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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  March 24, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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eric: performer president trump right now the race against the clock for him. he has until tomorrow to secure
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it nearly half a billion dollars in cash to pay the bond from his new york civil fraud case. portfolio and other assets could be on the line. how will he pay? hello everyone i am eric shawn this is "fox news live" and i will be in court tomorrow. anita: arthel neville has the we got off brent trump and his legal team are asking an appellate court for a temporary hold on paying the bond while he appeals the judgment. he told fox he has the cash, but won't hand it over to the court accusing the judge of being "broke and incompetent. if you cannot take new york attorney general letitia james says she will start the process of freezing his bank accounts and seizing his buildings. they include his former residency on fifth avenue, trump tower. the landmark 40 wall street which is around the corner from the attorney general's office. golf clubs north of new york city.
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trump and spend this morning griping about the whole situation online. cb cotton is live in new york city with more on this. and cb i know you have been following this, what is the latest? alexis morning as you're set on truth socially former president going after those involved in the civil fraud case against him. judge author and new york attorney general letitia james trump writing quote letitia james has a terrible record on violent crime as new york city general. but at least she was after trump for doing absolutely nothing wrong." trump also wrote quote the judge in the ag case fraudulently under lockard at 18 million in in order to create his fake narrative. he is grossly incompetent and corrupt. i should have zero find." ag james took trump to try it last fall and alleged trump, his business associates and adult sons were part of a decade-long
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scheme overvaluing properties to defraud banks and insurers. the judge ruled in the ag's favorite handed over the massive penalty plus interest. the former president must secure the four and a $50 million bond for his appeal by tomorrow or the state contract to target his assets. on "sunday morning futures" and exclusive with maria trump's son, eric trump said he has been scrambling to help his father, listen. >> know has ever seen a bond of this size but every single person came to him think i can happily dollar bond? marie at they were laughing. they were laughing top executives of the largest insurance companies had never seen anything of this size. they're going to start seizing assets if he can't put something that's not available in the united states? >> eric trump around to maintain his father's innocence. in that interview laurent president trump has asked the state appellate division two allowed to post a reduced bond or no bond at all.
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there's a rule it yet but eric trump told maria they are waiting on that decision by the former president legal team was also trying to delay the trial for trump's hush money case a judge could make a decision on that request any hearing and hearingscheduled for tomorr. coinciding legal troubles for the former president. anita: it all plays out in court tomorrow thank you so much for that live report. eric: what happens tomorrow morning in court if the former president is not able to come up with four to $54 million in what is legal in his financial options question requesting a formal federal prosecutor alex lytle who knows a lot about this stuff. first of all good morning i'll be down in court in new york city what do you expect will happen tomorrow? >> the only real action as with the appellate division will give him a stay of this bond. nothing happens automatically until the attorney general starts to file documents to seize those in bank accounts and
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try to potentially secure liens against some of those assets. the action court will have to do with the appeal apartment says you can submit a lesser bond. eric: the attorney general has given them a 30 day delay. that per se is unusual but is it possible letitia james could give him a further delay for him to try to come up with this money? >> absolutely. she decided to collect tomorrow she has a judgment in a piece of paper so she is entitled to that amount of money she can try to secure that judgment over time if she wishes. i don't know she will do that but it is an option she wants too. eric: at one of the issues and hazard of the back of how much money he has he says 405 and a million in the past more. they do not want to or's argument is its unfair to attach the real estate properties that would potentially trigger a fire sale. could you explain what that means? if he does put that up what is the future if he wins on appeal?
