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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  March 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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h or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. >> thank you everyone. love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher, it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's
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late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, another vicious school fight caught on camera. a student's phone video showing a sixth-grader in california being repeatedly punched in the head. the mall of that sixth-grade girl will join us live in moments. also breaking tonight, hunter biden was a no-show on capitol hill today but there was still quite a show. lawmakers continue investigating his family business deals. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with more. >> reporter: former biden business partner citing a few examples of alleged perjury from hunter biden in sworn testimony last month. he accused him of a few lies saying the timeline of his business relationship with that chinese company cef seat was all wrong. he also said joe biden's interactions with his business associates, he did not tell the truth about that, he claims. he also said that hunter lied
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about a threatening text message he sent to chinese businessmen in which he demanded payment and claimed that his dad was seeded right next to him. >> he leveraged his father's presence next to him to strong arm them into paying hunter immediately. >> reporter: according to tony and allegedly confirmed according to congressional leaders by bank read -- records, in march of 2017, hunter biden's then business partner rob walker got $3 million from an account linked to the chinese company i told you about. then walker again according to testimony told out roughly $1 million of those funds to bank accounts linked to hunter biden and other members of the biden family. meanwhile despite earlier demands to do so, hunter refused to show up for the hearing today and while republicans claim to be tightening the noose on the alleged business nexus between hunter and joe biden, democrats are scoffing tonight suggesting this will not go anywhere.
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all this is happening as the committee chair says he's going to invite the president to provide his own testimony and explain why his family received tens of millions of dollars from foreign companies with his assistants. to be continued. >> trace: something tells me the president is not coming. >> i'm guessing so. >> trace: kevin corke life for us in dc, thank you. let's bring in former deputy assistant attorney general and cal berkeley law professor. john, great to have you on. here is bobulinski with his one big question i will get your take. >> i ask this big question. if there's no evidence of corruption here today, if joe's conduct on the conduct of his family were fully legal and proper, why are they so dishonest about it? not just like misrepresentations of fact but deep untruths about the entire corrupt enterprise. >> reporter: biden has certainly been untruthful about what he knew and what he did not know because his son is the one that actually testified to that
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account. >> reporter: this is the problem. tony has it right. why create all of these shell companies? why funnel money secretly through all these accounts? it's because you are seeing millions of dollars coming from abroad and you don't see what they are buying. what are the biden's actually providing in terms of honest goods and services? if it's just influence peddling, that's what they would want to hide, they don't want anyone to see that foreign companies, some are worst enemy and rival countries, are trying to by access. the problem here is, how much of that is criminal and how much of that is impeachable? that's a hard question that the committee has to answer. >> trace: exactly right. bobulinski was calling of the democratic lawmakers. watch. >> we keep hearing from certain corners that our democracy is at risk and that democracy is on the ballot in 20 forget the same people preaching this mantra know better. they continue to lie directly to
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the american people without hesitation and remorse. dan coleman and jamie raskin, both lawyers and goldman a former prosecutor will continue to lie. >> he's right on one front, they did not want to here a single word he had to say. it was all about talking about other things for them. >> my impression was that nobody was defending hunter biden's conduct. biden's conduct or the president's conduct. instead they said you don't have enough to impeach him, you don't have the votes so let's just wrap up shop. no one was claiming that the biden's activity here was exactly innocent. i think bobulinski has them to rights on that. >> trace: here's aoc questioning bobulinski, watch. >> did you witness the president commit a crime? is it your testimony today? >> yes. >> what crime? >> correction -- corruption
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statutes, rico -- >> what is it -- what is -- what is the crime? >> i answer the question, rico, you are obviously not familiar. >> rico is not a crime, it's a category. >> oops. your final thoughts on this? >> well i don't think aoc should go to law school anytime soon because rico is actually the name of a federal statute that is used all the time to go after racketeering organized crime, money laundering if that's what this is. i'm afraid we are going to have to give her another f on this one. >> trace: she's going to take a f on that one. great to have you on, thank you. meantime we have yet another graphic example of violence plaguing our education system. horrifying new cell phone video of a girl in sixth-grade being severely beaten by a female classmate at a southern california middle school. jeff paul is live with that story and the latest pictures on it. >> reporter: good evening trace. the family of the sixth-grader who was attacked says this was unprovoked and went on for
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roughly two minutes. in that time the girl was punched in the face, the head, her hair was pulled and none of the people watching did anything to stop it. we want to warn our viewers that's a video we are about to show you might be difficult to watch. this is footage from one week ago at arizona middle school in riverside, california. a victims rights advocate for the family tells us the girl was walking away from another girl who had made some comments to her, but then they say victim was grabbed from behind, dragged down by her hair and then started getting punched all over her head and her face. her family says she had some bruises on her face and some hair fall out and is now emotionally scarred but as we've seen in other cases around the country when it comes to school fights, it does not always and that way. >> we need to take action now and the schools, not only this school district but schools across the nation, should take heed to this and take extra measures to protect our students and our children and our staff because the last thing we want is for somebody to die.
