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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  March 23, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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l it's the 7:00 a.m. -- will: it's the 7:00 a.m. hour and starting with this, former president trump vows to fight the ag case all the way to the supreme court. rachel: i visited aoc's district and found out what her constituents really think about her and her leadership. >> the people and the prostitution and people getting robbed. rachel: i was a volunteer for her and she completely abandoned our community. >> and jesse waters and i are rewriting the bro code. second hour of "fox & friends" starts now. will: you read my line and you didn't have a line, charlie.
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charlie: it's 7:00 in the morning and it's okay. will: first person and it's supposed to be will. jesse watters was on the will cain show and he has a new book out called get it together. rachel: i haven't heard about it. will: right. rachel: we love you, jesse, and we're getting the book. will: jesse and i know each other. he's not up. he's not listening. don't worry about it. charlie: exactly. will: re-hit it off decently. can i recollects i was impressed he could write. will: jesse has rules for men and they're pretty instinctually correct and we go over them on the will cain show and he'll be here in two and a half hours to give you a taste. men shouldn't drink from straws. charlie broke a man rule this morning according to jesse. rachel: what was that?
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charlie: i didn't break a rule. will: men shouldn't drink hot tea. that's to feminine. charlie: i've handed over my man card. will: it's too feminine. rachel: british men are not men? they all drink hot tea. charlie: clearly not. will: resolved. rachel: we'll have to bring in stuart varney and see what he says about that. will: jesse will be here and we'll break that down. i'm super excited and if you asked me to run my top five musicians or country singers, there's no doubt about it in top five would be cody jinx. i said it on the show and sends a father's day message and guess what, he's on "fox & friends" today. rachel: amazing. tick around for that for sure. bit way, good morning to all of you and happy to have you on the couch here, charlie. charlie: delighted to be here for pete. will: getting started here, donald trump vows to fight the new york ag case all the way to the supreme court.
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on monday, it's expected he's supposed to meet a deadline for a $454 million bond. trump has said and said to fox news digital this "i'll fight this all the way to the u.s. supreme court if necessary. they can't take away your property without a chance to appeal a decision of a trump-hating incompetent judge that's been overturned more than any judge in the state. the business community in new york is being devastated by this decision, and businesses are fleeing new york never to return because they don't want to have happen to them what's happened to him". in the meantime, violent crime is flourishing. rachel: absolutely. listen, this is an unbelievable thing and nobody expects one person to have on hand half a billion and it's the most unbelievable thing and you just wonder why democrats don't want to just fight him at the ballot. this system feels very communist ick and the president, former president keeps using that word.
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communist and it's really starting to resinate with a lot of people. here's kevin o'leary talking about this. >> the number one request question i have going to the countries is what the hell is going on in new york. i tell them, it's not america. it's just an anomaly. i wear to you, everybody -- sweer to you, everybody. this is not america. adults will enter the room soon. it's a dress up party in court and crazy night out with the parents. poo poo happened but someone will come in and fix this. this is not america. i swear to you, this is not america. every american should be saying what i'm saying, this is just new york for now. would i put money into new york? never until this crazy madness ends. i'm not the only person saying that, but this is not america. it's not america. this is venezuela. this is cuba. this is crazy. >> this is russia.
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rachel: amen to that. charlie: it's really amazing and i think it goes back to the -- i hope what people think about going into this election is that video that you mentioned that you hope becomes the touch stone for this election. myograns pouring over the border and the reason democrats are going after president trump is because they don't have any issues and they can't go after him on any of the issues and he's right on everything and so they have to do this to him. will: if it's not that image with the major effect on selection. offer a potentially secondary image that could take its place. if on monday letitia james sends new york law enforcement into a trump property and a golf course, a home, a high-rise in manhattan and yellow tapes it or takes it over and tends it. charlie: head locks the front doors.
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will: pete hegseth talked about it. you have no big idea how big of a bomb that would be politically. rachel: one thing about january 6 that's really effective and every single court case we've seen from mar-a-lago, what happened then. there was a small bit of people gathered outside protesting and every single court case has been a joke and has been as kevin o'leary said, another sign that we are devolving into communism. we've not seen protests and january 6 did have an effect on the way conservatives are more comfort and will feel like their government was weaponnized against them and will th out to vote if that happens? more gavellized voting for trump and the support for him will grow and again, he says himself, president trump says, it's got to be too big to rig.
