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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 21, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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step. because that has no residence, the studies have shown, to shareholder value and at the end of the day, william, you're trying to maximize the value to the people in your fund and you need to look at shareholder value from all these companies. final thoughts to you, bill? >> yes. dei, glad to see a lot of pushback there. i say pushback against the whole woke liberal agenda. a meritocracy we want the best people doing the best they can in the companies we invest in. >> carley: this is something that vivek ramaswamy talks about and now william you are doing it as well. thank you so much for joining us this morning. have great day. >> thank you for having me. >> todd: make one final point. to those people who say todd you scream when you are on air. merry christmas, today was your day. >> carley: we do hope you are feeling better by tomorrow. have a great day everybody. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> steve: thank you very much todd and carley. it is 6:00 here on the east
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coast. this is thursday, march 21st, 2024. welcome to "fox & friends." and we start with this story. illegal migrants turned squatters? >> my people, i have thought about invading a house in the united states. there's a law that says that the house is not inhabited, we can exappropriate it. >> the debate at biden's impeachment hearing we weren expecting. >> did you witness the president commit with a crime? >> corruption statutes, ricco and conspiracy. >> what is it? ricco is not a crime. it is a category. what is. >> oh, no. it's a category of crimes. >> lawrence: oh, okay. so does that mean fani willis will drop the ricco charges against president donald trump. >> ainsley: and the kids menu controversy. >> steve: oh, that looks good. >> a girl brought it to my room, opens the door and is like where's the kid? i'm like what do you mean?
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she is like you ordered off the kids menu. let me enjoy my kids meal in peace. >> ainsley: she is being shamed. we are asking someone who loves kids meals, brian kilmeade. >> brian: right, absolutely. how did you know that? how dare you share that with the people. >> ainsley: mac and cheez-it is. >> brian: absolutely. the big decision was add milk or not add milk. i'm here in richmond, virginia, having breakfast with friends who are just ready to eat and waiting to eat until the show starts. we're back at mclean's. mornings are better because you are with friends. open the animation and throw up the music. >> steve: i would like to hear those people clang. [cheers and applause] >> brian: yeah. we are live in richmond. [cheers and applause] >> brian: having breakfast with friends. and these guys, a lot of these
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faces i saw last night. politics and pines at wrva. 700 people showed up. they showed up again in the diner. virginia. [cheers and applause] >> brian: okay. they are pumped up. my sinuses are now clear. we are already and these guys are pumped up. good job, guys, fantastic. i feel like i'm hosting password. we're ready to go. >> steve: tell them to pace themselves you have got three hours down there. >> brian: i get the sense that these guys can go for six. all right? this is a big group. they are pumped up ready to go. they were lined up before we got here. you know, richmond, virginia in so many different ways can decide this election. a lot of people looking at places like georgia, michigan, i get it. i understand, arizona we understand it. but how many places can be looked at and say they have a republican governor who shocked the world a couple of years ago could the people of virginia be
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looking around saying it's time to make a change? should donald trump be spending more time here? does he have a shot here? let me ask you the people. guys, should donald trump try flip virginia. [cheers] >> brian: governor glenn youngkin will be here in a little while. they are passionate. politics and pines wrva kind enough to be carrying our show for now on the radio. 700 people showed up. i could not believe how into it, well read they are on the issues that matter most and how passionate and frustrated they are. how much they want to change things in country. i think you are going to hear that today. >> steve: fantastic. i know last time we were down at a diner in virginia it was before the november primary. and the number one issue was immigration and the border. and that is where we start today. we are going to turn now to the crisis at our southern border because there is a jaw-dropping new report that reveals over 200,000 migrant deportation
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cases have been tossed since president biden took office. the question is. >> brian: i can't hear. >> steve: what happened to those people. >> lawrence: all because the homeland security failed to file the proper paperwork on time. >> ainsley: did not file the paperwork on time. >> lawrence: crazy. >> ainsley: griff jenkins is live with the details. how did that happen, griff? >> griff: this is stunning revelation and jaw-dropping as you mention, steve, nonpartisan group out of syracuse. tracks the staffing issues and spending of the federal government. the revelation is that approximately 200,000 deportations have been flown out by immigration judges since the start of the biden administration. why? because dhs simply failed to file the required notices to appear or nta in time. the transactional records access clearing house writes this in their report. quote: without a proper filing, the court lacks jurisdiction to hear the case and the immigrants often asylum seekers lack a way
