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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 20, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> you beat the drummer for the unabomber manifesto. yes. you also beat the anarchist cookbook. oh, and you also beat karl marx capital, a critique of political economy. so you are the true radical, fake writer america. yeah. you write. >> do you ever think they'd even consider you thought anyway? just write. >> tonight. i am hosting the ingraham angle at 7 p.m. and also i want you to look at this. a woman named charlotte gave a completely new meaning to picking up guys at a bar. quite literally. she makes bets with men that she would be able to lift them and has made so much money doing so that she calls it a great side hustle. >> oh, my. oh, wow. that's good.r watchi >> if a guy did that, huh? greg, don't get any ideas. all right. spl . great night >> welcome to jesse waters. prime time tonight. did you witness the president
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commit a crime? >> yes. what crime preside? corruption statutes. rico. and what is it? s what? you asked me to answerd the question. i answered the question. the bidensmeo an. >> the bribes. a and the truth. ndi need you. i need you badly. need to help. come on. i desperatel y need your help. >> latinos say no, boss, to joe's pander ing. >> tito ortiz joins prime time target water, huh? also hirinacg by ghostly pullinf out benny's witness is sy.o high he can't testify. >> plus. oh, i got the circus came to d.c. today. >> democrats waltzed inte too wk wearing costumes. thank you for taking all of
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our intelligence and using it in the committee. mayb taking e you can come see the technology at our grocery store. thanstores. k you for losing it. >> democrats slapping on putin masks. there must be a hunter biden hearing. yeah, there e was. except hunter didn't show. after pretending he wanted to testify under the bright lights, hunter got stage frighit ,but his former business partners didn't. >> shouldid not.d i allow hunter to give his opening statement first? his openint doesn't appear mr. o biden showed up for his public hearing, so we'll recognize>> js you. >> mr. bobbleheads. tony bubba lansky's been waiting for thisse: momentot fo four years. he came out swinging in his opening statemenur t, leaving the democrats rattled. >> rep dan goldman and jamie raskin, both lawyers, and mr. goldman, a former prosecutorue with the fdny from new york, will continue to lie today in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more liell more .s. hunter biden's defense attorney, abbe lowell weaponizes letters to congressan
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to try to smear my name, mr. chairman, for saying i apologize for the disruption. >> am i supposed to say it's my time? mr. raskinr the . an eyewitness with impeccable credentials, former navalals, f officer, highly educated, multiple security clearances, legitimateor telligen businessman tony bubba lansky, the original whistleblower, was under oath for the first time in public and he called the biden family liars. >> the american people must hear it. ity're presented here toda with two narratives in this investigation, a falsey jo one being pushed by joe biden, a serial liar and fabulous. non,w under this impeachment investigation for public corruption. it is cleander thient r to me that joe biden was the brand being sold lay. a biden famil joe biden was more than a participant in and a beneficiary of his family'shi business. he was an active, aware enablesr who met with business associates such as myself to further the business associs >> i ask this big question if there's no evidence of corruption here today the, it
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joe's conduct in the conduct of his family were fully legal and properf hifami, then why ary so dishonest about it? not just likens of misrepresentations of fact, but deep untruthfats about thetp entire corrupt enterprise. t with joeed hmerise biden twice, confirmed he was the big guy who called the shotwhs. tely >> joe biden was for sale. the family desperately needed cash. hunter shut them down with his. da wd in the room, got the cash and then cut tony out. >> hunter biden represents he's a governance expert. >> that's why burisma put hirepm on the board. well, he obviously can't do basic math. n thbuuslythe board of oneida hn had seven votes. otes.each one of them, hunter, jim biden, james gillion, rob walker had a single vote. >> i had three votes. i have a masters degree and n in electrical and nuclear engineering. i think i can douc math. i had three. they had four. they controlled only twoden's holdings. >> so hunter biden's representation s that i was busin
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trying to take the business from them or i didn't knowfrom is all a sham and a misrepresentation. he wanted money in his accountsm instantly, and that's why he shut down the chinese and they werut down e willing ty him that $5 million because they viewed it as a bribe jesse to the biden family. >> it wasn't just china. ch upiden family was tangled: with the russians. >> we know about the russian billionaire who had dinnert , wi with joe and hunter, wired millions and then left biden ofbidef the sanctions list.tion >> but it was muchs li bigger tn that. the biden family was brokering rue energy dealsfbi's no right under the fbi's noses. >> chairman yee was dropping 50 million dollars of cash for penthouses in manhattan. who? you should be asking all these questionn, you s are the departments ar of justice, the fdny, the fbi, because they have troves of evidence to back up what was going on.this i this involved the chinese communist party. they were doing a transactionv n with rosneft, which was a russian sanctioned us sanctioned company at theim