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you're going to need a lot of people feeling that way, i don't think you're going to see huge protests, will, because i think conservatives are afraid of their government. will: protests have to be the vote. illegal immigrants are flooding alexandria ocasio-cortez's district and being described as looking like a third world country. charlie: shocking video of migrants setting up on authorized flea market on new york city streets. rachel: i hit the streets to talk with queens residents and business owners about the impact. take a look. so we're in jackson heights, this is the heart of aoc's congressional district. it's only 10:00 a.m., and already the street vendors are out. we're going to talk to some of the residents to see how this area is changing. >> there's so much immigration now. there's so many venezuelans and ecuadorens that crossed over due to biden. rachel: seeing more crime? >> crime? yeah, there's more crime going
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on, robberies and a lot of crack heads. rachel: after 7:00 p.m., you cannot walk around here. >> every week somebody was killed, somebody was like beaten. rachel: i feel very unsafe, truly. i've had three times someone try to assault me, try to pull my gold chain. i'm always with him and protecting him because the crime is so bad. >>ed vendors and people selling stuff on the street and crime and people getting robbed. >> people don't want to come because they come with their families and they see that. rachel: we see them around but nobody does anything. >> brick and mortar businesses are suffering a lot and a lot of closed doors and businesses that are closing every single day because they can't compete with the prices of the street vendors outside are giving everyone. rachel: has your business suffered at all?
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rachel: she said, yes, our business has been affected. now everyone goes home early, closes early because of the crime situation. she said we take pride in our place and work really hard, we're immigrants that came here for the right reasons to work, and we just wish that those who aren't complying with the law would be held accountable. this is alexandria ocasio-cortez's district. what would you say to her if she was here right now? [speaking non-english language]. rachel: we'd ask her to do her job of taking care of this naked and do a better job. >> come and walk around here and see everything, all the garbage, all the people, people getting robbed and during the daytime and nighttime. [speaking non-english language] rachel: we wish she'd do something better here. she's never here. office volunteer for her and she completely abandoned our
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community. she said i hope she see this is interview because we all helped her get elected. she said she only cares about washington and her money. she said nobody loves her here anymore. a tiny little sign there where alexandria ocasio-cortez and dun look like she's letting everyone know come see me. we're going to see if they'll let us in. wondering if i could speak to the congresswoman or someone representing her. she only has someone here one day a week? what would you say to alexandria ocasio-cortez? >> come on down and take a walk with me. let's see what's going on and see if we can fix it together. if you don't to want help me fix it, i'll do it myself. everybody frequency conductive from business owners and residents want somewhere to be and it's not the safe not looking the best and it's my duty to do this change and bring this change to the area.
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rachel: that was ramsey and he's running for assembly and he's a democrat and he was a democrat up to three months ago but he said the fix was in for the candidate that the party wanted and he wants to make a difference. he said i could only run as a republican and i said is that hurting you in this district? this is a democrat district. he said no, people just want a change. they don't care that he's running republican. they just want to hear what it's about. a complete and total disconnect between what these citizens want and what aoc is pushing in washington dc and she's pushing climate change and saying get the trash off the street buzz the vendors leave all their ganger there and people without -- garbage there and people without a establishment and worried about passing legislation on deep fake ai pornography and happening to celebrities like her. like get the porn off the street. i was there at 9, 10, 11:00 in the morning and saw dozens of women turning tricks so the
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prostitutes are out at 10:0 in 0* in the morning and in front of peep's businesses which is driving families away and just ruining the neighborhood. charlie: of course, the thing to remember is the way she toppled joe crowley was the third most powerful democrat in the house was exactly you could run that entire thing montage and use that as a campaign ad she used against him in order to beat him. came out of nowhere and same thing can happen to her as she's riding around in her little tesla in dc. rachel: so interesting interviewing the woman that was her volunteer and knocked on doors and said [speaking non-english language], she only cares about her money and her washington. they never see her there. so the statement from aoc. will: she's on "fox & friends". we're seeing result of anti-immigrant policies that deny imgrans proper work permits and vending licenses and drive them to the shadows of undignified conditions. this is one way that many
