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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 20, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> dana: we don't have much time left. final word is can't wait to show you all my bracket. i have to hold it for another smith. sandra smith is in for harris on "the faulkner focus." big hearing underway on capitol hill. >> sandra: fox news alert top of a new hour testifying on capitol hill right now the man who says
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joe biden was the brand that powered interest in his family's foreign business dealings. tony bobulinski is the main witness in the house gop's ongoing impeachment inquiry into president biden. absent on the hill hunter biden. this is "the faulkner focus." i'm sandra smith in for harris today. hunter and devon archer denied the committee's invitation. his lawyer writing to oversiecht chair. hunter biden declines your invitation to the carnival side show. it is not a proper proceeding but an obvious attempt to throw a hail mary pass after the game has ended. chairman comer just this morning. >> hunter biden demanded a public hearing. i've given him one. maybe he will show up. he has said he isn't but he loves saying one thing and doing
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another. at some point it begins to reflect poorly on his afwoilt tell the truth at all. this hearing is not about hunter biden. this investigation is not about hunter biden. it is about joe biden and the lies he continues to tell the american people. >> sandra: david spunt is on the hill for us and has more. are democrats bringing anyone to back their side of the story? >> they did bring someone lev parnas, a former rudy giuliani associate who met with donald trump several times and worked with giuliani to investigate the biden family in ukraine. parnas is a ukrainian american. he told ththe committee a few moments ago that after investigating the biden family he and others found no evidence of wrongdoing or corruption by the biden family in ukraine. democrats are talking about influence peddling but they believe he will talk about influence peddling related to
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the trump side of the story. lev parnas said he is here to tell the truth. bobulinski in the room today, that former hunter business associate who says he met with both joe biden, james biden, and hunter biden. he met with all three of them in california, though they all deny it. in attendance a former hunter business associate joining by zoom today or virtually from federal prison in alabama serving 14 years behind securities fraud. hunter biden is a no show. he has made two surprise visits to capitol hill since december. you never know with hunter biden. his name plate in front of an empty chair in the hearing room. this hearing examining influence peddling. republicans are saying that joe biden is the definition of influence peddling. democrats are saying the same about donald trump. we're already seeing that today's hearing is turning into a proxy war between team biden
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and trump. democrats arguing trump is full of influence peddling and republicans arguing president biden is the same. >> the bidens don't sell a product or service or a set of skills. the bidens sell joe biden. >> the effort to find a high crime or misdemean whore committed by joe biden and impeach him for r it. in this mad cap series. >> we expect this to go on for most of the day and devon archer, the former biden business associate and friend not in attendance today. plenty to work with in this room now with the two that are here in person, sandra. >> sandra: we're watching it closely. phil holloway joining us now. what has struck you so far during this hearing? >> great to be with you, sandra. as always considering the multitude of business entities that are connected to the biden
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family, i forget the total number. it is a lot. the millions and millions of dollars that are flowing into those businesses, meanwhile those businesses have no product they can sell, no service that they can sell, nothing that you can attach all of this inbound revenue to. given that fact, the only reasonable explanation that's left logically is influence peddling. and joe biden is the person with influence. he has been for decades the person with influence. so the hunter team is doing their best to try to keep the dots from being connected to joe biden, but there is really nowhere else the dots could logically lead except to joe biden because he is the brand. joe biden is the brand. he is the only thing that they can sell in terms of influence. so this is where the committee is going. this is where the investigators
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are going. the real effort is going to be to connect the dots. hunter, we've seen so far, has done a very good job, at least he has made great efforts to try to prevent them from connecting the dots. just like not showing up today after he demanded the ability to come in person to testify. he basically says no, there is no point in it now. you guys had the opportunity to talk to me. it is an effort to keep investigators from connecting this to joe. that's where it is headed. joe has to be logically the brand that they are selling that we can attribute all that revenue to. >> sandra: interesting. from what you are seeing you say this is a well-orchestrated campaign to keep the investigators from connecting hunter's business dealings to joe. do you see any of that changing with this hearing today? >> absolutely not. they will stay the course. you have a few months left before the election and so the
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game, if you will, is for them to run out the clock to keep them from connecting this to joe before the election. they will keep doing more of the same. hunter biden is not going to cooperate. you'll see some degrees of cooperation from former business partners like bobulinski, for example, people that have been besmirched by hunter and his team and they'll come forward and tell the truth. to the extent he can hunter won't cooperate one bit. >> sandra: five days is how long former president donald trump has to fork over nearly half a billion dollars for risk losing his portfolio of assets. his lawyers say getting that much cash is a practical impossibility. critics say new york attorney general james campaign promises of getting trump show this whole thing is personal and political. the former president agrees. >> i built a great company. one of the greatest companies anywhere in the country,
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especially when it comes to real estate. some of the greatest assets in the world and this is a rigged trial by a crooked judge and a billions of dollars in value and properties but they would like to take the cash away so i can't use it on the campaign. this is just a corrupt group of people. it is election interference. >> sandra: in the days after the february decision james made her intentions clear. listen here. >> we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to new yorkers and yes, i will get 40 wall street each and every day. >> 40 wall street is one of trump's most iconic new york city properties. james could also take measure to seize assets outside of new york. so what are the former president's choices if he doesn't make bond by monday? he can ask the state appeals court to pause the judgment, find a benefactor or declare bankruptcy. what do you see happening, phil?