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time. >> and the biden family was right front and center in thebie middle of it. >> tony b has troves of evidence linking the biden bn claim to international criminal activity, and the fbi never conductetional cd a follow up if after he went public four years ago. >>ou the treasury department flagged 150 suspicious activity reports. >> no action.g money was flowing from the red r peinese right to joe biden's personal checking account, $100 on august 4th. $100,000 is wired into,0 alaska opec from cfc infrastructure on august 14. there is a $150,000 that is transferred from a wasco pc, a r which is controlled by hunter biden to lion hall group, which is controlled by james biden. we have the deposit reference. it's a sarah jones biden's account on the same day she withdrew it from whitehall on september 3rd, 2007, from sarah biden's own personal mh biaccount. there is a check that is written to to joseph robinettenr
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biden jr. , th the president of the united states today fo r $40,000. signed loan repayment. a loan repayment, by the way, that joe biden's old personal accountant, mr. eric schwerin,. has no record for. >> you heard that right. jn accountant testified under oath that there was no record that this was a loan repayment. it was a bribe from china. hunter biden was asked during his deposition, how many times did you pay for your father's household expensesdi? ? >> over 100.nter and hunter biden said, i don't know bidn't know, $24 million in wire. so the bidens, one and a halflf million dollars missing in cashn ,at least two missing diamonds. and the investigation just startethe investigatiod and it's being stonewalled at the highest levels. democrats had a hard time facing the facts today. >> quote, 10% held by each for the big guy. question mark. you remembery? that, right? >> the infamous email with the bigger. did e
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yes. did anyone ever respond to that email? yes,ryone -- they did. >> numerous times. ari. countrywide themselves. excuse me. you're right. well, no, that's important did because hunter biden claim that he didn't respond to it and he responded to it. >> that you're just going to filibuster. i reclaim my tim i that'e. that's running out for back to a hearing where no evidence has been providede pred of any sort of wrongdoing by the president. but i want to go back. that'sbut nt a actually, it's m- time, sir. >> what you say? i did not call. it was right or that was, first of all, this idea that i'm a q speaking and i did not ask you a question. >> sn.o this was the first timeu an actual eyewitness to the biden enterprise testifieds to publicly and the democrats weren't prepared. >> did you witness the president commit a crime? is it your testimony today? yes. y and what crimees. do you have?ws >> you witness how much time doe i have to go through corruptio a statutes, rico and what is it? what is what itus the crime, si? >> you you specifically
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you keep up. you ask me to answer the question. i answered the question, not wih echo. . >> you're obviously not familiar with corruption. excuse me, sir. excuse - >> e me, sir. excuse me, sir. rico is not a crime. >> it is a category. what is the category of crimes: ? >> felony charge trump with rico in georgia. >> aoc to have rico is not a crime. i guess trump's fine. >> but honestly, biden flies his son around the world to cut deals, invites his son's partners to tho cue white houses has phone calls and meetings with them, dropped sanctions on theop m, greases regs for them,em gets their kids into colleges. and he gets his entire extended family from sons, brothers to grandkids, paid millions cars, cash, diamonds, expensive scotch. >> and he uses an alias. joe bidejon uses an alias.e burn >> they use burner phones to talk. mily's biden's donors paides his family's back taxes. >> don jr stiff. the irs and his dad's donors square it up before an
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election. >> come on. investigators have deliveredesti eyewitness testimony, bank recordmonys, mountains of circumstantial evidence, plus motivs,e, physical evidenc, digital communications, photographs, voicemailmotiysica. >> jesse jr could prosecute this casjesse. d >> do you believe he should be impeached? i do. okay. and you believe that because chairman you believe chairman colmer has proven that he committed a high crime and misdemeanor? no, because i know that he committed high crimes and misdemeanors. o, becau knoi was involved in sw on the map and the democrats say there's no evidence, the media reports there's no evidence. s no eviand the four year coverp continues. >> so looking at the calenda r, te i don't see the committee moving towards an official impeachment this year. >> i just don's an offimpeachmt i belilieve there is sufficient evidence to start impeachmentst. last year, but that's just me now. >> the committee is up against a political clock. summer recess conventions in the politicians. they have to campaign for reelections, so they're not
