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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  March 24, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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would have. you do not compromise fundamental principles. you do not compress fundamental values and beliefs. the democrat party is an evil party, and evil party for very long time and americans have suffered as a result. we can do the history right here and now as i have in the past but let me just say this, it betrayal of the jews in israel will not be silent on this program no matter how much they tried to intimidate, threaten and.fingers at what they are doing on president trump, on me or others. we are going to stand up to them and fight them. god's grace, feed them. i'll see you tomorrow nigh ♪ ♪
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[national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ muck finish if ♪
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♪ ♪ rachel: good morning, everybody. it is 6:00 here on the east coast. it's a little cold, but i'm feeling warmer because i'm with my friends, will and charlie hurt, who's in for pete hegseth who is bummed because today is cat day on our show -- [laughter] charlie: no. rachel: pete loves cats, charlie does not. will: let me just tell you, charlie was just talking about this. tennessee plaid texas last night in basketball, and the outcome wasn't exactly -- can. rachel: what does this is have to do with cats? will: just let me tell my story. and i got a text with pete hegseth with a video of his whole family rooting for temperature. you've been in tennessee for a hot second, and now you're a huge tennessee fan and rooting against me, and charlie gave me the perfect metaphor. and i said, charlie, there's
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some animal that does this, and what is it? charlie: the brown-headed cow bird. they nudge the eggs out of the nest of whatever bidder leaves them, so the bird if winds up raising eggs that aren't even there. will: yes. he goes into another person's nest, lays his eggs, and then the other one raises -- my point is he's taken over my nest. pete has taken over or my nest, and, you know, mr. south, mr. tennessee, he's talking trash to me. and he wins. and if he won, of course. are. rachel: and they won the game, that's the funny thing. the thing about pete is when he does something, he's all in. [laughter] he's a farmer, he's tennessee -- will: he got a belt buckle, he wore a cowboy hat -- charlie: he needs to learn how to wring a chicken's neck without a .45. [laughter] will: well, the .45 is bigger,
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they're both going to destroy a chicken. [laughter] all right. that's the 6 a.m. hour. and now it's time for the news. we begin this morning with the civil trial of former president trump is facing here in new york. he has less than 24 hours to post his $454 million bond or risk having his assets seized by state attorney general leticia is james. rachel: if trump doesn't pay, his properties won't immediately get turned over to the state, but james already has lien ares placed on some of his assets in westchester or new york with at least half a dozen other properties in the state also at risk of being taken from him. charlie: the former president even has the threat of having his bank accounts frozen which could happen as soon as is tuesday. will: so that's all a expected tomorrow. it's going to be, i think -- so as we talk through this really quickly, i don't know that there'll be some big moment tomorrow, you know? i don't know that you're going to see, you know, trump towers yellow taped off, but fani
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willis can freeze his bank accounts, she can do that so that no money can go in or out, and if she wants to take over real estate properties, that's a process. she has to file a lien, she has to take that lien to court, but it could all begin as early as tomorrow. rachel: you know, there are e-mails going out, fund raising e-mails, from the if trump campaign going out saying keep your filthy paw ifs off of, you know, trump tower. on the other side, joe biden is sending out e-mails and calling donald trump broke don. so this is a moment, it's a communistic moment -- [laughter] it's a communist moment because this is the kind of stuff that happens in those kinds of countries where you can't defeat your opposition, so you've got to just launch everything you can to discredit, make them lose all their money. and i just think that this moment could be a big moment
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tomorrow depending on how they decide to approach it. charlie: and i would warn president biden against getting into name calling with donald trump. the way is littered with people who have decided they're going to get into name-calling contests with donald trump. donald trump usually wins those. but whatever does happen, you know, and who knows what happens with the financial side of all of this, but, my goodness, in terms of, like, politics whether there's the yellow tape or the chain around the doors at trump tower or not, fors it's going to be a political -- it'll wind up being a political win -- will: no doubt. charlie: -- for donald trump. rachel: right. bill maher keeps saying he's the luckiest guy around. he can't come up with the money, and all of a sudden this truth social thing the happens, and they go, he's so lucky -- will: they're crating it. -- creating it. rachel: but every time something happens, his numbers go up. and on bill maher's show,