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>> i remember sometime during i think the first week of law school we learned when somebody loses a trial they have an absolute right to a direct appeal. what the judge has done -- i think it's quite frankly -- i don't care what you think about donald trump, you ought to recognize this as being wrong. it is a weaponization of the justice system against a specific individual they are targeting. he has a right, guys, to file an appeal. the judge has built this in in a way he doesn't have the ability to exercise that right. this is preventing him from his appeal that he has as a matter of right. this is the kind of thing that happens when you see prosecutors weaponizing the justice system. this is not unlike what is happening in atlanta where you have prosecutors essentially campaigning on the platform they will go after and get a specific citizen. so regardless of how you feel
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about trump, you have to recognize that this is wrong. this is akin to telling a condemned prisoner yes, you can have your appeal but only after we carry out the execution, and then it's too late. that's what's going on in new york. >> sandra: in the next five days james could start seizing assets beyond new york? all indications say she may. >> what will happen if she lick which dates everything that's carrying out the death penalty in terms of his business without him having the right to appeal. it is wrong and not how the system is supposed to work and it is a perfect example of the weaponization, the wrongful weaponization of the justice system designed to go after one specific individual. >> sandra: more on the justice system. an update now from the judge. this just in overseeing efforts
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to disqualify fani willis from the georgia election interference case. this judge we have just learned as issued an order, phil, allowing trump and eight co-defendants to seek appeal of the order denying disqualification of willis. the georgia court of appeals has 45 days to decide whether they'll hear the case. that's big news, phil, your reaction. >> it is big and something that we've been following very closely here in the atlanta area. the judge's order that is being appealed in my opinion is wrong. i think that he found, for example, that willis wrongfully engaged in communications outside the courtroom basically she went into the well of the church on sunday and essentially called some of the defendants and their counsels racist and she is making public statements outside of the courtroom that are designed to impact the ability of these defendants to get a fair trial. so what's happened, the parties
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have appealed and they have to do it is a two-step thing. they have to get the judge who issued the order to agree to it and the court of appeals also has to agree to hear it. this is what we call an interlock tory appeal. you have to normally wait until after a conviction and take up every issue, take it all up on appeal at the same time. this issue is so important that you don't want to risk having a trial or multiple trials against all these defendants potentially having convictions and then have the court of appeals after all is said and done have them then say oh, you got it wrong. we'll send it back for you to start over all again and this time with a brand-new prosecutor. this procedure will prevent that type of situation from occurring. >> sandra: really interesting. that just in. thank you for coming on and responding to all of that. a lot to keep track of. meanwhile the top military leaders in charge of america's
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deadly withdrawal from afghanistan just gave a scathing assessment of what exactly went wrong. many democrats weren't even around to hear it. plus gang violence spiraling out of control in haiti leaving americans trapped in the chaos. while the state department is exploring options to get those americans out, congressman cory mills is actually doing it. we will talk to him live next. stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes
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>> sandra: happening right now,
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u.s. appeals court is hearing arguments on sb4, the texas bill to let police arrest people for crossing the border illegally. it comes after a day of lega whiplash. the same appeals court put the law back on hold last night just hours after the supreme court said it could start at least temporarily. the white house says the law will only add to border chaos and confusion. former border patrol chief with this. >> they wouldn't need sb4 if the federal government was stepping up to its responsibilities to protect that border. we have had chaos on the southwest border for about the last three years during the pen den see of the biden presidency. for them to suggest this is going to make things worse is just hypocrisy at the highest level. >> sandra: president biden will be campaigning in texas later today to try and make up lost ground with the latino voting block.
