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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 21, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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i think everyone when you pick a sport for somewhere that you want to go, you want to be the best in everything. i'm a very competitive person so, of course, when i look up to the racers, anyone that's in that the goat status you want to beat them and get up there. obviously that's the goal for sure. >> john: we'll be rooting you on. congratulations and good luck going forward. >> thank you very much. >> dana: she was terrific. the most popular dog breeds are released. french bulldogs won american hearts for thehe second year in row after that is labs, golden retrievers, vizsla is number 35 but number one in my heart indeed. john, thank you. >> john: i got the golden retriever.
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>> dana: shannon bream has a yellow lab. >> shannon: t-minus 4 days until president trump needs to hand over half a billion dollars or risk his assets. monday is the due date for him to post bond to appeal new york attorney general james' civil fraud case decision. time is ticking and trump's campaign is turning to his mass of supporters asking them to donate and stop the witch hunt. this is "the faulkner focus" and i'm shannon bream in today for harris. if he doesn't have the cash. james could try a number of things including freezing the former president's bank accounts and going after his real estate portfolio. trump's attorney with this. >> forcing him to sell prize properties such as trump tore, iconic properties like 40 wall street, to pursue his appeal is manifest injustice and deprives him of that due process that we're all entitled to. you can't reverse selling off trump tower on a fire sale at a
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discounted price. we can't fix that if we win on appeal. it is complete injustice. it is intentionally to interfere in the election, to hurt president trump, to try and ruin his company. >> shannon: critics say the a.g.'s prosecution is personal and political. she ran and was elected on a promise to quote get trump. fox news contributor jonathan turley says it is obvious. >> you don't have to like trump not to like what is happening here. this is one of the premier legal jurisdictions that will have a moment here. separate themselves from the personalities and passions of the moment. >> shannon: how it all could play out. >> the fiery back and forth continues between former president donald trump's lawyers and new york attorney general letitia james. a new filing this morning his attorneys arguing james's
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suggestion trump sell off assets to come up with the money could cause enormous loss writing it would be completely illogical and the definition of an unconstitutional excessive fine to require defendants to sell properties at all. especially in a fireale in order to be able to appeal the lawless supreme court judgment. this as trump's campaign makes an urgent push for donations asking donors to help save trump tower. if t can't secure the bond amount by monday james could enforce the penalty. business law experts tell us james's first steps will likely be through trump's bank accounts, stocks and investment holdings. seizing real estate would be more challenging. >> you would not want to shut down operations by kicking out employees and such. the property will be most valuable if it continues to operate. i think it would be more like placing a lien against the property so if he ever tried to
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sell the property, the state would get its money before he got his money. >> trump's legal team said more than 30 companies refused to have real estate. trump asked the appeals court to accept a smaller bond or allow him to not post a bond at all. shannon. >> shannon: thank you very much let's bring in fox news legal editor and former counselor to attorney general bill barr. great to have you. i love to pick your brain on this. both of us as attorneys one of the first things i thought about when the fine came down was the eighth amendment. the excessive fines, cruel and unusual punishment. does this end up at the supreme court? >> it could. we are a long ways from there. the supreme court don't have to take it up. most people recommend eyes the
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supreme court only accepts less than 1% of petitions per year. it feels like potentially like an eighth amendment claiming given the state of new york never has ever applied the law against someone in this way and top of it a half billion dollar bond he has to post in order to appeal. it's a tough situation. >> shannon: it feels like a big due process issue. if there is a framework in place you can't even appeal a decision against you because there is too high a bar to get to the appeal that's another good grounds for them as well. >> it is. the court should be aware of the appearance of fairness. it would be consistent the way the courts act could reduce the bond and waive it all together. he is running for president and i don't think he could handle being hidden if he wanted to be knowing his personality. it would be fair and consistent with the way they normally operate. as we've seen the new york court system has not been acting in
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the way they normally treat other people similarly situated. it is different when it comes to donald trump. >> shannon: we'll see what happens between now and monday. we have a situation where there was a huge hearing yesterday on the hill. everybody is declaring victory. democrats say there is nothing that landed a blow on hunter biden or president biden in a real way. house oversight committee chair james comer wants to hear from the big guy himself. that's the definition by tony bobulinski. he will invite president biden to testify in his own impeachment probe. first on hunter biden was a no show at the committee hearing yesterday. hunter's former business partner bobulinski was there and he testified joe biden is the family brand and that without a doubt he says he is the big guy. here are some of the key points. if you didn't watch the whole eight hour hearing we boiled it down for you. >> mr. bobulinski, who is the big guy? >> joe biden. >> are you sure about that?