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anti-immigrant policies hurt all of u.s. paths to citizenship and work documentation. republicans would rather block those so they can film people in their worst moments for views". rachel: it's a completely unfair statement that she said. so the -- her answer to prostitution on the streets is let's call them sex workers and let's legitimize it. i asked him about that and he said we don't want to turn this into a red light district and legalize prostitution here. as far as licenses, those restaurant owners say they pay a ton of money to get a liqueur license that the illegal immigrants are selling bottles of booze outside without a license and what she's saying doesn't make any sense. rachel: it's my fault for going down to her district and showing you what's actually happening. will: learn what a crime is much
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less how to stop a crime. doesn't even know that rico is a crime. charlie: rico, yeah. will: thinks it's an uncle. turns to headlines and starting with fox news alert, california felon stabbed his own mother at 13 and considered extremely dangerous is on the loose again. according to prosecutors, he walked away from halfway house without alerting his probation officer on wednesday after he was set free on felony vandalism charge and third time escaping custody. a passenger on board alaska airline flight might be a victim of a crime according to the fbi and sending letters to passengers letting them know their case sunned investigation. faa monitoring united airlines closely after series of incidents earlier this month and making a los angeles bound flight taking off from san francisco. a major league baseball is
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launching on investigation into claims that los angeles dodgers star shohei ohtani's intermenter stole $4.5 million in a betting scandal and mlb is currently gathering information on the case. dodgers fired the interpreter after ohtani's lawyer claimed he sent wire transfers from the bank account and california book maker and we should know that story changed several times and it stinks to high heaven, and nothing adds up about whether or not it's the interpreter or ohtani himself was involved. rachel: i was going to ask you if you thought that was a possibility? will: i think it's definitely a possibility and all in the realm of speculation but the facts we have don't point to one particular cross-examination. i mentioned a little in the top of the hour and jesse watters on the will cain show streaming on 12:00 on fox and the youtube channel. jesse had several rules for men.
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cohost pete hegseth tells me all the time, don't wave on camera. fair. rachel: but you do it. will: it's fair and i need to stop. will: men shouldn't drink from straws, it's a fair rule. i knew behind the scenes jesse was a con sour of rules for -- conconnoisseur for men and laida few out. give me a few rules for men. >> you reach a certain age where you have friends but don't call them my best friend. this came up with money of my producers said they were away for the weekend with his breast friend and he's like 40 -- best friend and he's like 406789 i thought that was a little odd. also, men should not eat soup in public. but there's some exceptions. if you're in new england and it's a chowder situation and you're on a dock on a wooden bench with seagulls and you have a lot of those, what are those
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little cracker things. you can eat that way. also when men eat ice cream in public. db of interaural have an exception there. on vacation you're allowed to lick an ice cream cone. i'd prefer you to eat it out of a cup with a spoon, but when men show their tongue around other men, i don't think that's really masculine. i don't want to see their tongue. will: i love to give watters a hard time and he loves to give me a hard time. he's got a good gut. when a guy takes his soup and purses his lips and you're right. that's shame. rachel: first of all, it was a dig at you because you and pete always talk about being best friends and you guys gave each other bff bracelets last year. will: i appreciate your protectiveness. charlie: this is true?
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rachel: yeah, they go on bro date nights on -- they go on bro date nights on fridays. will: you're trying to hurt me. charlie: i'm glad you're sitting between us. rachel: but then jesse carved himself out and he goes and eats chowder on the dock. he said soup is bad except when i eat chowder on the dock. will: everything should have an exception. charlie: if you need a book of rules for men, the book is not going to help you. will: should be instinctual. will: there you were with your tea. charlie: i have a terrible voice and it's worse so i have to have hot tea. will: listen to yourself. rachel: will said drinking hot tea is not manly meaning no one in england is manly. will: trying to pit my against england, i'm ready. just for the record, we've done that twice, we're 2-0. rachel: you're right. will: what are your rules for men?
