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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 26, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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white house. >> bill: griff jenkins is filing some information that could be significant in the end. they talked to the maryland transportation secretary whether or not any cars were on the bridge at the time. the point of confusion we had 30 minutes ago. he said we don't know. that's part of the investigation. when the mayday call went out on board that ship, transportation authorities in maryland closed the bridge, stopping vehicle travel onto it but could not say how much time had passed between the mayday call going out and the ship hitting the bridge. that leaves open the question how many vehicles were prevented from being on that bridge at the time and that in the end saved lives. how many we cannot say. >> dana: we do know they are looking for six construction workers who were on that bridge filling potholes doing their jobs in the middle of the night. >> bill: it has been a morning. >> dana: harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. here she is. >> harris: it is going to take
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our prayers and a miracle. breaking news, construction workers were on a bridge fixing potholes in baltimore, maryland when disaster hit. our coverage of this continues as we enter this new hour, we know they are still looking for six people. a container ship rammed into the francis scott key bridge, a heavily used section of i-695, people, cars, whatever was on the bridge plunged into 48 degree water and tough to survive that temperature. tougher, perhaps, to survive the 185-foot fall into the water. unimaginable. again, they are going to need a miracle. and president biden is reportedly set to speak. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." that ship that we just showed you, reportedly lost propulsion as it was leaving port. so its power went away.
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it couldn't steer. officials just now confirming the crew did warn maryland authorities that they were having a power issue. the shocking scene caught on video. it was 1:30 a.m. eastern. let's watch. you can see where the ship is about to make impact within the red circle. and you see as it floats off to the left of your screen a huge plume of black smoke. the vessel rammed straight into one of the bridge's main supports and that caused the structure to buckle. it snapped and buckled and tumbled into the water. it happened, as you saw, we watched it in realtime in a matter of seconds. maryland's governor wes moore spoke just a short time ago. >> we can confirm that the crew notified authorities of a power
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outage. we had a ship coming in at eight knots. a very rapid speed. i'm thankful for the folks who, once the warning came up and once the notification came up, that there was a mayday who literally by being able to stop cars from coming over the bridge, these people are heroes and they saved lives last night. >> harris: the white house says president biden has been briefed on the collapse and the ongoing search. the president will reportedly comment on the disaster when he speaks. we'll take that live if and when it happens this hour. i want first to go to griff jenkins in baltimore with the latest on this and griff, i see you are with senator van hollen there. bring us up to date what is happening as they search for answers to what caused this. >> that's right, harris, two things happening here. the immediate acute search and rescue mission, six individuals unaccounted for. two rescued.
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one of those two needed to go to the hospital. six are unknown where they are right now. dive teams are in the water. then there is the larger question of how this happened. the governor at that press conference moments ago ruling out terrorism saying this was indeed an accident. as you mentioned we're learning perhaps a loss of propulsion. at the press conference maryland senator chris van hollen was there. senator, thank you for taking the time. what's the latest what you know? >> my heart goes out to all those on the bridge and their loved ones. as you just reported, we have six people unaccounted for right now. but that mission is going on. i reached out early to the governor because i wanted to let him know that the federal government is a full partner in this effort. i have been in touch with secretary pete buttigieg twice, the head of the ntsb, head of the national safety board and others, the coast guard was here, very much part of the search and rescue operation both
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boats and cutters in the water and aviation assets. >> bill: senator, this is one of the nation's largest thoroughfares, this beyond the immediate search and rescue, this will have larger implications. >> yes, it will. in addition to the about 35,000 people who travel across the bridge each day, this bridge is part of the entry to the port of baltimore, a thriving, thriving port. until the debris from this bridge is cleared, shipping will have to be suspended. so there will be a major focus, again, once the search and rescue operation is over, which is the focus right now, on how we address this as quickly as possible. >> thank you, senator, for your time. harris, i will leave you this. whether or not there were any cars or any traffic at that early hour 1:30 in the morning. they will investigate it. the maryland transportation secretary said right now we just don't know, although a mayday
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call may have saved lives. >> harris: what we have been covering is that one detail about construction workers who were on the bridge, possibly some of those six who are missing now and they would have plunged right into the water and that would have been eight or nine hours ago. this is tough going now for everybody involved. please give my best to the senator and all of the constituents that you are around today. god bless them. retired navy captain search and rescue expert. so good to have you in "focus." i want to tap right into those six people that they are looking for right now. it happened at 1:30 a.m. eastern and just shortly after 11:00 a.m. what are we looking at? >> good morning, harris. i imagine at that time of the morning the water is cold and dark. after an accident like this it will be murky. you are at the bottom of the river. so you have a lot of factors working against you. those divers coming in working
