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tv   One Nation With Brian Kilmeade  FOX News  March 23, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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would have. you do not compromise fundamental principles. you do not compress fundamental values and beliefs. the democrat party is an evil party, and evil party for very long time and americans have suffered as a result. we can do the history right here and now as i have in the past but let me just say this, it betrayal of the jews in israel will not be silent on this program no matter how much they tried to intimidate, threaten and.fingers at what they are doing on president trump, on me or others. we are going to stand up to them and fight them. god's grace, feed them. i'll see you tomorrow nigh life, liberty and levin. ♪
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>> welcome to one nation, i am brian kilmeade. action packed show is scheduled. ashley will be with us, what a job she's done in georgia. the next step in the case. jessica karloff and jesse watters head-to-head cohost place, capturing the imagination of america. first, we got this. joe biden's reality versus archaeology. we've heard over and over, the president and disciples telling us the economy is great and help good we'll have it. can't hear it anymore. how low unemployment is, strong stock market is and inflation in the right direction. these numbers may be accurate but they don't reflect our daily lives. you can't sell or buy a house with interest rates as high. gas prices home and in your car coming up along with groceries. inflation is going in the right direction but it's the high and it would do the president a little bit of good to look at his numbers.
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his approval rating, historic low for a president looking for reelection at 30% get the economy, 36%. yes, even with your great numbers. you cannot shout us into believing your reality is our reality. it's not. the most deceptive stats are from crime, crime is down. this might be right in some categories like violent crime for the streets tell a story. how many times have we seen this in the past? up until a few years ago houthis like this only happened during a blackout or natural disaster. it's happening regularly. essential items were never locked up like this before. remember grazers that were problematic? now everything is a problem. i noticed a new american local target walking up underwear, briefs and boxers. innocent people attacked in the streets as they walked or in the subway. >> people get involved and walk along.
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>> after 7:00 p.m., you cannot walk around here. >> i've had three times someone tried to assault me and hold my cold chain. >> in washington d.c., a hearing feeling repeated offenders how the problem running rampant. >> the average homicide suspect in our nation's capital had already been arrested 11 times, is accurate? >> yes. the council does not like police officers, they do not want them making arrests and they don't want them adding out and dropping and investigating people. >> they are not making arrests, but that keep the numbers down? yes. allowing criminals streaming through our border. midnight flights into a small airport near you. not all of them but too many of them. many not seeking liberty, more like a great. >> 26-year-old cory alvarez arrested and charged with raping
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815-year-old disabled girl at a migrant hotel in massachusetts. he was brought into the u.s. last year via biden administration's ch envy program for haitians. >> no-nonsense texas over run this week we leap. >> [bleep] >> they ran over the national guard mike got to the gate and they all got through. we really think this group is pursuing the american dream? take a look, it looks like our nightmare. no coincidence the people taken the most advantage of our open borders use tik tok to do it. 8 million followers, posting videos letting migrants know the best way to get to the u.s., venezuela gangster in our legal system coaching the next wave of border crossers havoc in school
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and an empty house anytime the claimant as their own. >> i thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there is a law that says the house is not inhabited, we can expropriate it. >> guess what, they did it and got to stay. these are our laws and illegals are taking advantage of it. in new york, horrible situation i want to share, to squatters there accused of killing a woman who took over her mom's apartment after her passing only then to run into these squatters, they kill her and put her body and a duffel bag. joining us now with reaction, host of america's most wanted john, great to see you. i want to outline this, to realities. you live in this reality, your show is back up and running again. tell me the state of crime in america. >> i've never seen it like it is now. i've been doing america's most wanted 38 years, we are back on the air now and we are swamped.
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we turned down about 100 cases a week and not 100 on the sixth shows i erred. we are invaded by three countries. china never thought they would make the billion dollars off of fentanyl but they are delivering all components to fentanyl to the mexicans. the mexican cartels are taking it across the border and giving it to horrible gangs ms 13 at all of them, venezuelan to distribute it. mexico supports venezuela. we've got venezuelan president, they believe he murdered in his country 20000 people, 7 million venezuelans are coming into america, 50 big things in venezuela. worse than ms 13. there coming here to do gang robberies, in-house burglaries, it's crazy. in mexico, it is a drug country.
