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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 27, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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across the country. we also represent a young mom seeking to foster and adopt in the state of oregon. in the state of washington they've been got discriminating against people of faith using the litmus test and they were shut down for that. the state is doubling down on its unconstitutional position and it is time they be held accountable. >> dana: i want to leave everybody with this from the "wall street journal" piece. washington's foster care services 8,000 children. the majority ten years old or younger. by discriminating against families the state is reducing the number of homes available to these children. not just the home but the loving care everyone deserves and needs. thank you. keep us posted on how this goes forward and thank you for being willing to help them. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> dana: fox news alert president biden's political allies are hitting the panic
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button holding a frantic meeting over r.f.k., jr.'s bid for the white house. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning. they came out hot, didn't they? >> dana: they're ready. >> bill: democrats are changing their game plan stepping up their attacks after months of simply trying to ignore kennedy's campaign. thinking he had no chance of winning. a new poll shows that biden's overall approval rating remains stuck near a record low at 38%. those numbers are not strictly divided along partisan lines. >> dana: specific issues 32% of democrats disapprove of the way biden is handling the economy and 45% of democrats are unhappy with biden's approach to border security. >> bill: the poll numbers are one more reason democrats are pulling out all the stops to curb kennedy's third party threat in tight battleground states where biden won by narrow margins in 2020. >> dana: kennedy says it is not
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his fault that many democrats are turning from the party after naming nichole shanahan as his running mate. >> we both left the democratic party. our values didn't change but the democratic party did. >> dana: peter doocy live at the white house with more on r.f.k., jr. and his new running mate. great to sigh. >> this is getting really personal. personal to the point that dnc officials are now saying they plan to start arguing to voters that robert kennedy is not a kennedy in a traditional sense. that is as kennedy and his new running mate nichole shanahan make to place the case dnc members have lost their way. >> i worry for the party's overwhelming interest in elitism, celebrity and winning all at costs and they do it even if that means turning a blind eye on the issues they all know to be true.
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>> now the kennedy/shanahan ticket can start gathering signatures to get to ballots in 23 states. so far he is on the ballot in one in utah. dnc accused a pro-kennedy super pac of breaking election laws to get him on ballots by not disclosing millions of dollars in loans. >> he picked a vp who can buy his way onto the ballot in a number of states. first it's disgusting and it's an abuse of our democracy. >> dnc officials are claiming he is a spoiler with no path to the presidency but he does have something that neither major party has at the moment. >> i was most importantly looking for a partner who was a young person and nichole is only 38 years old. [cheers and applause]
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>> bill: we were in north carolina yesterday with the president and harris. they talk about trump and maga extremist republicans. nothing about r.f.k., jr. there has been reporting recently that president biden hopes to avoid attacking him because he is friends with r.f.k.'s mom, ethel. but unclear how long that will last if the kennedy/shanahan team represents such a threat to biden's re-election. >> dana: a little spice to the stew. thank you very much, peter. nbc quickly cutting ties with former republican party chair ronna mcdaniels days after hiring her as an on-air contribute tear. it follows furious and public protests from most of the network's biggest stars. >> she has credibility issues that she still has to deal with. is she speaking for herself or on behalf of who is paying her? >> we would have strongly objected. >> we hope nbc will reconsider
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its decision. >> you wouldn't hire a mobster to work at a d.a.'s office. >> our democracy is in danger because of the lies that people like ronna mcdaniel have pushed on this country. >> dana: kennedy host of the podcast kennedy saves the world and tom -- the celebration after the leadership decided to cut ties. >> what somebody does the right thing it should be acknowledged as publicly as we acknowledged our outrage. >> grateful our leadership was willing to do i think the bold, strong, resilient thing. i appreciate working at a place that was able to say we got this one wrong and then made the right decision. >> our company listened to us, to you, and did what was right. >> dana: group think can be kind of weird. i'm surprised not one person on air well if everyone will lend their voice say i welcome it.
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>> you have a bunch of babies throwing tantrums and obviously the ones running the nursery. it doesn't matter who the conservative is. there will be backlash anywhere. ronna mcdaniel has a compelling history and story to tell. it could give great insight into not only trump world but also being in his shade because there aren't a lot of people who can give you that perspective. she has also got a very interesting personal story about running the rnc. so i don't think it is just about her or her ties to the former president and what she might have said in the wake of the election in 2020. it is the fact that she is to the right of this far left nexus that is clearly running the network and management has lost control. >> she was booked on this show for weeks. did we all know that? >> dana: i tlaernd this morning. >> bill: she was booked for "meet the press" and signed a deal in the days prior to.