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goin r reelg to be in washington for impeachment hearings and then impeachment in october coulds bo be silly. with weeks before the election a . so the committee is going to keep grinding. we're stilg tol expecting credit card records from multiple banks and them mu offsn accounts, which the irs whistleblowers confirm existfi, are being protected by the doj. but if trump wins and finds biden's offshore accounts, i don't care what robert hirsch says, you're going to see a sympathetic elderl sayy man a with a hazy memory on trial. if biden winmemorys reelectionke and the republicans keep the house, then they'll have tim, then e for impeachment. this yeaugh, it's more about what the america morn people believe and how it impacts their vote. everyone knows biden's corrupt. we just have to vote him outhav >> let's bring in entrepreneur and the original wol af of wall street, jordan belfort. >> jordan, when you watch hearings like this and see the evidence and you see the testimony and people don'tan
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buy it, what does that tell you? >> it tells me that the mediae e right now is just so utterly corrupt because, you know, i watch it and by the way,g ou i was laughing out loud at a cot of this stuff, like ao with not knowing that, you know, rico is crime, that you crim can't make this stuff up. right. but the fact that it's being reported tha on on mainsts media is like there's no there there nothing is happening is is nonsensical. i mean, it's overwhelming evidence. nonsensiyou know, listen, they e what plausible deniability that that's a cove story ir stoy in layman's terms. and you don't have 20 and 27 shell accounts and money moving back and forth through all these cuts. i know a little bit unusual for you about money laundering, and that's exactly what you do when you launder money. make money, right? comess back and then it eventually makes some. back to joe buck, the presiden n . but here's the thing. even if it doesn't go backit to biden t, it's still just
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as much of a crime. it includes the familys th deal, the foreign corrupt practices act, bribery charges. if you brought the familupt pra it's on him. and, you know, i just don't mederstand really makes no sense to me how the media could be so complicit in all this. but, you know, it makes me long for the days. back when i was a kid, i thought the media kid,hta wast better back then. >> i don't know what happened to say, well, you're not like that old, jordan. don't act like that. th that are missing, the offshore accounts that are being blockes d, the porscheshe that are being driven home after dinners with billionaires and the shell companies,mpanienn i think they're counting ten shell companies. >> is thisshell is literally hou money launder, is it not? >> you know about this. >> listen, there is no reason for all these different shell companies. you don't move money from, you know, china into, you know, the britis, you knh virtual isls into liechtenstein. you don't you don't do that. there's no reasolistein, y
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n for it from company. if the money was, it would wouly to hunteren o biden or to that holding company in the united states. hand be distributed accordingl. there's no other reason fors that. itand it's one of these casesof where in the end of the day, the coverup is worse, th thanu the crime is almost like the cover up is what gets you in trouble because it's jus trouble it so look, it's so obvious what's going on. they just said, why are thetheyc money? they could say, well, you know, i did consulting. now, he didn't actually doould y orny consulting, didn't offer any services, so to speak, so they wouldn'w tot have an excusa that either. but the fact they went through all this effor went to conceal t tips their head, you know, what's going on. >> and eveyou kns gon if he was consulting, as you say he was, it's illegal. you can't doe was, internationas business consulting without being registered as a foreign agen cstered at. >> and he and he was a foreign agent for his father while he was vice president. i meansident., right now i thin he said that, yes, because i don't think he did any consultingheid. jesse: that would be the cover story, even not even with the cover
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story, it's still illegal. >> their cover story is all goes the exact that'sver st the irony. the cover story itself is illegal. evenory itselfs a though the gud a finger for anything that my dad is president. right? gethe can help you get thingsy done. >> you can't make your cover story a crimcan't makere, but tt is the smartest guy joe knows. >> as longes you must know a lot of people. exactly. all right, wel. l, for the most, ethical this belfort. >> you know about that always als a pleasure.yyo >> you too, my friend. have a good one. fani willis puts a witnessess ot on the stand so high he couldn't testify h. gestio bye bye.n call later. chest congestion. chest congestion. hellcough, dght. >> 12 hours of relief. well, 4 hours. well, 4 hours. mucinex dm of relief from chest congestion in any cough day or night. mucine super x dm it's comeback season now try mucinex insta sprthes sore throat, medicated drops. >> everybody wants super straight, super white super straight, super white teetovides 2eeth