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it's insane but they are doing. the last time biden met with the president of mexico, they never mentioned fentanyl. fentanyl killed 107,000 americans last year. chinese make billions, cartels are making millions crossing the border and who come in? the border patrol tells me, is the only guy allowed at ground zero. they are saying they believe at least 700 terrorists have infiltrated and walked across the border from different terrorist groups, 19 it took to bring down the towers and now we have to look for 700 terrorists on top of all of the gangs. mexico is right there, the president of mexico said we are not letting mexicans deported to mexico. same strategy. mexico, our biggest trading partner, we are cutting off. >> will closely away, we have
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the president of united states and others saying crime is going down. we don't have to worry, it's going in the right direction. violent crime is going down. >> last year -- >> how do we get these numbers down? to mecca to lower by three homicides. last year 21000 homicides in the united states, this year 20002. they are in the books like you say, arrest -- not arresting people we should be arresting so the body count is shorter and smaller. look at some of these things. we had 627 mass murderers in the united states last year and the fbi one, it used to be three so add another 100. what country has 627 school shootings? you are afraid to send your kids to school in the united states. 21000 homicides, the seventh most violent country in the
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world. the rest of the countries more violent than us are in mexico. school shootings and let's take the subway. crimes on the subway are up 46% than last year. you never hear that from the mayor for the governor and, in new york state. you never hear those numbers. d.c. had 970 car jackets. one of the officials in the trump organization, an older guy was shot on georgetown and downtown georgetown. shot him right through the window. the nation's capital had 970 carjacks. i went to the enemies last week and gave out in any years ago for excellence in television so i agreed to announce an enemy. i couldn't get out of the car to get in, downtown l.a. -- not the
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protesters, protesters yes but all around lakers play and where we went to the big arena, they are 91000 homeless people, 91000. that night the governor of california said if you make it across the border into california, we will pay for your sex operation. taxpayers money in california. >> i know. i want to bring it to a couple of things, you could probably understand this, it blew me away. they started cracking down on fentanyl, police started asking them and more debts so one reason there are more debts is because these guys now have the main drug dealers take on the street and the secondary once too much fentanyl and with sentinel oftentimes it's one and done. is that plausible to you? >> it's horrible. we did a 17-year-old girl last
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week on america -- two weeks ago on america's most wanted. her mother begged us to do it. seventeen years old, straight a student taking an example so she could get into college. she heard college kids take adderall to stay up all night so snapchat has a function where drug dealers come on from in and say here's the menu today. do you want heroin, opioids? twenty-one? got her mother's amazon card and sent fentanyl to the house, she took it and she was dead. within an hour. seventeen other mothers of boys and girls who bought one drug, one fentanyl are trying to suit check but according to lawyers, snapchat, you can't sue tech companies because that law was passed in the only corporation you can't sue in america. it's an epidemic and they overload in my little town, seven people died because they
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put too much fentanyl into their mess and they were meth addicts but meth loaded -- look at the three guys in the army were killed buying cocaine to celebrate. they were top-notch graduates of the academy and two of them died from the customer the chinese don't want addicts, they want debts and that's where we have to snap out of it. we will have to get you there but this is why your show is back. we need more than ever and we can catch america's most wanted streaming on fox nation and roger back in the business. thank you very much. full steam ahead to put trump on trial before the election. they the georgia election case hangs in the ballot in the story is moving. the lawyer who blew the lid off the da joins one nation next. plus, remember jesse versus
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jesse? they started it all. ♪ >> the left doesn't like dirty cops on the street and dirty cops in the swamp and they are okay with it. >> you guys are the ones obstructing justice. >> it doesn't seemed like that at all. >> is a journalist you should want more information, not less. >> i would and i would love to know so i can deal with you to. >> they are facing off tonight in the famed cohost quiz, don't move. you're watching one nation. why else would we put that name on the screen? ♪ ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat.
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welcome back. glad you're here. we may soon why a transgender man killed six people including three children in a school massacre. nearly a year later the judge ordered the fbi to finally handle the sugars manifesto. the agency refused arguing is released in saying this and i'm not buying it, could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings if we release it.
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clarity or detail, the order as part of a lawsuit filed by the parent company of the tennessee star newspaper. aiden showed up the covenant christian school she attended as a child caught the 28-year-old was shot dead by police. holding onto the manifesto was the fbi and biden administrat administration, they want to downplay violence committed by transgender's and what type of drugs they might have been on. meanwhile, giving up on putting donald trump on trial before the november election. reportedly pushing for a trial date has soon as this summer. despite narrowly avoiding this qualified herself over her relationship with the ex-lover lead prosecutor and she's not out of the woods yet. allowing trumpet codefendants to appeal the ruling keeps willis on the 2020 election in japan's case.