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so you have jen psaki who still works there, right? does a show. she said in october of 2020, number three, guys. hunter biden's story is russian disinformation. dozens of former intel officials say. nbc employs some of the folks who signed that letter, the 51 intel chiefs. this is what gets me. the ceo heads up nbc universal saying no organization, particularly a newsroom, can succeed unless it is cohesive and aligned. it has become clear this employment undermines the goal. cohesive i get as a team. get along with everybody. aligned, what's up with that? >> isn't this an admission that now it is a political operation. every one of those -- most of the people we saw in that clip came from politics, chuck todd, morning joe used to be afternoon
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congressman, right? they all worked in politics. jen psaki. so now they've admitted they only want one point of view. rachel maddow, she has always been in media but not journalism. she is 100% opinion and her opinion is that republicans are the criminal. she said it. republicans are the criminals. democrats are the attorney general. she looks at it as republicans bad and democrats good. is that nbc news's opinion? >> dana: kennedy, what i thought was interesting, there was an email that starts with hey all, from the ceo. sorry about that. they'll get sued and have to pay the money to her. $6 hundred thousand over the two-year contract. a large contributor contract in this world. and they will be sued. now ronna mcdaniel's name has been dragged through the mud. >> it was the point. who do they think they will
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replace her with? the only republicans they like are the joe scarborough variety. you shouldn't be aligned. there should be dissenting voices in a newsroom. otherwise your organization suffers. it is impossible for you to tell the truth if you only see the story through one very narrow section of the spectrum. >> bill: in that sense it's a media story and watch how they cover it. a lot of primary nights that msnbc didn't take trump's speech. >> dana: the other thing they don't realize nothing unites the republicans like a media bias story. so congratulations on your own goal. >> jen psaki, is she a journalist? look at her job description and performance. closer to edward morrow or what she used to do at the white house. >> dana: you could ask the same about me. >> i will ask you. is your job indistinguishable
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from what you did at the white house? you don't sit and defund republican talking points and look at you on "the five." the your comes from someone who came from the republican party. >> dana: there is no hiding it. that's true. fair enough. >> you pass. >> dana: validation this morning. good to see you. >> bill: small michigan towns the center of a billion dollar battle fighting a chinese energy firm over an electric vehicle battery plant. people there claim the company's potential ties to the chinese communist party is a national security risk and garrett tenney went there to find out. he is live in michigan's green charter township. good morning, garrett. where are you? >> good morning to you. folks here were so upset about this factory being built that they recalled and voted out the entire town board that had supported it. the company goshen, a u.s. subsidiary of a chinese energy
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firm with ties to the chinese communist party is suing the town for breach of contract to undo the deal the previous town board made. that deal included construction of a factory that would bring 3200 jobs to this economically struggling area. but folks say it is not worth the potential cost and national security risk. >> it makes no sense at all to invite them in to allow them to do this. in michigan we're subsidizing it. >> the litium issue, environmental issues and ccp issues is not a good fit for our community. >> just a few months ago on capitol hill former defense secretary leon panetta was asked about this company and issued this warning. >> i don't think there is any question they will take advantage of that situation. they will establish a manufacturing unit. establish whatever they can and
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then they will use that for their own intelligence purposes. >> goshen is receiving a package worth more than $7 hundred million for this project approved by governor whitmer and the gop controlled house and senate. for its part, goshen argues the ccp has no presence in the u.s. subsidiary and it is being singled out because of political fear mongering. >> 269 companies in the state of michigan with chinese ties. a big number employing 32,500 people. none of them have the ccp designation as to what they do. goshen will be the same. >> goshen says it is considering this a done deal. it is moving forward with clearing the 270 acres it bought despite the town board saying it is going to fight this every step of the way. bill. >> looking at the map you are 60 miles north of grand rapids. way up there in the state of michigan. thanks. we'll see where story goes.
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nice to sigh. >> dana: the first horrifying account of being held by hamas. a now-freed israeli hostage is opening up about her sexual abuse and torture at the hands of the iranian-backed terror group. >> bill: the border crisis. what border crisis? how the administration is washing its hands in fixing this disaster. >> dana: golf is a source of inspiration. why the game means so much more for golfer wyndham clark and a 17-year-old. >> he was up and putting in the hallways here at the hospital a day or two after his transplant. >> they got me some plastic clubs and plastic little golf ball and i was putting away in the hallways. at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice...