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♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. >> go to deal bascombe right now and see how much you can save. >> president biden's in troublet with hispanics and it's going to cost them the ection. wihi one mexican
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restaurant in phoenix but got distracted by a baby. >> we have made so much m progress together. but we know that there is still work to be done. and we know that you a there's k much at stake and that donald d trump continues to pose a threat. >> well, folks, i have to tell you straight up, i like your it couldn't resist a little baby. >> biden likes babies for the smel baby.esse: bil. en sta we know.rt then biden started beggingy in here. the reason why, in large part, lad trump.elp. i need you. i need you badly. you need the help. come on. desperatr helpi desperately nee. >> joe needs latinos, but do latino jews need, you know, wages in housing are down. >> inflation and crime are up. plus, the whole joe blue in the border is a slap in the face to hispanics who waited in line. biden's ignored them, made their lives worsdee, and panders like speedy gonzales. >> i just have one thing to say
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. >> all right. >> i just got my man. biden wanted to swing bats at ak trump pinata, but was talked out of it by jiled ol, the first ever first lady to callad hispanics tacos. >> so sad biden didn't tell tospanics what he'd done for them. he told them the other guy ld them y cacalled you. >> it's an election between mele and a guy namectiod trump. and this is a guy who who's the way he talks about the latino community as well. in 2016, he called latinos, criminal drug dealers and . >> he came down the escalator, this dirty defamation and cliche. sloppy doesn't stick. doesthe election isn'tidenti about identity and insults. >> it's about action and resolv insults e it's spanishven
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democrats already even delivering aoc as queenseens districts in shambles thanks to the migrants crisis. trash. illegal street vendors. . litter the block and our constituents feel swindled because they went to boracay. >> she is never herenate lanr he to accompanyre our boys. i was a volunteer for her. she completely abandoned our community. the market is awash in money, y that sheshf mone said she only cares about washington and her money l . she said nobody loves her here anymore. no wondeabandoned usr she aband. >> our neighborhoods were invaded and democrats tie i.c.e agents hands. bill milligan did a ride alonges an l.a. watch to the sanctuary policies. and fortunately, body cameras are not being ordered. it is frustrating. prese do you guys have any presence at the jail whatsoever? nonc. e poli and ice blames those sanctuary policies for having to arrest this third felon of the day. he was previousldyed of convicted of trafficking meth
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and being a felon in possession bein. e waing me and ice says he was released without notice after local authoritiehout afters ignored their request to hold him. sanctuary policy of sanctuary policy. >> detain or not honor. joe's bleeding hispanics. some would call it a bloodbath. >> they hate how he handlese ho sevey issue. 70% of hispanics hate biden's theygration policy they hate his economic policy. they're just likke ue us. and that's the point. we all want the same that joeotl can't deliver. trump's pitch is simpliv e hispanics are very entrepreneurial people. >> they like me. i like them. i mean, i'm leading all along texas and the texas kind of family values as well, perhaps. quite. i think his family, christianity calling for unity. i think so. all of the things look, we're doing so well. nobody's ever done well with the hispanicsare like i've done. >> opening up the border to criminals and leeches, drivesg up er to cr hispanics and everybody else crazy. .
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here's the venezuelan welfare king gobbling up handouthere'ssa and hacking the system. >> after the example, haiti'ltas two others women that find themselves pregnant and are alose wome america. >> please come have yourd baby in the united states, and if you get married, you'll get more back in taxes. >> and well, if you haved ifcan five or six children, can you imagine? my daughter is american and she gave me citizensr is ship.our she pays our rent. she pays our bills. sheshe gives us 1500 dollars a month since she was born. i have six months in the usan' and i have everything. >> you don't have citizenship, t ship, residency, a good car ande a good apartment. h, but it doesn't stop there. the venezuelan welfare king, encouragingly, eagles to invade american homes and squat me and dead end my people. t> i have though about invading a house in the ln united states because i learned there's a law that says if i a house is not inhabited, we can expropriate it. i think that will be my next business. invade abandonedy next houses.