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somebody said i think he's made a deal with the dell, what's going on? -- with the devil. and i actually had the opposite idea, maybe a lot of people are praying for him. who knows? will: a minute ago i said fani willis, i meant leticia james. i thought about fani willis because she's spoken for the first time since really her outburst in court. you remember that. watch this. >> you're confused. you think i'm on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial no matter how ard you try to put me on trial. you think i lied right here? no, no, no -- >> judge. >> it is a lie, it is a lie. will: so we've now heard or from fani willis for the first time since that moment, and she has a warning for donald trump. >> i don't feel like my reputation needs to be reclaimed. let's say it for the record, i'm not embarrassed by anything i've done, you know? if i guess my greatest crime is i had a relationship with a man, but that's not something that
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the i find embarrassing in any way of and i know that i have not done anything that's illegal. all while that was going on we were writing responsive brief withs. we were still doing the case in the way it needed to be done. onfeel like we've been slowed down at all. there are efforts to slow down this train, but the train is coming. rachel: totally unrepentant. and her only crime is that she loved a man. [laughter] charlie: the other thing that is kind of extreme, you looked at all these places where trump is being possessor if cuted, there are places where crime is out of control, lawlessness. atlanta, d.c., new york city, they've got bigger problems. and i just think the it looks so bad and whoever defiant she wants to be -- however defiant if, i don't think it works. it probably doesn't work with her own, you know, voters and supporters in, you know, heavy got bigger problems themselves, you know? rachel: i don't know. i think in her area she kind -- because with she doesn't back down, she's going up against one
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of the most powerful men in the world, and she's -- i think that there is something that you could two to the twitter sphere or and look at only of her supporters, they like that she's being tough and not backing down. that said, i think you're right on the grander scheme that i don't think this looks good for anybody. will: that's the great question, charlie. and, you know, you actually brought this up here on "fox & friends" yesterday as we see polling begin to reflect that latino and black voters have to some extent shifted toward donald trump. when does the perioding stop the working? -- pandering stop working? when does life, reality begin to impact, you know, as you point out, quality of life when it comes to crime, the effect of illegal immigration. and i don't know. i do see the greater or polling, but, i mean, i'm going to be honest with you, when i see fani willis, i think he gets a lot of cheers at the end of sentences like that. i think that kind of denounce is appreciated. rachel: i know. will: the only question is how
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reflective is twitter, how reflecktive is the people in her immediate surround isings versus the wider audience. charlie: yeah. and it's like on the campaign side, you always are to be careful about looking at one little thing, but one little thing i can't get out of my head is when he was riding through to get his mug shot in atlanta and he's going down the street, and all these people are coming out of their homes in these neighborhoods, and they're all, like, waving -- rachel: cheering. charlie: and and, again, you can't, trap late too much from that -- extrapolate, but it does suggest that there's -- and some of it is just sort of trump's ability to stir enthusiasm. rachel: he's a pop culture creature, right? charlie: total pop culture creature. he is. rachel: also fani willis is becoming that too. i think she's auditioning to become the next, like, tv judge or something. she's ready for reality tv. will: well, ashley merchant is one of the lawyers for one of trump's co-defendants who helped
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spear up the investigation and the revelation into fannie willless and natan wade's -- fannie will will lis and nathan wade's relationship. he was on one nation last night with brian kilmeade. >> we're waiting on the appellate courts. it's going to take about six months for that process to work its way through the appellate system. but i really don't think that this push to try this case this summer is genuine because there's so many moving parts, and there's so many things that could happen if they really wanted this case to move if forward. if fani willis wanted it to move forward, she could recuse hearse. she could have a neutral prosecutor who could get town speed very quickly on the case if they actually wanted to prosecute all of this of. they could narrow down the indictment, they could sever out certain defendants, they could do a lot of different things that they're not doing that signals they really don't want to try this case quickly. will: meanwhile, "the new york times"' headline reads as follows, james carville, the cajun who can't stop raging.
