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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  March 27, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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what would it do to your life if you lost your property? >> i mean, there's no price. you can put all that go online or call now. >> 1-800- 9384485. >> at home, migrants trying to tear down that fence. former president donald trump has vowed to take this case all the way through the court system and around the globe. the governor of the moscow region says that searchers are still looking for only on fox news channel. unfortunately, that is the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. thk you for making the show t possible. we hope you'll set your dvher so you never, ever, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity . in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standint t yog, byo put a smile on your face. >> have a great nigh smilet.
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all right. here we go. happy tuesday, everybody. oh, you look scrumptious. i could ea t every one of you, and i just might. >> all right. the ladies es o, the view, have now expressed regret over their treatment of kate middleton, saying they, quote, fell down a rabbit hole. which raises a key question i how the hell did they fit? d the la and miami homes of rapper sean combs have been raided by homeland security secr in connection with a sex trafficking investigitahe wn gation. >> in other news, combs is changing his name from diddy to didn't. >> jill biden spent sunday morning at a soulcycle spincycl class to make her feel at home. some of the cyclists fell over
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. >> a new study claims that your facial may have been influencede by what your mother eight during pregnancynced by .c if that's true, the nancy pelosi's mom ate a lot of tupperware. >> a new poll finds that 73% of voters are fine with. >> the term illegal immigrant.e finethe remaining 23 27% of vots were illegal immigrants. al >> mcdonald's just announced plans to krispy kreme donuts. yeah, in response?'l >> you'll never guess who took the day off to celebrate. o took never going to end. never, ever. all right, let's do a monologue. and so floridas do the mon socir kids. governor ron desantis signed a bill making it illegal for kids under 14 to join a social media platform while requiring permission for 14 and 15 year olds.
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>> any existing social media account created by a child under 14 must be deleted by the company. >> failure to do so could expose the company to expensive fines and lawsuits.wsui weird. the measure hatss received bipartisan support. odd. the last thingor an pleas alligator than admit desantisur is right. des i'm glad we put that little black thing over his eyehts. >> don't want to. he don't want any lawsuits from. the reptile. that's right. yeah. oh, i never forget a jaw line here. of course, florida is expecting a challenge that it violates the first amendment, which ironically will come from chal who want adults banned for asking a woman at planet fitness that throw on an it jockstrap. for
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but they're ready for it. here's florida house speaker paul rennere'sr. house >> you will not find a line't fn in this bill thad t addresses good speech or bad speech, because that would violateendmen the first amendment. we would not address that at all. t.e not adwhat we have addresses addictive features that are at the heartatures of why childy stay on these platforms for hours and hours on endn. >> he's talking about notification alerts and autoplay video>>s, which mae social media as addictive as my legendary back rubs. the secret no hands, but theys o can't end of the speech isn't that issue. >> there's no viewpoint discrimination. point this termiidea is that soa itself is harmful to kids, not just any particular message being sent on it. keep in mind, desantis alreadytv vetoed another version of this bill that would have banneer d social media for anyone under the age of 16. >> why doer ths this matter? good question. well, young brains aren't like
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adult brains, like joe biden's dinner. they're mushy and unformed. these brains are fully developed until the mid to late twenties or in my case, the mid to late. >> never. those growing brains the can't handle the constant bombardment of bullying, peer pressure, gender and asian climate change, panic and racial hysteria. they'll have plentndoctriny of r that when they go to college. now, does this law limit a child's freedom? yes. does our society limit a child's freedom already? yes. you got to be 16 to drive a drie car, 18 to vote. how you got be 21 justo to legally drink a beer. we don't let kids smoke cigaretteslegally w either, nor how it makes them look. but all of those thingsn putt are arguably less damaging than putting a child on tik tokind putting tiktok into a child's brains. >> do you rememberchild's brainl media took off.