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let us know, e-mail us at jesse watters here on "fox & friends" at 9:30 a.m. eastern time. rachel: we're pawstively you're going to love this. it's national bring your pet to workday and we have adorable and adoptable pups that are having a ball right now in our green room. stay tuned for that. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. will: fox news alert, overnight russia rocked by a terror attack. at least 115 people including three children are dead and dozens more are hurt after series of explosions and gunfire inside a packed concert hall in moscow. the islamic state is taking responsibility for the massacre and at least 11 suspects are now in custody. fox news contributor dan hoffmann at the station in matcmoscow and serving at the station chief and joining us now. dan, i want to start at a place that could sound irresponsible but it's the responsible place to start. what can i believe and what should i believe? isis claiming something is
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common. they have claimed a lot of terror attacks and committed a lot of terror attacks. russia as well, not necessarily a reliable truth source so what do we know and can trust early on in understanding this situation? >> my assessment right now is we saw yesterday a mass casualty terrorist attack and i have no doubt isis was responsible and remember that isis k isn't only in afghanistan and turkmenistan and iran and long standing grievances from central asia and russia and seen a history of terror attacks in russia going back to 2004, the worst school shooting in history at the theater attack in 2002. the united states cia shared intelligence with vladamir putin security services in 2017 that prevent the a terrorist attack in st. petersburg and resulted in a phone call and thank you from vladamir putin to president
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trump and of course a little over two weeks ago the united states embassy warned in moscow, delivered a warning there was an impending or threat of terrific rudabeh shahbazi attack and avoid -- terrorist attack and avoid large gathering ands i have no doubt the u.s. intelligence community share that had with the russian counter parts and call adieuty to warn. i did it all the time. that shaded space on a vin diagram of counter intelligence where we all worked together. this was an intelligence failure and tragically too many citizens in russia paid the price. will: we can trust initial reports and isis and of course history would be russia and isis, why russia a target for isis? >> well, russia, has long been a target of isis and long standing grievances and vladamir putin
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filed multiple wars in the areas and remember major war there as well. there was a suicide attack on the russian embassy in kabul in 2022 and it's the one thing that is going to sound perhaps strange to folks who are watching today but one thing that binds us all together is that we're in the cross hairs of terrorists and russians and chinese who were attacked in pakistan by terrorists and obviously the united states and russians and chinese have tried to make deal withs the houthis to avoid being attacked in the red sea. you can't escape it. it's an area in which we all have to work together. our bilateral relationships are suffering. will: if they have 11 suspects in custody, how would russia deal with the suspects like this? >> they've got to go out there and uncover the network. yes, 11 suspects, a couple of them detained 200 miles away and
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there's always logistics and this was reconnaissance of the facility of the mall and crocus mall and was there an insider that tipped off terrific rihannas and gave them information that helped launched attack? russia is in incident response, and there's a lot of forensics that they need to do to fall on attack. will: dan hoffmann, thank you for being here on this horrible incident in moscow. the princess of wales kate middleton shares cancer diagnosis with the world. >> william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. i am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on things that will help me heal. will: dr. nicole saphier says she's doing everything right and she'll join us.