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against time and working in waves because of cold and because of oxygen. at this point with this much time expired, it is not looking very good. but even those divers who are under the water who are searching and looking for those cars and individuals, even they can't stay in the water for that long. they will be rotating in and out. this situation looks to be exceptionally tragic. it is good to hear the mayday call was made. if you look at the vessel as it was careening towards the bridge you see right before the impact a massive amount of black smoke come out the back of the ship, which tells me they got the engines online and throwing into full reverse to try to stop the inevitable from happening but it was too late. >> harris: i will ask my team to put up the video you were asking to see, the moment of impact and what you are talking about is the ability to slow down at that point. it looks to our perspective,
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captain, we don't have your experience, that they are going so slowly but it would take a fair amount of time to be able to stop. it is not a car. and did they have any room to do that? >> no, at that point they didn't. i have been on aircraft carrier a couple of deployments. it takes a couple of miles to actually slow down at that point. when you are maybe just a quarter mile from that bridge or less the best you can do is try to lessen the impact. when you look at 80, 90,000 tons traveling even at a low rate of speed you can't possibly imagine the force of that impact and you heard some residents saying it sounded like there was a massive low rolling thunder they heard as the impact occurred and then essentially wrenching that stanchion from the depths and once it buckled there was nothing left to hold up that
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part of the bridge. >> harris: that's fascinating that one detail. when it hit that, the stanchion, the section of the bridge that is the support for the structure that runs 1 1/2 miles long, when you hit that and it comes out of the ground, that reverb brates and people can feel that on land. >> we can always pray they will find more individuals alive. it is bleak at this point. the on scene commanders and search and rescue, everybody involved in the situation are focused on finding somebody alive. once it is done they'll find out why the ship lost power and no redundancy and why there was no -- usually there is some form of backup navigation or backup steer acknowledge. the fact the ship was completely without power and control or command is troubling and interesting. there will be a lot of lessons learned in future design and
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hopefully it will never happen again. >> harris: an important part of the story. captain, thank you very much for your time and expertise. now let's go to former president trump's day of legal highs and lows. it was in court yesterday that we saw him for a hearing in his new york city hush money case. and the judge set the trial date and the jury selection for april 15th. that's 20 days from today. far sooner than trump's team had hoped and requested. it will be the very first of his four criminal trials. the former president criticized the lead prosecutor and tapped -- the lead prosecutor tapped by district attorney alvin bragg. >> in the case of the trial we just left, one of the many that are going, every single one of them is run by biden and his thugs. the only way they think they can get elected. so far it has backfired. i don't know how you can have a trial that's going on right in
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the middle of an election. not fair. not fair at all. he knows that, too. he is a democrat judge and wants to do that because they are all trying to damage trump as much as possible. it is having the reverse effect. >> harris: matthew colangelo previously worked for letitia james and an obama official and in biden's d.o.j. during the hush money hearing and in the hour yesterday the former president learned he notched a huge legal win. a new york appeals court slashed his $454 million civil fraud bond. that happened during this hour, by more than half paving the way for trump to be able to then pay it and appeal. when asked by reporters how will you pay it, he said cash, constitutional law expert jonathan turley was with me during all that breaking news. >> i actually think they could have reduced this bond to
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virtually nothing because the amount set by engoron was absurd. most of us drilled down on these figures and could not find a there there. there were no victims. there was no money lost. you had people that loaned this money and wanted more business. so this figure seemed to be snatched out of the air. >> harris: his new op-ed is titled dem law fare puts trump through hell. it doesn't sit well with many voters. even those who don't like trump have a greater dislike for the weaponization of the legal system. this might be the thing that unites everybody, including independents. no one likes for the law's hand to be unfair. the law, we know the hand of the law is long enough but if it is applied with unfairness, that's
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tough. leo. >> you are absolutely right. what makes this country great is our rule of law and system of justice. we follow the rule of law. it is not being applied to president trump and harris, i apologize for keeping to say this. these decisions are political in nature. these cases are political against trump. it doesn't make sense. when you saw the reduction in the bond requirement, it was a message from the appellate court that it was excessive. i think it is the beginning of the end for this particular case. >> harris: it's interesting and gave political cover to democrats because of letitia james and her thirst to get trump had started snatching up his assets, i don't know if democrats would gain that out up until it might have happened. that is that this plays in trump's favor politically. if it is as you say as much a political game, they are not winning right now the way they are playing it. that plays to his hand.
