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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 21, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> no doubt. also the book he was running an illegal operation in california. there are a lot of different angles here. will he be charged with multiple crimes, will he tried to tell the truth? will the translator tell the truth? what is the truth? there's a lot to be determined here. the stories are already conflicting and they don't add up. i think there's a lot of people out there trying to figure out what the actual truth is here and i think ohtani is in for a world of real attention, the likes of which he's never seen for and off the field related matter. >> still not over the $700 million. that's unbelievable. >> i should say, the bookie would be giving millions of dollars in credit if it was. >> jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonight.
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>> i keep waiting for trump to somehow or another call down and then he mentions this thing about a bloodbath which is not what he was talking about at all >> jesse: lies in prosecutions inside the mentally ill strategy to take trump out. >> kevin: the southern border invasion now violent. >> they are stuck within the confines of a white supremacist trans- phobic policy. >> jesse: happy de i thursday. plus. >> get it together and stop messing around. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: president nixon never gave the country a proper fell well but when asked what his final message the nation would've been, he said this. >> i would warn against the
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media elitist complex. they are always talking about the imperial presidency. i think we ought to hear a little bit of discussion of the imperial media and it's power. presidential power is limited. limited by the courts. limited by the congress. the media's power is unlimited. they can tell an untruth, print and on truth, which some of them consciously do if it's going to sell newspapers or win a prize since. >> jesse: the days of the rut -- since the days of the revolution, they use their pens to give a voice to the voiceless. newspapers like the new york times sat gently on kitchen tables, reed by republicans and democrats who needed the news. today's new york times, even too liberal for california atheists who take their coffee with cannabis. >> i'm just reading this thinking [ bleep ].
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they are saying the dumbest [ bleep ]. it's printed the new york times. i used to think it was a great newspaper and i don't anymore. it's sad because it was like on my breakfast table when i was a kid to. it was in my parents house. >> what's annoying about it is that it's not just give me the facts. theirs way too much editorializing on the front page the way the articles that are just supposed to be the fact kind of articles are slanted one-way. i'm not even necessarily for the other side. i just want someone to tell me the whole truth. >> jesse: newsrooms went from hungry blue-collar workaholics to snotty, insecure lazy liberal arts grads known for social climbing and protecting a rate to system. they went to college in connecticut where it truck or has to be ironic and considered the best day of the year the
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white house correspondents dinner. even though they've never corresponded with anybody west of chicago or south of st. louis. anyone who calls them on their bs is a spaghetti stain. >> you look at a new york times article on instagram and then you look at the comments and everyone thinks they are an expert. they know better than the person who did the legwork. everybody thanks they know better than the person who put in the hours, did the research, the interviews, did the follow-up, did the best that they could to make sure that everything that they put into print is factual. and maybe they missed something. they did their best. and then me, johnny spaghetti stain on his shirt writes a comment, that's [ bleep ]. it's shocking to me that any press outlet, they consent to comments. >> jesse: how dare the pressed consent to being questioned?