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we'll bring you any updates from them. now this. angry and emotional testimony on the administration's deadly exit from afghanistan nearly three years ago. the top generals in charge at the time blame the botched withdrawal on the biden state department. >> non-combatant evacuation operation decision was made by the department of state. it is my assessment that that decision came too late. >> having a plan is one thing. preparing the plan and vetting and coordinating the plan with the people will carry it out. the department of defense is another set of tasks completely. >> that was too little too late? >> it was my judgment it was far too little far too late. the whole thing is a strategic failure. i have said that several times openly. >> we heard today it was the lack of a plan by the state department and failure to timely execute the plan that led to the chaos. >> sandra: that laid out before
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the house foreign affairs committee. critics sitting democrats on the committee. only nine of 23 members showed up. 13 u.s. service members were killed in a suicide bombing near the kabul airport during the evacuation efforts. cory mills is on the house foreign affairs committee and he did show up. welcome, congressman. what did you make of those democrats blowing off such an important hearing? >> well, it shows what the pry or tifs are when they couldn't be troubled to do their jobs and ask the pertinent questions to insure we could get policy change. some of the things that chairman mark millie had made comments on which i agree with is changing policies so that when the u.s. conducted the d.o.d. can take a leading edge on this. right now they don't know whether it's the ambassador, secretary of state, ground commanders, a lot of confusion in all this. those types of bits of information that chairman mark
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milley and the general were able to put in place helps us to prevent this in the future. the fact that the democrats count be there to evaluate 13 brave heroes who lost their lives is a shame. >> sandra: emotions were running high in the hearing room yesterday. after intense pressure from gop lawmakers the d.c. attorney general, this happened overnight. decided to drop the charges against the gold star father, his son was one of those 13 service members killed in the abby gate attack. he was charged after heckling the president during the state of the union address. >> 30% [shouting] >> 30% they went up. >> sandra: darrell issa pushed against the changes. >> yes, he said something without a microphone and he was ushered away. but it did not effectively stop
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it. so it certainly is within the discretion to say they see no reason for charges. these gold star families and the loved ones they lost are examples of a loss that all of us have to not just give lip service to, but give our time to. >> sandra: sources told us that he cried when congressman issa told him the charges were indeed dropped. he lost one son in the abby gate bombing and another son committed suicide about a year later from grief over the loss. thank god those charges have been dropped. many lawmakers were pushing for this to happen. my only question is why did it take so long? >> well, it's such a shame. i consider steve to be a good friend as i have gotten this friendship with paul and the other families that were part of this horrific incident that occurred august 26th. the charges should never have been brought to begin with. if you wanted to usher him out for disruption.
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the idea you try to make charges on a grieving father who lost both sons and rightfully is angry because there is no accountability not to mention the fact through two state of the union addresses president biden has not once acknowledged these families or the 13 brave heroes. we had to shame him into even saying laken riley's name. the anger and the grief and no closure as to what actually caused these 13 to lose their lives in abby gate, it's understandable that steve and the rest of the families are upset. >> sandra: we had a gold star father on our program these afternoons. you feel their intense pain they live with every day for sure. meanwhile there are very real fears, the crisis in haiti could turn into another afghanistan. right now some 1,000 americans we are told are stuck in that country mired in chaos and
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violence. the state department says it is exploring new ways to get them out. so far it has only sent one chartered rescue flight in. congressman mills you have stepped up like you did in afghanistan and israel earlier this year headed two rescue missions and got 23 americans out of haiti including a 2-month-old baby and 3-year-old girl. thank you for what you are doing and tell us why you are doing it. >> the one thing i want to try to do is explain it doesn't matter what district you are from or what state you are from, what your political affiliation, gender, race, belief. if you are an american elected officials should ensure your safety. i won't let someone in the oval office what america stands for. back when we used to be a proud nation when you had the blue passport that's all it took. it meant something to be an american. through trials that we have to
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shame this administration to do their job. same thing happened in israel. we had 96 people is when they finally sent their first charter. other nations had sent the philippines and mexico and had came in and gotten their people. we knew it with as the same situation here. look at the progress. they went from last week we have no plans and we have no intent to evacuate to now we're exploring options and sending an aircraft. the reason is i have to put enough pressure on them through great journalism like you are doing right now that gets the message out that if i can do it on my own with just a small team of those who i've known for a long time former special operations how can the whole of government and biden administration not do the same thing that rescue americans? >> sandra: we show your rescue missions and the americans you got out. thank you for what you do. you are an incredible american. a trump-backed businessmen
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winning the republican senate primary in ohio. the influence of the former president and highlights democratic meddling in gop primaries. the biden campaign working hard to get back latino voters. >> you are seeing the president and the vice president in latino communities to make sure we are speaking to latinos. this is more than just talking about donald trump and the threat that he poses to communities like ours. >> sandra: polls show biden and his party have a long way to go with this key voting block. power panel will debate.