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i want to continue to monitor the massive search coming up next but leo, before we move on, what needs to happen next? you have trump calling this lead prosecutor for the april 15th trial a biden thug. what needs to happen? >> i'll tell you right now. in my opinion, what is best for the legal system and for america is to stop these political trials. let the election process work its way out. i don't think trump should be forced to go to trial in april. i think you will see that trial delayed because anticipate, harris, a lot of pre-trial motions. the immunity issue, expect some appeals. hopefully the democrats will get the message. stop the political trials. let the voters decide who should become our next president. >> harris: all right. and that was the point that the former president was making. what you are saying is legally, too, that should be what happens. real quick.
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>> absolutely. this judge again, the democrats i'll be clear, are obsessed. they want a conviction on trump. the democrats, cnn, msnbc, the progressive wing of the democratic party want a conviction and that's what they are driving for and hoping it will have some effect on the voters. i don't think it will. if you look at the polling, the voters get it. >> harris: when we looked at the polling on a conviction months and months ago, it would have made a difference. a lot has changed since then, though. when you dig down into the question with independents, that's where you are seeing a little bit of a shift. people are starting to pay more attention to what's going on. what are they seeing? a victory yesterday for the former president. pressure applied. the d.a.s and a.g.s, fani willis, the video surfacing of them just spitting his name out as they were running for powerful seats of office, so on and so forth.
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leo, always a pleasure to have you on. i'm sure i'll see you soon. all right. let's get back to the massive search now and we're praying it is a search and rescue still all these hours later. the chill of the water, 48 degrees, scientifically you have about three hours to survive that temperature if you are not in professional gear to do so. so we're praying. anything is possible because they've been searching for the get-go on this. meanwhile that mission happened after that devastating baltimore bridge collapse and you heard my guest say earlier, the captain, say they'll start to try to figure out why that huge ship didn't have a backup system after it lost power. so many questions. six people still unaccounted for that went into the water, so we're told. and still so much to learn as this unfolds. we're on it. plus the white house is still passing the buck on biden's border crisis.
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>> if you care about the security of the border and the president sure does, then we ought to get that national security supplemental passed. that's what the funding will do. >> harris: what about all the people cutting wire and all that? he can see that on his phone. he knows it is happening. dramatic new video, putting a spotlight on the chaos. look at this. so what would happen if the wire were not there? you know. so what happened to the president taking some executive action? wasn't politically popular maybe? senator marsha blackburn is at the southern border seeing and hearing about the crisis and she joins me next.
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now. this is the francis scott key bridge that we know a large ship carrying heavy containers rammed into it at 1:30 a.m. we're expecting a news conference soon from the ntsb, national transportation safety board, to come up and give us an update on the victims in all of this. two people were pulled out. one did not go to the hospital. god bless that person. the other we're told is serious to critical condition and the six others who are missing. we know there were there was a construction crew on the bridge and vehicles went into that water, 185-foot fall. hitting that 48-degree water would be like hitting cement. but hope against all hope. we have the best in the business down there looking. searching, rescuers down there searching. naval experts all morning including this hour. we'll coibly and illegally.
