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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 21, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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disrupt him now, distract him from the campaign, that is the tactic. that is the goal. that is why i think this is so wrong. i think if they felt they had a legitimate loss, there was a deutsche bank loss of $400 billion, then yes, bring it on, especially $400 million in . but not this. >> neil: don, real quickly, your friend barack obama, have you ever had a chance to talk to him about this? whether he she is going too far, helping donald trump in the polls, if her interest was to slap him she is doing anything but, real quick? >> i haven't, but barack obama is a different person. as you recall, barack obama was president of the united states and oversaw the general services administration, and donald trump said that he wasn't a citizen. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone dear i'm dana perino along with
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judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ "the new york post" obtaining these shocking images of a border stampede. check it out, a group of over 100 migrants rushing a wall, in el paso, texas, after furiously breaking through razor wire, knocking over guards as they attempted to enter america illegally. the texas national guard later securing the area, but if you think that is bad, the border crisis is now colliding with america's squatter crisis. a venezuelan national tiktoker with over 500,000 followers urging other illegal immigrants to invade vacant american homes. >> interpreter: my people, i have thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there is a law that says if a house is not inhabited, we can expropriate it. i think that will be my next
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business. invade abandoned houses. >> dana: these stunning images come as laken riley's dad calls on georgia leaders to declare what is happening at the border and invasion. >> a man with an evil heart stole her life. he was in this country and in this state illegally. my vision for every senator in this chamber is that you protect citizens from this illegal invasion. governor kemp, please declare an invasion to detain and deport criminal illegals so we can prevent future families from those tragedies. >> dana: all of this madness to get worse thanks to some incompetence from the white house. nearly 200,000 migrant deportation cases are being thrown out because the biden administration failed to file paperwork on them. 200,000. greg, i'm squatter tiktok migrant dude, you had a suggestion the other day that this might happen. >> greg: yes, i did. see you have a tiktoker
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instructing illegals how to squat in people's homes. you can't get a more 2024 story. all that's missing -- you have illegal immigrants, immigration, squatting, tiktok, all that is missing is travis kelce hooking up with dylan mulvaney in haiti, and then it would be everything. goes back to the theme of boundary destruction. i laid this out yesterday and thank you for bringing it up. when one boundary goes, so goes another. the border between countries is gone. that the boundary. what follows is a boundary between your home in the chaos outside, which is caused by the other boundary, the border, and then what is tiktok? a propaganda weapon that has broken the boundaries of your mind, children especially, goes right through, the parents can't control it, and the modern, i would say progressive, has demonized any protections against any pernicious outside influences who dared to point out any wrongdoing in any of this. the cultural marxist will tell you you are probably a racist.
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ten years ago on this show i pointed out the hypocrisy of the open border elites who had walls, gates, and fences around their property. why did it work for them but it doesn't work for our country, right? our country is our home. now they can see that by forfeiting one will lead to the forfeiture of another. you look at these immigration gangs coming over, they are to wealthy people's homes. they don't break into poor people's homes. by the way, just one more point about losing all that paperwork. you know, would they ever lose like 200,000 tax returns? or checks? would they ever lose that? they are really good with that stuff. where could it g >> dana: what happens, judge, if notices to appear just disappear, the people don't have to worry about it? >> judge jeanine: no, they don't have to worry about it. first of all, the whole concept is absurd. you let people into this country about whom you know nothing. they can be wanted in their own country for murder, as we found
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out the last two days, the news that we have heard about individuals wanted for murder and high crimes and their own country, they are coming here. we don't ask them anything. but think about the absurdity of it, dana. we let them in and we say, they are on parole. that's baloney. they are not on parole because if you are on parole your parole offices and knows where you are every minute. so they don't know where they are. they are gone so of course they cannot give them a notice to appear. that is why no one is appearing. they don't get a notice because nobody knows where they are in the first place. this is basically the destruction of civilization. it is the elimination of borders. it is the creation of a globalist landing spot where people are not happy to be here, they are demanding that they be here, that they be accommodated with homes and they are going to look for your home to enter, and the laws in the united states in all 50 states, dana, allow squatters to have rights. it is just a question of 30 days
