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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 19, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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night. minnesota timberwolves star anthony edwards. wow. unbelievable. his six foot four scored over 619. john collins for the shot immediately went viral on social media which is crazy . his landing not as gracefully dislocated his finger, but well worth it. taped up 32 points, eight assists in the game. >> now why? >> yeah it's clearly walking. dislocated finger. no, i'm saying he was walking all. oh, yes. i thought. oh, can i go? yeah, please do. okay. >> attention, job seekers. in case you're about to graduate, you know what you want to do with the u.k. antarctic heritage trust is looking to hire five people for a five month stint in passport. lacroix. this is including someone to count the number of penguins in the area. so what you do. you pay to go run a gift shop. or you can count penguins. and i think this might be a esse isgood thing for somebody to do for your gap year. >> can penguins lick their eyeballs? >> welcome of the jesse waters prime time tonight. >> the deep state deep say
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the deep state is destroying our nation trumps teaching us to expect the worst from people in government when the truth is, they're actually some of our bestnt whe . . >> the deep state. hip, hip lau, hoorayra: ! >> did you go to a cabin with miss willis? ever, ever, ever. after. after? >> no. while democrats yell and scream . donald trump laughing his wayuma back to the whitugback te house. i'm hungry for a hamburger. and you consider that aethe homicide? get it together on sale today. plus, body doubles, y'all. i think the safety precautions
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. >> the fox news alert. >> polls just close in illinois and kansas. we're watching results rolll in from ohio where there is a big senate primary race. o trump backed bernie morenoen coming up against state senator matt dolan. and last hour, polls closeoud in florida. nt donal >> former president donald trump voted in palm beach this beacn alongside formerg trum first lady melania trump. >> the couple strolling outside to address a gaggle of reporters who enjoyedle o hag a president who actually answers questions. >> they haveatctually to close the borders. our country is dying. our country is being overriddeon . >> this is an invasion. how you conduct a mass deportation, that will be very evident very quickly. will i will tell you that it'll go to deportation. we're going to get s out of oury right country right away. are you going to retur. nn to with your husband?
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i voted for donald trump. did somebody just say who woulda you vote for? >> yeah. i voted for donald trump. thank you. keepldtrump, t watching fox's ei results come in all night. >> so in the 1960s, americans got a look behind the curtain of washington. >> operation mockingbird,e ci the cia's plan to bait journalists with hoaxes disguiseo bad as scoops got exposed. >> do you have any people being paid by the cia who are contributing to a major circulation american journal? we do have people who submitan n visas to do american journalismo . >> langley was laundering narratives to the press launinto the public's veins. the most trusted name in news. we're working, wittingly or unwittingly, as deep seated conduits of disinformation.on at least 22 american new at sle organizations from the new yorkn
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times to life magazine to cbs s had journalists on the cia payroll at cbs. we have been contacted by thete cia. as a matter of fact, by the time i becamby the e the head of thenews whole news and public affairs publn in 1974, ships had been established and i was told toout them and asked if i'd carry on with them. >> and the cover up continue asp although the lies are more blatant now. >> there is no deentinues es ar. >> there's no deep state.o de s there's no great spy networktakt who takes down presidents here. there is no deep state. and we need to stop talkingt exs about it. >> the deep state doesn't exist. spoiler alert there is no deep state is n e. but today my staff openedy the new york times and saw thisu . it turns out the deep state is actually kind of awesomt thao not only does the deep state exist, but the deep state the is filled with people just like you and me. thtes fito prove it, the new yos took a road trip. timesfirst stop, they visited t
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trek lovered. p on >> first up, huntsville, alabama. sure looks likalabama and e somr government activity happens around here. gont ameet scott bellamy.n >> i am a mission manager in the planetary missions program office. he drives a nissan titan 4x4. he's loved star trek sincen he was a kid. >> of course, i have a favorite character. and either captain and he has kirk or mr.favour spock, and he may have quite chard the planet from annihilation. >> they knocked an asteroid off its course>> and m, proving somf that had previously only been co in movies. d fr >> saving the world from ann sc armageddon scenarienaro. and then the new york times visited a water administrato tho >> next,r. we traveled deep intp the swamp itself. washington, dc. i am the assistantan administrator for water at the ymakingmental protection agenc . she loves pilates, making salads. oh, and shads ane led an operatt to make our drinking water led free in ten years. that'sng water the dream.ant to
