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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  March 20, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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number 4, the unabomber manifesto. >> jesse: yes. >> greg: you also beat the anarchist cookbook. and you also beat karl marx. capital and critique of political economy. so, you are the true radical writer. >> jesse: thank you, america. thank you. >> greg: did you think they would even consider you thought? [laughter] anyway. judge? >> judge jeanine: tonight, i'm hosting "the ingraham angle" at 7:00 p.m. and, also, i want you to look at this. a woman named charlotte gave a completely new meaning to picking up guys at a bar quite literally makes bets with men she would be able to lift them and makes so much money doing so she calls it a great side hustle. >> woe. >> greg: imagine in a guy did that. >> jesse: greg, don't get any ideas. >> greg: all right have. great night. >> bret: just imagine. okay, greg.
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thanks. good evening. i'm bret baier. latest efforts by republicans to impeach president biden. heard from a key hunter biden associate about influence peddling allegations. but the president's son was a no-show. democrats insist this is much ado about nothing. correspondent david spunt starts us off tonight with the latest. good evening, david. >> david: bret, good evening. this hearing just ended literally minutes ago 8 hours with democrats and republicans expressing anger and frustration. even some laughter after it began the hearing turned into proxy fight with joe biden and donald trump squaring off. >> should i allow hunter to give his opening statement first? >> it doesn't appear mr. biden showed up for public hearing we'll recognize blue bobulinski. >> thank you, mr. chairman. >> tony bobulinski, a former hunter biden business associate defiant, sitting next to an empty chair reserved for the president's son. of the president himself, the focus of today's hearing on
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alleged influence peddling. >> joe biden was more than a participant and beneficiary shearp of his family's business. he was active, aware enabler. >> this investigation is not about hunter biden. it's go joe biden and the lies he continues to tell the american people. >> democrats also focusing on former president donald trump and his family businesses. including dealings with saudi arabiaen interest. by son-in-law and former white house aide jared kushner. >> we all know the truth, donald trump is the quintessential influence peddler and chief. >> democrats witnessed levy parnas a former rudy giuliani associate who spent months looking into alleged biden corruption scandal in ukraine? nearly a year traveling the world different officials and countries i found precisely zero evidence of the biden's corruption in ukraine. no credible source has ever provided proof of criminal activity. >> par necessary recently spent several months behind bars for campaign finance violations and
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wire fraud. testifying remotely jason galanis a former hunter biden business associate serving a 14 year federal sentence for securities fraud. >> he is sitting in prison for scamming workers' pensions. how low can you get. >> part of the impeachment probe sources tell fox news. there may be a growing g.o.p. reluctance privately to take an actual impeachment vote on the house floor. publicly republicans plan to move forward with criminal referrals to the justice department. bret? >> bret: david, thanks. president biden is on the second day of his western campaign swing. today in arizona, he came bearing gifts if the form of grants and loans for semiconductor production. while, back in washington, the epa unbe veiled a gift for environmentalists. white house correspondent peter doocy has details tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, peter. >> peter: good evening, bret.