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and it has this quote from the man who once headed up the call pain -- campaign for bill clinton. he says about today's modern left, no one wants to live like this. whoever thought it was a good idea to tell people you can't hug them, you've got to be careful or you've got to think about names to call them other than the name you know them by? there's nothing wrong with me being with white or you being white or them being black or me being male if or you being female. it's a giant, stupid argument. rachel: you know, it's interesting -- will: he's talking about woke politics. rachel: absolutely. and so this was in the "new york times." he was interviewed, i believe, my -- by maureen dowd in louisiana, his home state. he talked about how he was a professor and made a funny joke that, you know, of course we all laugh all the time about all the students who turn in the professors because they don't say exactly, you know, they say politically incorrect things. and he started talking about his own personal dissatisfaction of living in this new work woke
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world that his own party is championing. he has a suspicion if about who's behind it. he says it's basically a lot of unhappy women. here he says, quote -- [laughter] a suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females don't drink beer, don't watch football, don't eat hamburgers. this is not good for you. if you listen to democratic elites, npr is my go-to place for that, the whole talk is about how women of color are going to decide this election. and i'm, like, well, 48% of the people who vote are males. do you mind if they have some consideration? if it was fascinating. charlie: can you imagine if will or i said that? we would be in so much trouble talking about preachy women. [laughter] i would get killed over saying something like that -- will: by who? if i don't care anymore. charlie: i'm not saying i care, i'm saying we'd get killed. will: do you think that -- i
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think that's why james carville feels a little bit of ability. he is pretty plain-spoke, but i think, charlie, there he is -- that, what is the school marm politics -- rachel: but here's what happens on the orr side. so he says this, and then the woke-y people in power in the party, let's face it, he's semi-retired. he's involved but he's semi-retired, they go, shut up, boomer, you don't know what's going on. that's sort of the debate going on in the party, right? the old school liberals from the clinton era are, like, i don't quite get it. even sometimes joe biden, he's carrying water for it, but with he seems really confused about it sometimes as well. will: i didn't mean to interrupt you, carr hi, but, i i mean, you think he gets away with it because he's on the left. charlie: and by the way, i think it's fantastic he's doing it because, you know, conservatives spend a lot of time nitpicking the republican party, for good reasons, because they screw a lot of things up. but the problem in our politics
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is actually, the bigger problem is the left has just kind of slid off the edge edge of the planet -- rachel: crazy. charlie: and so good on -- i wish he'd done it back when maybe it would have been more of a cost to him. but, you know, we have to, or we have to somehow have the opposition party back in sane world in order -- rachel: has wok run its course -- woke run its course? will: i think it's started to. charlie: i agree with will, i think it has. think about what you can -- think about what we were debating just two years ago about, you know, you would get killed for anything. will: you think, real quick and we've got to move on, if i had grow guys pick a prediction which one do you think is more likely, that woke continues on its march to insanity and that we have things like trans-ageism, you know, coming up, you can identify with whatever age you want to be, right? that's one course. or the other is we look back on history between 2018-2022 were
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some of the dumbest years in american history where we devolved into identity politics, which one's more likely? charlie: i think the woke thing is running its course. and if not to toot our own horn, but i think a lot of it has to do with the comedians we have at fox who make fun of all this stuff. it's such a fat opportunity to make fun of them, and no other comedians are make jokes about the things that we have people on our network making fun of. and i think the people like jimmy failla and greg gutfeld, their ability to poke if fun, to be the court jesters and and make fun of these people are is very effective, and it's the working. this is why, this is why humor is such an important part of -- rachel: i think it's working on gen-x and up. i have a fear that -- and we've talked about this before -- that the younger generations are highly indoctrinated in it, that they've drunk thiswater and it's part of the way they think. e hope i'm wrong. anyway, let's move to this. prince william and relationship access kate releasing their
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first joint statement after the britain if access of wales revealed her cancer diagnosis. charlie: and we're learning more about a symbol of hope that was featured in her e potional video. will: we have details. good with morning, chanly. >> good morning, everyone. the overwhelming support of well wishes from people all across the globe has prompted an official response from the royal couple. in the statement they say they are extremely moved by the public's warmth and support and grateful for the understanding of their request for privacy at this time. now, this is the first joint statement from the prince and princess of wales since kate middleton's poignant video announcing she'd been diagnosed with cancer. >> i am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal. for everyone facing this disease, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not awe alone. >> reporter: prince william himself has not spoke opinion out individually on his wife's
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condition, but kate did share in her message that the two are spending quality time at their home with their three children. kate's video is making headlines for a symbolic reason as well. the 42-year-old princess shared her dying know access while sitting on a park bench in front of a field of blooming daffodils, a flower that has become known as a symbol of hope and resilience for cancer patients and survivors with the bright yellow representing the prospect of brighter days ahead for those battling the disease. as far as when we may see the princess return to her official royal duties, we're told by a kensington palace spokesperson that she will as soon as she's clear to do so by her medical team. i'll. will: chanly's here, she's new, and i'm going to get to know, because she's going to be around a little bit. rachel: she is. will: i'm judging how much you're going to be around. rachel: she's going to be around.