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that's why we are sounding the alarm, that's why. we don't want another dead student. we don't want that. >> reporter: in a statement to foxnews the district superintendent says they are working closely with the police and that the school has followed all appropriate rules and regulations governing student discipline. they added the safety and well-being of our students and staff at our campuses is always the priority. riverside police says there school resource officer assigned to the school will be submitting the case to juvenile probation, recommending misdemeanor battery charges against the juvenile suspect. >> trace: it's an awful story, thank you. let's bring in the parent of that sixth-grade girl who was brutally attacked by a classmate jazmine, thank you for joining us. i know you did not want to watch the video of your daughters beating, i don't blame you, but i want to know what you feel knowing that she went through that. >> thank you for having me. i have no words.
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when i saw this video, i was angry. i told the principal. i was like i bring my daughter here, i pick her up and this is not what a parent is expecting. i just grabbed her, i hugged her , i thank god for me to still have her with me. i don't know what would've happened if it would have been a minute or two after. who knows. she probably would've gotten killed. >> trace: hold on one second, can you hear me? i know you pulled your daughter from the school. do you think the girl who attacked her will face any consequences? >> at this point from what my knowledge is and what they are
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telling me, it's like she's going to get a slap on the wrist. that's not what i want. i want justice. >> trace: we just lost jazmine there. our hearts go out to her and her family, we hope for the best. quick recovery for her daughter. now with a rural perspective on education and other topics, let's bring in the host of a home that heals podcast, boise, idaho resident and former news anchor. we work together 30 plus years ago and she is also teaching part time at a charter school. it's great to see you. it's also heartbreaking as you may have heard to here that mother's account of the beating her daughter took. it happens in a lot of urban schools. we do this every few days. not so much in the rural schools. he told me in your school the focus is hard work, academics, accountability and zero bullying indeed it appears to be working.
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it to see you. what do you make of that? >> first of all you are right, our hearts go out to jazmine and her precious daughter. you just look at something like that and to see her in such control right now is amazing because that just infuriates all of us as parents. we expect that our children will be protected at school. one of the things that i think is that the reason that we were working so hard at the charter school i worked at 30 years ago is because of the whole bullying issue. i was visiting lots of schools, you know how we do that, oh into schools and do different things. while we were there i was surprised. even 30 years ago. i ran across this woman who came up with this method where it is truly zero tolerance for bullying. but it takes consistency, it
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takes training, it takes all hands on deck and catching problems like what we just saw in that terrible video far before something like that happens. i don't know what all of the circumstances were, there could be mental health issues, there could be so many things, but i do know that bullying is a problem as old as time and i finally see a school where i can tell you, and i can tell parents across the country, it can be dealt with. it can be zero tolerance for bullying. >> trace: and i wonder, you talk about -- it's not like rural areas don't have their own problems but you wonder. you said it's in all hands on deck problem and i wonder how much you believe family and faith rolls into that, plays into that and how the success rate of these kids around the country. >> interesting question because i think faith and family plays into it in this way. faith gives you a sense of accountability and family reinforces that. we see in a lot of our families,
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if families choose to put their children in our charter school, they are choosing accountability for their child. you can have the greatest family and they can have a bully in that child. it can happen. but we can help when we are dealing with it and when we are training kids, showing them high expectations for their behavior, for their academics, and we believe they can do it. i always say, and we say this a lot on our podcast, we so underestimate the capacity of our children to understand spiritual things, to understand how to be in society, and we've kind of decided that they are just kids. but know they are not just kids, they are amazing human beings and they can do amazing things when we believe in them, we reinforce it and are consistent and how we do it. and one quick thing, our principles in our schools, they all teach too. they know these kids and so they are in the classrooms.
