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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  March 24, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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no, we love lincoln. so thank you. seriously thank you for my bloated heart. set your dvr 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday right here on fox news and do not forget to follow us on social media at as an saturday night. for more of me, i'm coming to a city near you, girlfriend. my everybody calm down to her and is are on sale at fox across you can listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. eastern. the party is over. pay up and get out from new york. i am jimmy failla. i will see you next saturday. remember, you can be republican, you can be a democrat, it doesn't matter. just don't b ♪
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>> hello, everyone and happy saturday. jason chaffetz and tomi lauren is not here tonight so we have anita vogel and joe concha. welcome to the "big weekend show". the big story tonight, biden as his buddy obama back. >> he jokes and says we make up for each other's shortcomings. he makes up for a lot more of mine shortcomings than i do. nothing could have prepared me better or more become president of the united states and be at your side five years the neck a quick reminder, boat. >> the president and former president reunited to celebrating the 14th anniversary of the affordable care act days after a report surfaced that obama met privately with biden to voice concerns about the november election first a warning or liberal bill maher the
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democratic party about pandering to voters. watch this. >> updated racial pandering is one reason democrats lose elections. when chuck schumer and nancy pelosi put on off, i don't they earn one vote for their emotional ties. she told open, i'm turning of being labeled. i met american. [applause] she says i don't know what country in africa i'm from, my roots are in louisiana. [laughter] you know how to agree with that but if you a lot of you have. today's democrats should move on identity politics, it's not working. [applause] is not working for them for us. democrats are hemorrhaging the voters they think they are pandering to.
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the financial times rights, democrats are going backwards faster with color than any other graphic and suggests the reason is that a less racially divided america is in america where people vote based on police and identity, exactly. [applause] we are all jellyroll now. [laughter] sobbing, complicated and contradictory. [applause] you're still building your politics around slicing and dicing people to these fixed categories, democrats need to get the memo. you can't win elections anymore by automatically assuming you will get every photo who's not these guys. [laughter] the more you obsess over identity, the more you ignore bread-and-butter issues that went and lose elections. >> that is very good. ignoring bread-and-butter issues because that's what the white house does, literally is
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ignoring the negative which is the majority of what happened in the last three and a half years and focus on what? trump. i don't know what else they focused on. >> bill mark was really good, i was highly impressed because if you want a less racism, maybe something racist. stop putting everybody and a particular bucket solely on the color of their skin. it so at the opposite of what doctor martin luther king talked about. they think that having open borders, hispanics love you and it's ridiculous notion. the whole affirmative-action, all of those programs they tried to do, they've done this, they've preached it, i think america is tired of it. stop categorizing people solely on the color of their skin and talk about ideals. >> do not assume because you're hispanic or minorities that you will vote democratic because that's ignorant and he's literally begging hispanics to vote for him take a look at his
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back voters if you look back to the 2020 election compared to today, biden had 59% trump, 38% so obviously majority there. black voters, biden had 92%, trump 8%. now it's a different picture, hispanic voters are only 40% or biden and 46%. trump and i'll tell you why, illegal immigration and black voters, biden 66% so still takes to leads among black voters in trump at 23% but it really does shift the tide when it comes to minorities in this country and there is a reason and that's because a lot of them come from poor minority communities they are going most under this administration. >> i want to go back to what bill maher was saying and jason is right and that if you look at corporate america, corporate america is backing away from di initiatives. survey after survey shows it down 48% in the universities around the country which are shutting down di programs,
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that's becoming a trend. simone, who was in the clip, hardly a liberal she's got a post on instagram talk about wanting to leave the country of republicans get selected but listen to what she was saying, i want to be called african-american, i'm an american. right? a lot of minorities feel that way. >> i agree. joe, this is a desperate part biden administration is trying to pull and they are trying to pull the race card. it's insulting. >> identity politics is 2020. remember when joe biden was elected, we have the most diverse cabinet in the history of america. i prefer diversity of thought and in terms of face of your skin color or ethnicity. i love the fact that bill maher is the voice of reason for the democratic party. >> i never thought omar would be a voice of reason in the democrat party. >> this is every week he's preaching to the democratic