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>> in january, i underwent major abdominal surgery in london and at the time it was thought my condition was noncancerous. the surgery was successful, however tests after the operation found cancer had been present. this came as a huge shock and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. rachel: a fox news alert after weeks of speculation, the princess of wales, kate republic middleton, sharing an emotional video she's been diagnosed with dancer and undergoing preventative chemo therapy and meanwhile the royal family has yet to reveal what type of cancer she's battling. what does her resent abdominal surgery telling us about what's
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happening now. we're bringing in dr. nicole saphier and great to have you. such sad news about princess kate and the video was just gut wrenching. what does little bits of information that we have and abdominal surgery they found something that indicated cancer after the fact and what do all these hints tell you about what could actually be happening? if you had to make your best guess? >> sure, rachel, kate is a 42-year-old mom of three. 42 years old is obviously young to have cancer, but the reality is women ages 40-49, about one in 70 will be diagnosed with cancer. most common being breast, lung, and colon. this is also the age where we also start seeing some gynocolumbia jim jordan-type surgery. she had a planned major
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abdominal surgery and requiring her to be in the hospital in early january. it s it possible to be an abdominal hysterectomy and found cancer on an ovary? that's possible. is it possible she suffered from some sort of bowel disease like ulcerative colitis or crohns and going into surgery they didn't believe there was canser and whatever they removed, it was only then upon surgical pathology they found the canser and that was good news, that means that cancer is likely just localized so her words were she's now doing preventative chemotherapy, which began in the beginning of february and that is not to treat widespread illness. rather it is to prevent the cancer from coming back. so all signs look like they caught it early and she's doing everything right to do whatever she can and prevent it from coming back so she can watch those kiddos grow up and live a
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long, healthy life. rachel: a lot of people online speculating colon cancer because that's been on the rice with young people lately on a scale we've probably not seen before. i want to ask you about the preventative chemotherapy because chemotherapy is pretty intense. how common is it to do chemo therapy as a preventative measure? >> so it's called chemo prevention and it's absolutely common. we use it a lot in breast capsuer and ovarian cancer, colon cancers as well and especially with a type of cancer with a high propensity to spread or come back in the future. in order to decrease that risk, again, you can never get that risk to zero. after a cancer diagnosis, the risk of coming back never goes back down to zero but you do everything you can to reduce the risk and quite often we use chemo prevention to do just that. rachel: last question. stress, you're a doctor and deal with people that have cancer diagnosis. how important is it for her as a young mom, as a royal, in this
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period of time to reduce the stress as part of her healing regimen here? >> if she's not also equally taking care of her mental health, she's not going to be any good to her family, to her royal duties so i'm hoping that everyone is rallying around her and hoping that as a mom, we put so much stress and guilt on ourselves and she needs to make sure she's focusing on herself and there are people taking care of her kiddos as well. rachel: amen to all that. nicole, so great to have you onto help us break that down. >> thanks for having me. rachel: we're all still in shock and wishing her the very best. >> absolutely. rachel: you got it. now to this, more than 100 migrants busting down razor wire and mowing over national guardsmen as the white house refuses to save the migrants --
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say the migrants were deported. that's a pretty good hint they weren't. ) monica crowley joining us next. start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ♪ ♪every road, that's wrong♪ ♪seems like the road, i'm on♪ ♪every sign just seems♪ ♪unclear♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and i,♪ ♪i wish i was here♪
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>> i can say that, you know, i really truly believe that's a question for, you know, the republican governor of texas. everyone was apprehended by the border patrol agents and that's important to note. they were apprehended. they were apprehended. will: biden white house deflecting questions about wild video of illegal immigrants rushing texas national guardsmen and they stampede across the border. charlie: karine jean-pierre sharing reports that migrants were caught and stopping short of day they were deported and appeared to pass the buck to texas governor abbott. rachel: monica crowley is a former assistant treasury secretary and host of the monica crowley podcast, which i love,
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and joining me now. >> thank you, rachel. rachel: we were watching that video and love to bring our viewers into what happen when is we're not on camera and we're like she's exasperated and sounds like she's disappointed in us for noticing that people are trying to break in the country and run over the national guard. >> good morning, guys. she always has this tone of just exasperation or i'm so disappointed in the american people for noticing what we're doing. it's also a way that she deflects and runs from the truth and does this all day every day on the issue. these images here are going to be indelible images going into the campaign. rachel: campaign ads; right? >> yes, this could help win the election for donald trump, who had a whole set of policies on the boarder and illegal immigration that actually solved the problem. donald trump essentially had the border and illegal immigration