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what does very simple we have cash in a bank account of judgment request the bank hey, send me that the amount that's in the judgment from the bank account. when it is real estate the lien could force it foreclosure it which would force a judicial step that does not happen overnight but that's what the track team is worried about thethere's some sort of forecloe sale to force the sales to satisfy the judgment that could go much below the price. at that point trump cannot get the properties back they've been sold but they get the money from the sale back if y you were to openly win on appeal but that is what his team is try to avoid is the sale of the real estate. i cannot be undone by. >> assay seven springs which is the mansion up in westchester used to be owned by katharine graham published for the "washington post," her family her father owns that and build that. in other properties put let's say you sell that or you're forced to sell that at a lower price. then you went in appeal as i want my money back, who gives you the difference in the lowball price you sold it for in the price that could be
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appraised for? >> nobody. that points up the court to get the market value for that property. one reason i'm skeptical the attorney general try to sell these properties as many have mortgages and liens against them already. it is not a great deal of money in those properties to go to the attorney general she is much more likely to after investment accounts, cash accounts, things of that sort if she's truly trying to collect. eric: do you think she'll potentially attach that tomorrow will she wait on the bank accounts? >> it is quite possible she attaches investment accounts and bank accounts tomorrow. that would require a document to be sent to where the accounts are saying you cannot spend that money got to hold it until i ask for. i'm going to ask for it as an expert of days but i would expect tho this about very quic. eric: that freezes his assets of the cannot do anything with it without her permission for. >> that is exactly right it would freeze us accounts. >> the same time there's a monitor former federal judge barbara jones who is running the trump organization she is overseeing everything. does she have to sign off on
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anything it is businesswise? >> the monitor is already been in place and has had that responsibility for their stop but able to be business activities without the monitor's approval. by the truck team's argument when they should not have to pay bond is because the monitors already in place. that's an unusual effect in litigation like this involves individuals. yes she would have to sign up on anything coming for being spent in the trump organization. eric: there's a lot of talk about this unprecedented amounts of money this is never happened before but that's actually not true. let's take a look this is from letitia james the attorney general's own court papers right now. there have been bigger bonds in the history. from $1 billion to one half a billion dollars was a carnegie mellon patent cases or public companies. what about the argument it's never being this big for a private company there have been billiobillion-dollar bond securd before. >> yes it is certainly true there have been larger bonds that has to do with the amount
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of the judgment itself. hey you have half billion-dollar judgments are tracked and a lot of money. the purpose of the bond is to secure those funds for the plaintiff, here the state of new york at the end of the appeal to make sure they can collect a few are a defendant want to appeal you can do that but we have to make sure to save the money case the plaintiff gets to collect it. the bond is huge there's no reason it cannot be split up into smaller bonds you could do five bonds issued by five different companies for $100 million. i suspect trump's team is looking at that. eric: finally how do you think this will play out? i'll be covering in court tomorrow offices a something may not happen exactly as you say tomorrow. what do you see happening over the next few weeks the next few months? and how long does this whole appeal process taken the first place? >> it's very, very unlike the president trump is on get reduction of the bond from the appellate department. you are going to see some sort of bond go into place or you will see the accounts start to be seized. whether it is a bond done by a
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private party or by the attorney general the effect is the same. when you get a ball they want collateral they're going to seize that collateral or have some control over it. the effect is going to be after tomorrow former presidents going to have a lot of difficulty spending money that he currently has in his account and or selling any real estate or property he owns is going to cause a cash crunch for president trump. eric: alex little former federal prosecutor thank you you have just educated myself and all of our viewers and many mba class on how appeal bonds work. who knew we would delve into all this was such a detail. we'll see what happens in court tomorrow, alex thank you. >> thank you. anita: russia observing national day good morning as the number of dead in friday's terror attack in moscow now tops 130. officials have started to publicly identify some of the victims. questions continue about the motive behind a rush as a deadliest a terror attack in two decades. madison is life with the very
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latest on this. >> well over 100 more are hurt from this attack. the governor of the moscow region said searchers are still looking for bodies. the number of dead could rise. today people all across russia are trying to make sense of what russian president vladimir putin calls a bloodied barbaric terrorist attack. >> people came to a concert. some people came to relax with their families. any one of us could have been in that situation. i want to express my condolences to all the families that were affected here and i want to pay tribute to these people. >> today a massive memorial is growing outside crocus city hall. where the attack went down. a top putin eight and the moscow region governor where they are today to honor the victims. putin declared today a national day good morning. the islamic state group that says it is responsible for this