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reporters did the legwork. they write the truth. they are experts. but what's the legwork? they wrote what the cia told them? they called a democrat for a quote? they wrote the same thing that their colleagues wrote? what kind of research did journalists do before they wrote trump colluded with russia? other experts -- they are experts at regurgitating hoaxes. journalists told us school closings were good for kids. they could zoom for seventh and eighth grade. they said they are following the science. they tell us the borders are secure. there wasn't any inflation. if we had just listened toto johnny spaghetti stain calling bs on reporters for the last for years, we would've been right on everything and we were. calling bs is the scientific method. you question everything until you can prove it. the journalists are supposed to call bs on the system. they are not supposed to defend
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the system and discredit johnny spaghetti stain for calling bs on them. elon musk, dedicating his life to disrupting the system, innovating and protecting free speech. don lemon, a so-called journalist, is advocating for censorship and slanders musk on behalf of the system, a system seeking to eliminate debate. musk called bs on lemon and exposed his narcissistic demands. he wanted a free truck, millions in cash and in equity stake. so lemon turns around and calls musk a racist homophobe for not allowing the shakedown. watch. >> people up and asking me what i meant by when i said he did not like answering questions or being held to account from people like me. some people took it to mean a racial thing. i meant to someone who has a different worldview. but since people raised it and
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you said what you said, do you think he was uncomfortable? i didn't want to go there. did you think he was uncomfortable sitting in front of a gay black guy? >> probably more gay than black i would think. i hate to say that. i don't know. >> jesse: jesse watters is about as white as they come. i have a hunch if i demanded 50 million, my own rocket and called musk a racist drug addict, i would get canned to. the media can't win the battle of ideas, their response to every challenge is a hoax. the russia hoax, find people hoax, dictator on day one hoax. then they scratch their heads and wonder why no one trusts them. and then they blame johnny spaghetti stain for watching fox. >> not just inaccurate but deceptive, the media was in their depiction of what he said. and that they are taking this quote out of context and trying to say that there's going to be
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a civil war if he doesn't get elected, which is not what he was talking about at all. it so disturbing that they would think that they could get away with it in this day and age with all the scrutiny and with social media and all the independent journalists that exist now which is one of the more interesting things about the demise of corporate media. >> jesse: he is right. they are going to keep lying as long as one person swallows it. >> i keep waiting for trump to somehow or another come down and then the other day he mentions this thing about a bloodbath if he loses. >> americans are busy like that guy. they scroll, they hear things. not everyone is styled in like you and i are. and to validate their hoaxes, they elevate zero evidence and bury mountains of it. great example. he is an eyewitness to the biden family bribe scheme. he has tranches of evidence and the media won't go near it.
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no memory evidence or witnesses, she is showered with attention. a publisher her book, they invite her on the view and then they yell at men in the audience who don't clap. >> i want more people clapping. some of the men did not clap in his audience. >> to face those people the way they were looking and dealing with you, that his bravery under a whole different kind of fire. >> i applaud you on your courage and bravery. >> jesse: the next day, the view invites stormy daniels, another woman without any evidence to slander you as a terrorist. >> i believe that they are more like suicide bombers this time around where they honestly, truly believe that they are being patriotic and that i am the devil. >> jesse: you can call amanda rapist without evidence, call haptic country killers without evidence and and i know --
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eyewitness with real evidence of crime is shouted down. trump derangement is at an all-time high. you can taste it in the air. nothing is off-limits. a former nbc senior executive posted this. barren trump turns 18 today, he is fair game now. he wasn't referring to fair game like we can start lobbying political attacks, he's saying he is 18, the age of consent. the sickos infatuated with trump's son, he's been basking in barren baby pictures, fantasizing that he's gay, posting cross shots. maybe that's the reason he's a former nbc executive. the media believes barren fair game at 18. hunter, off-limits. a 50 for year old man who has been flashing the nation, stiffing the irs and then playing victim.
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the media is mentally ill. admin if itself daily. i am officially alarmed. nothing usually gets to me. he is giddy over trump's financial assassination attempt. saying letitia james is now allowed to seize trump's assets starting monday. i hear mara lago may add some value. rooting for the state to seize a man's home is sick stuff. we've won a revolution so a king couldn't confiscate properly. now they giggle at the thought. >> i'm so sorry. >> you know who says he cannot come up with the cash to cover his for hundred million dollar plus bond in his new york...
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>> you need a tissue? >> i don't know if i'm laughing or crying. >> i can't wait to see the chains on trump tower on fifth avenue. >> jesse: it's more than just a financial assassination the media craves. another disgraced journalist, so-called expert, says theirs always the hope that trump gets assassinated. members of congress are even dreaming about trump's death. >> soon trump will lose or go to prison or i don't know, have a heart attack, i'm not sure. he will have his demise. >> jesse: we wish biden close the border, they wish trump dies. that sums up the election. james carville says biden should sit back, play the gentle grandpa and let the press put in the wet work. >> president biden is not the best attacked politician i've seen in my life and i will leave it at that.
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they get a lot of people to do the wet work. >> it sounds like a mob hit. >> it's a paid tv and stuff like that. it's a cia term. take a guy out. >> jesse: the clinton cabal talking about murdering people is a little too close. and how many presidents kinda cia take out? we are dealing with thursday dracula's softening up the target. obama intel and biden fixer susan rice setting up trump as a foreign asset again, leaving him a dangerous threat to national security. >> the real problem and pattern here is that we have somebody who clearly doesn't put the interest of the united states ahead of his own personal interest. that's the fundamental problem. when that is the case, the united states is deeply vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation by our adversaries.
