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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 20, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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aker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. >> happening right now on capitol hill explosive testimony underway on the biden families alleged influence.
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hunter was invited to testify publicly something he himself has called for many times he said he wanted to testify publicly. but, when the hearing started, his chair was empty. this is "outnumbered." i am here with emily compagno and ainsley earhardt, president of consulting and former counselor to president trump kellyanne conway and joe concha. let us go live with my details with david. >> hello kaylee, republicans insist this hearing has been going on anything truly about influence peddling and the large problem facing washington, d.c. democrats say it's another opportunity for republicans to show an empty chair with a name tag hunter biden. lo and behold there you go. there is a empty chair seated between two witnesses with a name tag, hunter biden.
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he did not show up today but in between on each side i should say of that empty chair are two polar opposite witnesses. a democrat witness who was punished. who served time behind bars and he was close to giuliani and trump and can explain influence peddling related to donald trump but not to joe biden watch this >> the american people have been like to buy donald trump and rudy giuliani i find zero evidence of corruption in ukraine >> republicans also have bobulinski who is a former hunter biden associate they met and he said for stop, joe biden is the brand and they made the living off influence peddling. >> joe biden was more than a participant he was active and aware and they bled. >> also in attendance today,
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former hunter business associate who is serving 14 years behind bars and federal prison for security fraud. >> he is sitting in present for scanning workers out of their pension. how low can you get? >> republicans say they will continue the inquiry, moving to criminal referrals for the department of justice and archer another associate -- we are seeing a theme here, they declined to come today after the attorney said they were only made aware of this just a few days ago. kaylee? >> kayleigh: david, keep us updated. so tony bobulinski began describing himself angel gray, with his long history with the military and he's a very credible witness he has no motive here and not telling the truth and here is the allegation against president biden listen to this.
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>> they head coach me before he had showed up to listen were just gonna keep things at a very high level were not going to go into a lot of details in this meeting. i remember that discussion generally because it struck me as odd. joe biden wasn't in the white house then. and they were framing it that way. and then joe showed up walked through the lobby of the beverly hills hotel i stood up to shake his hand, we sat down and we spent 45 minutes to an hour going through my back background. >> you met with him that long? >> yes, this wasn't a handshake this was a 45 minute long meeting to almost at our will we talked about a lot of stuff. >> if joe biden wasn't involved why after flying all the way across the country to the milken conference where there is some of the biggest conferences in the world why would he take 45 minutes out of
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his night -- it wasn't 10:00 a.m. it was 10:40 p.m. in the evening. he's a elderly man he flew across country and sat with me to 45 minutes to almost an hour. >> kayleigh: he raises a great point doesn't he ainsley. >> ainsley: why would joe biden care about this prosecutor getting fired in ukraine? why would he son beyond the board when he's addicted to drugs? why would a chinese company if you have that much money why would a chinese energy company paid millions of dollars to hunter biden when he's addicted to drugs. why all the grandkids getting big fat paydays? why didn't hunter show up today where he wanted this public hearing? he doesn't show up and if you have nothing to hide you show up and you are right about the reputation he says every man has served in the military and you can tell he is serious about this.
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why would he portray a guy he was in business with if he didn't want to just tell the truth. >> kayleigh: he calls himself a patriot and a truth teller. emily there is someone who desperately wants to stopped the hearing and his name is jamie raskin and i can't get over the fact that there is nothing to see here -- why do you have to interrupt tony bobulinski multiple times? let us bring in jamie. >> his defense attorney weaponize his letters to smear my name -- >> mr. chairman -- >> this was an attempt to save his client and his father. >> mistress tony bobulinski please proceed. >> two points, number one i think he went over. i see we now have a witness appearing remotely and i thought witnesses were required to attend in person. do we have a new practice with respect to that rule?