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to move their case forward. these large numbers of dismissals in what then happens raise serious concerns. meanwhile, another criminal migrant arrested by border patrol, this one in paso, this columbian man you see here, is he covered in tattoos confirmed as a gang member of the violent clan day gulfo, they searched him and found photos of people being tortured on his cell phone. great news. now, the border patrol chief, jason owens also says three more colombian nationals recently nabbed in el paso all with violent history, homicide, kidnapping, and firearms trafficking. guys? >> steve: you know, griff, the question becomes where are all those people? because the department of homeland -- dhs never issued new notices to appear to re-start their court cases. so it sounds like they are just floating around with no papers. >> griff: that's a great point. and, yes, to answer your
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question, they are free roaming the country somewhere and there is a likelihood that the government doesn't even know where they are and it's worth noting these were deportation cases, meaning these people were deemed to be removed and they simply weren't because dhs didn't file on time. >> steve: crazy. they expect us to file our taxes on time. >> carley: exactly. >> steve: holy cow. >> ainsley: expect us to have a passport when we get into the country, too. thank you, griff. >> lawrence: the reason why this is so important as we move on to tiktok, if you remember the bipartisan legislation they want to turn a lot of the authority from the immigration judges to these asylum officers and immigration officers under dhs. if they can't keep track of 200,000 -- how can we trust them to process, know the law, and keep track of these people coming across the border? remember, some of these court dates of the people coming
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across the border are three years out. that's what we are dealing with at the border right now. >> ainsley: brian, i'm sure you heard about this story the co-owner of trending politics posted a video on x collin rug. it got everyone's attention. video of influencer who is illegal. and is he encouraging other illegals to invade houses. watch this. and then brian, we'll get to you. [speaking spanish] >> my people, i have thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there's a law that says if a house is not inhabited we can exappropriate it. i think that will be my next business, invade abandoned houses. >> steve: brian, that's an interesting business plan. we don't know who this guy is. we don't know where he is. >> ainsley: american military news is saying he is an illegal. >> steve: nonetheless, what is he suggesting the only way migrants are coming into the country can have essentially a roof over their head is to break
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into somebody's house and become a squatter. >> brian: okay. number one, he's right. everything he said is 100 percent correct. we have been covering the squatter stories. >> lawrence: yep. >> brian: frustrated homeowner stories and frustrated american stories of people coming through the border. and border patrol being overwhelmed and we also cover tiktok how tiktok is finding those holes in the fences. make sure that everybody else who is coming through knows how to get through and tiktok once again is the device that people use and the app. that people take advantage of in order to do it. everything he said on his selfie is 100 percent correct and it's within our law. that's one thing border patrol has always told us. >> they know our laws and our politics as well, if not better than we do. they know who is in office. they know where the border patrol is they know what's going to happen when they get there, and now they know they are going to get through. now they want to tell people where to go and the law that is now in existence. and i imagine right after that,
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you hear a laugh track because they can't believe in a country like ours homeowners would have so much little rights. by the way, i'm wondering what i call this guy in the selfie, do i call him a newcomer, do i call him undocumented. in san francisco, once he gets here, he could actually run for offers and doesn't need to speak english. it's bizarro world. >> lawrence: get a gun, too. >> steve: we do know is he an influencer. that particular x that ainsley cited has been seen by 4 million people on x. we don't know how many on tiktok. it's interesting. one of the things he also says and is translated he says, quote: my african-american friends have told me that they have already taken about seven houses. so i don't know if the guy is in the united states or not, but it sounds like he knows people who are doing this at this point. the guy says you have to look for the return and the return right now is to invade a house. so, it sounds like he is either talking about turning it into shelter or he is talking about
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turning it into money because there are some squatters who actually then say hey, welcome to my house. you want the upstairs bedroom? give me 200 bucks a month. >> ainsley: we talked about this lady in queens changed the locks on her house up for sale because squatters were in there and she was the one who was arrested. under new york city law landlords are not legally allowed to remove tenants or lock them out of property if an individual has squatted in place for over 30 days. that's kind of a known fact. we all know that living in new york. if you live in someone's apartment renting someone's apartment in new york city it's very hard to kick someone out who they pay your rent, they stop paying the rent. they get to stay. >> steve: just get to 30 days and you are golden. >> lawrence: they know our legal system and taking advantage of it. someone clearly not aware ever the legal system or at least may appear that she has a double standard of our legal system is aoc. yesterday, there was this interesting exchange. everybody knows donald trump is being brought on this ricco case in georgia.