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>> joe biden. >> are you sure? >> 1,000 percent sure. >> the big guy is joe biden? >> 1,000 percent. >> you testified hunter was not shy about his afwoilt get his father on the phone and archer testified there were multiple instances in which hunter placed his dad on speakerphone. mr. bobulinski, was hunter biden telling the truth when he testified under oath that his father was never involved in any of his business dealings? >> no, he was not. those are all blatant lies. he shook down the chinese and they were willing to send him the $5 million because they jude viewed it as a bribe to the biden family. >> my biggest appeal to everyone in the room i wish you would spend the time focusing on the fact that the chinese communist party infiltrated the white house of the united states of america through the biden family. i don't say that lightly. it is not a joke. >> shannon: we're going to have to take a pause there for a second because we have something
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else going on we need to dip into. this is the d.o.j. announcing its lawsuit involving apple apps. how much you paid for them. >> the form of a 30% commission on the price of any app downloaded from the app store as well as on in app purchases. apple is able to command these fees from companies of all sizes. apple has also suppressed the emergence of programs like cloud streaming apps including gaming apps as well as super apps that could reduce user dependence on apple's own operating system and expensive hardware. and as any iphone user who has ever seen a green text message or received a tiny grainy video can attest, apple's anti-competitive conduct also includes making it more difficult for iphone users to message with users of non-apple products. it does this by diminishing the
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functionality of its own messaging app and by diminishing the functionality of third party messaging apps. by doing so, apple knowingly and deliberately degrades quality, privacy and security for its users. for example, if an iphone user messages a non-iphone user in apple messages, the text appears not only as a green bubble but incorporates limited functionality. the conversation is not encrypted. videos are grainy and users cannot edit messages or see typing indicators. as a result, iphone users perceive reliable smartphones as being lower quality because of the experience of messaging frerndz and family who don't own iphones is worse. even though apple is the one responsible for breaking cross platform messaging. and it does so intentionally. for example, in 2013 a senior
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executive at apple explained that supporting cross platform messaging in apple messages, quote, would simply serve to remove an obstacle to iphone families giving their kids android phones, close quote. in 2022, apple ceo was asked whether apple would fix iphone to android messaging. the questioner not to make it personal i can't send my mom certain videos, close quote. apple ceo responded, buy your mom an iphone. in addition to selectively control app distribution and creation, we allege that apple has is violating the law by conditionally restricting developers access to the interface needed to make an app functional on the apple operating system. for a product like a smart watch or digital wallet to be useful to an iphone user it must be able to communicate with the
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iphone's operating system. apple creates barriers that make it extremely difficult and expensive for both users and developers to venture outside the apple eco system. when it comes to smart watches, apple not only drives users to purchase an apple watch, which is only compatible with an iphone, it also uses its technical controls to make it harder for someone with an iphone to use a non-apple product. >> bill: you are listening in. d.o.j. saying apple is such a monster they have become a monopoly making it tough to send videos back and forth with your mom. what apple is saying is listen, if you do this, they say in part it would hinder ability to create. a big day for the doj to tackle it.