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massacre is isis k. u.s. officials confirm that. it's a saint terrorist group that killed 13 americans at abbey gate during the 2021 withdrawal from afghanistan. boudin says security forces caught for people who were directly involved. according to russian media the four gunmen are from a country that borders afghanistan. russian news reports also say at least one of the suspects claimed they were paid to do it. putin is trying to link the attack to ukraine he gave a televised address yesterday. the russian president said the four main suspects were trying to escape into ukraine where in his words a window was prepared for them. strongly denies any involvement in the attack. >> there is no reason to any of us to believe that is true. putin will use this sorrowful terroristic attack to his advantage in any way possible. >> this morning during a palm
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sunday pope francis said that he is praying for the victims in the attack. the pope calls what happens in humane actions that offend god. back to you. anita: they certainly are. madison scarpino thank you for the life support we appreciate it. >> a brand-new reaction of the bite administration on the terrace attack this is those on capitol hill are warning is isis k goal eventually is to attack us right here in our country. lucas tomlinson life at the white house with more on this. >> the white house says isis bears the sole responsibility for the mosque out massacre and as madison mentioned this is a theme terrorist group based in afghanistan response for killing 13 american troops and over 170 afghans during the hayseed u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. nonot earlier in fox news sendig senator tom cotton warned americans abroad are at risk. >> we have millions of americans who live or travel abroad
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throughout europe and asia, embassies, businesses there i am deeply worried isis from afghanistan will end up targeting americans sooner rather than later. >> late last week head of u.s. forces in the middle east testifying before congress worn iisis is the afghan branch is called is a threat to the world. >> a risk of attack emanate from afghanistan is increasing. retains the capability and the will to attack u.s. and western interests abroad in as little as six mo months with little to no warning. orcs russian president vladimir putin in an address to his nation vowed to hunt down those responsible for the massacre. he did not mentions isis or by name and said casting that killed over 130 people as international terrorism. earlier this month the u.s. warned rush of the terrace attack was being planned and issued a public statement on march 7 warning americans in
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russia to avoid concert halls like the one attack to advise president harris speaking earlier about the massacre said ukraine had nothing to do with the attack putin and other russian officials have alleged. >> and know there is not whatsoever or any evidence and in fact what we know to be the case is isis k is by all accounts responsible for what happened. >> early in the russian defense ministry said it scrambled meg's to intercept u.s. super b-1 bombers flying over the barren sea in international airspace over the coast of northern russia. likely part of the nato war games. >> they continue to try to poke us. vladimir putin, lucas thank you. anita: the prince and princess of wales are publicly responding to the outpouring of support for kate middleton nearly two days after she shared her cancer diagnosis by the couple and their three children are spending the easter holiday
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together privately we do not expect to see them when the royal family gets together for easter sunday services in windsor. but first stephanie bennett live from buckingham palace. stephanie, we have seen the crowds gathered outside of buckingham palace there. but we'll k to be returning to public duties anytime soon question rick was previously mentioned she would after easter. do you know if that still the case? >> hey anita, it's looking less likely she will be returning to the public facing duties after easter now with the new announcement. of course it was just at abdominal procedure that she had. but now it is looking less likely after the cancer diagnosis. you take a look at some of the papers the uk a new paper stands are full still of kate middleton. every headlight we've got the mail i'm so touched by everyone's outpouring of love we also have the sunday times where it is interesting it says during their hospital heart to hearts brought her and the king closer together during both of their treatments the king also
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undergoing chemotherapy treatment for his cancer. the details of what stage in his and kate's cancers are at are still unknown at this time. local outlets are reporting if his health allows as you mention king charles is hoping to attend easter sunday church service next week with his wife queen camellia at a reduced real turnout at st. george's chapel in windsor however kate, prince william and the children announced they will not be in attendance. said there that would be spend y time with each other over the easter holidays. now of course kate revealed and her video posted friday on x she is undergoing chemotherapy and is in the early stages of her treatments. according to a kensington palace spokesman the prince and princess of wales say they are enormously touched by the kind of messages they have been receiving and they were very grateful the public understood the request for privacy. now of course we are unlikely to hear from the princess for a while now that video message was kind of putting all of those rumors to rest and nicely sing
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to every went okay, give us some space. anita: will see if she gets that we certainly hope so. stephanie bennett thank you so much live from london for us. coming up, we are going to speak with darren mcgrady he is the former chef to members of the royal family including the late queen elizabeth ii spirit you will want to say to him for that. >> the chefs they know a lot more than a lot of other people about what goes on behind the walls of buckingham palace. back here at home speaker mike johnson will he be out of a job? congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is demanding for it hurtr motion to remove him as speaker. will it work question are coming up near republican congressman claudia tenney on that whether the republican party can stick to gather and keep their speaker, next here on "fox news live." -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar,