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this is going to be president biden's second night in a row in a border state. and white house officials try to get a lot of local news conch when they go on trips like this. i just checked. the website for multiple local outlets in dallas. they have all got stories on the home page about the border but president biden does not plan to go. >> a clean energy boom. >> and today an olive branch to labor unions whose members build cars and environmentalists. a new requirement for more than half of new vehicle sales to be electric bimodal year 2032. the president says three years ago i set an ambitious target that half of all new cars and trucks sold in 2030 would be zero emission. and will meet my goal for 2030 and race forward in the years ahead. you have my word. that isenning panned as, quote, a reckless and ill informed rule by senator joe manchin, democrat, and many republicans. >> we're now telling the consumer what to buy? >> the president's influence over allies may be waning
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because this week president biden asked israel to stay out of rafah where the white house says more than a million refugees are stuck until plans to move them are finished. israel may not want to wait. >> i have already approved the idf's operational plan. >> republicans argue president biden's priority in reversal uncommitted votes in swing states. >> when joe biden talks about two state solution. seems like the only thing is he really interested in are michigan and nevada. >> foreign policy almost entirely missing from the president's remarks today, he stuck to traditional election issues at one point comparing prescription drug prices in the u.s. to iraq. >> jump on air force one and fly to any country any major city in the world from toronto to berlin to baghdad, anywhere around the world you would be able to buy for 40% to 60% less. it's wrong. >> president biden got a big endorsement tonight, the 850,000 member strong united steelworks
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union, they say they were thinking about this for months. but it comes just a week after president biden said he did not want a japanese company to buy u.s. steel. president biden said he wanted to show the u.s. steelworks that he had their backs, now they have his back. and union headquarters is in pennsylvania, which is the jewel of president biden's blue wall electoral strategy. bret? >> bret: peter does ybs, live on the north lawn. thanks. the federal reserve keeps its key interest rate unchanged but says three cuts are coming this year. all three major wall street markets had record closings today. they liked that news. the dow surging 401. the s&p 500 was up 46. the nasdaq jumped 203. ♪ >> bret: tonight getting a close look how seriously some fans of the social media app. tiktok are taking the congressional effort
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that could result in its banishment. congressional correspondent aishah hasnie is on capitol hill this evening with this story. good evening, aishah. >> good evening to you, bret. you know, we have been hearing a lot of stories from senate offices about some tiktok users calling and threatening these senators. well tonight, senator thom tillis is actually releasing audio of a voice mail he received from what appears to be a young woman threatening to kill him if he bans tiktok. listen to this. >> listen. [shouting] >> if you ban tiktok i will find you and shoot you. [laughter] that's people's jobs. and that's my only entertainment. anyways, i will shoot you and find you and cut you into pieces. [laughter] bye. >> does it actually help their case? it hurts their case. shame on tiktok for not discouraging it. >> so tiktok is responding to this tonight, posting on x threats like this are unacceptable and we condemn this in the strongest possible terms
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adding that users who do want to speak out should do in a respectful manner. well, right now the senate is moving cautiously on that house bill which requires the app. divorce its chinese owner bytedance or face a ban. today senator got a classified briefing on tiktok and we could see ceo che. she wants a tiktok hearing, too. her concern is whether the bill can hold up against lawsuits. >> the whole issue is constitutionality, making sure it upholds in court. we want our government to have a very strong tool to stop nefarious actions, so the question is how do we get that? the house has one proposal. we are going to look at all of these. >> aishah: bret, nobody, not even majority leader chuck schumer is giving anyone any clues about when we could finally see some action on the floor. bret? >> bret: aishah hasnie live on the hill, aishah, thanks. ♪ ♪ texas law allowing state
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officials allowing suspected illegal immigrants back on hold tonight. federal appeals court preventing enforcement following a ruling by the u.s. supreme court that aended a temporary stay. following all the back and forth the legal wranglings here. correspondent nate foy is in eagle pass, texas tonight. >> today texas made its case in court to enforce senate bill 4 now. the law allows texas to arrest and deport migrants without referring them to border patrol. >> texas has a right to defend itself. at least some applications of s.b. 4 are constitutional. >> district court initially blocked the law from taking effect. the decision the federal government agrees with. >> all the district court did preserving the federal system been in effect for 150 years. >> the biden administration
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argues the law interferes with federal authority over our borders arrests the supreme court found in several politicians of a 2012 arizona law. texas argues its law is different because s.b. 4 mirrors rather than contradicts federal law. congrcongressman tony gonzales s this legal back and forth battle is forcing americans to suffer immediate consequences. >> if the biden administration spent as much time trying to fix the border as they are trying to block things from happening, americans would be a whole lot safer for that. >> texas governor greg abbott calls it an invasion. >> how many terrorists are roaming the united states of america as we speak in the answer is no one knows. >> right now illegal crossings in texas are down as numbers skyrocket in measure's west. with arizona's tucson sector leading the way and several large migrant groups crossing into you couple ba, california today. >> right now we are awaiting a
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decision on the three-judge panel upon texas can enforce the law over the next few weeks before the federal appeals court hears arguments about the constitutionality of the law coming up on april 3rd. bret? >> nate foy in eagle pass. nate, thanks. up next, brit hume has analysis of today's big stories and yesterday's primary results. first, beyond our borders tonight. irish prime minister rad kerr says he is stepping down for reasons he described as both personal and political. investor rad kerr made history as this country's first gay and first by racial leader. he will be replaced as prime minister in april after a party leadership contest. >> ukraine's emergency service says one person was killed and five wounded in a russian strike in kharkiv city. an industrial building caught fire as a result of that strike, rescue workers were searching for advisers.