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it is criminal. you can see a criminal border crosser using bolt cutters to cut a body-sized hole through wire fencing near el paso, texas. and then he starts to lead other illegals through the opening when the national guard troops swoop in to stop him and turn them back toward mexico. this happens constantly. so the stream has gone through -- you see the razor wire on top. it is going through all of this. the governor of texas and other authorities have put all of this to stop the flow and still they come. this was on sunday just three days after a human stampede overran the texas national guard just a few miles away from this
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point. republican senator ron johnson lays out the dangers to america. >> we have people coming into our country from over 150 countries, drug traffickers and human traffickers and sex traffickers. this is a catastrophe for this nation. we'll see the ramifications of this for years if not decades. i hope the american public is smart enough to realize that biden and democrats want an open border and they are facilitating this clear and present danger to this nation. >> harris: a new headline notes president biden was considering executive action on the border last month. we thought he might do it before or after the state of the union. it was politically unstable for him apparently. now he has gone silent even though recent polls show the crisis is voters' top concern across the nation now. the white house is passing the buck. >> what we understand, the bottom line is that we have to move forward with legislative
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action to actually make a difference here. that's what we want to see. executive action won't do it. it won't have the impact this bipartisan agreement, negotiation that came to fruition. we were able to get some additional funding for border security operations through the budget agreement, so that was a good thing. but we need to take a step further. we'll continue to have those conversations and continue to be very clear and take it directly to the american people. >> harris: there is so much fact checking you can do there. remember that original agreement had $60 million for ukraine and $20 million for the border. billions, excuse me. republican senator marsha blackburn of the great state of tennessee is at eagle pass, texas now. you see here in brand-new video she has given the faulkner focus. she is getting another firsthand look at biden's border crisis and she sits on several committees, judiciary, veterans
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affairs, finance and commerce and joins us now live. senator, thank you. i want to start with what you have seen today. what people are saying it's the cooler part of the year, the flow has stopped. i just showed brand-new video the flow has not stopped. >> you are right about that. the flow has not stopped and we were just out on the river just got off the air boat and even though here in eagle pass they cut containers, fencing, razor wire, you still have people trying to cross. this is because the cartels continue to tell them, harris, now is the time to come. the biden administration took 94 executive actions in 100 days. this is their intent, ann border. i don't think they will do anything at this time.
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it is so important that we pas that says if you are an illegal alien in this country you are apprehended for committing a crime, then law enforcement -- ice has to deport you and they have to pay the law enforcement agency back for the money that they have spent in apprehension, prosecution, detention, of someone that is illegally in this country. >> harris: wow, that whole remuneration process is fascinating. no one is having that conversation. senator, i want to tell our viewers, i've stood where you are standing and they are looking for illegals on the river. so behind you is one of those air boats that you were talking
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about doing a magnificent work that they do on border patrol and there might be times that it is hard to hear you but we get the picture. real quickly that bill that they first had in the senate that sat since last may, still has not been looked at by democrats is my understanding. so it is such a false flag for democrats to say and the president of the united states to say we'll wait on congress to do something about this. they didn't look at one that they had. they only want everybody to look at theirs and here we stand. and he can take executive action. this is an emergency. >> that is right. he could take these actions and you are so right, hr2, the house border security bill, not an immigration bill, a border security bill has been in the senate since last may. and they hav and wire
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and fencing and they are securing this. the numbers are way down. harris, you have been in shelby park. i was here last in january of 2023. it is astounding how different it is right now because the illegal entrants are not pouring across the border. it is very difficult for them to get in. you mentioned el paso. we know that they are streaming through arizona right now. but the goal is to secure this border and stop illegal entry. >> harris: senator, thank you so very much for the time. >> you got it. >> harris: it is important for us to see it and for our leadership to be there. appreciate it. >> you got it. thank you. take care. >> harris: it's almost unbelievable when we look at the live images of the catastrophic bridge collapse in baltimore.
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look at this. this is live now. divers are still frantically searching for any survivors if there could possibly be a miracle all these hours later. 1:30 a.m. this morning. it's 11:30 a.m. on the east coast. so it's been some time in frigid water. hard to survive that. a ship carrying containers put out a mayday call right before it crashed into the francis scott key bridge. a coast guard instructor in "focus" on the search and the investigation next. >> for every single one of us who are marylanders, the words that the key bridge is gone, it still shakes us. because for over 47 years that's all we've known. it is heartbreaking. ncestry is h more than names and dates. (♪) c'mon! it's the story of your family - then and now.
