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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 26, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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as the senate weighs a bill that could force the parent company to sell the app or face a possible ban here in the u.s. fox business' hillary vaughn is live for us on capitol hill. what is happening today? >> apparently gets are going to beat making the rules for tiktok, at least that is part of the strategy to make the app safer for kids. putting together a global youth council of 15 teenagers from around the world helping tiktok helping them design the center for young users. parents are speaking out about tiktok's toxic impact on teens. the american parents coalition launching their own ads to rally a movement against the app. the ads claiming it takes 8 minutes on tiktok to promote eating disorders and 2 minutes on the app to glorify self harm. tiktok calls the ads a smear campaign saying "this politically motivated dark money
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campaign is based on falsehoods and anyone taking this money is advancing a smear campaign." >> jackie: i'm sure teams would love to decide things like their curfew and other rules. thank you so much. at this hour, we are expecting a major announcement from the third party candidate robert f. kennedy jr. he will take to the podium in oakland, california, where he is expected to introduce his running mate to america. >> jackie: you will recall aaron rodgers and former minnesa governor jesse ventura were rumored to be on the short-list but no. >> jackie: he is expected to name a lesser-known woman. nicole shanahan. hello, i'm jacqui heinrich in washington, trace, it's great to be with you today. spewing great to see you. i'm trace gallagher in texas. this is america reports. the biden camp going on offense.
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reported that they campaign felt an entire team dedicated to attacking kennedy who has been fighting the dnc for ballot access among other thi things. >> jackie: the fear may lie in the poll numbers as he has the potential to tip the scale paired fox team coverage. if you can generate some buzz with the vp pick. >> trace: to jeff paul live in the event invoking california. what more do we know about the expected vp pick? >> we are not only expected him to announce his running mate but he is signaling his campaign and he personally is not going away anytime soon. we have a pretty good idea of who that person could be but regardless of who it is, it will drum up a lot of support among his supporters, many of them here right now waiting on the announcement. it also offers up the opportunity to gain some much-needed campaign donations. the other major challenge that
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kennedy faces including his campaign is getting on his many ballots as possible. by naming a running mate, it will help to meet a requirement set by two dozen states. formally announcing a vp is a huge step forward that could lead to voter excitement, the ability to raise more camp stomach money and challenge both former president trump and pres. kennedy was asked about his intentions during a "new york times" podcast and he had this to say. >> you are concerned if you will pull more votes from biden or trump? >> my purpose is to win the election appeared >> if there was evidence you would help one candidate or another win would it cause you to drop out? >> no. >> the name of the top of the list for kennedy's vp appears to be nicole shanahan. she is a 38-year-old tech lawyer entrepreneur and most recently a huge donor of rfk jr. helping pay for and produce a commercial that many of us saw air during the super bowl. shanahan is an oakland native so
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the location of the announcement make sense. you might recognize her name due to her 2018 marriage to google cofounder sir jay brown who filed for divorce in 2022. she has similar views on the environment, children's health, and has expressed concerns around vaccines but states she has not anti-vax appeared some of the other names that have been floated as possible running mates for rfk jr., you have jets quarterback aaron rodgers and former minnesota governor and wrestler jesse ventura. we will find out and about an hour. trace. >> trace: we will get back to you as the news warrants. >> jackie: let's bring in byron york. chief correspondent at the "washington examiner" and a fox news contributor. byron thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> jackie: the axios report that the biden had set up a team to attack rfk jr. has unsurprising given the heartburn democrats have over 2016. you have the three swing states
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when trump's margin of victory over hillary clinton was smaller than the total number of votes that jill stein got. do you think this attack strategy has more to do with biden campaigns fear that an rfk candidacy undermines their central messaging that this is a binary choice between biden and trump, between democracy and antidemocratic values. >> i think that is part of it and also it just makes sense that rfk would pull a few move orders from biden than from trump. he's a democrat. he is a kennedy democrat. if you look at his latest campaign ad, it was a nine minute video. it was make america great again except it was going back to the point when robert and john kennedy were in office. that's the campaign he will run. it will attract some democrats. the ballot thing is really, really huge. did you know that the only state that he is officially on the ballot is utah? that's it.