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>> georgia republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is leading a push to remove house speaker mike johnson but she filed a motion friday to have johnson vacate the speakership. green and some pellet republicans say he caved to democrats by ushering through 1.2 trillion dollars federal funding bill had dodged a partial government shutdown but it is also stirring up strong feelings among divided lawmakers. let's bring it new york republican congresswoman claudia tenney. she sits on the house and ways committee. good morning congresswoman and thank you for coming in on this palm sunday. appreciate it. let me ask you, what are your feelings about this motion marjorie taylor greene filed to potentially remove speaker johnson? she said it's like a pink slip like a warning. but you know, it is out there now. >> is the perilous move pretty but matt gaetz to filed to vacate against mccarthy is against this. we have among the most narrow majority we have ever had in the
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congress. mike johnson is the most maga speaker were ever going to get the most conservative likely in our lifetime he also has the trust and the ear of president donald trump who marjorie taylor greene very much supports. but unfortunately when mike johnson goes to negotiate on our behalf is a very, very strong conservative. we simply do not have the votes on the republican side and that slim majority. if you have a few people like marjorie and a few people on the more moderate side that do not agree with the budget he goes to chuck schumer with notecards in note cards inhis hand and chuckn rest easy and say it you don't have the votes. you people are not sticking together. i can do whatever i want and push my agenda through. which is exactly the perilous position mike is in. if we stuck together and are recognized we cannot get a home run on every single bill i think we would present more of a force to the senate democrats were holding up all of our agenda.
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i think it's really important that people understand the only other option is to face a partial government shutdown. which, by the way i would support if president trump or an office because i know what i was in office in 2017 and we faced the schumer shutdown president trump was in office and took good care of the american people but he made sure not to inflict pain. but when you have a party with the likes of letitia james and joe biden and the bureaucrats behind joe biden it is dangerous for us to consider a shutdown which will only hurt us. cost us more money and surrender a very slim majority to the democrats. that is why this movie so perilous right now. >> into your point and want to bring up a quote from the wall street journal. she says johnson betrayed the confidence of the house gop caucus by giving in to the demands of the democrats out lot of this here's a quote for the wall street journal it says is this the vision for gop governments that house republicans want to offer in an
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election year? if mr. johnson is not conservative enough to succeed a speaker who would be? call her bluff. so to that point and the point that you made it seems like maybe she is looking for a perfect person out there but as you said to get anything done there has to be compromises. >> absolutely. we are not going to get in more conservatives speaker a more reaganesque speaker. i know them very well. a person that's more humble and working as hard as speaker johnson is to get us together all across this country we have a very diverse conference we have a republican to get elected and very strong biden districts. we have worked republicans like marjorie taylor greene you get elected and very, very strong republican districts. she is unbeatable in a district like that. any republican would win her district. we have a struggle against us. but here is the thing we cannot afford to allow this and monetizing fundraising narrative attacking other republicans in
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order to win. you never see the democrats attacking their own people, their own side. even aoc and others in the end stick together and stay with the team because they know power is importance. being in the majority is important. we will lose it so much as marjorie accurately points out this country hangs in the balance. it is this very slim republican majority that is keeping us from total chaos i meet we have cast now. even worse situation with what is happening at our border and all these other issues. now understands as a part of the northern border security caucus i run as a conservative government lost as a conservative. came back as a conservative. but i am also very concerned about the border and there were two things because of the fracturing and our conference, ending the catch and release a policy attic back remained in mexico there were so critically important in new york, 85% of
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the people in terror watch list come across our northern border. i was just with tom the former ice director it is horrific what is happening at our border. it is a dangerous and it is expensive. i agree with the marjorie but we have got to get ourselves back to a majority but we've got to get president trump in the white house. doing this now, causing this look smart to me like a narrative or fundraising got seven e-mails from her already today fundraising off of this issue and that is unfortunate. i think she is a solid conservative and i think she could be a strong team leader. twenty-five edition of the numbers of the balance of power and that she mention the slim majority's getting ever more slim with the retiring of a couple more people mike gallagher. with that in mind do you think this is going to happen? i'm going to give his last five seconds you think she will go forward with this? >> i don't think she is right now. i hope she doesn't.