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you want to replace your own water pipes. you got the skills your own to launch anaunc asteroid deflecting spacecraft? no. that'soi why your tax dollars py experts like radhika and scott. yep. the deep state is hard at work making america great. just becausehard a we don't knom about it doesn't make it suspicious. >> oh, and then there'ak s at the wage official at the department of labor. >> i adartmom the acting direct enforcement for the wage and hour division foenfo r the midwest regional office for the u.s. departmen office t of . >> i had to take a breath. yes, she still eathas lucky charms for breakfast, trains for marathons and loves latin dancin bretrainsg. >> we have a tattoo. tattoo? you name it. i did it and she uses your tax k dollars to get kids out of working in dangerous slaughterhouse orkings. so the times says when we hear deep state insteadd of recoiling, we should rally te around the everyday heroes who wake up ready to dedicate s and their lives to serving us. >> the new york timesthat
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is telling you the deep state isn't an intelligence cabal deg in elections. >> it's merely civil servants who enjoy dancing lucky charms and star trek just like you. >> the deep state killsdeep asteroids and does pilates. they don't illegally sabotage politicians they can't control. they're too busy makinannot cogr and keeping your water clean. as a matter of fact. thank you, deep state. funny how the new york times didn't take a road trip to langley or the bureau or the pentagoney or the justice department. >> russia collusion. the laptoplangley or t, the letb leak were probably cooked uply at nasa. but this man is not an official. nothe's a former ciaclarin officer declaring america's greatest threat. >> is donald trump the greatest threat to the united states? he great right now is from within. you know. you know, donald trump has broken all norms. you can't say those things. or in the past, you could noe tn
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without being condemned, you know, across the political spectrum, including from your own party put g. not so the fact that this is noweply the norm is deeply troubling. and. and, look, you know, we'rere going into uncharted territory here. so, you know going what happense there is a contested election? >> so what do we knowhi about this guy? this cia official way?s the chif recruiter to get 50 other spooks to sign onto that letter claiming biden's laptop was russian disinformation. s back he's the guy and now he's back for the bloodbath hoax and publicly announcing trump. not russia, not china, notoris terrorism is america's americtop threat. the deep states telegraphing what they're going to dohing run a pr campaign saying we should arlly around the deep state because they're good old american public servants who eat cerealldn and exercise just like you. and on the same day, send a guyt behind the cia letter to put a big fat targeta on trump's yu back. because when you're the ci arear
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and you say something's a threat, what do you think the cia is tryineag to do about threats? >> just getting started. not only is trump a security threat, he's an unstable psychopath, they say. >> he uses this apocalyptic language , this violent language consistently, almost on anytopi topic. and the reason fundamentally is true contexd tht in the true context is his state of mind, his mental min, his mental abilities and his his personality disorders. he is a narcissistic psychopath. i mean, if you look at the definition a na in the dsm five, the diagnostic and statistical manual forn mental disorders, he is clearly a sociopath. okay. so biden's cognitive abilities are fine, but trump's a sociopath. >> the deep state uses these propaganda techniques on our most dangerous enemies, like isispropaganniques o, like nortn dictators, like the russians. these are the same forces that are targeting the republican nomineerces tha s
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president, a former president, because of his popularsident aga and his inability to be manipulated. a dom and so if someone's a domestic threat and they'rees an unpredictable sociopath, how do you bring in arintelli counter intelligence operation to neutralize them? >> you lin ions andk them to foreign powers like the russia hoax, and you use money to do it. trump is got to put up a half a billion dollars cash bond justhalf b appeal his excessivei in new york. so, letitia james does not seizes properties. the real problem that we as americans need to be fatching is where the money, i at all, comes wil it's going to come from qatar. is it going to come from saudiec arabia? could have come through some back channeome througnnellm russia. if in fact that happens, just think about the danger hap that donalthind trump is puttinr america and our national security at risk s. e
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he will now be indebted to afore foreign entityign and isesiden a potential president of the united states. wiagine if, god forbidt the nis a million times that he wins. haagine the indebtedness that he will have to a foreign entity over the benefit and the needgne s of america. >> so now they've established a national security threat,reig foreign blackmail and mental instabilitbl y. trum and to make the trump presidency even more dangerouser ,they warn of an impendingendina american if he isn't stopped, g he's going to come after immigrants. >> he's going to come after people of colo immigranr. he was locking babies in cagesss as a matter of foreign policy. >> he banned muslim folkst ac in this country. >> his first act as president. he will do that and he will do even more. this is a man who likes words like poison, like american carnage, like bloodbath. those are not metaphore and blo >> that is the the intellectual person, ideological universeay in which he lives.