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have to do better than that. there is this requirement that he needs a vice president for some states for him to qualify and there are a bunch of others that he is just not there yet and one of the things that kennedy feels the dnc, democratic national committee is doing is trying to block him in some of that ballot access because he is not on the ballot, he's not a worry. >> jackie: to your earlier point, the strategy of the biden campaign seems to be taking shape around this idea that you don't have to necessarily love joe biden, but you have to really hate the idea of donald trump winning a second term and they are going all in on that including with legal challenges. in your mind, this effort to litigate his ballot access. is that also part of that strategy to suck up all of rfk's resources so he is tied up in the courts and can't really campaign as well? >> yes. if you chooses nicole shanahan,
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he is choosing a woman who was married to the multibillionaire cofounder of google. and she is quite wealthy and she can help in that. clearly there is this huge intensity gap around joe biden. more of donald trump voters say that they are enthusiastic about voting for them and if they vote for him, they will be voting for him not against biden. if you vote stomach talked to by the voters, they are less enthusiastic about voting for him and if they vote for joe biden, they are voting against trump and not for biden. i think it is in the interest of the biden campaign to make it all about trump and what you're saying is rfk jr. is an uninvited visitor to the party and they don't want him there. >> jackie: the other issue here is these challenges, the legal challenges coming from the dnc and ballot access issues,
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what is the boiled down message there was to mark there are people who see this as the biden campaign frames itself as defenders of democratic process, defenders of your right to vote and here they are sending a message to some that says we don't trust you to go to the polls. >> they are saying democracy is on the ballot in 2024 except we don't want this guy on the ballot. that's basically what they are saying and it is a contradictory message here there's no doubt about it. but if you look at the third party candidates, if you look at rfk jr., if you look at cornel west, if you look at jill stein, the green party candidate, they would all take a little bit from joe biden. he started the conversation talking about how close it was in michigan, wisconsin, and some other really key states. georgia, arizona. that close margin could hurt joe biden a lot in a general election. >> jackie: obviously they are starting to get concerned about that. we will continue to watch
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appeared byron york, thank you so much. appreciate it. trace. >> trace: and meantime, europe is raising terror alerts after the attack on moscow and which countries are sounding the alarm, we will get that plus that spirit >> we have to deal with these small pockets of peot have made up their mind they will hurt new yorkers. and i made up my mind i'm not going to allow them to do it. >> jackie: the nypd in morning after an officer was killed in the line of duty and the suspect has a rap sheet. will it force a reckoning over career criminals being allowed out of jail? former fbi special agent has a lot of friends in the lime of duty, she will join us with more on that next. day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> jackie: tragedy in the big apple. a married father and nypd officer is dead after someone shot and killed him during a traffic stop. the suspect is a career criminal. new airports calling it a dark day for the city. bryan llenas is live in queens, new york. what are official saying about what who is involved here? >> we note the two individuals in custody have long rap and dozens of arrests between them but they were allowed free on the streets. this is what the nypd said. about 6:00 p.m., the vehicle was parked, their vehicle, illegally at the stop sign here. the two nypd officers approach that vehicle, the two suspects inside refused to get out despite numerous times trying to get them out. they refused. one of the suspects open fire, shooting and killing 31-year-old
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nypd officer jonathan diller. the nypd says diller was shot in the torso under his bulletproof vest and even after being shot, the nypd said the officer diller heroically stated in the fight and got the gun away from the shooter after it fell to the pavement. diller was rushed to the hospital in critical condition but tragically died. the 31-year-old leaves behind a wife and reportedly a 1-year-old son and nypd source tells us fox that the shooter is 31-year-old guy rivera. rivera has 21 prior nypd report arrests and the driver lindy jones has been arrested 23 times. he was out free on bail. judges have been reluctant to put criminal offenders behind bars and diaz are overwhelmed with cases. adam says this is about more problems with bail. >> i know the city is out of
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control because i've been to some of them in this country. this is not one of them. our focus must be this. severe mental health illness and random acts of violence. bad guys no longer feel the police. they feel emboldened to do whatever they want. >> and you are looking at the glass left behind on the scene of the crime here and behind me you can see the yellow flowers that were left in remembrance of officer diller. obviously thoughts and prayers with his family as for rivera, he was shot by police but he is expected to survive. jackie. >> jackie: just terrible for that officer's family and to the mayor's point, no shortage of things you can say about what that does to police recruitment and retention. brian, thank you. >> trace: in the meantime, let's bring in nicole parker,