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>> bill: just in time for easter sunday, eggs at the center of spring holidays like easter and passover. celebrating may come with sticker shock. the price of eggs jumps to historic highs. up 1.40 from 2021. last month they rose 8%. remember that. >> dana: violent car devils are running rampant with human and drug smuggling operations at the southern border. officers there say they are also busing in illegal arms trade. casey stegall is live in el paso. >> good morning. first we want to talk about something that is just breaking the this morning. in a 2-one decision late yesterday evening, a three-judge panel at the fifth circuit court of appeals ruled to keep texas's controversial immigration law known as sb4 or senate bill four, to keep it on hold at
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least for now. that means that state law enforcement will not be allowed to arrest and deport migrants suspected of being in texas illegally as these legal challenges play out. another appellate hearing is scheduled for next week with the same panel of judges who will ultimately decide if sb4 is constitutional and whether it conflicts with federal immigration law. meantime the department of justice announcing five people from south texas have been arrested for allegedly trafficking military-grade firearms to a mexican drug cartel in laredo. court documents allege the organization would acquire guns from unlicensed dealers, firearms, or from federal firearm licensees where straw purchasers would make false representation to secure the firearms. meantime in the el paso sector where we are, federal agents arresting several columbian
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nationals in the last week with extensive criminal history from firearms trafficking, homicide and kidnapping according to border patrol. all of them face criminal charges for entering the united states illegally followed by a formal removal or deportation. dana. >> dana: casey stegall in el paso. thank you. >> bill: a senate amendment that would ban the use of taxpayer money to fly migrants into the u.s. goes down in a whopping defeat. it was 51-47. every republican voted for it. every democrat voted against it. republican senator bill hagerty proposed the amendment and joins us in studio. hello to you. was the writing on the wall this thing hit the floor? >> chuck schumer tried everything he could to block this until the dead of night. we ran right up to basically a government shoutdown before he finally said we'll put it onto the floor. i didn't get it on the floor
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until 1:30 in the morning. they thought no one would see that every democrat voted to fly illegal migrants in here from countries like haiti, cuba, columbia on taxpayer funds using charter flights flying them over the border and putting them into the interior of america. 320,000 illegal migrants in this program just last year. over a 12 month period. >> bill: could it meet that number again or go higher? >> i think so. every democrat voted to continue the process. two weeks prior to this in the middle of the night every democrat voted to count illegal migrants in the census for the portion of apportioning congressional districts. every democrat voted to do that, too. we don't do that with people here on dloip mat i can missions or vacation. they want to count illegal migrants. >> dana: does it surprise you with some of the tough races the democrats face. it is likely republicans could
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-- if republicans play their cards right, they could screw it up. but they could take back the majority in the senate. >> certainly. >> dana: with democrats in really tough races aren't you surprised they're sticking together on an issue like this? >> i was shocked. >> dana: bob casey of pennsylvania. wouldn't that be -- doesn't chuck schumer say don't you want to save yourself, save your senate seat or dave mccormick, your challenger will come after you. >> they any no one will see it. over 40 million people have seen what happened. bob casey ought to be deeply concerned about the terrible votes he has taken. the motive behind the crime is the ability to count illegal migrants in the population so they can hold onto their congressional districts and expand their electoral power here. >> bill: it's an election year, 220 days or thereabouts. here is the vice president kamala harris on monday on this issue.
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watch. >> for the past three years i've led our administration's efforts to address the root causes of migration. we have seen short-term progress in guatemala, el salvador and honduras. >> maybe the progress is the ones flying in. inside the white house aides don't feel a sense of urgency like they did before even as the issue of immigration remains a chief concern for voters. on that topic harvard harris poll 36% say immigration is number one it ranks slightly above inflation. economy and jobs about 13.5. there is your campaign. there the your election in november. >> absolutely. the fact that the media has backed off is absolutely due to the fact that they ramped up the biden administration before the fake border vote. they had a border security bill that wasn't one. it allowed every democrat to say i'm for border security. it would have just accelerated the processing of people in america more rapidly.
