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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  March 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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hi, i'm chris and i lost 57 pounds on golo. golo isn't complicated. i don't have to follow a restrictive diet, and i don't have to spend a lot of time making meals. using golo was truly transformative. it was easy, and inexpensive. mike: russia says the death toll has now risen to at least 137 after isis-k attacked a concert
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hall in moscow on friday. vladimir putin says russian authorities have detained 11 suspects in the attack. welcome to "fox fuse live," i'm mike emanuel w. putin has vowed punishment for those involved, but for now russia's observing a day of mourning for all those lost in this tragedy. madison scarpino is live with more details. >> reporter: hello, mike. the islamic state group that says it's responsible for this pass kerr is isis-k, and u.s. officials confirm that -- massacre. it's the same terrorist group that killed 13 americans at abbey gate during the 2021 withdrawal from afghanistan. >> isis is at war against modern humanity. and they don't have a state sponsor, but they thrive in ungoverned areas. they have plenty of reasons to have concern with russia over time in afghanistan, chechnya in syria with. -- and syria, buts this is their attempt to attack modern humanity. >> reporter: vladimir putin
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says security forces caught 4 people who were directly involved. according to russian media, the four gunmen from are from tajikistan, a country that borders afghanistan. russian news reports saying at least one with of the suspects claimed they were paid to do it. putin trying to link what he calls the bloody, barbaric terrorist attack to ukraine. putin gave a televised address yesterday. he said the four main suspects were trying to escape to ukraine where, in his words, a window was prepared for them. kyiv strongly denies any involvement in the attack. the u.s. national security council says, quote, isis bears sole respondent for this attack, there was no crepe. en involvement whatsoever. -- responsibility. and today a massive memorial is growing outside crocus city hall where the attack went down. a top putin aide and the moscow regional governors were there today to honor the victims. putin declared today a national day of mourning.
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[speaking russian] >> translator: we are carrying heavy that hearts. we are here to mourn them, to make them feel like they are not alone. we are also experiencing inner painful we are here to prove that we support each other in time it is of adversity. >> reporter: the governor of the moscow region say searchers are still looking for bodies and that the number of those dead may rise well over 100 more are also hurt. mike? mike: madison scar pee foe starting us off live, many thanks. ♪ ♪ mike: secretary of state blinken is urging caution during his visit to israel as negotiations are still not producing a deal. meanwhile, the former prime minister of israel from benjamin net if an ya hue's same party is now calling for new elections. trey yingst is live in tel aviv tracking developments. hello, trey. >> reporter: hey, mike, good afternoon. it's day 170 of the war between israel and hamas, and the region is now waiting to see if and when the israelis will enter
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that southern gaza an city of rafah. we do note u.s. secretary of state antony blinken wrapped up his tour of the middle east over the weekend of after tense meetings here in tel aviv about the war cabinet and what comes next in their decision making. biden administration officials from the if president himself to vice president cam rah la harris have all had the -- kamala harris have all had the same message, do not enter rafah, with the vice president saying this on saturday -- >> we're looking at about a million and a half people in rafah who are there because they were told to go there, most of them. and so we've been very clear that it would be a mistake to move into rafah with any type of military operation. >> reporter: as for the ceasefire if negotiations, talks wrapped up this weekend in qatar a amid hopes for a fresh agreement. cia director william burns along with top israeli intelligence officials left doha empty handed. the conversations are expected to continue, and officials here do hope it could lead to a 6-week ceasefire with the