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former fbi special agent and fox news contributor. it's great to have you want. the officer was 31-year-old jonathan diller, the alleged shooter if we can put this up on screen, 34-year-old guy rivera. here's his rap sheet that brian was talking about. at least 21 arrests, nine arrests for felonies, released from prison in 2021 pair you heard mayor adams saying it is not a bail issue. it is a bail issue. its combined issues. it happens in california, in new york, in pennsylvania, and washington. anywhere they are soft on crime, this happens more than it happens and the rest of the country and there's a reason. your thoughts. >> this infuriates me. the ongoing violence on law enforcement is reprehensible. it's disgusting and it has got to stop. americans need to understand law enforcement officers and police officers are not making significant sums of money. i used to work on wall street and then i became an fbi agent. i see the discrepancy and how much these individuals make. they are putting their lives on the line every single day and
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they are not putting their lives on the line for the family members or loved ones necessarily put this officer died. he was protecting new yorkers. this is a total stranger. and now he is dead. his wife no longer has a husband. his 1-year-old son no longer has a father. as an fbi agent who lost my closest friend in the fbi, laura schwartz and burger and a very similar manner, she was shot and had, one round to the head with an assault rifle, she had two young sons. i have very strong views about this. what's it going to take for people like mayor adams to wake up your he's a former nypd officer himself. this is unacceptable. judges, you need to be giving them a stringent process so spirit prosecutors, you need to be prosecuting and law enforcement come again in and make these things happen because these offenders cannot d they cannot be hurting and killing our law enforcement officers anymore.
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>> trace: mayor adams was right on one thing. he said these criminals no longer respect or fear police. and they don't because there are no consequences and they know there are no consequences. we look at social media and we go down below the border and these migrants coming across. they know it's going to be open. they know the border is open because they got word of months ago that it is going to be open. it's the savior these criminals in new york know that they do not face consequences. >> correct. and let me explain this to the citizens of this country. i saw it firsthand. you are fighting a battle between good and evil when you are a law enforcement officer or a cop. they have no respect for human life. they couldn't care less. they are not going to make the right choices because it's the right thing to do. they don't care. the only thing that is going to stop them is it facing consequences. when you act, there is a consequence for your action. if there is no accountability, expect the crime rates to continue. who would want to put their life
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on the line when these people don't even back law enforcement? you back the blue no matter what when you support our law enforcement and i can't say it enough, my condolences go out to this sweet wife and her 1-year-old son. >> trace: mine as well. i want to get to sean combs, the diddy case. they went after his home in los angeles, his home in miami. nicole, they have not said that sean combs is a target of this investigation but it is a sex trafficking case appeared what do you make of this? >> again, having worked these types of investigation, sex trafficking is externally serious. it is an ugly and heinous crime. no he has not been arrested and no one has been charged in this case. it was a search warrant. hsi executed to search warrants simultaneously in los angeles and miami. when you are going before a judge and you are getting an affidavit, you need to have probable crime to believe this was committed. there is enough for the judge to sign off on these search warrants. they executed these warrants simultaneously to preserve evidence, looking for laptops,
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selfless, computers, electronic devices. sex trafficking is very complex. typically these crimes have been going on for a substantial period of time. this not a one hit. diddy has been facing a lot of civil lawsuits recently and you can get rid of civil lawsuits with money. you can settle them out but a criminal charge, if that is was going to be coming down the pipeline potentially, no amount of money will settle that. you will go to jail if you committed the crime, you will do the time, and when it comes to sex trafficking, especially in light of what happened in the epstein case, enough is enough. the epstein debacle showed all judges prosecutors and agents if there are sex trafficking allegations brought before you, you better hold those people accountable and we will see what happens with us. >> trace: we will but it looks like there is something coming down the pike and we don't know. sean combs is part of that but t in the middle of the track and the train is coming. nicole parker, great to see you. as always, thank you. >> thank you.
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>> jackie: we are expecting an update from the ntsb at any moment after a container ship hit a baltimore bridge causing it to collapse in seconds. we will bring you that update when it begins. >> trace: plus president biden and vice president harris complaining on health care in north carolina as the supreme court hears argument ovo abortion pills, an issue we are certain will play an issue role in the 2024 race. we are with fox news contributor mollie hemingway next. >> this is about people having the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies and lives and futures. >> a human being has a right regardless of how small they all or how big they are. ♪ ♪ 's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa.