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he is telling us exactly what he intends to do and what he intends to do is absolutely antithetical to the national security interests of the united states and fundamentally dangerous. >> jesse: this is the plan. first the media tells you alive. second the politicians run with alive. third, the american people are brainwashed into believing the lie, then the prosecutors sink their teeth in and the deep state cleans it up. watch the plan on constant loop, like, launder, brainwashed, bite, repeat. it's up to johnny spaghetti stained to call bs. let's talk to kevin o'leary. i studied the media machine, i can see them working aware they're going. i don't like where they are going. it looks dangerous, do you feel that way? >> i've been watching this happen for the last five years. it's getting very fractured,
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everybody has a different opinion. the amount of noise going after the american person, any individual at the kitchen table. it is so chopped up and there are so many different narratives what i've learned and i'm very encouraged by this is you talked about bs, the actual best filter of that is the american public. they smelled bs a mile away and they know it's coming at them from various different directions and whether it's the left or the right or the podcasts or the social media platforms, it's just all noise. i've got to tell you, i'm giving the american people more credit than they get in the press. they listen to this stuff and they say that makes no sense to me and i would like to hear some policy, particularly -- particularly around the selection which has gone crazy, we've gone so far in every different direction. i'm encouraged by what i'm seeing.
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i'm very happy when i go to a place like fargo north dakota or somewhere in west virginia or oklahoma city. has taught -- nice to talk to those people, they don't take any bs at all. i'm pretty encouraged that we are going to end up in the right place. >> jesse: i'm optimistic but then i get worried when i see the suspended -- hispanic voter who was interviewed and if you look at the larger context, he goes on to say everything is so expensive, i can afford this or that, i'm not better off than i was for years ago, but then i hear trump say bloodbath and i'm like and that worries me because this guy is locked in on policy and then he gets brainwashed by a hoax and now he is 5050. >> jesse, that's trump speak for what's been going on for nine years. trump has been saying the same stuff for nine years. you've gotta forget all that stuff. you have to listen to policy.
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i want to hear what the strategy is for border security and energy independence. i want to know what the plan is for foreign policy and taxation. want to hear from both sides. talking about what trump says in any 24-hour cycle, are you kidding? we've been listening to that for nine years. get over it everybody. >> jesse: you think about it, i think about it, we hope more think about it. they are gnashing their teeth at seizing properties. people in the press are applauding, they are giggling. this is bloodthirsty. >> now you are talking. you are right. this is hurting the american brand. what's going on in new york has nothing to do with trump. that cases over. what's going on now is concerning financial markets all around the world because in the united states, and i don't care what colour you are, it is a matter, we are the bastion of safety when it comes to
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investing large pools of capital. that's what america represents. we have property rights, we have an appellant system, we have a law people trust and we give you good returns with the least amount of resistance. what's happening in new york is tainting the american brand. seizing assets after 22 days? in a bankruptcy court you get years to resolve this. it's not a good look on new york. it doesn't matter if it's trump, it could be anybody. i think that's very bad for the brand and i also would argue that you think about if this is going to help new york, they should be asking for better management. the way i look at it and i speak to many institutional capital fronts including sovereign wealth because i'm trying to buy tiktok right now some running all around the world trying to raise 30 or $40 billion and they all ask me the same thing. we are watching this new york thing play out, a looks to everybody like some dress-up court day win the parents are out and everybody got dressed up in robes and had fun acting out
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some court trial. when are the adults coming back into this? there are no adults here. >> you're running around trying to raise 40 billion. i'm trying to sell my book get it together. doing different things but i believe we believe the same things. kevin o'leary, thanks for sharing your expertise on primetime. >> take care. >> jesse: gave villages, egyptian tuition and talk comes for toddlers. congress is spending your money.
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>> jesse: fox news alert. a white whistleblower -- whistleblower told house republicans that the prosecutor was trying to interview hunters sugar brother kevin morris.