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i am pleading with mike gallagher please leave early enough so we can have a special election to win a safer public and see that it currently sits in so we can retain that majority. it is going to be disastrous for this country if we lose the majority at this point right now. we have no one, no one to hold oversight over this corrupt regime in the white house. if we lose the majority and marjorie pulls the trigger we will see no more impeachment proceedings. nothing will go forward. that's a tragedy for the american people and our border it will continue to hurt people across this country. speed that congress is back to >> april 9 we will see what happens but congresswoman thank you so much for joining us today, appreciate it. >> thank you so much, appreciate it. eric: if you heard about this question of major league baseball investigate a new scandal that apparently involves superstar former interpreter coming up next fox sports craig will join us he's going to give us his insight on what this is,
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anita: will come back up. open week for major league baseball its biggest rla dodger shohei ohtani is tied to an alleged betting scandal bedding scandalinvolving his loe interpreter and close confidant. he is not facing a criminal investigation by the irs but the major league baseball the mlb has launched its own internal investigation. madalyn rivera has more on this. and madeline, when you learning? >> the excitement around shohei ohtani game today may be overshadowed by the gambling allegation surrounding is now former interpreter tried to los angeles times the first report his name came up in a federal investigation into an alleged illegal bookmaker in southern california. there were reportedly records of large wire transfers coming from
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shohei ohtani bank account he helped them pay off millions of dollars in gambling debts but later backtracked that statement but saying he had no idea about his gambling activities. his team is saying the baseball star was a victim of a massive e theft. the dowsers of fired gentoo. they began the formal process investigating the matter. sports gambling is illegal in california and mlb rules prohibit players and team employees from placing wagers on a baseball with illegal bookmakers. it is not accused of placing bets yet there are still questions surrounding what he may have known. >> i think they will look into everything, the bets outside the bookmaking operation by the torrance county guy and that how it was ohtani involved? >> irs does associated press
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ippei mizuhara the illegal bookie are under in criminal investigation through the agency's los angeles field office. spokesperson says her client only had contact with ippei mizuhara and did not have contact with ohtani and na. anita: a lot of questions or madeline or g rivera thank you h for that. eric: you know baseball another pro sports have seen gambling issues in the past pete rose comes to mind this time the scandal touches on a pro called the greatest player since babe ruth. gambling investigation involving shohei ohtani former interpreter called the superstar forever? craig carton has experience he is the host of weekday mornings and fox sports what is most prominent sportscasters in the country for years. craig, good to see a thank you for joining us today but. >> thanks so much appreciate the time. steve our man oh man this is a shocker comes out of nowhere with the interpreter, what you make of all this? >> is a black mark for sure as we get ready for the start of
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the baseball season. which we all celebrate as the american pastime. it's also a potential scandal involving the face of sports. this is a michael jordan in his prime. muhammad ali in his prime. we have been given both sides of the coin as to what actually happened here which is a problem. on one side the ohtani mix interpreter available and he said he is the greatest friend a guy could have it. i put myself in hot water i cannot afford to pay the bookie off. my best friend has a financial l means to do it helps me. that's a story we can wrap our arms around, right? and then an hour later is no, no, no everything the interpreter said is a lie. ohtani had no idea he had many problems with the problem is twofold. one compulsive gamblers or world-class layers we know the interpreter is no light we just don't know which story is a lie. number two and the problem
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ohtani is known to happen don't care how much money you have, how did this guy allegedly have access to wire large sums of money? we know of at least two wires half a million dollars each from the ohtani personal bank account to the account of this alleged bookmaker. how does that happen? you cannot play babe in the woods and claim i had no idea someone in my circle had access to my financial banking institutions. so it is a problem and it is a big problem. now, if we could take all the noise out of it and recognize this. number one there's not a single bet on base but which for me would be hard to believe next line why just a second period then it is easy peas that you have a guy for theft or wired fraud and embezzlement if he stole the money from ohtani that's a clear-cut black-and-white case we are done with it. if however they find the feds or major league baseball a single wager on a baseball game you have a legitimate problem involving the world's biggest star.