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one of violence, one of decay, one of death. >> and that is what he hopes to produce. we'r hopes te witnessing the bef of another coup, a dark and dangerous chapter coupr in america's here. they're combining the dictatorx on day one hoax with the bloodbath hoax to justify stopping trump by any means necessary. the deep states preparing for war. limbaugh warned us whatdeep is going on in the deep state. >> be embedded in bureaucracy where the obama shadow government is doing everything it can to overthrow the trump presidency. and make no mistake, that is what's happeningcy and m. the media is now doing the bidding of the obama shadowa government. >> all these people leakinll og made up things, non factual things that allow the media to continue to run, storiese noh that are nothing but speculation that fall unde rsness the rubric of the seriousness
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of the charge. >>of brian dean, writer, formerf cia officer and the host of thei right report, and he joins me now. brian, you seen how these operationse go. what are we looking at here? . >> you laid it out for him, but we've got a bunch of people in washington, d.c. and beyond who have decided that this man, donald trump, cannot go back to the white c house and they aa going to lay on anythinganyt and everything they can to stohp him. but the deep state is fundamentally is a bunch of folks who believe that they are anointeddamentala tha to dey of this country. and they don't think that you or me or anybodynd don'tng tonig watching tonight actually has a vote or should certainly notao have a voice in washington, d.c.. so what they're doing now is taking awayt th i your even if you think you have a vote, ultimately you do not. and that'shave aultimate what wt from all the folks that you just laid out there. quotuslaid oute, ramping up thec of frightening people, people continuing that the hysteria and the panic, which is not based on any facth was oh data. it's all about this emotional frothiness to convince the lefet
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in this country that they are about to see hitler march across the country. if you get that many people on the left in this country, tens of millions of people believingp that that's true, you create an incredibly combustible environmenlieving s truet that e people on the deep state can then manipulat te that theindivi government and those individuals. so we are seeing a classic operatiodu are n by some of the most horrific individuals of our country who are attacking this republic. it is now evident we have multiple special counsel report evs telling us that wer have an inspector general report that say that we are unde-r attack in thisan country by the left and by the deep state. by t their launching this subversive attack, they're running a pr campaign about themselves in the times. these are just people that are making our water clean. g ou >> these are civil servants who run marathons and eat luckr y charms. >>y ch what'armss that about? well, let's go back to this. first of what we know that that factually is not correct. we have a special counsel report to talk about how the fbi lacks strict fidelity
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to the law. those were durham'avs words. we have a.g. horowitz who said that comey and others within otr the fbi were dangerous or set indangerous precedent for 30,000 individuals at the bureau, both current and forme w . so we know that this is we know that the deep state is legitimate. it is a legitimateow concern.ow t we know that chuck schumer msn on msnbc about seven years ago said that the intelligence community had six waves of sunday to get back at political representatives in our governmenack t. rea so we know what's real. so what they're trying to do is basically gaslight this, that terrible you convince people on no, no, don't pay attention to the factseople on . don't pay attention to thede leading democrat in the senate, tony yet? nomoth, actually, deep sleep is real and it's pretty dangerous, actually. but it's not too bad i realf on ourwhich side, which is what they're doing right now. so it reallyt they is it'ss a gaslighting is a redefinition of the deep state tellingh people, ignore the truth, ignore the facts, even ignore what democrats have tolde fact you,at now that the deep state is real and bad. no, no. they're just here to fix your pipese just ipes. on i that's what's going on. it is a rebranding and a recasting of eviand rel and attk