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or more than 30 days of your intentionally intending to make this your permanent resident. here is the bottom line. if these legislators in the states or congress want to pass a law that can give american citizens their right of ownership, they can eliminate all of the squatter nonsense because they are not tenants, they are trespassers. more than that, they are burglars beards before we should track that a and figure out which state legislatures are doing that. jesse, when we see this in the footage "the new york post" put up of the stampede at the border, texas national guard trying to deal with this, we are in a visual medium. we know that people are going to see this not just on their televisions, but also on their phones. it is going to be everywhere. and the biden administration continues to say everything is fine or that congress just needs to give them more money and everything will be okay. >> jesse: joe biden can spend $10 million on ads this weekend, and then you can watch that video, and that money just blows
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itself up. what you are seeing is no one knows how to say stop. and notice, why do they stop? wait, that was a wall that stopped them. because we were told walls don't work. they snipped through the barb wire and then made a wall and they stop, which is weird, because we were told walls were racist and ineffective fear we were told we weren't even allowed to say invasion. a year ago if you had said invasion, you would have been slandered as a racist. now, texas has declared it, and these aren't people who are asking to come in. these are people violently trespassing into the country. this is an invasion and an obama judge just allowed these people to have weapons. they are invading the border, invading our homes, and this guy, this influencer, this -- i guess you would call him a migrant welfare king -- he had another video where he said, come over, break into the country, and have babies. because you won't believe what
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they gave you with you have babies. if you have a baby, they give you checks every month, so come in here, you don't have to work. we were told they are here to work, and now they are violently invading the country and then ripping off the welfare state. everything we were told about this border was wrong. we were lied to about it. and men need to stand up and just say stop, or perhaps get it together, which i discuss in my new book -- >> dana: oh, my word. >> jesse: if you had a strong leader in the white house or a strong leader anywhere to say stop, no, you are not crossing, this isn't how we run things, that would happen. but we have a soft man in the white house who just lets everything poor across his stupid lap. >> dana: and the numbers are interesting, jessica. cnn data reporter harry antin looked at all of these numbers on immigration and border security polling and this is what he said. watch. >> look at that advantage of that biden has -- excuse me, donald trump has on immigration and border security. nearly 30 points.
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this is a tremendous change that is going on and it is no wonder that donald trump is running on immigration and he has not just running on it in a republican primary, he is running on it in the general election. >> dana: i mean, biden can't change a 30-point differential by saying congress has to send me more money. >> jessica: it's one of those margins that's actually too big to be changed, you can only hope that you can get into the kind of 10-15 percentage points in that. the economy then becomes the number one issue again for people. we had elections on tuesday, like the many super tuesday, and it is interesting to see where the nikki haley voters are in ae the ones that are going to decie the election, right, the moderate republicans and independents are less who are not going to necessarily support donald trump are open to joe biden and it was about 15%-25% depending on the state from florida to ohio. they are still ranking the economy is number one but immigration is right there, and now that immigration, because of greg abbott doing the busing, is a liberal city problem, this is something that is on our radar.
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doesn't mean that it is going to be the thing that's absolutely top of mind when you go into vote, but it is a big concern. when you see a margin like that, and if the mothers don't get smaller, especially on other iss because trump has been up on other issues, as well, joe biden, that's a really rough go for him in november. >> dana: that's a wrap on that pair of all right, head, the media throwing a fit over trump's bloodbath comments, but near silence on the ex-nbc executive who said barron trump was fair game. ♪ ♪ [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself.
