they are frustrated by is the american infrastructure,
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it induced inflation at the same time it had all of his big green new deal stuff is. the electric vehicles were about 8% last year. the guy from hertz had to resign. she is saying they want to do it for their bottom lines. no, you told them that they had to. this deal they are going to do tomorrow is they want roughly two-thirds of car and truck sales in 2032 -- not that far away -- to be electric vehicles. and all of the federal taxpayer subsidies in the world are not going to change the fact, three basic things. one, we don't have the materials. we know the materials have to come from adversarial places like china. also if they can come from heree it would make it so difficult to get out of the ground it makes it very difficult. president biden, when he drove that electric ford 150, bloomberg, source the materials for it. it all went back to the amazon and the battery factory that produced it had poisoned an entire village in the amazon, so how do you like that, awfls? the emissions from building evs and their batteries are terrible, we know that, and the
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market, when it is allowed to work, works. i would just ask the democrats, please stop trying to help us with your green new deal. we will get there when the technology is available. >> judge jeanine: you know, jesse, you like to think that biden is pushing this come as dana said, when the regulations coming up tomorrow, , because the election is coming up, but this guy is serious about this, but the evs are not catching on. as dana said, they are too expensive, too difficult to charge. charging, power infrastructure, nobody wants them. >> jesse: i like to ride slow and low. i don't want to be all peppy with the weird-shaped vehicles. no one likes these things. it is a boutique car, and the market penetration has been this big. you cannot scale up green the way jessica wants. it is just not there. lithium as an energy source is just not dense enough. they need another energy source and there is not enough minerals in the world to make it work. meanwhile, we've got an electric grid that is suffering from this
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huge jump in demand because everyone plugging in cars, they have these data centers, everyone is doing the air conditioning, we have all of this chip manufacturing going on, pick one! you can either just killed a rain forest and the whales or we can all live comfortably. >> judge jeanine: you know, the truth is, jessica, that people don't want this, but there is more -- there is something that gets in my craw, and that is china, okay, is benefiting from this. china is going to be making these ev cars in mexico and that is what the whole bloodbath thing was about. but it really is true that, you know, the automakers aren't going to benefit from this. china is making the vehicles through their own supply chain. they have a mineral supply chain that we don't have access to. >> jessica: yeah, i wouldn't want to come if i was the biden administration, to lose the support of these ceos, that is what is happening with this, if they are not being allowed to have a mixed offering so you
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have your gas guzzlers next to your evs and hybrids, and they are seeing a lot of success with hybrids, which makes sense if you think of the big transition, i am driving a truck t to i am driving a tesla. if you get an in between, you can feel better about your emissions. you can get the tax credit, or a lower one then you would get if you want full ev, and you can keep these ceos happy and in business. but when you have companies of this size like ford, gm, mercedes-benz, land rover, aston martin is in there, too, which is obviously smaller luxury company, telling you the same thing, you have to heat that morning. it's not admitting defeat to just say, we tried to do what we think is a good thing too fast. we are pushing back our goals to 2040, let's say. and people will go with it. >> judge jeanine: but he is not going to do that, greg, isn't he? >> jessica: because he's awfl.