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it was something called facebook. why was it called facebook? mark zuckerberg created it at harvard to judge the looks oh of other classmates, which is funnyer which i that zuckerbs like something you find stuck e someto a glue trap. so it began as something that would make people feel like. l then we shouldn't be surprised how many people feel like now becausdn't be of. but facebook exploded mainly because people wanted to checkya out who got fat after high school. along the way, it becamecheck w way to share information and news faster than we could have ever imaginedon and. and without thinking much, the adults let the kids it c access without ponderinwitg the long term consequences it could have on those kids. >> and they were able to share and soak up bad content faster than a cake at a port authority restroom. >> we're talking stuff that risks their lives with idiotic stunts, insaneiona delusional rants that tell them there are 72 genders, creeps that tell them anorexia
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is cool. obesity is a plus and bodys to a rebellion against patriarchy. social media, the largest medical experiment in history where we allow strangers to pump out a powerful, toxic drug right into kids vulnerable brains. it's not a faiable brainr fightr the parents or their brats. it's tough enougeir brath beingd as it is, especially if they're slow and can outrun esw an. but social media makes it even tougher, and the developers are well aware that these appsag are distracting and destructive in. china where tiktok was created. content filtered so kids i 14 only see videos about patriotism, science and educatio undn and with a lih of 40 minutes per day. after that, get back to kiddo. i >> so those nike's won't stitcht themselves. but today you have predators pretending to be activists bent on bending your kid into something unrecognizable. so stopping it isn't a crazyg idea, right? s be thato let kid
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it's time for adults to act like adults instead of shrug. maybe protect them instead of burying our faces in our phones. weinstead ng faces take a look s on theirs. so kudos to desantisso kudos for slamming on the brakes. after all, a 14 year old a in floridafter-olds in. they shouldn't be on tiktok. they should be on cops wherey they belong. >> streaming right now. on nation which went down tonight. yeah. she's so sharp. she in as she posted the hoop check. >> emily oster. you've probably seen him sleeping at a highway rest stop. comedian jim florentine. she can ghost you by turning sideways. "new york times" bestselling author and fox news contributor kat timpf and his idea of fast food is eating a cheetah. "new york times" best selling author, comedian born right.
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>> emily has closest personn to 14 14, i believe if you were that age now, how would you feel about this? >> so as a child who's addicted ,social media, i'm all for for this. but i can also attest this any is not actually going to prevent anyone from signing signesigned i'm pretty sur fro i was told incriminating myself when i signed up for instagram. i thin for insk was in the fifti and it was totally not allowed, but there was no verificatio n. sure >> so if someone's actually going to reinsure for whatever, like once they sign up, that they can attest that they are in of age, then this is great. but i knew that we were doingwa when i was talking to some middle schoolers and starbucks, and i was like, get oftalkinmide will only bullies. >> and they were like, what's that? i was like, ohere i my god, wed doomed. >> this is so bad. what are you doing talking >>s? ddle schooler starbucks let us start what we're doing and. start turning while he's working. ake note
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how do you do it? take notes. this is why i always have a clipboard. tol i always tell the parents i'm doing a survey. parei'm doini'm getting anywhery a clipboard. >> anywhere. whe wiipboard.jim, your house. i say, i'm with the electric company and i'm here to turn you on. >> where am i?. jim as somebody who probably has no social media, i'vas probr seen you on social media, maybe aol instant message. >> do you have any insight on this topic? yeah, well, i have 13-year-oldds son, so i think it's great. yeah, i support it because he's on instagram and what happens is his friends are out there when something he seesm nh on their posts and he's like, how come i'm not there? yeah, you. so he gets like, deal with that later in life. you know, he's already worried that they worriey like him. >> i'm like, first of all, w you're not there because you don't have a car. car >> and so that's the same thing, like, i don't like when p i'm out, i tell people, don't wike a picture where i someoplte event because you're going to get someone to the comments. how come you didn't invite me? omment combecause no one likes t