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but apparently, according to aoc that, is not a crime. watch. >> did you witness the president commit a crime? is it your testimony today -- >> -- yes. >> and what crime do you -- have you witnessed? >> how much time do i have to go through it. >> it is simple. you name the crime. did you watch him steal something? >> corruption statutes, ricco and conspiracy and conspiracy, fara. >> what is the crime, sir? specifically. >> you ask me to answer the question. i answered the question. ricco, you are obviously not familiar with corruption. >> excuse me, sir. excuse me. >> far raft. >> excuse me, sir. ricco is not a crime. it is a category. >> oh, no. >> it's a category of crime. >> lawrence: yeah i know my philosophy can you either be loud or you can be wrong. you can't be loud and wrong. and to see that there is a prosecution that is going on currently against donald trump, i mean, it is the democrat's signature charge against the
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former president of the united states and having a sitting member of congress get up there and not just -- not be aware of what ricco is but other laws that he presented, too. >> ainsley: ricco is corruption. ricco is racketeering, it stands for racketeer, influenced and corrupt organizations act. it's people who are dishonest in business. that's what they're accusing donald trump of. they are saying he was corrupt by trying to influence elections in 2020. >> steve: wait, ricco is an act. and essentially what it does is a federal law that makes it easier to charge a whole bunch of people for one thing. and that can include dozens of actual crimes. it could be murder. it could be racketeering. it could be gambling it. could be conspiracy. and i think at one point, tony bobulinski did. >> lawrence: pointed to it. >> steve: he mentioned conspiracy, brian. >> brian: so, i was just fascinated because i was just flipping around to see how many people are going to cover what. and tony bobulinski laid out all the meetings he had. all the interactions he had with
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the biden family, the different countries they are involved. in the meetings he had with joe biden. the role that joe biden played. the text message that he had. he laid it out. and so did this jason galanis, who is spending the next 14 years in prison for illegal business transactions which aren't important but is he coming to you from prison. found out later they got the paperwork in time he could have got him actually to testify. but, if you just look at nancy mace and bobulinski, if you want a short course on what happened over the course of four hours. nancy mace had the questions and had him answer head-to-head, back-to-back, back-to-back. they don't want to talk about that. the whole thing is this thing is over. this thing is done. you had a guy shoulder to shoulder with all these guys, and their come back was lev parnas. he went to jail for lying and talking about ukraine. that was the impeachment. rudy giuliani. whatever you think, it has nothing to do with this. and it turns out bobulinski had nothing to do with ukraine.
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so, it their head fake was lev parnas. bobulinski was the guy they had to defame. the problem is they can't. he is smarter. his resume is better. he is more successful in business. and, get, this ladies and gentlemen, he was actually there. it's very important for you to read what he said because no other network outside of ours would play it. and they wouldn't carry it. unless you had c-span 3. >> lawrence: brian, it's so interesting, because, with that case, yesterday, you see them lay out the key players. how the money was transferred. when you go to the trump case, they are working on this unknown legal theory with elections case. there is no money. they are not able to name the key players in this way. where -- these are all allegations where you have actual emails with the biden family. >> ainsley: i picked up a few things he said the big guy, joe biden, that was definitely joe biden. he knows that a thousand percent. he talked about jim biden lying.