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>> my mom as an android and i have an iphone. get an iphone. he is not wrong when he says it's a real thing that happens. between even children and parent and brings back a lot of memories when i ran the d.o.j. press conferences. one thing i've heard from insiders at the department is that enforcing antitrust law is something near and dear to this attorney general's heart and passionate about it. this and i've heard extraditions. if you've seen the department of justice under garland has brought a number of antitrust enforcement actions. this is a big one. it's apple. >> shannon: it will get everybody's attention. when you talk about tiktok and making changes to that. users of these apps and phones immediately freak out that it will somehow impede their ability to do what they like to do online. we'll watch that. i want to take you back to where we were. the hearing yesterday. we heard testimony from tony bobulinski. want to play another segment of that that's getting a lot of attention between him and congresswoman alexandria
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ocasio-cortez when she said what crimes have you actually seen committed? >> what crime do you -- have you witnessed >> how much time to have to go through it. >> name the crime. did you watch him steal something? >> corruption statutes. rico. >> what is the crime, sir? specifically? >> you keep -- you ask me to answer the question. i answered it. rico. you are not familiar with. >> excuse me, sir. rico is not a crime. it is a category. >> shannon: critics popping off on social media. empty the jails. for the record, all the defendants in the georgia case brought by fani willis fall under rico, whoops. five mafia families are happy to hear rico is not a crime. aoc is proving why she should have stuck with bartending. back and forth there.
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clearly rico is an issue. i thought of the georgia case. >> that's what she is bringing up. it's extreme, novel and sweeping to charge a former president and 19 co-defendants, a few less now have some pled guilty with something that's normally applied against ms-13 gang members and the mob. it is wild. that exchange was a little silly if you ask me. >> shannon: tony bobulinski didn't limit it to rico, he threw in corruption. he is there under oath. he is accusing other people of crimes including others of perjury and other things. he made serious allegations. >> i have watched the hearings and prepped people for the hearings. he comes across as very credible. he is strong, smart. he maybe even the gop's strongest witness in the inquiry other than the whistleblowers. he is compelling and talked a
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lot about how joe biden brand, joe biden was the brand and that's what they sold post government life. i think that's the key though, shannon. why this has been tricky and confusing for people to understand. i think we just haven't gotten to the point yet where the gop has been able to strap this direct link to say a foreign nation paying joe biden while he was in office and making a decision for the country based on that. but, however, tony presented some compelling testimony. i think it is for the voters to decide in november. do they like the fact that the former vice president and now president's son was using their name around the world to do business with china, one of our biggest enemies? that's for the voter to decide. >> shannon: democrats say impeachment is over and no smoking begun. republicans will move forward. republicans ramp ping up pressure on democrats to pass the laken riley act. the father of that young woman making a heartbreaking plea to
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lawmakers. plus texas governor greg abbott says he is trying to protect the state's borders and ripping the president's policies in the process. >> joe biden, through his actions, is violating the laws of the united states of america. that's exactly why i declared our authority under article one, section ten of the united states constitution. texas has a right to defend ourselves. >> shannon: we're waiting for a court announcement to see the if they agree on the ruling on the texas law that allows police to arrest people for crossing the border illegally under the new state law. nate foye and jason chaffetz on the story for us next.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> when joe biden took office he proudly signed executive orders that eliminated all of the policies that trump had put into place and he opened the gates to the entire world. the entire world has taken up joe biden on his offer. how many terrorists are roaming the united states of america as we speak? the answer is, no one knows. he have is aiding and abetting illegal entry. texas has a right to defend ourselves and we will use that authority to declare an invasion and fight back against that invasion. [applause] >> shannon: texas governor greg abbott laying out his plans for securing the southern border. right now we are waiting for court's decisi on a texas state immigration law. the ruling could determine if police can arrest people for illegally entering the country under state, not federal law. abbott says texas will keep enforcing the law while it waits on a decision. one texas sheriff tearing into the president's handling of the