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under the debris. and this is a live look at london, one of the big stories there tonight, britain's foreign secretary david cameron and his thai counter part sign strategic agreement in bangkok. the two countries will promote comprehensive cooperation trade and defense and security and a green economy. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ like one, two, three ♪ i'll be there ♪ and i know when i need it ♪ i can count on you we worked hard to build up the shop, sa t we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love.
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>> bret: president biden and former president trump easily won will presidential preference elections on in arizona. nikki haley received about 18.5% of the vote. she dropped out of the race two weeks ago. and cleveland businessman bernie moreno won the republican senate primary in ohio. he was endorsed by former president trump. moreno will take on democratic incumbent senator sherrod brown, considered by many as vulnerable. the judge overseeing the georgia election interference case against former president trump has cleared the way for an appeal of his ruling allowing the prosecutor to remain on the team. the judge granted the request by
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defense attorney seeking permission to ask the georgia court of appeals to review that ruling. last week the judge denied the defense's request to disqualify fulton county district attorney fani willis or dismiss the indictment over h her romantic relationship with special prosecutor nathan wade. the judge saying willis can remain on the case if wade resigns, which he did. >> did you witness the president commit a crime? is it your testimony today. >> yes. >> and what crime? >> corruption statutes, ricco and conspiracy. >> what is it -- >> fara. >> what is the crime? >> i answered the question. ricco. you are obviously not familiar with. >> ricco is not a crime. it is a category. what is. >> oh, no. it's a category of crimes that you are then charged under. >> bret: fiery at times during that house hearing. tony bobulinski and there you see alexandria ocasio-cortez, the congresswoman from new york.
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let's bring in fox news chief political analyst brit hume. brit, i know you saw the hearing. what was your take on that exchange and others? >> brit: well, not long after the part we just heard there, alexandria ocasio-cortez was reclaiming her time, which is what you see happen on capitol hill sometimes when a witness is testifying and being questioned and the questioner, the member of congress doesn't particularly like the answer or wanted -- don't want to hear the witness explain his or her answer, so you reclaim your time, t which s a funny thing to do when your time is supposedly for you to ask questions and witness to give answers. that happens all the time. i think this testimony in this hearing today by tony bobulinski gives an example of the fact that he, bobulinski, more than almost any other witness, has established that joe biden certainly knew what his son's business dealings were and knew many of his business associates.
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and the idea as biden used to say that he never discussed his business dealings with his son, i think that's been pretty well established to be not true. the larger question, of course, bret, as we know is that you have to establish not just that joe biden's family benefited from influence peddling by his family, which was certainly ongoing, but that he personally did. that link has not yet been connected. but, there has always been this larger question, too, of how joe biden or senator and later vice president's salary got to be so rich that he had this fabulous place, spread of this compound really up in wilmington, delaware and it house at rehoboth beach and a very nice house at rehoboth beach. and he clearly lives the life of a rich man. he made some money speaking, certainly, after he was out of office for while. but the question remains and the
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committee investigating him hasn't completely answered it in a way that proves that he took money improperly. >> bret: yeah. and chairman comer is inviting president biden to testify as well. i doubt that's going anywhere. buff, that's coming out, apparently tonight. turning topics now to the issue of abortion on the general election, brit, wabc radio former president trump suggests he supports a national ban at 15 weeks. the number of weeks now people are agreeing on, 15 and i'm thinking in terms of that. and it will come down to something that's very reasonable but people are really even hardliners are agreeing seems to be 15 weeks seems to be a number that people are agreeing at. biden campaign put out a statement saying after overturning roe trump is making national abortion ban a hallmark of his campaign for the presidency. your thoughts on this, the issue and how it plays? >> brit: well, certainly an issue that republicans have struggled with since the reversal of roe v. wade, and, in
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some places, you know, you have six week bans. the country is not with the republicans any kind of a complete ban it. may not be with him with the republicans on a six week ban. but 15 weeks is a different story. and republicans are grappling and groping for a way to speak to this issue because democrats, a great many of them, although they talk about what republicans are trying to do themselves in many cases are for no restrictions whatsoever. that is not a majority position either. so, i think as you see republicans moving in direction, can you see donald trump doing the same thing. and i think he recognizes this is an issue that has hurt republicans. it is not particularly high on the current list of priorities for most people in the polling. but it is one that republicans need to find a way to talk to because it's hurt them in the past and with 15 weeks they may be closer to the mark if that's where it ends up being a full republican position. closer to the mark than anywhere they have been before struggling with something to sasay.