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>> let the witnesses speak. >> emily: there is nothing more disrespectful than someone who interrupts. he never fails to confirm that everything is always about him. that is one example why i hold no respect for him. i want to go back to tony bobulinski because he raises a important question which is why if the biden's act aboveboard why do they continue to engage in such deep-seated lies and deep-seated denials in terms of transcript and testimony? why do they perjure themselves over and over again? they had actual lies. also, tell the truth. he goes through line by line bees and examples that hunter biden has engaged in perjury and he includes timelines and he said he started working 2017 and i was with them at that time when he was being
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shouted at for paying him prior for that work. he has maintained that president biden never met with them not once he said i met with them and i was a business associate he talks about the money and the threats and the demand and he goes through it line by line and think about how the joe biden family has had to appeal him they say a mike eades a convicted felon in charge with things and that's what we saw earlier senator saying that same thing. the hunter biden is the same. do not throw that stone unless a glass house is not made of glass. shouldn't you make your own advice and say hunter biden is a convicted felon as well so nothing he says should matter anyway. >> it is clear that they didn't tell the truth. so, there is a lot here but the question is does not move the needle with the american public? >> it does. he hasn't built up the grace and the good will and he is not
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handling the issues that are most important to them and their families particularly well. so, if you can excuse a leader's conduct because they are actually delivering for you we've seen that in press right, left, and center and that's not the case with joe biden. >> kellyanne: people looking for an excuse not have a reason to vote against them. if you want him to show up at your healing you cannot hold them in the morning. also they say that every man and his family and his immediate family has served, tony bobulinski, but every man and biden's family has benefited from this corruption. people are under oath and here's the answer to your question on moving the needle. yes. he was not under oath against that debate against president trump. especially when people from fox news have asked if he has discussed certain things with his son. now that these people are under oath they can go to jail for perjury.
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penalty of perjury. so now the testimonies and details are very different. we are placing him at the seams of the crime. if you will. last point, it's hard for any of us to understand how the joe biden made money off of joe biden. we listen for free every day and we do not want to. so who pays for all of this? >> kayleigh: politically, kevin mccarthy seat will be filled within too much so what is this go in terms of in the future? >> joe: it goes nowhere. you have to get a two-thirds conviction in the senate for this impeachment. so something that has a lot of noise right now. tony bobulinski was like mike tyson. i love the first line that he had should allow hunter to give the opening statement first and we know why hunter biden wasn't there he would have to defend the indefensible and he would watch a human meltdown. but democrats are hoping for
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here is that the media will not cover this or they will dismiss it or mark the hearings and sure enough during the mornings i've checked everywhere else on cnn and nbc they are not covering this because that would be uncomfortable to the president that they serve. >> kayleigh: you always bring the receipts, joe concha. so stay with us. we need to see hunter's res response. new developments in texas legal battle over the lot to arrest and deport suspected people who are crossing the border. ♪ ♪ my psoriasis was all over. then my joints started hurting, found out it was psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected?