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set to give an update soon. ten hours since people mplummetd into the patapsco river. a cargo ship rammed a support beam happening at 1:30 a. eastern. there was a may day call from the ship saying it lost all power and could not steer. it could not control the ship. the crew on board. construction workers were working on the bridge filling potholes at the time that the bridge was hit. again within seconds the bridge support system was crumbling. it was buckling. people went into the water. crews did rescue two of eight people known to have fallen the 185 feet into the frigid waters below. >> these individuals, six are being searched for right now,
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one was taken to the hospital and one is not in the hospital. >> we don't have any estimates on timeline because right now our exclusive focus is on saving lives. our exclusive focus is on search and rescue. >> harris: captain james staples is an approved coast guard instructor and ceo of ocean river. great to have you and your expertise on board. we're about to hear from the ntsb. what would be some of the questions that you would want f can you find the people? that's our number one. >> good morning, harris. i went to sea for over 40 years and a captain for 23 i've never seen a situation like this before. so dramatically and drastic and catastrophic as what we've seen with this bridge. unfortunately accidents do happen and we need to look into why did this accident happen. number one, was it human error
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or mechanical failure or both of them? which it possibly could have been. human error could have happened on the bridge or in the engine room. we'll need to look at those questions and look at the systems as to what happened. what happened on the vessel prior to departing the berth? what were they doing? did they go through all the checklists to make sure everything was lined up and ready to go? was it a problem with the fuels? plenty of problems to look at, not just one single element. >> harris: i take notes as you say all that. what happened prior to the time they would pull away from the dock is so critical, too. you know, we've been learning they were about to embark on a 30-plus day journey. it was part of the work they were doing. in fact, it is likely that the ship wouldn't have powered down for time it was there. does that sound normal there? they are sitting there, working, and then ready to go. >> the main engine is usually
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shut off at the dock and they go on the generators that run the electrical systems and most of the power to maintain the vessel for the day. the propulsion system is not running. prior to getting underway they have to go through a checklist getting the fuel ready, getting the tanks, making sure everything is set to go and lined up correctly with the fuel and getting the propulsion system ready to go. checking the steering gear. all things you must do prior to sailing a vessel is go through stringent checks to make sure everything is working, especially the steering. >> harris: captain staples, because of your experience, you can take us inside of what it might have sounded like on board that ship in terms of what a mayday all call is and maybe the wording of it even. what does that mean mayday all call? >> first of all, it was a good question. the sounds are definitely what you are listening for. as the ship comes off the dock you have engine noises going.
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you have the hvac systems and a lot of noise on the bridge. radios going. as they are coming around and making the turn and heading for the bridge they probably had complete silence. once that happens every mariner knows that is not a good sign. once the silence starts is when you go into the critical checklist to see what's happening trying to figure out why is the ship not steering and propulsion not working? phone calls are probably being made down to the engine room to see what's happening. it happens very quickly, very suddenly, and now you are trying to get your systems back on using checklists. this is something we all train for. we do simulation for this. one of the things i train in is emergency ship handling and we do do simulations like this where we do lose the power. unfortunately, as they were probably picking up speed, the pilots trying to make his way for the bridge to make sure on the center span to get through there and then everything loses power. you are trying to figure out what just happened. it will take seconds.
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as we saw with captain sullenberger flying the jet, it takes seconds and minutes to realize what is finally going on to go through safety procedures and checklist. captain sullenberger was a simulator export and glider export. all the right elements at the right time with the right person sitting in the cockpit seat. here you have a pilot just come on board that ship. not that familiar with this vessel. probely pilots many different types of ships every day. he could have been on a car carrier earlier that day and now on a giant container ship. some of the problems they acquire. the captain on the vessel always maintains responsibility. he is responsible all the time. he can override a pilot if a pilot makes a mistake, the pilot -- the captain has the right to override that pilot. generally they don't do that. situation like this, it happened so quickly, they were trying to figure out what happened. i've heard things about
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secondary systems. they do have secondary systems on the ship. two different helm systems. you switch from one to the other. >> harris: the question from a previous guest what was going on with the redundancy. the backup system. the ntsb sometimes takes years. pete buttigieg is on his way to baltimore and that will be an upcoming update as well as we await the ntsb to give us an update and possibly take some questions. captain staples, just a plethora of information and really grateful for your time. appreciate you. >> thank you very much, harris. >> harris: the rift is becoming a canyon. president biden and israeli prime minister netanyahu further divided over the israel/hamas