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party. this is what you are doing wrong. i find it funny the biden obama relationship is being portrayed they are bffs. >> he didn't even endorse him when he ran for president until the last second i guess he figured he had no choice to get behind him but kept his distance the next 2016 barack obama wanted hillary clinton to be the next president, not his own vice president. then on social media joe biden shared pictures of friendship bracelets. in jersey, if i give a friendship bracelet to a friend, he break my jaw like we not doing bracelets. >> a taylor swift concert. >> i appreciate that but bill maher, i love the fact that he will say things he doesn't think his audience wants to hear but they need to hear and applause from the studio audience resonating. >> he's a democrat and i don't think he has a plan to change parties. he's a democrat trying to speak to his party saying come on
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folks cement they've left their roots. they used to be one that preached free speech and take it to the man, they were antiwar, united with republicans on supporting our military, you don't feel or see any of that; to cite as ours calls for desperation, listen to the president and tell me how desperate this sounds when he's trying to appeal to hispanic voters, listen to the president. >> you are the reason why i beat donald trump. [applause] let's meet him again. [applause] you know, i need you. i need you badly. desperately need your help. >> i need you, i need you badly, i need your help. i don't know if you've ever had a situation where you're trying to break up with somebody and they did not understand work,
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there's a book called there's not that into you. that's what it sounds like. he reminds me of an ex-boyfriend won't leave me alone. i don't know. nobody here? no hands? [laughter] we've all been there, we know you have. look at this goal, biden says immigration on the economy, this is where it hurts him. 29% approved, 70% disapprove. as far as the economy, 34% approved, 60% disapprove. why do you think that is? so many legal hispanics in the country who fought hard to get here legally and here they are looking at everyone else getting a free pass, not only did do you get to come in and skip the line but three hotels, now they are asking for three attorneys and york city, it doesn't end. >> inflation affects everybody, many of these people want to live the american dream.
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the social services and a lot of the base, the democratic base, big cities, new york city, chicago, denver, los angeles, they don't have the resources to help homeless veterans, they help somebody who is illegal and people here illegally, they can get on a plane without an idea. american citizens get treated a lot worse and everybody understands that. >> people are not categories, people are people. the whole theme of this entire discussion, they feel food prices going to hi, read and gas prices too high, they don't feel safe in the community because police are cut as a result of taking care of those here illegally, they don't like what's going on at the border because people are taking jobs away from them or illegally here. go down the list but joe biden one by 21 points in 2020 and now trailing by six, 27-point swing. if that holds, like out, electoral landslide for trump especially the black vote.
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biden is down 40 points among blacks that were held today, that's the end of joe biden. >> illegal immigration is a huge problem, they need to address it. jampacked we can show coming up including this. >> it was successful. test after the operation being present the next liberty said for forgiveness while others are silent after joking about what happened to princess kate middleton. >> i swear, this is not america. >> your codices assets in two days but tonight, a warning for democrats but the cost of that move come november and at what the old, in with the new as gen z ditches movie theaters from the comfort of home. what does it mean for the movie industry? that still had.
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philadelphia. welcome back to the "big weekend show". support pouring in princess kate middleton after she told the world she's undergoing chemo for cancer. fox news will media reporter stephanie bennet is at buckingham palace tonight. >> the details are limited. we still do not what type of cancer or stages at but support from around the world has been pouring in. 42-year-old kate middleton revealed she's undergoing chemotherapy now in the early stages of that treatment. in january she had undergone a plan to successful abdominal surgery which at the time they believed her condition was noncancerous. further tests after that operation found cancer had been present. in her video message she says she's getting stronger everyday. fox news contributor doctor nicole saphier says preventative chemo is very common. >> it is absolutely common, please it in breast cancer and ovarian cancer, colon cancer's as well especially with the type of cancer that is high propensity to spread or back in the future so to decrease risk,
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you can never get the risk to zero, we unfortunately after cancer diagnosis, never goes back to zero but you do everything you can to reduce the risk. >> king charles is proud of catherine for her courage in speaking and remained contact with his beloved daughter-in-law throughout the past few weeks. megan and harry sending regards saying wish health and healing for kate and the family and hope they are able to do so readily and in peace. the princess of wales says she needs time to recover and spend time with her family. >> thank you for that. celebrities are rushing to apologize for joking about the follow-up princess kate and her family that many call photoshop fail. blake lively posting on her instagram voice, i made a silly post around the photoshop sales frenzy and the post has me mortified today, i'm sorry. kim kardashian is slammed for her lack of remorse.