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>> lawrence: yep. >> ainsley: when he was under oath saying that he never met -- there was no influence. he never met with bobulinski and the president or the vice president at the time, joe biden. he said -- but their text messages say, bobulinski said this, prove that they were there together at the beverly hills hotel in california. this was in 2017. he said the text messages prove we all had that meeting together. >> steve: right. >> ainsley: i have a few questions, too. why would joe biden care about firing this prosecutor in ukraine if he wasn't involved? why would he be playing golf with his son's business partners and then say later he never talked business with his son? why would his son, who is addicted to drugs, ever be asked to be on the burisma board? why would his son be getting millions of dollars from china from this china energy company if he is addicted to drugs? a chinese company is smart enough before they are going to pay you millions of dollars, they have got to get you something in return. they north going to pay some guy addicted to drugs all of that money unless there is something
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going on. there is so many questions. why didn't he show up? why didn't hunter show up? he kept saying i want a public hearing. >> steve: hunter didn't show up. devon archer didn't show up because his attorney said he was not notified. he didn't have enough time to proceed and prepare. so, yesterday was a big day for the committee. let's see where it goes from here. right now i was reading in axios, apatientsly they don't have the votes for impeachment on the republican side. it sounds like they could wind unjust simply taking their stack of stuff that they have assembled over the last number of months, giving it to the department of justice. >> brian: they want the president to testify. the big news is they want the president. they are inviting the president to come testify. >> steve: right. >> brian: that's the news that's coming out of this. >> steve: i think we heard yesterday from the white house that that is unlikely. nonetheless, it sounds like they will try to get a criminal rear for the stuff that they presented in the committee from the department of justice. but then again, it's joe biden's department of justice. will something happen? stay tuned.
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>> lawrence: anything like the deal they gave his son, to a federal judge shut it down, i don't anticipate them being fair. >> ainsley: okay. let's turn now to more headlines starting with this fox news alert. today, florida is carrying out four more evacuation flights full of americans that are trying to leave haiti. those two got out on state chartered flights yesterday say they are so grateful. >> the stayed with us until the end of the mission, which i can happily say was a mission accomplished. and we're finally reunited with our 2-year-old son. >> florida's governor ron desantis' rescue effort bringing home 14 americans, including children. he will join us a little later to discuss the ongoing effort. the father of georgia nursing student laken riley is begging lawmakers to protect americans from migrant crimes after his daughter was murdered last month. >> i stand before you a heart
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broken man. part of my purpose has been taken. governor kemp, please declare an invasion to detain and deport criminal illegals so we can prevent future famous from those tragedies. >> ainsley: later this morning, senators katie britt and ted budd will hold a press conference to call on democrats to support the laken riley act. it would require immigration officials to arrest, detain, or deport migrants who commit certain crimes. there are growing concerns that migrants with ties to the chinese military are getting into the u.s. through the southern border. south carolina congressman joe wilson demanding answers. >> people's liberation army, personnel being trained there and then persons of chinese military age unaccompanied or coming into the united states due to biden open borders, every american family is at risk. >> ainsley: some of the chinese migrants are being brought into the u.s. with help from chinese gangs known as snake heads that are assisted by the mexican
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cartels. right now there is a manhunt in idaho for escaped inmate and gunman who ambushed two corrections officers outside a hospital in boise. police say the shooter opened fire as authorities were transporting the inmate seen on the left. is he a gang member serving 20 years for assaulting an officer. the wanted men were last seen in a gray get away car. there's a picture of it. police say both men are armed and dangerous. the wounded officers are expected to survive. the f.a.a. now wants to inspect boeing max planes for a wiring flaw that can lead to the loss of control. the boeing says it's, quote: not immediate safety of flight issue. and check out this new wild video from the alaskan airlines flight that suffered that door plug blowout in january. the next hour -- in the next hour we are going to speak with a passenger who says his shoes and his cell phone were actually sucked through the large gap. he was sitting right next to that door plug.