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release of dozens of israeli hostages inside gaza as israeli troops are still operating in the al-shifa hospital complex in northern gaza. the israelis say they've arrested 480 terrorist operatives, we have no way to independently confirm those numbers. as for the southern front, we do expect more activity inside gaza, but it's the north that remains the, and factor in all of this. over the weekend the remember need militant group hezbollah launched more attacks against israel. mike? mike: trey yingst live in tel aviv, thanks very much. u.s. officials are expressing concern that isis-k has the ability to strike american interests following friday's attack in moscow. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with more. hello, lucas. >> reporter: mike on the sunday talk shows, top republican senators said the reason isis is a threat again is because of the ability to carry out attacks on moscow. >> what isis are from afghanistan was able to do in moscow a couple days ago, this is the unfortunate echo of
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president biden's chaotic and disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. >> it's reconstituted itself as we warned would happen when we had this disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. one of the reasons will be why we didn't want to withdraw precipitously is because it gave them the operating space to reorganize themselves and plan externally, and since that time they've attacked inside afghanistan. >> reporter: late last week before the moscow massacre, the top general for u.s. forces in the middle east warned isis, the afghan branch, is a threat to the eyes. to the united states. >> the risk of attack emanating from afghanistan is increasing. they are retain the capability and will to attack u.s. and western interests abroad in as little as six months and with little to no warning. >> reporter: russian president vladimir putin, in an address to his nation, vowed to hunt down those responsible. mike, he did not mention isis is by name. vice president harris spoke about the massacre and said
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ukraine had nothing to do with the attack as putin and other top russian are officials have leg are -- have alleged. >> no, there is no whatsoever any evidence and, in fact, what we know to be the case is that isis-k is actually by all a accounts responsible for what happened. >> reporter: earlier today the russian defense ministry says it scrambled a pair of migs to intercept u.s. interforce b-1 bombers flying in international air space. mike? mike: lucas tomlinson live from the north hawn, thanks very much. are let's bring in hudson institute the senior fellow rebeccah heinrichs. welcome. >> thanks for having me. mike let's start with the terror attack in moscow. here's more from senator tom cotton today. >> it's deeply regrettable that innocent civilians, women and children were killed in moscow, but the next attacks could be at an american embassy or against students traveling to europe on a school trip for spring break. mike: is that a serious concern?
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>> it's a very serious concern. we mow this particular group of isis is especially brutal, notoriously they're ones responsible for the attacks at a ab a by gate during the withdrawal from afghanistan that caused the loss of 13 lives, loss of life for those 13 war fighters. and one of the big problems with that precipitous withdrawal from afghanistan is that this we don't have the same kind of technical specificity about the nature of particular attacks that might be coming. so in this particular case with the attacks in moscow, u.s. intelligence seemed to have known something maven may have been coming and had warned the russian government, but there are broad contours of intelligence rather than the kinds of specific information we might need to know to prevent an attack. mike: it sounds like vladimir putin's eager to blame the ukrainians for this. do you worry about an overreaction by moscow lashing out at the ukrainians when it's really a terror group? >> yeah, so the u.s. intelligence understands this was isis, isis-k is directly responsible. obviously, kyiv has denied that they had anything to do with
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this, and the united states is warning moscow and supporting that message as well. we know that the the russian government will use any kind of pretext to conduct, you know, further if military actions against ukraine. i mean, i will say that, you know, i really feel sorry for the russian people that they have this, putin's government continuing this assault against ukraine. and really this attack from isis against the russian people. i think, you know, it goes to show that the russian government should be protecting its own people rather than continue this illegal and unprovoked war against ukraine. mike: are you not surprised that american intelligence tried to help? >> no, this is something that the united states government does. you know, we don't like to see terrorist attacks anywhere, and is we have no beef with the russian people. of course we don't want to see a terrorist attack against them, so it makes perfect sense that the u.s. government would seek to warn the russian government, and i don't know what happened there if putin, because he obviously considers us as an add very or share, if he just didn't take the counsel.