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we like her. >> reporter: happy to be with you guys. will: good. she's from arkansas. [laughter] will: let's turn now to your headlines. russia detaining11 suspects accused of being involved in an attack on a packed concert hall that killed at least 133 people in moscow friday. and despite if isis-k claiming responsibilitying russian president vladimir putin says the suspects have ties to ukraine. something both officials in washington and kyiv deny. u.s. national security confirming, quote, isis bears sole respondent for this attack, and there was no ukrainian involvement whatsoever. just in, pope francis skipping reading his homily during a palm sunday event at the vatican. the pope, who recently suffered from bronchitis and the flu, did preside over the service, but his prepared remarks were not read even by an aide. he instead blessed the palm fronds and olive branches for the thousands who attended the mass. rachel: his health is
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deteriorating. will: and creighton and oregon going to counsel overtime as the blue jays outlasted the ducks 86-73. who won then? rachel? is. [laughter] i just said the blue jays beat the ducks, so who won, creighton or oregon? [laughter] rachel: creighton. of. will: good job. 1 19th seed -- charlie: she had -- [inaudible] [laughter] will: oakland also going into overtime in the matchup with the wolf pack pulling away in the final moments. [background sounds] knox. >> oliver burns. the pass to taylor, big shot! [cheers and applause] will: nc state continues their magical run with the 79-73 win advancing to the sweet sixteen. and those are your headlines. rachel: charlie, when they start talking about sports, i glaze over, and i start going through my if long list of things i need to do after the show. [laughter] and then the they'll start talking to me, and i don't even know what they said.
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well it's really nice. shar carr see, i would like march had madness better if we just went right to the last game. if we just played the last two minutes of a basketball game, that'd be fantastic. will: did you know which one was the ducks and which one was the blue jays? if. charlie: no, i didn't. rachel: i like this guy. and he's going to be doing pop culture round-up. charlie: that's going to be a rodeo. [laughter] rachel: squatters arrested for killing and stuffing a new york woman inside of a duffel bag and then stealing her car. will: the growing crisis across the u.s. of squatting. we have the tips to keep you and your family safe next. ( ♪ ♪ )
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♪ will: two suspected squatters arrested for killing a woman in her new york city apartment, stuffing her body in a duffel bag and stealing her car. as squatting plagues the nation, there are numerous internet forums offering how-to guides to getting into a home and establishing a right to be there. so why has squatting become such a widespread problem, and what can people do to protect themselves? here to discuss is senior attorney of property rights for specific legal foundation, mark miller. mark, thanks for if being with us this morning. i remember in law school talking about add -- adverse possession,
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and sol op concern some of these things you're like, wait, how do you have your own clear property rights subvert by somebody who just comes in and says it's mine? explain the legal background of squatting. >> well, you know, that's exactly right, but this is the nothing like adverse possession. you certainly did learn in first year of law school that, you know, if you were to move into someone else's property that was empty, it wasn't clear who owned it, you were openly living there after a number of years, you know, five years in some states, seven years in other states, longer in others, you could go to court and say i have a right to be here. i've taken over it. squatting is nothing like adverse possession, and we need our state legislators to start changing the laws to make it clear that squatters do not have any rights to properties at all. will: but why do squatters have rights, mark? >> i think it's basically an oxymoron. it's a misunderstanding of the law. too often particularly in our
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blue states we treat squatters who have no right to be on the property as if they are tenants. we're seeing this in new york, illinois and other states. they just move in. you're not paying attention, perhaps, for a month in new york, even shorter in other states and then that they say, well, i have a right to be here. they wave around a piece of patient, say is i have a lease, and law enforcement doesn't really know what to do. and it puts you in a position where you have to evict them. will: so they wave with around a fraudulent lease that they can drawn, and a cop's not a judge, he can't sit there and litigate whether something is a legitimate lease or not. lock doors and windows at all a times, routinely check the signs for any -- for signs of entry, make friends with your neighbors, post no trespassing signs on the doors and yard gates. mark, is there -- i mean, i know the situation you described for us could happen literally overnight, but is there -- do these types of situations that
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are occurring across the country, is it like somebody goes on vacation, they go away for a long weekend? when does this squatting take place? >> well, that's exactly right. the squatters are looking for houses that are easily mark -- easy marks or apartments. so you need to take measures, as you just said, get to know your neighbors. you want your neighbors to alert you if they see something amiss, they're going to call you. i can remember my grandparents who were snowbirds. if something was amiss at their house, their neighbors would call them or even the police. you need to have signs up, make it clear -- you want your house to look lived in. the squatter's just like a pickpocket in times square, looking for an easy mark. so make it clear, the squatters need to bother somebody else and not you. will: okay, two questions just as a follow-up short on our way out. one, where is this happening across the country, you know? if like, where is it more pronounced a problem than other places? and, two, what's in it for the squatters?