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crisis. >> the u.s./mexico border is no longer the u.s./mexico border. is the u.s./world border . people from all over the world are making entry into the united states illegally. they refuse to work with governor abbott and local law enforcement on this issue. those local law enforcement can be trained and work with our federal partners. >> shannon: nate foye is in eagle pass, texas with more. hello, nate. >> that immigration law that you mentioned is called senate bill four and we are waiting any minute now on a decision from a panel of three judges in an appeals court. they are deciding specifically on if texas can implement or enforce sb4 over the next two weeks but then they will hear arguments about whether or not the law is unconstitutional coming up on april 3rd. there is a two-week buffer period with the possibility of conflicting rulings, texas law enforcement is in a tough spot
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here. listen to this. >> i'm not sure that they are willing to go all in on something where the courts could easily go the other direction once they have heard the merits of the case. >> sb4 is drafted and designed to with stand constitutional scrutiny. >> let's take a live look at the fox news drone right now, shannon. you see these four people just crossed the river illegally a couple hours ago and speaking with national guardsmen. sb4 would allow texas to arrest and deport them without turning them over to border patrol. in a special hearing yesterday texas earring ofd it has a right to defend itself. governor abbott moments ago you heard. sb4 mirrors rather than contradicts federal law. the biden administration says the law is against precedent and oversteps federal authority over our borders. now speaking of federal authority, shannon, stunning new
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data finds since president joe biden took office, dhs has thrown out 200,000 deportation cases because they didn't file the required notices to appear before scheduled hearings. take a look at this video from yesterday as about 150 migrants crossed the border illegally in california. so according to this report from track, a nonpartisan group, dhs's scheduling immigration hearing before the agency is actually capable of filing the notices to appear. track also finds dhs is fixing its mistake and restarting the filing process only 25% of the time. the rest result in migrants released into the country without a hearing. human smuggling continues to be a big problem in texas. look at this video. this chase with texas dps is from kenny county. the driver is an illegal immigrant who lived in pennsylvania. you see he is stopped, six migrants bail out of the car,
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troopers eventually catch the driver with a pit maneuver you see right here and track down five of the six migrants that bailed out. right now, shannon, illegal crossings are relatively down in texas as we await the immediate future of sb4. but again illegal crossings skyrocketing in america's west. send it back to you. >> shannon: nate foye. thank you very much from the border. jason chaffetz, fox news contributor, former republican congressman from utah. always great to see you. i want to start in the role you had as chairman of the house oversight committee. is there a role for that committee when it comes to what nate is talking about. hundreds of thousands of cases dismissed because the paperwork didn't get in on time. >> i was also on the immigration subcommittee in the house judiciary. look, absolutely. how is it that by the hundreds of thousands this administration, the biden/harris administration failed to file
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paperwork? they just released them into the country. the craziness that the democrats have implemented here they are doing everything to fight the wrong people. they are doing everything to fight governor abbott and the state of texas as opposed to partnering and working with them to solve this problem. they think texas is the bad guys and the illegal immigrants just have free unfettered access into the homeland. >> shannon: you heard the sheriff there saying there are people who want to exploit what is happening here. a tiktok influencers reportedly an illegal immigrant who has a business idea. here is what he says. >> my people, i have thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there is a law that says that if a house is not inhabited you can ex appropriate it. that will be my next business, invade abandoned houses. >> shannon: i don't know where he is or what his status is now. he has a new business idea based
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on how he sees laws being enforced in this country. >> if he is here illegally arrest him. this is unbelievable. this is the type of stuff that they are doing. now they have this bill sitting in the senate, in the united states senate and chuck schumer won't bring it up. >> shannon: in minutes there will be senate republicans trying to put pressure on democrats to pass the laken riley act that made it through the house. it would require federal officials to arrest, detain and deport illegal immigrants who commit burglary or theft. will there be enough heat on senate democrats to do the same? >> why is this not a no-brainer? if you are here illegally and commit burglary or theft, you should be deported. now chuck schumer and the democrats are saying no because they want to immediately bring this up. it came before the house.