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on this country. well, if you can change >>d yon, u can of a woma you can probably change the definition of a deep state. chn of. is possible excellent analysis, brian, thank you, as always. and you're welcome. >> back here at winningdemi the meme war and the white moo house. >> this program is supportednne? by novartis pharmaceuticals corporation. >> my surprise, this wasand in p all over then story out of arthritis. of arthritis. who knewis, be connected? for me, percentage works for me, andamage.e that helps l people find clear skin, and psoriatic arthritis can and psoriatic arthritis can mean less joint pain and help stop further joint damage. stcurred., r joint damage. severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections. some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, have a vaccinsee me♪e or plan to or ife symptoms develop or worsen
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>> family name on my mother'so e
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great work with freelancers fiber. >> there's a blistering rage boiling deep inside the heart of the democratic party. >> no one's buying their hoaxes. trump's noeart ot in jail and bi losing every battleground. >> surprise, surprisde e. ge >> he didn't get a state of the union bump after yelling at us for an hour and a half, he say,e stop it, stop it, stop it, stop
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it. send me the border bill. now we cut the federal deficitee by a $160 billion. we keet p goinbyg. that's america. now a new report from nbc details how furious biden is behind the scenes, screaming at staffers, wondering why is he losinges. t but if anybody should be angry, it's trump. they're calling hiifd bem a bloodthirsty, trying to bankrupt them, put them bln. pleas letitia james is demandingan trump fork over a halfbillio a billion dollars in cash or she'll padlock trump tower. trump responded today, we a have a lot of cash. >> we have a great company, but they want to take it awa lo or at least take the cash element away. billions of dollars in value,ioo billions of dollars in properties, but they'd like to take the cash perty bu away. n th >> so i can't use ite on the campaign. they're stealing trump's moneyhi and his buildings. >> and he didn't. you didn't show. s slamming state of the union tells howling, bloody murder union, trump happy warri, cracking everybody up
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with delicious memes. every time i look at my phone, someone text memess me something he just posted. >> yep. upstairs. careful, careful. you know your stairs to that podium? yes. forward. fast forwarde ge to thnele gene. and stop. and stop. you got that? my god, joe, go back to the podium. joe.cadets oh, my god. this is so awkward. these poor kids go to the podium. could you take your drink up to the podium, please there you go, old man. got there. now, this social media war is it is deadly. is the democrats lawfare? not sureda. ai >> ridicule, highly effectivect in the political arenaiv producd by american driven by american . by the way, i'm always writtene in the benefit expiredbe in 202.
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new electric bridge terrible weather majorids ablr storms dit prevent those far forest fires. >> by the wa y, have you seene seen trump swing? oh, right. >> yeah. >> he's been ricocheting around the country, hitting millionshit of american screens. they click, they laughed, bian. orwarding dan scavino trump social media. that doctor is locked in with♪ this character. it's visiting a castle. hey, charles. america's choice in home. >> yeah, but the one that had prime time dying was the nathan wayne post. that you go to a cabin with miss willis eve r, ever,ver? ever hold back?