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>> jesse: the same media who lost their mind over and out of context clip of donald trump saying that it would be a bloodbath in the auto industry seemed to have no problems with one of their own targeting donald trump's youngest son. a former nbc senior executive posting this trash on social media, "barron trump turns 18 today. he's fair game now." the guy who posted that deleted it and has no mike is apologizing, telling our producers come "by fair game i meant as an adult and the child of a president, barron trump is now fair game for media scrutin. after i posted it, people brought to my attention that fair game could be interpreted as physical harm against mr. trump. i would never wish physical harm or violence against anyone, so i quickly deleted the post beer i apologized to mr. trump and family and realize i shouldn't have posted what i did at all." he is not the only liberal using violently what against his political opponents. james carville says biden --
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and allusion to assassination, in other words, a bloodbath. >> a lot of people do what call "the wet work." >> sounds like a mob hit. >> well, but it is paid tv and stuff like that, a a cia term. take a guy out. but he doesn't need to do the wet work. >> jesse: greg, the senior former executive, do you really think that's what he meant? >> greg: not at all. in fact, i think the critics are wrong on this and i think they are letting him off easy. when he said barron was fair game, they thought he was making a political threat. he was talking about sex. right, if you look at his past
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tweets, they were always about they are and as a sex object, taking pictures of him when he was younger, various body parts, hoping he would be gay. there is a word for this and it rhymes with grooming. focusing on a boy's appearance, hoping for his sexual awakening and says i didn't wish any harm. you didn't wish any harm, you wanted to seduce him and he was able to get away with this because i am gay, no one would accuse me of grooming, i will call them homophobic, so he was able to get away with it for so long. if people actually knew what he meant, it would be worse. i want to talk about, just in general a message to all of these trump haters because clearly they are going after the family as is is not enough. they need another one. they just can't get their derangement -- i can't wait to go after barron. sometimes the enemy of the system isn't perfect. you know, how can you not see
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that the system is trying to destroy its biggest enemy that it has ever had, and you are citing with the system because you don't like the other guy. hating trump should not matter if you have principles, right? you have a system right now, we call it the deep state, whatever it i but it is law fair times 1n possible, violating the laws, violating the constitution to do it vehicle it shouldn't matter how you feel about trump. it should matter how you feel about your country, you know, because it is not going to end with trump. there is going to be somebody you really support and this is going to happen to them, the system is doing this to a private -- and a public -- but a private citizen, taking his assets. it's just, to me, it should be even more of a dedicated outrage because you don't like him because that is harder. >> jesse: are we reaching a dangerous place now? >> dana: this was another
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missed political opportunity for the white house to do the right thing. what was stopping them from putting out a statement? saying oy, absently not, do not talk about barron trump. doing the right thing here and it is not going after barron trump. do you remember the capitol hill press secretary who dared to comment on the outfit choice of one of the obama daughters? she got run out of town. she got fired. she didn't work for a long time. so there are double standards when it comes to the media, indeed. as to what james carville said, talk about the phrase he uses, wet work, it's hilarious he thinks joe biden is the most effective attack politician we've ever seen -- are you serious? may be back in the day but certainly not now, you have to be able to throw a punch in land a punch and i just think he is going to get knocked out. >> jesse: does that hurt the democrats, jessica, when they are policing the speech of donald trump? they are not even doing honestly, taking it out of
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context, and then they are throwing around "wet work?" >> jessica: i just don't think james carville is that important at this particular moment. i understand he is great for clip culture online and what he did in the '90s is incredible, you know, master strategist, and bill clinton is one of the more effective presidents, and republicans even liked him, and democrats and republican's worked side-by-side, contract for america, all of that. james carville was a huge part of that. doesn't mean his political instance were wrong in 2016. he and bill clinton were very right about what hillary should have been doing versus what our campaign was doing. but i don't think that you can compare someone who is just talking on anderson cooper to someone who was president of the united states of america and is vying to be president of the united states of america again. i watch the bloodbath clip. i understand that was about the auto industry. but the point is that you cannot ignore the long history of
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donald trump talking in those types of terms. this goes back -- >> greg: you are. >> jessica: i'm not. >> greg: if you weren't ignoring them he would go, that's just his language. you just prove the point. >> jessica: he has not -- the man hasn't -- >> greg: he uses -- >> jessica: i understand that we have to give him more roadway than everyone else because he uses precise language, but the man calling migrants vermin, that they are poisoning the blood of our country -- >> greg: illegals who are criminals. >> jessica: sure. but we still -- >> greg: i would call an illegal criminal vermin. >> jessica: in 2016 talking about if he has denied the nomination i think you'd have riots. 2020, responding -- >> greg: there were riots when he won, right? >> jessica: are you just -- >> greg: i'm going to go through every point. >> jessica: after the pennsylvania supreme court told him again that he had lost, he said it would induce violence in the street, bad things will
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happen and bad things lead to other types of bad things. 2023, death and destruction if i am charged by the manhattan d.a., 2023 after the mar-a-lago search in august, terrible things are going to happen peer 2024, bedlam in the country of criminal charges against me e successful. >> greg: i'm not seeing an absence of bedlam. >> jesse: there is also an actual invasion taking place that you don't seem to care about. we just watched on the video -- >> jessica: that's not what he is talking about. >> jesse: what president donald trump says, while this country is in a mess right now, judge. >> judge jeanine: one of the things, i want to go back to barron. this guy is weird, okay, this former nbc exec, and i'm trying to find out why he is a former nbc exec. he has been focused on barron for a long time, 17, 18, 19, the first son could be a model, you know, he's cool, he towers over his father, he's always talking about him with pictures, baby photos, there is something wrong with him.