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mike: there was controversy when american officials like chuck schumer called for elections to replace netanyahu. now a former israeli prime minister from netanyahu's party is making a similar call. let's play him. >> i can't hide my opinion. it's been spelled out time and again in israel and everywhere else. i think that netanyahu has to go as soon as possible. we have to have elections as soon as possible. mike: what about these calls for political change during this military conflict? >> obviously i have no problem with private citizens expressing their views. i get very uncomfortable when it's u.s. officials calling for particular changes inside one of our very closest democratic allies, the nation of israel. this administration has made a really big deal at saying that we are defending democracies versus the rise ofs authoritarianism, and so i think that means we should have a light touch when it comes to the internal workings and nest its decisions of other democratic
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allies. mike: what about the ongoing struggling to get hostages out? >> well, i think that should be a primary concern, obviously, for the united states. we still have americans there, working with the israeli government to make smart choices, but i understand that the israelis have to do what is necessary to protect their own people, and so i think the fundamental priority still has to be total destruction of hamas, and there can be no sanctuary for hamas. so i do disagree, of course, with vice president kamala harris there by saying we can't go into rafah, that israel can't go into rafah to eliminate hamas. if that's where hamas is, hamas has to go. mike: so your take is give them the space to get the job done, right? >> give the israeli government the space to get the job done. this is a government that a values life, and they're going to do everything they can to get the innocent hostages out, and is that's something that we've seen there if them over many years, that they've exercised restraint to defend life, but they still have to have the mission to eliminate the perpetrate theres of this awful -- perpetrators of this awful attack on october 7th.
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mike: rebeccah heinrichs, thanks very much. >> we not have -- cannot is a republican speaker of the house that is willing to do the bidding of chuck schumer, handing over the gavel to him and letting him pass the schumer house bill on the floor and not allowing any of us republicans to do our jobs. >> speaker johnson is doing the very best job he can. it's a difficult situation, but, look, the one advice i would give to the conference and to the speaker is do not be fearful of a motion to vacate. mike: congresswoman maagly taylor doreen's motion to remove speaker johnson rocked washington friday as the majority in the house narrows with new retirements. congresswoman from florida anna paulina luna joins me now. congresswoman, welcome. >> thank you. mike: so we've got some more reaction on this effort to remove speaker mike johnson. i want to play it, and i'll get your reaction to it. >> i call it as i see it, and this stunt by marjorie is idiotic. >> -- support for the speaker?
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>> i do, i do. >> it's a strategic move on her part. >> reporter: are you in favor of it? >> currently, no. mike: is this the right time to be birking over aous speaker? -- bickering over a house speaker? >> i think right now marjorie's likely listening to her constituents, but i can tell you i'm waiting to hear from my own to see where i really feel where i'm going to be voting if it's even called up. i can also tell you just because it's filed doesn't mean we're going to be voting on it. you had an interview from representative gallagher, and i find the timing interesting because there are so many people who can just so happen to have announced their resignations, and i believe that's what's going to be what paralyzes this conference. mike: speaking to that point, congressman buck, the latest to leave. >> you left congress as of friday just as that was all going down. i guess that didn't cause you to rethink your decision. >> not at all. no rearview mirror. happy to move on. dysfunctional place.