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>> bret: 15 weeks matches a lot of european countries as well. brit, as always, thank you. up next, one democrat, one republican. we try to find common ground on bipartisan efforts to get rid of fentanyl and the new drug tranq . enjoy fly fishing and america's finest trout stream. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to three forks to book your luxury experience. i was born to live in the limelight. but psoriasis kept me in the shadows. until i got clearer skin with bimzelx. most people got 100% clear skin. some after the first dose. serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior,
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>> why? important? >> bret, we do a report every year that the state department does that really shines the light on what nations around the world are doing to stop drug trafficking. right now the focus has really been on fernt and some other important drugs that get trafficked. but this uptick in the use of xylazine, thankizer developed for veterinary uses that has serious, serious health c consequences. we both worked on tranq related legislation in the past. we want to add tranq xylazine to this international narcotics control strategy report so that we shine a spotlight on the add actors and then the congress can hopefully take efforts against them. >> senator cruz, how does this happen like in the senate? do you just go to each other and say this is a good idea? how does it physically the process happen of getting together on this bipartisan deal? >> well, listen, the underlying substance, tranq is a real problem. it's a growing drug abuse, you
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know, we had last year over 100,000 americans die of drug overdoses and tranq is rising. it's called a zombie drug. tim and i teamed up together to say let's get ahead of this. the let's stop young people from taking this drug and losing their lives. but in terms of how it happens, i will tell you a dirty little secret which is that tim and i really like each other. >> yeah, we do. >> we work together a lot. we were both elected on the same day in 2012. tim, i'm sorry i may hurt you in the democrat primary in virginia. but tim and i have teamed up on a lot of things over the last 12 years. i will tell you one of my favorite things that tim and i did together was when there were comments in the house of representatives that were really anti-semitic and troublesome, and the house tried to pass a resolution condemning anti-semitism, and it couldn't. tim and i sat down and we said look, can the senate do better? and we drafted together a resolution that was a clear and unequivocal condemnation of
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anti-semitism and it ended up passing unanimously on the floor of the senate. i think tawas really important to show not everything is partisan and we could come together on issues that are really important why do a lot more together. cooperation isn't sexy. so, when we do stuff together, it's not likely to get the attention as when we have democrats. this is one, look, the effect that tranq epidemic is having. you can have any senator standing here they are really worried about it. one thing in particucular, tranq get cut into fentanyl. you often help somebody out of a fentanyl overdose with narcan. narcan doesn't help mitigate the consequences of tranq. so you see somebody and they are in an overdose and you think narcan is going to save their life. narcan doesn't hurt people that have taken tranq but it also doesn't help them or save them. so this is a really serious problem. >> bret: i want to play this soundbite from another virginia senator mark warner about tiktok. take a listen. >> this is not about trying to get rid of the creativity. this is not about trying to
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eliminate you're deleting money new are a social influencer. it's about the ability to make sure that this creativity happening on this platform can't be manipulated by the communist party in china. >> >> bret: senator kaine i have read you said the devil is in the details on this bill and you haven't fully committed to it. where are you on the tiktok divesture from where it is and away from the ccp? and dufault the pressure that other senators have talked about publicly. >> i will look at the house bill as soon as we get this headache-inducing appropriations bill off our shoulders hopefully by the end of the week. i will take a look at the bill. ted is on the committee. that bill would go through commerce and some effort to take a look at the house bill, the senate bill and take the best of both and come up with the right balance. >> senator cruz, you were in that briefing, the national security briefing. >> yeah. i'm very concerned about tiktok. really on two different levels.