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but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to attack this new lobster & shrimp stack? ready for your lobster lover's dream to come true? they're two of ten lobster creations, only at lobsterfest. plus, cheddar bays for days. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in. >> trace: still following breaking news waiting for the national transportation safety board to hold their briefing. should happen sometime the next three or 4 minutes on the
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left-hand side you can see the francis scott key bridge and baltimore harbor that collapsed this morning for it was hit by a container ship. one of the big things that the ntsb will focus on is the timeline. we know at 124 the lights on the ship began to flicker indicatinr or were in the process of losing power. the ship hit the bridge at 127. that is 3 minutes. in that 3 minutes they send out a mayday and they also released the anchor. the question is when? did they have more time to actually release that anchor, was this ship properly crewed. a lot of questions, a lot of answers we hope to get. ntsb briefing coming up moments from now. jackie. >> jackie: a russian court has extended the detention of "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich by three months. he was arrested on espionage charges that "the wall street journal," his employer, and the u.s. strongly deny. we are live in london. alex, what happened today in
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court? >> this was another heavy blow for "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich after this moscow court ruled that he has to stay behind bars for even more months. the hearing was close to the press but we do have these images that show him appearing to be in good spirit spirit he was even seen smiling. the judge granted the request of russia's federal security that he remain in jail until june 30th as he awaits his trial but it's a trial for which there is no date set. it will be this friday that will mark one year since 32-year-old was arrested. he has appeared in court 12 times in the last 12 months. u.s. ambassador lynn tracy described today's decision being particularly painful. >> evan has displayed remarkable resilience and strength in the face of this grim situation. but it is time for the russian government to let evan go. >> he was detained and accused
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of espionage, claims that the white house denies. "the wall street journal" today issued a statement saying and part he should have never been detained. journalism is not a crime and we continued to demand his immediate release. the moscow jail where gershkovich is held is notorious for its harsh conditions and if he is found guilty, he could face up to 20 years behind bars. jackie. >> jackie: alex hogan for us in london. thank you. tres spirit >> trace: president biden and vice president kamala harris are campaigning and raleigh cal carolina as abortion is front ad center again. we expect the vice president to lean into reproductive freedom in the battleground state. peter doocy's live in raleigh. which voters in the biden-harris campaign targeting today exactl? >> today they are making a play
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for a nikki haley voters. there is a really interesting line and a memo from the biden campaign manager and it says in north carolina haley over performed in durham, mecklenburg, orange, and wake counties. key suburban areas for democrats to focus on showing trump losing moderates by 30 points in the state. the biden team has worked to dupe your president biden trails trump by three, 48-51 and the policy plans that president biden plans to talk on today is health care. >> president biden: trump says he is going to terminate the aca. that would help take health care coverage away from millions of americans and 100 million americans would lose protections from pre-existing conditions. >> it's is very uncommon to see president biden and vice president harris together on the road. the last time they were together at a political event like this
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was in virginia. they were talking about abortion access but they got interrupted more than a dozen times by people screaming about a cease-fire in gaza. in the times on, they've done a better job of screening the people that come to events like this. we will see if anyone starts shouting when they're not supposed to. >> trace: indeed we will. peter doocy life russ and raleigh. jackie. >> jackie: federal and chief at the federalist. molly, this is a hot-button issue. the biden campaign is seizing on all of the energy around this issue but the supreme court decision is a complex legal question. in your mind, how do you parse the political implications and the legal implications and how they are different? speak out the democrats ready for 2024 seems to be a law fare against president trump and focus on abortion. they have found issues work very
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well for excitement in their base. you saw a lot of extension paid to the supreme court oral argument today which deals with what are the fda behaved in an y removing safeguards for an aborg that has superior his consequences. they ramping up discussion of that. >> jackie: this will be oral arguments today with her whirling in three months. that will come in the middle of an election. to your point about about the question whether the plaintiffs have standing here. we heard liberal and conservative justices kind of lukewarm on that question. if the supreme court doesn't make a decision here or basically steps back, what does that mean for their role in deciding abortion as an issue? >> two issues here. number one is with the fda did. there moved any protections
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associated with a very common abortion drugs that has been associated with two dozen deaths, 500% increase with emergency room visits and a lot of complications. they made it easier to have that done without the supervision of a doctor even though it can cause major problems for women. that's the issue. and the other is the doctors come if they even have standing and people like to read the tea leaves and they think that this will be decided on standing meaning that the court will decide that the doctors did not have standing to bring this case so it won't be a hugely decisive issue in june perhaps. >> jackie: the issue there as if the doctors don't have standing, you heard some of the justices probing the question. are we to say that this may be an issue that needs some good counsel and probably should be adjudicated but yet we will just take it to the curb because i guess the reason i ask is the question at heart is is the fda infallible? if we were talking about a less