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okay, that's for starters. secondly, barron trump has never involved himself in politics he's got no social media. he's got no team life drama. he's got no problems with the law. no public outbursts. this kid is about as straight and proper and nonpolitical as any kid who has ever been in the white house, and so for them to target him is just inappropriate, but you know, it's okay to target barron trump, but hunter biden, you can't bother him. meanwhile this guy is 54 years old and still living in the white house, and the shame of this whole thing with carville is they allow themselves to talk about violence in a way that they don't allow anyone to even reference it on the right. so when carville talks about wet work, he is talking about blood. he is talking about cleaning up bodies. and he specifically says, yeah, it's a cia term to take guys out. he's admitting what it is.
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look, there is no question, they have taken donald trump's money. they have indicted him. they are trying to take away his civil rights come his civil liberties, and you know the next thing is, and don't make like they haven't thought about it because they they have been seng signals on it for a long time. >> jesse: on social media -- >> jessica: not what -- >> judge jeanine: donald trump's bleeding head in your hand. >> jessica: james carville and kathy griffin have said things that are inappropriate. and that guy -- get it together, man. liberals pounced, as the headline will read, all over that guy's tweet and went,t, tae that down. this was not something that was applauded by anyone. >> jesse: well said, jessica. up next -- i was talking about the book blog, thank you. the blockheads running california causing cops to slap legos on criminals. ♪ ♪ (♪)
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: a new california law is blocking police from sharing suspect photos or mug shots for nonviolent crimes, forcing cops in one department to get a little creative and replacing their faces with lego heads. check out these two blockheads busted for shoplifting. the suspect allegedly stole the victims phone peer of any mug shot they do post has to be deleted after 14 days. but there is a big update: the police department says it will stop using lego heads after the toy company complaint. so going forward they will use emojis. judge, i want to start with you, and you can take this anywhere you want but how did they not think that lego would immediately -- >> judge jeanine: lego -- >> jessica: take our toys off your heads. >> judge jeanine: lego issued an immediate cease and desist. but that's california, they don't know what they are doing.
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whole concept is absurd beer i get it, if you have been acquitted, if your record is expunged, or if there is some kind of eradication or dismissal, or even a certificate for rehabilitation that they call it in california, which i imagine is not a difficult thing to get. what i want to know is what are they using in lineups now and photo arrays? do they use legos? they can't, obviously, but they say if it is a nonviolent crime, you cannot use that photo, and then the question becomes, so if you steal thousands of dollars of fraud or if you get a senior citizen and you calm her and she ends up losing her house, you may consider that a nonviolent crime but to that senior citizen it is an economic violent crime. so this is just an effort, a further effort to exonerate the guilty so that we can live in a society where there is no accountability, no consequence. let's just clean up everybody's
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record. let's make sure no one is accountable, no one is recognized, and it is nonsense. and by the way, i love it. they also want to make sure that when you are arrested, they use the right pronouns. it is an important step in affirming their true identity, racial and gender. god forbid they are arrested for a crime they get get their feelings hurt. instead, they should identify as innocent as opposed to him, her, they, or it. >> jessica: greg, can you make the argument as the folks behind this policy have, that this is part of due process? these people haven't been convicted of a crime and splashing their faces all over the internet and tv isn't fair? >> jessica: i could make that argument -- >> jessica: but you don't want to? >> greg: i'm not going to for no region whatsoever. the judge said they are putting the interests of the criminals out of their victims. in this case the criminals are put in front of future victims. if you knew, had the confidence