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>> sandra: fox news alert. we got a response from trump's defense team about the judge's order in the georgia election case. he granted a motion to allow trump and eight co-defendants to appeal his order last week. last week he allowed willis to stay on the case as long as her
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lover and prosecutor dropped out, which he did. it is highly significant. the defense is optimistic the review will lead to the case being dismissed and d.a. being disqualified. the defense has ten days to submit that appeal. >> this election is not a referendum on me. it is an election between me and a guy named trump and this is a guy who -- who the way he talks about the latino community is, well, 2016 he called latinos criminals, drug dealers and rapists when he came down here. now he says immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country. what the hell is he talking about? >> sandra: president biden pushing hard against trump trying to win back latino voters. he will be visiting texas to shore up support in western states with strong latino
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populations. back in 2020 fox news voter analysis showed biden had a nearly 30-point advantage with that group. now a recent fox poll finds biden and trump are virtually tied with that group. yesterday the biden campaign launched its latinos for biden and harris program to help win the voting block. some latino o voters aren't impressed. >> latinos spend over half their income on basic necessities such as food, energy, housing. this is causing us to be hurt by inflation. >> for the last 3 1/2 years biden has really damaged our livelihood. >> just out of touch with everyday people in arizona and everyday latinos and americans. latinos -- they will have to do a lot of work to overcome that hurdle. >> sandra: a new "wall street journal" column with the headline why democrats are losing their grip on latino voters adding the party has lurch to the left has hurt its
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standing with working class hispanics. peter doocy is live and has more for us. how desperate is president biden to improve his standing with the latino voting block? >> president biden needs help with every demographic block right now. he thinks it is obvious why latino voters should be backing him. >> president biden: look, you know, when i get criticism some places for having such a strong interest in latino voters and latino americans, people here in the country, i point out to them i said can you imagine when you have 28% of all the students in public school are latino and nationwide. anybody doesn't pay attention is really stupid. >> on the border as a top issue the white house press secretary is say we fundamentally disagree with texas's law to go into
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effect. sb4 will make communities less safe and burden law enforcement and sew confusion at our southern border. biden surrogates are trying to reason with latino voters breaking towards trump. >> there are a number of latino communities that have benefited significantly from the student loan relief. we know that latino communities have also benefited tremendously from the cap on insulin and lowering healthcare costs and addressing gun violence through bi -- >> president biden wakes up in arizona. goes to texas tonight and there through tomorrow. no scheduled visits to the southern border. sandra. >> sandra: okay. we'll keep watching for that. thank you so much. good to see you, peter. sean duffy co-host of bottom
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line on fox business and david carlucci former democrat senator from new york. good to see you both. biden won the hispanic vote in 2020, david. why is he having such a hard time with this group now? >> remember, this is polling, a snapshot. no definitive data that says how they will vote. that we'll see in november. i think what the polling does show us is latino voters tend to be more moderate. the democratic party had wild times in 18 and 20 with wokeism and pushing the party to the left but biden has shown to be more of a moderate. he has been pulling in some of the far left extreme people on the democratic side. the difference between the democrats and the republicans is we both have extremes on both sides. but the difference is the democrats don't let them steer the ship. we've seen that in the house where republicans removed their speaker. threatening all types of things, not being able to get
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legislation passed when it comes to the border or our budget. i think that will bode well for president biden as we move into the general election. they don't want the extremes. more moderate and i this i that will help us going into november. >> sandra: sean. >> that's a great message, david. the bottom line is joe biden is not a moderate. pick your list of a bernie sanders issue and joe biden is on it. sandra, the issue here is latino voters aren't compelled by his argument that he opened up the border and they should love them. they don't. they care about education and the transgender policy and the being safe in the communities and rising crime. care about inflation and blue collar job. issues that matter to them. if you look at 25% of voters in nevada and arizona, this is a huge voting block of states that biden won in 2020. but even in wisconsin, there is not a huge hispanic population but in milwaukee 20% of the