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i have a principal in my classroom about every other day and they are engaged with the teachers and the kids and we really do a lot of follow-through. so i know it sounds probably -- it's not easy but it can be done and faith and family support especially is very important to reinforce all of this holistically. >> trace: i've said it before, the greatest news anchor i'd ever seen, the queen of idaho for a long time. it was great to have you on the show. good insight, good analysis. best of luck to you and thank you for coming on, we appreciate it. >> our prayers for jazmine and her family and great to see you too. love watching your show. >> trace: thank you, we appreciate that. brand-new tonight, tiktok teens harassing congress with threatening phone calls. when user left a message for her senator saying that if congress bans tiktok she would shoot and cut her senator into a million pieces. actually is live with new
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information on that. good evening. >> reporter: the house representatives were quickly to pass the so-called tiktok band but it appears things are going to move much slower in the senate. it is not stopping senators from being inundated with calls from constituents including this threatening one made to a republican senator. listen. >> if you ban tiktok i will find you and shoot you. [ laughter ] >> that's people's jobs and that's my only entertainment and people make money off there too, you know. i'm trying to get rich like that. anyways, i will show you and find you and cut you into pieces [ laughter ] >> by. >> she sounded about 16 or younger. to have tiktok tell these kids to do that, does it help their case -- it doesn't help their case it hurts their case. >> reporter: a spokesperson for tiktok spoke out on x writing threats like this are unacceptable and we condemn this in the strongest possible terms. clearly there are many of americans who want to speak out
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against the band bill that would trample americans constitutional rights of free expression but we must all do so in a respectful, civil manner. senators were briefed on security threats posed by the social media platform today as long as it retained ties to china with some calling for legislation to be passed as soon as possible. >> trace: live in new york, thank you. let's bring in moms for liberty, los angeles chapter chair and stolen youth co-author. thank you for coming on. bethany, the quote is, if you did not hear the first time for this tiktok student who said this to the senator, i will shoot you and i will find you and i will cut you into pieces. we talk about stolen youth. i mean that's one of those things were you think what? but that's what it was. what do you think? >> i mean this is proving the fact that we need to do something about tiktok. the fact that kids are so physically and emotionally hooked on their devices and hooked onto this idea of, you
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know, i have to be on this app or my life as i know it will end this is proving the point that we really have a serious issue that we need to address within our youth. >> trace: there really is. a off the tiktok thing, karen frost is here and going back to where we left off, this violence in schools, it's becoming a bigger problem and we see this. we just talked to the mother of a sixth-grader. we have a child who still in the hospital. she was fighting for her life for the better part of the week. you wonder if these school beatings are happening for a certain reason, why are they increasing, what do you think is going on across the country? >> i don't know. i don't know why anybody is really surprised, honestly. we take kids and locomotive a classroom for two years, not giving them any social interaction in the classroom. we lock them in their room with a digital device where they are consuming an inordinate amount of social media that's really kind of dehumanizing humans and
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then we have agendas to remove school police and the public safety officers from the campus. we have kids that just don't have respect for authority. it's a totality of issues but we are seeing it and its increasing but it's not just one thing. there's a lot of things that have created this situation where we are seeing an increase in violence in kids younger and younger and it's devastating. >> we keep lowering standards, limited in consequences and we think the results will get better and better and is just not quite to happen. saying the following, approximately 46% of schools in america have seen an increase in fighting and violence. that's according to a survey by the national center for education statistics. that is half of schools. that is half of schools. that is an astounding number. >> the only thing that's is surprising to me is that it's not more.