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court now says texas cannot arrest migrants suspected of illegally crossing the border and that ruling came hours after the supreme court said that the law known as senate bill four could be enforced as legal proceedings unfolding. now the future of it remains unclear. both sides and the biden administration just wrapped up the oral arguments in the fifth circuit court of appeals but even if texas does gain the ability to arrest and deport people who cross the border mexico says they will send them right back. >> emily: since the law was debated last year, mexico categorically rejects any measure that allow a state or local authorities to exercise immigration control and to arrest and returned nationals or foreigners to mexican territory. >> kayleigh: so mexico is bossing the u.s. around telling us not sending americans here they just say don't send mexico back to mexico? this is how ridiculous things
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are now. i think we do have a preview of what is ultimately going to happen since the supreme court upheld this. >> kellyanne: look, the state have to have the ability to protect their states. we are a sovereign nation that a president and a vice president who give them titles to do nothing. that are not protecting the national sovereignty or keeping a essay for not enforcing the law. the state of texas is saying we have a solution that is working i know you may discuss this later but america needs to know that they need to conflate the two things happening you have one federal judge saying that illegal people can carry a firearm and they have a second amendment right which is a u.s. constitutional right to carry firearm. but the state of texas cannot arrest ill undocumented people t because they broke the law that
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way -- and we have all these new nationals coming in all over the place we are not allowed to know if they are criminals. >> part of the point that they are making is that we are not responding to any state or local law we only respond to the federal government law. but what about the contact with that state? >> the federal government role and the executive and the legislature so they say that the federal government has on doubts and power are very illegal immigration if she's right about that. anomers power and greg says wait federal government you broke the contact with the states and has led to this. >> kayleigh: undocumented immigrants piling of crimes and loosing that into cases and we seen that a few years agago so e broken this between the states in the constitution says hey you shall protect the states from an invasion that is article four section four. and they s not only that but
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federal law passed by the legislature demands that you take certain action. in fact the attorney general shall take into custody certain migrants. because you haven't enforced the law of congress -- that is what we are dealing with. a president who has abdicated his duty. >> that is right and because of that ainsley, we have no other choice you failed to protect us. >> ainsley: texas has the right to do this and the supreme court should have the supreme say. and they probably will. the two of you are saying that this will eventually get back to the supreme court but texas has the right to do this and i will tell you what scares me, looking at the list we don't know who's coming in right carrion. we know terrorists are coming in and we hear all of these experts talk to congress during these hearings and they are so worried about this and christopher wray said that he has never seen it like this before. we can have another 9/11 that is
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very scary and this man, joe biden who is running for president wants to let illegal undocumented people in. if we do something illegal we are treated like donald trump. >> joe: the fact that the biden administration is fighting this tooth and nail as far as texas trying to support the border tells you everything you need to know. this is now a 75/25 issue. 75% of the american see this is very serious and for the first time many people are saying that many people are supporting a border wall at this point. if i am donald trump and he debates joe biden at september i would ask them if you support a border wall or eviscerating catch and release. i want to hear the answers on that because right now he's on the 25% part of the 75/25% is issue. >> that is right. think about where your issues and tax dollars are going to go.
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>> obama appointed judge rules that ill undocumented immigrants have the right to own guns. up next. ♪ ♪
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citizenship. >> they are trying to blow the line between citizenship and people who are here undoc undocumented. they are trying to mark the gun law and the whole understanding of the valley of being a citizen of the united states of america. it has to be a distinction between citizenship and noncitizenship. if there is no distinction between having documents are not being documented on being a citizen versus not being a citizen what is the point? >> valid question. imagine you are a citizen in new york and you are forced to walk to work and there are thefts and carjackings and gunshots on youray to work. and you own a gun. let's go back to time before 2022. you apply for a gun you show proper cause but wait, living or working in that area are noted for criminal activity does not suffice. you were denied a gun and two
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years later you realize that undocumented immigrants can have guns. >> kayleigh: saying yes, you can get a gun but not be a undocumented immigrants can as well. are you willing to uphold all of our gun rights now are you just try to make a statement? that's the question i would love it answer to. >> it's just putting the governments back in its place and stopping and infringing people's rights to bear arms. but he is trying to hold that arm in chicago it's a nonviolent felony. >> emily: he's no threat or no man is so sure let him have it. they construed that lot and his favorite but the rest of us are second-tier. >> kellyanne: going back to the previous segment you understand why they don't want the illegal crossing to count as a legality. you can have other benefits you can fill out to the extent that they want to do that and you
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don't have to say that you are a criminal. so, if you are in chicago right now i am going to guess that the only right to bear arms would be those beautiful biceps and that must delete sharp. but if you illegal immigrant you have a different right to bear arms and people are going to see that for what it is. people feel like the sky is green and the grass is blue in our federal government right n now. and i know when we do the trump campaign in 2016 he put out his list of 21 possible supreme court justices and he talked about the name the people it really helped many others and you see the importance of the judiciary now they have so much right and responsibility of our issues. and this just struck so many people as insane and should be overturned. >> yes and again if you apply for a gun license here it takes years if ever but apparently you cross the border illegally and
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you get a gun. >> joe: how's this for a lot instead, if you were caught with a firearm and you came here without documents you deported. someone answer me this question how do you do a background check on someone who has no background. under congress it is a federal crime for undocumented people to carry firearms. so why did this judge go rogue unless there may be trying to appease those who are here undocumented, which seems like they have more rights than those who were born or lived here as a citizen. >> several things, i agree with all of you you do not have the right. the constitution is made for americans. joe biden -- do you remember someone came into the country that had ties from lebanon and said he was making bombs and he was getting ready for another attack. they are here and there are
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undocumented and they should not be making bombs and she raced up her tennis shoes and go around and we have no idea what was going to happen to her. we hear the stories over and over and it's enough. >> this defined activist judge. keep that in mind when you are voting. coming up it is a won for president trump. plus, president biden is back on the campaign trail and back on his knees for begging latinos to his knees for begging latinos to support him to stay in the white house. for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa.