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mike: the house balance of power is getting tighter, 18 -- 218 republicans, 213 democrats with 4 vacancies. how difficult does it make it for the house gop to pass its agenda? >> it's ultimately going to bring it to gridlock. i actually do agree that this place is disfunctional but, you know, him leaving did not help, and rep gallagher leave aring did not help. i just, again, would like to point out that the swamp is alive and well. and when when you're seeing people intentionally leave in order to prevent primaries from happening, i just think they're doing the american people a disservice. you don't necessarily have to go to washington, to d.c. to get friends. if you want a friend in d.c., get a dog. what i will tell you is you are really only screwing over the republican party and the american people. mike: that a shrinking majority suggests that impeachment of president biden is off the table. is making a criminal referral a way out of this? >> i don't necessarily think so
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because, ultimately, i think many people know that that's going to die in the senate. but what we can do and i think why so many people are frustrated is we should be leveraging our power in negotiating the power of the purse, and you saw what happened recently. even right after the omnibus passed even though i didn't vote for it and many of my colleagues do did not, we saw the biden doj open up a basically a red flag center. so we'll see what happens, but we're going continue our investigations and oversight. if you, as the american people, are frustrated with what's happening in d.c., please, stop sending us the same people. mike: all right. then there are concerns about the crisis in haiti and the impact on your home state of florida. here's governor ron desantis. >> we do have our transport program also that's going to be operational. so haitians land in the florida keys, their next stop very well may be martha's vineyard. mike: what is your concern about the impact of that crisis in
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haiti on the great state of florida? >> well, you know, i am glad that governor desantis is leading the charge in our state right now because of the fact that as we're seeing what's happening around the country at the southern border, with what's happening in haiti, we don't necessarily know that the people coming here posing as refugees are refugees from a war-torn area. so i continue to support my governor in that effort to not only defend the citizens of florida, but also to insure that our borders are being protected. and i'd like to point out that if i was sitting in the white house right now, you can bet that what would be happening in that haiti wouldn't be going down. i think it's an absolute farce that this administration from an international policy perspective has really dropped the ball. mike: congresswoman anna paulina lewin from from the -- luna from the great state of florida, thank you very much time for your -- thank you for your time and analysis. >> god bless. mike: prince william and his wife have revealed their first joint statement since kate revealed her cancer diagnosis.
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stephanie bennett is in london with the latest. hello, stephanie. >> reporter: hey, mike. yeah, they both said that they were enormously touched by the outpour of support that they have been getting from around the world. and it is just -- you can tell from behind us here at buckingham palace the amount of people that have just been coming over the last few days. they keep coming up to us, in fact, just wanting to spread those well wish es to her and also the king as well and even the newspapers here still in the u.k. are just flooded with kate middleton support and also information. you have the mail today saying that she's touched from the outpouring of support, that new statement they released, and also the sunday times. what was interesting, they said that the hospital heart to hearts brought her and the king closer over that time. now, of course, the king is also battling his own cancer diagnosed just last month, so we do not know the details of where or what stage his or kate 's cancers are at. local outlets are reporting that if his health allows, king charles is hoping to attend
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easter sunday church service next week with his wife, queen camilla, at a reduced royal turn out in windsor. however, kate, prince william and their children will not be attending, they said. reports said she's going to be spending quality time with her family over hose easter holidays. this all started in january when she underwent success. abdominal surgery, and originally the palace said she would return to duties after easter, but with this diagnosis, that's likely to be delayed. kate revealed op friday that she's undergoing chemotherapy and is in the early stages of that treatment. again, she said they're enormously touched by the kind messages and very grateful for the public support for their request for privacy. >> i mean, i was surprised but not totally shocked because there was obviously something going on. but, yeah, surprising. but it was nice that she put a video out there to end speculation and say what she
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did, it was brave as well. >> reporter: yeah, and that joint statement that they put out today is kind of a polite way of saying thank you for respecting our privacy, and we will not be doing anything further for the future at this time while they spend time recovering, just spending time with family. just a polite way of saying please respect our privacy, we will not be coming out anytime soon. mike? mike: thanks very much for that live report. new reaction to the scene in el paso where migrants rushed texas national guard troops. we will take you live to our southern border. that's next.hedu ♪ ♪ we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at
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♪ if. mike: there is new reaction to the bipartisan funding package passed by congress and signed by president biden and how it impacts security at our southern border. nate foy is live in eagle pass, texas, with the latest. hello, nate. >> reporter: hey, mike. as we wrap up what's really been a chaotic week, an especially chaotic week here at our southern border, members in congress of both parties who represent these border communities are reacting to not only the new budget deal, but also the back and forth court battle between the biden administration and texas over senate bill 4. but all eyes still remain on el paso where, again, you remember this video from thursday.