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>> that's why we didn't buy joe. but know what? >> if he is off social media, then you've got to interact with himocia. e fo yeah, that's fine. yeah. we follow each other. yeah. theryou're has it set up wherean it's private. >> so i'll let you go. i mean, in perso in pen. yeah. did you talk to him face to face? yeah. just checking. yeah, yeah, i know, but you never know. maybe he has somethingalking a you usually. >> don't order. it's jim florentine. we're talking. i don't think this thing goes far enough. i think they should ban any adult. that possibility themselvese's n doing a facebook challenge for any men who post shirtlessy husband. >> that's who. i better take that one down. yeah. 14uth cat you look like a 14 year old. >> 14-year-old boy. yeah, boy. a 14 year old boy. a 14 year old maleale skateboarder. yeah, exactly. yeah, exactly. re you you have handled . do you think it's just good? do you think it's too late? that's the question. it to. okay, so. so this doesn't work. so?n't work first of all, childn
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should not be on social media. g >> no one should be based on my age. and a lot of the things i seeant online. your grandfather shouldn't be on there. yeah, that's truhe be on there. but like emily pointed out, that there be some kind of verification would be even worse because you compare it to beer cigarettes right. >> you havyou compe like show yo at a bar or show your id to buyt cigarettes. i don't want everyone to have to give their i.d. to tech to have to have to have an instagram account or a facebook account, which would o be theverify only way that you really could verify this. so my idea would tea be if you i really very concerned about your childf yo being socit media, do not allow them to be t on social media. >> mm like have parents do it. >> that's hot. that's too hard. i know that it's so big now>> i that the government people froms both sides, they want the government to solve their problems. and the only differencwant tove what you know, what problems those are. but i have enoug wha flfaith in the parents of florida that they can handle this themselves can. >> have you seen.
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yeah, i know. and if you live in florida, why would you even go on the internet? there'd you in s much stuff th. >> yeah, that's true. if you walk outside, floridaople was the original internet. yeah. you would see naked people. florid >> florida man wasa the originl meme. yeah. tyru tyrus kat makes an interesting k point about the opposite end of the spectrum. esn instit's elderly who are reh falling prey to social media scams. tched we both watch the beekeeper. we know the truth. beekeep knobut it's. the here's the thing. jou made the joke in your monologue about you can't catch him in your van, right? no, no one looks to the van anymore. that's true. co van on letied about a the corner. because we lock up. we don't let them go outside by themselves. you neve theutsidever have to w about seeing a bunch of kids playing, too, and touch football on the street s anymore. baseball. stickball. because you're made sure that the guy in, the van doesn't have an opportunity. well, he doesn't do that anymore. he doesn't need to gethe doesn' he just needs to be a 13 year old girl on social media. you coule d to over.
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he wants to count as right. parents need to be parents, which means you have to put down. >> yeah. okay. that's what whenwn. they say kids need to do this, he did. i watch my daughter make a an app full account and 30 seconds. her name is my birthday. congratulations. welcome to apple.ce give me that. i yeah. so it wa saws verified okayat. catching my teenage son hopping on pornhub. are you 18? yup. so. right. that's the problem. ike the i know you don't like the id thing, but that's the only the ids is the only way to stop the . it's not so much mom and dad.o they take personal responsibility. but you want to stopersonal o sex trafficking. you want to stop betting on pushing. you want to stop? you think these dealerfs and these and these kids, they put no, they pretend to be other thingsd to. r kids fall fo because mom and dad are also falling for it. it's never ending. and here's the thing.
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face. ok is fine with it anyone who has like for those of us, we all have them on tv. we have a million fake accounts. laand why does one account in particular where i'm getting letters all the time from elderly ladies, my base, who are sending money to help mo my wife? om here's a cold card they're emailing my social media to complain about fake me . and she runs social media. so they're like talkingwith m about off to me with me, to heeu arm. ld but if she could help them get a hold of me so as to ru.n t off and they're not going>> gre to hear about fake me. all right. we got to move on. i just wang:ve ot everybody to e 10 seconds and remember what it was like before the internet. >> likfew secoe what you were d. >> it is incredible. if you think about it. it's awhat were you doing befors and can you go back?ciety. i don't think we can. all right. that was a fun exercis was a fe >> so now everybody remove their clothes. up next, liberal are spinning because donald winning.