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you? oh, my god, no. >> never want to cabin? no, i'm never going to be able to look at again. >> now, trump's had a lot of fun with the lady who's trying to pu mpt him in jail.>> >> all these local cases, like e funny, funny. i it's spelled. r as >> it spelled fairly like your , right,? when >> but when she became d.a., she decide s sd to add a little french. brad is fancy funny. >> now, trump's running a positive campaign, making his supporters laugh, ridiculing his opponents, orters l policy. >>e the media is even admitting trump's funny, just like
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the other dictators, benito mussolini, quote, had the same twisted sense of humor as trump meetings in the era of joseph stalin and the soviet unio humn show no shortage of notations of laughte r. but how was stalin? short game trump posting this golfing highlight reel says he won two senior club championshipgame?sting thgolfinp international this weekend. he's having fun. are you clay travis is the founder of outkick. i mean, i'm we were on the floor with that nathan wade mad wade. >> yes, yes, yes. i wanted to wear this beautifuls jacket in honor of the p the golfer who put me out on the course, jesse. he saiou yohe loves your show, but that my jackets are so muchr better. i appreciate shark's tooth golf course. my starter there said that he loved these jackets, but honestlythere sa, i feel lis
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i should wear this jacket because trump is having funn an and trump is mocking the absurdity that is joe bidepn . >> and in a general sense, man, it's a lot of fun to watch. i just would as soon as theysoon went with the with the idea, all these names that you're showing. >> but as soon tes tha as they t with the idea that somehow trump sayingidea t that the auto industry would be a bloodbath if he didn't win , i reallyy couldn't believe that they're going to try to do the same thincould no g that they did in 16 and the same thing that they did in 20, except everybody knows joe biden can't don ca the job anymore. and it's like watching a toddledor try to make a transformer, you know, like get it fixed out, turn it from a car back into an auto bot and they have no ide-a what they're doing. and i think right now, i wish we could vote right now. g an wi know they're voting in ohio, florida, other places tonight. jesse, i thinkida an trump woul every toss up state and i think
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biden, they go to bed in so early that even joe biden wouldo still be awake when they call the electionhe. s ho i think that's how bad trump's kicking his. right. okay. i mean, i'm still laughing th thithey're g his ss state ofn thing with the bug guys. i don't even know. i don't even i know why that's funny. it's just funny. i mean, i mean, is it funnyb at the friars club where you're going later with that la the roast?ru go it's going to a jacket fore ro the roast. i've got to go take tigers. and, you know, siegfriedast tame and roy are gone and they need a new tiger tamer. and this jacket works, and i'm going to be rocking it out. here's the promise. i'm goinisg to wear this to the election night party when donald trump smokes joe biden once and for all. i hope that you will be there as well. jesse, i heard you got a new book out. congratulationas s. ere di >> where didd you hear that?i that's funny because i haven't really talked about it about i. >> i know it's been really under the radar and i appreciate how subtle you've been about selling the book.
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l and berouge carefuabbook my jack. >> be careful when you jump through the flaming ringring ane don't want anything to happen to that beautiful face of yours. i know you're in radioursi known are one. you are one was a nice tan. i was flooree e tan and. it. i'm really good looking for radio. g for radie. and i'll see you on radio later in the week to promote get it together . >> that's right. thanks. i'll see you friday. all right. appreciate. biden's migrants were justn th given the right to bear armsouro armsf . d any armsf . d any bye bye.cot. call later, traffic congestion. hello, 12 hours of relief. >> well, 4 hours. it gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion in any cough day or night. in any cough day or night. mucinex dm it's comeback season now. try to use the next instant used medicatedfreedom drops.hbi >> you know if you wereng cash back and you can earn on everything with just one car chase freedom unlimited. so if you're off the rack or grab your cash back in,ch cash bac to a k on jet baby. >> back with tacos at the taco
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on espn. i'm just proclaiming really, she's clearly much more than i. i'm never going to do anything better happen to you, the cleaning lady. all new tuesdays on fox. you have high standards. it's a little bit silly. expect everyone to uphold it from a just is not actually. >> fox news alert. the supreme court clearing the way for texas to arrest and deport illegal aliens undetr state law, a major win for border security and a major loss for the biden administration need for it has the latest details. >> net. hey, jesse. today's six three supreme court ruling>> hey allows texas to det migrants who cross the border illegally without ever turning them over to border patrol, where previously they had been maocessed and ultimately many
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times released into the country. >> so that means inyd intof tex enforcement can prove a migrant crossed the border outside a port of entr y like you see here, like we see nearly every crngle day, they can now charge that migrant with criminal trespassing. that meansim trespassing they ci migrants in jail and go through all proper securit gy background checks before a migrant is either deported or goes throug h their criminal court case. now, texas governor greg abbott previeweased what comes next on, writing after today's ruling. quotcoe, we still have ton have hearings in the fifth circuit federal court of appealsth t federa, but this is clearly a positive development. ine bideclearln administration s the law interferes with federal authority. but whilteith federale its chals out in court, lieutenant chris olivares with texaurs dps tells fox what we can expect in the next few days. iwe're not going to be stopping cars and checking for immigration status. our primar stoppingy focus is activityon t at the river on the border. and ashe long as we can seean somebody crossing illegally and we can prove that they
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cross illegally through probable cause, then we can make an arrest. make an , one thing to watch as sb four is enforced is the number of illegal in othernd border states like new mexico, othe. a and california they're expected to go up. meanwhile, the first arrest under the new lawhile w are expg to happen in the coming days. and we'll be here for it. we'll send it back to you. >> de fo i jesse. >> i wonder, joe biden, the government basically gives illegals whatever they wantee free housing, food, flights, education. and in californicluded fa, of c, free changes. >> and now a liberal judge in illinois is giving illegals something else. >>dain second amendment rights. >> i thought democrats hated guns. i guess not. when they're in the hands of migrantwhen thes. >> even though congress says it's a federal crime for illegals to own guns. u.s. district judge sharonoleman johnson coleman, an obama and lntee, ruled that illega immigrants have just as much of a right to carry as yout . >> heriberto flores is an illegal who got busted in chicago a handgun in 2020.