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wide bipartisan support. the idea that chuck schumer is delaying it for ten minutes is wrong. you commit burglary and theft and here illegal aand you won't get deported? it is so fundamentally wrong. >> shannon: we'll keep folks updated. thank you, jason, always great to see you. secretary of state antony blinken now visiting the middle east hours ago. the u.s. submitted a draft resolution to the u.n. calling for an immediate cease-fire between israel and hamas. meanwhile tensions on the rise between senator schumer and president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the other side of that. some are outraged as the biden administration begins a crackdown on gas-powered cars like the 1 you drive. >> this is absolute fantasy and hypocrisy. they are not going to buy these cars and you cannot force them to unless you go the draconian
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measures of russia and china. >> shannon: forcing americans to drive electric. how exactly the administration says this is going to work. ari fleischer on that up next. nc kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership.
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senators. >> i led the introduction of this act. the bill would require ice to issue detainers and take into custody illegal aliens who commit crimes like theft and shoplifting. the house passed this bill earlier this month with the support of 37 democrats. but while some house democrats found common ground on this, nate democrats blocked me from passing the laken riley act in the senate last week so we'll try again. i'm proposing an amendment to add the laken riley act to the spending package we expect to consider this week.
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this amendment deserves a fair up or down vote on the senate floor. the american people need to know who stands on the side of preventing tragedies and who will continue to, sadly, enable them. we simply don't believe that another american family needs to experience a tragedy like this one that befell rile t riley family and why we need to pass the laken riley act today. next we have again thanks to my colleagues senator marshall from kansas. >> thank you, senator, for leading this. this is one of the saddest news conferences we've ever had to do and we stand here today first and foremost to honor the life of laken riley and to mourn her loss. we want her family to know that we're standing beside them and we're not going to let her life pass in vain. i don't have to tell anybody in
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the audience that she was murdered, senselessly murdered and her alleged murderer was an illegal alien. this was done if broad daylight without any cause whatsoever. i was stricken this weekend as i heard laken's father speak and he said this might not have happened if we had secure borders. well, it happened because of joe biden's policies. it happened because we don't have secure borders. her alleged murderer was par rolled by joe biden. one of 2 million people paroled by joe biden. how can you possibly begin to vet 2 million people when you bring them into this country hundreds of thousands of them flown into the country? besides being paroled he was arrested in new york and released. a warrant for his arrest in atlanta. what the laken riley act would do is force local law
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enforcement to keep that person in custody, illegal alien that has been arrested should be kept in custody. can you imagine we now have 1 1/2 million people in this country that have gone through the entire immigration process and they've not been removed by joe biden? so we're seeing laken rile'y's story played out day after day. americans will die from fentanyl poisoning. in kansas last year alone law enforcement officers were able to stop 200 pounds of fentanyl. enough to kill 40 million americans. kansas has 3 million people but they were able to apprehend enough fentanyl enough to kill every person in kansas 14 times. as the law enforcement officer said in the round table we aren't going to able to arrest ourselves out of this situation. we need to secure the border. if our friends across the aisle were serious about securing the border, they would give us a vote on the laken riley act and
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force law enforcement to detain any illegal aliens who commit a crime. i stand beside senator budde today hope we get that vote this week. thank you. >> shannon: senate republicans push for the passage of the laken riley act that had strong bipartisan support in the house. we'll monitor that vote today. the tension remains high between israeli prime minister netanyahu and chuck schumer. he met virtually with senate republicans yesterday but schumer has rejected netanyahu's offer to do the same to brief senate democrats. >> as i said, when you make these issues partisan, you hurt the cause of israel. >> shannon: current rift began after schumer called on israel to have new elections and said netanyahu was a primary obstacle
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to piece. critics going hard after schumer. let's bring in ari flesher thiss gotten tricky between the current white house and prime minister. the president said he thought schumer spoke for a lot of people. >> this has been such a blunder by president biden, senator schumer. the u.s./israeli relationship has been a strong, solid one with complications. not unusual for american presidents to have differences with israel. what is different is in the middle of a war for israel's very existence after a masker and a slaughter that this administration and senate pressure israel more than they are pressuring hamas. where are the calls for hamas to surrender, give up the hostages and disarm? the pressure is just on israel. the democracy fighting to