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>> treat yourself right with shine as the hammock underwear . >> love your first pair or they're free. chinese decomp. >> donald trump's net worth jumps leaving down in the dumps through the orange meanie thwarts their extortion and adds even more to his fortune. if his wealth skyrocketed to $6.4 billion after truth thro. aqent public on nasdaq >> that's a rapper. >> it should be nasdaq. he's now in the top 500 richest people in the world, joining folks like elon musk. in t bezos and this guy. >> it's news for the presumptive republican presidential nominee who's also celebrating a major victory in new york, where that outrageous $454 billion bond was reducedllar bon to 175a million, which he says it'll still be an honor to pay
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cash once he gathers it from under the couch cushions at mar a lagoe ga. >> no doubt, still a lot of money, but it means new york attorney general letitia james won't be able to unconstitutionally steal trump'ans. after all, much to her dismay, we go to tish for a reaction. >> what was that so cute? i was cute. yesterday, trump talked about his victory and a corrupted judge named ngor rod. he ought to be looked seriously, looked at, especially what he did with valuatione espe s. >> a corrupt judge named a law. in here, be looked at seriously looked at, especially what he g atdid valuations. he's the one. he's a fraudulent evaluator. frauduwhere he values mar-a-lago at 18 million, he made mar-a-lago into $18 million. >> i had many offers. they said, i'll give you19 oka a okay.
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you could take half of the living roon take them is worth n that. >> that must be a of a living room. . i wonder if this is all biden run things, you know, meanin ig biden and his thugs.d >>hi this s is all biden run things. meaning biden and his thugs. i don't know if he knows he's alive. and it's a shame is all done by the democrat party and it's all done by. biden and his group. i don't know if it's biden because i don't know if biden is even chuc k. kno but no, i don't know if biden knows what's happening. you want to know the truth. maybe he does. he probably does. >> but this is all done by biden h heably doe >>nd, the thugs that work for biden. yeah, the thughugss. >> exactly right. and now a majority, 56%. a general election. voters believe old joe is old actually trying to win jo trump.t gran i wonder what grandpa joe's gotp to say about that. >> oh, no, no. look, i don't need anyone to go to jail. i just want to go away.
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i want to go away. i put those january 6 people in jail. >> he didn't go awayn. and then i got latisha and fannie pack willis there and they didn't go away. and jack smith. what? whate whatever happeneved to jack smith? where is that guy? hey, jack, are you, man? jack said even a real guyy. sounds fake. jack smith like. like jack sprat. he could no fat. his wife could eat no lean, normally, no, no. >> lean. >> i'm begging you, please don't take my man. jim, i still don't understand. okay? ey >> they cut the money down to to 145 billion or whatever. who do you write145 check to wn there's no victims? if that. if they would say he's gotnd
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to write this check to nyc, that means that money's disappearing. >> who? the victim. i don't get this. i was a victim. >> and he says, ailsa saysis. >>r. an hono who else would say that? it's an honor to pay 146 million? shah, he said, i'll pat iny in h if he has to. yeah, you know, he's going to show up with just cash pallets. >> cash? yeah, that's what i' pm hundred and $45,000,001 bills and the rest in pennies. >> yeah. >> a60. exact. he's got to do that i think. >>rus, you cam ie up with that? >> yeah. well, he didn't. he doesn't have a commercial. all right, now, wherr commerthen the $2 bill, we got actual $2 bills. we'll pay you mat. yeahl pa. 70. what is that? 80. stop. a great lot embarrassing yourself. >> tyrus. is this still backfiring on democrats? >> the more they do this, they're the. i feel like i'm watching just old movies where the villainskep just keep telling you what they're going to do and they t n
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lay out their plans. and no matter how they do it, i don't thins mat dok president does it on purpose. i don't even think he understands when he beats them, he's just beating them. you know, they have that they're supposed to bsed e through trump tower today, taking down wall treatmentsllin and yes, pulling off gold boxes and stuff like that at all. planne a thed is supposed to bet a whole liberal day to day, like a parade coming outo . >> oh, yeah. this was their yeah, this was their day. like, this wasster. e oh and then he's just like, i got it. i'll pay in cash. it'll be an hono payin casr. b you know, like they work i feel bad like you. how much time and energy went tat? king him ou and he has the temerity to just say to you, it's an honor. to pay it. just think about it. we somall done some hating in our life, but you've gone out of your way to ruin somebody's day youou and. they thank you for that. i need to reevaluate. i look at everything. i no longer fight back. i'm divorcing you and leaveeavig you. >> it'll be an honor.