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the cia stepped in and tried to stop it. they say the cia wrought prosecutors into langley and said the sugar brother could not be a witness in the hunter investigation. the sugar brother has been paying hunter biden's taxes, paying for his condo and of -- and flying him around on his pipe -- private jet. even paying off his baby mama and... have visited the white house multiple times. is the sugar brother a cia asset? or is this just another example of the cia doing everything it can to help the bidens? we don't know. house committees are demanding the cia turn over records and we will keep you updated. another fox news alert, the invasion is on.
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a couple hundred illegals rushed the border in texas, breaking through razor wire and knocking over national guardsmen stampede style. before trying to force their way through another barrier. law enforcement source says the mob made a break for it where guards let one family and. only one person has been arrested for taking down a soldier. meanwhile in california, things a little more orderly. wait a second, is that lady wearing a canada goose jacket? those things are like $1500. is that a new iphone? democrats told us we need migrants to harvest crops but i don't think that's why she's coming. she will get her jacket dirty. she doesn't look like she needs to work and neither does the venezuelan welfare king primetime introduce you to.
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he is sharing some more wisdom and praise for the big guy and he's put a little soul into it. >> thanks to god i came to the united states through the big door, my papa biden signed the quiet pass. [ singing ] >> i hope you your pension, you never lacked those 2500 that your papa biden gives you because then what are we going to live on, listen my love, i don't like to work. >> jesse: i'm sorry. i should have had a viewer warning there. joe has got a stellar record with the illegals but latinos here legally totally different story. >> do you think the economy was better under trump? >> i do. >> absolutely, i would say so. >> a used to be that we could to go and do things. we could go out for dinner wants or twice a week, now that's not
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happening. we had to take every thing down to the finals -- finest thing. the cost of healthcare has gone up. >> jesse: joe, to that video look like an invasion to you? >> 100 percent. there's no other way to see this. it's an invasion and although some of those scenes look chaotic, this is joe biden and the democrats plan. biden opened up our border deliberately, dhs is funding the vast majority of this, democrats like my opponent murray perez voted ten months ago to leave this border wide open one house republicans offered a solution to closed on the border and close a lot of the loopholes these illegal immigrants are exploiting in order to get access to the country. this is an invasion but it is a deliberate invasion that we are paying for an us paying for this invasion is driving the inflation and a driving the crime. it's killing people via fenton all. this is the democrats plan. they don't care about the chronic -- carnage. they want to import new voters
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and they don't care how many of us died along the way. we have to stop this come november. >> they've broken into the country, they broke skulls. now they are bragging about breaking into homes, squatting and now celebrating stealing welfare from the american people , is this going to stop? >> it's not going to stop until we vote them out in november. that's what we need everyone to turn out to the polls. that's why i need people to support my campaign. if you're receiving a social security check right now, these illegal immigrants... he is receiving more benefits from our government and most people are from social security after they paid into the system. we are absolutely being preyed upon by these horrible policies that are being supported by joe biden and the democrats. >> one common -- when someone kicks my door down and rushes into my house, i don't treat them very well. i don't know why this country is
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treating these people so well. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> jesse: there's an old saying, nothing good happens after 2:00 am. this mourning at 2:23, congress released a monster 1012 page built with a tririllion dollar price tag. 're rushing to pass the bill before you have a chance to read it. why? because it's full of porn. we've been digging through it and here's what you are paying for. lives warren is spending $850,000 on a gay senior citizen home in boston. florida has the villages, massachusetts has the village people. we're spending spending 15 million to pay for it egyptian college tuition. not egyptian to live in america, egyptians in egypt. egyptian tuition. we pay for illegals to go to college here and now we are paying for the tuition before i guess they even cross the
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border. speaking of egypt, goldfarb bob's sending for hundred grand to a gay activist group that teaches elementary school kids about being trans. not enough to keep you out of jail, sorry. other for hundred thousand dollars goes to a group that gets close to teens that helps them hide their gender like chest binders and... parental permission not required. even dianne feinstein who unfortunately past away long before the bill was written has an earmark from the grave. half a million dollars for a de i zoo. the san diego zoo is getting half a million dollars for an antiracist nature appreciation program where high school kids from diverse backgrounds can observe wildlife. why do they need a half million dollars to go to the zoo? tickets are like 15 bucks. that should be enough for every congressman, especially the
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(shouting) how can you see me squinting? (shouting) i can't! i'm just telling everyone! ...hey! see your tax refund go further with buy one get one free at visionworks. see the difference. >> jesse: happy dei thursday. are favourite day of the week. where bring you the best stories about diversity, equity and inclusion. come in the harris hosted... the report claims... would take young aspiring drag queens out for drinks and then try to sleep with them while they were too drunk to consent. the legal team denies wrongdoing and the white house hasn't returned our calls.
