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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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and have conversations in hotels or in cafes to, again, to deceive the enemy as they would have overhear these conversations. >> the operations remain classified until the mid 1990s. >> the ghost army's tactics were meant to be invisible but today their contributions will no longer remain unseen in the shadows. >> which means for members of the ghost army, it's finally time to take a bough. on capitol hill chad pergram, fox news. >> bret: great story. tomorrow on "special report" houthi terrorists partner with china and russia. we will bring that you story. thank you for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts in just a minute. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is the is "the ingraham a"
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from washington tonight. we're going to bring you the prime time crossover event that i know you have been waiting for. jesse watters joins the angle. plus, blm protesters shut down kyle rittenhouse and harassed students at the university of memphis. tonight, rittenhouse is here to respond. and, coming up, this sure looks like an invasion, dramatic video of illegals bum-rushing our southern border. first, they are coming for the suburbs. that's the focus of tonight's angle. for decades the left wing intelligentsia such as it is has enjoyed railing against the suburbs lily white beds dysfunction. managed by stepford wives. drivers of climate change. it's endless ridicule and disdain. and they have been desperate to change zoning laws in order to force social and demographic change on neighborhoods that the left does not consider diverse
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enough. >> the word you hear a lot of now is equity and this week biden announced initiatives to advance housing equity and promote what he claims to be affordable housing. >> folks, affordable housing has been a challenge for a long time to solve it long term we have continue to crease supply because when supply is down, demand is up, costs rise. the bottom line to lower housing cost for good is to build, build, build. >> laura: how will this done? through a federal power grab essentially, an aggressive federal intervention in local politics. a plan to pressure cities and other localities to relax zoning restrictions that prevent the construction of let's say a tenement in the middle of a single family home neighborhood. biden's outgoing hud secretary marcia fudge has said we are about a million housing units short in the united states right now. of course, this is like an
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arsonist complaining of smoke from a house fire that that arsonist set himself. high interest rates and inflation, both of which biden is responsible for, are the single biggest drivers of housing costs today. add that -- add to that 10 to, what, 12 million illegal aliens, and you have a true housing deficit on your hands. now, these new recommendations are a political wish list that could be the basis for his housing policy in a second term. so, if you like your suburbs, safe, and uncongested and you like your gas powered suv, then you better vote for trump in november because they are coming for both. of course, we can't discount that politics are coming into play here either. biden chose to unveil his housing policy blueprint in nevada this week where the polls are beginning to look very grim for democrats. i guess we're going to see if folks in reno and the vegas
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suburbs are really clamoring for multi story apartment buildings in their neighborhoods. i don't think so. now, of course, biden tried to make it sound all like kind of like a norman rockwell painting. >> my dad used to always say was that the way you build equity in your home is the way you build wealth. so when you build enough equity in your home, then you have enough money to borrow to get something new and move and so on. and that's how everybody makes it. everybody, middle class makes it. >> laura: so says a man who has done more to damage the middle class than any president since jimmy carter. biden's open border, the push for more foreign workers. his ridiculously high energy costs, his war on the gas powered vehicle. all of it, every single thing is an attack on middle income workers. now, biden himself tries to sell his attack on the suburbs as
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just common sense. but, listen closely to the words of his dim bulb energy secretary jennifer granholm. >> we are trying to embed structural equity into a system that has been structurally inequitable. and it's not just the community benefits plans, but it's also the way these tax incentives have been structured. >> laura: embed structural equity. so, all you racists in the suburbs, get ready because you don't have a right to live in such a big house on a quarter of an acre, third of an acre, half an acre of land. now, you're not being an ally for housing equity if you do. and when structural equity in that lingo is not enough to get your juices flowing, radical socialists congressman jamaal bowman has a message for all you capitalists out there. it is plantation capitalism to