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last sunday was posting a photo with the caption, on my way to find kate. tonight, no apology yet. in new york my a new op-ed in the new york times admits the real royal scandal is on us. the columnist writing welcome of the american public has become so accustomed to access to public figures we expect total self exposure as a matter of course we meet their need for privacy which belongs to every human whether celebrated with the kind of rapid suspicion. now is a good moment to rethink all that. kate terrible news should make us feel terrible for kate, i should make us feel terrible about ourselves. well, that was interesting. there has been so much gossip around kate absent and wild stories and speculation, does this more serious news overtake
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that or stop that? you think gossip is sidelined? >> i don't think it is and it's disappointing. i remember when she had the abdominal surgery and everybody started even before the picture came out, suspecting, or was she? first of all, they announced she wouldn't be in public until after easter, she wanted to wait until her children were in easter break and make the announcement about her cancer. the public essentially forced her to have to announce this which is heartbreaking because we haven't gotten into easter yet and wanted to wait until her children were on easter break and is not even easter yet and she had to analysis which meant difficult conversation with her children, it's disgusting people made it a big deal like give her a break, she's a mother of three young children. have some respect. >> yes, the public forced her to come up with medications team didn't help matters with those photos, one of which shows her
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with her children in the background you see these green plants and trees and you know it wasn't taken at the time so while i'm with you as far as cold air of the world, spreading rumors that prince williams having an affair, no apology from him either, he's hosting a fundraiser for joe biden next week but these photoshop's, the stakes not only helped fuel conspiracy theories, her own team let her down. >> but she is one of the most recognized women in the world so of course we should respect her need for privacy but being such a public figure, how do you balance that? >> that's the thing, the public thinks kate middleton or anybody in the royal family, their property. we haven't seen them in two days, we demand to see them. i don't know how you do that. once you are at that list, there is no privacy anymore.
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>> jason, in her message, she not only spoke about her own cancer but she spoke to all victims of cancer and her family so there is a helpful message and what she was saying so work she speaks out, the more she helps people. >> she is a beloved person by millions of people will she's a beautiful young mom with these little kids and she will be inspirational to countless people who, at some time they have to go through this. cancer affects an amazing amount of people. a lot of people in my family have had cancer so she can turn it into an amazing moment but the first and foremost, take care of your kids and your family, your husband. good on lake lively for doing the right thing st. luke's, i'm sorry. all the other ones who blasted celebrity to get a couple of clips, they need to follow blake
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lively's lead. say i didn't know, i've made a mistake, i regret it. people appreciate authenticity more than anything else in the world is with her want to care for her. >> i'm getting involved in the conspiracy theory where she was in first place is pathetic so as far as being authentic, i don't think you are authentic, you don't care, let's be honest. it's like monday morning ball or whatever the saying is. >> so courageous of her and we wish her the best in her recovery. coming up, how is trump going to pay that for $54 million judgment against him new york once his properties but wouldn't that revel voters? that's coming up next. >> i want you to remember this moment and don't forget it. pundits will sit there and scream about this. ♪
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". former president trump has just two days to pave the 41,504,000,000-dollar judgment against him. new york's attorney general letitia james wants to sees his properties to pay for it including trump tower. fox news correspondent cb cotton has the update from new york city and i. >> former president donald trump's legal team asked the court to waive the bond entirely while he appeals civil fraud judgment against him. there's no ruling yet on trump's request but trump is bound to fight the judgment to the court system telling box digital vote i'll fight this all the way up
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to the u.s. supreme court if necessary. despite trump lawyers telling the court trump does not have cash on hand secure the bond, trump claimed the box digital he does have cash for said quote that doesn't mean award to give money to a rogue competent judge, the puppet of corrupt attorney general. ". new york attending generals office gave a series of questions how trump could get the bond to include a fire sale of trump properties trump scores pushed back on all the ideas and said a fire sale would cause irreparable harm because trump couldn't get the properties back. if you went parts of his appeal. in the meantime, new york attorney general letitia james has taken initial steps to sees trump properties. she registered the civil fraud judgment in westchester county, home to a trump course and estate. this step would allow the state to place a lien or moved to foreclose on the properties in the future. in the meantime, there could be cash flow on the horizon for