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a couple of days, night, long-term stay? like, why all the effort on behalf of the squatters? >> well, it's especially happening, on that first question, on the coasts because housing has gotten so expensive. we need if our local and state governments and federal government to make it easier to build housing and cheaper. if there's more housing, this is the law of supply and demand. we have a demand for housing, we need to make housing cheaper, and the reasons squad squatters are doing it? free place to live. who wouldn't want that? we need to make it clear there'll be consequence. we made to have laws in that make it clear to squatters if you move in, you're going to be are removed very quickly. will: free place to live for a little while. we need to spined what it means, a little while, to your point. mark miller, thanks for helping us understand this issue. thanks so much. >> thank you. will: all right. the white house works to rally hispanic voters or even but bill maher or is ripping democrats bannering to minorities. >> today's democrat should move on from identity politics.
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it's not working. will: how polls are spelling trouble ahead of november, next. ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. and since i get 5% off every day with the mylowe's rewards credit card, we can get it today. no waiting for a sale. wait, we could have got this yesterday at 5% off? or the day before that? or the day that it broke? he broke it. - we'll take it. the mylowe's rewards credit card helps you save 5% every day. apply today.
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rachel: now to a fox weather alert. a winter storm is causing trouble for the northeast. hundreds of flights are delayed and thousands in new york and new england are waking up without power this morning. a coastal storm causing heavy snow and flooding in the area. let's check in with meteorologist and our friend adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. adam? adam: good morning, rachel. yeah, this was a big storm we i saw run up the east coast. it seems like it should be spring, it technically is, but we keep tracking these winter-type systems. we saw as a much as 20 in. s in some of these areas, ski resorts further north of new york city, and we're already watching the next winter system
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currently across portions of the northern plains. heavy snow across the northern plains, severe weather to the south in the central plains and by monday, severe weather along the gulf coast, possibly some tornadoes. for today, we're really highlighting today all the way through tuesday and that winter weather, everything here in the orange, that's a blizzard warning. we're expecting extreme winds, really heavy snow with this one. winds gusting 50, 60 miles an hour. it will be a whiteout as far as conditions go. and i'm going to show you the snowfall totals, these are indicating feet of snow if across portions of the great lakes. so winter, even though it's spring, still in effect. those are your weather headlines. for now, or rachel, back over to you. rachel: thank you, adam. well, president biden works to win with over or hispanic voters in key swing states. he's launching latinos com if biden-harris as bill maher rips the democratic party for pandering to minority voters. >> outdated racial pandering is
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one reason democrats lose elections. i don't think it earned one vote for their powerful emotional ties to ghana. today's democrat should move on from identity politics, t not working -- it's not working. [applause] rachel: here to weigh in is daniel garza and co-chair of let's win for america action and political analyst janelle king. georgia network let's start with you. so race baiting, all that victimhood politics, has it run its course? if is it not working anymore with minorities? >> oh, it's not working at all with minorities. i think these comments, these motional outbursts, just this whole desperate, unhinged attack on the black community or now the latino community, it's just something that's just not working. it's not working for our community or the hispanic communities but if you think about it, if trump didn't do anything right, the one thing he