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>> greg: i actually feel better -- >> jessica: not an indoor emission, it's an outdoor. >> greg: jesse, i disagree with you. alternative energy is dense and we should be calling them electric guzzlers. but you know what, this is another prediction that plays out. you cannot force the public when both the tech and the public aren't ready. the replacement theory here went bust, jessica. i will defend evs. as an alternative, they are great. the innovations are to be applauded. i like a lot of stuff that musk is doing but an alternative is not a replacement when it exploded on the scene, we did not immediately ban -- you had alternative rock and classic rock. the mistake was in the hubris of thinking that alternatives could replace the classic. the other big issue here is d data. the climate people are constantly setting and resetting
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the climate doomsday clock. and that's exhausted our good faith. the credibility bank has gone bust. no one believes, by the way, no one in their hearts believes you can effectively measure the planet. just think about it for a moment. think about it. can you effectively measure the planet? if you ask anyone, they will tell you they can't accurately do that. but forcing the public to adopt practices that hamper their lives based on bad stats, that you can measure. >> jessica: at the gutfeld institute. >> greg: nonprofit. so send all of your money to me. >> judge jeanine: 501(c)(3). up next, get it together. jesse watters dives deep into the minds of the woke radicals destroying this country in his brand-new book that's out today. ♪ ♪
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-so, what's the code? -it says 547. 5-well, that's not working. dad, she really needs to pee. [baby crying] we're gonna get in in a minute, okay? -it's not opening. -well, i'll call. representative. [baby crying] speak with a person. [cs line] you are a valued customer. representative! we can go in the window. (♪) daddy! just a moment darling. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals leave you hanging, try one where you can reach a human in about a minute.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: it was time to get it together and get yourself to the nearest bookstore. finally, jesse's latest literary creation hits shelves today. in "get it together: troubling tales from liberal fringe." reddit loved it and here you are. are you glad this baby is now born? >> jesse: i am. it was a long pregnancy. >> dana: more like a horse. >> jesse: i feel like i haven't mentioned the book that much -- [laughter] might be the first time many people are hearing about it. in case you are hearing about this for the first time, these are about 20 interviews with people that have personality disorders, liberals that are on the fringe, people that want to legalize drugs, open the borders, legalize prostitution, empty the prisons, and they told me their life story. i talked to them for hours and what i learn from their life story explains why they believe what they believe, it is greg said yesterday, when you are
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talking with a lot of these liberals, you're not dealing with rational people. you are dealing with people that have emotional problems, that are trying to make their problems our problems, and what we need to do is just tell them to get it together. >> dana: question for him? >> greg: i am extremely touched the acknowledgments include me with your family. he says i'd like to thank my beautiful and loving wife emma and thanks to ellie, sophie, jesse, and gg. you know, that is very sweet. i have two questions. is there anything in the book that you had to take out? and do you think this will help anyone besides you and your bank account? >> jesse: it will help america. and it will help the people who i interviewed. we are already seeing breakthroughs. >> greg: right. >> jesse: and we had to change some of the names for legal purposes. had to drop a chapter on a pimp who i interviewed for several hours and he told me how he handles women and it was
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eye-opening. now i am glad dropped it. because do i really need a pimp in here? >> greg: i don't think so. >> dana: i don't think so. i read -- i think -- >> jesse: priestess. >> dana: a new motto that your personal problems do not mean we need a cultural evolution. i like that. i can be so pathetic to your problems, but i don't have to change my whole life because you had a bad upbringing. >> jesse: just because someone had a rough start in life and they identify as a wolf doesn't mean we need to have wolf bathrooms. and i have to call you wolfy. >> jessica: i'm going to leave that because it is your book release day and just say congratulations -- >> jesse: thank you, jessica. >> jessica: what was the process like writing this book versus "how i save the world"? >> jesse: you should know i did an interview for this book, we did a chapter together, remember, you are on the liberal range. >> jessica: oh, i thought i was the pimp you'd cut out appeared >> jesse: it was you
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must be 23. i tried to fight for you. how did greg say it? memoir? i was 40 and wrote my memoir just like barack obama. a process where i would sit down and interview people for 2-3 hours and then have to transcribe and write it based on that. my editor said, nothing like this has ever been done before. >> jessica: first man to do interviews. >> jesse: many say that about things i do. >> judge jeanine: you know what i like about the book, jesse, is you say to mom and dad, you raised me well, i love you. that's very sweet. and "get it together" is a quote that your mom used to say to you? >> jesse: when i used to misbehave, all she had to do was look at me, "get it together," and i knew what that meant, and everybody knows what that means. "get it together." >> greg: we need to hear more of that in this world. the parents -- i think it is time for dads like you to step in. >> jesse: i am america's dad just like you speak for all of the men in america. >> greg: exactly appeared to
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be five is there an audio for this book? can someone buy it on tape? be me speaking.but it will not i have to say my "the five" and ""jesse waters primetime"." >> dana: i think your book will sell better than the popes. we hope. >> judge jeanine: blasphemy. >> jesse: he is not that great of a writer. >> greg: what does he do in the woods, anyway? >> dana: what does a bear do? is a bare catholic? jesse's new book is so dang good it might leave you in tears so why not hit up a cry spa? that's next. ♪ ♪ lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad.