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thank you. itonor t. like >> and you really owed them. this was supposed to be their good friday on a tuesday.e and instead it was trump easter where he rossd e again. >> wow. how did i do that back? nd o how did i do that? is this kind of playint g like a movie? >> well, i think that most things he do does kind of like have that vibe because he's an entertaine tbe becaur. en >> yeah. i feel like most people wouldn't take questionsts this at all. >> i mean, biden, he would do the super bowl interviewke and you could tell trump's like, i want to take hecklers on my, you know, ongoing legal situation. >> yes, this is so that's why and look, i obviously nobody is going to be dissuaded from this it'g him because very much of thehe opposite because of what you said, which is that there's no victims here's for this. >> a lot of people don'tfo read the ins and outr ths of,dir different legal cases because it's kind of boring. so when people look at legal caseenuse ts, they look at stuff like
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the emotional side of who got hurt hero e and that kind of stuff makes good tv. that kind of stuff is interesting to people. if people affected by that. but there is no victim here, so there's really n i vico side of where people are going to kind of feel for that side because they're not there. yeah. and the way that he just handle becau or noe s with this that's why people like him so much. >> yeaise h. and emily, i mean, i think he's actually galvanizing support among people who wouldn't have voted for him because he's now he's like the underdog who just keeps coming back not only to see i don't even consider the underdog. i think he's just unintentionally, funny, unintentionally. everything he says has like at least gen z cracking up by it. and also, i think people arek of really just sick of what you asked tyrus earlier. the other side tryintherg hard to imprison him. >> you said 56% think that they are trying to put him in jail to win. the remaining 44% must live under a rock because they aret o making it so obvious that that's what they're trying to do and we're not copyin that'
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it i it's not like a movie. it is a movie that has anyoned do yhed the dictator with sacha baron cohen? >> okay, so do you kno know the where he aladeen is running in the olympics and he shoots all his opponents and winsplace first place? >> yeah, that's what this reminds me of. therth wha of.e you go. l move o all right, we shall move on. thank you. >> to be fair, though, thosetims were victim crimes, though. yeah. yeah. to be fair, right? t it's at the point whero.e biden is going to come out. it's like nothing's working. i need some indictments. indis i was hanging out of the r daddy parties. >> yeaoph, i was at the white te party. i've been to all of them. please bring me down. all right. biden's dr. white causes more strife. excuse simply on fox nation. the evidence that's come out is very compelling. the only thing worse being accused of a crime is knowing you're guilty. they were as unlikable a pair of defendants as you'll ever see. none of.
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world war ii. i'm told berlin was the centerr of lgbtq culture in europe. thone group of people loses their rights and then another. and then another. until one morning you wake upg o and you no longer live in a democracy. >> i never knew that germanyw tt was once the center lgbtq rights. and of course i forgot how where did you get that? >> all right, that was jill at the human rights campaign event. tyru thes comparing florida. and she says, oh, she alsodon' said, don't say law, which again, the media never botherss to fact chectok i'm can anybody speak in that family at this point like is there one that wer
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don't take hitler yeah you compare there's something there's no comparison. 1 mm.them the regime is one of them. there's no compariso no con. some parents don't want books with adult content in their school is not what tipped off the regime in germany. en >> and if it did, there should have been some conversationshere before it gets to that point, are . veut how we're going like, you cannot have this book about this in your school. well, i'm goin ig kill you all.m >> but like, that seems a real stretch. it doets. i didn't see like, no one saw that coming. my when'n hitler got mad overhir what? yeah mad, but it just it were laughing at the idiot. how stupid. t you don't compare that to anything because there's no comparison. you knowhing bec , cat, i have a bizarrea theory. would you like to hear it? i don't have a choice. yeahbizarre hear it?, by compar to hitleber.