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i'm hearing this from teachers and parents and students across the board. i'm running for the school board here in montgomery county and i'm hearing it constantly. a lot of it is the fault of restorative justice, the fact that instead of disciplining kids, instead of teaching them right from wrong, we are forcing bullies and the kids that they are bullying into an agreement of, you know, let's all sit down and come to an understanding. no, i'm sorry, if you are physically violent there has to be consequences and that's not the case anymore for our youth in schools. >> trace: there really isn't. speaking of lowering standards, i thought this was interesting. i wanted to bring it up with you because the daily wire headline reads the following, mandatory bar exam nixed in washington state over equity concerns. it goes on to say, a task force found that the traditional bar exam disproportionately and unnecessarily blocks historically marginalized groups from entering the practice of law. so you have a situation where if you are going to be a contractor you have to take a test, you are
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going to be a realtor, but if you are going to be a lawyer now you just need to apprentice under somebody for a few hours. it's changing very quickly and they keep lowering the standards. >> we keep moving the goalpost, lowering the standards and moms for liberty, especially moms for liberty los angeles county, our main emphasis is on education. we need to get back to the basics for all kids. kids need to be literate, they need to have mathematical aptitudes. we need to build these kids up, not lower the standards but really build them up to be successful outside of the classroom once the graduate. doing this, lowering the standards is not doing anybody a service, it's a just service to the community as a whole and a disservice to the student. when they go out into the world, the standards are not going to be universally lowered for them for the rest of their lives. >> trace: academics, accountability, hard work. bethany, 15 seconds. >> i mean i would like to hire a lawyer with the knowledge of did
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you pass the bar or not. we will know that by how they are practicing but this is the bigotry of low expectations. you think that only people who are privileged can pass the bar? i'm sorry, no, everyone can pass the bar and if we set ourselves up with expectations, everyone is better off instead of lowering the bar in the name of equity. it's mind-boggling to me that we are in this place in 2024. >> trace: across the board, everybody can do it. bethany, aaron, thank you so much. coming up, bill got a first-hand look at the crisis on the southern border during a riot -- ride along that you need to see with i.c.e. he will show a several felons being arrested, facing deportation and then agents, why there are blaming the century policies. later a new study finds a so-called exercise pill could effectively replace working out. no sweat, no tears, just pop a pill. would you try it?
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why? why not? let us know. x at instagram. we will read the best responses and a nightcap. 8:21 on the west coast, "fox news @ night". spokane, washington, the birthplace of father's day. first celebrated in 1910. next minneapolis, minnesota, nicknamed the city of lakes. home of the la lakers. that's the original home. finally a live earth camera look at brooklyn, new york, home to the nation's first children's museum opened back in 1899. if you cannot join us live, don't forget, set your dvr, watch us any time. we are better live but watch us any time. we are coming right back.. [♪♪] we are coming right back.. [♪♪] [♪♪] honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey,
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>> trace: "fox news @ night" has exclusive video of a ride along with i.c.e. deportation officers as they arrest mexican nationals in los angeles. he will be surprised to learn that all three have lengthy criminal histories, served prison time in the u.s. and were in the country illegally. here's bill. >> reporter: it's 4:00 am in los angeles and his team of deportation officers is breathing on their targets for the day. drug traffickers with lengthy criminal histories. the first target, a mexican woman previously convicted of trafficking opioids in la. >> she was selling these opioids from a shop in one of the local areas and disturbing in it to minors. >> reporter: after surveilling the area she spotted leaving her home in a pickup truck. officers swarmed the street, pulled a woman over and arrest her. i.c.e. says she's a convicted felon who's already been deported from the u.s. four times. during her intake they found thousands of dollars in cash on