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former president trump. his social media company has been approved to go public and trumps state could net him 3 billion or more. legal experts are doubtful the board of the company for waive the six month lockup on trump's shares. while we wait to see whether trump secures the bond come monday, the same day the judge could set a new date for trumps new york hush money case. >> this is one of the most disgusting stories, i'm sure there are liberals out there, trump haters who giggle and think isn't this funny? this is not justice in america. there's no time there. listen to frank and his political analysis of what's going on here. >> i want you to remember this moment and don't forget. it new york attorney general starts to take his homes away, starts to seize assets, is going to be on camera pundits will sit there and scream about this, this man cannot be elected, he
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will create the greatest victimhood of 2024 and you will elect donald trump. >> there's a lot of truth in what he sank, using a graphical the different properties but ask yourself, what was the crime? what did trump do other than being donald trump and the president of the united states? over value of his properties, a crime of which nobody else is prosecuted and ridiculous notion that marlborough is 18 million, are you kidding me? there's no victims in this. even thanks for involved, no problem. what is your take? >> there's no victim here. he paid back the loans, the banks didn't come forth and say hey, he fooled us and now we want to take them to court. this is letitia james, you see it on video, we are going to get
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trump did we will find something at some time and if she goes ahead with this, seizing assets and kat walking doors and walking workers out of golf courses on of the trump power, i don't agree with them terribly often but one 100% right, you clenched donald trump's election in 2024. the msnbc and cnn audience, friends and relatives, they can share this on but two americans had key swing states like pennsylvania, ohio, michigan and wisconsin, nevada, arizona, north carolina and georgia, they watch the sensei we are a country with serious problems and we need tears people to stop them and what democrat are doing is a bowl of wrong. >> if there's no victim, even the banks not complaining, they got paid back in full. >> i think again to the video, if this happens, this is on your, it will be on every campaign commercial, everyone will see it in the could be
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people who lose their jobs and he's going to talk about it and talk about it. we will never hear the end of it. his going to make himself a victim because in this case, a lot of people agree he is a victim. >> let's listen to kevin o'leary, mr. wonderful in his take on a. >> nothing to do with donald trump, this is the essence of what makes the american brand the number one economy on earth. you want to bring $3 billion to build a data center in america which i will go and raise next week around the world? the number one question i have when i go countries to raise capitalist, what is going on in new york? i tell them it's not america, it's an anomaly. i swear to you this is not america. >> it doesn't feel like america. >> it's purely political and the liberal ag's in this country are mucking it up even worse and frankly, there's no coincidence
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he had a short period of time to come up with money but to come up with half a billing dollars, that's ridiculous. not only that, he's appealed but that could take a while, we don't know how long and he appealed -- let me pay 100 million, i don't have 500 million believe it or not in cash lying around, he did have money he does have reserve for the campaign and every right to those are campaign contributions, he can't use that money to pay off letitia james so he needs more time to come up with the money, ridiculous. >> she's on social media doing and is owned dances around interest donald trump to pay, 114,000, handling this horribly. >> she said i'm going to prosecute this person set of violent crimes -- all right, coming up. the biden and obama reunion as obama apparently warns his body about november plus an espresso
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boost from a box. the ai takeover that may be coming to a coffee shop near y you. ♪
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". biden obama back together as kamala harris pushes for gun control at the side of the parking high school shooting. fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson is of the white house tonight. >> bottom line, healthcare is in a state of selection and incompetent will make the case, we will went. >> here's obama and his attempt to woo young voters. >> right now, the presumptive nominee for the republican party the president says he wants to repeal the entirety of aca and
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that would mean kicking millions of young people off their parents health insurance, what young people cannot sit on the sidelines, now is the time to pay attention to your voting to make sure these benefits are continuing to benefit. >> vice president kamala harris spoke brooklyn, florida outside of fort lauderdale. >> when we do reflect and review and dare i say study what happened here at stoneman douglas. we must be willing to have the courage to say that on every level for the you talk about changing laws or changing practices that we must do bett better. >> the father of one of the victims of the parking massacre of this message and the vice president. >> was frustrating to me is that this building should have been demolished years ago and it not
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being used as a follow-up for politicians who want to push an agenda. politicians frankly don't understand what it takes to protect our nations rules, to understand the causes of the parkland tragedy, don't understand what led to the tragedy. >> president biden spending the weekend in wilmington, delaware. he signed a $1.2 trillion spending bill to keep the government open through september. >> no to this, time for coffee to wake up and smell the coffee. machines are about to take over. >> can i take your order? >> a toll chai. >> large black coffee. >> do you mean venti? connect i mean large. >> he needs venti, the biggest one you've got. >> venti is large. >> venti is 20. largest large. grandes is spanish for large.