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that these people would spend time in jail, then i think it wouldn't matter, but they are out before the cops get the paperwork done, so the mug shots aren't about the past victims. it so you recognize a person as he is following you into an elevator so you can say, i have a tip-off to get out. i'm willing to bet the people who make these decisions are far enough away from the envir environments where they won't run into repeat offenders. that is what this is about, so it doesn't matter to them. it's like the sanctuary city dopes with that luxury belief, knowing only the border states would have to deal with it, now they are paying the price give all of these sorrows-funded politicians and affluent white liberals, say from the policies they h attacked on minority communities who have to deal with the criminals in their area of. they are the ones that are going to get mugged, not the people who create these rules. >> jessica: dana, what do you think? >> dana: not to much more to add except i was going to point
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out, like, they are not meant to prosecute them anyway. >> greg: yeah. >> dana: well, maybe some of them if they are super violent, but pretty much everyone seems to be able to get out of it. the other thing i was going to point out is i really hate the trend where you have pole departments that are not allowed to describe a suspect based on physical appearance, like you can't say, brown person, white person -- it's really absurd because how are you supposed to find someone if they are in pursuit of someone like that? >> judge jeanine: they can if they are in a pursuit. they can, that's the only way they can communicate who they are looking for by identifying -- >> dana: i'm thinking of something we covered on "newsroom," i don't have the specifics, but it's thursday night at 18 shows this week -- >> greg: they will not tell you what a person looks like. >> dana: the other point is universities have been for a couple decades now leading up to
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this point where you see very liberal policies in hr departments, in media, in sports, even, and i think it is happening through the criminal justice system, as well. >> greg: everywhere. >> jessica: jesse? >> jesse: i like to look at mug shots because i want to see these people. it's also a deterrent. shame. when you are arrested and you are perp walked or your mug shot is out there or you get swept up in an under age sex staying in florida and the guy publicizes it on billboards all over the freeway -- >> greg: i hated that hated that. to be when you are driving, wait, isn't that our neighbor? that is a deterrent. in a sense, i think that is smart. in the other sense, what if i get arrested for something i didn't do because i am obviousy innocent and it is a nonviolent crime and i don't have a lego, and i'm innocent until proven guilty. innocent until proven guilty! so i should have something on my face.
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i mean, a logo, something. >> jessica: you get emoji. >> dana: your book cover on your face. spirit i will lease the book cover to that the country in a department in california. >> jessica: i would like to clarify a comment i made yesterday during our discussion of tony bobulinski's appearance at the congressional hearing. during an exchange of my colleagues about the hearing i said that mr. bob linsky's lawyers fees have been paid by a strong super pac as recent as january. it was ashley said during the hearing was that the law firm representing mr. bobulinski was paid by a compact. i have seen no indication of those payments were made in connection with mr. bobulinski's legal fees and he denies they were. peered out right, coming up next from a member of the squad derailing a congressional impeachment hearing lecture. to lecture about covid. ♪ ♪
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[laughter] >> judge jeanine: member rashida tlaib during the biden impeachment inquiry to say americans care more about long covid. >> this is an incredibly important committee. we could be doing some phenomenal things. i want to know about the american rescue dollars and where that money is being used. is it being used toward public health? is it being used toward the crisis that continues to happen with families being impacted by long covid symptoms? >> judge jeanine: fellow squad member ayanna pressley agrees. she just celebrated long covid awareness day last week. but the far left lawmakers must not have read the study that says long covid is fake. australian-backed medical researchers debunking it and saying the term long covid causes unnecessary fear. all right, greg, given your medical expertise, is long covid a real thing? >> greg: is a good question.