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it could have the reverse effect for people who don't know historyo . well, maybe hitler's not so bad. i mean, it's this stufsf is like he didn't want to have explicit stuff in books for kidt stufs y. look, i don't. i have been very vocalng a about not liking a lot of ron desantis legislation because i'm just such a first amendment absolutist. however, i also don't thinkdmen that, you knowab, world war thr is going to pop off in floridawt . i don't know how you can say do that. i don't knowca how.u sa you know why you say that? because it's so easy to say, oh, okay, now i'm not listening to anything else you have to say, because that is just so absolute absurd.know and i don't know how it's become so common people to compare things like that when like every reasonable person knows there is no comparison, that it's like, oh, well,
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it's just becomes very like, oh, she's babbling on about somethinh she' g. n't kn i don't know anybody that watched that is like, oowhm she's right. >> yeah. find me rsone one person. >> yeah, find me one. and she knew that. like what do you think? like, not one person thinks that we're going to have a research of hitler in florida. yeah, i, i'm willing to beto be emily that in that audiencees many people have second homes in florida i they're like, s going for one minute they hear this, but they're not selling their homes. nobuey'reir homes. no way. so i have to thoughts on this.ou ghtsthe first one is as a, and y the way, people who do that as whatever i'm doing it right now. but as a jew, that's deeply insulting. you cannot compare a bill that they grossly exaggerateey g to took out of context that protects kids to a regime that gassef which prd. that's a yeah, that's insulting. b, clarify this. don't say bill for the idiots out there. they are to protect childrenn
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from content. nofrom one said you can't say the word. in fact, they are. there are rights all over the united states, so they are taking this out of context to promote their agenda. shockerterer okay. >> but now no parent or no peown adult you are a should be against parents. leardoe shouldn wanting to known what their kids are learning in school. >> if you don't supportr-olds nine year olds reading in the library. r jim, does that make you a?? >> first of all, who goes to aos library anymore? >> nobody does. that is a great point. nobody does. nobody's. going to a libraryderg to go read a book like that. and it's only from kindergartenarterd grade, that e that's what this bill is about inem fourth grade that could teach them that stuff. that's fair enough. biden joe biden, she knowsut about morals with kids. you know, she raised hunter, but she know ss, you know,y paid they paid $100,000 forraiser t that that fundraiser to hear joe biden spea bidenk. 00 right. california was $100,000 a plate. yeaha plat. o se >> if i'm going to see joe biden on stage 100,000, she better be playing drums on a
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like it was $100,000 a plate. yeah, that's an expensive plate. yeah, but we better have some lines. a blow on it, says hunte th >> least a dirty magazine. yes. coming up, why nbc talkinger t heads were wetting their bed. heads were wetting their bed. there are some thing s that work. better together, like your workplace benefits your workplace benefits and retirementeach togoals provides tools that help you make the right investment you make the right investment and benefit choice ed, reach today's financial goals and look forward to a and look forward to a more confident well invested, well protecte honey, honeywi. nyquil. severe honey powerful corner flu relief with a eamy honey taste. nyquil. honey, the honey wishes nighttime sniffling, sneezing, aching fever. best sleep with a cold medicine . it's a new day, one where our shared values propel us a more secure future through august, a partnership upon cutting edge american australia
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r. >> the big lie. i want to associate myself with all my colleagues, >> and nbc news who voiced loud and principled objections to our company putting on the payroll someone who hasn't just attacked us as journalist asn's, but someone who is >>rt of an ongoing project to rid of our system i of government. >> it goes without saying joat she will not be a guestg on morning joe, and we do hope that this decision will be reversed hop. and so it was reversed by the frightened network bosses in just five days. ronna was shown the door fasterr than someone who opened their door to a door to door thir. thin thank you.orks i think that what tony robbins was. yeah. thank you. i didn't know where that was going to go. ar wherould about their values. >> this is what it's really about. no, they want to tell this is really, actually disgusting