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>> the judge ruled that sincele floresth doesn't have a record that we know of, he's not a danger to society. >> but h e broke the law at least twice when he came and here and then again when he goth the gun. o ge and how did he get the gun? thw he buy it, steal it, borro it? we don't know. it doesn't say.t but it doesn't matter. no matter how he gotit n th it,la he's breaking the law. >> now, why is the judge giving an t illegal the benefit of the doubt when millions of us have to navigate through a time consuming and murky maze of firearmtime-c regulations? and more importantly, this seems dangeroud s. >> billions of military age dangsing borssing the border every day from china, russia, syria, venezueladay ch, hot spor terror, espionage and narcotics . they don't know who they are. we don't know their records. we don't know their plans. but they can get glocks. g poin
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firearms instructor in turning point usa contributor page rt page. does this make any sensese to yu ,jesse? stilel like we're still being punked. i'm waiting for someonl beine te around the curtain and say, don't worry, guys, we're goingn' back to normal. this is another level of jus t mind boggling. i train new shooters. mind bi train law abiding citizs to exercise their second amendment right anex second they they're concerned with. >> okay, do am i following the law? an meanwhile, the government is giving illegalswhile llegal s and then they're saying, oh, but their second amendment right is being violated. last timy e i checked, the second amendment doesn't apply to them. and just like you said, the you know, there are somee states that are doing a good job. texas is oes doing an the right. however, this illegal law says that he doesn't have a record, h but he, like you said, cross
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state lines or cross country lines illegally. that's a crime. i think that's a pretty big red flag. thatand then also, he obtained a firearm. he can't obtain a firearm legally if he is not legal. how did he get the firearm? number get two, how did he get the gun? it could have been a hot gun. and the judge doesn't even car>e .esn' or he can get an illegal gun. he could get a sex change coe and then he could probably commitit a crime and still stay sty and be on aizensh pathway to citizenship. [ y page mocrats have their waip . it's unbelievable. page ru and that's spelled with an drx. figure it out. thank you so much. get it together on sale right now. afterr series continues the break. >> fox news is proud to bring you this cheesy hero moment. iss interested. in working with students
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one choice of online sellers. go to ship station .com slash try get two months free. fox news alert. the associated press just called the ohioprovok republican senate primary race for bernie marinino. back the trump backed cleveland businessman is going to be facingnessma b off against shere brown, the democrat, in novembemocrat ir.