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war. msnbc anchors tore into their own bosses over a new hire. >> ronna mcdaniel has been a major peddler of the big lie. take a minute. acknowledge that maybe it wasn't the right call. it is a sign of strength, not weakness, to acknowledge when you are wrong. >> harris: a sin of strength, not weakness, to talk to people that might have different points of view than you. that's what we do in america. chaos in the land of the liberals as we wait to see what happens in their world next. ben domenech is next. card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month,
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>> harris: the rift between president biden and israeli prime minister netanyahu is a matter of national security now. they are our key ally in the middle east. benjamin netanyahu has now canceled and has kept his word that he would do that. and he was going to send to the u.s. his high-level delegation. they aren't coming now because biden's administration refused to stand against israel hate at the united nations yesterday. whether on voting no the biden
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team abstained. not the same as a veto or a no. here is biden's national security spokesman. >> we're kind of perplexed by this. there is no impact at all on israel and israel's ability to continue to go after hamas. it is a non-binding resolution. number two, as i said in my opening statement it does not represent a change at all in our policy. it is very consistent with everything we've been saying. the ones we vetoed didn't condemn hamas. this one didn't condemn hamas and why we couldn't support it. >> harris: so they abstained. like telling your children i love you both except for that one is better. multiple opinion pieces accuse president biden of abandoning our closest middle east ally with that ab -- ben domenech
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fox news contributor. what does that abstaining vote really mean, ben? >> well, what it really means, harris, is that this administration is doing something that only fools do when it comes to diplomacy. they are letting out in public, air out in public the type of animosity, the type of tension that exists between them and america's key ally in the middle east, israel. smart diplomat, joe biden the not one of, people go behind the scenes to air their grievances but publicly shake hands, hug and make clear they stand by the allies. what you've seen both from the white house and chuck schumer on capitol hill the previous week, this type of attitude that is increasingly antagonistic toward netanyahu at a moment that it's the exact opposite of what they should be doing. frankly, netanyahu is in the position right now where i this i that he has to send a message
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as well not just to the united states but domestically that this is something that is intolerable and they need the support of the united states in this moment in a critical way and that it really would not have hurt the united states at all to veto this again and to have the same type of attitude as before. instead it just raises questions as john kirby had to spin the answer whether our policy toward israel has changed. >> harris: is it spin or a lie, what is it? i don't want to accuse people of not telling the truth unless they truly are. what else could it be? >> i think kirby is being put in a very difficult position. he is a smart guy who knows what is really going on and understands this does represent a shift. it does represent a change and unfortunately, you know, it really is driven by fear when it comes to our domestic politics. fear of the progressive left that is increasingly loud. increasingly vocal portion of joe biden's constituency and
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frankly looking at the swing state numbers in states like michigan and they are very concerned about that within this white house. they are concerned about it more than they are concerned about offending israel at this point and i think that's becoming clear with each passing day. it puts kirby in a very difficult position. he has to spin his way through it. >> harris: they are more concerned about the people they say they want to help at the ra rafah crossing. they would have been finding a way to feed those people. that was less important than politics but they didn't say no, they abstained. nbc is now facing a full on rebellion after it hired former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel as a political analyst. the biggest names going scorched earth all over their bosses. >> this is about truth versus lies. service to the country versus service to one man committed to toppling our democratic system.
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that is the type of experience that ronna mcdaniel brings to the table. >> we weren't asked our opinion of the hiring. we would have strongly objected to it for several reasons. >> the fact that ms. mcdaniel is on the payroll at nbc news to me that is inexplicable. >> i think it's pretty bad. >> harris: even the white house got licks in. >> does the president believe that kind of voice like hers, there is room for her in the national political discourse? >> i will answer this way. we saw what happened january 6th. we saw what happened when 2000 people, mob, went to the capitol and undermined our democracy. it was an attack on our democracy. >> harris: wait a minute. ronna mcdaniel is equivalent to that? i don't even understand that. >> look, i'm not ronna mcdaniel's biggest fan of her work at the rnc.
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i have been a critic in the past. she represents a generic republican. just right there in the mainstream of her party and the fact that she is not welcome at nbc news. the fact that even she is someone who they won't allow in the room to sit down and debate opposite. people like jen psaki open partisans speaks to the fact that this hissy fit they are throwing like a bunch of little toddlers. i have a 1-year-old, is absolutely absurd. it is absurd and also says to me frankly, i think the people will suffer like lester holt who hosted debates. >> harris: both your children are beautiful and your wife. thank you for being with me. goodness. all voices welcome on "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" is next. she looks great! what they don't know is i got inspire,
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