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here they are at the naval observatory -- naval observatory add simpler times. [ applause ] >> jesse: change the locks. colleges across the country are dolling up dei to the max. universities haven't students watch videos to help them unpack whiteness. whites are racist and theirs nothing we can do about it is the message. this video is from the antiracist curriculum at the university of north carolina. >> i think the most profound way that my life has been shaped by my race is through the power of segregation. most white people do live in segregation, we choose that segregation and in a lot of ways we celebrated. what makes a school good and what makes a neighbourhood good? the absence of people of colour. >> jesse: for the record, the antiracist professors speaking in that video, we found out
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lives in a town in washington that's 80 percent white. and in missouri, politicians are debating the bill to outlaw drag shows for kids, opponents showed up to the hearings, dressed to the nines, blamed the controversy on white supremacy and then tried redefining the definition of a child. >> my name is maxie glamour. we are having a mass exodus of confident, socially aware, professional individuals leaving our cities because they are stuck within the confines of a white supremacist, transfer big policy. in some cultures like in jewish cultures, a child... they are not -- now an adult. >> jesse: i don't think she is helping the cause as much as he thinks, she thinks, who knows. our primetime victory.
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>> what's the most dangerous animal on the planet? >> white people and they feel uncomfortable. people feeling uncomfortable proceeds a lot of bad stuff for us. that's why we fight white discomfort every day. the happier they are, the safer we are. >> jesse: that was a clip from the american society of magical negroes. and antiwhite comity and all the biggest box office bust of the year. i wonder who paid to see that antiwhite movie? i have a hunch it was whites. joining me now... so what do you have cooking chris? happy dei thursday by the way. >> it's great to be with you on dei thursday. here's the thing that you have to know about dei, about critical race theory, a trans ideology. it's just a system of buzzwords. you might remember that old game mad libs were you chose a bunch of random phrases and it made sense and it's own certain way, that really is where we are
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entering left-wing ideology. they repeat the buzzwords, it doesn't have to make logical sense but they are almost summoning a magic spirit by saying whites of premises, hetero patriarchy, a drag queen. that's all they have. exposing what they are doing by showing it to the public, really dei thursdays is almost a service to the country so i'm glad we are doing it. >> it means a lot that you are honouring dei thursday on jesse watters primetime. it seems like the more fluent someone is in this lingo, the more they are promoted up the food chain. >> that's exactly right. that's how the ideology works. just like in the soviet union, if you would say that marxist phrases that were part of the regular discourse, you would be promoted. it's the same thing in our country, if you talk the language of crt, you get lifted up even if your ideas are trash.
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>> jesse: it's a new edition of the get it together series where some of the people i interviewed for the book come back and talk to us on primetime. today we are skipping to chapters 16 to talk to the decriminalizing drug guru. drugs used to be taboo but now they're everywhere. most people can't handle drugs and there we ride wearing our nation's brains. cities riddled with zombies, frozen hunchbacks like human mailboxes. sidewalks littered with needles. narcotics are harmful which is why they are illegal. that could all change. meet dr gunn, a group who want to legalize everything. he started getting high at 12. he doesn't believe people caught with drugs should be arrested.
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he joins us now, what's up, doc? >> high jesse, thank you for having me. >> jesse: of course,, good to see you again. >> jesse: tell me about the drugs you've done, all of them. >> any kind of drugs like marijuana, mushrooms, cocaine, things like that. i've tried ketamine before. it's not my cup of tee. i guess for me it would have to be something that the american dream is based on which is waking up early and going and doing a remedial job. i would say probably crystal methamphetamines i would say. >> jesse: you look great i would say. tell me why you think we should legalize narcotics. >> i think that decriminalizing thanks in this country would be a big step forward in progress rather than treating people like criminals, treat them like patients.