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let me backtrack to why it's an issue as to whether or not ohtani led him money or not. that is the original story that ohtani bailed a friend out. as a compulsive gambler i can tell you if you are in a financial hold most compulsive gamblers try to bet themselves out of the hole. if you're going to bet yourself out of the hole as irrational as dismissing to a non- gambler you're going to do it on something you know better than anything else. and in this case from the interpreter standpoint that would have to be baseball. i do fight hard to believe there's never a wager on baseball. but for now that is the story everyone is going with. i for bfor baseball sake, for os stake in this interpreter who is look at potential jail time. afor his sake as well. before you say ohtani has not been implicated you think the investigation could find was ohtani is it possible using the interpreter as a straw man?
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or was it all the interpreter but doing this? >> that's a real strong leap of faith per elected think and not and i do not want to be naïve about it. the flip flipside is how is a y make a couple thousand bucks workup for a half million dollars of debt? i don't care who the bookie is or who he is connected to financially. no one is going to let a guy making 200 grantmaking port of million dollars of debt. i'm not willing to take the leap of faith these placing bets on ohtani's behalf i understand why he asked that question but to me until we get more information as to the amount of wagers, the time of day wagers and all of the things the bookie is clearly going to have access to and provide to the feds to try to make his case better for less jail time i think we could start having those types of conversations. the other thing that is important for us to remember our rules amongst the major league baseball players. they are very similar to the rules of the other north american professional sports.
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you are allowed to wager on every sport other than your own. so if ohtani and i'm not saying he is but if the investigators find out he didn't dabble a little bit, he did put money on a passable game or football game that's allowed and the collective bargaining agreement. numbers do come in if they find out ohtani was the greatest friend a in the world and bailed his buddy out to the tune of four and half million dollars, you cannot send money to a quote unquote illegal bookmaker but you are allowed to wager of the sites we all know about. it still comes down to commissioner discretion. even if ohtani has no defense when it comes or court of law and whether or not the money was sent from his account to in illegal bookmaking operation, i need people to understand that does not immediately equate to a suspension. what it does is allow the commissioner of major league baseball to use his discretion
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as to what the penalty would then be and it could be as simple as a fine. it could be as large and of course is some type suspension. i think we are a long way away from that happened was doctors >> the be back from two games in seoul korea in the season officially opens up this week, tran 70 will be to dodgers uniform. for 40 think will happen in the ninth inning when this is over at. [laughter] click find it out. this is also with the word the most about. now they've gotten better gambling and two thirds and more that of the states in america this is the biggest concern. i will promise you this there are players in every sport that are gambling on their own sports and there is a scandal this might happen at some point in the future. this may not be the mom but it's going to happen at some point we should all be repaired for that
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inevitability. eric: craig carton thank you for telling it like it is good for with yourexperience in your comf sports you show us on fox sports one week at 7:00 a.m. in the morning for good to see it will get back to you on this. this is not going away. >> will have more news in just a moment. ♪ ♪ make your dream car...a reality. mercedes-benz certified pre-owned vehicles are rigorously inspected to live up to the highest of expectations. i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too...