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help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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number one customer. >> greg: i go there and just weep. cheers tears of joy for what a wonderful life i have. thank you god. this is a p.r. stunt, obviously. these are places designed only for reporters in midtown to do stories about to fill space, like a cuddle bar -- do you remember the crowbars? the places you could go destroy things? to let out your stress. you go there and the only other people there are reporters. if there are people actually using this, then they are a perfect mark to take advantage of. any person paying $20 to cry has money it is extreme the my vulnerable. so go after them. >> jessica: dana? >> dana: i blame tish james, hedge funds and companies are leaving new york in droves and this is the kind of reinvestment we get. >> jessica: judge, don't you think, sometimes you, you just really need a good cry? >> judge jeanine: no. the last thing i would do is pay somebody -- >> jessica: cry at home? >> judge jeanine: take the $20
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and spend it on myself and then i wouldn't cry. >> greg: give the money to charity and you will feel better. one of those guys with the garbage cans and the blue shirts that actually work. give that guy $20, your day goes up. >> dana: true. >> jessica: crying thoughts, jesse? >> jesse: a lot of guys are descending on this cry bar because that is where all the women who are vulnerable are. >> judge jeanine: jesse -- >> jesse: a lot of people i know -- >> dana: you think a pimp will be there? >> jesse: really cleaning up. >> jessica: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ a lot of new dry eye patients in my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they've tried artificial tears again and again, but the relief is temporary. xiidra can provide lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort
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# i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: it's time now for "one more thing." there's going to be a major event this weekend in new jersey. a major event. if you want to see me, you go march 23rd to north vale, new jersey. and then the 24th i will be at
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point pleasant beach, new jersey. dana is rumored to be there as well on sunday. so if you want to see us, you want to touch us and smell us, have me sign the book. >> jessica: governing dana want that. >> jesse: take a picture i will be there so bring it on. tonight "jesse watters primetime" the kate middleton investigation. [oh] >> i gotta watch. my turn. it's allergy season and you know how you got the itchy eyes and want to scratch your eyes. if you have an itch you can't seem to get it. take a page from this retail gecko named gwinn. they don't have eye lids they keep them moist by licking them with their tongues but most people don't do that so he so we have to get allergy medication. i wanted to use it greg but they wouldn't let me use it. >> jesse: greg, hit it. >> greg: he has a line at the bedroom. i will tell you that much. >> jessica: greg?
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>> greg: tonight kevin o'leary, adam hunter kat timpf, tyrus. that's tonight, watch it. let's do this. ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great. >> greg: we haven't done this in so long, it seems like forever, right? this is a good one, a heart-warming tale where we go to some place in england. take a look at this. these are rescue dogs getting to pick their own toy. and the reaction, dare i say it? is priceless. look how happy they are to get their own little toy. these shelter rescue dogs are from home and abroad. and finds -- and then they find them homes all over england in a place called wales. which is named after whales, did you know that? look how happy they are. we'll be right back. >> jesse: jessica, try to beat that. >> greg: yeah. try to do something hateful. >> jessica: it's not a you go girl though. nba fans dunk of the year coming last night.
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minnesota timberwolves star anthony edwards unbelievable. he is 64 scored over 6'9" john collins for the shot. immediately went viral. crazy. landing not as disgraceful. he dislocated his finger but well worth it. taped up, # 2 points, 8 assists in the game. >> >> greg: he can walk now? >> jessica: what? >> greg: is he clearly walking. >> dislokd finger. no i'm saying he was walking. >> yeah, i thought. >> can i go? please, dana. >> jesse: attention job seekers, about to graduate you don't know what you want to do u.k. looking for five people in port lock roy. including some of the count the number of penguins in the area. either run the gift shop or count penguins. i think this might be a good thing for somebody to do for your gap year. >> jesse: county penguins lick their eyeballs, bret? >> bret: all right, jesse. hey, congrats on the book. i will see you later in th


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