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her. >> the convicted felon just arrested is behind me being processed and booked right now and they tell us because of her criminal history, she could be deported as soon as tonight. moments later, officers bring in another convicted felon they've just arrested. a mexican man with convictions for trafficking methamphetamine and domestic violence. >> it's frustrating. >> reporter: you guys have any presence at the jail? >> no. >> reporter: i.c.e. blames this actuary policies for having to arrest this third felon of the day, previously convicted of trafficking methamphetamine and being a felon in possession of a gun. i.c.e. says he was released without notice after local authorities ignored their request to hold him. >> 's actuary policy? >> sanctuary policy. >> the misconception that we are out there indiscriminately conducting raids at checkpoints, that's simply far from the truth
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>> they say they are deporting illegal aliens who have been deported before. sometimes multiple times. reentry is a felony punishable by prison time and they would like more consequences for these repeat officers. back to you. >> trace: thank you, that's bring a gop strategist and attorney. bulls director and fox news contributor. welcome to you all. to you first, i want to play a soundbite, kind of picking up from where bill's piece left off of a texas sheriff who said this... bean-mac your viewers need to know that the u.s. lock mexico border is no longer the u.s. lock mexico border, it's the u.s. world border. people from all over the world are exploiting the border here to make entry into the united states illegally. >> trace: he's right. because of social media the whole world also nose the border is wide open. >> you are right. the truth is biden really doesn't want to prevent illegal
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immigration. he supports these sanctuary cities, he supports a system where illegal immigrants can escape conviction for the same crimes that american citizens are being punished for today. there's no amount of death in biden's america that will change as policies. look at what happened to lake and riley, to those two police officers beaten in new york city. biden's policies quite literally an allegory for the death of america. that's what we are facing today. >> trace: steve, you know california politics, the fact that california law protects criminals from being handed over to immigration officials is a regis. not only does it endanger the public by allowing illegal alien criminals to be released into the communities, it also endangers the federal agents who have to go and find these criminals. i mean it's a crime against society and they propagate it year after year. >> it is an absolute scandal. a massive scandal. thank goodness we have build a
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report on this as he has been doing, on the scandal at the border for the last few years. democrats try and turn this into an argument about immigration as if by ending sanctuary status somehow that means you are anti-immigrant and all the rest of it. what an absolute lie. a disgraceful life. this is about crime. look, we've got enough crime here in america to start with. we don't need to import criminals and then reimport them and reimport them and let people come back in and commit crimes constantly because we are not enforcing the law. >> trace: you are exactly right. congressman tony gonzalez talking about the back-and-forth , texas law. the supreme court gives on the right to go in and enforce the law, the immigration law, and now it's back on hold and congressman gonzalez said the following... >> if the biden administration spent as much time trying to fix the border as they are trying to block things from happening,
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americans would be a whole lot safer for that. i'm tired of the back-and-forth. >> everyone is tired of the back-and-forth. they could just close the border, it would benefit so many people who live in that area and across the country. >> absolutely. i mean people in texas are incredibly concerned about the border. two thirds overall including just over half of democrats too. people in texas, the governor -- they back the governor in his action but seven in ten americans think texas should take action against the state. >> trace: i want to do a little politics now because there are polls we just got. we have trump 51% and biden 47%. that's a change. the whole landscape is kind of changing. it's early still but those are shifting numbers for president biden. >> well it's truly exciting to see for president trump because i've said this all along, biden is hemorrhaging voters partly because he's so out of touch.