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texas dps still investigating today this stampede. right now one migrant is charged with assaulting a texas national guard requester soldier, others may be charmed with criminal trespass or -- charged with criminal trespass or destruction of property. some say the new budget deal will serve as a magnet to behavior like this. more money going to processing facilities and beds with. cbp fund having now at $19.6 billion, $3.2 billion more than last fiscal year. but congressman tony gonzalez says more money won't fix this crisis. >> the number one reason why i voted no was there were no border security policy changes. we have to fix the problem, and that problem gets fixed with policy changes, not just throwing more money at the equation. >> reporter: democrat congresswoman veronica escobar voted yes on the spending package, and she opposes senate bill 4 which would allow texas to arrest and deport migrants who cross the border illegal
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arely. but lieutenant chris old -- oliveras says resources are ready. >> there's no way the state of texas is qualifieded or prepared to be -- qualified or prepared to be a brand new immigration force. >> we have the tools in place, but the federal government continues to challenge us with lawsuits that try to stop governor abbott from doing his job, and that's e protecting his state and also the country. >> reporter: mike, take a look at this human smuggling chase out of kenney county. the driver and his front seat passenger are both illegal immigrants from venezuela. heir going over 100 miles an hour. you can see the car catches fire. two illegal migrants bail out. the two migrants in the front seat and the drivers were both apprehended. the two in the backseat got away, unfortunately. also, mike, in the first 17 days of march in the san diego sector alone, border patrol agents seized 213 pounds of fentanyl
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and nearly 11,000 pounds of methamphetamine. back to you with, mike. mike: nate foy live in eagle pass, texas. nate, thanks a lot. the fbi has sent a letter to passengers from an alaska airlines flight where a door plug if i blew out telling them they may be victims of a crime. christina coleman is live in los angeles with the late. hello -- latest. >> reporter: hi, mike. i interviewed the aviation attorney representing 27 of the a passengers who were on that alaska airlines flight. he says even though they knew the doj launched a criminal investigation into this incident, they were still stunned when they received a letter from the doj notifying each of them in that they could be a possible victim of a crime. >> when you receive a letter from the if department of justice, it's a major development. as an aviation lawyer, the only other time i've seen this was after the two doors of the max 8 where 346 people died.
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>> reporter: he says his firm was the first to file a lawsuit against alaska airlines and boeing after that door panel ripped off the boeing 737 max plane about 16,000 feet above oregon on january 5th. lundqvist says his clients want answers, accountability and for boeing to manufacture safer planes. >> i are represented dozens of victim families in the two max 8 disasters which resulted in a criminal prosecution by the department of justice. i think the reason doj is investigating this incident even though nobody died is because we're seeing a pattern of problems from boeing. >> reporter: speaking of a pattern, problems with boeing have been under increased public scrutiny. there's been multiple cements since january -- incidents since january, they include a tire falling off a flight over san francisco, a boeing plane veering off a run in houston and a boeing 737-800 landing in oregon with one of its external
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panels missing. now, despite these incidents, aviation experts maintain it is still very safe to fly. >> should people feel safe getting on a boeing aircraft? >> people should feel safe flying. your chance of dying in a plane crash is about 1 in 1 million. i would have no hesitation getting on an airplane. the faa does a phenomenal job at oversight. and with all these incidents, we have to keep in mind the bottom line is the end result is that nobody died. >> reporter: also last week boeing's cfo said the company is taking comprehensive action so they can move forward to strengthen quality and build confidence. mike? mike: christina coleman reporting live. many thanks. how the 2024 presidential race could be impacted if former president trump's new york assets are seized tomorrow. that's next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ mike: former president trump has until tomorrow to come up9 with the $454 