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residents are hispanic. so when you win by razor thin margins and start to lose a voting block that might only be 8% of the population it is a big deal and why joe biden is fighting so hard to win these voters back. one last point. joe biden is putting people boots on the ground to activate the hispanic vote. i hope the rnc is watching that and donald trump is watching that. you have to invest in the community. they won't come home unless you work with them. democrats understand that. i'm not sure republicans do. >> sandra: one thing is for sure when polled the latino voting block cares about inflation, gas prices, food prices, economy. something to watch. bernie moreno a trump-backed businessman won the senate primary. trump was not the only boost to his campaign. one democrat aligned group spent $3 million on an ad hyping up the conservative candidate. latest example of democrats
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boosting maga candidates they think are easier to beat. "washington post" editorial calls the meddling hypocritical adding whoever wins tuesday's primary, even mr. moreno has a chance of sitting in the senate a year from now. democrats should be careful what they wish for. are they getting the message, david? >> i agree with you. this is playing with fire. very dangerous tactic. one that i think proves beneficial for democrats. we were just talking about the extremism on both sides. yes, you might disagree with joe biden's policies but when you contrast it to our former president, donald trump, and some of these candidates that donald trump has endorsed, they prove to be more radical, more extreme. that's where you will lose these elections and you will lose in the general as well. so i think the more extreme, the more intense these candidates are on the left or the right is a detriment to the general election for those parties.
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so having the extreme maga candidates leading the ticket in these particular states i think really bodes well for democrats. this will be a fight in the middle, right? from now to november donald trump and joe biden have to rush to the middle. i don't really see donald trump doing that. we saw one in five voters now in the gop contest particularly in florida where it is a closed primary are using a protest vote not supporting donald trump and those are the more moderate voters. >> david, wanting to have secure border and wanting to bring inflation down and wanting to enforce our laws is not extreme. that's mainstream america. donald trump is up in ohio by ten points. so to have a donald trump candidate is a winner in ohio. sherrod brown is a radical liberal in the senate. republicans don't want mitt romney, they want conservatives
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fighting for conservative values. bernie will do that here and he won by 18 points. democrats didn't have much influence on this election. this was the voters off ohio who saw what candidate they wanted in the senate to fight for them and i think the democrat influence was not much of anything. >> sandra: trump won't let the house and biden fix the border. >> it was a horrible bill. it didn't fix the border. >> sandra: thank you so much. great to have you both on obviously. big problems for planet fitness after he revoked this woman's membership. >> there is a man shaving in a women's bathroom. i realize he wants to be a woman but i'm not comfortable with him shaving in my bathroom. >> sandra: critics accuse the gym of caving to the woke mob and might be hurting them financially. outrage across america what some
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are calling a squatter crisis. >> they are exploiting the system. >> it's mind-boggling to the average citizen that this is not a crime. >> i think it is important to say regardless of where you sit politically this is affecting all of us. >> sandra: here in new york city police arrested the homeowner after a tense stand-off with squatters in her home. victims of these situations say the law is failing them. charlie arnoldt from outkick is in "focus" next. in "focus" next. of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
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>> sandra: police have arrested a new york city homeowner and hit her with a summons after a fiery stand-off with alleged squatters she has been trying to evict. she was trying to sell her parent's house last month when she realized they were squatters who had moved in. she changed the locks which landed her in cuffs here in new york city squatters have rights and they can claim those rights after just 30 days. it then becomes illegal for a property owner to change the locks and she has been forced to begin an incredibly arduous legal process to get them
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evicted. many point out the process takes longer than it does for squatters to get rights in the first place. much bigger than new york. i spoke to the founder of squatter hunters how the legal system is failing these victims. >> homeowners are feeling helpless and there is not much they can do. a clear distinction between tenant and squatters rights. squatters are criminal. it needs to be go to criminal court and figure it out by the judge. one of the big things that needs to happen there should be fines and penalties and restitution. homeowners should be able to recover money to repair their homes. >> sandra: charly arnolt joins us now. this story boggles me. i still don't understand how they can get the rights so fast, the squatters and how the process to gets them out takes even longer. >> i also don't understand how is it dated? do they have a calendar that they put up in the home they are