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>> it is fungible. i do remember dates. i hope you're telling the truth no. >> has he ever visited you at the place you lay your head? >> i will tell you which one he lied and. right here. right here. no, no, no. this is the truth. >> that is a meltdown. merchant exposed improper relationship after getting off i his former divorce attorney, terrence bradley but conveniently in court, probably couldn't recall much until he was shown a copy of the text messages between him and actually merchant. watch this reaction to mike the first page starts off by saying this merchant, don't hire him. do you think it started before she hired him?
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>> so many moving parts to this case with evidence moving ties to the white house, invoices from nathan wade you see right here. don't say the white house didn't know. merchant joins us right now to tell us where we are in the case and where the discovery came from. she represents the roman in th this. great to see you. obviously you've done a great job. first, can you tell me where the case is not now and why you might not believe willis really wants the case to start in the summer? >> where we are right now is we filed for an appeal, the judge gave us that right and now we are waiting on the appellate courts to decide if they will let us appeal it. if they do, it will take about six months to wait way through the system. i don't think this push to try the case is genuine because
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there are so many moving parts and so many things could happen if they want the case to move forward. this willis wanted to move it course, should she could recuse herself, a disinterested prosecutor who could get up to speed quickly on the case if they wanted to prosecute all of us. they could count on the invite indictment, certain defendants and do a lot of different things they are not doing the signals that they don't want to try the case quickly. >> she now has two opponents and election and i guess if we saw willis judging by what we saw, i could her keeping that he. however, you would have to think there's pressure on her to get it done because every democrat wants to destroy trump before the november election. >> the august date they are proposing, though it but trump on trial during the election. there's no way the case would be wrapped up by november. the da office has had said it would take several months to try
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and i don't think that's fair, i think it would take longer so you would have someone running for office sitting in trial at the same time and that is the goal i think your. >> it's pretty clear most people if they care about the case, there was set aside. he likes the spotlight, she wants to be famous, she wants her show on court tv? >> i can tell you i've done this 20 years and have never had prosecutor not step aside when someone challenged them. i've never had a judge not step aside, it's rare normally if somebody raises any impropriety and give it to someone else, there's tons of prosecutors. forty-nine other elected district attorneys in georgia that could review this and pick up and are well equipped to do that so i think it is clear there is another motive here. >> watching everybody say there's no link to any cases in the white house, totally separate but don't you think you proven differently beyond invoices, the meetings in athens
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and there might be other things, what are they trying to keep from you? >> i think there is definitely a link, we've done open records for all of willis reimbursement travel schedule and they denied that. those are things we should be able to get so we have to file a lawsuit under the open records act because they are refusing to give those. those would show if she was reimbursed to travel to the white house, dinners, hotel and flights and things so i think there's something there trying to keep away out of view. >> a chance to meet with other lawyers because 17, 18 people on trial, what is the former president's reaction to what you are able to do over those weeks on trial? >> everybody has been happy there is transparency brought to the situation including the former president and all in this case the boys felt they were persecuted and this was not fair and just process so shedding
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light on something everybody has embraced. >> were you surprised how much unfolded that you couldn't have anticipated even from willis taking a stand? will was your thought process is this went on for hours? >> shocked because i fought so hard to keep her off the sand, they were arguing emotion to keep her off when she walked into that was surprising since they spent so much time trying to keep her from the sand but the evidence, it's one of those things for you kind things and more developed. once we brought forth the motion, that's when the floodgates opened, until people started calling and giving us other information, corroborating tips, things that told us and a lot more to this. >> you knew fani willis before this case, how did that challenge you? >> it was difficult one of the most difficult things because i've known ms. fani willis 20
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years. it's always difficult because it's still a legal duty, this criminal legal community so always hard to make allegations like this against someone as a fellow member of the community but the right thing to do and the only way my client is going to have a fair trial. >> fani willis, to meet my judgment, unethical, we seen the same thing with letitia james. >> i think what we need is transparency, what we need and all of these cases and when people try to fight transparency and people looking behind the curtains, that's what bothers me and scares me and i think we see that across the board. >> it's hard to keep them straight. you really stood out, i look forward to talking to you again. thank you very much. next, stunning announcement, princess kate reveals she's battling cancel and what it means for the royal family nex
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just days after reaching an agreement that they would not target chinese or russian ships. there were no casualties and the vessel only suffered minor damage earlier in the day , the u.s. military was involved in a confrontation with six houthi drones, all eventually crashed, and the government will officially stay open through the rest of the fiscal year. saturday, president biden signed a $1.2 trillion spending bill into law. it will keep key government agencies funded until the end of september. mr. biden says he's happy with the package and it's good news for the american people. the department of defense, homeland security and education would all have been affected. i'm chanley painter now, back to one nation. welcome back. wild speculation can now be put to rest. so to speak, as katekatid middleton's whereabouts are nos are well known. she was diagnosed with cancer and currently undergoing chemo treatments. the 42-year-old on out after