million bond in his civil fraud if trial case. if he can't, he risks losing some of his new york assets. c.b. cotton is in front of trump tower in new york city with the latest. hello, c.b. >> reporter: good afternoon, mike. well, as it's been widely reported, there are some pretty sizable outstanding loans on some of the former president's properties here in manhattan, trump tower behind me and 40 wall street. so legal experts tell me it's likely the state won't try to go after those first. however, new york attorney general leticia swraims has registered the $454 million civil fraud judgment in westchester county, new york, home to the v.a. sprawling trump estate -- a sprawling trump estate and golf course. so perhaps she'll too try to go after those first. this morning on "sunday morning futures," eric trump said this entire case came down to
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politics. >> letitia james campaigned on this promise, and now they're making him do something that's not physically possible, putting up a half a billion dollar bond. bonds that size don't exist in this country. a $10 million bond is a large bond, a $15 million bond is an enormous if bond. a half a billion dollar bond? >> reporter: former president donald trump's legal team has asked the court to waive the bond entirely while he appeals the civil fraud judgment against him. there's no ruling yet on his request with but, erin, trump -- eric trump, his son, said he's hopeful. >> they're trying to deprive him of his cash. they want to bankrupt him. they want to hurt him so badly, and it's going to backfire. he's going to win this in november, and everybody in this country universally knows exactly what these people are doing. i hope the appellate division comes back with something that's very sensible, but we've offered that. we've tried to be very reasonable. >> reporter: also happening tomorrow, there's a hearing in
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former president trump's hush money case. the legal team has asked the case to delay -- has can -- the court to delay the case or throw it out altogether. just weeks before the trial's originally scheduled start date. mike, back to you. mike: c.b. cotton live in the big apple, thanks very much. for more on this, our political panel here with me, lauren tomlinson who worked at trump administration on homeland security and former blue dog coalition comms director kristin hawn. welcome to both of you. so this financial deadline the former president's facing, what's the political impact, lauren? >> so from my per pennive, donald trump is like teflon, right? there is nothing sticking to him. he's a very well-defined candidate. from a political perspective, this is not going to change voters' minds, whether he's convicted of the or not. however, i think every time he takes a cash hit like this, it
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really does impact his ability to fund raise, it's distracting, he's going to have to spend money in d monday in court again and that's going to disfact from what republicans need to be doing which is making the policy case for why we should be in control again and with the presidency and house and senate. from a will political standpoint, it rema mains a huge distraction, has been the whole time. and i think, you know, ultimately it's going to harm the democrats just as much as it does the republicans. mike: new york a.g. letitia james has made it clear she's been after the former president for quite some time. let's play this. >> no one is above the law including this illegitimate president! [cheers and applause] and so i look forward, i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day, suing him, do defending your rights and then going home. >> will you sue him for us? >> oh, we're going to definitely
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sue him. we're folk to be a real pain in the [bleep]. he's going to know my name personally. mike: do democrats risk making him a sympathetic figure? >> i don't think that's helpful, but the actual impact, i think that, you know, the people who are with trump, his base, they're going to be with him. and they may even be, you know, more with him because they see him as a being attacked. the voters are going to decide this election. i think they might be turned off by some of these, the various court cases. that is not helpful, i don't think, to the democratic cause, but back to the many, you know, the fund raising and the fact that his save america pac has spent 85% last year and 85% so far this year of this the money they brought in which is not enough on his, on his court case, on his legal piece. so i think that there are very real political impacts, you know? mike: all right. then there's the district attorney in atlanta. interesting sound bite. let's are play her.