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now the media isn't on it. the biden administration is walking away from the border. he passed 94 different executives orders to tear down trump's border protection program that was working when he was elected. he could do something to fix it. they won't do it now. >> dana: do you think there will be any congressional action on the border before november of 2024? >> you've seen my attempt to do it. every single democrat will stand firm and vote against it. they want open borders and they don't feel any pressure. great to be with both of you, thanks. >> bill: plenty to talk about. >> bill: good to be with you. >> the bridge itself carried 30,000 vehicles a day. there are tunnels that work as alternatives but there will be impacts on traffic. the other major concern right now is the port. >> bill: that's what we heard last hour. rebuilding the focus after the bridge collapse in baltimore. the shutdown of one of america's busiest ports could impact the entire country.
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democrat senator john fetterman breaking with his party on key issues and finding new allies across the aisles. today he explains to fox news as to why. ♪
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than 24 hours. where are we now? >> hello. good morning. we know the big shipping companies are having to reroute ships to other ports on the east coast. the automakers, ford and general motors say they are having to do the same thing. the maryland chamber of commerce estimates that for every day that this port is closed, it is costing just this state alone $15 million. while the coast guard is searching for the six remaining victims. governor tells me they need to focus, state and federal authorities, need to focus on getting the port of baltimore back open. >> for people who want to buy a car, this is the largest port in the country for that. people looking for farming equipment the largest port in the country for that. we're dealing in places where we have loss of human life and we have to bring a sense of closure to these families as well. we're doing that with that in mind but we also have to
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prioritize making sure we can get this economic engine going again. >> the american trucking association says the detour some trucks have to take add significant cost for trucks traveling through the region on top of the disruption that the closure of the port of baltimore will inflict on our economy. the ntsb is leading the investigation into what caused the ship to lose power and slam into the key bridge in the early hours yesterday morning. with the help of the coast guard, they say they were able to recover the voyage data recorder and starting to analyze that and look at the safety record of the ship and whether contaminated fuel played a role in this crash. it is too early for officials to estimate when the port will be back open. in fact, the bridge is still in the river behind me and the ship itself is still in the river, too. hasn't been moved just yet. too early to say when that bridge will be rebuilt. president biden has promised
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that the federal government will foot the entire bill. >> bill: heard that. thank you, grady. nice to see you on scene. he has highlights and headlines from there throughout the day. >> dana: for months hamas and supporters denied the terror group sexually abused people in captivity or during its attacks against israel on october 7th. that assertion is now being torn to shreds. for the first time we're hearing from a freed israeli hostage. she sat down for eight hours of interviews with "the new york times" detailing the torture, violence and assault at the hands of hamas. in one harrowing account she tells of times he came towards me and shoved the gun at my forehead. after hitting her and forcing her to remove her towel mohammed groped her, sat her on the edge of the bathtub and hit her again and then he with the gun pointed at me forced me to commit a sexual act on him, she said.
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this is a woman who is now willing to come out and talk about this. jamal bowman is a congressman in d.c. who reverses his report on october 7th saying that sexual assault in israel was propaganda and biden ended up yesterday having to deal with this not the issue of sexual assault but the fact that people on his far left do not want israel to succeed in this. watch with the protestors and biden. [shouting] >> everybody deserves self-care. they have a point. we need to get a lot more care into gaza. >> dana: that will be -- you'll see that over and over again. now that the protestors have a foothold they won't let go. >> bill: a lot of people thought the war may have ended by now but it hasn't 67892 things. i don't know what rafah in the southern part of gaza. if you have the raid in the hospital in the northern part of gaza city, that covers the entire strip again.
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i would offer that this war may be far from being over. >> dana: there is trouble in the north as well on the border. >> bill: 35 minutes past. republicans on the hill gaining an unlikely ally, john fetterman splitting with most of his fellow democrats on his support for israel and the need to secure our southern border. chad pergram sat down with him to hear him out. good morning. >> good morning. john fetterman is not quite the political figure people thought he would be. imposing at 6'7 with his hoodie he sat down with me to talk about his struggle with depression, his recovery from a stroke and how his political views shocked democrats. >> i'm not a progressive. i've been saying that for years actually. i have just really been committed to being on what i thought was the right side on these things and politically it might be less popular with parts of our base. >> fetterman endorsed a strict
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border security plan beyond what most democrats could support. he also backs israel in its war with hamas. fetterman has been outspoken about new jersey democrat bob menendez and his legal problems but fetterman is also focused on mental health. >> talk about the challenges that that posed as you were trying to represent the people of pennsylvania take on this new jobs and understanding the ways of the senate is a lot. >> please consider to get help. it is an important conversation that we have to have and now we have in this nation now over 50,000 americans have chosen tragically to take their life and that's an epidemic and the highest level ever. >> fetterman spent several weeks in the hospital last year suffering from depression. he chairs the mental health caucus with gop senator thom tillis. >> he is a great testament. the man has recovered from a stroke, recovered from
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behavioral health issues, a member of the u.s. senate and very funny and a serious legislature. he is on the other side of the aisle. i don't think i would vote for him and i do respect him and enjoy working with him. >> he described dealing with mental health as neither a red or blue state issue but as an american issue. >> bill: he has become an interesting senator. chad, thank you. chad pergram on the hill. thanks for that. shakira surprised thousands in new york city. that's celebrity news. 40,000 fans gathered in times square after shakira announced on social media she would be there. >> dana: when was that? >> bill: last night. the joint was mobbed. she is a columbian singer. she was on a stage about four stories above times square promoting her first new album in seven years that dropped on friday. >> dana: i would have gone had i known and not been asleep.