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by decriminalizing it you are going to get more people into places where they can get help for addiction. >> so all the fennel flowing and across the southern border, you are not that concerned about that? >> fennel is a terrible thing and i don't recommend anybody trying it. it's not something that recreationally i would say. >> i didn't know it was fennel i think that if you have a hunch and you feel like that's something you want to figure out for yourself, i think it's a great learning tool, whether it's like drinking coffee in the morning to get going or taking a line of crack or whatever. >> caffeine, crystal meth, it's all the same to doctor.
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do you want to play us out? >> let's do it. this song is called... [ singing ] >> jesse: get it together brother, love you. for more of my conversations with him and others from the fringe, order your copy of get it together today, officially out. or go to a real bookstore. speaking of which, johnny hit the streets. did you buy it?
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>> announcer: you begin with breaking information. >> announcer: from what is at
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home to global conflict unfolding pima don't miss trays gallagher weeknights at 11 at fox news at night. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: by now you have seen in the interviews with the drug here, the vegan into grammars and i don't know, have they gotten together? not sure. what about you? do you need to get together? johnny went to find out. [ ♪♪ ] >> what is america's biggest problem? >> and manganese a better diet soon there has to be more trees planted you in social media is affecting the way the world operates sue and my dog eats all my stuff. >> why do you think we have these problems connect. >> people don't look out for each other. >> it's not real. >> i'm telling you right now, [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. i guys not real.
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>> why do we need more trees? >> to clean the air. >> if they plant a tree not a waddick i do have to deal with it? >> i think you have to deal with it. >> stop at! >> who do you feel -- blame for all of this? >> couch potatoes. >> community and government. >> reporter: what are your problems my problems? >> certain problems affect everybody right! you must have given a big problem with george washington. >> he should have thought more about chopping down trees. >> mr. trump: that is terrible and thomas jefferson is under siege. [ ♪♪ ] >> reporter: tell me about your problems as. >> just hard to be alive right now. >> with the country ever get it to but -- together? >> seventy was not kind to me on the subway read meg big problem in new york. >> get out of town. >> there's a litter on the ground to. >> my tooth broke last week and i can't get it together. >> looks a good nerdy hillbilly. >> reporter: what was the most dramatic thing that happened to you as a child? >> i was almost kidnapped once
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or twice. >> i was robbed. >> i sliced my head open on a ceiling fan and had to get stitches. >> reporter: how did you get it together? >> i started singing. >> reporter: see me song. [ singing ] rep mike waddy think society has a problem telling people to get it together? >> they don't want people to be mean. >> they are freighted their children will abandon them. >> is so hard to tell somebody to get it together. >> you can't have everybody on the same page. >> reporter: do you have it together? >> it now but i'm doing my best to hang in there. >> yes. >> reporter: are you sure about that? >> they have to get it together. [ ♪♪ ] >> reporter: did you buy it? >> get it together? >> get it together what? >> can't believe it read like a famous author wrote get it together. he explains why people believe why they believe. do you want to copy?
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>> barnes & noble is over there. >> reporter: what have this for you. that's get it together he. >> at jesse i got it together! >> jesse a handsome man! right! you want to congratulate jesse watters? >> number 1 new york author, that is big. >> jesse i will get it together he. >> get it together and stop messing around. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: they get it together toward keeps rolling, north vale, new jersey. this is where you will see me tomorrow, tomorrow is not saturday, tomorrow is friday. friday i will be on got filled, you can come from connecticut, new york or jersey, sold out, point pleasant beach new jersey, later fort myers, and yorba linda, that's meant to say. let's do texts. carry from toms river, new york.
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point pleasant sells out before i can get tickets? get it together! come on man. come anyway and bring the book. tommy from new york. that was on a border invasion, it was people rushing to buy your new book. [ laughter ] that would give out for free. just getting. james from rhode island, work around the house is doing that nightly dishes. boy have i been sheltered. wait, you do dishes gimmick never mind. greg from palmer lake high collar up -- colorado, my shirt may have spaghetti stains but my conscious is clean. it's called ps, spaghetti. [ please stand by ] from michigan, i wish the san diego zoo was $15, $72 umar zameer thanks biden! always remember, i'm wauters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]


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