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>> lawrence: wow. >> >> ainsley: is it illegal to order off of the kids menu? one social media user is sharing her experience after she ordered from the kids menu at a hotel. >> i just ordered room service and the girl who brought it to my room opens the door and she is like where's the kid? i is like "what do you mean?" she is like you ordered off the kids menu. let me enjoy my kids menu in peace. >> social media agreed with the woman saying adults should be able to order food from the kids menu as costs of a full meal are just too expensive. those are your headlines. what do you all think? >> i think you should probably should be order off because it is cheaper and portions are smaller and the food going to have caesar salad or chicken fingers. i will have the chicken fingers. if the menu says kids mean you for diners 12 and under. that's the rule. >> lawrence: i like it just for nostalgia purposes brings you back to your childhood. >> ainsley: it does.
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it's fun. >> lawrence: my family survived on the dollar menu of mcdonald's. >> ainsley: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> lawrence: i like the idea of going back to the past a little bit remembering when you were a kid because life is tough. >> ainsley: here is my only compensation with it if you are on a date. if you are going on date with a girl and you start ordering off the children's menu she is going to think you are cheap. >> lawrence: well, ainsley, you know my dating experience. [laughter] ordering off the menu maybe when fee would have done it off the dollar menu. >> steve: what if she orders off the cheap menu it's like okay, she is a keeper. >> ainsley: my dad would have said that. >> steve: look at that. >> ainsley: free refills. >> steve: brian with a bunch of people in virginia sitting down for breakfast. what do they think? >> brian: let me find out. hey, guys, quiet down for a second. i have a question for you. should it be -- what's your name by the way? >> leon. >> cindy. >> brian: what time did you get here?
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>> we were here at 2:30 this morning. >> 2:30 this morning. all right. there is a big controversy. do you believe it should be illegal to orderly off the kid's menu? should that be a jailed offense? >> no. >> what about do you think it's all right? you should have id to prove you're a kid? >> i think that they should give you the kids meal price because for one thing because of the economy. and for another thing, when you get older, become a senior, you don't eat as much. >> brian: exactly. our stomachs shrink and our brains go. what's your name sir? >> dave. >> brian: big controversy capturing the imagination and fueling debate in the nation. should you be able to as an adult order off the kids menu. >> absolutely. >> brian: why is that, sir? >> we're talking shrinkflation, i need some i don't thinkflation. that's my. >> brian: for diet purposes. >> yeah for diet purposes. >> what about you. >> i totally agree as well. i don't eat that much i wouldn't have to waste food sometimes. and be able to afford off of a
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kid's menu. >> brian: overwhelmingly the answer here at mclean's is you should be able to eat of the kid's menu because you are getting older and other people are saying things are getting more expensive. sometimes you want to go out and pretend to be 12 and under have two affordable meals and get going right after it. >> steve: what is that bracelet you are wearing? >> ainsley: i was just noticing that, too? >> brian: jeff cats is going to explain that in a little while. it's for a disabled kid. and he has got a child that is 21 years old. and they are trying to raise money for that great cause. >> steve: all right. good tease. >> lawrence: check back in with brian. >> steve: coming up, we are going to talk about a massive wildfire torching portions of central virginia where brian is. >> ainsley: and in georgia trump granted the right to appeal
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white house correspondent peter doocy yesterday. and he said when he was driving home he could smell the smoke. >> janice: we have had winds in excess of 60 miles per hour in this area. we have got several wildfire burning across the border of virginia and west virginia. so something to watch. still very gusty winds right on that border in the mountains. 36 mile-per-hour gusting at 54 in hot springs, charlotteville, 36 miles per hour, lynchburg 28 miles per hour. the winds are going to i do down the relative humidity is still very low we will see some rain in the forecast the next couple days but 10% containment and people who have respiratory issues are urged to stay inside. here are the current wind chills. the coast moved through. west virginia, west virginia, northern tier of the country. setting the rounds wintery weather for the northern plains. we have the potential for
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showers and thunderstorms maybe even severe weather across the gulf coast and look at the snow. this is round 1 by the way. we have several rounds to go as we get into the weekend and then part of this energy is going to combine with the energy from the south and bring us the potential for a coastal storm bringing not only heavy rain along the east coast but interior section snow. so it is the second official day of spring. still winter in a lot of areas, especially across the northern tier of the country. carley, my friend, spring is here. >> carley: spring is here just not reflect in the temperatures. >> janice: correct. >> carley: we got get there janice, thank you so much. president biden is set to announce another $6 billion in debt relief. this latest round will benefit 78,000 teachers, firefighters, nurses and other public service workers it. brings the total debt canceled by president biden to $144 billion. something he is expected to discuss on his campaign stop today in houston u.s.s.