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he's more worried about electric vehicles and green energy rather than his soft on crime policies, immigration. he's even losing the black voter base and some of the other voters like hispanics who were his core. the voters that used to vote for him how now turning their back because they've been taken for granted by joe biden. he's so out of touch with average everyday working americans today. >> trace: yeah, it's interesting because you look at this, steve and i thought this was the most fascinating. the overall, 51, 47. now 18 to 29 -year-olds and look at this. trump 51, biden 46. again, we talk about the hispanic people moving towards president trump and now you see young people in georgia starting to move toward the former president. what do you make of it? >> will it shows exactctly whate were just hearing. gets that you have a democratic party now which is totally controlled by this intellectual elite with their far left progressive views that are just
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widely removed from the day-to-day concerns of americans. you have joe biden prattling on about how he's a blue-collar guy in scranton, pennsylvania and rambling on about what his dad used to tell him but meanwhile the people who actually run the party that he has absolutely no capacity to stand up to, they are pushing the democratic party so far away from their base and their constituency that they used to rely on. it's a massive demographic shift, a massive realignment in american politics. >> trace: lastly, the pole on the impact of the state of the union put these numbers up. were you more confident? thirty-one%, less confident 32% and 37% say no difference. they thought it would give the president a bump but it doesn't look like like it. your final thoughts? >> absolutely. we talked about state of the union speech before. it's not given biden a bump. there was a lot of anticipation saying maybe this could move the dial, maybe the fact he was more lively and sort of more on the
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ball would change things but actually no, we are seeing in states like georgia this is going to really matter that he's not able to pull ahead after these big moments. >> trace: yeah, scarlet, thank you all. and 82-year-old woman said she was banned after a ymca after speaking out against a man who was using the women's locker room. fox nation host joins us live onset next but first a live look at rockville, maryland, hometown to the first team usa olympic champion in women's wrestling. we are coming right back. and 82-year-old woman kicked out of a ymca the cause she wanted a man kicked out of the locker room. next. [♪♪] [♪♪] about botox ®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment.
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> trace: first up in tonight's real news roundup, growing calls to boycott planet fitness, including one x user
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who said the gym should be given the so-called bud light treatment. the backlash stems from a policy allowing jim members to use the locker room that corresponds with their gender identity. >> we do have our transport program also that will be operational. so haitians land in the florida keys, their next off very well may be martha's vineyard. >> trace: governor ron desantis issuing a not-so-subtle warning to any haitian migrants making their way to florida. the warning is reminiscent of the time he helped arrange flights for a legal immigrants to martha's vineyard back in 2022. those migrants were then shifted back to the mainland. the president of west texas a&m university canceled a student organization charity drag show for the second year in a row after the supreme court declined to intervene. the lawsuit was filed. the first time the president canceled the event back in march of 2023 and is still being considered by the fifth circuit
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court of appeals. [♪♪] [♪♪] the "fox news @ night" commonsense department is just now hearing the story of 82-year-old julie jaman, a democrat who lives in port townsend, washington. she has been swimming at the local ymca for 40 years and after a swim she went into the women's locker room and took a shower. during the shower, she heard a male voice so she pulled back the curtain and witnessed a male and a female swimsuit watching little girls undress. she then asked the person straight up if that was indeed a penis and the response was "none of your business." julie jaman called for help and e offender was promptly escorted off the property. of course the offender was julie jaman through the pool stuff accused of being "discriminating." so if commonsense has this right, the 82-year-old woman who thought she was witnessing a crime and was looking out for young girls was actually
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discriminating. so our men who identify as women now more important than women? can women no longer object to biological males being in their private spaces? julie jaman is suing the ymca because she wants to be allowed back into the pool. the ymca won't comment. but commonsense will. safety, privacy and dignity exist and at last check, belief and identity does not override biological reality. with that let's bring in fox news and host abby hornacek. great to have you on the show. >> great to be here. >> trace: first time in the studio, it's amazing. i was reading this like this is not true. it happened several months ago and she's now filing a lawsuit trying to get back in because she just wants to swim in the pool that she's been swimming in for 40 years. thought she was doing the right thing and here's where she is. >> i think people get so lost in this conversation that they
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forget to look at basic humanity. i grew up an athlete, i spent a lot of time and locker rooms. it's a place where, especially as a female, you want to feel safe because it's also a place where you feel the most vulnerable. so if you have anyone, i don't care what your gender is, if it was an older woman and she was looking at what will little girls, which is what is being alleged here, that's unacceptable behavior no matter what. >> trace: it really is. paris olympic games, the lepic village will host 10,000 athletes and there will be no air-conditioning. here's the mayor of paris and here's her expo nation. it's coming. hold on. [ speaking french ] >> voice of interpreter: i think we have to trust science on two things. first on what scientists are explaining to us, the fact that we are on the edge of the precipice regarding the tipping point. the irreversibility of climate change and that everyone must become aware of this, including athletes.