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>> bill: i would argue, because it is hemmer celebrity news, she is a huge international star but hasn't hit it off in america the way she has in other countries. south south am especially. >> dana: she was at the super bowl with j. lo. >> bill: huge star but mega star overseas. that's my point. >> dana: she is indeed. president biden taking a low-key approach on the campaign trail replacing loud campaign rallies with small group meetings. will his unusual strategy help restore the base? portfolio could go up with the stock market lock in your gains? and when the market goes down, you don't lose anything. forward with your money. never backwards would have that investment strategy, that product actually existed? good news! it does! if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi
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and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> dana: president biden building up his re-election campaign with a subdued approach. trading speeches at packed rallies for smaller groups and polished media videos. biden interacts with smaller groups limiting highly scrutinized teleprompter assisted events that lead to gaffes while keeping at bay protestors angry about his handling of the israel/gaza war. the revised basement strategy campaign i guess. >> i don't think it's a bad idea. it does play on his strengths.
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i watched one of these videos where he goes and sits down with a family, two sons and a dad and has nice interaction with them and, you know. i think it does play to his strengths so i think in that way from a campaign perspective i think it is pretty smart. look at what tiktok did for them with the abortion issue in 2022. it helped them a lot. they found young influencers who i would argue did not have a full grasp of the supreme court decision but flipped a lot of those college students. >> bill: that's also in this article about how they are using tiktok. a lot of the older voters aren't on the app. >> these videos will go to facebook, you know, they are going to be widespread on social media and that's where a lot of people live these days. people spend three to five hours a day some people on social media. so how many people can you get at a rally? he can't get a lot. he will do a big rally tomorrow night, 6,000 people they expect
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with clinton and obama so they hope they can bring some energy to a rally for him. thats not his strength. >> bill: so i just want to play this clip. this is i'm assuming it is a minister, right? and he is asking the white churches in boston to pay reparations. here is his claim. >> today we call upon this city, its financers and white churches to stop the lying and tell the truth and pay what is owed. >> we are coming as dr. king said to get our check. >> bill: the check is $15 million that's the ask. it would go toward direct cash payments to black boston residents, invest in new financial institutions -- >> dana: billion. i have billion here. >> this article i'm looking at
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the proposal is 15 billion and that it is 5 billion direct cash payments, 5 billion investment in new financial institutions, 5 billion to address the achievement gap between black and white people. this is "washington examiner." >> bill: now we are talking real money. >> i don't know. i just heard that woman quote martin luther king. when i think about him, i think about the day when we will not be judged by the color of our skin but the content of our character. i guess there are places where churches are just black and just white. that's not my experience. my church when i go on sunday has hispanic families, black families, chinese families, families from all over the world. the door is wide open at our church and everybody who wants to go goes. so i think it's sad to still look at things through this lens, i really do. i don't know how this brings people together. i think it is a further divisive way to deal with it.