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: there is not just five days until former donald
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trump half a billion dollar bond is due. if donald trump cannot secure the cash by monday the new york attorney general may begin seizing his properties in the state of. >> emily: eric is live with more details. >> it turns out that donald trump half a billion dollar bond is not the largest ever saw it and in a new court filing this morning letitia james said that he should be able to pay up. the clock is ticking right now. donald trump has to come up with that money on monday just five days from today or the attorney general could seize trump's tower and some of the former president's other assets. his lawyer says he does not have enough cash to cover the $454 million bond that stems from that civil fraud judgment that was issued by judge arthur last month. but they say "there is nothing unusual about even billion dollar judges fully bonded on
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appeal. they are unable to do post a bond or deposit because their assets are tied up in property rather than cash" multiple bronze had been listed in previous cases that are much larger than trumps. some worth $1 million to just over half a billion dollar amount is now three times more than the former presidents. >> we have a lot of cash and we have a great company but they want to take it away or take the cash element away. >> trumps lawyers are asking that they state the penalty until the peels are formerly exhausted or accept a smaller bond. >> the ball is in the debtor's court. donald trump to do everything possible to get that bond because if not, that there well may have been that he may have to sell assets. >> all of this is playing out in the courts of new york state and a georgia case there the state judge has just ruled that
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his codefendants can appeal the ruling that allowed fani willis who was still on case. after the judge ruled that either he or fani willis must step aside because of a potential conflict of interest. emily? >> emily: thank you eric. meantime the joe biden campaign is desperate to win over hispanic voters. back in 2020 he tried to appeal to the base not with policies but instead through song. >> ♪ ♪ >> there you go dance a little bit. [laughter] >> their first lady try to help and she addressed a latino civil rights group in texas where they compared the hispanic
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community to breakfast tacos. >> the diversity of this community as distinct as the bronx and as beautiful as the place in miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in san antonio. [laughter] is your strength. >> emily: just when you thought it couldn't get any worse she had to apologize for that. as 2024 approaches they showed the struggle to really and hispanic votes. they have donald trump leading over biden. so they are having kamala harris rally the base in a new political ad. >> the president and i are securing pathways for citizenship including for the dreamers and their families and to make the immigration system
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more orderly and humane. and when we fight, we win. [cheers and applause] >> emily: if this doesn't seem desperate or offensive enough. brabiden launched his new initiative at a restaurant. >> we need your help desperately. kamala harris and i need your help. >> kellyanne: doesn't have enough hispanics to stay in? i mean he had that mural behind him of stereotypical people. everywhere you look at this, hispanics have so many reasons to dump biden and kamala harris. the main one is the border how cynical for them to believe that and the nine years that he has elevated into the international consciousness his view is unfair. nine years later they still think that attacking
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donald trump on the border is going to get that hispanic vote and they were also upset that they are hostile to religion and dave mask their kids and get them home for two years and the economic that is being lost to them -- i think donald trump is going to try to pick -- >> that's what a lot of americans care about you don't just shelf part of americans into a box that the democrats in the bidens like to drop. >> joe: look at 2020 joe biden one by 30 points over donald trump. now that's a 30c6 swing currenty if that is going to be result on election day it is lights out. always judge a politician -- anyone by that action and never their words. here you have joe biden going to arizona and texas. he's not going to the border which will be a very big problem
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because texas is not handling the problem at least temporarily as far as migration so not arizona is a hot spot. if you care about hispanic so much that you would go to the border like one of those hot spots if he truly showed you cared about the problem because to kelly and point they don't like the fact that undocumented people are coming to this country and taken away their jobs. and it is hard to reverse that by a couple of speeches and the ad. >> kellyanne: isn't it interesting that he says in the speeches that i need you back. so he is acknowledging that i have lost you. but why is he losing the vote? you had a beautiful list there and you are right. >> kayleigh: the gas prices are going up, inflation, we look at biting and he is so weak and other leaders l look at him the same rate and they want to defund police and i talk to someone who came to america she did it the right way from brazil, she came here to work and have to get a sponsor and