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have someone paying 40, 50, 60% of their salary towards rent. that is plantation capitalism. rent should be capped at 20% of someone's salary. we need to invest and pass the green new deal for public housing. >> laura: i hope the business community is happy that they got into bed with those loons. yeah. the truth is big government got us into this mess and more spending and the destruction of the suburbs is only going to make the divide in this country more stark. suburbs over time will become more like cities or worse, slums. but the super rich, they are going to be inslated from all of it. the only thing that will drive down costs is a booming economy, more growth, less wasteful spending, less off shoring of american manufacturing to countries in asia beginning of
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2020 mortgage interest rates with 3.27%. today they are around 7.56%. so doubling rates means first-time home buyers are forced into smaller homes or forced out of the market all together. and, of course, liberals love that well, for you not for them. they prefer that you live like mice in a maze or china style with high rises as far as the eye can see. remember the rules that they want to impose on the rest of us never ever effect them. the obama's compound in martha's vineyard won't be affected by new zoning laws nor will the biden's estate in wilmington. and the clintons? they are safe in chappaqua. and if the government doesn't deliver on housing, well, some resentful miscreants are taking matters into their own hands by squatting in other people's homes. >> now landlord stocked possession in possession of their property who they thought
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they were renting to with one person and it actually and to be another. >> you do not have a right to be in the house. >> do you not. you do not. according to my lease and mee and my girlfriend own the house. take away the. >> i you don't own the house. i own the house. >> laura: what a nightmare. and if illegal aliens already feel justified walking right into our country un inlight varietied, why should would he be surprised if they settle into our homes, too? now, this video supposedly posted by an illegal seems like something from the babylon bee. >> my people, i have thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there's a law that says if a house is not inhabited, we can exappropriate it. i think that will be my next business invade abandoned houses. >> laura: because of the bidenomics, high interest rates and the stupid blue state covid lockdowns that killed off so many businesses, foreclosures are up and we know that banks
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are essentially absentee landlords until they can offload these properties, which makes foreclosed homes prime targets for squatters, including the newcomers, according to fox news digital. >> previous migration in the country you have a short tang of housing which is already a problem. now you have a huge influx of people coming into the country with really nowhere to go although they are giving temporary housing. it's not a permanent solution. so people are really looking for somewhere that they can possibly stay long term. >> laura: yeah, long term, welcome. although squatter stories really nothing new, they're becoming far too common in biden's america. it's a sign of the times. we're americans who work hard, americans who follow the rules are forced to pay for those who don't or just have their neighborhoods ruined all together. >> people will find a house that's for sale that's empty. they break into the house, and then they claim that they have
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rights to the house. and they stay there. they know thatew york policy is with landlord court it will take 26 or 40 months to get them out, so, they are never going to be held criminally liable. they don't believe so, so, they come in, they take the house, and they rent out rooms. >> laura: oftentimes the police get calls and then they see a fake lease, the home's original locks and codes have been changed. and the squatters just continue to live there rent-free while the matter is all tied up in court. in queens, a homeowner was actually arrested after changing the locks forcibly evicting the squatters. yeah. his house evicting the squatters and he's the bad guy. but that's not like so much in liberal la la land because, look, no consequences for real criminal wrongdoing where phoney charges of racism are just used as a battering ram where everyone has to live with less with more crime and less freedom.
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again, this is all done in the name of equity. now, i know there are a lot of suburban women out there who think i have got to vote for biden. they want to save abortion. but the biden plan to rezone the suburbs should send you running to trump. wake up! save the life you worked hard to create for yourself and your family. and that's the angle. >> laura: joining us now jesse watters, the host of watters "primetime" at 8:00 p.m., author of the new smash book "get it together" jesse, i think this is the first time you have been on the angle, is it not? you have been on every show i'm like the tenth for fox for the book. >> jesse: i'm just happy to be here any way possible. i don't care if it's for five seconds or five minutes, laura. >> laura: are you squatting on "the ingraham angle"? we just did this whole thing on squatters. jesse,.