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did do consistently is he did make the black vote a priority. he talked about it. he put it in the pore front of people's to -- forefront of people's minds x. then he delivered on some of his promises in what has been promises that our community has been waiting on for years and sometimes decades. and so when you look at it, the bottom line, president biden is coming into this conversation from behind. and i think that he understands that. however, as republicans we have to be mindful that there are a few topics that democrats kind of weigh in that catapults them to the front, and those topics are rep rayings, racism as -- reparation, racism as a whole, education particularly when it comes to educating on black history. these are tom topics that democrats love to rest on because we typically don't have good messaging around it. so as long as our messaging doesn't slip and we are able to talk about things outside of the economy, i feel like we'll do fine as a republican in this race. a. rachel: it just seems like joe biden and the democrats just
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took the vote for granted and they slipped behind, and all of a sudden trump has been paying attention to both of these groups. but really in a non-pandering way. just like, hey, i can help you with your checkbook and your pocketbook and make gas prices lower. daniel or i want you to the look at a some of these numbers because i don't know anyone who's been following the hispanic vote polling numbers closer than you have and for as long as you have. look at these numbers. hispanic voters prefer if donald trump 46-40. help us understand why that's happening right now. does that -- those are shocking numbers. >> those are shocking numbers, rachel, but it has, of course, to do with inflation and the high cost of everything. but also if you think about, the democrats have become really the party of socialist university professors, extremist activists who block traffic to keep people from work, you know? getting to their jobs on time. [laughter] they're keeping parents from choosing the kind of education that they want for their
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children. but school choice, we know, is the greatest equalizer in the marketplace, and democrats are the party of heavy taxes, anti-business regulations, soft on crime, the border crisis. look, you were talking about this, they don't bat an eye when dividing the country with race baiting for anyone who doesn't agree with them as a racist, fascist or nazi even. they're the party to hold, you know, certain communities to account, you know, who refuse to insist that these members act moral lu. the illegal border crossers, evangelizing property by leftist organizations. as a result, many latinos are saying this is not my party anymore. rachel: right. watch this clip, and we'll come back on the orr side, a because this is what i think is the democrats' course correcting a little bit on their messaging to latinos. >> to get latin-x vaccinated as well. why? they're worried they'll be vaccinated and deported.
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a guy named trump. and this is guy who, the way he talks about the latino community is, well, in 2016 he calls latinos criminals, drug dealers and rapists. rachel: daniel, the democrats were all in on latin-x, whatever that means, i don't think joe biden knows what it means, but now they've switched back to latinos. so polling or messaging correction here. >> i tell you, hispanics latin x. rachel: they hate it! [laughter] >> the pandering is actually condescending, rachel. center-left extremists only know how to project hoe expectations, stereotypes and victimhood. this is what they do. they confer on minorities' protects status because we they think we can't survive without their handouts, without their salvation. they'd rather lower standards in the name of inclusivity through dei.
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i mean, dei tells you and tells everyone you are less skilled, less intelligent and and less capable of doing the job in question. it's condescending, is what this is. rachel: yeah. and for those who done know, latinx was an attempt by the left to take out the natural use of gender in the spanish language, so instead of latino and latina. but, you know, if you know his. panics, you know they kind of like their language, and they like gender e role, and they're not gender-neutral. anyway, it's interesting. i think we're going to have to bring you both back because the minority if vote is going to be the key vote in this election, and it is changing at a pace that even, even the most astute the political analysts are shocked by. so we'll bring you both back. thanks so much, jenelle. thanks so much, daniel. >> thanks for having me. in thank you very much. rachel: all right. trump's $450 million bond deadline fast approaching. new york a.g. letitia james now putting his bank accounts in
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jeopardy, so could trump bring the fight all the way up to the supreme court? we're going to unpack that next. measure vestor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership.