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couldn't go home for years. >> ainsley: felt wasn't until she became a citizen and she watches fox news all the time and she just open the border lee in. that's how people feel they do with the right way. look at people in cuba down in florida. they know what socialism looks like and they don't want this. >> when you look at the polling donald trump is pulling in at 43% especially with nonwhite voters that's an enormous group of people. and then you flip over to young people and he is winning young people in arizona by eight and that is donald trump and he is also winning over the young people in pennsylvania. this is daunting for the batting campaign they have to bring in young people and black voters and latino voters and try to wear independent will while not ostracizing progressive. >> emily: that is a tall order and i'm not sure he can do it
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with the song "d'esposito" >> joe: did you do the macarena also? that was banned from my wedding. >> he asked. >> which is say they are developing a pill that could mimic the benefits of working out you take it? we will discuss after this. ♪ ♪ our worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. i just always thought, “dog food is dog food” i didn't really piece together that dogs eat food. as soon as we brought the farmer's dog in, her skin was better, she was more active. if i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think it's worth it. visit life, diabetes, there's no slowing down.
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>> sandra: coming up the latest in the hunter biden hearing plus we hear a lot from texas as the supreme court rules that the state of texas can now arrest migraines crossing the border illegally. a big interest rate decision moments from now that will affect you and your money come join john roberts and me lies as "america's reports" will come up at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: if you are sick and tired of hitting the gym you may just be in luck researchers at washington university are testing a new exercise pill and this bill could potentially mimic the physical benefits of a full workup.
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it still has a long way to go many americans are already wondering though if you would take it. we have a correspondent live with more details. i know you love your soul cycling so would you take this pill? >> no way. never. do you remember that old saying no pain no gain. there might be an easier way do not tell richard simmons or denise. the researchers you mentioned spent a decade on new drug compounds that appear in molecule form two mimic the physical exercise and rodents. it could be beneficial for older people with physical limitations or folks who cannot find time to work out but the lead professor says do not give up that give membership this year. says do not give up that give the fort for people who get exercise that can be great you can always -- you should always exercise and i'm not stopping exercise i don't think it will replace fitness in
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actuality in any way. >> let us all be honest we are all human so we put this question to the test and watch this. >> probably because i don't work out. probably. depends on what's in it. >> that's an interesting question of course yes. i think so. >> absolutely not. because then it's less fun. >> no way. what will i do with all my time? >> what would we do with our time. if you raise your hand for the yes you will have to wait longer because this is just in the early druggist discovery stage it will be several more years before clinical trials and then comes human testing. meanwhile lay still snickers up emily and get over the soul cycling. >> emily: i will see you there. bringing it back to the couch. any thoughts on this? >> kayleigh: if i knew how all of this would affect us in 50 years i would say yes i will
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take one of the diet pills where you are not hungry and you lose weight. so then i don't have to go to the gym. i do not like going to the gym i only want to live a long life and meet my grandkids one day i don't want to be super flabby anything like that. but i do not like it. i have fun but i am not one of those people who says no i am not depressed anymore. >> ainsley: god created our bodies to be like this and he wants us to work out and take care of it that is in the bible treat your body like a temple. so no i will not take this pill i am too scared of it i don't know how it will affect me in 20 years. >> that's the point we don't know these effects so people will say i'll do anything and then cut to we are not rodents. we don't know how will it affect his. >> delete researchers that we could not dismiss exercising.