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>> jesse: jesse's squatters. >> laura: the fact this is what it has come to. your book gets into the minds of the radical leftists they love this idea of getting the stubborns their come up ins, don't they. >> it's happening in a town near me, unfortunately, the local politicians fought it tooth and nail for a while. they caved because the money they were throwing at these developers it was just too juicy to turn down. they have broken ground. there is construction everywhere. and they are putting in large amounts of low income housing. they just destroyed this beautiful forest. you can see it from the side of the road. and usually towns grow organically over long periods of time, that give the town time to prepare. but the area where you shop in this neighborhood, you got your butcher, you got your dry cleaner, your little juice store. there's no parking. there's not enough space in this little area to all of a sudden
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there's 400 new people like that. they just don't have the bandwidth to be able to have all of these people come in. it's going to change the fabric of the town, the contours of the town, the traffic. the school system. everything changes like that if you say you are against it, you are racist. it also not only helps the developers, laura, you are bringing in a lot of low income people, perhaps they are minorities. perhaps they are receiving government welfare. they be most likely voting for democrats. you take a lot of these democrats, bring him to districts that are probably a little more conservative and all of a sudden that's a swing district. have you imported hundreds and hundreds of voters into this area and the next election may not go the way it's usually gone lawyer they really always hated the suburbs. when you go on google and you put in suburbs or problems,
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there is like five things to come up. the problems ever the suburbs, suburban sprawl, climate change in the suburbs. it is just a nasty list of what they represent for, you know, the problem of fighting equity. so, the goal here is to make everyone more equal but do you agree that this actually makes the divide between the haves and have nots more pronounced because the middle class completely is gone at that point? >> jesse: right. because you're oversaturating the lower class with benefits and the wealthy people can move. they can do whatever they want. and the middle class totally gets forgotten, as trump said, or squeezed. it's going to create a lot of social animosity. there's going to be crime. it's going to change housing prices. housing prices, laura, i mean, i remember getting out of school and putting down a small down payment on a house, fixing it up in a couple years you sell it, you make a little money. if you are getting out of school
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now, you can't afford houses with these rates. 7%? 8%? that is absolute insanity. so then you start putting off getting married. putting off having a family. it just delays the american dream to where you're 40 years old, you are still living in the city with no kids. that's not a way to grow the american dream. that's a way to destroy it. and that may be what they want. i'm not inside their heads. i got inside of a lot of other people's heads though when i wrote "get it together." and you see this a lot, this kind of narcissism, this desire to lash out and take revenge at people. it's not well-thought out. it's irrational. people have problems. they're projecting their problems on the rest of society. they're saying "i'm not the problem. society is the problem." we're going to remake society so i feel better. but, all it does is make everybody else angry. so we have to tell them. >> laura: that's the goal.
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>> jesse: knock it out. get it together. one word, no. we'll don't say that word enough. >> laura: i think this is a great issue for trump though. all these suburban women are like running to biden. bye-bye suburbs. the suburbs are going to be gone. >> jesse: he said in the last election. i remember listening to him on the stump. is he going to destroy the suburbs, put projects in the suburbs. then he called them housewives and then the media said he called them housewives to distract from the policy. see, they never want to talk about the policy. it's just all slander. he is. >> laura: all right, jesse, i look forward to you on "the view." i know you are going to have fun with joy behar. >> jesse: joy and jesse. >> laura: it's a new spin off show. jesse, congrats on the book. it's always great to have you on the angle any time. >> jesse: thank you so much, laura. >> laura: coming up, kyle rittenhouse is here to talk about blm. what happened at his event last night. first, a stampede at the southern border, the shocking video is next.