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venti is the only one that doesn't mean large and the only one that is italian. congrats for stupid in three languages. >> seems like a coffee shop can soon be a thing of the past. meet the first robot serving up cups of joe at a new york city coffee shop. customers don't have to deal, sounds good, right? the robots don't only make a copy, they are asking for tips so is artificial intelligence taking over? mainstream media pushing for it. an op-ed in the washington post says ai could help ending the dominance of the credentialed classes. would you tip -- i will start with julie, i would love to hear your answer. are you tipping the robot serving restart? the mckay hate to sound cheap but i don't tip at starbucks. it's $6 for a cup of coffee. i understand but no.
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>> a lot of money. >> have you tip at starbucks? >> i like the transparency. >> you don't go to starbucks? >> i leave -- i carry 2-dollar bills, if i go to taco bell or fast food, i will tip on my way out or if there's something they need to clean up then i make sure the worker get that, unlike putting it in the machine. i wonder if they actually get all the tips. >> to finish this out, do you tip? >> sometimes. sometimes. i feel so cheap now. [laughter] they are so expensive, it's ridiculous. >> is not the worker's fault. we could talk about this all day. let's go to washington post as far as this op-ed is concerned, it could be deployed not to replace human workers to augment them. enabling them to perform more complex tax. ai could narrow opportunity gap by helping lower rent workers take on decision-making tasks
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currently reserved for the dominant credentialed elites. >> here's the problem, okay? would you raise the minimum wage, guess what -- you are a whole class of people out of jobs fast food restaurants and other places have no choice but to automate. what about the young kids? fourteen, 15, 16-year-old kids probably should make an apprentice wage, lower wage to learn how to work. i did that and other people ha have, i think we have a whole generation of people who don't know how to work because the jobs at subway and mcdonald's and talk about gone away and they will be automated. >> you think this generation, particularly generation the, they don't tip anymore? >> she's never going to live this down. >> i'm actually thinking of all the other times i haven't tipp tipped, you carry 2-dollar bills which sounds impressive but i've never tipped up fast food crop
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mcdonald's? happy meal? >> i order it and they bring out to me, i give them a block or two. >> they are not bringing it to my car, this came about during the pandemic and it never went away but i think the pandemic is over so maybe tipping should go away also. >> let's listen to this and it will citizenship clarity. you think tipping culture has got out of control? recorders are with him, they say yes. 74%, no. 26%. >> i blamed biden. i have an excuse because prices are out of control. it is the one for inflation, i'd probably want to tip. >> if somebody does something but i'm not tipping at the counter. i haven't had the service yet. you haven't brought me my meal, i don't know if it's good so not tipping the front, dipping at the end. >> the cheeseburgers -- i do n not. >> not just take the order
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company the order, they have two different kinds of people as the clientele. teenagers and very old people and you will never guess what they have in common. anyway. coming up. out with the old and in with the new, gen z ditching movie theaters from the comfort of home but is the price of streaming forth it? that's next. ♪
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mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the "big weekend show", 40 years ago loose brought audiences together and had people dancing in movie theaters everywhere. ♪ ♪ ♪ footloose ♪ ♪ >> not the rug and people still love 1984 classic and students and staff at the high school featured in the movie are excited to have kevin bacon return to the school 40 years later forth from.
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>> i have been so impressed with everything going on there with this crazy idea of getting me to come back. got to come. >> the excitement in theaters for movies like footloose seems to be a thing of the past. a study reveals to and three people prefer to stream movies at home and it's not just movie experience hand movie theater experience. young people aren't interested in movies and tv shows in general, what is wrong with them? 60% of gen z prefer to watch user generated content and live streams over traditional tv shows. they don't know what they are missing although joe concha was in a movie theater today texting me, was a from the movie theater? >> yes. >> you are a good dad. >> kung fu panda for we will see next. aroma commended to all parents. >> i will wait until his dreams.