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protect itself. it is a classic joe biden blunder has his entire career has been marked by blunders of judgment when it comes to foreign policy. >> shannon: we have some democrats, a growing -- talking about aid to israel. a number of critical meetings in the middle east today. the biden administration is having a crackdown on gas powered cars and bringing out al gore's son. >> i'm honored to be here as we set a course to cut tailpipe pollution in half over the next eight years. here to say clearly that we can do this. i want to congratulate the biden administration and everyone at epa who have contributed to this historic moment. >> shannon: it would impose strict limit on tailpipe
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pollution, 56% of new car sales to be electric by 2032. 13% of that has to be plug-in hybrids. a massive increase given that e.v.s only made up 7.6% of new vehicle sales last year. former president trump slamming the plan posting it will destroy the livelihoods of countless u.s. auto workers while sending the u.s. auto industry to china. pledging to reverse the rule if he wins in november. critical of the "wall street journal" saying biden's mandate blows its cover. washington examner. electric car fiasco. "new york post" biden's war on gas cars will cost americans a fortune and ari, we're hearing from dealers who say we can't move the ones we have now. >> this is just so misguided and fundamentally the -- a consumer buying what they want. the government dictates you
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can't buy a gas powered car. compel you to buy electric cars. this is not the business of the government. cayou imagine if they said to us you can't heat your home with oil or gas, you can only use solar or only use wind or hydro? and then it doesn't work. there is not enough to go around. that's the problem here. e.v.s, i'm all for. i hope they're successful. but evs have their own pollution problem when it comes to batteries and production and how do you fire up all the electric plants to power e.v.s? it means some jurisdictions coal is coming back online to power up several of the factories that are required now as part of battery production and have green energy. so it is not even the solution. but what i object to most is command and control by the
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government ordering us to buy products in the marketplace. that is not going to work. it has never worked. >> shannon: we know the lawsuits have already been drafted and supreme court is making very big considerations how far federal agencies can go. we'll see what kind of collision course may be there on the legal front, too. ari, thank you so much. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: the third party threats giving democrats a huge headache. now reports that dems are lawyering up to protect the president's re-election chances. it will be pitched and pitched battle in several states to win the hearts of minority voters. president biden is scrambling to make up ground he lost to president trump among key groups. power panel weighs in next. i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan.
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>> shannon: a crime wave as you may have heard is hitting cities across america including i can testify here in the nation's capital impacting lawmakers, staffers and tourists who like to come visit here. right now the house is holding a hearing on safety on capitol hill. i think we have someone from d.c. police union chairman greg pemberton. >> d.c. residents and business owners are under siege. members of congress are assaulted and carjacked. congressional staff members are
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robbed and stabbed. tour efforts and visitors are being targeted and attacked. the d.c. council fails to admit their policies have played a significant role in the outcome. >> we'll monitor the hearing. >> shannon: president biden will arrive in houston soon finishing up a western swing this week on the campaign trail. president in texas, nevada and arizona looking to claw back support from latino voters. new polls show us biden is trailing trump in nevada and arizona, both states that biden won in 2020. you know that large latino populations there. voters who turn out. we've seen biden support among the key voting block drop off significantly since 2020. some warn it could be trouble in his bid for 2024. former wisconsin congressman sean duffy included this. >> the issue here is latino voters aren't compelled by the
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argument he opened up the border and they love it. they don't. at the care about inflation, rise in crime. when you win by razor thin margins and start to lose a voting block that might be five or 8% of the population it's a big deal and why joe biden is fighting so hard to win these voters back. >> shannon: new strategy of attacking trump on full display this trip at a campaign reception in dallas he told supporters unlike donald trump i don't demonize immigrants. i won't say they are poisoning the blood of the nation or call people rapists and won't end birthright citizenship. david avella, gopac chairman and richard fowler fox news contributor. a number of key groups where there has been a shift away from the biden campaign in 2020 to president trump. david, is that just excellent messaging on your part on the gop or something else going on? >> hispanic voters are paying more for items like all