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>> biden's letting migrants>> break into jesse the country ann break into your bedroom. >> and a judge just ruled illegals can own guns. >> well, as joe biden calls or, fully loaded tacos. >> former huntington beach mayor and ufc world champ tito ortiz joins me now. >> tito, what do you think of the biden pitch to hispanics ,huh? pandering at its worst. it's pretty embarrassing what they're trying to do. i've watched this over the last three and a half years and it's just how much more can our country take people before ke?people stand up. and a lot of latino friends that i have, everybody that has been waiting in line hav to across the bor the border, it's no longer mexicans. they're trying to go across the border it's everybody from every other country. and it's jusdy f t i feel bad for our country right now. people need to stand ught now.p, make their vote be heard, and their votes are going to be heard. i doi don't know what's going to happen next for our country. and it's really hard for me becausd it'se being a blue colln
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with three boys and a picture of them, i got to make surethan i stand up and let my voice be heard. that's why i'm on here with you, jesse. and thaning mek for letting me n with you. >> of course, tito, always welcome on jesse watters, oprimetime. >> you just heard president donald trump, former president, spell out formem a bu the entrepreneurial pitch. i'm a businessman. i was good for busines w goos iy four years. >> is that sticking? >> well, you know, i think it>>l reallyl, comes down to the thins that when i lived in huntington beach, california, i had five businesses and got i've known donald trump since 2000. i thought his casino, the trump taj mahal. i worked on a celebrity apprentice with him and to seefu what type of businessman he was, what type of fatheher he wasn, what type of patriotr he is for this country. for a billionaire to step up for this billion and willing tog everything to protect his country. o ecmy hat's off to him and i will support him till he's no longer arounhe'sd. lat and that's the way i feel. but i think there's a lot of latinos that feel the same way because they com e same becausee to thise th country to make sure that we have our faith, we have r our f
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family and we have our freedoms. these are things that this country that cannothese are this t lose. if we lose that, there's no turning back. and people need to understan d that now this is our time to take back america because we cannot lose it for the future of our children, for the future of everybody that does want e futureeryone the border legally. because this once again, it's not just mexicans that are coming across the border. people understand that there's children trafficking. there' understs drugs that are s across. all the cartels are doing the things that americanu ca people don't like. and you can see all across the border in texas, arizona, california is just in shambles over the border contro l excuse me, the border patrol can't take care of. and it's because of ths beee an legislations and the policies that the biden regimciese is dog right now. and it's sad for this country. and i hope people listen to memt as a blue collared man that has to come relocate here in floridate here over my own business, titos cantina, tequila bar and grill here in cape cod to redo the american dream, becauses had i lost everything after 2020.
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and it's hard for me because i'm still trying to take care of my childrene i'm st as a blur man. so for me, it's speaking to the public, speakinglar man.r me, e on fox news and jesse watters, m thank you very much for having me on here. but at the same time, people, we need to come togethere ath , we to make sure that we make america great again because it's very, very important. >> tito'great agcauss cantina wd happen if that venezuelan migrant broke into that place and squatted and thought it was his owasn? ? well, i'm very thankful for sheriff carmine here in lee county. his law and order there's no order in the cityth because law and order in this county, there's laere's r inw he state, thanks to ron desantis. you know, another thins.g is thl school situation here. there's no work agenda here in florida. e's no wit's wonderful. i love it. i'm thankful for them. the politicians have stepped up to protect this state, and ild e wish other states would step up and do the same thing, too. doe other states do.they d but at the same time,t at the sanctuary states, they need to understand, because i see a lot of people that come down from up north down here eopleto florida to get away from