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solved in the four years that he was president. in the three years that we have had joe biden, it's been an absolute historic catastrophe at boarder and every single helping a real political realignment and not just us and republicans or independents that are concerned about this but now it's core democrat constituencies like black voters and latino voters and women and asian americans seeing their communities being overrun by this tsunami of illegal immigration and draining all the resources that used to go to their communities. charlie: it's like she's apologizing for the fact the national guard was there and stopped them and created this -- the conflict as if the problem wasn't the 100 or so illegals storming to the country and reminded me of joe biden apologizing to laken riley's murder, administer ledged murder
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calling him an illegal as opposed to getting her name right. >> all of these pieces to the puzzle show the person people this is a deliberate intentional policy we don't know how many come in over the last three years and several decades that we've had this problem and for the american people and thinking this is incompetence and don't know what they're doing and a course correction over political help and this is the number one issue for the american people, the wide open boarder and illegal immigration. number one, beating inflation, jobs and the economy. they want to save the chances in november or democratic party and
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think they'd have changed course and they've not. all of this is intentional and this is how little they think of the american people. this is how much they want to destroy the country. will: it is interesting they've not pivoted politically because it is such a loser and there's been no effort to change their policies or outcomes at southern border. whatsoever. rachel: the question is why? why? charlie: they don't care or even more devious than that. they do care and want them. rachel: in spanish there's a safing [speaking non-english language] think the worst and you'll guess right. what's the worst case scenario of why they've allowed this to happen? charlie: no one starved in washington by being too cynical. >> there's two reasons for doing this and keeping this catastrophic policy going. one to flood the country with illegal immigrants trying to get them on a path to citizenship and ultimately voting to have a
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one party country and communism and one party state and the other reason is even bigger and darker and the great reset. the great reset and it's a globalist agenda about achieving ultimately a one world government with them on top of course and in order to achieve that, they have to erase all the world's boarders. that's another part of this equation. charlie: a field trip to austin, texas, turns tragic and a cement truck plows into a school bus with teachers and students. a crash killing a little by on board the bus and a man in a third vehicle. police say the truck veered into the bus, which rolled over. governor greg abbott asking all texans to pray for the students and their families.
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18 american americans evacking i bringing total to 230 and gang violence in the country continues to escalate and florida's emergency management divisions efforts to get more americans out of haiti has been delayed for a second day. after flights in the co-un-triple-demic were grounded yesterday. state official haves not said why flights were grounded. washington dc celebrates the annual cherry blossom festival and visitors are surprised to learn 140 of those beautiful trees will soon be removed that's stumpy's protester. will: no big loss.
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will: i'm least concerned about stumpy. charlie: the park service said they'll help preserve cherry blossom trees moving forward. those are your headlines and check in with meteorologist adam klotz for your fox weather forecast. rachel: i'm confused. you have to kill the tree to save the tree? >> hey, guys. we're tracking winter weather and cold air settling in across the northern tier and this is what it feels like outside, right. there's spots down into the teens and it's spring and yet we're tracking very wintry-like
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weather and this is the big winter system we're track here in new york city and it's just rain if you run just a little further north. and possibility of flooding from dc and bar harbor, maine, from 2-3 inches and 3-5 inches and winter weather advisories out there as well. those are your weather headlines for now. tossing it back inside to you guys. will: thank you. rachel: thank you, adam. will: matt whitaker, u.s. attorney general joining us live. will: if you're having a ruff day, we're pawsative you'll love this next. rachel: i thought you remember going to say abobble kids because those are mine. ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators,
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will: it's puppy day. cutest day of the year. who knew there was national puppy day.
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>> they're all siblings and he's an add on and our extra friend today. we have aerial, we have -- ariel, princess, klein, and terrorist petunia. charlie: how old are they? >> 10 weeks old. charlie: and you've memorized all their names. my children are 18 years old and i still can't get their names right. rachel: me either. >> we take our puppies very seriously. will: how old is the dog you've got? >> about 11 weeks. rachel: are any of them potty trained? >> we're getting there. eight weeks is pretty early to be potty trained but ready for adoption. will: let them now, petunia. >> wc fields said never act with children or animals because they'll steal the spotlight. >> best friends animal society is a national animal welfare organization dedicated to ending
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the killing of dogs and cats in america's shelters. rachel: love that. >> it's a fun, beautiful thing and also a very serious topic and last year approximately 400,000 dogs and cats lost their lives because no one adopted them and took them home. on national puppy day, we want to make sure that everybody considering adoption because that's what gets these guys into homes and long loving lives. we're very excited to be able to showcase our little fur babies today. rachel: what is the breed again? >> these are mixed. rachel: all mixes. >> heinz 57 mix guys. will: don't know who the alpha is? visit and adopt these exact guys. these exact guys. >> to adopt.. thank you. a perfect king's hawaiian slider.
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