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and actually embarrassinting an >> wait till you hear that. it's not just ronna mcdaniel n who thinksot stuff that shes bea thinks it's because they've never it the only republicans they becomusrepuble contact aree the liz cheney types who are reke all of a sudden call myself a republican. what i've made my whole career cae trump.much i hat've made like that's why wouldn'td you want to have someone like this on your i just don'th t ask why she wasn't going to become all of nbc and all of msnbc. she was going to be able to be s on the showsho more than you cat then debate her. okay. and if you don't like her ideals ,then then debate her. then i think it's just gross, empathetic's grow , and it's juh like to act like you're heroic. yes, i was like,er you're not a hero. get over yourself and maybe do somethinoverg actually nice for another person. this is not it. yeah. you know what, jim? >> they all act like they were jerry maguires, right? i'm speaking up to the man, their bosses. they. they were what they doinghe is they.
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they waited for that goateed g to go first, and they all followed. >> yeah. i mean, i guesfolloweds they had someone, like impeccable morals, maybe like a matt lauer what? say, you know meanwhile, they peddle lies fort years russia collusion. they'll hunter by laptophe hunte they know they were doing the same thing on the other side. >> yeah, that's true. that's true. especiallything on>> greg: russl like rachel probably did d more oid morn that than anybody i should know because we did clips of it every emily and the let wait the liberal media you think that would go ahead te is woman out there love to give her a job but no not her. >> yes exactlyoyed wom. emily, are you surprised they caved to their anchors and how will they endure? how will they end up how willein they be able to tell their anchors what to do from now on? now i know, it's really bad. >> i feel like both the network and then personally, mcdanielca lost so much credibility in this because firstly, i don't understandfi the hire ud to begin with. i understood it if they would engage, like you just said,antl in debates constantly, but i
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don't think that's what the angle wouly t n't thind have bew so now they just lookk in indecisive. they look unprofessionaldecisiv it looks like they caved to all of their values and then towardcaves mcdaniel. i don't understand her end of accepting it. you made your whole identityand about being right-wing republican, whether you like trump or not. and nore likinp orw you're goink that goes against what you believe. so now you lost a your credibility as a personality, too, because this is not like trying el ice cream flavors where you could say, you know what, i'm not. i like this one. let me try something else. and there' s nothing at your expense there. this is your identity. this is your politicnse thers. and now you're like, well, you know, the republicans didn't really like me so much. let me you arel repu try the ott now. i'm like, no, now you just lost all your credibility, in my opiniooslityn i think she mightn have been trying to look for a place, though, that would lookw her to make an impact. shke if she just went to fox, she would have been another t fox person. >> but she went to msnbc. you know, it's like a tigress at fox. >> yes.. believe it or not, i kindt of stick out like a sore for
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know, i got to be honest, a degree. i wasn't on going this route. yes. and i had our own protestsing th that we're about to launch right now. but the little guy was sending the emails all the timall the e didn't sign up for this and integrity and our feelings were huran wer t. if he could remove him now or this person now, it would be really great. tell him, cap, tired of thes th jokes, tell him don't get it now we build our window. >> fine. i'll just answer. o be this is what it was like to beis black in the 50s. that's what it is right there. yep. >> tavis came in to work what it is, man. excited to be here. >> we can't have this workinge here. it's different from us talks,ta different looks different. we don't want this herlks oke a they just want a national tv did it. the reason why she's so quiet is because she can't taltvdid id right now, because her phonee is blowing up with lawyers goinisg how much you want. yeah, but she could probably make enough to pay.probably trus