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>> bill: i wonder if boston has a stronger reason to go through with this like a san francisco, a liberal city, progressive. >> when does it end? i'm all for some of the ways they want to spend money here which is to address racial educational achievement gap between black and white people. you do see i would cite covid much more damaging to minority students and children than it was to children who are not in those groups. i think there are ways to address the educational disparity that they suffer from and we should absolutely address those issues to help them catch up. but i think that doing it in this manner is likely to be further divisive. >> dana: what do we have on "the story" today? >> we'll look at what's going on with the bridge. i say your interview with pete buttigieg. one of my questions is there were 850 billion in the
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infrastructure and jobs act passed by the biden administration. i dug into it, 40% of it has been claimed through grants in states and they are pushing states please try to use this money. oh, most of the requests we get are in the one and $2 million range. we're really trying to spend all this money. why isn't this the first thing on the lips of the administration to say we passed that enormous bill and dig into it and see what's there. the other thing i noted is that buttigieg said it will take a long time. it will take a lot of money. i just contrast that with desantis who said we'll get this up as quickly as possible. >> bill: step on the gas and do it. see you at 3:00. >> amazing what he is going through. >> one of the best golfers in the world using his platform to support children battling serious illness. defending u.s. open champ within
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dome clark and two-time heart transplant recipient jett skaggs will join us on their story in a moment. but i got jesus here, and we were wondering if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow.
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>> harris: president biden campaigned and saving america's democracy. ironic since he and his team and party are working overtime to kill r.f.k., jr.s campaign. president biden is getting it from all sides over his handling of the israeli/hamas war. now hamas is suggesting the u.s. is siding with them. plus a big hearing today in hunter biden's tax fraud case. matt whitaker is with me. jason chaffetz, "the faulkner focus", top of the hour. >> i feel like my purpose here on earth is not to be a great golfer but to use my platform to
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help inspire other people. so i'm hoping i inspire her and help her and other people. >> bill: great quote there. one of the best golfers in the world is wyndham clark using his platform to help children battle severe illness. he will partner up with 17-year-old jett skaggs and the children's hospital pro-am leading to the houston open. gentlemen, how are you doing? you make a good twosome out there. i love the quote wyndham and thank you for coming and seeing dana and me in new york after the big win in the u.s. open. thank you for that. maybe do it again after the masters. we'll see. here is what i noticed about you. you are in the game to compete and win but also in the game to give a very public example about how you want to help other people. where does that come from? >> you know, honestly i just think it comes from my upbringing, mainly from my mom. she told me to always play big
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and use my platform and foundation to help and inspire other people and it's amazing playing with someone like jett today because i'm out here trying to inspire young kids but i get inspired by someone like him who has gone through so much. he is out here smiling and having a good time and honestly seeing him play. he is a really good golfer. >> bill: you lost your mom 11 years ago and just recently announced a new foundation and wear pink on sundays to commemorate her and i want people to be aware of that. jett, what people don't know about you. you are a two-time heart transplant recipient and you are a pretty good golfer and you are 17 years young. how is that going? >> it's pretty good. it just goes to show that somebody like me or somebody that's in my situation, god will never give up and them and he
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will always be there for them especially like all the doctors. you can tell they really care. >> bill: the people who have helped you survive, their gift to you is extraordinary. how do you think about that? >> you know, they just have always been there for me and been there for my family and they really helped my family out and just to know that somebody really does care about you and they are trying to save you, it really makes a big difference and makes you pretty confident. >> bill: wyndham, when you are around young people you can draw inspiration from them. i think you are the kind of person who finds that in people. >> yeah, 100%. kids are -- he is a teenager now, no kid. young people honestly i think inspire us because they just live life so freely and happily and they are not so concerned
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with things that don't matter. and it's amazing that you can, you know, 13 years older than jett and i learned from him and inspired by him. it has been a treat to hang out with him to spend time and get to know him better. >> bill: it is good to be young. we remember that. jett, you play nine holes together. what's the single best tip wyndham has given you in the game of golf? >> he just told me to keep my head clear. whenever there is a bad shot, forget about it and keep moving forward. >> bill: i like that. wyndham. when will you catch scotty scheffler? >> hopefully soon. hopefully this week. if not this week maybe a few weeks. scotty is the best player in the world now and proven it. hopefully i can start getting some of my on ws. >> bill: you were that close last weekend. good luck to you. gentlemen, have a great time together. jett, it's an honor meeting you.
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thank you for your time today. >> dana: that was so great. that was terrific. before we go, goats gone wild. check this out. police in arlington, texas had to wrangle a herd of runaway goats. they escaped from a park where the city was using them to help clear brush. they are very useful in that regard. the goats are all safe and accounted for. that's a lot of goats. everything is bigger in texas. >> bill: it went baaaad. >> dana: that's why you wanted to save time with before we go. pretty good. for a wednesday. you didn't do too bad. see you on "the five" tonight. in the meantime remember evan gershkovitch. "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> harris: fox news alert.


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