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>> welcome back. prince and princess of wales are enormously touched by the kind of messages and skates a cancer announcement nearly 48 hours ago. she said she is in the beginning stages of chemotherapy. her test, following her abdominal surgery in january did find cancer. she is not said what kind of cancer. both go ahead and bring in and darren o'grady he's the former chef to queen elizabeth ii parte was a chef to princess diana and william and harry pre-thank you for joining us today.
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it's great to have you here. so many people have been moved by this video message that princess kate released about having cancer and chemotherapy. during the royal family as you do what are your thoughts about this? >> it is a shock to us all. i think kate's having to come out let us all know this is happening is just a sign of the times for us. it has always been and never complain complained never exploh the royal family for any illnesses. i think we look back to prince william's mother, princess diana when i was there cooking for her when she conquered and confronted the bulimia and told everyone about it the public were expecting where they want to do more for they want to know more and more on social media. it has been really tough for them and seeing all of the
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reports and everything else the most important thing to kate is they've got to get better. but protecting the children too. >> is such a big when we can only imagine what that conversation was like that she had to have with her children. i want to put up a quote for the "new york post" take a look at this headline. kate middleton resort class to o the monarchy may she get well soon. thinner than usual prince assured the news with her usual warm grace. that she clearly found it difficult she reminded us she has always seemed meant to be the queen. she's been a model member of the monarchy always charming using yher position to do good. i think so many people agree with that. you mention the queen and you cook for her, you know her. she was enormously private. what do you think she would think of the we way kate is handling this? because i think it would've been a struggle for the queen to accept this a modern monarchy.
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that is what prince and william and kate bring to the royal family. that is why they are adored so much. just from a culinary side from me they don't have their own chefs cooking for them when prince charles and princess diana got married they had chefs and butlers and maids puts is a much smaller house and william and kate. it was not that long ago she was pushing a shopping trolley a cart around the store to do her own shopping. she would go home and actually cook meals. they are a modern royal family. i think that is why we love them. she played a huge part in that monarchy. but even more so now given king charles has the cancer two. everyone is having to step up to the plate. anita: that's my next question it certainly isn't just kate.
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her father-in-law the king, king charles also announced he has cancer. you know this family in a way that none of us do. but we can only imagine the enormous burden on them. can you talk about it a little left at about 30 seconds left about what this family is going through right now? >> 's got to be really tough. if this was any normal family the pressure of finding out your father has got cancer and now your wife has cancer you have young children growing up you want to protect them and take care of them. while at the same time getting the best possible help for both your father and for your wife. it's really tough on william. i watched him grow up by puréed vegetables for him as a tiny baby and cooked. anita: we appreciate your thoughts and personal st sourcef a code to codify the computer. darren mcgrady thank you for joining us today really
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appreciate it and we will be right back.
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eric: heavy stuff of the rockies and upper midwest. randy campbell live in minneapolis where you can see it is coming down there.
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[laughter] hey eric. minnesotans are finally getting a taste of the snowy weather after a lack luster that will interpret as you can see looking behind me this is a quite a few peabody running, walking their dogs. leading to downtown, minnesota. we know i will say this has been welcomed. it has been a mild winter i should say the temperatures have been warmer than normal. but also they have not gotten as much snow as they usually do in a winter. they are in a snow in deficit of about 29 inches from this past winter. this snowstorm will help. they will get 8 inches may be up to a foot of snow here in the twin cities. even higher totals expected in cities north of us. now on top of that they have not had much snow to stick around this year. instead they have had the warmest winter on record but having temperatures in the 60s and 70s this month. people of said it's out of the norm this year but again the
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welcoming the colder temperatures and the snow that is coming down a blanket think this area, back to you. eric: bill of making upward over the next few days. people will be walking to the sky was downtown. if you've ever been in minneapolis and an amazing and nine and a half mile skyway system you can stay inside and go from building to building. right anita? anita: that is right were back at 4:00 p.m. eastern keep it here for more news. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that.
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