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i'm going to use an old scott adams phrase, two movies on one screen. ever since i got the vaccine come i haven't been the same, se would say that is long covid. someone says i am long covid, another will say that is from the vaccines. these two things are going to exist forever, whether it is real or not. i'm inclined to think it is not real, but when it comes to politicians and bracing long covid, the system ultimately protects itself. the party gained new powers over people in ways that we never imagined before. when the blob expands, it will kill rather than retract, so covid on covid alarmism is now encoded in the progress of mindscape, with identity politics, law fair, long covid l become another strand and the identity alphabet, lgbtq lc. >> judge jeanine: plus. >> greg: plus. >> judge jeanine: jesse, isn't it rich how ayanna pressley interrupts -- rashida tlaib
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interrupts a hearing that she calls a sham to talk about long covid, which isn't real? >> jesse: i think long covid could be in their head, although i have lost my sense of smell. >> greg: i i wisish i did. >> jesse: actually glad, sitting next to you come i have lost it. sometimes i feel like i've lost my sense of taste or smell. i used to have really rich flavors twirling around my pallet. >> greg: bad taste. [laughter] >> jesse: does long covid mean we're going to have an all mail-in ballot election? i feel like they are always looking for an excuse for something and we are onto it now. we are onto it. don't you dare, jessica. don't you dare. >> jessica: i'm not daring to do anything today. >> jesse: probably smart. >> judge jeanine: so if democrats say that 41% of them say long covid isn't over in four years, how long before they say it is really over? will it ever be over? >> jessica: not for certain people. i think the point is that it is
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not derailing society anymore. i was surprised she started talking about this. the australian study doesn't say that there aren't long covid symptoms, it says you are unnecessarily scaring people, which are two different things. in mid-february, february 10th, for instance, 19,000 new hospitalizations from covid. covid is still a thing and i do not believe and shaming anyone who wants to wear a mask as long as they are not making you wear a mask for it. but i think where there has been a lot of uniting, and it is a very good thing, is about this issue, what happened to the kids? that kids were held out of school, and that was something they didn't need to be closed down or need to be closed down for a few months and then we know this 6 feet apart thing didn't make a difference for young people. that is where you really see this among democrats and republicans, talking about it last night, my husband feels really passionately about it, that democrats can't run towards
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the covid policies because this is such a central piece of this and kids have lost 5-10 years of progress, not just in a classroom, but the social, emotional toll that this has taken on them, that they didn't have activities, couldn't hang out with their friends. i don't think it is a winning issue for democrats. >> judge jeanine: dana, why is covid, why has it been so politicized when here we are four years later, we understand it, we now know what it is ab about. >> dana: president biden was the one who declared the pandemic was over. that was something he really wanted to be able to claim as, look what i did. i entered the pandemic. i don't doubt that there are maybe some people out there who had underlying conditions, got covid, may be exacerbated systems symptoms. left possible, not a doctor. the other thing they are looking for, they are looking for. that's w what that is about. >> judge jeanine: she did
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mention money. and if you give blood, they want to know if you had the vaccine. is it ever okay to order off the kids menu? hm, "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back. time for "the fastest." first up, is it legal mike illegal to order off the kids menu? shouldn't after ordering children-from the options at the hotel. let's watch. >> room service, the girl who brought it to my room opens the door and said, where is the kid? i was like, what do you mean? she was like, you ordered off the kids menu. let me enjoy my kids meal in peace. >> greg: dana, i hate when they come to my door and say, where is the kid? >> dana: you know how you make fun of the p.r. study, now i feel that is what these viral videos are. somebody figured out a way to get on television for their tiktok thing. here is the thing. a lot of meals that are sent to your room if you are in a position to order room service, they are huge. and you don't need that much food. so you might just want the kids menu. there is a lot of stuff on the kids menu that is better than
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the regular menu. >> greg: the only small things are the salt and pepper things that you can't open. >> dana: and the tabasco. >> greg: those are so adorable. everything small is adorable. judge. [laughter] she's got a good point, this crazy person over here. the kids menu is probably how everybody eats and the rest of the world, fortunewise. >> judge jeanine: here's the thing. i am the one in the hotel who eats the whole thing. it is nobody's damn business. they are selling it, none of their business, you want to buy it, you're not asking for anything you're not entitled to based upon their designation of the price. end of the story. it's none of your damn business. >> greg: jessica, i tell them when they asked me, i'm a child at heart. >> jessica: i am 12. >> greg: i identify. >> jessica: they have raised the prices dramatically on the kids menu, though, to counteract this, at least in restaurants because they know you walk -- we were talking about this yesterday -- you sit down and immediately order your kids food because it is going to be a chicken finger, french fry fit,
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if not. while you are waiting for your food, of course, you are going to eat half of their food because they can't finish it. so they have hiked to the prices on it, which, i understand, from an economic standpoint, but it is frustrating -- >> jesse: why have they hiked the price is? say it. bidenomics. you are right. >> jessica: i don't know if it is that. but they kind of deserve it because it is have our meal now so you only order an appetizer because you had chicken fingers. >> greg: jesse, you could probably save a lot of money if you just ordered kids meals. >> jesse: as the only one with social graces on this table, i will tell you it is not illegal but it is frowned upon. if you are 50 grown men go into a normal restaurant and just take everything out of the kids menu, if i am a waitress, i am a waitress and i am walking over -- >> dana: how do you walk? >> jesse: i'm insulted by that. and i feel gypped. can i say that? i feel ripped off. to apologies in one show.