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i love exercising because it's my chance to watch terrible reality television shows on my treadmill and my chance to have my moment and i feel like i am truly walking on sunshine when i get off the treadmill. there is no way this raises your heart rate or low is it. >> i think i might change my attitude. >> joe: this will be a big hit because 7 out of 10 americans are either overweight or obese and that is by choice for a lot of that. i don't like the whole excuse i don't have time to exercise you can find 20 minutes a day to get something done but as a former athlete myself. at the high school level, exercise brings your things like camaraderie and accomplishment at things mentally that if pill can never replace as you note. >> emily: i hear them on that small subset of people who are older and think this could help but the average american who was just cutting a corner what's wrong with hard work?
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>> people who are inclined to take the exercise pill are people who do not exercise. they may push back and say i don't know if i'll be around for another 20 years of the side effects come down to 20 years -- but i think we should just take a cut that they seems to be a poll for any think they were not any thinner or any happy or any less depressed. >> kellyanne: are even nicer to each other frankly but also think about those benefits. i think exercise used to be a little bit more of a family affair now it seems like a very singular thing. when my kids were that age i couldn't wait when the last one was napping and i would run on the treadmill but i was doing that for them and i wanted to be there for a long time. you can't get the same effect for everything after just taking a pill. every thursday night and then my sword class. >> joe: a sword?
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>> it's me. how is this the second most incredible thing i've seen to today? speak of the surprises you?
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have you learned nothing from today? it is you. >> that was a clip of jesus christ walking on water in the popular show "the chosen" ainsley sat down with the creator and it's about the life of jesus christ, the hit series, if you haven't seen it you must. it portrays them develop eyes of his disciples and has a profound effect on the viewers as well as the cast. we do not have a sound bite of that, ainsley, i thought we did. >> you will just have to watch it. >> yes, this series is so powerful, my dad and my family have watched it like three times, four times probably what did you learn? >> i sat down, we interviewed jonathan were me who play jesus we have interviewed him on ""fox & friends"" that's the picture of him, that's noah james who plays andrew, one of
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jesus' disciples, and the vp of content watched the pilot. she says watch the pilot for 30 seconds, i will know if it's going to be hit or not, this one i watched the whole thing, i pitched it to the people she was working for an mgm and they tried to get up it was taken by angel studio so she works there but she is phenomenal and he tells the story, he is actually jewish and he talked about how this is changing his life and what he is learning from this, is that it's from israel so he can relate to a lot of the scenes of the disciples that were jewish went through and she talked about her faith in the christ and how she is still on fire for jesus so we have episodes series of seasons one, two, three, season four is still in the movie theaters but they announced in the special you can go to the theaters, take your children because it is family-friendly and you can bend it over easter. that was the surprising amounts. we have a clip so let's watch it. >> and was met with the most
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welcoming open armed family truly. so again, i enter with trepidation and i felt like it in these final years i've learned more about the teachings of jesus and that message i would have learned before the show and my whole life prior to being cast. >> he also talked about the disciples and they are just like us. they have egos, they argued, they had financial problems, they couldn't pay their taxes, they were charged extra interest and it is told through their eyes as well and you see the miracles of christ, if you watch the simon after being on the road with jesus forever and his wife is like it and here i haven't seen you in months and the other disciples are like lettuce in and he is like oh, my gosh, can you leave me alone? >> catch it on fox nation today, america reports, excus


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