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number one the threat it poses of espionage and surveillance. chinese party monitoring. 170 million americans use tiktok and they have the ability to monitor what they are saying and when they are doing on their phones and where they're. i think it's a real privacy risk to americans who may not realize that the chinese government has that ability. secondly, i'm deeply cononcerned about the chinese communist party using tiktok to push propaganda. to push propaganda that it's supporting. we have seen lots of instances number one of their pushing propaganda in support of the chinese communist party. suppressing information about tiananmen square and hong kong and tibet. on top of that they are pushing all sorts of harmful garbage to our kids, self-harm, cutting. it's amazing. tiktok actually has a comparable product that they market in china. and in china they limit the hours their kids can use it and they push videos on math and science and education. they are trying to have their students study and be really effective. here they are pushing our kids
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to chew tide pods. what i think will happen is the commerce committee will set it for a markup. will consider it on the merits. i hope we will have a full and open amendment process. i'm not convinced the language the house passside exactly what it will be in law. but i'm glad the house is acting to address this very serious threat. and one thing to understand this bill is not about banning tiktok. for the people who use tiktok and enjoy it, this is not about getting rid of that. what it is about is forcing china to divest. getting tiktok out of control of the chinese communist party. getting it ithe hands of an american company. getting it in the hands of anyone other than china or an enemy of america. i think is very important and will benefit the users of tiktok and everyone else, too. >> bret: this is not common ground here. but this is march madness. [laughter] >> bret: senator kaine you have virginia's james madison dukes. it looks like in the tournament
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and you have a lot more competitors from texas. you have the texas rng horns. texas cougars. texas tech. tcu horn frogs and baylor bears. is there some betting going on there. >> uva lost in the play in game. james madison and long wood. i would not bet much money for with my virginia teams against houston or any of the texas teams. >> bret: that's pretty good for you senator cruz. >> tim and i have a long history of sports betting when the world series when the played the gnats. wager. tragically we lost that series. i had to show up texas barbecue and shine that balk beer and even worse i had to wear a gnats jerseys. this time i feel confident texas going to do better than virginia in the tournament. i will tell you my final four. i have uconn and baylor against university of houston and texas. it's kind of a homer bracket.
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>> wow. i think so. >> final is houston against baylor. i'm predicting u of h go ciewx to win it all. >> bret: senators, thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having us. >> bret: thank you. see all the "common ground" segments on my podcasts common ground and find that in the all-star panel pododcasts under the bret baier podcasts at podcasts spotify or wherever you download podcasts see the full discussion on the fox news youtube page. ♪ >> bret: up next, one american state is saying thanks but no thanks to investment in china. plus, all the benefits of exercise without actually doing it. sounds impossible. well, maybe not. but would you take this pill? >> is that a trick question? of course. yes. >> need to sweat every morning. >> no. i enjoy working out. ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great.
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>> bret: state department officials say they have evacuated more than 15 u.s. citizens from haiti via helicopter today. state department saying they were taken to the dominican republic. the department estimates 30 u.s. citizens will be able to depart
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this way each day during this effort. charges have been dropped against the father of an american serviceman killed during the withdrawal of the u.s. troops from afghanistan. steven couey yelled abby gate, abby gate during president biden's state of the union address. that was a reference to where his son and 12 other troops were killed. capitol police removed him from the chamber and then arrested him. d.c. attorney general dropped the charges after they were challenged by various republican lawmakers. >> pushing back on investments from foreign adversaries. prohibiting countries such as china and russia from buying or leasing farmland. correspondent garrett tenney in is in value pa raise zoe, indiana tonight. >> we have got to protect our farmland and not get it in the
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hands. >> when america can't feed itself and rely on other countries to feed us it becomes a national security issue. >> bipartisan warnings on capitol hill today over the threat to the u.s. food supply as china tries to buy up large amounts of american farmland. while washington mauls its own legislation a number of states taking action, including indiana which just became the 24th state to restrict the sale of farmland to america's adversaries, namely russia, north korea, iran, venezuela, cuba, and most importantly they say china. >> especially the chinese pick very strategic locations. >> while crafting the bill, indiana state senator jeanizeing says lawmamakers learned that companies tied to the chinese communist party were in active negotiations on at least 11 deals for farmland in the state and that some sites could have posed a security threat. including one where two major railroads intersect and another