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>> laura: welcome to another day in biden's america. isn't it awesome? in el paso, a group of more than 100 illegals must have gotten tired of waiting around, they stormed the border. [shouting]
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[bleep] [shouting] watch it. watch it [bleep]? >> shouting] [shouting] >> laura: shaken by the "new york post" shows illegal aliens ripping down bashed wire fencing and overtaking members of the texas national guard before they tried to force their way through another barrier. joining us now is lieutenant chris olivares, texas department of public safety spokesman. chris. you say some of these texas soldiers were injured. what can you tell us tonight? >> right, laura. so i don't know what more of an example we need to clearly show and justify that we have an invasion on our border than what you see in that video right now. right now this happened earlier this morning in el paso approximately 600 illegal immigrants, majority were from
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venezuela. and majority were single adult men that were in that group that actually contributed to breaching those physical barriers and getting across unlawfully, complete disrespect for our laws in texas. complete disrespect for the sovereignty of our state and most importantly disrespect for our soldiers and troopers on the front lines. several soldiers were assaulted. we did make several arrests for that and there is more arrests and more charges to come. that clearly shows, laura, that we need to have consequences. we need to hold people accountable that are breaking the law. this is another example of how senate bill 4 would haven't 4 would have provedto be effect. lawyer the fact that this is happening in the united states of america, is just -- i mean how anyone could think this was okay, it's beyond me and at this point, i think americans are watching this and saying how do you hold this type of crowd back. i mean, what if it's 500 people. i mean, we don't shoot people
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coming into our country. we don't shoot people that's not who we are as a country. but, if people think that they can get away with it, are you going to be able to arrest a thousand people if they show up? what next? >> you know, laura, that's a challenge that we have been facing for the last three years in texas because the fact that we have to take on this responsibility because the federal government refuses to enforce the laws that are on the books. and they refuse to protect our law enforcement officers by adding consequences for these types of situations. right there, yet over 600 that completely just breach those physical barriers that were placed by the national guard overtaking our soldiers and assaulting our soldiers really shows the type of situations that our soldiers are dealing with and our troopers are dealing with every single day by being on the front lines it. clearly shows also that when you have hundreds and even thousands coming across, it's even more challenging, how are we going to stop that many people coming across the border. we don't have all the resources, especially federal resources. >> laura: this is an invasion.
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no other way to describe it. i mean, soldiers, if they even defend themselves, there will be some viral video that -- just like they did with the horse whipping that fake video. there will be some viral video and that poor soldier have his life turned upside down. that's what i bet these guys are thinking on the front lines there. because they are going to say it's not worth it. my family's life is being turned upside down. suddenly i'm the bad guy for helping enforce the border because biden wants all these people. in does he not? >> well, absolutely. of course it puts our soldiers and even our troopers in a predicament now, right? of course we are facing this criticism and attacks by the federal government with lawsuits and threatening to, you know, press charges on our troopers and our soldiers for enforcing our laws. it clearly shows how there is a lack of leadership and lack of responsibility at the federal level where they don't want to enforce the laws that are on the books right now. we are having to take on this responsibility which we have been doing for the last three years. and now going into this year
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much more difficult. that he was why we need consequences. we need to have laws in place so we can prevent situations like this. >> laura: chris, thank you so much. great to see. all right, joining me now vivek ramaswamy, former candidate for president. vivek, we were going to do a different topic with you. i found this to be so disturbing on so many levels and i think we have to talk about this. right now we have a country in which americans, on january 6th, were, you know, they were targeted, people who weren't even in the capitol were targeted. and, you know, various charges brought, many of them unfair many periods of confinement. yet illegal aliens can do at our southern border, injure our soldiers. as far as i can tell biden's justice department is just yawning, the dhs, they don't care. >> well, look, laura, it's not just that t biden is failing to stop this invasion. the biden administration and
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mayorkas' dhs are creating the incentives for this invasion. the fact that texas has to step up and stop something that the federal government isn't reveals how broken this system is. and i do think that texas has called the legal bluff of the federal government. you can't have a biden administration that on one hand says that they're enforcing the laws just as texas is but then says that somehow texas' policy contradicts that of the federal government when texas is exactly doing what the federal government should have. you can't talk out of both side of your mouth. and so the reality is i think this is going to unite independence across this country. this should not be a partisan issue. an open border is not a border. a nation without borders is not a nation. and the fact that you have a federal government that's turning homeland security and justice threat issues out of so-called domestic terrorists when, in fact, we have a real invasion of a foreign threat at our own southern border is something that most independents in this country understand does not make sense and want to put an end to. and so sad as it is, i do think this is an opportunity for the republicans to build a much larger coalition to win this
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election in a decisive landslide. and i think that's what's coming. >> laura: the question vivek is whether the video that we're showing on screen right now is going to be scene by a significant portion of the voting public. that's another issue, is it it not with social media and, you know, the censors that they're claim they are not censors and all of that it will be on the "new york post" website. obviously on fox. a few other outlets, but, most of the majors, they don't want to dwell on this. this is not good for them. just like the biden plan to destroy the suburbs with all these changes ing laws that they're going to force on localities. they don't want suburban women hearing that story either. everyone. >> look, this is the ultimate challenge of free and fair elections in this country. distribution of information. both of the channels of mainstream left leaning media. also with big tech censorship. i do think though, laura, people understand we have learned that lesson before. look at what they did in 2016. look at what they did in 2020.