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[ end of interpretation ] >> trace: so climate change, no air-conditioning, sorry athletes, you are going to have to be a little hot but we do have good news, they will pass out 300,000 condoms to all the athletes and -- in the village. that will be a lot of hot sex and i don't mean hot, i mean physically hot. it's going to be -- what are your thoughts? >> i think i asked the most important question and i had to look this up but are condoms biodegradable, and they are not. it says the majority are not. so you are going to cut air-conditioning for the climate but give enough condoms to these athletes were it's being reported that each condom or each athlete will get two condoms per day. that's the amount that they are pushing out there. kind of reminds me of the beijing 2022 olympics when china cured a little bit more about optics than the actual athletes. athletes were complaining about their eating schedules, the food that they were being given and here you have no air-conditioning for these athletes that are expected to operate at 100%. >> trace: it's not going to
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work. their carbon footprint will be even bigger with the condoms. lastly a woman inherits a home in queens, she tries to sell it, she goes to the house, squatters. she gets the squatters out, she changes the locks and then the cops come and arrest the woman who changes the locks. of course they would. that's -- they arrest the 82-year-old woman who actually tried and then you arrest a person who changed the locks on her own home. >> this feels like the same reason there were guardian angels on the subways in the eighties. gets that citizens have to start doing this themselves. now you have people trying to remove squatters. they are the ones getting arrested. it's truly crazy. i asked a lawyer friend of mine about this and he said that squatters law is kind of based off an older law. it's adverse possession laws. we don't have to get into that but it basically says that you can't just by land and not improve upon it. so now people are abusing that law, there are several iterations pass that now but people are still doing this and
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it's just so crazy. i'm staying with that same friend and i'm like i might bs water. you can't kick me out. >> trace: don't give me a key. great to have you on, thank you. coming up, what if working out was as easy as just taking a pill? you get the same physical benefits. would you do it are is it cheating? let us know on x and instagram. we will read the best responses in the nightcap coming right up. [♪♪] ] [♪♪] [♪♪ i knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. part of my journey is responding to looks. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women do it. if you can see her, you can be her.
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> trace: we are back with a nightcap crew. kevin, ashley, jeff, abby, my head and bethany. tonight's topic, miracle pill. scientists spent the past ten years developing a pill that can mimic the effects of exercise and now they've created one that can boost your metabolism and increase your muscle growth and performance. would you try replacing your workouts with this exercise? -- exercise pill. i want to put the polo because our viewers are lying to us. look at this. they say would you try the exercise? yes 41%. instagram 31%. i'm thinking the number is higher. what do you think? >> to quote joe wilson, you lie. i dry that, you better believe it. as long as it didn't kill me i would try it and see if it works
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why not. >> trace: the whole thing here is if you can sneak away on a saturday and be able to have some fun and still work out? >> there's always a catch though. i feel like you take this, five years down the road you lose a leg or you have cholesterol problems. there's always a catch. nothing to substitute an honest run. >> trace: you guys are bombers. >> i want to know if this bill increases muscle tone and cardio health. being thin doesn't mean you are automatically fit. i also want to know what doctor fouts he says, trace. >> trace: me too. bethany. >> i love the question you are positing, would you replace your work out, as if a workout is happening. i appreciate that. [ laughter ] >> but there is no easy button. it's why i'm fat. i'm not interested in a magic pill because there are
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consequences, there are always consequences. there is no easy button. >> trace: actually. >> no, i think it's a big fat know for me because of the consequences. i think it may have been kevin who said there's something that could happen later down the road, five years from now. you can't trust all of this stuff. >> trace: you can't. abby. >> will he me to the olympics? i would love to go rowston no air-conditioning. i'm a firm believer that working out is not just for your body, it's for your brain. it teaches you motivation and waking up early and doing things we don't want to do. so i say no. >> trace: ziggy says i truly enjoy working out. -- says, we already have methamphetamine. -- i'd wait a few years and then decide. thank you for joining "fox news @ night", we will see you back here tomorrow.
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