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controversial drug, how would this be different? >> you look at a lower court rulings on the situation and what they found was that the fda really behaved in a manner that did not represent women's best interests. the women who are taking this drug are ending pregnancies on the that the pregnancy is and it can cause very severe complications particularly if it's an ectopic pregnancy or if it's being taken later in a pregnancy that people realize. the fbi sided with the abortion industry which makes money off f abortion is fatal for the unborn child but it can cause convocations for women. the larger issue and plays at the supreme court has said americans do get a say and how abortion is handled. this will continue to be alive issue but republicans have not done a very good job of talking about the issue. democrats talk about all the time. republicans stay silent and new pulling out today shows that when single women are talked to about abortion, particularly the
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extreme nature of the democrat position which is abortion through all nine months of pregnancy without any restrictions, they are very receptive to the message. republicans should be aware that this is a big issue for democrats and they should think about how to talk about it. >> jackie: you got to my last question because i was going to say we know where the democrats are going with us but where should republicans go. how difficult is it to come up with a unifying message. >> in the republican party they have married men voting for them, they've married women voting for them. single men voting for them. the one block they don't have our unmarried women. they need to learn how to talk about this issue. it's a very important issue for a lot of americans and they cannot do what they did in previous years of just staying silent. >> jackie: mollie hemingway for us. thank you. trace. >> like a mobster. to work at a d.a.'s office. >> our democracy is in danger because of the lies that people like ronna mcdaniel have pushed on this country. >> trace: a media meltdown
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>> trace: back out to the breaking news about the bridge collapsed in baltimore. here is the ntsb. >> the ntsb will leave that investigation. i want to thank the u.s. coast guard. we have a very cooperative relationship with the u.s. coast guard. i am particularly wanting to thank deputy commandant for operations, vice admiral cotija. i want to thank admiral gilbreath who is commander of the fifth coast guard district and captain o'connell who is the sector commander.
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before i go on, on behalf of the ntsb, i want to extend our deepest sympathies to those who have been affected by this significant event. the ntsb as i mentioned does many significant transportation events. not just aviation. we do accidents and incidents in marine safety as well and of course with bridges and other highway infrastructure and for this, there were many that were affected by this collapse and our deepest sympathies go out to the families, loved ones, and others who have been affected. i'm going to get questions on fatalities and injuries which i am not going to answer. that is not something that the ntsb answers. i will refer you to local
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authorities on all of that information. what i can tell you is a search and rescue is still underway. we are very hopeful and again, our thoughts are with the families and their loved ones. again, we got here at 6:00 a.m. and we are standing back to allow the coast guard and search and rescue to continue their search and rescue operations. while we gather information from the command post. there's a lot of information that we can begin to collect. we have a team of 24 on scene, including member brown and me. the team of experts include experts in nautical operations and what they are going to look at and begin to collect his information on vessel operations. safety history, safety record, a
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look at the owner, look at the operator, and they will look at the operations. today they will also look up company policy, any sort of safety management system or safety management program will be looked at by them and our human performance team as well. we have a human performance expert here. we have an engineering team, we have the survival factors, and we have a team here that is getting the recorders. we also have a highway safety team, our team out of the office of highway safety including structural engineers, bridge experts who will be here and are continuing to come in. we have a few here and one or two others are coming in in the next few hours. we also have our family assistance team on-site. our family assistance team works with those that were affected by
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a particular event. families, friends, and other loved ones. they will help them get in touch with the resources they need while also providing them with the information that they need as we move forward with our investigation. this is a team effort. there are a lot of entities right now in the command post. all focused on search and rescue as they should be. but i do want to in particular thank the coast guard, the maryland transportation authority police, the federal bureau of investigations, the baltimore fire and rescue, and the maryland state police. i also know that there are others on scene. i'm sure i have missed. for example army corps of engineers is here, a great deal
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of expertise and also all focused on what is very important which is the people first. i have been in contact with my counterpart in singapore, director chong is the director of transport, director of transport safety direction bo board. the ntsb remains relationships with our counterparts in other countries often and stay in close communication so the director and i have been in communication many times before on safety. it was a good conversation. he is sending some personnel here tomorrow also personnel will be arriving from the maritime and court authority of singapore who has the focus of being the regulator and singapore. it's not a lot of information that i can share at this time and i know there is a lot of
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information that seems to be circulating. the ntsb does not speculate. we provide facts. there isn't a lot we can share right now because the focus has been on the people. however, if you know me, i like to provide information as we can when we are able to verify those facts and be open about that. transparency is one of our mandates, one of our core va values. please monitor and x where we will post when we have another media briefing. we have an organizational meeting tonight at 5:00 which i mentioned to determine where we want to go next on the investigation but there is a lot of information that we need to gather between now and then in the days and weeks that follow. with that, i am going to take questions.