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>> we were writing responsive briefs, we were still doing the case in the way that it needed to be done. i don't feel like we've been slowed down at all. i do think there are efforts to slow down this train, but the train is coming. mike: lauren, the train's coming. you're from georgia, translate. [laughter] >> it means it's going to happen. no, or i mean, i agree with kristin here. every time i hear these sound bites from the prosecutors, it makes me worried about how other people are interpreting the intent and that they're going to be treating donald trump any differently than they do any other american. and i think one of the greatest things about our judicial system and why it's the envy of the world most of the time is because we do treat everyone the same under the law and everyone has to be held accountable. that's why donald trump was convicted and he pays money through the appeals process. but it also means prosecutors need to be very careful how they are framing their attacks against donald trump, because this should be under the merits of the law, did he break the law or not and should he be held
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accountable, not political retribution for what he may or may not have done during his presidency. mike: chris, your thoughts. >> -- kristin, your thoughts. >> i agree, if he broke the law, he broke the law. these prosecutors need to do their job. now, some of them have to run for office, right, so you're taking some campaign speeches there, and there's going to be a little bit of rhetoric around that. but donald trump wants to frame these cases as political retribution by his opponents. and these comments play into that, play into that rhetoric. so i think better to keep your head down, do the job -- which i believe that they're still doing. i'm not saying that they're not. mike: right. >> but, you know, saying things like this just -- i'm sure he's loving every minute of it. mike: kristin, lauren, thank you for coming in. great to have you. it is opening week for the baseball season, but an off-field drama involving gambling allegations has the attention of fans. major league baseball's now formally lawn are. ing an investigation into lawpgless dodgers' superstar
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shohei ecotanny and his former interpreter. madeleinely very have is arrive with more. >> reporter: the l.a. dodgers are take on the angels' today, but the excitement for the game may be overshadowed by these gambling allegations surrounding his former interpreter. the l.a. times first voterring -- reporting that ohtani's name had come up into a federal investigation into an alleged book maker in southern california. there were reportedly records of large wire transfers coming from ohtani's bank account. the interpreter told espn ohtani had helped him pay off millions in gambling debts but he later backtracked saying ohtani had no idea about his gambling activities. the baseball star was, instead, the victim of massive theft. the dodgers fired the interpreter on friday. the department of investigation began their formal process investigating the matter. sports gambling is illegal in
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california, and mlb rules prohibit players and team employees from placing wages on baseball and with illegal book makers. ohtani is not accused of placing bets, but there are still questions surrounding what he may have known. >> the problem that ohtani's going to have is oncare how much money you have, how did this guy allegedly have access to wire large sums of money -- we know of two wires, half a million or dollars each from the ohtani personal account to the account of this alleged bookmaker. how does that happen? >> reporter: the irs tells the associated press the interpreter and the alleged illegal bookie, matthew bowyer, are under criminal investigation from the agency's los angeles field office. bowyer's spokesperson says our client only had contacting with the interpreter and not ohtani in any form. mike? mike: developing story. maddie rivera, thanks so much. >> reporter: you got it. of course. mike: new alarm as a breach in
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♪ ♪ mike: poland is demanding an explanation from russia after one of it missiles violated to if liberty air space during a missile attack on ukraine. it was russia's third major attack in the past four days. moscow launched 57 missiles and drones in the strike targeting kyiv. for more on this and the latest on the war in the ukraine, let's bring in lithuanian foreign minister. welcome. >> thank you. mike: so we had this violation of polish air e space. what are your concerns about that, and are you confident nato will protect lithuania and the otherral allies -- other allies? >> this is not the first time that this is happening. there have been a number of violation ises in romania, and this is not the first time that to polish air space was violated. so you could tell that one time
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is a mistake, but if we with allow that to happen, it sounds like an invitation. so we have to change our portion we have to change our posture and send a very clear message that if it happens again, the missiles, the drones will be taken down. mike: house foreign affairs chairman michael mccaul here in the u.s. raised concern about ukraine today. let's play it. >> the situation in crane is dire. the front lines -- in ukraine is dire. the front lines are, if we lose in the ukraine like afghanistan and lose to putin, let him, you know, take over ukraine and moldova is, georgia, and abandon our allies like we did in afghanistan a, does that make the united states weaker or stronger? mike: is chairman mccaul correct, sir? >> absolutely. the question is a very right one, and this is also the message that i'm bringing with myself here to the people while i'm traveling the quites and washington. the united states and washington. the situation in ukraine is definitely not getting better. what russians are doing with
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those rocket barrages over the last couple of days is they're testing whether ukraine does still have enough ammunition to take them down. and apparently, since it's difficult -- well, it's difficult to support them because the support is not coming from washington with, there's very limited support coming from europe currently. that means that ukraine with is getting weaker. finish and putin is amazing a lot of new -- amazing a lot of new troops. -- amassing a lot of new troops. so the situation is getting worse, and we have to have an answer to that. if ukraine falls, putin will not stop. that's for sure. mike: you are meeting with secretary of state tony blinken tomorrow. what are your hopes for that a meeting? >> well, i have to convey the anxieties of people from the eastern flank and lithuania. we're really worried what is going to happen. and just mere narrative it is or wishful thinking is not enough.