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and i think most people in this country are attuned to the fact that they have been lied to systematically by the media. i know that video was alarming when i saw it. i had the same thought that you did, if every american saw, this we would understand the state of what is really an open border at our southern border that doesn't look like a porous border. it looks like a nonexistent one. what i see traveling across this country is that many people are hungry, now to search for sources of information that are different from what they found. now we have twitter owned by a new owner. so i think we have seen progress that going to make a difference this year. that doesn't mean we aren't up against significant force. look at google, changing the definition of bloodbath. coming out of a search engine. they are tilting the skills. i think people are smart to this reality this time around. >> laura: this looks like that air base in afghanistan. i wasn't paying attention i thought it was more video we haven't seen before from afghanistan. that's the united states of america, folks. vivek, thank you, great to see you tonight as always. coming up, they are at it again. blm protesters chasing down
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people attending a speech, yeah. by kyle rittenhouse. kyle is here next to respond. [shouting] [boos] [shouting] ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪
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♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪
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>> laura: remember when liberals used to belief in free speech and open debate? well, this is who they are now. [chanting] no justice, no peace. [bleep] [bleep] >> laura: trying to block silence, and ta terrorize those they disagree with kyle rittenhouse spoke in memphis last night about the milwaukee blm riot and of course his acquittal on all homicide
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charges for the actions he took in self-defense that night. then a hostile crowd of black lives matter supporters attended his event, compelling security to rush kyle out of the venue before things escalated. those who actually wanted to hear what kyle had to say were actually chased down by the free speechers. they tried to block them from even leaving their parking garage. [shouting] [boos] [shouting] >> no justice, no peace. [shouting] [bleep] [bleep] [shouting] >> laura: kyle rittenhouse joins me now. he's the author of the book "acquitted." kyle good to see tonight.
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press reports state that you were booed off the stage. well, that sounds rude. but is there more to it? >> well, laura, first off, thank you for having me on. and i have seen all those articles saying i was booed off the stage and my speaking time for that event at memphis university was 30 minutes. i was on staining for 30 minutes. my timer went off on my phone. i gave my signal to my security, all right. let's wrap it up. we finished our questioning not finished but they got us off stage. we didn't want the people that were at that event to know when i was leaving because we did not want to give them an opportunity to mobilize and start shutting down the roads making a security risk for me. and as we saw yesterday, i'm very glad that we left when we did because there would have been a high potential of them being able to move out and chase us down like they did to those poor turning point u.s.a. students. it's quite upsetting to see --
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>> laura: kyle, you did get to speak however? you did speak? >> so, it was very interesting. i got to speakish. i got to speak for about two to three minutes and then nobody would hear me out so i said okay, let's roll into q&a and i had about 30 minutes of a q&a of going back and for and talking to these people. and they didn't seem to want to listen. there were some people that i had pretty good dialogue with. >> laura: that's good. >> nobody really cared. everybody just wanted to make a scene and be disrespectful and cause chaos. and that was really disappointed with the university. because, turning point u.s.a. has a ticketing system that they have been using for a while now. they use it to vet people, to make sure that they go to that campus and get the attendees and make sure that what happened yesterday doesn't happen. what happened yesterday was the university of memphis revoked turning point u.s.a.'s ticketing system and implemented their own ticketing system, alerted the
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protesters before anybody else that this is the ticketing system in place so that the protesters can go ahead and book all the tickets and either not show up, stage a mass walkout, or just harass me. i was in a room with an entire crowd of people who did not like me outside of maybe three or four people. >> laura: kyle, like everyone knows if you were, let's say a trans athlete and you were speaking about trans empowerment, right? >> i would have gotten a medal. >> laura: conservative kids showed up, and harassed that person or, you know, harassed the speaker, referred to listen to the speaker, then chased some of the pro-transpeople out this would be a national news story nobody would stop talking about. this case it's accepted behavior. i don't understand how the university puts up with this. very quickly, kyle, what is your advice for young conservatives on campus today? >> absolutely.