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i will call on you. please state your name and your affiliation. we will start with tom and go over here. >> talk us to nbc news. you spoke of one of the teams within ntsb structure looking for the reporters on board the ship. what recorders might be on the ship and what information might they provide? >> i will have more information about the recorders tomorrow. we chose not to board the vessel today to allow some time for the search and rescue which we did not want to interfere with. that is first and foremost. we do have some information but we need to verify that information first before i provide that -- before i verify it. we will have that information tomorrow or maybe later tonight if you want to check with me.
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yes. >> how long will the search t take? >> it is a question on how long the search will go on today. the ntsb is not in charge of the search and rescue operation. that is the u.s. coast guard. i would refer you to the coast guard for that infor information. >> can you give us a rough timeline? curious on what you can tell us about the timeline and how much lapsed between notifying authorities. >> there is a question about the tugs and the timeline. again, i know this is all information you are looking for. the information we get which often happens in a large event where there are a lot of entities is there is conflicting information.
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the ntsb focuses on the facts. we will figure that out and be able to provide that information in the coming guys. today is far too early for that. nothing on the timeline so far. >> how critical will the recorder be? >> how critical will voyage data recorder be to investigating this? it will be critical. it's a critical piece of our information which is why the team is here. >> have you been able to figure out why the ship did not immediately drop anchor because the power went out? >> the question is on dropping anchor and whether they did or did not and the timing on that, that will be part of our investigation and part of our timeline. i can provide you more information on that in the coming days but not today. >> just wanted to check. do you have any information on the crew that was on board, their nationality, whether they
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were 22 indians on board? >> that the question is who was on board the vessel. and nationalities. again, i've heard conflicting information on that as well. we will have to get back to you on that. >> do you have any reason to believe there were major deficiencies? what are you looking for in previous inspections? >> the question is whether any deficiencies on the vessel before it sailed and will we be looking at any safety information? that is part of our investigation where we look in depth at safety information viewed anything that may have occurred prior to this. and he sort of safety history with regard to the vessel. any sort of maintenance that was done to the vessel or component on the ship. we will look at all of that but it is much too early for all of that.
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the question is who are we working with from the private sector folks. certainly we are working with the owner operators which are two different entities for this vessel. we will be working with the pilot association and we will have a number of federal, state, and local partners as part of the investigation. we will designate those tonight at the organizational briefing and i will have more information on that tomorrow. >> given obviously the search and rescue effort is the main effort right now handled by the u.s. coast guard at the bridge being such a major load bearer for the city for commerce and our entire country, a lot of ways being shut down. is there any sense of urgency to get this cleaned up faster or what exactly is the priority beyond search and rescue?