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officials are calling for immediate cease-fire between israel and hamas in exchange for the release of hostages. secretary of state antony blinken said the draft resolution was sent to the u.n. security council overnight that would, quote: bring immediate relief to so many people who are suffering in gaza. on the sixth trip to the middle east since the war began and headed to israel tomorrow. those are the headlines, steve, over to you. >> steve: all right, carley, thank you very much. making news yesterday a georgia judge allowing donald trump to appeal his ruling to let d.a. fani willis stay in the 2020 election interference case. the attorney exposing fani willis and nathan wade's affair made the case for disqualification yesterday on this show. >> i definitery think she should be disqualified. new commission in georgia hopefully looking into this and they could disqualify her. there's a lot of other avenues that the judge even outlined in his order. lots of other people are looking
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at this. she is facing re-election. she has got two opponents right now. so there's at love other checks and balances that are in place. plus, more information can come forward, and we are continuing to investigate. >> steve: let's get into our own investigation with more information from fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. good morning to you, gregg. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: so the judge yesterday said that the trump team can go ahead and appeal his decision. and his decision was, a couple of fridays ago. he said okay. one of the two of you wade or willis, is going to have to go. and ultimately mr. wade said i'm going to step away from it. so, what do you think the chances are the same judge is going to say oh, you are right, she should be disqualified? >> well, i think the judge said in his ruling that trump's due process rights are important enough for a higher court review. i suspect judge mcafee also realized the frailties of his half decision. he found both willis and wade engaged in the same wrongful
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conduct and they did it together but only one of them was forced to leave? that doesn't remedy the appearance of impropriety that the judge said infects the prosecution team. between the two of them, it should have been willis who got kicked off the case because, as the d.a., and his boss, she had a greater ethical duty. >> steve: right. now, some of the charges involving mr. trump down in georgia are ricco-related. i'm sure you saw this exchange yesterday between aoc and tony bobulinski. listen to this. >> what is -- what is the crime, sir? >> you. >> specifically! >> you keep -- you ask me to answer the question. i answered the question, ricco, you are obviously not familiar with. texas. >> could you say me. >> corrupt statutes. >> excuse me sir. >> fara. >> excuse me, sir. ricco is not a crime. it is a category. what is. >> oh, no. it's a category of crimes. >> steve: let's turn to you. is ricco not a crime?