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this is not what we have to do. we cannot tell that ukrainians did some good job is, because they did, but still war is fought from -- far from over and we're still far from winning. and we need to get our act together from both sides of the atlantic. and we're ready to do our part on the eastern flank. we're very serious about this. we're spending 2.77% this year of gdp towards our defense. we have plans to even go beyond 3%. our neighbor, poland, is already at 4%. and we're really doing as much as we can. but we need our allies with us in order to stop putin, to save ukraine and to secure the eastern flank of nato. mike: thank you so much for coming in it's great to have you, sir. safe travels. >> thank you. mike: a long overdue ceremony took place on capitol hill to honor a secretive group of world war ii veterans. their service during the war saved tens of thousands of lives. fox news senior congressional correspondent chad pergram has
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our story. [background sounds] >> reporter: they never fired a gun, never parachuted behind enemy lines, but they did blow up tanks, as in inflatable tanks. >> they made these things out of neopreen rubber, and all we had to do was inflate them with air. >> reporter: it is said that war is business, but in this case show business. so as the curtain rose on the european theater, the u.s. ghost army staged a blockbuster with prop tanks americans hoodwinked the germans into thinking american troops were one place when e they were actually someplace else. voice actors read fake radio transmissions, diverting the nazis along the ride. stage craft of the ghost army practically qualified for the oscars. >> we teach our army planners that the cornerstone of what we now call military deception operations is the story, and the ghost army were master storytellers. >> reporter: lawmakers honored the ghost army with their
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highest honor, the congressional gold medal a. >> because of the courageous work of this group, it is estimated that 15-30,000 lives were saved. >> reporter: the ghost army staged nearly two dozen deoi -- decoy operations in francs, luxembourg, belgium and germany. >> they would plant themselves and have conversations in hotels or in cafés to, again, deceive the enemy as they would overhear these conversations. >> reporter: the operations remain classified -- remained classified until the mid 190s. >> the ghost army's tactics were meant to be invisible. but today their contributions will no longer remain unseen in the shadows. >> reporter: which means for members of the ghost army, it's finally time to take a bow. on capitol hill, chad chad pergram, fox news. mike: holy week gets underway with a special palm sunday mass, but pope francis skips part of the service. that's next. ♪hi! ♪
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some areas. awe i to maker stellantis is recalling more than 300,000 dodge and chrysler sedans worldwide because the side air bags can e load with too much force and hurl petalling fragments at drivers and passengers. the company says air a bags can inflate even without a crash due to high cabin temperatures. pope francis decided suddenly to skip his homily during palm sunday mass today in st. peter's square. the 87-year-old pope paused after delivering prayers when it was announced the upon tiff would not deliver his homily. palm sunday kicks off a very busy week for francis leading up to, of course, easter sunday. he as battled percent respiratory problems. on "fox news sunday" today, shannon bream has exclusive interviews with arkansas republican senator tom cotton and a member of senate foreign allegations, virginia democrat senator tim kaine. that's coming up right after this show.
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stay tuned or set your dvr if you want to watch it later. that is all for this hour of "fox news live." i'm mike emanuel. thank you for watching. have an awesome day and a great week. ♪ hey, jen. i need skin advice. sure. am i ready for retinol? neutrogena® retinol? yes! it evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines, with visible results in just one week. sounds like you've said that before. once or twice. neutrogena® retinol i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash.
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