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>> i had a bottle, i would put my hand on it, i have this conversation with my daughter, the one we normally go to close and she says why doesn't everybody go to the movies? anymore. think about it, tvs at home, 50-inch tv for $200 so you can get big tv and have the experience at home. i bought two of my kids friends along so for kids and me, $80 trip to the movies by the time you start of the concession stand. you do this at home, make your own popcorn, watch a movie i was just in the movie theater three years ago, the streaming now, it's a new no greater first savings mahood movie theater static time architect kids i think will be completely out. >> i hope not because i love sitting in a movie theater, something about the popcorn and soda, he spent did million, do you tip at movie theaters? >> no. [applause] >> i do not tip on popcorn but i have to say, i love it. i love to go to the theater just
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for the popcorn, i did that when i was pregnant. >> wouldn't you die without movie theaters? >> we all grew up going to movie theaters but that taken away the incentive to go because if you wait a week, it will be on netflix and you don't have to spend money on the popcorn and soda, you can stay home and watch it but it's sad because there's nothing like watching a movie -- top gun maverick. i waited until it was in peter. i did not want to watch at home, a completely different experience and young kids are missing out. >> i'm sorry, does not vibrate your entire house. here's a poll that explains top reasons to watch a movie at ho home. obviously popcorn should be number one but anyway, 52% said movie ticket costs only 2% say concession costs they are very high. 40% say comfort of home. 24% say unadjusted 23% say concern over sanitation.
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so as far as sanitation, the pandemic did kill a lot of movie theaters unfortunately when it comes to sanitation. movie theaters closed down but i still say it's worth the money. no matter what they charge. >> my age, i like to push pause and go to the bathroom. [laughter] >> to say like the number one -- ella. i don't want to miss. movies are three plus hours, i'm not sitting around -- >> kung fu panda, an hour and 30 minutes. >> a shot up to kevin bacon, a great actor, seems like a wonderful guy going to payson hike school and you talk to go to prom. a fundamental problem is hollywood has the put together movies. top gun, people went out because it was a great movie. look movies and all of this, you
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know who the most popular person is on the internet? mr. beast. five times the following taylor swift and a lot of people don't even know who he is. he puts out great content. >> kevin bacon 65 years old. >> footloose where they shop that near your high school or something? >> i was nine. patient high school. >> one of you lived near somewhere. [laughter] anyway, about, big weekend flops are next. ♪
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show it is time for big weekend flops. our picks for the biggest veils of the week. forget the ladies first thing i will go first. aoc lays into hunter biden's former business partner about the criminal accusations against president biden. but she did not let him talk. listen. >> did you witness the president to commit a crime? is it your testimony today? looks yes frequents what crime have you witness? what comes time to head to go through corruption statue, rico. quick is it? what is the crime sir? specifically. >> to keep -- you asked me too ask the question and answer the question. recoat your odyssey not familiar with. corruption. >> excuse me sir excuse me sir.
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rico is not a crime it is a category. what is the crime? what is a category of crimes. it is a category. some of that fani willis know she's got a rico case currently going against donald trump. i think a oath seat thanks rico's the guy the dresser to the restaurant or the airport because clearly rico is a crime. >> biden's treasury secretary janet yellen now says biden has no plan when the social security funding runs out. >> the president does not have a plan. he has principles he wants to work with congress to find a way to protect social security and extend beyond. >> there are things that matter in this world and there are things that really matter in this world. this really matters and they have no plan. >> julie kuester. >> this matters the squatting situations getting so out of control a pair of teenage squatters are accused of killing
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a new york city woman who went to her mom's a vacant apartment to clean it out. this is a mom she went to new york city apartments. you can see the teenagers on the cameras on the surveillance camera's basically entering the apartment and left her body at a duffel bag in the closet. she was going there to get the apartment ready for family that's is disgusting. cooks the neighbors are so scared they do not come out of their doors but listen to this a ruling by a federal judge now makes it legal for illegal immigrants to own guns. they get drivers licenses. they have free places stay for the cell phones and other get guns. >> quite the incentive program to come or wouldn't you say? >> thank you bide bye did not do for us we will see a back here tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big weekend show. "life, liberty & levin" starts righ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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