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>> two new edition of the get it together series, where ir some of the people i interviewed for the book come back and talk to us on primevio time today. we're skipping to chapter five to talk to a vegaskaln instagrammers. >> meet alondra roy. os >> her dream is to have a vegan steak. we're animals, aren'havetaughte slaughtered for meat and dairy, but respected and cared for. re t respher boyfriend, eric, a ven activist, too. and together they make a vegan power couple. >> although a little lessit powerful tonight because eric won't be joining us. they don't wanowerfutt animals d in any way. no drinking milk, no owning pets, no going to zoos. you're not even allowed to useee dogs to help the police. >> so when i told them that i love nothing more than bacon and eggs, they said i lacked empathy, respect con an and justice. going as far to label me as an accessory to murder, i think they're telling me of all
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people to get it together. alondra joins us now. >> alondra, tell me why you think hello that eating s is because animals are sentient beings have feelings just like dogs and catss and when thereare are sent to slaughter, they're murdered and they're killed and their life is takenme away from them. so if it's not killing, then what im s nos it? >> so i'm saying i'm hungry for a hamburger. and you would consider that homicide while they're getting their lifettin taken. and it's made worse because alternatives exist. so it is. so you only want people eating salad as chickpeas. s what if we're really hungry? whis that enough sustenance? >> i get hungry and nce.i eatof all the time. there's, like, a lot of alternatives that supplants veggie ativests thoses. >> what about horse racing? horse racing is not beneficialin
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for the horses. it's not necessary for >> inot bene. it's only done for money. so there's a difference between having a dog under d your careea and making horses run aroundvi where they break their legsus and then they get shot because they broke their legs, all foree money. but that's a difference. anything you'd like to sayy to to the united states? >> we are a bunch of carnivores here. >> yeah, i mean, i was raised eating animals to understand where they're coming from, but people could change changed and so can be. there's alternatives or not. and noti. so we're not cave people anymore. we are in modern day where the alternatives exist. so many plants and stores and restaurants likem there's o excuse. >> well, you should see my you f. f d see my stafexcuse a lot of cave people. i'm not so sure they can change. alondr i'ma. not >> thank you so much. and i'm not a liberal. i'm not a liberal, by the way. no , that would be offensive. i would never want to call you that. thanr want tk you. >> thank you.
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have a great night. >> follow alondra on instagram, everybody. and for more of my conversations with alondrach and others from the fringe. >> order your copy of get it together out today. >> so no more excuses. the kate middleton conspiracy theory ahead. >> everybody wants superstar rates of her white teeth. >> they want that hollywood white smile. >> sensodyne clinical wait invites tucci shades what her teeth and tony fauci othery lon. in sensitivity production. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. >> i'm adding downy unstoppable >> i'm adding downy unstoppable to my wash now. >> i'll be smelling fresh all day long. it's still fresh, fresh get times, longer lasting freshness plus, odor protection. try for under $5. it's michael's lowest prices
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who will make the cut? i've been waiting for this my whole life. sticky rice in 20 minutes. fans are the most competitive season yet to watch. tonight was just not your nights. on the next level, chef. >> thursdays on fox and watch anytime on hulu. we have breaking news as stories develop across the world. a lot of fast moving action on capitol hill. get smart insight on the top headlines. we'll be covering of it. the story with martha maccallum weekdays at three on fox news channel is watching. >> windsor castle in chaoss as as the world loses its mind over kate middleton, her he her whereabouts, her health, her marriageal. >> after the royal family announced she'd be undergoing a planned abdominal surgeryancea january. >> the world wanted more infry >> the announcement came just days after king charles was diagnosed with cance after, and then a few weeks later, prince william was a no show to aervice memorial service honoring his late godfather, citingnouri,
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quote, personal matter. >> then, the international meltdown over kate, postingkate a picture on england's mother's daa piy. people noticed it had beenbe photoshopped and the ap to pull the picture. it was a frenzy and she fessed t spec. but that didn't stop the speculation. this whole thing suspicious. where is kate middleton? multiple images were merged and the section of the imagelet featuring her face was cut outmu and replaced. >> interesting hair on this side does not match the hair. rs the side. the pixels around here, absolutelyol not do not match. the daughter's sweater is missing. you can see that this wholeld calf got cut out. this would make me guess that kate was photoshopped into the photo. this facphe is an exact copy and paid to the face kate middleton made for vogue magazine back in 2016. look at this, the vogue magazine cover. and as it blendsmagazinen 2016 e exact same face. kate middleton hadn't been seene publicly since christmas.