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that. and they're like, cheeto, we're losing our citie that.we are lsg our state. and i'm like, you guys need to vote the right way insteadhe of running away from it as i had to, i had no choice because when i was on cityy council i and i was made a pro tem that would destroy me. i'd once againcil, whe i'm bluer guy, i'm not a billionaire. i can't take over my country for the rest of my life. lar guy, ai can't lose everythi. and they're trying to destroy my name when i was on city council. so that's whn cityy i walked aw. that's why i stepped away. all right. let me give the e future of my children a greato give a futuret >> and that's why i'm here in florida. doing well. that's great. you're making a good case. and if's, yoar you make that cam more, i'm going to have to just sell my house in new jersey an dan to florida. tito ortiz, great to havd moe y >> inflation is killing us right now. and i hear you as being a restaurant owner. >> yep. tito's cantina. eck it o please, people. everybody check it out. a eget a drink and a nic get hot meal. thanks to the kavanaugh's accuser, christine blasey fordy. is getting rehabbed. and we know why. the so
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>> this month marks four years v since the covid pandemic officially started in the united state os. everyone i know moved on from covio. aong time ag sometimes i reach into like an old winter jacket pocket and find an old mask. i lived in manhattan and i'm like, whoa, oh, yeah, covid. but i don't think about vaccines or socialial dist distancing anymore. >> nobody does. ng anymooes.i thought until i se a new poll shows only 41% of democrats think the pandemict is over. just 41% think covid is over. these are the same people that still think trump colluded with russia. so it's kind of hard to break through to theump co m. don't and if you don't wear a mask, w >>ey'll never talk to you again .ee >> a few weeks ago, i found outo that the person that i love most in this world is no longer masking not masking is real behavior to me. like i community care
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is important to me. i need to know that the people in my lif e caree ab about their health and the health of the people around themth . the best thing for me right now is to take a step away from this relationship. i can't have people in my lifetv that make me feel unsafe and they live on the other coast. >> that' coasts not the point. >> live on the other way. >> her long term boyfriend,l who lives across the country, n he she's no longer friends with him because he won't wear a mask outsidee he w. fauci fried her brain. f >> last week, the squad celebrated long covid awarenessd day. >> long covid is whene clai people claim they're stilleven sick for weeks, months, and maybe even years, even t though their testshe come up negative. there's just one problem long covid isn't real. >> a study of thousands of cases conducted by the aussies determined there's no suchined the thing as long covi. >> it's just a figmentt of of fascism that your nation.
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tomi lahren is an outkast. i'm >> tomi.orri i'm worried about this woman.ed what should we do with her? >> well, there is a ten out of ten chance her boyfriend probably doesn't out exist anyw. so there's that. but also say, well, covid might be a myth and that it's covid. it could actually just be liberalism, which is the most terrifying diseashiche of s it's still impacting so many democrats. but i got to say demo, jesse i don't mind if some of the liberals on the fringe still wantpers to wear the masks, the face diapers, as i call them, because it allow them.s me to st liberals very easily and to steer clear that the septum piercings, the green hair. i mean, those are telltale i me telltals that you're dealie with a liberal so they can wear care two, three,ar four masks fr all i care. it's just sad to me that they is j in this butve world. but i guess if that makes them happy to live in a socia is ifll world on the couch ordering uber eats and not interacting with people, maybeon order thatl
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ustter for all of us. >> i love the mask and the face shield combo the. way. >> that's always a dead giveaway to me. i want to show you some vide to there's a woman that you haven't seen in a while. maybe like covid. y covishe's been missing for que some time. christine blasey ford i don't knowdon' if everybody remembers. >> she accused kavanaugh assaout any evidence of her or jumping on her in a bed in high school at a party that she couldn't prove that she went to. now she's being rehabbed everywhere party, especiallyial on the view. >> watch. i applauon theew.d you on your e and your bravery to face those those people the way they were, looking and dealing with you. and that is for me, undery a whole different kind any of fight. do you have any regrets? would you do it all the same? it i would definitely do it again. it was it was the worst thing i watch when people are clapping. some of the men did not clap in this audience, you know? >> hoo hoo hoo.