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so, i encourage all young conservatives on campus to get involved with your local turning point chapters or young american for liberty chapters and just get involved in know you are not alone. know there is other people fighting with you, and that at the end of the day. >> laura: don't be afraid. >> we are winning. don't be afraid. and to all the people out there who do want to hear my story, can you go to rittenhouse and i go in-depth of what happened. i wanted to talk about that yesterday, but, unfortunately, the crowd didn't let me. >> laura: well, kyle, we appreciate your joining us and telling the story. keep talking, i think some people do want to hear and the other people are losing the debate. thank you very much. all right. do you think the economy is bad? well biden's lackeys in the media claim that you are just not very smart if you don't get it. i'll explain how things really are, next. ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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♪ >> laura: okay, if you're like me and you are ticked off seeing your bills at the grocery store, the gas pump, and you feel like so many americans like how is this happening in the united states? why did this happen? well, liberal economists think you are just too stupid to get how great everything is. >> you know, you can say all these macroeconomic statistics
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are great people aren't feeling it. actually people are feeling it. you ask the economy and their answer is i hate joe biden. really. this is not about people's personal experience. the reality is that the economy is delivering. >> laura: joining me now ned ryun ceo of american majority and brian brenberg fox news contributor and co-host of "the big money show" on fox business. ned, this is the old line of the left are is it not that we are too stupid and dumb. hay seeds, we can't understand anything? >> yeah, you dirty little peasants don't know what's best for you. they are smearing lipstick all over this pig and calling it a beauty queen. we are sitting there going no, it's a pig. two leading economic stressors that are taking place right now, laura, one is that more and more people are tapping into their 401(k) accounts for larger loans to pay for every day items. and the massive staggering amount of credit card debt for americans is still over a trillion dollars. yet, democrats want to say the economy is great, inflation is slowing down. the fact of the matter is, we
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know it's cumulative. in the last three years since biden was elected it's been 20% cumulative inflation. that's why americans are paying about $700 more a month for household items. and in the face of this, biden administration is gaslighting us saying the economy is great. oh, and offering a $7.3 trillion budget, which is $3 trillion more than government revenue last year. and the leading cause for all of this massive government spending and printing up dollars like it's monopoly money. and if biden is reelected based off what we are seeing we will get more of this economically. >> laura: brian, the white house keeps calling this a messaging problem. it's not a substance problem. this is his top economic adviser. watch. >> do you think at this point, jared, we just need to promote his accomplishments more strategy, maybe falling flat? >> i don't know about that. that all sounds like a very strategic communications kind of question. let's ask folks about directly
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what we're doing before we conclude they're unhappy with the agenda. >> laura: brian, do they think that getting rid of the junk fees and like talking about shrinkflation that's going to save them in this election? >> you can't message a 7% mortgage, laura. that's the problem that they have. people look at their wallet. you know, you had a great piece earlier in the show about the suburbs, right? if you want to kill the suburbs, here's two things you make unaffordable, houses and cars. and that's exactly what they have gone after. when people look at the current economy, and they say why is it so bad? they look at those two assets and they say i can't afford them anymore, and it's biden's fault. they don't necessarily hate biden. contra krugman but they say he's the guy who caused this and i don't like that. >> laura: now, ned, as we started with the angle to brian's point, they are coming for the suburbs. this is not a joke. this was obama's goal and now it's biden's reality. if he gets a second term, the
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pressure on those localities and those states to rezone suburbs for high density housing, that is already happening in the united states and it's going to happen on steroids if he gets a second term. >> yeah. no. i mean, the people in the suburbs need to understand life as they know it will end if biden is reelented. the policies that they intend to implement will destroy their dreams of the suburb. i want to make one last point, laura that, brian was making as well. the voters are blaming biden for this. no matter what they're saying, i just saw a poll today 66% of voters in arizona battalion ground state blamed biden for the spiking cost of groceries. that should be very troubling to biden and democrats going into the november elections dodgers $700 million man and scandal rocking baseball, that's next. ♪