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>> it's absolutely a crime. 18 usc 1961 through 68. she might try bothering to read it. but, you know, this comment by aoc just added to the growing list of stupefying remarks by her. this one truly mind boggling the very word racketeering in its acronym conjures up serious criminality. this is a pattern with aoc when she opens her mouth. she tends to embarrass herself with a fundamental lack of knowledge. >> steve: one final question about georgia. the governor there, brian kemp, it sounds like a couple of days ago he signed a law that lets a state commission begin operating with powers to discipline and remove prosecutors. so, ultimately, i guess and ashleigh merchant was on talking about this yesterday. we was the woman we played the
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soundbite on a minute ago. if they do decide to change the law, would that apply to the trump case? >> oh, it absolutely would apply to it. you know, this is a governor whose duty-bound to see the georgia laws are faithfully executed. that includes prosecutions that abide by legal and ethical standards. he's publicly expressed his concern that willis' behavior is making the case look more and more political, which is the opposite of a neutral, objective prosecution. and, of course, having signed that new law, i think he is leaving this in the hands of the new state commission to discipline and remove rogue prosecutors like fani willis. >> steve: gotcha. gregg jarrett, thank you very much. we've got the governor of the commonwealth of virginia coming up on this show. up on this show. ♪ botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine
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>> lawrence: welcome back. so this is crazy. three young boys dubbed the little rascals arrested by fbi in houston after allegedly robbing a bank last week over spring break. now authorities say they walked into a wells fargo, handed them a threatening letter to the teller, and then ran off. the suspects are 11, 12, and 16 years old. they are being charged as juveniles. folks in houston have mixed opinions as to whether their parents should be charged or not. >> they have to be held responsible somehow, i think. i mean, that's hard. it just depends on, i guess, what is happening in the house. >> they had to take the fall for it. i think it's a large stretch to make the parents get, you know, have to do something it, get in trouble about that. >> lawrence: i can't believe this is happening in texas. still no word on how much the little rascals stole. the sheriff's office believes the b boys were carrying a weapn but did not show one. crazy. over to you, brian. >> brian: all right.
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lawrence, thanks so much. >> lawrence: you bet. >> brian: we're back at mclean's this beautiful restaurant it's packed i think it's no coincidence because we are here. this is pretty important. d.c. business owners slamming city leaders as violent crime soars in the nation's capital. >> the city attempting to crack down, brand new set of safety bills this month but as crime rates hit historic highs, how will this impact virginia? here with reaction is virginia radio talk show host. he is the premier voice in this region, has been for the past 11 years on wrva i will be part of that lineup. great to see you. >> great to see you, brian. >> brian: this is as good as radio guys look. >> that's exactly right. >> brian: finding religion when it comes to crime. what is going on. >> the people told us the police officers were the problem, we are going to allow everybody to run rampant and now we are saying my gosh businesses are leaving, innocent people victimized. the reality as you know, as i know, democrats as well as
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republicans get held up. they are losing things. but i think some of the positioning here for mayor bowser is, it's just more posing than anything else. >> brian: shows a little bit of a desperation. look at some of these stats and put them up right now. homicides are down slightly. assault with a dangerous weapon, robberies, violent crime. burglaries. all 2024 are pacing ahead of 2023. >> yeah. >> >> brian: you have got to get ahold of it. number one thing is carjacking. >> absolutely. so dangerous now in the district of columbia. it's why when we go up there, when my wife goes up there, we do the train. we'll do uber. but we are not putting our own cars at risk. >> brian: you are kidding me? you will not drive. >> no. not a chance. not a chance. >> brian: governor youngkin lost both chambers. >> right. >> brian: he is now governing in a different way. how difficult has it been for the republicans? >> it has been very difficult for glenn youngkin in no small part because he is so popular. people in this commonwealth really do like glenn youngkin
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and the virginia democrats are outraged by that and they are putting as many road blocks in his way as they possibly can. >> brian: there's a big story too is it looks like the capitals and the wizards were going to come to virginia right here. >> yep. >> brian: how real is that? what is the pushback. what is the holdup? is that something democrats and republicans want? >> this is a very bizarre thing about this. off the record, everybody wants it. off the record everybody wants it to come here, huge number of jobs, great tax increase for northern virginia. but what you have are virginia democrats again, simply trying to hamstring governor youngkin and that's why they're putting the road blocks in the way. >> brian: last night in front of 700 people, you will see some of the pictures. had a chance to really see what matters. my humble opinion, immigration. it really matters. >> absolutely. >> brian: people are incensed about what is going on here. is it enough to make this -- put this day in play for the former president of the united states? >> there is no doubt in n my mid that virginia has the opportunity to vote for donald
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trump. and donald trump absolutely has the opportunity to win virginia. i think that president trump's popularity in virginia is really growing and in many cases, once again, it's off the record. right? people are afraid they are going to say this. they are going to say that northern virginia, we know, solidly democrat. most of those folks work inside the government. and joe biden keeps growing that but, for the rest of people in virginia, we're looking at this and, yet, are donald trump is absolutely in the running. >> jeff cats, thanks so much. great party line up. great last night with wrva. a privilege. a round of applause for jeff cats, ladies and gentlemen. [applause] >> brian: big time permanent here. >> thank you so much. oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway!