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over a huge aquifer a key source of water supply to mow that's a warning what are we doing in indiana. >> one of the companies trying to buy up farmland in indiana fufeng group made news when it bought north dakota 12 miles from grand forks air force base a move that air force and national security officials said posed a significant national security concern. the latest figures from the usda says chinese owns 400,000 acres of american farmland we know of. that is less than a tenth of a percent of all farmland in the u.s. lawmakers believe china likely owns a lot more than that that is why they are pushing for federal regulation to both track and limit these kinds of sales. bret? >> bret: garrett tenney in indiana,gate, thanks. so how would you like to have the benefits of exercises without the effort? sounds too good to be true. scientists are actually working on a pill that might let you do
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that, apparently. correspondent griff jenkins has details tonight. >> i need to sweat every morning or my day is not to have a good start. >> i will take the pill. [laughter] >> researchers at the washington university school of medicine in st. louis say an exercise pill may soon offer the same benefits as a workout using drug compounds that mimic muscle building and physical endurance. >> boost natural metabolic pathways that typical respond to exercise. make the body act like it's straining while it's not straining. >> the professor says his team has been working for a decade to find a solution to help those who have difficulty being active. >> physical limitations who cannot move, who cannot exercise, people very old age. >> but it may also appeal to those who don't have time to work out or simply want to skip the sweat. >> if somebody convinced me that it was healthy, not going to
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hurt my bed, and not going to cost me a small fortune. >> others say they depend on exercise for their well-being. >> primarily the mental health benefits and de-stressing from work and school. >> the endorphins that are release when you had run. the feel good emotion. >> even researchers agree it's not time to put away the sneakers or give up gym membership. >> i don think it replace the physical industry or anything. >> hopeful this future exercise drug could replace weight loss pills which he says causes muscle loss. >> challenge of it. pushing yourself mentally, i don't think you could do that with a pill. >> however, the weight is going to be a little longer. researchers say it will be several more years before they can begin clinical trials or human testing so no skipping that work out today. bret? >> bret: all right, griff. thank you. up next, the panel on the presidential race in the latest effort on impeachment up on the hill. first, here's what some of our
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fox affiliates around this country are covering tonight. fox 5 in new york as a u.s. marine veteran pleads not guilty to charges stemming from the death of a man on the subway last year. daniel penny is charged with second degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide. his lawyers say penny acted in self-defense after jordan neely began harassing passengers. and this is a live look at raleigh, north carolina, one of the big stories there from wral, our affiliate. the american kennel club names french bulldogs the most popular breed for u.s. dog on or abouts. the dogs remain the most commonly registered purebreds last year after frenchys, the most common breeds were labs, golden retrievers, german shepherds, and poodles. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ who let the dogs outli ♪te >> tech: my pleasure.
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♪ wages are up more than prices. inflation is down dramatically. right here in arizona, we have created 300,000 new jobs. >> despite what president biden might want us to believe, the latino community in arizona is really hurting due to inflation. >> it is still early. and what is gonna be important is our direct engagement. >> the democrats have got problems with this emerging political power of the latino communities and who are
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entrepreneurial, pro-faith, pro-family, and pro-military. wet. >> bret: well, president biden on the second dated of his western swing just landed in dallas moments ago. is he making an appeal directly to latino voters. the "wall street journal" writes it this way: why democrats are losing their grip on latino voters. the problem joe biden and hits party face this year is growing number of hispanics and other nonwhite working class voters view democrats as out of touch. white voters without a college degree have been quitting the democratic party in earnest since the obama presidency. democrats didn't expect to see hispanics follow. few predict that the g.o.p. will win a majority of latino vote this november but these inroads have smart democrats terrified. let's bring in our panel. former republican national community director hi. charles hurt, opinion editor and olivia beavers. charlie, it is really interesting to listen to the president on this trip. how much focus he putting on
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latino voters it. almost seems like there is a red alert. an alarm that has gone off to every speech focus that way. >> well,inly i think president biden is one of those democrats who is rightly terrified about what they are seeing. and, you know, it's kind of interesting to look at it from the republican standpoint. you know, for decades we heard from republicans that the only way to make inroads with the hispanic community was with amnesty and other bills that were not -- that, you know, other efforts by that were not popular among a broader audience of republicans, but, in truth, what actually brought is bringing hispanic voters to the republican side are all the things that matter to everybody else, which is a good economy of course you know, enforce laws, and a secure border. and, you know, what's really interesting when you get into these polls is when you look at the support for having secure