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squatting in. we moved in on this date and it's 30 days and you don't have your right. the level of clown show that new york city has become. squatters, illegals, criminals have more rights than people that follow the law and pay their own loans. look what happened to daniel penny trying to protect people on the subway and what happened to this woman what when she changed the locks on her home and taken away in cuffs. you get what you vote for is the moral of the story. >> sandra: even if you figure out when they can claim the rights the process to remove them takes so long you try to get them out the 30 days is up. >> you have to feel for these people. it's expensive this woman. who knows, maybe she can't keep the home that belonged to her parents after all said and done with so many legal fees to pay for people who don't have a right to be there in the first place. >> sandra: christine blasey ford is making the rounds to promote
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her new memoir. her book is about her testifying in 2018 against supreme court justice nominee brett kavanaugh. she accused him of sexually assaulting her in the 1980s. f.b.i. investigated during the confirmation process but was unable to corroborate ford's claims. kavanaugh denies it and ultimately confirmed to the supreme court. that did not seem to matter on "the view" yesterday. >> they have to step up and help us. we can't do this ourselves. i notice that -- i noticed people clapping, some of the men did not clap in this audience. you have a phd in psychology and teach at universities. even today some people remain skeptical of your story. >> sandra: yeah, molly hemingway chief of the federalists posted a long lists of reasons why. no evidence that ford and
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kavanaugh ever met. all alleged witnesses strongly dispute the claim. ford changed the date of the incident by years from her initial stories and nothing in kavanaugh's past remotely similar to the claim. wow. there they had a field day with her on the set and behar at one point scolded the men in the audience for not applauding her. >> we're here to praise the men in the audience who didn't clap. they saw through the situation for what it is. exact same thing carroll is doing to donald trump and thing that happened to russell brand. after he started spinning out against big pharma. the same thing happened to brett kavanaugh. even with 0 prove democrats will attack you if you are a conservative men. men, heed the warning in biden's america you aren't safe here. this is clear by what we're seeing going on with the case.
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>> sandra: they were fawning over her. not an exaggeration. >> there is no proof. no witnesses, no location, no dates. no one backed her up. friends and family didn't even do that. >> sandra: those are just a few she listed in the response. a long list she published of why people are skeptical. meanwhile big backlash and calls for a boycott now after planet fitness revoked this woman's membership. >> a little girl sitting on the corner could have been 12 years old, i don't know how old she was. in a towel kind of freaked out there is a man shaving in her locker room. i was offended. i took a picture of him and asked him why are you there. he justified by saying i'm queer, lgb. this morning i got canceled. planet fitness is defending the man in the woman's locker room. >> sandra: the gym said it has a
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non-discrimination policy. the gym seems to be paying a price. its stock plunged 8%. a scathing opinion headline canceling women who won't tolerate biological men in their locker room is a ridiculous new low. charlie, they seem to be paying the price. >> go woke, go broke. i hope to see their stock plummet all the way to 0 unless they want to reverse course and change their policy and apologize to this young girl who is probably scarred for a long time after seeing a man inside the locker room. it's disgusting. you see planet fitness and other establishments giving rein to these men. if you identify as trans you must have something mentally wrong with you in the first place. to take it a step further, let's not be naive to think there aren't just sick people out there who want to prey on women and children and provide them privacy. shame on planet fitness.
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>> sandra: good to see you. we have news here. house oversight committee as we speak one of them is t tony bobulinski. we're monitoring that and bring you back as any action happens. all right. that flew by. i'll see you this afternoon. thanks for watching "the faulkner focus." the hearing will be ongoing and we'll continue to update our viewers from any fiery moments inside that hearing. a lot more coming up this afternoon. sandra smith in for harris and i'll be back at 1:00 eastern time with jonathan on "america reports." "outnumbered" is after the break. on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan.
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