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who? men weren't clapping for her. she didn't have any evidence, alibi, anything. why is she back now? tommalibi,is shey, i'm also juse thally put off by the fact that there are men that actually go and watch the view in genera wl. but that aside, listen, this woman, it's amazing that they're trotting her back out. of course, she's got a book to sell. i also am happ ofs y that she waske i able to make it to new york, y because if i remember correctly, jesse, she had a feark becaus of she hadphobia claustrophobia way back when. >> so glad to seway bae she's o that now that she has a book to push. but this is bigger than that. sbookthis is her 2.0 becauser the democrats are still pushing 0 becausthis democracy's on then moral standards are on the ballot. they need to try her out. t they need to remind folks, oh, if trump is reelected, he could pup ist someone like brad kavanh on the supreme court again. we cannot let that happen. esupreme they'll also use as ank to pack the supreme court. >> so this is trotting her back out. also, remembering kamala ememberieig moment, of cours one of her only shining moment in this whole kavanaugh debacle. so thidebacle.s is shameless prn
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for her. >> but for the left, this is trottin e leg out their unicorn once again to go after donald trump, his supreme court,o ru because they have nothing else to run on. >> so she's back she's b. they yeah, they're probably trying to get in kavanaugh's head. you're right, because he's got a loobably tt of trump court cae on the docket. tomi lahres on then, who knew ye so funny? >> thanks, tomi. >> i appreciate it. thank you. get it together on sale now. forget about christine blasey ford's book. and our series continues start your day with nature me, the number pharmacist i sta recommended vitamin and supplement brand. >> i strugglrtvyvgart.e with ges myasthenia gravis, but the myasthenia gravis, but the picture started changing i started on this card. i started on this card. >> this card is for adults
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call 1-800- 3297676. that's 1-800- 3297676. >> fani willis having a pretty tough week friday lover boy wasg forced to quit the trump georgia case and fannie may not be far behineo casd. team today, trump's legal team appealed the fani willis disqualification. >> taking it all the way to the georgia supreme courtot. >> and then things got worse a yesterday during a different trial involvinntg a rico case. remember aoc with a popular rap artist? >> her star witness showed upwe too high to testify. >> my own call home.
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>> also, how rhode island got to go sleeping and how fannie put that man on the stand. . >> the alleged getaway driver during an armethe ald robbery. >> that guy was her star witness. that was fannie's star witness. >> and he's got a worse memory than nathan wade and joe biden combined. nathan and js to be the yankees jurisprudence south of the mason-dixon line we've ever seen in.n of >> it's a new edition of thege get it together series, where some o werf the people i interviewed for the book come back and talk to us on prime the tal today.g >> we're skipping to chapter 11 to talk to a toad'sto smoker. >> shrooms, acid and peyote, but hedelic ice are a trip man, but nothing and i mean nothing close to smoking toad.
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toad buffalo, as the mexican tribes call it, is the venom secreted from the glandsis of this mysterious amphibian. >> it's been used for centuries for its dissociative properties, with usersissociat g it an out-of-body near-death experience. >> my next guest, hectort gonzalez, says booth saved his life, and now he's devoted his entire existence to this, traveling north america, turning people on to thetraveli >> no joke.. smokers unprepared forvere the trip can suffer severe psychic breaks. hector gonzalez joins us now. hector, why do you smoke, toad?
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>> i just see. so i. i smoke toad and i work with the medicine to better my life. it gets you out of your own wayo so you can hear things that youe need to do better in your life. like eat betteed tr inr, treat people better, and do good things. >> and describe the trip for people in colorful detail. >> there's a great void, and there's a period of time wer of two or 3 minutes where you get profound insights. giou a primary religious experience to help guidexe you in your lif. >> so this is church for you. this is 110% in my religioust is belief. >> and it is a church. yes. are there any negative side effects to toad smoking? >> absolutely, yes. if someonesmoking? were on ssrir medications or on any kind of other medicatioe n, it's not for everybody. it's very dangerous and it can hurt. if notvery dan used and respectu properly. >> you told mel an about smokint
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toad with a cartel hit woman. tn >> tell us how that went. >> ir. ared medicine with he it was one of the most difficult processes i've ever seen. someone molt e go through. and yeah, she had a tough time.e i have not spoken to her since, and i'm not sure whereince she't or how she's doing. >> yeah, i guess if you assassinate a lot of people and theni gues you see, god migt be a great time. you've >> you're exactly right. you've gotten your life together gfe toget through smoko >> you had a very tough life growing up. what was your life like in thee earlieinr. >> my life in the earlier years was lost. i was not at home with myself. i was very angry and hurtvery and bitter and confused. i wish i would have found thise medicine aot younger, but i don't regret it because it is. m >> it's made me who i am today y and i share medicine in aay better way because of that. >> okay, well, please share some toabecause ay weld with my,