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borders among hispanic voters higher than it is for the general population to the voters. so, i think it's really kind of a fascinating turn of events here. and president biden is wise to be worried about it. >> bret: yeah, here he is on univision radio, very specific about the former president. >> he separated kids and parents at the border. are children. mass depoor poor stations of several million people in the country. several million people and wants to end birthright citizenship. you know, this guy despises what lenos. i understand latino values. >> bret: doug, this guy despises latinos? that's pretty bold. >> you know, we hear so boston unfortunate language that donald trump makes. we don't hears a much as we should have some of the things that joe biden says that really go over that line as well. and it demonstrates, i think,
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the fear we see within the biden campaign. look, joe biden should be in these areas. he should have been at the border much earlier. obviously we could talk about policy as well. he is acting right now out of very real political fear which makes sense. this also should be an opportunity for republicans, not just the trump campaign but house and senate and gubernatorial candidates to target hispanic media to really have a communications dialogue with hispanic voters. and on those issues that they care about, yes, immigration is one of them. the border is one of them. but jobs and the economy, what things cost, they go grocery stores, too. same ones that we do. and they are just as expensive. and that's why these numbers for biden, i think, have been so bad. >> bret: a lot of focus on the hill today, olivia, on this hearing with tony bobulinski. take another listen to the house panel and in biden impeachment hearing it is clear biden name was being told.
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sold. >> either joe biden is impolice sit or incompetent. >> name the crime. did you watch him steal something? >> corruption statutes, ricco. >> ricco is not a crime. it is a category. what is. >> oh, no. it's a category of crimes that you are then charged under. >> bret: a lot about there is nothing to this from the democratic side. you know, if you look at the polls, olivia, the reuters ipsos poll out about should he be impeached agree 35%. disagree 42%. i don't think there is a lot of people who, besides watching fox's conch and a few other news organizations, who have a complete sense of where this is going or the complete testimony of somebody like tony bobulinski. >> i mean, talking to republicans, we were at the greenbrier for a g.o.p. retreat recently. we were asking g.o.p. leaders what about impeachment of the president? and they didn't really seem to
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give direct answers, just saying we're going to go where the investigation leads us. if you talk to republicans more privately, they basically seem to be acknowledging that they will not be pursuing an impeachment. this hearing was particularly fiery. but you do have contradictory sort of testimony from different former business associates saying that, you know, of the president was or was not involved with hunter biden's business dealings. which is why you saw chairman comer decide to invite president biden himself to come testify so that they could clear up, quote, discrepancies and you might not be too surprised to know that the president's spokesperson has basically declined that offer. >> bret: yeah. didn't expect that to come to pass. charlie, what do you make of all of this? >> whether it's incompetent on the part of joe biden or corruption, the fact, you know, none of this is good for him, it certainly smells like an
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influencing peddling scheme that has gone on under his watch. while he was vice president and, you know, and that's a terrible thing for going into an election, having to defend against that. >> bret: yeah. doug, quickly, did republicans have to deliver? do they have to get to the check that clears the bank account or is this working at some level? >> for impeachment, yes. the reality is any day that hunter biden is in the news, it's a bad day for the biden campaign. it really muddies the waters of what they have tried to do for years in talking about donald trump's business dealings. there's a lot of smoke here. we don't know there is fire but there is so everywhere smoke. >> bret: okay. panel, thanks so much. >> thank you. ♪ ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, a special report salute. >> a great airplane right there to fly. that's the best we had i always
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thought. >> bret: paul crawford is a world war ii veteran who celebrated his 100th birthday yesterday by flying a p-51 mustang fighter jet over his neighborhood in georgia. how cool is that? crawford piloted the mustang more than 70 years ago in china. his family and friends say he flew almost 30 missions before he was shot down, celebrated 100 by flying it again this week. congratulations. tomorrow on "special report," democratic senator chris coons on federal government spending priorities and foreign policy hot spots for president biden. talk about the campaign well remember if you can't catch us live set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east and 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight and every night. that's it for "special report" fair, balanced andnd still unafraid. ingraham angle with laura starts now. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: i'm judge jeanine pirro in