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major abdominal surgery and january. >> it's been an incredibly couple funds were are entirely family. it was successful. test after the operation from cancer had been present the medical team advised i should undergo preventative chemotherapy member now in the early stages of treatment. this came as a huge shock. it's taken me time to recover from major surgery is that right treatment but most important, it's taking us time to explain everything in a way that is appropriate for them. reassure them that i'm going to be okay the next journey is to put in perspective, marine callahan. you have a great perspective on the royal family. this is probably the last thing she wanted to do. he would think a statement to document what she's going through and try to fight her way through it under the radar. why do you think she thought she had to come forward? >> i think several things are
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very notable. one is, kate middleton conducts herself normally, impeccable representative of the british royal family and monarchy. for her to release a video in which she speaking directly to the world, to my mind indicates she, once and for all is looking to put an end to months of speculation about everything from where is she in the world? what is the state of her marriage? exactly what is wrong with her. the palace has made i think several missteps trying to get their arms around what is going on with kate middleton. it had all kinds of conflicting messages. the first one being the mother's day federal which was killed by
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news agencies around the globe and for which kate the next day took responsibility. that did not seem right right. then you had any number of celebrities in america from stephen colbert to kim kardashian making fun of her, making fun of her marriage. then you have this proof of life video which became more and more entertainment news shows there for the likes of tmz, social media controls saying is this really kate? i don't believe it. i think finally she made the decision to put all rumors to rest. i think it is notable she decided to sit there alone. she didn't do it with her husband by her side. i think it's a real show strength, fortitude, class, decisiveness and hopefully this being put to bed.
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>> could it mean problems? could it mean there's a problem there? or do you get it. >> i think simply kate middleton standing on her own, this is her fight, her battle, her story to tell. she is deciding to tell it. she's given us distinct parameters here. she's not told us what stage she's at, what kind of this so i think it is sort of a trade-off. she's telling the world what's going on to a degree she stressed several times she has small children, she's trying to make this appropriate. >> we also can look at this fact that someone stole her medical records. i'm struck by your column, just like diana, groom proof, they suffer the most. as part of the process.
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camilla suffer a lot, she's being abused heavily through the press. it seems like the wives ticket and william could have up earlier and handle this. >> my main issue went to that frankenstein photo released march 10 of kate and her children, the photo credit was prince william, it was handed out by the palace to news agencies as proof that kate middleton was fine, well, healthy and for the next day for catherine to take the blame alone seems an elegant. any woman in the world if william had taken the fall weather believable or not, would have really respected that is getting in front of his vulnerable wife whose never put a foot wrong and hopefully they
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will learn a lesson from this. >> thanks so much, if people want to know what's really going on in a classy way, read your columns. she is a fantastic person and everybody wishes her the best. even megan says megan, wish for health, privacy. history, liberty and loss will be up on stage april 27. you will see me in nevada las vegas. i'll talk about history for my books perspective, have some fun and bring to life. also still remaining in this show, jesse watters and one nation's own cohost is, you don't want to miss this one. >> you got the durham
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walking back. time for maybe the best moment of my week, cohost quick, only on one nation, who will sue anyone who tries to take this idea want to know how well fox news host filling out the people they sit next to each and every day tonight contestants look like this. jesse watters and jessica
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tarlov, you are the same people, the same ones? >> not a body double. [laughter] >> you rose to prominence from the man in the street to now leading the primetime line of with a brand-new book, he doesn't want to talk about. get it together available right now and he wants you to order right now if you haven't yet. get another if you already did. jessica tarlov is zero long time came to fox is a contributor in 2017 before being cast as the odd woman out. [laughter] the legendary the greek dates back to the days on jesse versus jessica series on hannity and continues each night on the five. watch. >> is not actually happened. >> do you know? >> because i can read. >> did you read the memo? >> no. [laughter]
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>> there is no biden photo. i've never seen a biden teacher, biden pat. >> have you stolen your mother? >> my mother is not a biden protocol she's an anti- trump coder. >> the producers are trying to save your job. up next, i thought general pat ryan a different spokesperson was really good today. >> i like him. >> and the show. we don't live in the same world. it's crazy. >> exactly. your world is fake. >> we are following the facts. >> they know how to fight but do they really know each other? thanks for joining us. jesse and jessica. >> i'm jesse, that's jessica. >> first question to you. if jessica needs a babysitter, who would she asked the order from first to last? where the other four and what
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order? >> first is who they want the most? i have children so she probably should pick me. i'm going to go with jesse watters, that's me. actually no, judge jeanine -- are you just going to do women? greg is last, let's be clear. perino, jesse, greg. >> did you cheat? this is going to be tough. >> i was feeling good. >> your winning one nothing. >> stop account. >> jessica, what is the book jesse is credited with changing his life? >> he doesn't even know -- look at his face. >> what is the book? >> some weird conservative thing
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i'm sure. >> it could be inspirational, motivational, a success story. >> tony robbins something? >> the miracle morning. >> one -- zero. jesse, when jessica has her secret meetings with fellow liberals, which host do they complain about the most? she has her meetings with fellow liberals, which host do they complain about the most? >> i love that question. greg, jesse or piero. this is tough. this is tough. >> i went to my text messages to see what the most amount of vitriol was directed. >> this comes out in small talk. >> i'm going to go with hero
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hero. judge puro. jessica. you are losing is not over. here's your question. jesse's mom is a well-known liberal but before she worked at fox, which political party did she support? he support? oh jesse support demarcated young conservative stuff in college. i know that because he's talked about it. i didn't even think you are ever in another party. >> that was time to guess, young lady. don't quit. >> this is stunning, i really expected to win at this. i will say he's always conservative. >> no, i'm sorry. green party. >> stop it. >> i cast my first go.