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americans are since joe biden came into office and they know that. let me also say what we know is that president biden is now 12 points lower among hispanic voters than in 2020. the day that donald trump starts winning hispanic voters the democrats will be for securing the border. >> shannon: let me read something on that point from "the new york times." a decade ago many democrats assumed the high levels of support they received from voters of colors during obama's presidency would continue. the racial resentment story about trump's victory was alluring to many progressive because it absolved them of responsibility. it if was all about racism -- >> this is a good point, shannon. i think david brings up a good point. i got a chance to watch the state of the union with a group of undecided black men. i wrote about it for forbes magazine. the biggest applause line these
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voters got from the president. he would decrease the cost of late fees on credit cards to $8. the biggest applause. hour long speech. the thing that got the most applause was $8 late fees. when it comes to making ends meet, that's what these voters care about. here lies the problem for both campaigns. for the biden campaign he has fortalk about what he has done over the past three years to make ends meet easier. trump campaign talk about what he will do to make ends meet. what we hear is a lot of grievance from trump and a border is not working. inflation this and inflation that. we haven't heard any real solution to make the voters think when trump gets into office he will make ends meet easier for these voters. who can make the economy work and work better? >> shannon: we know in almost all the polling it's not the top issue, if not it's number two. democrats pulling out the stops to protect president biden from
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potential third party spoilers. the democratic national committee forming a team of lawyers to monitor how third party candidates seek ballot access. right now independent cornel west and rfk junior are on ballots in four states. the green party secured lots in 19 states and no labels is in 16 states. veteran strategist warns the single biggest threat to put trump back into the white house is third party candidates. not whether trump gets convicted or biden gate. none of that stuff. rfk junior says people want other options. >> people say they're tired of being presented with a choice between the lesser of two evils. they want a candidate who they believe in, who gives them a hopeful vision for the future of this country. our first challenge is to get on the ballot in all states and we'll do that. >> shannon: but richard, dnc says they have lawyers to keep everybody off the ballot.
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they'll monitor. it undermines the whole argument of democratic access for all and voter options for all if they will have these lawyers who are dedicated to making sure there are fewer options. >> it's making sure the process works. let's be clear. in 2016, this is one of the reasons why a lot of folks say hillary clinton didn't win. in michigan and wisconsin jill stein was on the ballot. democrats are paying attention to how third party candidates they will pay atted not only that but you will see the president make visits to the state. we saw the vice president for the first time in history make a visit to an abortion clinic in wisconsin. clear the white house is paying attention to these things. biden campaign is paying attention. the question is how will these third party voters show up understanding that 25% to 1/five of republican voters at this point in time did not vote for trump even though there is no other candidate in the race.
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>> shannon: our recent fox news polling show head-to-head trump has a significant gap within many of these four or five points, that kind of thing. when you throw in the third party candidate it ties up the race in a lot of these classs or closes the gap. >> for the party for democracy and elections, it doesn't prevail when it potentially costs them from winning the white house. interesting. we should be and we are. we are for candidates being on the ballot and why we don't have a problem with kennedy being on the ballot. we aren't trying to get kennedy off the ballot in pennsylvania, nevada and arizona. richard's party have an entire law firm set up at the dnc to counter third party candidates. let me just say this. in a state like michigan it is not a third party candidate that will cost joe biden. it is his e.v. policies that will put union workers out of business and out of employment. it will cost him a state like michigan. >> union leadership may have
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endorsed him. rank and file members. >> shannon: the issue of more than 100,000 people showed up to vote uncommitted. arab american community is unhappy about how he is handling israel/hamas. all kinds of land mines. >> there are land mines and you see this white house making a clear shift on how they are doing their israel/gaza poll cismd you saw the vice president when she was in selma say we do need a cease-fire and a lot of pressure on netanyahu to do that. >> joe biden's biggest problem is americans know he has caused things to be more expensive and the border less secure and doesn't have a defense for it. donald trump can say look, we had a good, strong economy when i was president. >> shannon: we'll see how voters feel for the top two issues. i'm shannon bream for harris. join me for "fox news sunday." "outnumbered" is after this quick break.
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