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bill. yeah, they're going to want it to. she's going to get going somebody because you're different than me. >> you don't belong here t be. i mean, open and shut the line. listen, i would rather ife you would have told me, like, hey, tara's only place would job h yo. job with fox i think it's quick, someone to talk it over. but if you would have told me, like, listen, but there is one spotin in dan that has for one guy to take the charge for the right. >> i g the righto because if yoe it there, you can make it anywhere. >> yes it anywhe i believe i sad that about new york. up next, our storytelling skills will give you thrills. li >> i was born with wings, but psoriasis swooped in to clip them. it crushed my confidence, but no bimzelx longer will psorc get a piece of me. get a piece of me. i can loveal my skinm with veins. alex only beams, alex targets and blocks. i 17 plus f to calm inflammation i can control
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becausayg taylsonge. lhea you know, if the surgeon was like a heavy metal head and he has to that pop songs like if that was me, i would a ran out i'll listen to metallica. i go, look, i got to take a break. i got to put master of puppetskp on or you would have snipped a part of her brain so she wouldn't like the music anymore? yeah, she said she sings that 24 hours a day she sings taylor swift's songs. >> this woman said, nice that explains why she got a brain tumor. >> you because her ears were too to the family guy. she also says that she could sing. she would love to sing on stage with taylor swift. she's so good at singingg the songs because that's what she needs. shtage googing tse does an amazr show. that's what she needs a housewife, something new jersey stage and sing, because that's going to add to thes t show that's what shes missing. >> i'd watch that, but i'm glad d that you recoverywort 20 $8 million worth of weed was seized on a truck comingh from
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california to long island. a truck full of orangeifornia's and people were freaking out over it. isla tst they didn't know wa it was only snoop dogg who was moving from california to long island. so rest. >> we're in good hands, guys. yes. wait. >> like oranges now exist? no, it's not. no, we'rg.e in the same tent guys. >> go ahead. can i smack greg for my story? i know i'd have to smacko everyone years.e. they wouldn't tell on me. i have way more important things to talkve ae im about one again. the great state of louisiana i live in is theate of number o, we are number one in places there. just everyone's unhappy. we're the most unhappy place in the world. so in the last stories, e with the exception of my son's awesome homeruns, we're number one and we're number one. being and being miserable, unhappy at not going to doctor's appointments, we did drop
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to number two in the murder capital. little upset about that. i got to make some calls and we're number five in general cleanliness for is city fantastic. so we are just rolling exe train of excellence in murdecer and not going to thu doctor for your hands but it's beautiful the summer time. yeah. >> greg: >> drag god i chose you know, people don't realize this, but i lived in london for manyar years. >> three actually. so i decided to choose this english women's league soccer showdown. this was delayeda englis becausy the teams this is so adorable. the teams were wearing matching white socks. >> so they delayed the soccer game, the soccer match because they were wearing matching socks whenuse they play sports. >> it's so cute is when they get out there, they get out the socks. >> so they had to delay the show wrapping. now, i took you up on thaty . oe
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>> they use tape to try to the chelsea and nike logos because the arsenal's is this is the arsenal versus chelsea women as i say women's soccer. you didth. >> yeah. the thing is, this is a quote from the former englandd international, karen carney. she says, you know, it's a it's thing, but we got itake mi wrong. people make mistakes, but the game does nostakest. this and it's frustrating, doesn't look good for the game right notrating.w? >> especially. but yeah, you care. there's few things you care about more than football in england. >> i know you go away. was i we'll be right back. that was amazing. fox news is prount workingd to g you this cheesy hero moment. >> and it wart of mys in working with students who were easily excluded we. >> part of my journeyutis is responding to looks. once is responding to looks. we have to look outicd i am at h other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. we're iand we gi autistic and r and i'm really good at it. becaus in our own space and we
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