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johnny. he could really learn how tojoh. be alone with himself. >> thank you, hector. r more o and for more of my conversation with hector and others from cop the fringe, or your copy of get it togethetr today, it's officially out and get it on amazon. >> or you cat it on get it at al actual physical bookstore. >> imagine that. >> ainsley earhart on naked workouts. that's next. fox news is proud to bring easi you this cheesy hero moment. >> and he was interested other. who were easily excluded. >> part of my journeyer. is responding to looks. >> we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. t i am autistic and i amhat sp a performer and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen
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well, you definitely do. those things are related, so. oh, well, that is a vibrating pain. >> new from real, real view. maps now feature precise heat, wind and air quality ratings on every home listing. trust the number one app real estate professionals trust. download the app. today we have breaking news as stories develop across the world. a lot of fast moving action on capitol hill get smart insight on the top headlines. we'll be covering all of it the story with martha maccallum weekdays. the three on fox news channel america is watching what what is cooler. >> let's bring in fox and friends co-host ainsley earhardts bring . now ainsley even anxious to do this all day. >> a lot of gyms have some cool membership add ons, personal training, tanning beds,le i nutritional plans. >> but one couple is paying extra to pump iron in the and it's not, you know, just ford in
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fun. they claimot jus they've lost £n combined since they started regime. >> do you support this type of physical act? okay. i, i mean good for them. i guess it's entertainment for everyone in the gy m. do thi i would never do this.s.i i would be too. i'd just be too embarrassewoul but they have a very open attitude about being nobody elseeing in the gym. >> it's just them know. i i think this is like a publit'c gym. >> they do it in public. yes. and they walk each in pu. hood o >> she walksn him aroundhter ] the neighborhood on a leash. >> it's in brazil. you can. oh, it's in brazil. can't go. yeah t good, but mean.>> j >> good for for being comfortable in her body. good. you know, good for her. empowermen male empowerment and their polyamorous lifestyle. and you knowt. ous. what? >> that word just learned what that meant. and that it's a good thing you told me what it means. whi haat thaant d a >> and now ath wing.e both have, is everybody knows. >> and when we go out to dinner to eat, sometimes ans adults oro off the kids menu, but the cut
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off is usually around age 12.e a one woman is saying she wased b judgedy ro by room service whene ordered a kids meal watch. >> and just order and service. i and the girl who brought it to my room opened the door and she's like, it's like, where's the kid? >> i said, what do you mea whate she's like, you ordered it off a the kids menu. i was like. er >> and it's really not bad.ets an it were some chickeand n nugs and like, a bit of like a kid's peaca and french fries on the enjoy my kids. >> be on peas, lettuce on it. that's not a kids menu>> tha ito you are the social etiquette queen. etiquette n is now >> is it allowed to order off the kids menu if you are an adult? >> okay. i think if you're in a nice restaurant, order the pizzf yoea and. if you want the the mac and cheese, fine. order it off the kids menu because you just wan>> & c ord e taste. if you're a mcdonald's drive through, who cares? it's fast food. no y are's, o big but if you i think as a serveroe one time like i wanted to give them i want to give them a little money. >> but im f in this inflation time, some people can't afford it, thanks.
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. e to money right. tell us about this fox nation special. fo you know, you watch the chosen. it's a wonderful series it's the first multi series life story of jesus's life. it is so good. we have it on fox nation season one, two and three. season four is in the theaters. they're extending it in theaters throug re extenh easter. but i had a chance to sit down with noah james. he's the guy right there. he plays andrew. he's a disciple in the series and kathleen warnock, she is precious. she's the vice president of original content. i she saw the pilot.ought she loved it. and she brought it to theit entire world.n fo so we thank her for that.i but go watch it on fox nation i highly enjoy it. life of the disciples. life of . it's the bes t i think i've ever seen. >> the best, best, kim. he just exudes and theiples disciples. they're like us. they they hahave egos. are like uey hav, theythey bad . >> but we need. oh, you know, ,the naked workout couple that. >> that's right. pray for them.
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thanks, angelique. t, play pk you. jesse >> pray for get it together. just like this. god will you a copy? g you do have to go on amazon or you can come see me this weekend. i'll be in northfield, new jersey on saturday and thent point pleasant beach, new jersey. this is a new jersey beach, eventy of probably the centurthy later fort myers beach haven. >> and then i'm being feted at the nixon library in yorba linda, california. >> so get it together. d >> let's do a text. >> rob from smithtown, new york bob zelenskyy is the best witness since nicholsona and a few good men art froms tennessee fan. >> his witness should try some toad next time. mighld trye toadtimet live it h. no goofball for that guy. he might not be able to finish some waters. this is my world about


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