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>> baseball betting and embezzlement paired this is a stunning new scandal involving one of the highest-paid athletes in the world appear. >> i want you to forgive my scepticism but clearly there are a lot more questions tonight surrounding the apparent theft of millions of dollars from ohtani. his long-time interpreter and friend stole millions of dollars from the phenom to cover his gambling debts. the interpreter has since been fired by the dodgers. here's where things get interesting. according to the report where we read all about this, records show ohtani's name on a pair of 500,000-dollar wire transfers sent to an associate of an illegal bookie that his interpreter had apparently been using. reading loan. the interpreter claims that ohtani himself agreed to pay
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about for $.5 million in gambling debts, allegedly accrued following massive losses on bets involving soccer but knot baseball. misstatement to espn, ohtani's lawyer said in the course of responding to meet -- recent media inquiries, we discover that he's been a victim of a massive theft and we are turning the matter over to the authorities. it should be noted that a spokesperson originally claimed that the slugger did agree to cover his buddies losses. i'm sceptical, let's see where it all goes. i'm sure baseball does not want this to be a big story, but it is. >> we shall see, kevin, good to see you. joining me now, clay travis. all right clay, things don't seem to add up here. i'm dying to hear your take on all this. >> none of it makes sense laura, i don't know how many of your friends could spend for and a half million of your dollars and
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you'd not know about it while they are gambling on sports and then give you a lone of a million dollars to help pay it off. here is the big picture. i love sports gambling, the ncaa tournament is going on right now, i got action on games. almost everybody watching has filled out a bracket. a couple of major issues here. sports gambling is still technically illegal in california and they were using a bookie to place these wagers. that is a potential violation of law, that's one because california has not legalized sports gambling yet. .2, if there is any suggestion at all that ohtani or his translator here bet on baseball, we have a peterborough's situation which got him a lifetime ban and also kept him out of the hall of fame and ohtani just signed with the dodgers a ten year, 700 million dollars deal. we are not even talking about a
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run-of-the-mill gambling scandal, i would argue given how good ohtani is, this would be bigger than pete rose because it was at the end of his career when this happened. ohtani right now is in the absolute apex of his career. this is potentially as big of a scandal as you can have associated with baseball and the biggest star in all of baseball in the world, not just in the united states. >> do you think given all that's on the line here for the dodgers and for the game of baseball frankly that will -- we will actually see people getting to the bottom of this? will this be really resolved adequately do you think? or not. >> it depends on how aggressive the investigation is because what they are saying right now is that the translator who was best friends with ohtani and was in the dugout with him and south korea as recently as game one of the season which they started
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over there, this is for and a half million dollars of theft. that is the story that they are putting out there. if you are accused of stealing for and a half million dollars from someone, the government prosecutes you to go away for years. is this translator really going to take the fall like this? is it really believable that ohtani knew nothing at all about all of these gambling bets that were being placed over multiple years with one of his, if knot his best friend p. it just doesn't sound very plausible to me if you just apply all of the details here. it's a major issue for major league baseball. >> we need a number 1 new translator and we need to see the documents. you are a lawyer, we would like to see the documents. we've been talking a lot about this when it comes to joe biden and the money going into the biden family. money going in, money going out. that will tell a lot of the tales and e-mails and text
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messages. >> no doubt. also the book he was running an illegal operation in california. there are a lot of different angles here. will he be charged with multiple crimes, will he tried to tell the truth? will the translator tell the truth? what is the truth? there's a lot to be determined here. the stories are already conflicting and they don't add up. i think there's a lot of people out there trying to figure out what the actual truth is here and i think ohtani is in for a world of real attention, the likes of which he's never seen for and off the field related matter. >> still not over the $700 million. that's unbelievable. >> i should say, the bookie would be giving millions of dollars in credit if it was. >> jesse is next.


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