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>> carley: we are back with a few headlines, starting with a fox business alert. both hyundai and kia are recalling over 147,000 cars combined. the vehicles are being recalled over issues with a charging unit that could cause damage or a loss in power. federal safety officials say the
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issues could increase the risk of a crash. the ceo and co-founder of a $79 million investment fund is divesting from tyson foods over the company's plan to hire 42,000 asylum seekers. >> political activity by companies is bad for their shareholders, politics is bad for performance. when something like this happens, we have seen similar things with bud light and target. we want to, you know, get out of that company. >> carley: tyson recently announced it would close a plant in iowa this june, impacting over 1200 workers. tyson has responded to the backlash saying quote any insinuation that we would cut american jobs to hire immigrant workers is completely false. tyson foods is strongly opposed to illegal immigration. remember when people were in an uproar over wendy's floated idea of trying out dynamic pricing? the concept made popular by uber could become more widespread.
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experts in multiple fast food companies could implement the practice and data adjust prices based on demand. dynamic pricing is already reportedly used by amazon which changes the pricing on their products multiple times per day. those are your headlines. steve, ainsley, brian, lawrence, down to you. >> steve: it's all surge pricing. the news though is free for you, the cable viewer and, you know what? we have got an interesting tid bit for you right now. >> ainsley: there are more problems for the palace. yet, another royal image is being flagged as being digitsly enhanced. social media erupting asking one simple question. >> princess middleton ♪ where are you ♪ the world is starting to worry. >> where is kate middleton. >> i don't know. >> exactly we got to find her. >> the royals weird about what is happening. >> i think she is chilling in
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the palace and everyone needs to calm down. >> steve: i think he is right. people need to calm down. it comes as the royals now face a big decision about prince louie's birthday photo his birthday is coming up on april 23rd. >> the question is what kind of a picture will they release? now, you know, in the wake of her wake of mysterious hospital visit what was she in there for? it has been suggested that it has not been revealed because it could be of a very serious nature. in that little montage we just saw, those people who are almost asking what is it? i think we will find out soon enough. there has got to be a reason. >> ainsley: she announced she is having abdominal surgery and we won't see her. she won't take part in the royal festivities and activities until after easter. but there have been some videos of her that are out there now. >> lawrence: i believe she deserves some sort of privacy when it comes to health scares.
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>> ainsley: of course. >> lawrence: i think to the people, the u.k. folks, they are saying we pay to be in your business. we pay you so we can see what is going on. it's a part of the title. it's a part of the crown. so let under the circumstances see what is going on. >> ainsley: there is an article in the "new york post" this morning. and kenzi show field, we have interviewed her when we were over in london a lot covering the royal family. and she says critics are going to feel horrifically ashamed once the truth about her surgery comes out. at least what her sources are telling her. she knows someone who is in school with kate's children and they say that yeah, people are going to feel really guilty. and see is saying that william and kate are having a challenging time with the response because all these attacks against the family right now. >> lawrence: i think when comes to the children beards me out editing kid's photos. >> steve: look at social media
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influencer of them use filters so they look fantastic. >> ainsley: digitally enhanced does it mean brightening the picture? >> steve: unclear. >> ainsley: recover from is out of it. he said he didn't do anything to the picture. >> steve: mid-air scare and alaska airlines passenger speaking out after his phone and shoes were sucked out of thes pr plane. that's hisd to video. who were easily excluded. part of my journey is responding to looks. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women do it. if you can see her, you can be her.
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