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and now we're almost: en with march. and that brings us to yesterday when tmz revealed this video here of what appears to bevi kate middletondeo and prince william shopping. this should put it end to this n right now. >> i tell you, the royal family always had me. they almost had me. and these little shirts. i look them up that were seemingly built for christmas season. and the person who tooseeminy bs video is saying that they took this videog on march 16th on saturday. these shots are not up anymore in the park. i studie d abroad in london in 2013 when prince george was born, and they sent out doppelganger lookalikes from s far away. it could look like them. do you thinko hek that this is ? it's not like they easily, easily could, they hire her to o a quick little walk. >> this is kate middleton in thi.s picture.cture wewe know that that was kate middleton. that's the height differential of prince willia m. over here is fake, kate. fak i think william, look at thathe height differential. she's not even wearing heelsigh
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in this one. >> and it's not just random>> js royal watchersse. the the view claims there's a bodyvi double. e isso every royal has a body hs double. >> and if you really close aav in on that video, which i have done personally, i have done some internet sleuthing myself . it's very clear that the profile is not. and if she really did have that abdominal surgery, why is sht ae can't make her leg? yes. yes. it's someone who is close. cant i can't even tell if sun isf hitting. it's hard. but andy cohen, the real housewives guy, agrees, says that ain't kate. suddenly, another family was flagged by getty. >> the international photo servicrnationae. d to >> kate is said to have taken this picture. and again, there's issue taken what's going on? >> daily mail reporter charlie langston joins me now. e daortewhat is your theory? >> i'm really sorry to saythat m
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my theory is very boring. kate underwent majorry abdominal surgery in january. the palace told us that she would nomajor ry ot returning ur easter. she is not returning afteron't easter. i do not think there's any conspiracy theory here thinkany the palace has messed up in their handling of this whole situation after that photo editing debacle. they should have given the public more information. it's understandablinformate thae gaps in the information that have been given are being filledbeen in. shame it's just a real shame that that being filled in with . ch crazy talesthey >> they don't really get body doubles, do they? absolutethey don >> and think about it this way. the palace knows that they reallyose th made a huge error a by releasing that edited photo. they know that they messed up. >> they are not going to make an even more insane mistaky are just days later. it may well have been that the palace was lik maye kate, if you're feeling up to it. probably a good idea i probablfl
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out, let people see you, quell i the rumors that you're in a coma. >> but i do not think forsecond a second that they were casting around for people who look like william and kate to step out in the local area, windsor, that doesn't make any sense. >> what is the most preposterousy esse: do theory te heard? because we have heard from highly respected people some really insane things. >> absolutely crazy. i've heard that kate underwent a brazilian lift. ilian buone person said. another person said that she's had a full mummy makeovedi . someone else said she was in a memedically induced coma, never expectedd sh a to. wake up. it oh, it really does just rurenal the gamut as far as insanity is concerned. and i think the thing is,th it's boredat people whod are speculating about situations that they don't really understanped. r le >> okay. well, thank you for leveling with the american people. . y timeve with th >> we do like to speculate. don't we all? thank you so muc recall. thank >> i don't know if you heard,do but get it togethe don'tr is on
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sale now. >> so if you want to meet me, touch me wan, sniff me. >> run your fingers through my hair. northville, new jerseys througur saturday. and then to point pleasant beach in new jersey on itay is the biggest new jersey event that we've ever seen. dana perino may even do a a little cameo at point pleasant beach at the little poinpointt bookshop. >> and we have fort myers, florida, laterch a at , lbi, veo beach, florida b, yorba linda, california. so drop everything. y worl come see me.i be in my world. i'll take a photwill o, sign a book. only if you buy it, though.o let's do some text. o' o'neil from fort myers. congrats on your new book. can i wear my gutfel md shirt to your book signing? yes, but i will punch you. that's the rule.ut it's like the berkeley rule. if they see someone with trumpoe gear knuckle sandwich kids fromr new jersey k. hey, jesse, see you on sunday.
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we just canceled our tee time, so you better disappoint. wow, that's a high bar. steve from, massachusetts. >> jesse, where will the pope be having his book signings? he book sisee, that's the thing ae pope. he's not really a people person the way i am. pee wa i mean, he's not going to,goin like, let you get in there. >> i'm going to snugglnugglee y. i'm going to nuzzle you. jack from nashville, tennessee, i love jac lucky charms and star trek. >> can i get a jump at the deep stati gob at te? >> you're hired. todd from florida, what did the deep state water lady dothee for the people of east palestine? >> veropf thesey good question. tabby, interesting name from. ni >> webster, new york. the next thing you know, they'll be handing out guns at the border. >> you get biden phones, you get guns, you get a ticket b to new york. thank you guys so much for. s >> supporting get it together and always remember i'm wate


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