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>> there's a question on what is the priority beyond search and rescue. certainly investigations are a priority, certainly environmental considerations are a priority and so is traffic and getting cargo vessels in and out of the port of baltimore. it is not the ntsb's priority. we have a number of organizations including the department of transportation, maryland department of transportation, the governor is doing a lot of work on that. but right now, it is about people. it's about families and addressing the needs of those that were impacted. that is the focus. i don't think anybody in that room right now at the command post is thinking about what are the next steps to get things cleaned up. they are working to figure out
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who was impacted, if anyone was impacted, and how do we address that because that is and should be the priority always. >> you talked about the families and you talked about the rescue effort that is taking place. have we confirmed that there were any more than just the six construction workers that were on the bridge itself? were there anymore possible, other cars, other drivers on the bridge. >> there's a lot of information. the question is were we able to confirm information on the number of cars on the bridge, the number of workers on the bridge. there are a lot of numbers that we have heard back and forth. we need to verify that. the search team is doing that now. that is not for the ntsb, that it's for the local authorities, maryland, state police, and the maryland transportation authority as well as their federal partners through the coast guard to be able to verify
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that information. >> there could be other victims than just the six? >> nobody is going by a number. they are just looking and they are searching. that's what's important. yes. yes, the structure of the bridge, there are questions about the structure of the bridge. protective structure around the bridge or around the peers to make sure that there isn't a collapse. we are aware of what a structure should have appeared part of our investigation will be how was this bridge constructed. it will look at the structure itself. should there be any safety improvements, all of that will
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be part of our investigation. we go very broad in our >> the question was at the branch ever been like for any sort of safety deficiency or security deficiency? that is information that we will -- that will take time to dig through. i will just point to our recent investigation of the firm hollow bridge collapsed which took almost chy-mac years to get information on inspections and what was and was not done after that -- those inspections and whether there were records or n nonrecords maintained. that is specific to further hollow bridge but it is very cumbersome process, is a very monopolistic process where they have to dig through a lot of information so it will not be something that we will
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be able to verify well -- while on scene. >> [ inaudible question by the media ] >> the question is underreported power failure, we've heard the reports, we have been made aware of those same reports about there being a power outage. i've also seen statements, media releases from singapore as well as something it smack is something we take but it is something we have to verify through our investigation that that was what was part of the contributing cause here. so too early to tell. yeah? >> [ inaudible question by the media ] >> can i confirm whether the construction workers on the bridge were employed by bronner -- bronner building
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in complete -- inc.? that is the information we have come bronner builders inc. of course, sometimes the use subcontractors so we don't have any information yet on subcontractors but we do have information on the company itself. >> [ inaudible question by the media ] >> "is there any information on -- anybody that is unaccounted for and whether they were able to verify with the company?" that is something that the federal officials, the fbi along with the coast guard will verify, not the ntsb. >> [ inaudible question by the media ] >> the question is about a state inspector.
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i don't have information on the state inspector at this point. we are very focused on getting our investigative stop and running, again let the the search and rescue team do what they need to do to focus on the people and then we are gathering information from the owner of the ship, of the vessel, and then the operator and others for this time. again, that was my last question. for further information, and i know it's not a lot of information for the first day but we just got here, and really, the focus is on the families and the people. that is our main focus, is everyone's main focus right now. the rest can wait. so please monitor and our twitter feed for the next briefing my thank you.
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>> that was jennifer homendy with the ntsb giving a briefing, not a lot of information as we always expect in the early going here but she didn't clarify a couple of things that are always important when you talk about the ntsb which is they are very focused on those voyage data recorders that are on the ship's -- they're not like block boxes like data recorders on plants, they don't have that much information, there's no voice recording system, but it is very interesting, it will give you the workings of the actual machines, the engines on these things and the timeline is also very important here because we know with 124 in the morning is when the lights of the containership started flickering and we believe that is either when the power was going off or was off and at 1:27 it hit the bridge permits of those three minutes are critical to figuring out what happened and why weren't deep anchors
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released immediately is a huge question. do they have two anchors on each side of the bow of the boat, they have the resources to be able to do that? >> and they've got 24 officials at the ntsb that are probing those questions now family said they couldn't get the recorders today, they are stepping back from boarding the vessel go along search and rescue efforts to continue. but once they forget that mitigation rolling there looking at the ship's maintenance history. it safety history, it's owner, operator, any sort of management programs to determine what might have contributed to this but the variety she said is the search and rescue at this time. >> i'm chris gallagher, i wishing us -- i will see you back here -- 11/in the east for fox news at night. jackie, good to be with you. >> and jackie heinrich cadmus story with martha starks right now. [ ♪♪ ] >> martha: afternoon everyone, i martha maccallum and this is "the story, now


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