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pro environment, save the whales? >> dolphins. >> jesse, you are up to nothing. if jessica could switch careers would one person, who would it be? could be aberdeen looks or boothbay or gettysburg? bill russell. >> maybe i'm cocky but i will go with bill russell. >> this is unbelievable. >> tell me who you like. >> i am an nba fanatic and we do talk about that. i just love the relationship and i watch all of the old -- >> who knew i listened so much?
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>> you don't, you are just luc lucky. >> you are always listening what they just don't know it. >> while conducting a man in the street interview in new york jesse was attacked and took a swing at his assailant. who or what attacked him? he was attacked and took a swing at his assailant. who or what attacked him? >> i'm thinking of the wrong attack. >> this is a layup. >> no it's not. >> you know me. >> was beer thrown on him? >> it's a bird, look at that. >> they are in the family. >> you know nothing about jesse. jessica worked for permanent
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poster, was his name? >> doug schoen. >> i do not believe was not given these questions. >> i wish i could tell you he cheated but he didn't. all his cohost of the five, who was jesse most likely to invite to an eagles game? >> i did not say that. >> i would say harold ford. >> the shout out is broken. congratulations. this is fantastic. four -- one. who do this again but i can't imagine to people more mismatched. [laughter] the good job. thanks so much, that is it. >> asked him what my daughter's name is. >> get together. >> is your book still for sale? >> you are e-mails and videos, thanks for watching. i know you
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i love this. yankees are probably going to pay tribute to one of the most famous employees, george, the assistant to the traveling secretary. >> new york yankees. [laughter] >> i need assistant traveling secretary.
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[laughter] >> are you again? >> assistant to the traveling secretary. >> yankees hosting i felt like to like this, it will be back i'm sure. celebrate the big sitcom, it will handle bobble heads for the first 18000 fans. the cannot to see them take on the boston red sox and bobble head design was based on stance when he gave yankee legend bernie williams eating tips. i think it looks pretty good and trim. time to share comments from the past week. brooke was kind enough, you brought up tik tok tik tok is the smallest problem china poses against our country. people don't seem to care, they don't know the border is dangerous they don't know china is a threat. getting inside people's minds, setting an agenda i would say is
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just as important as the thousands coming through with roller bags of the border but i understand. in reference to the intel hearings last week over the terrorist concerns, sue wrote me from virginia saying in an election year, now intelligence agencies are concerned and believe is real but it took so long? i agree, i always wonder but i saw the urgency in their faces and they could not be ignored. finally, samuel clock you sent a video, who really liked it, you have a suggestion for the border wall, let's watch. >> i was having a conversation with my father-in-law, he's an electrical engineer. mr. trump is back in, the presidency, we could save a lot of money and volunteer to help them build the wall. >> i hear you but we have plenty of time to get it, plenty of
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money, 650 million sitting in the bank to start again. stay with yourself mug. i didn't drop it, this is the one who will put in bubble wrap. please don't drop it. if you send a video, the same for you. e-mail us at one thank you for watching, tune into "fox & friends" weekend is tomorrow, a great roster of guests. nine to noon monday to friday, the brian kilmeade show. michael called, michael goodman and so much more. thanks so much for watching. i checked the tv guide, time for fox news saturday night with jimmy failla and mike are is late once again. i will have to watching studio. ♪ >> i am jimmy failla and this is


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