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assets. as the former president threatens take this all the way to the supreme court. but will that work? former supreme court clerk chris landau joins us now. great to have you, chris. thanks for joining us. >> morning, charlie. charlie: so tell me, you know, i understand how all this sort of has been plague out politically, but -- playing out politically, but how is this going to work? if what is this going to look like tomorrow? >> tomorrow's going to be an interesting day. the deadline for posting the bond whether run tomorrow, and that means unless the president posts the bond, the attorney general can start seizing his property. so it's going to be a cliffhanger whether or not the president's able to post a bond with some of this new money that he has or the new york courts might step in and say that the bond requirement is excessive and stay the judgment pending
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the appeal without the full bond. charlie: so that could -- we could see that a happening within the new york, the new york courts. it wouldn't necessarily have to go if to the supreme court to first see that, some intervention where somebody says, okay, stop this, this is insane? >> correct. i mean, or there's two tracks right now. there's the underlying appeal. that, it seems to me, has a good chance or a decent chance of getting up to the u.s. supreme court on, you know, his challenge to the underlying judgment against him. but then there's this preliminary skirmish over the bond which would prevent -- if he posts the bond, had prevent the attorney general from already executing on the judgment while the appeal is pending. i think this surprises a lot of people. they think that you can't move to execute a judgment while the legal process, the appeal is going forward.
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that's not correct. as soon as the trial court enters the judgment even if you're going to take an appeal, the successful party, the holder of that judgment can start executing on properties notwithstanding the appeal. of course, if the appellant wins, then they have to give back the money. but, of course, this trump's situation it's -- in trump's situation it's very difficult to come up with the money in advance to cover the appeal bond. and i think's where they want to have him to try to take away all his cash right now during this critical political moment. this is the election interference, very blatant and brazen. of. charlie: one of the things i thought was really interesting is a lot of people criticized trump finishing they said he contradicted his lawyers when he said he had $500 million, you know, in the bank, but he also said he wanted to use it for his political campaign. so in a way what he was pointing up is the fact, your point that
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this really is election interference. of they're actually -- she's trying to go after the money he wants to use in order to run a campaign for the presidency. >> correct. they are trying to bankrupt a political opponent in the middle of their campaign and tie up all his cash so he can't use it to campaign and instead it's got to be used to bond what's essentially a pony, bogus judgment -- phony, bogus judgment. americans should be out in the streets banging pots and pans given what's going on. we've never -- this is banana republic stuff that they're trying to, you know, use #u all his money to he can't use it for the campaign. charlie: it is true are hi outrageous. thank you for joining us this morning, chris landau. a patriotic paint job with. an indiana student received a huge surprise after his high school bans his american flag display. the young, proud if american
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will: a patriotic paint job. our next guest getting a big surprise after his school tried to ban him from displaying the american flag on his truck. charlie: a local business heard the student's story and decided to wrap the truck in red, white and blue. rachel: indiana high school student cameron joins us now. cameron, tell us what happened. >> yeah. so i went to school and had the american flag on the back of my truck like i had all year with. out of the blue one day they told me, hey, you've got to take it down9. i had already prior done all my research and everything and they told me, you know, each though there was no handwritten rules that i still had to take it down. i kind of told them from the get go, no. so i came back to school the next day with the american flag on the back of my truck, and then a whole bunch of other students showed up with it e, and it went viral. [laughter] i had a company reach out to me about a wrapping my truck.
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so they actually ended up taking my truck, and they did it in less than four days, wrapped my truck, and now it looks like it does. rachel: what's the name of that company? >> gci digital imaging. and then there was a company, simple solutions and services, that did all the body work for me. will: incredible. hook, we kept up with your four is -- story, we talked about it on the network. one detail you ghei us, you had that american flag on your truck for the whole year, and out of the blue one day it's a problem. do you know why that is? if why all of a sudden did it become a problem? >> no. i mean, i couldn't imagine. it was fine all year long, everybody loved it of other students would say sufficient to me like, man, that looks sweet. and out of the blue one day i got pulled aside and told, hey, you've got to take it down. charlie: what's been the reaction since you got your truck wrapped from school add a morers? [laughter] >> the only day that i drove it to the school was half day, it was the last day before spring
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break, so not a whole lot of teachers or administrators seen it. but students, they love it to death. they think it's the awesome. they think it looks sweet. rachel: you know what i think is the moral of the story is? not only that you're a great, patriotic kid, but you knew your rights. you had researched it, and you were able to fight back because you knew who you were and what your rights were as an american. so great stuff. will: and he seems to have inspired sort of a viral patriotism there, or at least at your school. as you said, a bunch of other students are doing the same thing. great work, cameron. rachel: take care. we've got a big show ahead. more "fox & friends" just moments away. ♪ think about what you're trying to do to me, yeah ♪
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