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>> jessica: clarified. there you go. >> dana: jesse, give it up. hold the hand. or don't say anything more. >> greg: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday more dog people
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the most prescribed biologic for asthma. ♪ >> dana: it's time now for "one more thing." jessica? >> jessica: okay an olympic snowboarder posted a video cruising down the mountain with 1-year-old daughter on her back. 2 time gold meldest strapped daughter on back for mommy daughter day. definitely never done that captured the video. noting her little baby's kicks of joy as she sledded the slope. isn't that cute? you go, girl. >> dana: jesse? >> jesse: we are sold out at point pleasant beach on sunday. if you really want to see me this weekend: be there saturday
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in the afternoon, and i will be doing stuff that i can't even talk about on the air. but it's going to be awesome. tonight, "jesse watters primetime," before that i will be on "the ingraham angle." and then i will be on my own show. and the get it together series continues with the drug legalization guru. here's a sneak peek. >> jesse: have you tried fentanyl? >> i have done it, yeah. i have actually died off of it and had to be brought back. i didn't know it was fentanyl i thought it was cocaine. >> dana: lucky he lived. >> greg: his eyes were huge. see what that does to you. >> jesse: those are google glasses. >> judge jeanine: guitar did he play for you? >> jesse: he sure did. >> dana: what about you, greg? >> greg: tonight a barn burner no offense to the amish. kat timpf, tyrus, going to be great. let's do, this greg changes the world! , you know, i'm not too happy about this. but, to are the second year in a
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row ever since i got my little guy gus, the french bulldog is the number one dog breed in the country. that's gus on the right. you know you people know me well enough that i actively avoid popular things. if you listen to my music you would know that. the music that i play. i hate being like everybody else. so, i've decided that i'm giving gus away. [laughter] >> jesse: what? >> greg: i already posted it on craig's list and i only got one person of interest and it's barack obama. it's weird. he just asked me how tender gus was. and i just was disgusted by that question. >> dana: you have to keep him. >> greg: there you go. happy ending. >> jesse: delicious. >> dana: antisocial and dogs that have social problems that took them to a dog park all together. and this is what happened. >> jesse: so funny. they all were like they just nt to be with their owners.
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they don't want to interact with people. they want to be left alone but together. yeah. i thought that was pretty funny. >> greg: that looks like any holiday at my house. >> dana: everybody to their corner. also a very special day today. my sister angie is celebrating a birthday. happy birthday angie. and, judge? >> judge jeanine: you know, it's interesting when you show those dogs, my dog doodle, my latest, my fourth rescue, she's in heat and not only are my three poodles nuts, but every dog in the neighborhood is at the gate like where is -- >> dana: like el paso. >> judge jeanine: we are going to knock this gate down. it is time for >> judge jeanine: they say clueless? i will say it again. clueless. anyway, a woman in australia was captured on surveillance video doing a full yoga flow before she allegedly broke into a bakery and committed a heist. see, she is getting herself all straightened out, stretched out.
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the bakery said that she stole hot cross buns and extra desantis, it must have smelled too good. there she is getting ready for the break. in okay. how much more time does she need on the camera before she breaks in? >> dana: that is so weird. >> greg: i think there is something more to this story. perhaps she might be on something that makes her hungry and act irrationally. >> dana: you know what? jesse could play that clip for the drug dude tonight. >> jesse: yes. >> greg: do on "the ingraham angle"? >> jesse: we are talking about the housing crisis with laura right off the top and her angle. that's what she calls herman log. >> greg: fantastic. >> judge jeanine: that's her show. isn't the angle also the monologue? >> greg: are you going to meet raymond arroyo? >> jesse: oh god, i hope so. >> dana: that is a great show. that is it for us. have great night. >> bret: one of those moves the thief was doing is actually called hot cross buns.


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